He fought the illness with courage and determination. 他勇敢顽强地与疾病作斗争。
I admire her determination to get it right. 我赞赏她非把事情弄清楚的决心。
They had survived by sheer determination. 他们全凭坚强的决心幸存下来。
Everyone concerned acted with great courage and determination... 所有相关人员都表现出了极大的勇气和决心。
He reaffirmed their determination to tackle inflation... 他重申了他们要解决通货膨胀问题的决心。
The writer confronted his pile of work with determination. 那作家下决心面对成堆的工作.
Neither threats nor promises could change his inflexible determination. 威胁与利诱均不能改变他坚定的决心.
Firm determination moves mountains. 坚定的决心可以移山.
His determination remains as strong as ever despite all the setbacks he has encountered. 他虽然遇到许多挫折,可是意志仍旧那样坚强.
The child's tears melted his determination. 孩子的眼泪使他的决心动摇了.
What counts is determination and confidence. 关键在于要有决心和信心.
No tempest is capable of shattering his firm determination. 任何惊涛骇浪都不能动摇他坚如磐石的决心.
The failure only strengthened our determination. 失败反而坚定了我们的决心.
The criticism sapped his determination. 批评削弱了他的决心.
You have to measure your determination with that of other people. 你得与其他人较量一下决心了.
The determination of the meaning of a word is often difficult without a context. 脱离上下文来确定一个词的含义常常是困难的.
His dogged determination helped him to win the race. 他的坚强决心使他赢得比赛.
His veneer of politeness concealed a ruthless determination. 他彬彬有礼的伪装下隐藏着不择手段的狠心.
Now that you have expressed your determination, you should act. 你既表示了决心, 就应该见之于行动.
Contemporary accounts attest to his courage and determination. 当时的报道证实了他的勇气和决心。
a man driven by ferocious determination 为强烈的决心所驱使的人
He remained steadfast in his determination to bring the killers to justice. 他要将杀人凶手绳之以法的决心一直没有动摇。
He worked with renewed vigour and determination. 他以新的活力和决心工作着。
Ken's jaw jutted with determination. 肯坚定地扬起下颌。
It must have reinforced my determination to blend into my surroundings. 这势必让我更加下定决心融入周围环境。
He displayed determination as well as powerful oratory. 他既展示出震撼人心的雄辩术,又显露了矢志不移的决心。
All through his life he has shown a quiet determination to get things done. 他一生都在默默而坚定地做事。
suor [su:ˈpɪəriə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a. 更胜一筹的 n. 上级,上司
vastly superior 强得多
superior intelligence 更强的智力
This model is technically superior to its competitors. 这一款式在技术上超过了与之竞争的产品。
Liverpool were clearly the superior team. 利物浦队明显更胜一筹。
The enemy won because of their superior numbers (= there were more of them) . 敌人由于在人数上占优而取胜。
my superior officer 我的上级军官
superior status 更高的地位
a superior court of law 上级法院
a superior manner 神气活现的态度
He always looks so superior. 他总是显得那么有优越感。
superior apartments 高级公寓套房
your social superiors 社会地位比自己高的人
He's my immediate superior (= the person directly above me) . 他是我的顶头上司。
I'm going to complain to your superiors. 我要去找你的上级投诉。
Mother superior 修女会院长
We have a relationship infinitely superior to those of many of our friends... 我们的关系要比我们其他许多朋友的关系好得多。
...a woman greatly superior to her husband in education and sensitivity... 学历和悟性都比她丈夫高出许多的女人
A few years ago it was virtually impossible to find superior quality coffee in local shops... 几年前在当地商店里几乎买不到优质咖啡。
Lulu was said to be of very superior intelligence. 大家都说露露智力出众。
...negotiations between the mutineers and their superior officers... 哗变士兵和他们的上司长官间的谈判
Locally passed laws are of superior authority to those laws passed in Moscow. 当地法律高于莫斯科颁布的全国法律。
Other army units are completely surrounded and cut-off from communication with their superiors... 其他陆军部队被重重包围,和上级的联系也被切断了。
The company president, and my immediate superior, was the dynamic Harry Stokes. 公司的董事长,也就是我的直接上司,是精力充沛的哈里·斯托克斯。
Finch gave a superior smile... 芬奇高傲地笑了笑。
You can stand there and feel superior as you point and laugh at them. 你站在那儿指指点点、嘲笑他们时,会觉得自己高人一等。
The demonstrators fled when they saw the authorities' superior numbers... 看到当局派出人员人数占优,示威者就四散逃跑了。
His men were far superior numerically. 他手下的士兵在人数上占了绝对优势。
Anthony sometimes felt that his mistress was his superior in willpower... 有时安东尼感觉他的情妇比他更有意志力。
Among his immediate rivals was Arnold Matters, probably his superior in comic roles. 在他的直接竞争者中,阿诺德·马特斯也许在喜剧表演上比他更胜一筹。
[ˈlevl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 水平线,水平
a test that checks the level of alcohol in the blood 对血液中酒精含量的测试
a relatively low/high level of crime 相对低的 / 高的罪案数字
low/high pollution levels 轻度 / 重度污染
Profits were at the same level as the year before. 利润和前一年的持平。
If you don't know your cholesterol level, it's a good idea to have it checked... 你要是不清楚自己的胆固醇水平,最好去检查一下。
Michael's roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level... 迈克尔的室友表面上还算友善。
The water level of the Mississippi River is already 6.5 feet below normal... 密西西比河的水位已经比正常值低了6.5英尺。
The gauge relies upon a sensor in the tank to relay the fuel level. 油表靠油箱里的感应器来显示燃料的液位。
Stir in 1 level teaspoon of yeast. 加入一平茶匙的酵母后搅拌。
Liz sank down until the water came up to her chin and the bubbles were at eye level. 莉兹往下沉,直到水没过下巴,泡沫浮至眼睛。
He leaned over the counter so his face was almost level with the boy's... 他倾身伏在柜台上,一张脸几乎凑到小男孩的面前。
Amy knelt down so that their eyes were level. 埃米屈膝在地,两人目光相对平视。
The floor was level, but the ceiling sloped toward his head. 地板是平的,但天花板朝他的头这边倾斜。
...a plateau of fairly level ground. 地势相当平坦的高原
