My speciality is international tax law. 我的专业是国际税法。
My father was a historian of repute. His speciality was the history of Germany... 我的父亲是一名颇有名气的历史学家,他专门研究德国历史。
Handpainted tiled murals for kitchens and bathrooms are Julie Eurich's speciality. 制作厨房和浴室用的手工绘制花砖是朱莉·尤里克的专长。
Rhineland dishes are a speciality of the restaurant... 莱茵兰菜是这家饭店的特色菜。
I started with the Viennese speciality frittatensuppe, or pancake soup. 我吃的第一道菜是维也纳特色菜鸡蛋饼汤,也叫炒饼汤。
His speciality is barbecued steaks. 烤牛排是他的拿手好菜.
My speciality is making jam. 我的专长是制果酱.
Degree Grade: Technical Secondary School or higher and major in Electronics or Machine speciality. 学历: 电子、机械类专业中专以上学历.
A : What should I try? Do they have any speciality? 明星壁纸 A: 我应该点什么 呢 ?他们有什么特色菜肴 吗 ?
Mr Weiner offers colourful observations, even when he samples hakarl, or rotten shark, an Icelandic speciality. 魏纳先生进行了许多饶有趣味的观察, 甚至提到了“哈卡尔”, 即腐烂的鲨鱼, 一种冰岛特产.
With the spirit of science, diligence , speciality , meiling Da Commerce Co. 公司以科学 、 奋 、 结 、 性化为理念,坚持质量第一,用户至上的原则,为客户提供优质产品和优质服务.
This new mode can overcome some problems that exist in traditional speciality stores. 这种新的模式可以克服传统专卖店存在的一些问题.
High quality products of chocolate, bakery and biscuits are their speciality. 该公司专门生产高质量的巧克力 、 糕点和饼干.
Special spicy chicken is our speciality. 怪味鸡是我们餐厅的特色菜.
According to the best selected parameters, it gave the system frequency speciality and dynamic performance. 根据所选最佳参数进行仿真, 给出系统的频率特性及动态性能指标.
Major in Electronic or relevant speciality. 2电子或相关专业.
Encouraging information, however, is not a Chinese speciality. 然而, 鼓励信息并不是中国的专长.
Objective To evaluate the speciality of parotid gland ultrasonography in primary Sjgren's syndrome ( PSS ). 目的探讨原发性干燥综合征 ( pss ) 的腮腺超声声像图特征.
The experiment teaching innovation was attempted and discussed the functional speciality. 对机能学专业实验教学环节作了一些有益的尝试和探讨.
This text discussed the quality control choiceness speciality and development of deepfreeze foodstuff. 本文论述了速冻食品的质量控制、良特性及发展前景.
Silk is the speciality of this village. 丝绸是这村子的特产.
Foreign language persons of tour speciality are greatly in need with the development of tourism. 旅游业的迅猛发展需求大量的旅游专业外语人才.
CSGDI's speciality of surveying and mapping has many talented minds and fine instruments. 中勘院测绘专业人才荟萃、器精良.
The buildings are new and short and lack speciality and cultural atmosphere. 校园建筑崭新却低矮,没有特色,缺乏文化氛围.
i [inˈveid] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt. 入侵,侵略;侵袭
Troops invaded on August 9th that year. 军队是在那年的8月9日入侵的。
When did the Romans invade Britain? 古罗马人是何时侵略英国的?
Demonstrators invaded the government buildings. 大批示威者闯进了政府办公大楼。
As the final whistle blew, fans began invading the field. 比赛结束的哨声一响,球迷便开始冲入球场。
The cancer cells may invade other parts of the body. 癌细胞可能扩散到身体的其他部位。
Do the press have the right to invade her privacy in this way? 新闻界有权以这种方式干扰她的私生活吗?
In autumn 1944 the allies invaded the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno... 1944 年秋,盟军从安齐奥与萨勒诺攻入意大利本土。
The Romans and the Normans came to Britain as invading armies. 罗马人以及诺曼人通过军事入侵来到英国。
People invaded the streets in victory processions almost throughout the day... 几乎一整天,大街上都挤满了欢庆胜利的游行队伍。
Every so often the kitchen would be invaded by ants. 厨房常常会遭到大批蚂蚁的进犯。
I don't want to invade your private life unnecessarily. 我不想过多地干涉你的私生活.
Let people have personal space, don't invade it. 让别人拥有自己的空间, 不要挤入别人的空间里.
The British and French forces now had a pretext to invade. 现在,英国和法国的部队有了入侵的借口了.
Anyone who dared invade China would never get out again. 谁敢来打我们,他们进得来出不去.
We can force them to pay a high price if they want to invade Japan. 如果他们向袭击日本本土,我可以让他们付出非常惨重的代价.
I once put it to you , If the Americans invade Peking, what will you do? 我曾经跟各位讲过, 假如美国人打到北京, 你们怎么样?
The general's decision to invade was a costly mistake. 将军作出的入侵决定是个代价惨重的错误.
The enemy troops are ready to invade. 敌军准备进犯.
Human viruses invade a living cell and turn it into a factory for manufacturing viruses. 人体病毒入侵活的细胞后,就把它转变成制造病毒的工厂.
Yes, absolutely. As soon as we become powerful, we will invade Iraq and Afghanistan. 绝对要. 当我们足够强大的时候, 我们会入侵伊拉克和阿富汗.
Demons invade us? Irollan shall not succumb to their fiery swords. 恶魔们要入侵我们? 艾罗兰决不会屈服于他们的烈焰刀剑.
Your liege William the Conqueror, the duke of Normandy, is ready to invade England. 您的诸侯,征服者威廉的诺曼底公爵, 准备入侵英国.
The reporters were briefed about the President's plan to invade. 这儿不准向外界提供资料.
Simplify to an ending of rook versus minor piece. invade with king and rook passed pawn. 简化成车对马或象的残局. 用王和车进攻,并形成通路兵.
So, winter's early this year. We're still going to invade Russia. 今年冬天来得很早. 但我们还是要入侵俄国.
[dai] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt. 给…染色
to dye fabric 染织物
She dyed her hair blonde. 她把头发染成了金黄色。
black dye 黑色染料
hair dye 染发液
natural/chemical/vegetable dyes 天然 / 化学 / 植物染料
The women prepared, spun and dyed the wool... 女人们处理羊毛,纺羊毛并给羊毛染色。
She had dyed black hair. 她将她的黑头发染了色。
...bottles of hair dye. 一瓶瓶染发剂
The smooth fabric of the underskirt took the dark green dye easily. 光滑的质地使得衬裙很容易染上深绿色染料.
The vat method, for example, can be used to dye wool with onionskinonionskins. 据个例子, 大桶方法能用洋葱皮给羊毛染色.
To prepare the dye solution, cover 30 grams of onionskins with water. 准备染料溶液, 取30克洋葱皮浸入水中.
No, I don't dye my hair. 不, 我不染发.
Once energized, the dye forms singlet oxygen, a reactive molecule that kills bacteria. 一旦活跃起来, 这种染色分子就会形成纯态氧, 这是一种可以杀死细菌的活性氧.
I will dye my dress. 我想把衣服染了.
Special wear resistant resin formula with dye eliminates scratches andand restores glossy original color and shine. 含特殊耐磨树脂配方、将漆面上的细小刮痕填补平整、强力去污、更令车身恢复新车时的色彩和光泽.
The fading measurements were made at an original dye density of about 1.2. 色牢度的测定是以原来染料密度在1.2以上为基准.
The residents in the neighbourhood all applauded the council's decision to close the small dye factory. 附近的居民们一致赞成市政委员会关于关闭这座小印染厂的决定.
The Greek dye was subdued in me, I suppose. 我想,大概是希腊的色彩在我身上黯淡了.
The wastewater containing azo dye was treated by internal electrolysis. 采用内电解法处理偶氮染料废水.
If higher resolution is required, the fluorescence dye molecules come into play. 如果需要有更高的分辨率,就需要进入荧光染色分子.
Reactive dye pad dyeing results in tailing easily. 活性染料轧染时易产生头梢色差现象.
Boil the liquid until the onionskins, about 45 minutes, the skins after the dye cools. 煮沸大约45分钟直到洋葱皮退色,等水凉了把洋葱皮过滤出来.
How dare you dye your hair without asking my permission first? 你怎么敢没征得我的同意就染头发?
The wool needs to be carded before we dye it. 羊毛在我们染色之前需要被梳理一下.
The dye took immediately. 马上着色了.
No wool is so white but a dyer can dye it black. 任何白羊毛都能被染黑.
Immerse the cloth in the dye for twenty minutes. 把布浸在染料里20分钟.
This material does not dye well. 这料子染不好.
Black will dye over other colours. 黑色能把大多数其他颜色盖住.
[ɡrei] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 灰色的,灰白的
a tall woman with greying hair 头发渐白的高个子女人
His hair was greying at the sides. 他的两鬓已渐渐斑白。
She's riding the grey. 她骑着一匹灰马。
dressed in grey 身着灰色衣服
the dull grey of the sky 暗灰色的天空
grey power 长者对社会的影响力
the grey vote 老年人的投票总数
The company was full of faceless grey men who all looked the same. 公司里全是些缺乏个性、毫无吸引力的男人。
Life seems grey and pointless without him. 没有他生活就显得沉闷而无意义。
I hate these grey days. 我讨厌这阴沉沉的天气。
grey skies 昏暗的天空
He's gone very grey. 他已满头银丝。
a grey suit 一套灰色西装
wisps of grey smoke 一缕缕灰色的烟雾
grey eyes/hair 灰色的眼睛;灰白的头发
There was further evidence of grey consumer power last week, when Ford revealed a car designed with elderly people in mind. 福特汽车公司为老年人设计的一款汽车于上周亮相,这进一步体现了老年消费者的购买力。
...little grey men in suits. 身着西服、缺乏个性的小个子男人们
Brazilians look gloomily forward to a New Year that even the president admits will be grey and cheerless. 展望新年,巴西人心情沮丧,甚至连总统都承认明年困难重重,不容乐观。
It was a grey, wet April Sunday. 这是4月一个阴雨绵绵的星期天。
Eddie was going grey. 埃迪的头发开始变白了。 grey hair... 我灰白的头发
...a grey suit. 灰色套装
a [əˈlɔŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
prep. 沿着,顺着;在…边上
I looked along the shelves for the book I needed. 我在书架上一格一格地找我需要的那本书。
Houses had been built along both sides of the river. 沿河两岸已盖起了房屋。
You'll find his office just along the corridor. 沿着走廊你就可以找到他的办公室。
I was just walking along singing to myself. 我独自唱着歌向前走着。
He pointed out various landmarks as we drove along. 我们驱车前行时,他指给我们看各种各样的地标。
We're going for a swim. Why don't you come along? 我们要去游泳。你干吗不一起去?
I'll be along (= I'll join you) in a few minutes. 过一会儿我就来。
The book's coming along nicely. 这本书愈来愈好看了。
She lost her job when the factory closed, along with hundreds of others. 工厂倒闭时,她和成百上千的其他人一样失去了工作。
They walked slowly along the road. 他们沿公路慢慢走。
There are 32 different kinds of chocolate on sale along with the bread and cakes. 有32种不同的巧克力与面包和蛋糕一起出售。
I've been fooling myself all along... 我一直在欺骗自己。
I think she had been planning all along to leave Hungary. 我想她一直在计划离开匈牙利。
He had the material tested and sent along the results. 他对材料做了检验并送出了检验结果。
The baby's mother escaped from the fire along with two other children... 婴儿的母亲和另外两个孩子一起逃离了火海。
...enormous traffic jams all along the roads. 马路上严重的交通阻塞
...houses built on piles along the river... 沿河打桩盖的房子
She skipped and danced along... 她蹦蹦跳跳地往前走着。
He raised his voice a little, talking into the wind as they walked along... 他们往前走时,他略微提高了嗓音,迎着风说话。
...the negotiations which have been dragging along interminably... 一直在无休止拖延的谈判
Everything was coming along fine after all... 一切居然进行得很顺利。
This is open to women of all ages, so bring along your friends and colleagues... 这对所有年龄段的女性开放,所以请带上你的朋友和同事一起光临。
Wives will have to bring along their marriage certificate. 已婚妇女必须携带结婚证。
She invited everyone she knew to come along... 她邀请了每一个她认识的人前来。
Newman walked along the street alone... 纽曼独自走在街上。
The young man led Mark Ryle along a corridor... 那个年轻人领着马克·赖尔沿走廊而去。
[ˈtrævəl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vi.&n. 旅行
to travel around the world 周游世界
I go to bed early if I'm travelling the next day. 如果第二天去旅行我就早睡。
I love travelling by train. 我喜欢乘火车旅行。
We always travel first class. 我们总坐头等舱旅行。
We travelled to California for the wedding. 我们到加利福尼亚去参加婚礼。
When I finished college I went travelling for six months (= spent time visiting different places) . 我大学毕业后在外旅行了六个月。
He travelled the length of the Nile in a canoe. 他乘独木舟游完尼罗河的全程。
I travel 40 miles to work every day. 我每天奔波40英里去上班。
to travel at 50 miles an hour 以每小时50英里的速度行进
Messages travel along the spine from the nerve endings to the brain. 信息从神经末梢沿脊柱传送到大脑。
News travels fast these days. 如今消息传播得很快。
Some wines do not travel well. 有些葡萄酒经不住长途运输。
Some writing travels badly in translation. 有些作品经翻译后流传不广。
Their car can really travel! 他们的车开得可真快!