Just before we drew level with the gates, he slipped out of the jeep and disappeared into the crowd... 我们快到门前时,他溜出吉普车,消失在人群中。
When the car had pulled level with him, he had spoken into the lowered passenger window. 汽车开到他身边与他并行时,他朝拉下车窗的后排座位说了几句话。
Napoli have drawn level with AC Milan at the top of the Italian league. 那不勒斯队追平了AC米兰队,并列意大利联赛排行榜的榜首。
Iglesias scored twice to level the score... 伊格莱西亚斯连进两球,追平了比分。
The Cincinnati Reds have levelled the score in the National League play-off against the Pittsburgh Pirates. 在国家联盟季后赛中,辛辛那提红人队扳平了与匹兹堡海盗队的比分。
He forced his voice to remain level... 他竭力使自己的语气保持平静。
When Julie speaks of her disability, she talks in the same calm, level tones she uses to discuss her A level prospects. 谈到自己的残疾时,朱莉的语气一如谈及她的高级证书考试前景般冷静平和。
Further tremors could level more buildings... 余震可能会摧毁更多的建筑物。
The storm was the most powerful to hit Hawaii this century. It leveled sugar plantations and destroyed homes. 这是本世纪夏威夷遭遇的最强风暴。无数甘蔗园和住宅被夷为平地。
Allegations of corruption were levelled at him and his family... 他和他的家人受到了贪污指控。
He leveled bitter criticism against the US. 他对美国提出了尖锐的批评。
He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them. 他说在非军事区两边仍然有数以千计的韩国和朝鲜军人用枪互相瞄准对方。
I'll level with you. I'm no great detective. I've no training or anything... 实话告诉你吧,我根本不是什么大侦探。我没有受过任何训练。
He has leveled with the American people about his role in the affair. 他向美国人民坦白了他在这个事件中所扮演的角色。
The President told American troops that he would do his level best to bring them home soon. 总统跟美军士兵说他会尽其所能让他们早日回家。
There were probably moments when you wondered if anyone spoke the truth or was on the level. 很可能有些时候你会怀疑,到底有没有人在说真话,有没有人是真诚的。
[welθ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 财产,财富
a person of wealth and influence 有钱有势的人
His personal wealth is estimated at around $100 million. 他个人的财产估计为1亿元左右。
the distribution of wealth in Britain 英国财富的分配
The purpose of industry is to create wealth. 勤劳的目的是致富。
Good education often depends on wealth. 良好的教育经常依靠良好的经济条件。
a wealth of information 大量的信息
The new manager brings a great wealth of experience to the job. 新任经理为这项工作带来了丰富的经验。
Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasant farmers... 经济改革给农民带来了相对的财富。
His own wealth grew. 他的个人财富在增长。
...such a wealth of creative expertise... 如此丰富的创造性专门技能
The city boasts a wealth of beautiful churches. 这座城市拥有众多美丽的教堂。
She dressed down to visit her poor relatives, so as not to offend them by a show of her wealth. 她拜访穷亲戚时穿得比较俭朴, 以免因摆阔而伤害他们的感情.
We cannot identify happiness with wealth. 我们不能把幸福与财富混为一谈.
His wealth dwindled to nothingness. 他的钱财化为乌有.
She exchanged honour for wealth. 她牺牲荣誉以换取财富.
wealth does not always conduce to happiness. 财富不一定会给人带来快乐.
A man's dignity depends not upon his wealth or rank but upon his character. 人的真正价值不在财富或地位,而在他的品格.
wealth of words is not eloquence. 宏辞非雄辩.
Her supposed wealth is a very small sum. 她可谓的财产只是很小的一笔钱.
Health is above wealth. 健康比财富更重要.
She is possessed of health and wealth. 她拥有健康和财富.
Loss of health is more serious than loss of wealth. 健康的丧失比财富的损失更为重要.
He flourishes his wealth. 他炫耀财富.
Health is better than wealth. 健康胜于财富.
With all his wealth, he is still unhappy. 他纵然殷富, 但生活并不欢乐.
There's a wealth of oil in this well. 这口井储油丰富.
His wealth is estimated at fifty million dollars. 他的财产估计有5000万美元.
I wouldn't like to be in his position, for all his wealth. 尽管他很有钱,我怎么也不愿意处在他那个位置.
[ʃeɪm] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 遗憾的事;羞愧
His face burned with shame. 他的脸因羞愧而发烫。
She hung her head in shame. 她羞愧地低下了头。
He could not live with the shame of other people knowing the truth. 别人知道了事情的真相,他羞得无地自容。
To my shame (= I feel shame that) I refused to listen to her side of the story. 使我感到惭愧的是,我拒绝听她对事情的解释。
Have you no shame? 你就不知道羞耻吗?
What a shame they couldn't come. 他们不能来了,真是遗憾。
It's a shame about Tim, isn't it? 蒂姆的事让人遗憾,你说是不是?
It's a shame that she wasn't here to see it. 真可惜她不能在这儿亲眼看看。
It would be a crying shame (= a great shame) not to take them up on the offer. 要是不接受他们的提议,将来后悔都来不及。
There is no shame in wanting to be successful. 有抱负不是什么丢脸的事。
(formal)She felt that her failure would bring shame on her family. 她觉得她的失败会使家人蒙羞。
Their presentation put ours to shame. 他们的演出使我们的相形见绌。
His generosity shamed them all. 他的大度使他们都感到羞愧。
You have shamed your family. 你使你的家庭蒙受了耻辱。
She shamed her father into promising more help. 她使父亲感到过意不去,只好答应多给她些帮助。
shame, she's so cute! 哇,她简直是太漂亮了!
She felt a deep sense of shame... 她深感羞愧。
They feel shame and guilt as though it is their fault... 他们觉得羞愧和内疚,就好像这是他们的错。
I don't want to bring shame on the family name... 我不想玷污家族的名声。
He committed suicide rather than face the shame of being linked to the scandal. 他选择了自杀,不愿面对牵扯进这桩丑闻所带来的耻辱。
Her son's affair had humiliated and shamed her. 儿子的事让她感到难堪和羞愧。
I wouldn't shame my father by trying that. 我不会做那种事让我父亲丢脸。
He would not let neighbours shame him into silence... 邻居们试图想让他自感羞愧而从此闭口,他是不会乖乖就范的。
Museums have now been shamed out of selling the treasures from their collections. 博物馆现在已经深感羞愧,不再变卖他们收藏的珍宝了。
It's a crying shame that police have to put up with these mindless attacks... 警察得忍受这些无谓的攻击,真是太不像话了。
They did not have enough money to adopt a child. It was such a shame. 他们没有足够的钱去收养一个孩子,真让人惋惜。
He tried to deny it. shame on him! 他还想抵赖,真不害臊!