air/rail/space, etc. travel 乘飞机、乘火车、乘航天器等
travel expenses 旅费
The post involves a considerable amount of foreign travel . 这一职务要求经常出差去国外。
You had better travel to Helsinki tomorrow... 你最好明天赶赴赫尔辛基。
Granny travelled down by train… 奶奶是乘火车过来的。
Information on travel in New Zealand is available at the hotel… 新西兰的旅行信息可以在宾馆获取。
He detested air travel. 他厌恶乘飞机旅行。
Dr Ryan travelled the world gathering material for his book... 瑞安博士周游世界为他的书搜集资料。
He has had to travel the country in search of work. 他不得不走遍全国寻找工作。
When sound travels through water, strange things can happen... 当声音在水中传播时,可能会发生奇怪的现象。
Light travels at around 300,000,000 metres per second. 光以每秒约 30 万公里的速度传播。
News of his work traveled all the way to Asia... 有关他研究成果的消息一路传到了亚洲。
Seems like news travels pretty fast around here. 这里似乎消息传播得很快。
He also collects things for the house on his travels abroad. 他在国外旅游时也为家宅搜集物品作为摆设。
Ripe fruit does not travel well, but unripe fruit can be transported worldwide. 熟透的水果不宜长途运输,但未成熟的水果却可以运往全世界。
That brand of humour generally travels well. 那种风格的幽默通常在各地都喜闻乐见。
a [ˈæŋɡri] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 愤怒的,生气的;红肿的;狂风暴雨的
Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square. 广场上聚满了成千上万的愤怒示威者。
The comments provoked an angry response from union leaders. 这些评论激起了工会领导人的愤怒。
I was very angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake. 我很生自己的气,竟犯了这样愚蠢的错误。
Her behaviour really made me angry . 她的行为确实令我恼火。
Some senators reacted angrily to the President's remarks. 一些参议员对总统的言辞感到愤怒,反应强烈。
He swore angrily. 他愤然诅咒。
Please don't be angry with me. It wasn't my fault. 请别冲着我发脾气,不是我的错。
The passengers grew angry about the delay. 延误使乘客气愤起来。
He felt angry at the injustice of the situation. 他对这种不公的现象感到愤愤不平。
She had been very angry at the person who stole her new bike... 她很生气有人偷走了她的新自行车。
Are you angry with me for some reason?... 你是因为什么原因在生我的气吗?
He was badly concussed, the glass leaving two angry cuts across his forehead. 他遭受了严重的脑震荡,脑门上留下的两道被玻璃划破的口子已经红肿。
He's very angry now; wait till he comes around. 他现在正在气头上, 等他气消了再说吧.
An infected cut looks angry. 感染的伤口看起来发炎了.
Is it worthwhile getting angry over such a trifling matter? 为这点小事犯得着生气 吗 ?
I was more than a little angry when I saw how they'd ruined it. 当我见到他们是怎样把它破坏时,我不禁大为愤慨.
The angry audience shouted the speaker down. 愤怒的听众大声喊使讲话者闭口不语.
There is no need to shout angry words at me. 用不着冲我嚷.
He was so angry that he began calling them names. 他气得对他们破口大骂.
She was so angry that she actually tore up the letter. 她一气之下竟然将信撕碎了.
He will be jolly angry. 他会大发脾气的.
He was very angry at the remarks made by his teacher. 他对老师的批语很生气.
He was angry; but with everybody present, he kept his temper under control. 他有些生气, 但当着大家的面不好发作.
I get angry whenever he is mentioned. 提起他我就生气.
Her mother's voice in the corridor roused her from an angry trance. 她气得失魂落魄,是她妈妈在走廊里的声音唤醒了她.
To anyone working in a hotel, angry complaints from guests are all in a day's work. 对任何在饭店里工作的人来说, 顾客的怨言是不足为奇的事.
gene [ˈdʒenjuin] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 真挚的;真正的;真诚的
Is the painting a genuine Picasso? 这幅画是毕加索的真迹吗?
Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article . 伪造的设计师名牌手表以真品若干分之一的价格出售。
Only genuine refugees can apply for asylum. 只有真正的难民才能申请政治避难。
He made a genuine attempt to improve conditions. 他真心实意地努力改善环境。
genuine concern for others 对他人真诚的关心
a very genuine person 非常诚实可信的人
genuinely sorry 真遗憾
There was a risk of genuine refugees being returned to Vietnam. 存在将真正的难民遣返回越南的风险。
...genuine leather... 真皮
There was genuine joy in this room... 房间里洋溢着发自内心的快乐。
If this offer is genuine I will gladly accept it. 如果这份帮助是诚心的,我欣然接受。
She is very caring and very genuine. 她非常体贴,非常诚实可靠。
I believe most people around the world is kindness and justice, not sedulous in China. 我相信全世界大多数民众是善良和公正的, 他们并非刻意针对抵制中国.
The jeweller pronounced the diamond to be genuine. 珠宝商宣称这金刚石是真的.
The only moral tenet governing the conduct of business in the shop was that the goods should be genuine and the price fair. 货真价实,是商店唯一的道德.
It certainly looked genuine. 这只笔看上去确实象真货.
This carved chest is a genuine antique. 这只雕花盒子是件古玩真品.
None is genuine without our stamp. 未盖我们的戳记的都不是真货.
genuine knowledge comes from practice. 实践出真知.
We thought it was a genuine antique, but it turned out to be a fake. 我们以为这是真古董, 结果只是一件赝品.
As time went on, a genuine friendship grew up between us. 随着时间的推移, 我们之间产生了一种真挚的友情.
It is not easy to distinguish cultured pearls from genuine pearls. 辨别真正的珍珠与养殖的珍珠不容易.
He says it's genuine, but we think otherwise. 他说这是真的, 但我们不这样认为.
A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge; an understanding of worldly wisdom is true learning. 世事洞明皆学问, 人情练达即文章.
This is the genuine ginseng from Northeast. 这是道地的东北人参.
Considering the signs he showed of genuine repentance, we shall deal leniently with him. 鉴于他有真诚悔改的表现, 我们将对他宽大处理.
lien [ˈlisn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vi. 听,留神听;听从
to listen to music 听音乐
listen! What's that noise? Can you hear it? 听!那是什么响声?你能听见吗?
Sorry, I wasn't really listening. 对不起,我没注意听。
I listened carefully to her story. 我认真听了她说的情况。
None of this would have happened if you'd listened to me. 你要是听了我的话,这一切就不会发生了。
Why won't you listen to reason ? 你怎么就不听劝呢?
listen, there's something I have to tell you. 听着,我有事要告诉你。
Can you listen out for the doorbell? 你能留心听着门铃吗?
You shouldn't listen in on other people's conversations. 你不应该偷听别人的谈话。
Have a listen to this. 听一听这个。
He spent his time listening to the radio... 他听收音机打发时间。
Sonia was not listening. 索尼娅没有用心听。
We listen for footsteps approaching... 我们留神听是不是有脚步声传来。
They're both asleep upstairs, but you don't mind listening just in case of trouble, do you? 他们都在楼上睡着了,但你不介意留神听着点以防万一吧?
Anne, you need to listen to me this time... 安妮,这次你得听我的。
When I asked him to stop, he would not listen. 我叫他停下,可他不听。
listen, I finish at one. 听我说,我一点钟收工。
Okay, listen up, guys. We've got to talk a little about how you look. 好了,听我说,各位。我们需要谈谈大家的形象问题。
listen here, young lady. Don't you call me that! 你给我听着,小姐。别那样叫我!
Now listen carefully everybody. 请大家仔细地听.
That child! Whatever you said, he simply wouldn't listen. 这孩子, 饶怎么说他也不听.
I told him not to go, but he just wouldn't listen. 我叫他别去, 可是他偏偏不听.
She leant forward eagerly to listen to him. 她急切地向前弯着腰听他说.
I heard them talking but I didn't listen to what they were saying. 我听见他们在谈话,可是没有听他们在谈什么.
Pipe down! I'm trying to listen to the news. 不要讲话了! 我在收听新闻.
Soldiers should listen to orders. 军人应服从命令.
Stop still for a while and listen carefully. 停住别动,仔细听!
[strip] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 条带
I stripped and washed myself all over. 我脱掉衣服,把全身洗了洗。
We stripped off and ran down to the water. 我们脱掉衣服,跑进水里。
She stripped down to her underwear. 她把衣服脱得只剩下了内衣。
He stood there stripped to the waist (= he had no clothes on the upper part of his body) . 他脱光了上衣站在那里。
He was stripped naked and left in a cell. 他被扒得一丝不挂,丢在一间牢房里。
strip off all the existing paint. 把现有的油漆全部刮掉。
Deer had stripped the tree of its bark. 鹿啃掉了树皮。
Deer had stripped all the bark off the tree. 鹿把树皮全都啃光了。
After the guests had gone, I stripped all the beds (= removed all the sheets in order to wash them) . 客人走后,我把被单床单全都撤了下来。
We had to strip out all the old wiring and start again. 我们不得不将原有的线路全部拆除,从头再来。
Thieves had stripped the house bare. 窃贼把房子劫掠一空。
They taught us how to strip down a car engine and put it back together again. 他们教我们拆卸、安装汽车引擎。
He was disgraced and stripped of his title. 他名誉扫地,被取消了头衔。
First, you need to strip away all the old plaster. 首先,你得把原来的灰泥全部刮掉。
...a new kind of manufactured wood made by pressing strips of wood together and baking them... 一种用木条压紧并烘烤而制成的新型人造木材
The simplest rag-rugs are made with strips of fabric plaited together... 最简单的碎布地毯是由碎布条编在一起制成的。
The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains. 利古里亚的沿海城市坐落在陡峭山脉下的狭长地带上。
...a short boat ride across a narrow strip of water. 乘船渡过一小段狭窄的带状水域。
...Goff's Charcoal Hamburgers on Lover's Lane, a busy commercial strip in North Dallas. 位于北达拉斯的一条名为“情人巷”的繁华商业街上的戈夫炭烤汉堡店
They stripped completely, and lay in the damp grass... 他们脱光衣服,躺在潮湿的草地上。
Women residents stripped naked in protest. 女性居民裸体以示抗议。
One prisoner claimed he'd been dragged to a cell, stripped and beaten. 一名犯人声称他曾被拖进一间牢房,全身被脱光并遭到毒打。
After Mike left for work I stripped the beds and vacuumed the carpets... 迈克去上班后,我扯下了床罩并用吸尘器清扫地毯。
The floorboards in both this room and the dining room have been stripped, sanded and sealed. 这个房间和餐厅的木地板都已经被刮除涂层并进行了打磨上蜡。
Volvo's three-man team stripped the car and restored it. 沃尔沃公司的 3 人小组将车拆开进行了维修。
The soldiers have stripped the civilians of their passports, and every other type of document... 士兵们已经夺走了平民的护照以及所有其他类型的证件。
A senior official was stripped of all his privileges for publicly criticising his employer. 一名高管由于公然批评其老板而被剥夺了所有特权。
...the Doonesbury strip. 杜尼斯伯理政治漫画
He heard Nora tearing a strip off an orderly for not returning the food bins to the kitchen soon enough... 他听到诺拉正在破口大骂一名勤务兵没有将食品箱及时送回厨房。
When the police arrived to tear him off a strip he apologised for all the trouble he'd caused them. 当警察赶到把他狠狠地教训了一番后,他为自己给他们带来的所有麻烦表示道歉。
o [ˈɔptikəl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 视力的;光学的
optical effects 视觉效果
optical aids 助视器
optical instruments such as microscopes and telescopes 显微镜和望远镜等光学仪器
optical storage 光存储器
an optical disk 光盘
...optical telescopes. 光学望远镜
...the optical effects of volcanic dust in the stratosphere. 火山灰在平流层造成的视觉效果
Right now it is a very slow process to change channels in optical communications. 现在光通讯里切换频道是个非常缓慢的过程.
I crept up the stairs and peered into the office of optical shop. 我爬上楼梯,眯缝着眼看了看眼镜店的办公室.
Auto focusing technology is widely used in all kinds of optical apparatus. 自动调焦技术已经广泛应用于各种光学仪器中.
The principle of the circular grating optical scanning holography and the experimental results are presented. 阐明了环形光栅光学扫描全息术的基本原理,并给出了实验结果.
Communication Instrument: Including Series of 5110 serial Wire Analyzer and 5260 optical communication serial product. 通信测量仪器系列: 包括5110系列有线综合测试仪、5260光通信系列产品等.
Utilizing rectangular approximate in 3 dB fused - tapered optical fiber coupler coupling ratio is analyzed theoretically. 利用矩形近似理论对用熔锥法制作的耦合器分光比进行了分析.
optical aligned check for shaft system after boring. 轴系镗孔后光学校中检查.
A full vector diffraction theory for optical disk system is described. 本文以完整的矢量衍射理论分析了光盘光学系统.
optical instruments: image measuring instrument, projectors, microscopes , glass, such as three yuan . 3. 光学仪器: 影像测量仪 、 投影仪 、 显微镜、放大镜 、 三次元等.
He is a calculation of the optical transfer function, installation, testing and programming, standardization experts. 他是一个在光学传递函数的计算 、 装置 、 测试以及编制程序 、 标准化等方面的专家.
To adjust one's vision or an optical device so as to render a clear, distinct image. 与光学装置一起用来扫描图象的一种光敏装置.
The development and foreground f application for the YAG optical function ceramics were analyzed. 与过去的YAG单晶陶瓷作了对比,并对其发展及应用前景进行了分析.
In this wise, a scheme of longitudinal differential protection of optical fiber is formed. 从而形成了一套光纤纵联差动保护的设计方案.
The main products are PDH, SDH optical transmission and band data series. 公司主要以PDH 、 SDH光传输和宽带数据等多个系列产品为主.
This optical instrument factory makes lens with accurate optometry and fine grinding. 该光学仪器厂的镜片制作,验光准、磨制精.
The optical system is clear, there are higher resolution ratios. 光学系统清晰, 有较高的分辨率.
optical character recognition ( OCR ) is one of the most successful applications of pattern recognition. 光学字符识别 ( OCR ) 是模式识别最为成功的应用之一.
The presented absolute optical encoder is based on a serial encoding method with single code detector. 提出了一种采用单读码器件的串行编码绝对式光学编码器,介绍了其工作原理和基本结构.
He has optical trouble. 他的视力有问题.
They concentrated on better definition of the optical image. 他们致力于提高该光学影像的清晰度.
Telescopes and microscopes are optical instruments. 望远镜和显微镜是光学仪器.
optical instruments such as microscopes and telescopes 显微镜和望远镜等光学仪器
Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion. 大楼主体的斜墙给人造成一种视错觉。
[ˌmeditəˈreinjən] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 地中海的
Britain bakes in a mediterranean heatwave. 地中海的热浪炙烤着英国。
mediterranean oat held to be progenitor of modern cultivated oat. 地中海地区燕麦,被认为是现代栽种燕麦的祖先.
The mediterranean Sea boiled with the storm. 暴风雨中地中海波涛汹涌.
The houses are mediterranean in character. 这些房子都属地中海风格.
Gibraltar is the key to the mediterranean. 直布罗陀是地中海的要冲.
They will go cruising in the mediterranean. 他们将在地中海上巡游.
The Nile discharges itself into the mediterranean. 尼罗河水注入地中海.
The mediterranean Sea bathes the shore of Italy. 地中海环抱着意大利的海岸.
Chef Idris Caldora offers an inspired menu that captures the spirit of the mediterranean. 厨师伊德里斯·卡尔多拉开出一份富有地中海特色的菜单,让人眼前一亮。
The Nile flows from Lake Victoria in East Africa north to the mediterranean Sea. 尼罗河由东非的维多利亚湖向北流至地中海。
The words "Cote d'Azur" conjure up images of sunny days in mediterranean cafes. Coted’Azur(蓝色海岸)这个词让人联想到地中海咖啡馆阳光明媚的日子。
Many aqueducts from ancient Roman times still stand today near the mediterranean Sea. 许多古罗马时代的引水渠至今还保留在地中海附近.
The Straits of Gibraltar are the strategic passage between the mediterranean and the Atlantic. 直布罗陀海峡是地中海通向大西洋的咽喉.
The Roman fleet after it had been revictualled and repaired stood right across the mediterranean. 经过再补给及修理后,罗马舰队横拦着地中海
My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the mediterranean for many years before he returned to England. 我的老朋友哈里森在地中海地区居住多年后回到英国.
s [si:t] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt. 使坐下;可坐…人
She sat back in her seat. 她坐在那里,往后靠了靠。
He put his shopping on the seat behind him. 他把买的东西放在身后的座位上。
Please take a seat (= sit down) . 请坐。
Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats (= sit down) . 各位来宾,请就座。
a window/corner seat (= one near a window/in a corner) 挨窗户 / 角落里的座位
a child seat (= for a child in a car) (汽车上的)幼儿座
Would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat ? (= on a plane) 您想要靠窗的座位还是靠过道的座位?
We used the branch of an old tree as a seat. 我们坐在一棵老树的树杈上。
We all filed back to our seats in silence. 我们都默默无语,一个跟一个地回到座位上。
(British English)a ten-seater minibus 十座小公共汽车
an all-seater stadium (= in which nobody is allowed to stand) 全坐席体育场
a steel chair with a plastic seat 塑料座部的钢架椅子
to book/reserve a seat (= for a concert, etc.) 预订一个座位
There are no seats left on that flight. 那次航班没座位了。
Stephen returned to his seat... 斯蒂芬回到自己的座位上。
Ann could remember sitting in the back seat of their car. 安记得坐在他们车里的后排座上了。
The stool had a torn, red plastic seat. 那个凳子的红色塑料座面已经破旧不堪。
He waved towards a chair, and seated himself at the desk. 他挥手指了指一把椅子,自己在书桌旁坐了下来。
...a portrait of one of his favourite models seated on an elegant sofa. 一幅他最喜欢的模特之一的画像,画中人坐在雅致的沙发上
The Theatre seats 570. 那个剧院可容纳 570 人。
Then he got up and brushed off the seat of his jeans. 然后他站起来,拍了拍牛仔裤的臀部。
Independent candidates won the majority of seats on the local council. 无党派候选人在地方议会选举中赢得了多数席位。
...a Maryland Republican who lost his seat. 一名失掉席位的马里兰州共和党党员
He has been unsuccessful in his attempt to win a seat on the board of the company. 他始终未能如愿以偿地在公司董事会中谋得一席之地。
Gunfire broke out early this morning around the seat of government in Lagos. 今天凌晨在拉各斯的政府大楼周围发生了枪战。
...Weston Park, family seat of the Earl of Bradford. 韦斯顿公园,布拉德福德伯爵的祖宅
You need to take a back seat and think about both past and future... 你得退居二线,把过去和将来都捋清楚。
This is a country where women usually take a back seat. 在这个国家通常是男尊女卑。
'Take a seat,' he said in a bored tone... “请坐,”他不耐烦地说道。
Rachel smiled at him as they took their seats on opposite sides of the table. 他们分坐在桌子两边,雷切尔对他微微笑了一下。
s [si:k] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt. 寻找,探索;谋求;请求
Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes. 驾车者被告知需另寻其他路线。
They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter. 他们怎么也找不到一个藏身的地方。
to seek funding for a project 为项目筹募资金
Highly qualified secretary seeks employment. (= in an advertisement) 优秀秘书求职(广告用语)。
We are currently seeking new ways of expanding our membership. 目前,我们正探索发展会员的新途径。
I think it's time we sought legal advice. 我想我们现在该咨询一下律师了。
She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour. 她设法使他平静下来,然后向一位邻居求助。
They quickly sought to distance themselves from the protesters. 他们迅速设法远离抗议者。
attention-seeking behaviour 为引起他人的注意而作出的行为
Voluntary work can provide a framework for job-seeking. 参与义务工作有助于奠定求职的基础。
They have had to seek work as labourers... 他们只好找体力活儿干。
Four people who sought refuge in the Italian embassy have left voluntarily... 4 名在意大利大使馆寻求避难的人已经自愿离开了。
The prosecutors have warned they will seek the death penalty... 检控方律师已警告说他们会努力争取判处死刑。
Haemophiliacs are seeking compensation for being given contaminated blood. 血友病患者们因为被输入了受到污染的血液而正在寻求赔偿。
Always seek professional legal advice before entering into any agreement... 在签订任何协定之前一定要先征求法律专业人士的意见。
On important issues, they seek a second opinion... 在重要问题上,他们会征求别人的看法。
He also denied that he would seek to annex the country... 他还否认会试图吞并该国。
Moscow is seeking to slow the growth of Russian inflation. 俄罗斯政府正力图遏制本国的通货膨胀。
You should seek advice from your lawyer on this matter. 你应该征求你的律师对这件事的意见.
How can we seek out a really good person for the job? 我们怎能找到一个真正适当的人来做这项工作?
It is not allowed to use one's power to seek privileges. 不允许把职权变成特权.
seek for an experienced scientist to fill the post. 找一位有经验的科学家来担当此职.
Those who seek it, undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it. 寻求正义的人历尽艰辛,也决不能肯定他们就能找到正义.
You must seek redress in the law courts. 你应当通过法律途径要求赔偿.
He is to seek in ability. 他缺乏能力.
ve [vaɪn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 葡萄藤
grapes on the vine 藤上的葡萄
vine leaves 葡萄叶
Every square metre of soil was used, mainly for olives, vines, and almonds. 每一寸土地都利用上了,主要用来种植橄榄树、葡萄藤和杏树。
We reached a beautiful grotto , whose entrance was almost hiden by the vine. 我们到达了一个美丽的洞穴, 洞的进口几乎被藤蔓遮掩著.
Israel is a luxuriant vine; He brings forth fruit for himself. 1以色列是茂盛的葡萄树, 结果繁多.
The vine round the tree. 这“藤”盘绕在树干上.
Excessive vine vigor may occur following poor crops and winter bud damage. 过多的葡萄活力差,可能会出现以下作物和冬芽的损害.
We speak of cherries, strawberries, and the promise of the vine crop. 我们谈樱桃 、 草莓, 以及在望的葡萄收成.
He cut some grapes for me from the vine. 他为我从藤上剪下了一些葡萄.
The vine has begun to grow away from the wall. 葡萄树已开始伸向墙外了.
Hearn fastened the vine about his belt, and stepped out into the rapids. 俟思把藤索在腰里系好, 闯进激流.
This tax was taken in the form of rubber obtained from a relatively rare rubber vine. 税收的形式是收取从较稀少的橡胶藤上收集的橡胶.
Old World tropical vine. 旧大陆的热带的草质藤本属.
And later the vine and the worm both did what God wanted. 后来的蓖麻和虫子也都听从神的话.
A train accident near vine Street killed six people. 一次发生在万尼街的地铁事故使六人丧生.
Where does tendrilled vine of the Ao Bi Island elf vine magic learn? 奥比岛的小精灵的蔓藤魔法在哪里学?
vine Orges will return to their slumbering state if there are no commanders on the battlefield. 如果在战场上失去能领导自己的将领,它就会重新开始沉眠.
I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 约15:1我是真葡萄树 、 我父是栽培的人.
The vine twines round the tree. 这藤盘绕在树干上.
Melons come from a vine. 藤连着瓜.
Famous for the Tokaji Aszu wine, made from grapes left to rot on the vine. 该地区以用葡萄藤上的腐烂葡萄酿制的托卡伊奥苏葡萄酒闻名于世.
In there they peered out the window fearfully at the ivy vine. 在那儿两人惶惶不安地凝视着窗外的常青藤.
A construction site across from the historic Capitol Records building near Sunset and vine. 在桑塞德和凡恩附近位于国会资料大厦处的一建筑景点.
Love is a vine that grows into our hearts, joofoo . net. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓.
He shall his unripe grape as the vine, and casthis flower as the olive. 他必像葡萄树的葡萄, 未熟而落.又像橄榄树的花,一开而谢.
People visiting the vine yard vineyard also enjoy watching the lambs do their job. 访问葡萄园的人们也喜欢观赏小羊羔们做它们的“工作”.
It is a productive grape and the vine is easy to grow and produces high yields. 这是一个生产的葡萄与葡萄是很容易成长,并产生高收益.
Mediterranean vine having oblong fruit that when ripe expels its seeds and juice violently when touched. 有长方形果实的地中海藤蔓植物,当触及其成熟的果实时,它会喷出种子和汁液.
The grape vine climbed up along the wall. 葡萄藤沿墙攀缘而上.
Jn. 15:1 I am the true vine, and My Father is the husbandman. 约十五1我是真葡萄树, 我父是栽培的人.
o [ˈɔpʃən] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 选择,选择权
As I see it, we have two options… 据我看,我们有两种选择…
There are various options open to you. 你有多种选择。
Going to college was not an option for me. 上大学不是我可以选择的道路。
I had no option but to (= I had to) ask him to leave. 我别无选择,只有请他离开。
Students have the option of studying abroad in their second year. 学生在二年级时可以选择出国学习。
A savings plan that gives you the option to vary your monthly payments. 一项允许你每月自由存款的储蓄方案。
This particular model comes with a wide range of options (= things you can choose to have when buying sth but which you will have to pay extra for) . 这一种型号的货品有很多选择。
The course offers options in design and computing. 这一学程开了设计和计算机技术的选修科目。
We have an option on the house. 我们有权购买这所房子。
The property is for rent with an option to buy at any time. 这房子供出租,但可随时买下。
He has promised me first option on his car (= the opportunity to buy it before anyone else) . 他答应我可以优先买他的汽车。
share options (= the right to buy shares in a company) 认股选择权
Choose the ‘Cut ’ option from the Edit menu. 从编辑选单上选“剪切”项。
They are anxious that the new course should not be seen as a soft option. 他们盼望新办法不会被视为捷径。
He decided to take the easy option and give them what they wanted. 他决定顺水推舟,他们要什么就给什么。
He's argued from the start that America and its allies are putting too much emphasis on the military option... 他从一开始就认为美国及其盟国过于强调军事手段。
What other options do you have? 你还有什么别的选择吗?