His playing really put me to shame. 他的表演真让我自惭形秽。
[ki:p] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
v. 保持;保存;继续不断 vt. 培育,饲养
The noise kept him awake... 噪音吵得他一直没有睡着。
Reggie was being kept busy behind the bar... 雷吉一直在柜台后忙活。
keep away from the doors while the train is moving... 列车运行过程中要远离车门。
He kept his head down, hiding his features... 他低头掩面。
I managed to stick to the diet and keep off sweet foods... 我努力做到了只吃规定饮食,不沾甜食。
He's going to be a fantastic player if he keeps away from booze and women... 如果能不近酒色,他将成为一名出色的运动员。
Embarrassment has kept me from doing all sorts of things... 我总是害怕受窘,什么事都不敢去做。
He kept her from being lonely... 他不让她感到孤独。
She bit her lip to keep from crying... 她咬住嘴唇不哭。
He had to lean on Dan to keep from falling. 他不得不靠在丹身上以免摔倒。
She knew that Gabriel was keeping something from her. 她知道加布里埃尔有事瞒着她。
I keep forgetting it's December... 我总是忘了现在是12月了。
I turned back after a while, but he kept walking... 我过了一会就往回走了,但他还接着走。
Until last year, the regime kept a tight grip on the country... 直到去年,那个国家还处于该政权的严密控制之下。
One of them would keep a look-out on the road behind to warn us of approaching vehicles... 他们中会有一人看着后面的路,提醒我们注意过来的车辆。
'I like this dress,' she said. 'keep it. You can have it,' said Daphne... “我喜欢这件连衣裙,”她说。“留下吧。给你了,”达夫妮说道。
Lathan had to choose between marrying her and keeping his job. 莱森不得不在娶她和保住工作之间作出选择。
She kept her money under the mattress... 她把钱放在床垫下。
She remembered where she kept the gun... 她记得放枪的地方。
I'm hoping you'll keep your promise to come for a long visit... 我希望你遵守诺言来这儿多呆几天。
He had again failed to keep his word. 他又食言了。
Eleanor began to keep a diary... 埃莉诺开始记日记了。
The volunteers kept a record of everything they ate for a week. 志愿者记录下他们一周所吃的所有食物。
She could just about afford to keep her five kids... 她勉勉强强能养得起自己的5个孩子。
I just cannot afford to keep myself... 我难以维持生计。
Ray will earn his keep on local farms while studying... 雷求学期间会在当地的农场干活赚取生活费。
I need to give my parents money for my keep. 我需要付给父母我的生活费。
I've brought you some eggs. We keep chickens... 我给你带了些鸡蛋。我们养鸡。
This mad writer kept a lobster as a pet. 这个疯狂的作家把龙虾当宠物养。
His father kept a village shop. 他父亲经营一家乡村商店。
tp [tæp] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. (自来水煤气等的)龙头
Someone tapped at the door. 有人轻轻叩门。
He was busy tapping away at his computer. 他埋头敲着电脑键盘。
Ralph tapped me on the shoulder. 拉尔夫轻轻地拍了拍我的肩膀。
He kept tapping his fingers on the table. 他不停地用手指轻轻敲着桌子。
The music set everyone's feet tapping. 乐曲使得每个人都用脚轻轻打起拍子来。
We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have. 我们需要利用我们现有人员的专业知识。
The movie seems to tap into a general sentimentality about animals. 这部电影似乎在激发人们对动物的普遍怜惜之情。
He was convinced his phone was being tapped. 他确信自己的电话在被人窃听。
Richards has been tapped to replace the retiring chairperson. 理查兹获得委任接替行将退任的主席。
tap in your PIN number. 输入你的个人身份识别号码。
She tapped out the beat on the table. 她轻击桌面打着拍子。
I tapped out a text message to Mandy. 我给曼迪发了一条短信。
bath taps 浴缸水龙头
the hot/cold tap (= the tap that hot/cold water comes out of) 热水 / 冷水龙头
Turn the tap on/off . 打开 / 关上龙头。
Don't leave the tap running. 别把水龙头开着白白流水。
the sound of a dripping tap 水龙头滴答的漏水声
a gas tap 煤气阀门
beer taps 啤酒旋塞
She turned on the taps. 她打开了那些龙头。
...a cold-water tap... 冷水阀
He tapped the table to still the shouts of protest... 他敲了敲桌子,以平息抗议的喧闹声。
tap the eggs gently with a teaspoon to crack the shells... 用茶匙轻敲鸡蛋,让蛋壳开裂。
The song's so catchy it makes you bounce round the living room or tap your feet. 这首歌很动听,听着它你就会不由自主地在客厅里舞动,或是用脚打拍子。
He owes his election to having tapped deep public disillusion with professional politicians... 他将自己的当选归因于充分利用了公众对于职业政治家们不再抱希望的心情。
The company is tapping shareholders for £15.8 million... 公司要向股东募集 1, 580 万英镑。
The government passed laws allowing the police to tap telephones... 政府通过了允许警方监听电话的法令。
We suspected the telephone line was tapped. 我们怀疑电话遭人窃听了。
Filtered water is always on tap, making it very convenient to use. 随时打开龙头都有过滤水,用起来很方便。
The advantage of group holidays is company on tap but time alone if you want it. 团体度假的好处在于,要找人陪伴非常容易,想要独处也行。
i [ˈɪntrəst] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 兴趣,趣味;利息
to feel/have/show/express (an) interest in sth 对…感到 / 表现出 / 表示关注
Do your parents take an interest in your friends? 你的父母有兴趣了解你的朋友吗?
By that time I had lost (all) interest in the idea. 那时我已经对此想法(完全)失去兴趣了。
I watched with interest . 我兴致勃勃地看着。
As a matter of interest , (= I'd like to know) what time did the party finish? 我想知道,晚会是什么时间结束的?
Just out of interest , how much did it cost? 我只是好奇问问,这个花了你多少钱?
There are many places of interest near the city. 这座城市附近有许多有意思的地方。
The subject is of no interest to me at all. 我对此课题一点也不感兴趣。
These plants will add interest to your garden in winter. 这些植物在冬季会给你的花园增添胜景。
Her main interests are music and tennis. 她的主要爱好是音乐和网球。
He was a man of wide interests outside his work. 他是个有广泛业余爱好的人。
There has been a lively interest in the elections in the last two weeks... 近两周来选举受到了热烈关注。
His parents tried to discourage his interest in music, but he persisted... 他的父母设法打消他对音乐的兴趣,但他始终坚持。
Encourage your child in her interests and hobbies even if they're things that you know little about... 要鼓励孩子的兴趣爱好,即使你对它们所知甚少。
He developed a wide range of sporting interests as a pupil at Millfield. 他在米尔菲尔德私立学校上学的时候培养了广泛的运动爱好。
That passage interested me because it seems to parallel very closely what you're doing in the novel... 那一段引起了我的关注,因为它似乎与你在小说里所采用的手法非常相似。
It may interest you to know that Miss Woods, the housekeeper, witnessed the attack. 您或许会有兴趣知道管家伍兹小姐目击了袭击过程。
In the meantime I can't interest you in a new car, I suppose?... 那么我想这时候我不能说服您买辆新车了?
The group wasn't able to interest them in reproducing literature specifically for women. 这个团体没能说服他们再版专门面向女性的文学作品。
Did those directors act in the best interests of their club?... 那些董事行事时是以他们俱乐部的最大利益为出发点吗?
The social worker would try to get her to see she was acting against the boy's interests. 这位社会工作者会设法让她明白她这么做对这个男孩没有好处。
The government accused unnamed 'foreign interests' of inciting the trouble... 政府不指名地谴责“外国利益集团”煽动骚乱。
He resigned as finance minister only weeks before the election and stood against big-business interests. 他在大选到来仅几周前辞去了财政部长职务,并抵制大公司利益集团。
Her other business interests include a theme park in Scandinavia and hotels in the West Country. 她其他的公司股权包括斯堪的纳维亚的一个主题游乐园和英格兰西南部的几家酒店。
...the Hatch family, who controlled large dairy interests... 掌控大量奶业股权的哈奇家族
The West has an interest in promoting democratic forces in Eastern Europe... 东欧民主力量的发展与西方国家利害攸关。
Domestic consumers of petroleum products have an interest in a secure source of petroleum products. 石油产品的国内消费者希望其来源能够获得保障。
Does your current account pay interest?... 你的活期账户有利息吗?