Criminals are given the option of going to jail or facing public humiliation... 罪犯可以选择要么坐牢,要么遭受当众羞辱。
We had no option but to abandon the meeting. 我们别无选择,只有放弃这次会面。
Each bank has granted the other an option on 19.9% of its shares. 两家银行都同意给予对方其19.9%股份的期权。
Several options are offered for the student's senior year. 为毕业班学生开设了几门选修课。
I am keeping my options open. I have not made a decision on either matter. 我保留选择权,这两件事我都还没有作出决定。
We take the soft option. I like to keep the crowd happy because that's what they pay for... 我们决定采取最保险的方案。我希望让观众开心,因为他们就是为这个掏钱的。
The job of chairman can no longer be regarded as a convenient soft option. 别再以为董事长这份工作是那么容易做的。
rely [ˈredili] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adv. 乐意地;快捷地
All ingredients are readily available from your local store. 所有的原料都可以方便地从你当地的商店买到。
Most people readily accept the need for laws. 大多数人都毫不迟疑地认为法律是必要的。
I asked her if she would allow me to interview her, and she readily agreed... 我问她是否允许我采访她,她欣然同意了。
When I was invited to the party, I readily accepted. 当被邀请参加聚会的时候,我一口答应了。
The components are readily available in hardware shops... 这些零件很容易在五金商店买到。
I don't readily make friends. 我不轻易交友。
Hydraulic reclamation with dispersing technology is characterized by its good maneuverability, economy, readily availability, and continuity. 摘要离散式吹填工艺具有机动性 、 经济性 、 速效性和连续性的特点.
She accepted the invitation readily. 她愉快地接受了邀请.
Although fatigue shows readily on Carter, he bounces back quickly. 卡特虽然容易显出疲劳的样子, 但他恢复得很快.
Are Templates readily accessible for verification purposes? 检验模板是否很容易达到检验的目的?
QQ password access to the simulation, readily accessible to the next! QQ密码获取的模拟实现, 容易看懂的要的下!
When in an energized state, the enclosed plasma can readily radiate, absorb or reflect electromagnetic waves. 管内的等离子体处于激发态时, 可以轻易地辐射, 吸收,反射电磁波.
Meat will readily taint in close weather. 肉在闷热天气容易腐败.
Meat taints readily in hot weather. 天气炎热,肉容易变味.
The contents of a punch card can be read in and read out readily. 穿孔卡中的内容可以很容易地读入和读出.
Most plastics do not readily conduct heat or electricity. 大多数塑料不易传热或导电.
Mary is so credulous that she may readily accept any excuse you make. 玛丽很轻信,你随便找个借口她都可以相信.
The audience reacted readily to his speech. 听众对他的演说立即作出反应.
Europeans and Jews do not readily assimilate. 欧洲人和犹太人不易同化.
They cannot readily agree to it. 他们不能对此马上作出应诺.
This plant prefers alkaline soil, though it will readily tolerate some acidity. 这种植物在酸性土壤中也能生存, 但碱性土壤更加适宜.
I promise all costs will be readily returned. 我保证所有的费用会迅速偿还.
These quotations cannot readily be traced to their sources. 这些引语很难查出出自何处.
The difference between the two is readily discernible. 两者之间的差别不难看出.
Once the principal contradiction is grasped, all problems will be readily solved. 一旦抓住了主要矛盾, 一切问题就迎刃而解.
These data are not readily available. 这些资料不是轻易能得到的.
He readily agreed to help us. 他欣然同意帮助我们.
His lecture was readily intelligible to all the students. 他的讲课学生们都能轻松地听懂。
ag [əˈmʌŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
prep. 在…之中;与…在一起;…之一
‘What was wrong with the job? ’ ‘Well, the pay wasn't good, among other things . ’ “这份工作有什么不好吗?”“嗯,别的不说,工资就不怎么样。”
Discuss it among yourselves first (= with each other) . 你们自己先讨论一下。
They divided the money up among the children. 他们把钱分给了孩子们。
This attitude is common among the under-25s. 这种态度在25岁以下的青年中很普遍。
a house among the trees 树林中的一座房子
They strolled among the crowds. 他们在人群中信步而行。
I found the letter amongst his papers. 我在他的文件中找到这封信。
It's OK, you're among friends now. 好了,现在你的周围都是朋友了。
A British woman was among the survivors. 幸存者中有一位英国妇女。
He was among the last to leave. 他是最后离开者之一。
European farm ministers disagree among themselves... 欧洲各国的农业部长之间意见不一致。
The directors have been arguing among themselves. 经理们内部一直争论不休。
Most of the furniture was left to the neighbours or distributed among friends... 大多数家具留给了邻居或分发给了朋友们。
She tried to ensure her affection was equally shared among all three children. 她尽力确保三个孩子从自己这里分享到同等的爱。
The resort is popular among ski enthusiasts. 这个度假地深受滑雪爱好者的喜爱。
among those 18 and over, 510,000 benefit claimants were not unemployed... 18岁及以上人群当中,有51万救济金申领者并非是失业者。
among the varieties available, my preference stays with the old and lovely pink-flowered variety, 'Apple Blossom'. 可供选择的品种当中,我还是偏好这种老式、可爱、带有粉色花朵的类型,“苹果花”。
...a news conference attended among others by our foreign affairs correspondent... 由我们的外事记者及其他许多人共同出席的一次新闻发布会
She knew many theatrical personalities and had worked, among others, with George Bernard Shaw. 她认识许多戏剧界人物,并与乔治·萧伯纳等很多人共过事。
The biggest fear among parents thinking of using the Internet is that their children will be exposed to pornography... 大多数父母认为使用因特网最可怕的是他们的孩子将接触到色情内容。
I am sick of all the quarrelling among politicians who should be concentrating on vital issues. 我厌恶政客间的所有那些争吵,他们本应把注意力集中在重大问题上。
I was brought up among people who read and wrote a lot. 我周围是些经常读书写文章的人,我是在他们的熏陶下长大的。
A fifteen year old girl was among the injured... 受伤者中有一位15岁的女孩。
Also among the speakers was the new American ambassador to Moscow. 发言者当中还有驻莫斯科的新任美国大使。
Homicide is the leading cause of death among black men... 谋杀是黑人死亡的主要原因。
Unemployment is quite high, especially among young people. 失业情况相当严重,特别是在年轻人当中。
The calls for reform come as intense debate continues among the leadership over the next five-year economic plan... 领导层继续在为下一个五年经济计划激烈争论之际,有人发出了改革的呼声。
They walked among the crowds in Red Square. 他们在熙熙攘攘的红场散步。
Things weren't so bad, after all. I was among friends again... 情况还不是那么糟糕,毕竟我又回到了朋友当中。
...youths in their late teens sitting among adults... 坐在成人中间的15到19岁之间的小伙子
cl [kɔil] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 一卷;线圈 vt. 盘绕 vi. 绕成盘状; 卷绕成圈
The snake coiled up, ready to strike. 那条蛇盘绕起来准备攻击。
Mist coiled around the tops of the hills. 薄雾盘绕着山巅。
to coil a rope into a loop 把绳索盘绕成圈
Her hair was coiled on top of her head. 她把头发盘在头顶上。
a coiled spring 螺旋状弹簧
a coil of wire 一圈金属线
Shake the rope and let the coils unwind. 抖动绳索把绳圈展开。
a snake's coils 蛇的盘圈
Tod shook his head angrily and slung the coil of rope over his shoulder... 托德气愤地摇了摇头,然后把那卷绳子往肩上一搭。
The steel arrives at the factory in coils. 钢材被成卷地运到工厂。
Pythons kill by tightening their coils so that their victim cannot breathe. 大蟒蛇紧紧盘绕猎物使之无法呼吸,从而杀死猎物。
He turned off the water and began to coil the hose... 他关掉水龙头,开始盘水管。
Louisa was dancing, spinning by herself, her skirt flying out and coiling around her feet... 路易莎打着圈儿翩翩起舞,裙摆时而肆意飞扬,时而盘绕脚边。
Shen Zhen Ri Rong coil Products Factory is a professional factory to produce coil. 深圳市日荣弹簧制品厂是一家专业弹簧生产商.
Galvanometer: Instrument for measuring small electric currents by deflection of a moving coil. 电流计: 根据可动线圈的偏转量来测量微弱电流或电流函数的仪器.
This machine has a stationary block on which is cast in the form of dead coil. 该机器的固定鼓轮使其以固定线圈的形式缠绕.
Expanding of air conditioner heat exchanger coil with copper hair pin tube and Aluminum fins. 冷冻空调散热器盘管铜管或铝管扩张,与铝散热片紧密结合,并固定侧板间距尺寸精确.
This recording instrument is the moving coil instrument. 本记录仪是磁电式仪表.
The rest of the rope is then carried the shoulders in a coil. 绳索的剩余部分挽成圈套在肩膀上携带.
Warlock: Death coil has no cooldown against Rogues, and has a range of 100 yards. 术士: 死亡缠绕在对盗贼的时侯将没有冷却时间, 范围扩大到100码.
When one coil of servo valve is broken, the system works in going order. 但系统在伺服阀线圈一路断开的情况下, 余度伺服作动系统仍能正常工作.
Well last 10 turn coil was fired in its block of ice. 以及过去10转线圈被辞退,在其座冰毒.
When current flows through a coil, a magnetic field will be built up round the coil. 当直流电流过线圈, 就会在线圈的周围产生磁场.
Three major series: 1, Vol Cold Spring, 2, coil spring, 3, steel spring. 主要有三大系列: 1, 冷卷弹簧, 2, 热卷弹簧, 3, 钢片弹簧.
Moreover, the integrate affects of damper forces by displacement, speed, acceleration, coil current are discussed. 并讨论位移 、 速度 、 加速度和励磁线圈电流对阻尼力的综合影响.
Place cover onto the spring with the internal guide cover positioned inside the end coil. 将阀盖及阀盖上的内部引导放置在弹簧上,定位内部端线圈.
coce [ˈkɔmə:s] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 商业,贸易
leaders of industry and commerce 工商界领导人
They have made their fortunes from industry and commerce. 他们靠工商业发了财。
He appeared to deprive his city of all its resources, arts, commerce, money, and defenses. 他看似剥夺了他城池的所有资源, 艺术, 商业, 金钱和与国防.
This shows Chinese and small businesses to undertaking commerce direction initiative and actively adjust. 这显示出中国中小企业正在自发而主动地进行贸易方向调整.
And they require more than the state to step in: commerce and churches are as important. 他们需要的不仅仅是国家的干预,商业发展和教会引导也同样重要.
The commerce Department reported the US trade deficit narrowed to its lowest level in nine months. 商业部报道了英国在近九个月的外贸赤字,已达到最低水平.
Chain commerce grew rapidly. 实现利润40亿元,增长6.8%.
Finally it is about the electronic commerce displays the technical leverage of the product technological question. 最后则是电子商务中发挥技术杠杆作用的产品技术问题.
Congress may pass laws that allow states to independently regulate interstate commerce. 国会可以通过法律允许州独立规制州际商务.
Region economy and commerce collectivize are one of fundamental trends that current world economy grows. 区域经济和贸易集团化是当今世界经济发展的重要趋势之一.
Bonus acts as a stimulus to industry and commerce. 奖金对工商业起促进作用.
National Real Estate Federation of Industry and commerce Chamber of commerce , said Nie Meisheng. 全国工商联房地产商会会长聂梅生说.
Manifesting the significance of DPR system for direct commerce enterprise. 分销辅助系统对直销企业有着重要的意义.
During the war, they laid an embargo on commerce with enemy countries. 在战争期间, 他们禁止与敌国通商.
commerce binds the two countries together. 贸易把这两国结合在一起.
The marketplace was where commerce was traditionally carried on. 这个集市是传统的贸易场所.
Mercury was the presiding divinity over commerce. 墨丘利是商业之神.
Banks are the nerves of commerce. 银行是商业的中心.
He is engaged in commerce. 他从事商业.
They drew up plans aimed at expanding commerce. 他们拟定了发展商业的计划.
leaders of industry and commerce 工商界领导人
There's been a dramatic shift away from traditional careers towards business and commerce. 从传统职业转向商贸领域的巨大转变已然发生了。
There were notable jousts with the Secretary of commerce. 和商业部长之间明显存在竞争。
coon [ˌkɔnstiˈtju:ʃən] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 章程;体质,体格
According to the constitution… 依照宪法…
to propose a new amendment to the constitution (= of the US) 对(美国)宪法提出一项新的修正案
the South African constitution 南非宪法
to have a healthy/strong/weak constitution 体质健康 / 强壮 / 虚弱
the genetic constitution of cells 细胞的基因构造
He recommended the constitution of a review committee. 他建议设立审查委员会。
your right to vote under the constitution 根据宪法所拥有的选举权
The king was forced to adopt a new constitution which reduced his powers. 国王被迫采用了削弱其权力的新宪法。
...the American constitution... 《美国宪法》
He must have an extremely strong constitution... 他的体格必定极其强壮。
I've always had the constitution of an ox. 我一向体壮如牛。
My story is based on hard facts. 我讲的内容都是以铁一般的事实为基础的.
I do not regard the constitution of the U . K . as set in concrete. 我认为英国的宪法并非不可改动.
He was a man with a sound constitution. 他是个体质强健的人.
The constitution guards the liberty of people. 宪法保障人民的自由.
The nation's constitution provided a model that other countries follow. 该国的宪法提供了他国效法的模式.
The constitution of a primitive society is not necessarily simple. 原始社会的结构未必简单.
The constitution also provides that the organs of state must practise democratic centralism. 宪法还规定国家机关应实行民主集中制.
The same food does not agree with every constitution. 同样的食物不一定对每个人的身体都合适.
The President has suspended the constitution and assumed total power. 总统废止了宪法,独揽大权.
The constitution proclaims that public property shall be inviolate. 宪法宣告公共财产不可侵犯.
He trusted to his strong constitution of recovery. 他依靠自己强壮的体格去战胜疾病恢复健康.
The constitution of Canada is modeled upon that of England. 加拿大的宪法是仿效英国制定的.
These important rights are enshrined in the constitution. 这些重要的权利已庄严载入宪法之中.
your right to vote under the constitution 根据宪法所拥有的选举权
He swore an oath promising to uphold and protect the country's laws and constitution. 他宣誓捍卫国家的法律与宪法。
The constitution prohibits them from military engagement on foreign soil. 宪法禁止他们在外国采取军事行动。
He interpreted the vote as support for the constitution and that is the spin his supporters are putting on the results today. 他把这次投票解释为对宪法的支持,这也是他的支持者对今天的投票结果所作的解释。
Brazil says its constitution forbids the private ownership of energy assets. 巴西称其宪法禁止个人占有能源资产。
sr [stiə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.&vi. 驾驶;引导;带领
He steered the boat into the harbour. 他把船开进港。
(figurative)He took her arm and steered her towards the door. 他抓住她的胳膊,把她带往门口。
You row and I'll steer. 你划桨,我来掌舵。
The ship steered a course between the islands. 船在岛屿之间穿行。
The ship steered into port. 船驶进港口。
He managed to steer the conversation away from his divorce. 他设法把话题从他离婚一事上引开。
She steered the team to victory. 她率领全队取得胜利。
The skill is in steering a middle course between the two extremes. 本领就在于避开这两个极端,走中间路线。
What is it like to steer a ship this size?... 驾驶这么大的船感觉怎么样?
When I was a kid, about six or seven, she would often let me steer the car along our driveway. 在我小时候,大概六七岁时,她经常让我在自家的车道上开车。
The new government is seen as one that will steer the country in the right direction... 新政府被认为能将国家引向正确的方向。
I think you are perfectly correct in trying to steer your mother towards increased independence. 我认为你试图引导你母亲变得更加独立是完全正确的。
Nick steered them into the nearest seats. 尼克将他们领到最近的座位上。
Prime Minister Hun Sen has sought to steer a course between the two groups... 洪森首相设法游走于两个集团之间。
In nearly all these issues the British steered a middle course. 英国人几乎在所有这些问题上都选择了中间路线。
I think a lot of people, women in particular, steer clear of these sensitive issues. 我认为很多人,特别是女性,都会回避这些敏感问题。
The management steer clear of any discussion on it. 管理人员绕开任何有关它的讨论.
Luckily for me I managed to steer clear of such events. 幸运的是,我成功避开了这些事件.
If you push the car, I'll steer it. 如果你来推车, 我就来驾车.
The Cutty Sark rolled from side to side and it became impossible to steer her. 卡蒂萨克号向两侧摇晃着,驾驶这只船是不可能的了.
steer away from trouble. 避开麻烦吧.
The immediate job in hand is, of course, to steer Hong Kong towards economic recovery. 我们的当前要务, 当然是带领香港走上经济复苏的道路.
So, for the generals behind the coup, he was an obvious choice to steer the economy. 因此, 对政变后掌权的将军们来说, 他成为显而易见的掌控国家经济的人选.
The Rodney, five hundred miles away to the southeast, was ordered to steer a closing course. 远在东南方五百里的“罗德尼”号奉命抄近行驶.
He tried to steer her into the bedroom, but she understood his intentions and refused to move. 他试图引她进卧室, 可她明白他的意图而不肯去.
These leaders have the ability and the acumen to steer China successfully into the 21 st century. 这些领导人具有所需的能力和敏锐触觉,成功带领中国进入廿一世纪.
Father tried to steer Jim into becoming a musician. 父亲想说服吉姆将来当音乐家.
[priˈsi:diŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 在前的;在先的
Figure in bracket refers to percentage change over preceding year. 括号内的数字指与去年比较的变动百分率.
Let's forget about these past events of the preceding dynasty. 关于前朝的旧事,我们就不要再提了.
Operations night mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be announced to the neighbouring residents. 前款规定的夜间作业,必须公告附近居民.
The calculation of cash payments for operating expenses is more complicated than the preceding items. 发生营业费用支付的现金的计算比前述的各项目的计算要复杂得多.
Together with the procedure name, the preceding items are collectively called the signature of the procedure. 以上各项与过程名称一起称为过程的“签名”.
Liability beyond the scope of the preceding paragraph is excluded. 责任超过前述的段落范围被排除.
What do you feel you are in preceding maximal company gains? 你觉得你在前面的公司最大的收获是 什么 ?
CSN 3101 expedite passing 4500 m , your ground speed is larger than previous the preceding. CSN3101尽快通过45因为有追赶,它的地速比你小.
In the campaign preceding this election, serious issues were at stake. 投票前的竞选中, 对敏感问题的争论十分激烈.
The preface to this book is on the preceding page. 前边一页是这本书的序言.
The plots of this novel in the preceding chapters are so complicated that I couldn't follow them. 这本小说前几章的情节如此复杂,以至于我都看不懂.
The preceding example demonstrates how to render a control with a very simple graphical representation. 前面的示例示范了如何用非常简单的图形化表示形式呈现控件.
The author anticipated the question in a preceding chapter. 作者在前一章便预先考虑到这一问题.
The preceding maximum amount does not include interest and costs of litigation. 前项赔偿限额,不包括利息及诉讼费用在内.
This phrase serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following. 这个短语起到了承上启下的作用.
When the Competent Authority makes the preceding decision, It'shall the reasons in writing. 主管机关为前项处分时, 应以书面叙明理由.
So in effect, such a cleared box cannot be at the same horizontal a preceding float. 这样的效果是, 一个被清算的盒无法与前置浮动坚持在同一个程度地位上.
Each generation surpasses the preceding one. 一代更比一代强.
The term has also been used to describe the events preceding and following the main hostilities. 这个术语不光用来描述大的战斗前发生的事件,也被用来描述战斗之后发生的事件.
The rare birthday's old calendar and the new style are preceding day and latter the day. 难得生日的旧历和新历是前一天和后一天.
His testimony contradicted that of the preceding witness. 他的证词和前一位的互相矛盾.
The Chen winter sweet plum has given the full affirmation to the preceding stage's work. 陈冬梅对前一阶段的工作给予了充分肯定.
I remember the war but not the preceding years. 我记得那场战争,但却记不得战前的岁月.
A device that recovers as output signals, each of the signals combined by a preceding multiplexer. 一种器件, 将由前置多路复用器所组合的各信号逐一恢复,作为其输出信号.
A complete list of replacement components can be found on the preceding page. 在前一页可以找到更换部件的全套清单.
the years preceding the war 战前的几年
Industrial orders had already fallen in the preceding months. 工业订单在前几个月就已减少。
Repeat the exercises described in the preceding section. 把前一节要求的练习重做一遍。
m [misˈteik] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.&vi. 误解,弄错
It's easy to make a mistake . 犯错误很容易。
This letter is addressed to someone else─there must be some mistake. 这封信是给别人的——一定是搞错了。
It would be a mistake to ignore his opinion. 忽略他的意见是不对的。
Don't worry, we all make mistakes . 没关系,我们都会犯错。
You must try to learn from your mistakes . 你得从所犯错误中吸取教训。
Leaving school so young was the biggest mistake of my life. 我一生中最大的错误就是那么年轻就离开了学校。
I made the mistake of giving him my address. 我真不该把我的地址给他。
It was a big mistake on my part to have trusted her. 我相信了她,这是我的一大错误。
a great/serious/terrible mistake 大错;严重错误
It's a common mistake (= one that a lot of people make). 这是常犯的错误。
It's a common mistake among learners of English. 这是学英语的人常犯的错误。
The waiter made a mistake (in) adding up the bill. 服务员结账时算错了账。
Her essay is full of spelling mistakes . 她的文章到处都是拼写错误。
This is a strange business and no mistake. 这确实是件怪事。
I took your bag instead of mine by mistake. 我不巧错拿了你的包。
Make no mistake (about it), this is one crisis that won't just go away. 要知道,这是一场不会自行消失的危机。
Children may eat pills in mistake for sweets. 孩子们会把药片错当成糖果吃的。
I admit that I mistook his intentions. 我承认我误解了他的意图。
I mistook her offer as a threat. 我把她的好心错看成威胁了。
There was no mistaking (= it was impossible to mistake) the bitterness in her voice. 她的声音里流露出怨恨的情绪,这是很明显的。
They made the big mistake of thinking they could seize its border with a relatively small force... 他们大错特错,居然认为以较少的兵力就能够夺取其边境地区。
I think it's a serious mistake to confuse books with life... 我认为把书本同生活混为一谈是大错特错。
Her mother sighed and rubbed out another mistake in the crossword puzzle. 她的母亲叹了口气,擦去了纵横填字游戏里另一个填错的地方。
...spelling mistakes. 拼写错误
I mistook you for Carlos... 我把你错当成卡洛斯了。
When hay fever first occurs it is often mistaken for a summer cold. 花粉病初期常被误认为是风热感冒。
The government completely mistook the feeling of the country... 政府完全没有把握住该国民意。
No one should mistake how serious the issue is. 任何人都不该低估该问题的严重性。
There's no mistaking the eastern flavour of the food... 那种食物就是东方风味,绝对错不了。
There was no mistaking Magda's sincerity, or her pain. 玛格达的真诚和痛苦都绝不可能是假装的。
[ˈdʒenəreit] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt. 造成;引起;产生能量
The proposal has generated a lot of interest. 这项建议引起众多的关注。
to generate income/profit 产生收益 / 利润
We need someone to generate new ideas. 我们需要有人出新主意。
to generate electricity/heat/power 发电;产生热 / 动力
The Employment Minister said the reforms would generate new jobs. 劳工大臣表示,改革将带来新的就业机会。
...the excitement generated by the changes in Eastern Europe. 东欧变革引起的骚动
The company, New England Electric, burns coal to generate power. 新英格兰电力公司用煤发电。
In particular, the machine selection incorporated with tool selection can generate extended strategies for economical production. 特别是将选择机床与选择刀具相结合能对经济生产进行优化决策.
Pluripotent cells can generate any cell type, but not an entire organism. 多功能细胞能够分化成任何细胞, 却不能生成完整的器官.
And generate Rs reflexive closure, symmetric closure and transitive closure. 并且生成R的自反闭包 、 对称闭包和传递闭包.
Be able to generate intrusion detection system log to record all detected events. 能够生成入侵检测系统的日志,记录各种检测到的事件.
If you do decide to generate income from your blog, then don't be shy about it. 如果您决定创收从您的博客, 然后不要害羞了.
The technology allows riders to generate power with every turn of the peddles pedals. 这项技术让骑车者每蹬一下脚踏就能产生电能.
The additives market will generate two tendencies of value migration and one stop sourcing. 助剂市场将形成价值转换和单一供货源两个趋势.
When we generate precipitation by static electricity we can bring about a stable negative ion supply. 当我们由静电时引起降雨雪我们可以达到稳定的消极离子供应.
By contrast, brown adipose tissue consumes energy to generate body heat. 正好相反, 棕色脂肪组织通过消耗能量而产生体热.
A simple code to generate prime numbers. Applet of the type of procedure! 一个简单的素数生成的代码. applet的型的程序!
The new device can generate more power to accelerate the speed of the train. 新装置可以启动更大的动力来加快火车行驶.
This type of assignment also causes the compiler to generate all the code needed for binding. 这种类型的赋值也会引起编译器生成绑定所需要的所有代码.