This is an important step toward lower interest rates. 这是向较低利率迈出的重要一步。
...a call for all businessmen to work together in the interests of national stability. 呼吁所有商人为了国家稳定而团结协作
vite [ˈvaɪəleɪt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
v. 违反(法律、协议等),侵犯
to violate international law 违反国际法
She accused the press photographers of violating her privacy. 她指责新闻摄影记者侵犯了她的隐私。
to violate a grave 亵渎坟墓
[不可数名词, 可数名词]They were in open violation of the treaty. 他们公然违反条约。
gross violations of human rights 对人权的粗暴践踏
They went to prison because they violated the law... 他们触犯了法律,因此坐了牢。
They violated the ceasefire agreement. 他们违反了停火协议。
These men were violating her family's privacy. 这些人侵犯了她的家庭隐私。
Detectives are still searching for those who violated the graveyard. 侦探们仍在搜捕那些亵渎了墓园的家伙。
The changes made through biotechnology do not violate the classification of a species. 通过转基因技术所造成的变化并不改变一个物种的分类.
If you violate law again, you will get into trouble. 3你若再违反法律, 你会惹出大麻烦的.
To punish those who knowingly and willfully attempt to violate civil tax laws. 惩罚故意违反税收民事法者.
We mustn't violate the privacy of others. 我们不得侵害他人的私生活.
Consequently the adoption of that declaration did not violate any applicable rule of international law. 因此,该宣布之采用,不违反任何国际法适用规定.
I: Right, but I also am done not have, violate this provision. 我: 没错, 可是我也没违反这个条款啊.
Bring about : It is the bill that violate discipline much. 导致: 一是违纪票据多.
It'shall not violate the provisions of the laws or administrative decrees. 不得违反法律、行政法规的规定.
Professor Wang thinks, citizen identity information inquires this service did not violate citizen privacy right. 王教授认为, 公民身份信息查询这项服务并未侵犯公民隐私权.
They represent your maximum allowable risk level , which you may not violate under any circumstances. 它们代表你最大可以承受的风险,任何情况下, 你都不会违背这个止损.
The driver is afraid of violate rules and regulations, rejected his demand. 司机怕违章, 拒绝了他的要求.
Nobody is authorized to abuse his power to violate people's benefits. 谁也不能滥用职权侵害人民的利益.
Observes the school regulation school discipline, does not violate. 遵守校规校纪, 绝不违反.
The act that violates political discipline is the largest to party harm action that violate discipline. 违反政治纪律的行为是对党危害最大的违纪行为.
The 53 rd minute , approved the Bro tower interception to violate a regulation, has the yellow card. 第53分钟,赞布罗塔拦截犯规, 吃到了黄牌.
Perhaps violate the international agreement. 违反国际惯例.
The small meatball also can violate slightly some is wrong. 小丸子也会犯一些小错误.
[əˈtrækt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
v. 吸引,引起
This proposal has attracted a lot of interest . 这个提案引起了很大的兴趣。
His comments were bound to attract criticism . 他的说话必然会招致批评。
She tried to attract the attention of the waiter. 她试图引起服务员的注意。
What first attracted me to her was her sense of humour. 她首先吸引我的是她的幽默感。
The warm damp air attracts a lot of mosquitoes. 温暖潮湿的空气招来了大量蚊子。
The exhibition has attracted thousands of visitors. 展览吸引了成千上万的参观者。
I had always been attracted by the idea of working abroad. 我总是向往去国外工作。
Anything with strong gravity attracts other things to it. 任何有较强重力的物体都会对其他物体产生引力。
Opinion polls suggest that the two rebels have attracted a lot of sympathy. 民意测验显示两名反对者获得了大量支持。
The Cardiff Bay project is attracting many visitors... 加的夫海湾项目吸引了众多游客。
Warm weather has attracted the flat fish close to shore... 煦暖的气候将比目鱼引到了近海。
He wasn't sure he'd got it right, although the theory attracted him by its logic... 该理论的逻辑性吸引了他,但他不能确定自己的理解是否正确。
What first attracted me to her was her incredible experience of life... 她离奇的人生经历最先吸引了我。
In spite of her hostility, she was attracted to him... 尽管自己心存敌意,她还是为他所吸引。
I was married to a man who had ceased to attract me. 我嫁给了一个我已不再钟情的男人。
President Mwinyi said his country would also like to attract investment from private companies... 姆维尼总统说他的国家同样愿意吸收来自私营公司的投资。
The designer put a steamship model on the desk and asked the assistants to approach. 设计师把一个蒸汽轮船的模型放在桌上,招呼助手们走近.
This new film will attract the crowds, whatever its quality, provided that it gets played up in the right way. 如果广告做得好,那么, 无论这部新片子的质量如何, 都会吸引许多观众的.
She shouted to attract their attention. 她大声叫嚷以引起他们的注意.
This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of housewives. 这个广告旨在吸引家庭主妇们的注意力.
The presider intended to open with an important piece of news in order to attract the attention of the reporters present. 主持人准备挑一项重要新闻作为开场白,以引起与会记者的注意.
They should attract foreign investment. 他们应吸引外资.
The bird swelled out its chest to attract the attention of the female. 那鸟儿把胸脯鼓起来吸引雌鸟.
Top of the range Scotches attract a fanatical following among whisky buffs. 顶级苏格兰威士忌在威士忌酒酒迷中吸引了一批狂热的拥趸.
I clapped to attract the children's attention. 我拍手以引起孩子们的注意.
The race organizers are trying to attract sponsors. 比赛的组织者在想方设法吸引赞助者。
[dɪˈlɪvə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt. 投递(信件,邮包等)
She was delivered of a healthy boy. 她生下一个健康的男孩儿。
He delivered the blow (= hit sb hard) with all his force. 他打这一下使出了全身的力气。
The baby was delivered by Caesarean section. 这个婴儿是剖腹产下的。
Leaflets have been delivered to every household. 传单已发送到每家每户。
Do you have your milk delivered? 你的牛奶是让别人送吗?