To me the ones that really matter are the ones that generate whole new industries. 对我来说,真正有意义的创新是创造全新行业的那些.
You'll develop your muscles, improve cardiovascular health, reduce congestion and generate zero emissions. 你会锻炼出肌肉, 提高心血管健康, 减少拥堵,而且实现零释放.
Investment banking generates fees deal by deal, while brokerage services can generate continuing streams of income. 投行从其承揽的每宗交易中收取服务费, 而经纪服务则可以保证收入的源源不断.
We generate a conforming triangle as follows. 现在我们通过下述方式构造一个相容的三角形.
In the 19 th century waterpower was widely utilized to generate electricity. 在19世纪人们大规模使用水力来发电.
This book will continue to generate excitement for a long time. 这本书将在很长一段时间里继续使人们为之激动.
The company, New England Electric, burns coal to generate power. 新英格兰电力公司用煤发电。
The paradox of exercise is that while using a lot of energy it seems to generate more. 锻炼奇怪的地方在于它会越活动越有劲。
m [ˈmenju:] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 菜单;饭菜,菜肴
to ask for/look at the menu 要 / 看菜单
What's on the menu (= for dinner) tonight? 今晚有什么菜?
a pull-down menu 下拉式菜单
A waiter offered him the menu... 一个服务生给他送上了菜单。
Even the most elaborate dishes on the menu were quite low on calories. 这菜单上即便是制作最精美的菜品其热量也非常低。
Try out the menu on a few friends... 让几个朋友尝尝这道菜。
The menu is all-important. Every component of every meal should create contrasts. 饭菜的安排至关重要。每一顿饭的每一道菜都应该有所不同。
He signaled the waiter to bring the menu. 他作手势要侍者拿菜单来.
Many restaurants do a very reasonable set menu at lunchtime. 许多餐馆中午都提供价钱合理的客饭.
She peeked over the top of her menu. 她从菜单上往外偷看.
Let us see what is on the menu today. 让我们看看今天的菜单上有些什么菜.
Let's see what is on the menu today. 让我们看看今天菜单上有什么菜.
Please press enter key when you see the main menu on the screen. 屏幕上出现主菜单时请按回车键.
She elaborated on the next day's menu. 她精心设计了明天的菜单.
Move the mouse pointer to the menu bar. 将鼠标光标移向菜单栏.
They have picked out the best items on the menu. 他们从菜单上选出最好的菜.
Please show me the menu. 请给我看看菜单.
The excellent menu is complemented by a good wine list. 佳肴佐以美酒,可称完美无缺。
I was tempted by the dessert menu. 甜食菜单馋得我垂涎欲滴。
The menu could have been more adventurous. 菜单本可以做得更有新意。
Burke cast a cursory glance at the menu, then flapped it shut. 伯克匆匆地瞥了一眼菜单,然后啪地合上了。
Even the most elaborate dishes on the menu were quite low on calories. 这菜单上即便是制作最精美的菜品其热量也非常低。
At lunchtime, there's a choice between the buffet or the set menu. 午餐可以吃自助餐,也可以选套餐。
The menu changes weekly and usually includes a vegan option. 菜单每周都有变化,通常包含可供严格的素食者选择的菜肴。
There is a very reasonably priced menu. 菜单上的定价非常合理。
Chef Idris Caldora offers an inspired menu that captures the spirit of the Mediterranean. 厨师伊德里斯·卡尔多拉开出一份富有地中海特色的菜单,让人眼前一亮。
Try out the menu on a few friends. 让几个朋友尝尝这道菜。
The menu is based on classic French cooking. 菜单是以经典的法国菜为主。
p [pəˈsent] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 百分比,百分数
Its most recent eruption began in 1992 and ended in 2002. 最近一次喷发从1992年持续到了2002年.
Most shopping centers have knocked ten percent off the price. 大部分购物中心打九折.
Sales of new models have skided 60 percent. 新型产品的销路已经下降六成.
The registration of the university shows an increase of 10 percent over last year. 这所大学的注册人数比去年递增了10%.
Black unemployment rate jumped to 17 percent last year. 去年黑人失业率猛增至17%.
They see gains of 5 to 10 percent this spring. 今春他们的利润增长百分之五到百分之十.
The net income per head rose by about 16 percent in the past three years. 在过去的三年中每人的净收入增长了大约16%.
According to the latest opinion polls, the noes have 50 percent, the yeses 35 percent. 根据最新的民意测验,有50%的人反对,35%的人赞成。
Prices have gone up 61 percent since deregulation. 价格自解除管制以来已经上涨了61%。
The brazil nut gatherers were paid only 2 to 3 percent of the New York wholesale price. 这些巴西果采摘者所卖的钱仅为纽约批发价格的2%到3%。
Last year, economic growth tailed off to below four percent. 去年,经济增长率下降到4%以下。
He only got a plurality on November 3rd, just 49 percent. 他在11月3号的选举中仅获得了49%的相对多数票。
It's under 7 percent only because statistics don't count the people who aren't qualified to be in the work force. 数字低于7%,只是因为统计数据没有把不能算作劳动力的人口包括在内。
Germany's rate has also risen sharply, up from 3 percent to 4.5 percent. 德国的利率也在猛涨,由3%涨至4.5%。
Near the end of Devonian times, thirty percent of all animal life vanished. 在泥盆纪末期,30%的动物物种都灭绝了。
Motorways actually cover less than 0.1 percent of the countryside. 高速公路的实际覆盖面积还不到农村地区的0.1%。
Company car drivers will pay between ten and twenty five percent, less tax. 公司的司机要支付10%到25%,从中扣除税款。
The increase slowed to 0.4 percent, possibly indicating the start of a downtrend. 增长幅度降到了0.4%,可能意味着下降的开始。
Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditional models. 一些极为节能的冰箱比传统型号耗电减少70%。
The contract would give unionized workers a 12 percent pay raise over three years. 合同将给加入工会的工人今后3年12%的加薪。
The Russian leader won a whopping 89.9 percent yes vote. 这位俄罗斯领导人赢得了89.9%的高票支持。
A 10 percent service charge is added in lieu of tipping. 加收了10%的服务费以代替小费。
Less than 1 percent of the men in any Muslim country are polygamous. 任何一个伊斯兰国家一夫多妻的男子都不到1%。
60 percent of the respondents said they disapproved of the president's performance. 60%的调查对象表示不认可总统的表现。
Unemployment is 10 percent among the general public and about 40 percent among North African immigrants. 普通大众的失业率是10%,而北非移民的失业率则约为40%。
13 percent of American households qualify as poor, says Mr. Mishel. 米歇尔先生说,13%的美国家庭符合贫困家庭的标准。
d [drʌŋk] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 喝醉的;陶醉的
She was too drunk to remember anything about the party. 她喝得酩酊大醉,聚会上的事什么都记不得了。
His only way of dealing with his problems was to go out and get drunk . 他解决烦心事的唯一办法就是出去喝个烂醉。
They got drunk on vodka. 他们喝伏特加酒醉倒了。
Police arrested him for being drunk and disorderly (= violent or noisy in a public place because of being drunk) . 他因醉酒妨害治安被警方逮捕。
drunk with success 因成功而飘飘然
Stewart could not remember exactly why he had done it because he was so drunk... 斯图尔特记不清他为什么要那样做了,因为他烂醉如泥。
I got drunk and had to be carried home... 我喝醉了,只好让人把我送回家。
A drunk lay in the alley. 一个酒鬼躺在小胡同里。
They are currently drunk with success... 他们现在正陶醉于成功之中。
I felt drunk with the excitement of life. 当时我沉醉于生活中的精彩刺激。
He had gambled and roistered and drunk until he dropped in his tracks. 他赌博闹事又醉酒,直到当场死去为止.
They booted him out for being drunk at work. 他们把他解雇了,因为他工作时喝醉了酒.
He got terribly drunk and was throwing up for most of the night. 他喝得烂醉,呕吐了大半夜.
The guest got very drunk so they bundled him into a taxi and sent him home. 那位客人喝得酩酊大醉,于是他们把他塞进一辆计程车,送他回家.
She found him drunk when she came home at night. 她晚上回家时,经常发现他醉醺醺的.
There were a lot of drunk drivers on the roads on Saturday nights. 星期六的晚上马路上有很多酒后驾车者.
The drunk was making a nuisance of himself and so the manager threw him out on his ear. 那醉汉自己招人讨厌,因此经理不客气地把他打发走了.
He was accused of operating the vessel while drunk. 他被控酒后驾船.
He is very reckless when he is drunk. 他喝醉酒时非常鲁莽.
He was drunk to the world. 他已烂醉如泥.
They are very tough on drunk drivers. 他们对酒后驾车者十分严格.
Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk. 那公牛显然对批评话是敏感的, 所以它把斗牛士全忘记了,向那醉汉冲了过去.
He was very drunk. 他喝得大醉.
You could tell from his slurred speech that he was drunk. 从他那含糊不清的话语中你就知道他喝醉了.
He was so drunk that he was quite incoherent. 他喝得这样醉,说起话来语无伦次.
They were arrested for being drunk and disorderly. 他们因酗酒和妨碍治安而被捕.
Even the bull had a feeling of pity for the drunk. 甚至那头公牛都对那个醉汉表示同情.
They came home roaring drunk again last night. 昨天晚上他们回家时又喝得酩酊大醉.
imce [imˈpɔ:təns] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 重要;重要性
He was very aware of his own importance (= of his status) . 他十分清楚自己的重要地位。
State your reasons in order of importance . 按重要性顺序陈述你的理由。
the relative importance of the two ideas 这两种想法的相对重要性
They attach great importance to the project. 他们高度重视这个项目。
It's a matter of the greatest importance to me. 这对我来说是最重要的事情。
She stressed the importance of careful preparation. 她强调了认真准备的重要性。
Safety is of paramount importance. 安全第一。
We have always stressed the importance of economic reform... 我们一向强调经济改革的重要性。
What do you like to do in your spare time? 空闲时你喜欢干什么?
This latter point is of great importance. 这后一个论点是非常重要的.
It is of first importance to spread cultural and scientific knowledge among the people. 普及文化科学是头等重要的.
Do you realize the importance of this question? 你意识到这个问题的重要性 吗 ?
In his lecture, he bore down on the importance of idiomatic usage in a language. 他在演讲中着重强调了语言中习惯用法的重要性.
Never mind who told me. That's of no importance. 别介意谁告诉我的, 那不要紧.
Public attention is thoroughly aroused as to its importance. 此事的重要性已引起了公众的充分注意.
She arrogated to herself a certain importance. 她妄自尊大.
Development is of overriding importance. 发展是硬道理
The success of this car shows the importance of good design in helping to sell the product. 这种汽车的成功显示精良的设计对打开销路的重要性.
Agriculture is of vital importance to the nation's economy and the people's livelihood. 农业关系国计民生极大.
They judged it of little importance. 他们断定它毫不重要.
He was small and well dressed, and seemed to regard himself with some importance. 他个子不高,衣冠楚楚, 好像自以为有点了不起.
The old man didn't seem to attach any importance to the question. 这老人似乎一点也不重视这个问题.
Step by step, he knew the importance of it. 渐渐地, 他晓得了它的重要性.
He has an air of importance. 他摆架子.
The importance of this matter prescinded his mind from the others. 这件事情的重要性使他顾不上考虑其它事情了.
It would be wise not to give undue importance to his criticisms. 最好不要过分看重他的批评.
The items are listed in order of importance. 这些项目是按其重要性的顺序列出的.
The Chinese Government attaches great importance to friendly relations and cooperation with your country. 中国政府十分重视与贵国的友好合作关系.
Truth is of paramount importance. 真理是至为重要的.
a matter of especial importance 特别重要的事情
s [sænd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 沙,沙子;沙滩
a grain of sand 一粒沙子
Concrete is a mixture of sand and cement. 混凝土是沙和水泥的混合物。
His hair was the colour of sand. 他的头发呈沙褐色。
The children were playing in the sand (= for example, in a sandpit ) . 孩子们正在玩沙子。
We went for a walk along the sand. 我们去沙滩上散了散步。
children playing on the sand 在沙滩上玩耍的儿童
miles of golden sands 绵延数英里的金色沙滩
They all walked barefoot across the damp sand to the water's edge. 他们全都光着脚走过潮湿的沙地来到水边。
...grains of sand. 沙粒
...miles of golden sands. 绵延数英里的金色沙滩
sand the surface softly and carefully. 用砂纸仔细而轻柔地打磨表面。
He had been a rock in the shifting sands of her existence. 他一直是她曲折坎坷的生活中的主心骨。
...his shrewd tactical skills in the shifting sands of Arab politics. 他在阿拉伯风云变幻的政局中的高明谋略
It's hard to walk on the soft sand. 沙土地暄,不好走.
There were grains of sand in her hair. 她的头发里有沙粒.
The child dug his fingers into the sand. 小孩把手指插进沙里.
There is a mass of sand in the yard. 院里有一堆沙子.
He compounded water, sand and soil and formed bricks. 他用水拌和沙和泥土做成砖块.
The sand in the air reduced visibility to a hundred yards. 空中的沙尘将能见距离降低到100码.
The children tumbled about in the sand pit. 小孩在沙坑里翻滚着玩.
They filtered the water through the sand. 他们用沙子滤水.
Water seeps through sand. 水渗入沙中.
These tree belts effectively protect the farmland against shifting sand. 这些防护林带有效地保护了农田,使之免受流沙侵袭.
The sand blew into the food and made it gritty. 砂吹进食物中,里边尽是砂子.
Water bubbled up through the sand. 水从沙里冒出气泡.
His spade cleaved the firm sand with a satisfying crunch. 他的锹凿开了坚实的砂土,发出令人舒心的嘎扎声.
h [ˈhauswaif] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 家庭主妇
...a 42-year-old housewife from Brisbane. 来自布里斯班的42岁家庭主妇
The housewife crushes out juice from oranges. 那个家庭主妇常榨柳橙汁.
Long time ago, Mui Koo always wanted to be a housewife. 原来,在很久以前, 梅姑(梅艳芳昵称)曾经很想当一名家庭主妇.
My wife Li Lan is a housewife. 我的妻子李兰是家庭主妇.
Househusband, like housewife, manages the household as main occupation. 家庭主夫和家庭主妇一样以持家为主业.
I told him I must housewife the money he had lent me. 我对他说我必须要节省着用他借给我的钱.
She's a housewife when she's not teaching English, that is. 她是个家庭主妇--是指她不教英语的时候.
She typifies the bored housewife. 她是那种百无聊赖的家庭主妇的典型.
She feels penned by her life as a housewife. 她觉得做家庭主妇很受束缚.
She was a housewife of experience. 她是一个有经验的主妇.
My mother is a housewife and good mother. 我妈妈是一个家庭主妇,也是一个好妈妈.
" That woman, as a housewife, has a lot to put up with. " 那个女人是个家庭主妇不得不忍受许多烦恼.
housewife: I don't need anything. And I'm busy now. 家庭主妇: 我不与要任何东西. 况且我现在正忙.
The only problems now are those that might disturb her adjustment as a housewife. 现在唯一的问题是那些让干扰她做好一个家庭主妇的因素.
You're a housewife, aren't you? 你是家庭主妇吧?
The sexy housewife at work. 干练而性感的主妇.
My mother is a housewife and my father is retired. 我妈妈是个家庭主妇,我爸爸退休了.
A New England housewife Nancy Johnson, invented the first cranked Ice Cream churn. 在新英格兰有一个叫约翰逊·兰西的家庭主女发明了第一个有手柄的冰激淋搅拌器.
Wenwen became a housewife after her marriage and takes care of her husband and children. 文文婚后当了专职太太,在家相夫教子.
A housewife administered household. 家庭主妇掌管家务.
She is a good housewife, managing her household with industry and thrift. 她勤俭持家,是个好主妇.
The cleverest housewife can't cook a meal without rice. 巧妇难为无米之炊.
If he came for chinaware, he must be the housewife. 如果他是来买瓷器的, 他一定是个家庭主妇.
I got my green card and in a time I became a young American housewife. 我得到了绿卡并很快成为一名年轻的美国家庭主妇.
Her mother is a thrifty housewife. 她妈妈是一个节俭的主妇.
She is just like a housewife, cooking, cleaning, washing and all the rest of it. 她简直像一个家庭主妇, 煮饭 、 扫地 、 洗衣服还干其他一切家务活.
She's a bad housewife. 她不善于当家庭主妇.
I've been a housewife for five years. 我当了五年的家庭主妇了.
Betty : Oh , it's crazy. She just looks like a plain housewife and busy with babysitting. 哦, 这太疯狂了. 她看起来就像个普通的家庭主妇在忙于照顾孩子.
Sometimes being a mother and a housewife felt like a thankless task . 做母亲和家庭主妇有时使人觉得好像是个受累不讨好的差使。
fual [ˌfʌndəˈmentəl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 基础的,基本的
He taught me the fundamentals of the job. 他教给了我这工作的基本知识。
the fundamentals of modern physics 现代物理学的基本原理
a fundamental particle 基本粒子
Hard work is fundamental to success. 勤奋工作是成功的基础。
a question of fundamental importance 首要问题
A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required. 公共医疗在组织上需要有一个根本性的变革。
There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view. 这两个观点有根本区别。
The method they pioneered remains fundamental to research into the behaviour of nerve cells. 他们首创的方法在神经细胞活动的研究中一直是不可或缺的。
The fundamental problem lies in their inability to distinguish between reality and invention... 最根本的问题在于他们无法分清现实和虚构。
It was not simply a practical matter, but a fundamental question of principle. 那不仅仅是个实际问题,更是一个根本性的原则问题。
Industry leaders want scientists to engage in fundamental research, not applied research. 行业领袖希望科学家从事基础性研究,而非应用性研究。
He believes better relations with China are fundamental to the well-being of the area... 他相信和中国建立更加良好的关系对这一地区的繁荣发展至关重要。
Our constitution embodies all the fundamental principles of democracy... 我们的宪法体现了民主的所有基本原则。
A fundamental human right is being withheld from these people... 这些人被剥夺了一项最基本的人权。
But on this question, the two leaders have very fundamental differences... 但在这个问题上,两位领导人有着根本性的分歧。
Amnesty says there are fundamental flaws in their military justice system. 国际特赦组织称他们的军事司法体系存在着根本性的缺陷。
Flange at bottom, position monitoring optional, reinforced swing mechanism without overload protection device, double acting, max. 在底部, 位置监控可选, 法兰钢筋无过载保护装置的摆动机构, 双作用, 最大.
Opportunism consists of sacrificing fundamental interests in order to gain temporary, partial benefits. 机会主义就是牺牲根本的利益,贪图暂时的 、 局部的利益.
Independence and sovereign equality among states is a fundamental principle of international law. 国家的独立和主权平等,是国际法上的一项根本原则.
To our minds, capital construction is a fundamental task crucial for generations to come. 在我们看来, 基本建设是百年大计.
The fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization. 农业的根本出路在于机械化.
The developing countries share the same fundamental interests. 发展中国家的根本利益是一致的.
The fundamental cause of the development of a thing lies in its internal contradictoriness. 事物发展的根本原因在于其内部矛盾.
You can't compare them — there is a fundamental difference in kind. 你无法对它们进行比较——它们基本上是不同性质的东西.
There is no fundamental diversity between the two ideologies. 这两种思想意识之间并没有根本的分歧.
Fresh air is fundamental to good health. 新鲜空气对健康是不可缺少的.
The law of the unity of opposites is the fundamental law of the universe. 对立统一规律是宇宙的基本规律.
This decision represents the fundamental interests of the people. 这个决定反映了广大人民的根本利益.
There is no conflict of fundamental interests among the third world countries. 第三世界国家之间没有根本的利害冲突.
n [nɔ:θ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 北方的,北部的
Which way is north? 哪边是北?
cold winds coming from the north 从北方袭来的寒风
Mount Kenya is to the north of (= further north than) Nairobi. 肯尼亚山在内罗毕以北。
birds migrating from the north 从北方迁徙来的鸟
Houses are less expensive in the north (= of England) than in the South. 北方的房子比南方便宜。
north London 伦敦北区
the north bank of the river 这条河的北岸
The house faces north. 这房子朝北。
They've gone to live up north. 他们已经搬到北方去住了。
In the north the ground becomes very cold as the winter snow and ice covers the ground... 冬天冰雪覆盖大地,北方的地面变得非常寒冷。
Birds usually migrate from north to south. 鸟类通常由北向南迁徙。
The scheme mostly benefits people in the north and Midlands. 该方案主要的受益者是北部和中部地区的人们。
...a tiny house in a village in the north of France. 法国北部村庄里的一所小房子
Anita drove north up Pacific Highway. 安妮塔驱车沿太平洋公路向北行驶。
...a little village a few miles north of Portsmouth. 位于朴次茅斯以北几英里处的小村庄
...the north side of the mountain... 山的北面
They were coming in to land on the north coast of Crete. 他们将从克里特岛北海岸登陆上岛。
There were demonstrations this weekend in cities throughout north America, Asia and Europe. 本周末在北美、亚洲和欧洲的多个城市举行了示威游行。
...a bitterly cold north wind. 凛冽的北风
Malaysia has emerged as the toughest critic of the north's environmental attitudes. 马来西亚已成为对北方发达国家环保态度最严厉的批评者。
I can't tolerate the acceleration in decorating the refrigerator. 我不能容忍对冷库装饰的加速.
It's a pity the room has no north window and you don't get a draught. 可惜这房间没北窗,没有过堂风.
I come from the north. 我是北方人.
am [ˈætəm] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 原子;微粒,微量
the splitting of the atom 原子的分裂
Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water. 两个氢原子和一个氧原子结合组成一个水分子。
A methane molecule is composed of one carbon atom attached to four hydrogens. 甲烷分子由1个碳原子与4个氢原子构成。
The neutrons and protons form the core of the atom. 中子和质子构成了原子核.
Alcohol: Organic compounds characterized by a hydroxyl group ( OH ) bonded to a carbon atom. 醇 ( 酒精 ): 是有机化合物.它是一个氢氧团和碳原子的结合.
That cannot get up an atom of sympathy for them. 那并不能激发起人们对他们的丝毫同情.
We hadn't an atom of food. 我们没有一点食物了.
Matches the previous atom zero or one times, while consuming as little input as possible. 匹配前面的原子零次或一次, 但尽可能少地消耗输入.
It'said the implosion had the power of the atom bomb the US dropped on Nagasaki. 据说,此次核试验的爆炸力相当于美国在长崎投放的力量.
They exploded an atom bomb. 他们爆炸一颗原子弹.
The particles expelled when the atom explodes are protons, alpha rays or neutrons. 原子爆炸时排出的粒子是质子 、 a射线或中子.
For many years the atom was believed to be indivisible. 在过去有很多年原子一直被认为是不可分割的.
The hydrogen atom is lighter and simpler than the atoms of any other elements. 氢原子较之其他任何元素的原子的重量都轻,结构都简单.
It makes no sense at all to speak of a stationary electron in an atom. 谁要说原子内有一个静止的电子,那是毫无意义的.
Methods : The atom absorbing spectrum method atomatomic fluorescence spectrometry method were used. 建立了荧光分光光度法测定血清中西诺沙星浓度的方法.
There is not an atom of truth in the rumor. 那谢意毫无真实性.
When an atom of U 235 is split, several neutrons are set free. 一个铀235原子分裂时, 释放出几个中子.
Hydroformylation of the olefinic atom economic method th introduce new functional group in the oil compounds. 而通过双键的氢甲酰化反应引入新官能团能为油脂的化工利用提供了一条广阔的道路.
The positive charge in the atom is spread over the whole atomic volume. 原子中的正电荷分布在整个原子体积上.
There's not an atom of truth in what he said. 他所说的没有一点是真话.
The nucleus of an atom consists of neutrons, protons and other particles. 原子核由中子 、 质子和其他粒子构成.
The power of the atom can be used to produce electricity. 原子能可以用来发电.
A molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hygrogen and one atom of oxygen. 一个水分子是由两个氢原子和一个氧原子构成的.
The power of the atom will become still better as time goes by. 随着时间的推移,原子动力的利用还会变得更好.
He could not get up an atom of sympathy for her. 他对她激不出一点同情心.
the splitting of the atom 原子的分裂
A molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. 水分子由两个氢原子和一个氧原子构成。
A neutron is simply a neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom. 中子就是原子核里不带电的粒子。
He patented the idea that the atom could be split. 他获得了“原子可以再分”这一概念的专利权。
chty [ˈtʃæriti] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 施舍;慈善事业
The concert will raise money for local charities. 这场音乐会将为当地慈善机构募捐。
Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money for charity . 大多数人参加伦敦马拉松赛跑是为慈善事业募集资金。
Do you give much to charity? 慈善捐助你捐得多吗?
a charity concert (= organized to get money for charity) 慈善音乐会
to live on/off charity (= to live on money which other people give you because you are poor) 靠赈济生活
Her article showed no charity towards her former friends. 她的文章对她以前的朋友毫不宽容。
Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine. 许多慈善机构捐款赈济饥民。
He made substantial donations to charity... 他为慈善事业捐了很多钱。
Gooch will be raising money for charity. 古奇将进行慈善募捐。
My mum was very proud. She wouldn't accept charity... 母亲自尊心很强,不会接受施舍。
Her husband is unemployed and the family depends on charity. 她丈夫失业了,全家人靠救济金过日子。 Aids charity. 艾滋病慈善组织
The National Trust is a registered charity. 全国托管协会是个已注册的慈善机构。
The charity is totally dependent on the Church's bounty. 慈善业完全依靠全体基督徒的慷慨赠予.
Judge other people with charity. 待人要宽厚.
He founded the charity in memory of his late wife. 他兴办那个慈善机构以纪念他已故的妻子.