We promise to deliver within 48 hours. 我们承诺在48小时内送到。
She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering. 根据安排她要作一个关于转基因的演讲。
He delivered his lines confidently. 他沉着地说了他的台词。
The jury finally delivered its verdict. 陪审团终于宣布了裁决。
He has promised to finish the job by June and I am sure he will deliver. 他答应在六月底完成这项工作,我相信他会履行诺言。
She always delivers on her promises. 她总是信守诺言。
If you can't deliver improved sales figures, you're fired. 如果你不能按照要求提高销售额,就会被解雇。
The team delivered a stunning victory last night. 昨晚这个队不负众望,大获全胜。
They delivered their prisoner over to the invading army. 他们把俘虏交给了侵略军。
It is shocking that only one woman has delivered the lecture in 44 years. 在 44 年间仅有一名女性作过讲座,这真令人震惊。
Her husband had to deliver the baby himself. 她丈夫不得不自己接生孩子。
Those blows to the head could have been delivered by a woman. 头部所受的那些重击有可能出自一个女人之手。
I have given thanks to God for delivering me from that pain. 我感谢上帝把我从那种痛苦中拯救出来。
The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia... 加拿大计划向索马里南部地区运送更多的食品。
The spy returned to deliver a second batch of classified documents... 那名间谍返回来递送第二批机密文件。
They have yet to show that they can really deliver working technologies... 他们尚未证明自己真的能够开发出实用技术。
... proving they could deliver the vote in their areas... 证明他们能够得到自己选区的选票
Mrs Montgomery was delivered into Mr Hinchcliffe's care... 蒙哥马利夫人托给了欣奇利夫先生照顾。
David delivered Holly gratefully into the woman's outstretched arms... 戴维非常感激地把霍利送进那个女人张开的双臂中。
The president will deliver a speech about schools... 总统将就学校问题发表讲话。
a [ˈɔ:lsəu] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
ad. 也
She's fluent in French and German. She also speaks a little Italian. 她的法语和德语讲得流利,也会说一点意大利语。
rubella, also known as German measles rubella(风疹),亦称German measles
I didn't like it that much. also, it was much too expensive. 我并不怎么喜欢它。再说它太贵了。
Jake's father had also been a doctor (= both Jake and his father were doctors) . 杰克的父亲也是医生。
She was not only intelligent but also very musical. 她不仅聪明,而且极具音乐天分。
He is an asthmatic who was also anaemic... 他是个曾患贫血症的哮喘患者。
His father, also a top-ranking officer, had perished during the war... 他的父亲,也是位高级军官,在战争中牺牲了。
We have been working very hard, and our families have also worked hard... 我们一直很努力工作,并且我们的家人也是如此。
It is the work of Ivor Roberts-Jones, who also produced the statue of Churchill in Parliament Square... 这是艾弗·罗伯茨-琼斯的作品,他还创作了议会广场上的丘吉尔塑像。
Problems also exist in agriculture. 农业也存在着一些问题.
She left work early in order to be at home when he arrived. 她提早下班,以便在他来到时她就在家了.
This is due to the enemy's underestimation of China and also to his shortage of troops. 这是由于敌人对中国估计不足而来的,也有他自己兵力不足的原因.
Film can also be copied onto videotape. 电影同样可以复制到录像带上.
Though the Indian labor pool is large, it is also primarily unskilled. 印度的劳动力储备量很大, 可是基本上是没有技术的.
The judge pronounced for the defendant, and also said that his opponent should pay the court costs. 法官作出有利于被告的判决, 并要原告偿付法庭费用.
Gold also seems to stir men to the depth of their being. 黄金对人们的吸引力似乎很大.
An advocate for John could make out a case for him on this score also. 约翰的一位律师在这方面也能提出有利于他的理由.
And not only to peace, but also to democratic institutions and personal liberty. 同时不仅是对和平的威胁, 而且也是对民主制度和个人自由的威胁.
Proper clothing also helps to keep you cool. 适当的衣服也能使你感到凉快.
The ancient people who was successful, not only had exceptional talent but also had unflinching will. 古人立大事者, 不惟有超世之才,亦必有望忍不拔之志.
They also carry out experiments. 他们还进行实验.
Some of the new planted apple orchards have also begun to bear. 有些新开的苹果园也开始结苹果了.
Computers have also begun serving agriculture. 计算机也开始为农业服务了.
Her eyes were also bloodshot and weary. 她的眼睛也有血丝,很疲惫.
The responsibilities of a teacher lie not only in the inculcation of knowledge, but also in the setting of good examples and cultivating of virtues. 老师的责任不单是传授知识, 更要树立良好榜样,培养学生的品德.
In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience. 课程除了介绍一般电脑知识外, 还提供实际操作的机会.
Xiao Wang not only works hard , but ( also ) studies hard. His behaviour leaves nothing to be desired. 小王既肯干又肯学,真是没说的.
The cameraman also has a small repair shop. 这位摄影器材商也开一个小修理店.
[ˈrelətɪv] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 亲属,亲戚
the relative merits of the two plans 相比较之下两个计划各自的优点
the position of the sun relative to the earth 太阳与地球的相对位置
They now live in relative comfort (= compared with how they lived before) . 他们现在过得比较舒适。
Given the failure of the previous plan, this turned out to be a relative success. 由于前面那个计划失败了,这个计划算是比较成功的。
It's all relative though, isn't it? We never had any money when I was a kid and $500 was a fortune to us. 不过,一切都是相对的,是不是?我小的时候,我们根本没有钱,500块钱对于我们来说就是很大的一笔财富了。
the facts relative to the case 与这个案件有关的事实
In ‘the man who came ’, ‘who ’ is a relative pronoun and ‘who came ’ is a relative clause . 在the man who came中,who是关系代词,而who came是关系从句。
a close/distant relative 近 / 远亲
her friends and relatives 她的亲友
The ibex is a distant relative of the mountain goat. 北山羊与石山羊有较远的亲缘关系。
Do relatives of yours still live in Siberia?... 你的亲属仍然住在西伯利亚吗?
Get a relative to look after the children. 找一个亲戚来照看孩子。
The fighting resumed after a period of relative calm... 战斗在相对平静的一段时间之后再次打响。
It is a cancer that can be cured with relative ease... 这是一种相对来说比较容易治疗的癌症。
They chatted about the relative merits of London and Paris as places to live... 他们聊起了伦敦和巴黎两座城市相比较都有哪些宜居的优点。
I reflected on the relative importance of education in 50 countries. 我思考了50个国家相对而言对教育的重视程度。
Japanese interest rates rose relative to America's... 日本利率随美国利率上浮。
House prices now look cheap relative to earnings... 相对收入而言房价现在看起来比较便宜。
Fitness is relative; one must always ask 'Fit for what?'... “适合”是相对而言的;应该常常问一问“适合什么?”
Truth is relative. 真理是相对的。
The pheasant is a close relative of the Guinea hen. 雉与珍珠鸡有很近的亲缘关系。
What do you like to do in your spare time? 空闲时你喜欢干什么?
A stranger who is kind is a relative; an unkind relative is a stranger. 善良的陌生人是亲戚, 冷漠的亲戚是陌生人.
A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbour. 远亲不如近邻.
I have a distant relative in this small town. 在这个小镇上我有一个远亲.
Motion is absolute while stagnation is relative. 运动是绝对的,而静止是相对的.
ln [ˈlaɪən] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 狮子
Be not he a farmer? (难道)他不是农民 吗 ?
The lion was roaring triumphantly. 狮子正在发出胜利的吼叫.
A lion at home, a mouse abroad. 在家是狮子, 出门成老鼠.
March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. [谚]三月天来如猛狮,去如绵羊.
A small lion was cubbed in the zoo. 一只幼狮在动物园出生了.
The lion fought to protect her young. 那头狮子为了保护其幼狮而进行搏斗.
The hunter was mauled by a lion and badly hurt. 猎人被狮子抓伤,伤势很重.
The hunter was mauled by a lion. 这名猎人被一头狮子撕裂了皮肉.
Among the carnivorous animals are the leopard, lion, and tiger. 食肉动物中有豹子 、 狮子和老虎.