Today's gate will be given to charity. 今日的门票收入将捐献给慈善机构.
We'd dispense with charity drives. 我们将不再进行慈善捐款运动.
True charity doesn't consist in almsgiving. 真正的慈善不在于施舍.
They made a generous donation to charity. 他们对慈善事业慷慨捐助.
The bank staff got up to all sorts of antics to raise money for charity. 银行职员使出各种可笑的花招为慈善事业筹款。
I wouldn't demean myself by asking for charity. 我决不低三下四地乞求施舍。
He donated thousands of pounds to charity. 他向慈善事业捐款数千英镑。
They are very generous givers to charity. 他们是慈善事业的慷慨捐助者。
The hostel is heavily reliant upon charity. 这家收容所在很大程度上依赖赞助。
It's a fallacy that the affluent give relatively more to charity than the less prosperous. 富人比穷人对慈善事业的捐助更多些;这种观点是一种谬见。
Mr Dudley has pledged to give any award to charity. 达德利先生已承诺将任何所获的损害赔偿额都捐给慈善机构。
[ˈkænsə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 癌,癌症
cancer research 癌症研究
Violence is a cancer in our society. 暴力行为是我们社会的毒瘤。
to become cancerous 发生癌变
cancerous cells/growths/tumours 癌细胞;癌病变;恶性肿瘤
cancer patients 癌症病人
lung/breast cancer 肺 / 乳腺癌
cancer of the bowel/stomach 肠 / 胃癌
Most skin cancers are completely curable. 大多数的皮肤癌是完全可以治愈的。
The cancer has spread to his stomach. 癌已扩散到他的胃部。
Her mother died of breast cancer... 她母亲死于乳腺癌。
Jane was just 25 when she learned she had cancer... 简得知自己罹癌那一年才25岁。
The blank picokeystone served a couple purposes. 取空白楔块儿有两个目的.
There the incidence of the cancer of the oesophagus was suspected to be pretty high. 估计那里的食道癌发病率相当高.
This is a possible cure to fight off cancer. 这也许是治愈癌症的良方.
The medicine is effective against cancer. 这药物治癌有效.
Radium can be used to treat cancer. 镭可以用来治疗癌症.
I learned that he was suffering from cancer. 我听说他患了癌症.
He was suffering from cancer which had already reached an advanced stage. 他的癌症已经到晚期了.
The diagnosis was ovarian cancer. 诊断结果是卵巢癌.
He is in the terminal stage of cancer. 他正处于癌症晚期.
The doctor thought the girl's illness should be kept back from her because it was cancer. 医生认为不能把病情告诉这个女孩,因为她得了癌症.
He made a research into the cause of cancer. 他对癌症病因进行了研究.
cancer destroyed her body but not her spirit. 癌症摧残了她的身体,却摧毁不了她的精神.
This is a specific for cancer. 这是一种治疗癌症的特效药.
Lung cancer deprived him of his life. 肺癌夺去了他的生命.
Besides cancer, smoking can lead on to other diseases. 除了癌症外, 吸烟还可引起其他疾病.
one of the most common forms of cancer 最普通的一种癌症
The test should identify which smokers are most prone to develop lung cancer. 这项检查应该可以确认哪些吸烟者更容易得肺癌。
s [səˈrendə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vi. 投降
The rebel soldiers were forced to surrender. 叛军被迫投降。
The hijackers eventually surrendered themselves to the police. 劫机者最终向警方投降。
He agreed to surrender all claims to the property. 他同意放弃对那笔财产的一切权利要求。
They surrendered their guns to the police. 他们向警察交出了枪。
The defendant was released to await trial but had to surrender her passport. 被告被释放候审,但须交出护照。
He finally surrendered to his craving for drugs. 他最终克制不住,吸起毒来。
They demanded (an) unconditional surrender . 他们要求无条件投降。
They accused the government of a surrender to business interests. 他们指责政府唯工商界的利益是从。
They insisted on the immediate surrender of all weapons. 他们坚持要求立即交出全部武器。
General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender... 马丁·邦尼特将军呼吁反叛者投降。
She surrendered to the police in London last December. 她去年 12 月在伦敦向警方自首。
Nadja had to fill out forms surrendering all rights to her property... 纳佳不得不填表放弃其全部财产所有权。
Gen. Morgan's troops yesterday surrendered their heavy weapons to Belgian and US troops. 昨天,摩根将军的部队被迫向比利时和美国军队交出了他们的重型武器。
They have been ordered to surrender their passports. 他们被要求出示护照。
...the need for total personal surrender to and dependence on Jesus... 需要完全顺从并依靠耶稣
Depression is a partial surrender to death... 沮丧是对死亡的一定妥协。
They had no other choice but to surrender. 他们别无选择,只能投降.
Unable to fight on or to escape, the enemy were forced to surrender. 打吧,打不下去,跑吧,跑不了, 敌人只好投降.
He had to decide between surrender and starvation. 他不得不在投降和饿死之间做出抉择.
They were to surrender immediately or face total annihilation. 他们要么立刻投降,要么面临全歼的命运.
Liu Hulan would rather die than surrender before the enemy. 刘胡兰在敌人面前宁死不屈.
He preferred to die rather than surrender to the enemy. 他宁死也不愿向敌人投降.
idfy [aiˈdentifai] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt. 认出,识别,确定
The Church became increasingly identified with opposition to the regime. 教会日益和反对政权的势力走到一起。
You should not identify wealth with happiness. 你不应该认为财富就等于幸福。
He was not the ‘tough guy ’ the public identified him with. 他并不是公众所认定的那种硬汉。
I didn't enjoy the book because I couldn't identify with any of the main characters. 我不喜欢这本书,因为我无法与其中的任何主要角色产生共鸣。
In many cases, the clothes people wear identify them as belonging to a particular social class. 很多情况下,人们的穿着显示出他们的社会阶级。
They are trying to identify what is wrong with the present system. 他们正试图弄清现行制度的弊端所在。
As yet they have not identified a buyer for the company. 迄今为止他们还没有为公司找到买主。
Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer. 科学家发现了饮食与癌症之间的关联。
First of all we must identify the problem areas. 首先我们必须找出问题所在。
Many of those arrested refused to identify themselves (= would not say who they were) . 很多被逮捕的人拒不透露身份。
She was able to identify her attacker. 她认出了袭击她的人。
Passengers were asked to identify their own suitcases before they were put on the plane. 乘客被要求先确认自己的旅行箱再送上飞机。
The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug dealers. 那两具尸体被辨认出原是两名贩毒嫌疑犯。
The candidates all want to identify themselves with reform. 候选人都想把自己与改革密切联系起来。
She hates playing the sweet, passive women that audiences identify her with... 她讨厌扮演那些漂亮可爱、消极被动的女人,观众们已把她定型为这类角色。
She would only play a role if she could identify with the character... 她只愿扮演她能认同的角色。
I could speak their language and identify with their problems because I had been there myself. 我会讲他们的语言,能体会他们的难处,因为我自己曾在那里呆过。
His boots and purple beret identify him as commanding the Scottish Paratroops. 他的长靴和紫色贝雷帽表明他统领着苏格兰伞兵部队。
She wore a little nurse's hat on her head to identify her... 她头戴一顶小护士帽,很容易辨认。
Having identified the problem, the question arises of how to overcome it. 发现问题后,如何克服它的问题又出现了。
Scientists claim to have identified natural substances with cancer-combating properties... 科学家们声称已经发现自然界的某些物质具有抗癌特性。
The reporters identified one of the six Americans as an Army Specialist... 记者们认出6名美国人中有一位是陆军技术兵。
Police have already identified around 10 murder suspects... 警方已经确认了约10名谋杀案疑凶。
I tried to identify her perfume... 我试图分辨出她用哪种香水。
There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can identify a Hollywood epic... 好莱坞的史诗大片有着一些与众不同的特点。
Could you identify your sunshade among a hundred others. 你能从100把遮阳伞中认出你的那一把吗?
We identify sportsmanship with good character. 我们认为体育道德与良好品质是一致的.
Is a relative pronoun necessary here? 这里需要一个关系代词 吗 ?
Most transitive verbs can take a reflexive pronoun. 大部分及物动词可接反身代词作宾语.
Originally, sad is as before e pronoun. 原来, 悲伤依旧是莪的代名词.
In'This is my bike','this'is a demonstrative pronoun. 在 Thisismybike 一句中, this是指示代词.
A pronoun a substitute for a noun. 代名词用作代替名词.
The paper discusses the scope meaning of demonstrative pronoun from two respects: 1. 本文从两方面讨论旁指代词的范围意义: 1.
The position of the pronoun " his'shows that it is to be betoned. 代词 “ his”在句中的位置表示此词应加强调.
" It " is an indefinite pronoun . " it " 是个不定 代名词.
Has given the briefing to the Huixian dialect main demonstrative pronoun origin. 对辉县方言主要指示代词的来源作了简要说明.
The third part has made the description to the Huixian dialect demonstrative pronoun. 第三部分对辉县方言的指示代词做了描写.
Has given the brief explanation to the Huixian dialect main personal pronoun origin. 对辉县方言主要的人称代词的来源做了简要的说明.
When discussing God, it is often impossible to avoid some sort of personal pronoun. 我在讨论神的时候,要避免某种人称代词, 常常是不可能的.
The relative pronoun is often dropped if it is the subject. 关系代名词做受词时常被省略.
The interrogative pronoun is placed at the syntactical position which the question is asked about, e . g. 句中疑问焦点在哪个句法位置上,就把疑问代词放在哪个句法位置上.
Here the pronoun is as the object of the verb, so it is the object case. 这里的人称代词作动词的宾语, 因此要用宾格.
Equally, the presence of a pronoun does not prove a relationship. 同样, 代词的出现不证明所属关系.
The second word of a tag question is always a pronoun. 反诘问句的第二个词通常是一个代词.
The Comparative Study of " Personal pronoun + de + Noun " and " Personal pronoun + Noun " 论文标题: “ 人称代词+的+名词 ” 与 “ 人称代+名词 ” 的比较研究.
Abrupt teacher asks: John, can you speak two pronoun? 忽然教师问道: 约翰, 你能说出两个代词 吗 ?
I " as the first personal pronoun doesn � � t have differences between case and number. " “ 我 ” 作为第一人称代词没有格位和数的区别.
This is a first personal pronoun. 这是第一人称的代名词.
Gender of the pronoun should be identical with its referent. 英语名词的性属类别涉及到其相应代词的性属选择问题.
In ` This is my bike', ` this'is a demonstrative pronoun. 在Thisis my bike一句中,this是指示代词.
What does the pronoun stand for? 这个代词代表什么?
Please make a sentence with this pronoun. 请用这个代词造一个句子.
Here you should use plural pronoun. 这里你应该用复数代词.
wl [wul] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 羊毛;毛线,绒线
a ball of wool 一团毛线
This scarf is 100% wool. 这条披肩是纯毛的。
pure new wool 纯新毛料
a wool blanket 毛毯
...a wool overcoat... 羊毛大衣
The carpets are made in wool and nylon. 这些地毯是用毛料和尼龙制成的。
Stop trying to pull the wool over my eyes! What were you two fighting about just now? 休想蒙我!你们俩刚才在争执什么呢?
Washing wool in hot water will shrink it. 在热水中洗毛织品会使其缩水.
This wool is available in 18 stunning shades. 这种毛线有18种华美的颜色.
Many countries import wool from Australia. 许多国家从澳大利亚进口羊毛.
Join the blue wool onto the end of the gold pattern and work the same stitches into the back. 在这金色图案边缘织上蓝毛线,在背面也用同样的方法来织.
Tiananmen has long been a mark of Beijing. 天安门一直是北京的象征.
I'd like to try on that blue wool coat. 我想试穿那件蓝色的毛外衣.
Sweaters are often made of wool. 毛衣常由羊毛织成.
They discovered that they could shear sheep, take the wool, weave it and fashion the material into warm coats and suits,. 他们发现他们能够剪羊毛 、 纺绒线、织成毛料, 然后把毛料做成暖和的衣服.
Join the blue wool on the end of the gold pattern and work the same stitches into the back. 在这金制图案边缘织上蓝毛线,在背面也用同样的方法来织.
No wool is so white but a dyer can dye it black. 任何白羊毛都能被染黑.
It's no good trying to pull the wool over Harlod's eyes, he's far too perceptive. 无法蒙骗哈罗德, 他洞察力太强了.
wool has more body than rayon. 羊毛比人造丝厚实.
She is winding the wool. 她在缠毛线.
She stuffed her ears up with cotton wool. 她用脱脂棉塞住了耳朵.
He's in the wool business. 他做羊毛买卖.
Autumn is a lively season for the wool market. 秋天是毛织品畅销的季节.
This skein of wool won't disentangle. 这束毛线解不开.
Her skilful fingers spun the wool out to a fine thread. 她那灵巧的手指把羊毛纺成了细毛线.
His wool shirt always itches him. 他的羊毛内衣总是使他发痒.
Washing wool in hot water will make It'shrink. 毛线用热水洗会抽缩.