Though thy enemy seem a mouse, yet watch him like a lion. 敌人即使像老鼠, 也要当作狮子防.
The lion stood at bay. 那狮子已经被围困.
How many offspring does a lion usually have? 一只狮子通常能生多少小狮子?
The lion evaded the hunter. 那狮子躲开了猎人.
Is it possible to cross a tiger with a lion? 能不能让老虎和狮子交配?
The lion paced the floor of its cage. 那头狮子在笼子里走来走去.
A barking dog is better than a sleeping lion. 犬吠不咬人,狮睡须提防.
She was frightened by the roars of a lion. 她被狮子的吼叫声吓呆了.
Who dares to answer back when he roars like a lion? 当他像狮子般地咆哮时,谁敢和他顶嘴?
lion cubs depend on their mother to feed them. 狮子的幼仔依靠母狮喂养.
The lion tossed his mane. 那头雄狮抖动鬃毛.
A wounded lion can be fierce. 受伤的狮子会变得很凶猛.
The deer fell a prey to the lion. 鹿被狮子捕食了.
He captured a lion unaided by anyone. 他只身捕获一头狮子.
The lion is king of the jungle. 狮子是丛林之王.
A cornered cat becomes as fierce as a lion. 走投无路的猫会变得和狮子一样凶猛.
The lion crouched ready to pounce. 狮子蹲下身,准备猛扑。
We heard a lion roar. 我们听见了狮子的吼声。
The lion roared once, and sprang. 狮子大吼一声,跳了起来。
Historians looked to artists' representations of the lion to piece together a picture of how the lion once looked. 历史学家寄希望于艺术家对这位名人的描绘,以完整呈现他从前的模样。
[ˈpɒkɪt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. (衣服的)口袋
a coat pocket 上衣口袋
I put the note in my pocket. 我把纸币装进了衣袋。
Turn out your pockets (= empty your pockets) . 把口袋里的东西通通拿出来。
Take your hands out of your pockets! 把手从口袋里拿出来!
a pocket dictionary (= one that is small enough to fit in your pocket) 袖珍词典
Information about safety procedures is in the pocket in front of you (= on a plane) . 关于安全求生的资料放在您前方的小袋子里。
We have holidays to suit every pocket . 我们有适合各种程度消费的度假方式。
He had no intention of paying for the meal out of his own pocket . 他不想自己掏腰包付饭钱。
The Foundation is reputed to have very deep pockets (= to have a lot of money) . 据说这个基金会资金雄厚。
There are still a few isolated pockets of resistance to the new regime. 现在仍有零星孤立的势力反对新政权。
a pocket of air 气井
He took his flashlight from his jacket pocket and switched it on... 他从夹克口袋里拿出手电筒,打开开关。
The man stood with his hands in his pockets. 那个男人双手插在兜里站着。
When you come to choosing a dining table, it really is worth digging deep into your pocket for the best you can afford. 选购餐桌时,尽财力所能买最好的是很值得的。
...ladies' fashions to suit all shapes, sizes and pockets... 适合所有体形、个头和财力的女士时装款式
...a pocket calculator. 袖珍计算器
...my pocket edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. 我的袖珍版《牛津英语词典》
He survived the earthquake after spending 3 days in an air pocket... 他在气窝里度过了3天,得以从地震中幸存。
The army controls the city apart from a few pockets of resistance. 除了一些零星的抵抗外,部队已控制了城市。
Dishonest importers would be able to pocket the VAT collected from customers. 不诚实的进口商将会能够把从顾客那里收取的增值税据为己有。
He pocketed more money from this tournament than in his entire three years as a professional. 他在这次锦标赛上获得的奖金比他整整3年职业生涯的收入都多。
Anthony snatched his letters and pocketed them... 安东尼抓过他的信,塞入了口袋。
He pocketed a wallet containing £40 cash from the bedside of a dead man. 他把从一名死者床边拿到的装有40英镑现金的钱包藏进了口袋。
It's Saturday, you're down the high street and you've got a few quid burning a hole in your pocket. 周六走在商街上,口袋里有几个钱忍不住想要花掉。
The board of directors must surely have been in Johnstone's pocket. 董事会肯定已被约翰斯通掌控了。
It is estimated that 5,000 bank staff could be lining their own pockets from customer accounts. 据估计可能会有5,000名银行职员利用客户账户中饱私囊。
...a government that ignores the needs of the majority in order to line the pockets of the favoured few. 无视大多数人的需要以为少数特权者牟利的政府
They were well out of pocket — they had spent far more in Hollywood than he had earned... 他们非常缺钱——他们在好莱坞的花费已经远远超出了他的收入。
Statements with errors could still be going out, but customers who notify us will not be left out of pocket. 存在错误的结算单仍有可能发送出去,但告知我们的客户将不会遭受损失。
They were more in danger of having their pockets picked than being shot at. 比起遭到枪击,他们被人扒窃的危险更大。
fe [feɪd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vi. 褪色,(颜色)消退
Hopes of reaching an agreement seem to be fading away. 达成协议的希望看来已逐渐渺茫。
His voice faded to a whisper (= gradually became quieter) . 他的声音越来越小,变成了耳语。
The laughter faded away. 笑声逐渐消逝。
All other issues fade into insignificance compared with the struggle for survival. 与挣扎求存相比,所有其他问题都显得不重要了。
Black faded on the final bend. 布莱克在最后一个弯道处速度慢了下来。
In the last weeks of her life she simply faded away. 她在生命的最后几个星期已是草枯灯油尽了。
George saw the monitor black out and then a few words faded in. 乔治看见屏幕变暗,接着出现了几个字。
fade out the music at the end of the scene. 在这个场景的末尾把音乐减弱。
Her smile faded. 她的笑容逐渐消失。
He was wearing faded blue jeans. 他穿着退色的蓝牛仔裤。
The sun had faded the curtains. 太阳把窗帘晒退了色。
The curtains had faded in the sun. 窗帘已经给晒退了色。
All colour had faded from the sky. 天上的颜色都退去了。
Seaton lay on his bed and gazed at the ceiling as the light faded... 光线渐渐暗了下去,西顿躺在床上,凝视着天花板。
The sound of the last bomber's engines faded into the distance. 最后一架轰炸机的引擎声渐渐消失在远方。
They observed the comet for 70 days before it faded from sight... 他们观察了这颗彗星 70 天,直至其慢慢从视线中消失。
They watched the familiar mountains fade into the darkness. 他们看着熟悉的群山渐渐隐没到黑夜当中。
She had a way of fading into the background when things got rough... 情况一有不妙,她总能退到幕后。
The most prominent poets of the Victorian period had all but faded from the scene. 维多利亚时期最显赫的诗人差不多已全部湮没无声了。
Sympathy for the rebels, the government claims, is beginning to fade... 政府宣称,对叛乱分子的同情开始消退。
Prospects for peace had already started to fade. 和平的前景已经开始日渐暗淡。
Jay nodded, his smile fading. 杰伊点点头,笑容慢慢隐去了。
He thought her campaign would probably fade out soon in any case. 他认为不管怎样,她的竞选活动都可能会很快归于沉寂。
You'll need to be able to project two images onto the screen as the new one fades in and the old image fades out. 你得能将两个图像投射到屏幕上,让新的渐渐淡入,旧的渐渐淡出。
All colour fades — especially under the impact of direct sunlight... 所有颜色都会褪色——尤其是在阳光直射下。
No matter how soft the light is, it still plays havoc, fading carpets and curtains in every room. 无论多么柔和的光线,也仍然会造成损害,会让所有房间的地毯和窗帘褪色。
w [ˈweəhaʊs] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 仓库,货栈
Shandong; floods and droughts; control measures; food production; farmland water conservancy; farmers savings; and warehouse. 山东; 水旱灾害; 防治措施; 粮食生产; 农田水利; 农民积蓄; 仓储.
Completion of this Administration Building will provide spaces for Central Office, warehouse, and Canteen facilities. 行政大楼将包含中央写字楼, 仓库及饭堂等设施.
Finally, three main applications of data warehouse are depicted in detail. 最后阐述了数据仓库的三大应用:灵活报表、OLAP分析、数据挖掘.
The goods overflowed the warehouse. 货仓里装满了货物.
He has transferred from the warehouse to the accounts office. 他已从仓库调到会计室工作.
We freighted the goods to the warehouse by truck. 我们用卡车把货物运到仓库.
Once the ventilator shaft became blocked, the warehouse quickly filled with fumes. 通风管一旦堵塞, 仓库很快就充满了烟雾.
The manager wants to clear off the old stocks in the warehouse. 经理想把仓库里积压的存货处理掉.
Their furniture will stay in the warehouse until they have paid the storage fee. 他们要等交了保管费之后才能把家具搬出货栈.
The warehouse is guarded. 库房有人看守.
Somebody set the warehouse aflame. 有人放火烧仓库.
How much will you have to pay the warehouse for storage? 你得付多少仓库保管费?
A fire in our warehouse was a contingency that we had not expected. 库房的一场大火是我们始料未及的.
Thousands of crates compacted in a warehouse. 数以千计的板条箱堆放在仓库里.
They leased the building as a warehouse. 他们租用这栋大楼作仓库.
A fire had severely damaged the warehouse. 一场大火严重地毁坏了仓库.
The warehouse is overrun with rats. 那个仓库里老鼠成灾.
The trucks waited at the warehouse to pick up their loads. 货车在仓库等着装载货物。
The relief supplies are being flown from a warehouse in Pisa. 救济物资正从比萨的一个仓库空运过来。
Her body was found dumped in a derelict warehouse less than a mile from her home. 在距离她家不到一英里的一座废弃仓库里发现了她遭弃的尸体。
The Confectionery warehouse is a chocoholic's dream. 糖果仓库是巧克力爱好者的梦幻之乡。
The warehouse will hold more than 90,000 pallets storing 30 million Easter eggs. 那间仓库将用9万多个货盘装3,000万只复活节彩蛋。
The work space is a bare and cavernous warehouse. 工作场地是个空荡荡的大仓库。
warehouse clubs allow members to buy goods at wholesale prices. 仓储式会员店允许会员以批发价购买商品。
The insurance company will take warehouse stocks or treasury bonds as surety. 该保险公司将接受仓库库存货物或长期国库券作为担保。
I can spend the whole day undisturbed at the warehouse. 我可以一整天都呆在仓库里而不受打扰。
A typical warehouse club marks up its goods by only 10 to 15 percent. 典型的仓储超市仅给商品加价10%至15%。
Tomorrow without fail he would be at the old riverside warehouse. 明天他一定会在河边的旧仓库里。
We could have stolen the original from the warehouse without you being any the wiser. 我们本可以把原作从库房里偷出来而完全不让你知晓。
k [kɪs] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.&vt. 吻,亲吻
They stood in a doorway kissing (= kissing each other) . 他们站在门口亲吻。
Do people in Britain kiss when they meet? 英国人见面时亲吻吗?
Go and kiss your mother goodnight. 去亲亲你母亲祝她晚安。
She kissed him on both cheeks. 她吻了吻他的双颊。
He lifted the trophy up and kissed it. 他举起奖杯吻了一下。
The sunlight kissed the warm stones. 阳光洒落在温暖的石块上。
Come here and let me kiss it better. 过来让我亲一亲就不疼了。
Well, you can kiss goodbye to your chances of promotion. 嗳,你就甭想晋升了。
He kissed away her tears. 他吻了吻她,她就不哭了。
Come here and give me a kiss ! 过来亲亲我吧!
a kiss on the cheek 在面颊上的一吻
We were greeted with hugs and kisses . 我们受到欢迎,又是拥抱,又是亲吻。
She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek... 她倾身向前亲吻了他的面颊。
She kissed me hard on the mouth... 她深深地吻了我的嘴。
The men stepped forward to kiss the hand of their mentor... 这些男子走上前去轻吻他们导师的手。
She bowed her head and kissed the Archbishop's ring. 她低下头轻吻大主教的戒指。
The wheels of the aircraft kissed the runway. 飞机的轮子轻触跑道。
Maria blew him a kiss... 玛丽亚给了他一个飞吻。
Amy blew a kiss from the door. 埃米在门口做了个飞吻的动作。
I felt sure I'd have to kiss my dancing career goodbye. 我明确感觉到我将不得不与我的舞蹈生涯说再见了。
Evans'body type is better suited match up against shooting guards and small forwards. 埃文斯的体型更适合防得分后卫和小前锋.
She blew a kiss to the onlookers. 她向旁观的人群送去一个飞吻.
kiss the children good night. 向孩子们接吻道晚安.
d [diˈzə:t] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 甜点
What's for dessert ? 餐后甜点吃什么?
a rich chocolate dessert 腻人的巧克力甜点
a dessert wine 餐末甜酒
(British English)the dessert trolley (= a table on wheels from which you choose your dessert in a restaurant) (餐厅内)送甜点的手推车
She had homemade ice cream for dessert... 她用自制的冰激凌作饭后甜点。
I am partial to desserts that combine fresh fruit with fine pastry. 我偏爱加有新鲜水果的精致油酥甜点。
Would you like some more dessert? 要再来点儿甜点 吗 ?
Robbie, would you bring the dessert plates. Robbie, 你把甜点盘子拿来好吗?
Do you care for a dessert, sit? 您是否想吃点甜食,先生?
In my opinion, ice cream is a delicious dessert. 在我看来, 冰激凌是很可口的甜点.
Our special is roast beef. That includes side dishes. The dessert is cheesecake. 今日特餐是什么?B:我们的特餐是烤牛肉. 包含配菜. 甜点是奶酪蛋糕.
We had ice cream for dessert. 我们餐后吃的甜点是冰淇淋.
If you don't order dessert I won't either. 如果你不点甜点,那我也不要了.
Even the dessert after a meal a pleasure, it can not bear to eat. 就连饭后甜品都是赏心悦目, 令人不忍食之.
RIX 12 is not only a dessert expert but also a fruit master. 十二果芬不仅仅是甜品专家,更是水果大师.
An occasional indulgence is fine, but too much dessert can take a toll on waist lines. 偶尔放纵一下还好, 但过多的摄入甜点会让巨蟹的腰围变粗哦.
I will leave room for dessert. 我要省下地方吃甜食呢.
I'll have just a trifle of the dessert. 我只要吃少量的甜点心.
To the processing of raw materials for cream for dessert. cake or cakes. 以冰淇淋为原料加工为甜品. 蛋糕或月饼.
Do you want any dessert? 你要甜品 吗 ?
Life short, eat dessert first! 人生苦短, 先吃甜点!
Freshly baked apple pie makes a tasty dessert. 新烤的苹果派是很可口的饭后点心.
They served apple pudding for dessert. 他们端上了苹果布丁作为甜食.
They went into the cafe for coffee and dessert. 他们到咖啡馆喝了杯咖啡,吃了些点心.
Would you like some apple pie for dessert? 你想不想要些苹果派当甜点?
We had raspberries and cream for dessert. 我们甜点吃奶油木莓子.
What's for dessert ? 餐后甜点吃什么?
This dessert can be served straight from the fridge. 这种甜食从冰箱里拿出来就可以吃。
This dessert can be served straight from the refrigerator. 这甜点从冰箱里拿出后即可食用。
I was tempted by the dessert menu. 甜食菜单馋得我垂涎欲滴。
[ˈnektaɪ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 领带,领花
You've got some egg on your necktie. 你的领带上沾了一点蛋.
Henry wouldn't be caught dead in the necktie he got for Christmas. 亨利再也不想让人看到结那条他为圣诞节买的领带.
He stood in front of the mirror tightening his necktie. 他站在镜子前紧他的领带.
A : A silk necktie is always a nice gift. 真丝领带一向都是很好的礼物.
Do you prefer necktie or bow tie? 你喜欢领带还是领结?
He didn't wear a necktie. 他没有戴领带.
That necktie is not in accordance with my business suit. 这条领带和我的西装不相配.
Your necktie is wry no offence. 你的领带歪了,请勿怪我提醒.
May I say how elegant you look with this necktie? 我想说您戴这领带真潇洒.
Our company is mainly specializes in brooches, pins and necktie clips with patterns of musical instruments. 本工作室专门于乐器造型之别针及领带夹.
Cattle thieves were stealing the rancher's cattle when the cowboys caught them and a necktie party. 几个偷牛贼在偷农场的牛时,被牛仔们抓住,被私下绞死了.
He was tying his necktie. 他在打领带结.
Bill: I don't see why I should have to wear a necktie for a job interview. 我不明白为什么我应该戴领带去工作面试.
necktie, men's another central nerve. 领带, 男人的另一根中枢神经.
This necktie goes well with your shirt. 这条领带跟价钱的上衣很配.
Louis : Well I thought I'd get him a really nice necktie. 路易士: 我想过了,会买一条很帅的领带送给他.
He even wore a necktie, a bright bit of ribbon. 他甚至还打了条领带, 那是条颜色鲜亮的丝质领带.
That's a snazzy necktie you have. 你这条领带真够时髦的.
I think I stayed half an hour without this necktie. 我想我待了半个小时没戴领带.
This necktie suit you well. 这条领带很适合你.
A necktie and more simple but a bow tie you can match with more outfits. 领带更为简洁,但是使用领结你可以搭配更多的外套.
Perhaps he should have just stuck with convention and worn a normal necktie. 他系那个鲜红色的领结太不搭调了.他可能还是应该传统一点系条普通的领带.
Her necktie was in that crumpled , flattered state which time and much wearing impart. 她的领带已破缩不堪,用旧了.
Tom, you tied a nice necktie. 汤姆, 你的领带系得真好看.
A silk necktie is always a nice gift. 真丝领带一向是很好的礼物.
The crook just walked away with a $ 30 necktie. 那小偷顺手牵羊拿走了一条价值三十美元的领带.
Then would you mind letting go of my necktie? 那么能否请你放开我的领带?
He bought a fancy necktie. 他买了一条别致的领带.
A necktie that arranged like a ribbon. Often made of the same fabric as the blouse. 类似缎带打的那种蝴蝶结, 经常用衬衫的本布制作.
d [dɔɡ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 狗
You dirty dog! 你这个下流坯!
I'm afraid in this line of work it's a case of dog eat dog. 恐怕在这种行业中竞争是残酷无情的。
We're operating in a dog-eat-dog world. 我们是在一个残酷竞争的世界里立足。
He's made a real dog's breakfast of these accounts. 他把这些账目简直搞得一塌糊涂。
This firm's gone to the dogs since the new management took over. 这个公司自新的管理人员接手以来日渐衰败。
He hasn't a dog's chance of passing the exam. 他根本不可能通过这次考试。
He had been dogged by bad health all his life. 他一生多病,备受折磨。
She had the impression that someone was dogging her steps. 她感觉到有人在尾随她。
Her last movie was an absolute dog. 她的最后一部影片彻底砸锅了。
a dog and her puppies 母狗和它的狗崽儿
dog food 狗食
guard dogs 看家狗
I could hear a dog barking. 我听到犬吠声。
I took the dog for a walk. 我遛狗去了。
Why can't she let sleeping dogs lie? 为什么她就不能不多事?
They sit in impotent opposition while the country goes to the dogs. 国家败落之际,他们加入了软弱无力的反对党。
The TV business today is a dog-eat-dog business. 当前电视业的竞争残酷无情。
It is very much dog eat dog out there... 那儿的竞争异常残酷。
Our own Board are going to make a dog's breakfast out of it if we aren't careful. 如果我们不小心行事,我们的董事会就会乱成一团。
The whole place was a bit of a dog's dinner, really... 整个地方乌烟瘴气的,真的。
The problems that have dogged him all year are just a temporary setback... 一时的挫折竟困扰了他一整年。
His career has been dogged by bad luck. 他在事业上一直不走运。
It's a real dog. 这实在是蹩脚货。
How can you go out with her? She's a real dog. 你怎么能和她谈恋爱呢?她简直就是个恐龙。
...a dog fox. 公狐狸
Is this a dog or a bitch? 这是公狗还是母狗?
The dog growled again... 狗又在狂吠。
Outside, a dog was barking... 外面,一只狗在叫。
h [ˈhændi] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a. 便利的,顺手的 hang(hanged,hanged) v. 处(人)绞刑;上吊
Don't throw that away─it might come in handy. 别把它扔了——它或许有用。
The extra money came in very handy. 这笔额外的钱正好派上了用场。
to be handy around the house 对家里制作修理等杂事很在行
(British English)Our house is very handy for the station. 我们家离车站很近。
Have you got a pen handy? 你手头有钢笔吗?
Always keep a first-aid kit handy. 跟前要常备急救箱。
handy hints/tips for removing stains 清除污渍的妙招 / 窍门儿
a handy little tool 好用的小工具
If you're handy with a needle you could brighten up your sweater with daisies. 如果你针线活做得好,可以在自己的毛衣上绣几朵雏菊做点缀。
It would be good to have a pencil and paper handy... 最好在手边准备好纸和笔。
Keep handy a lightweight sweater or cardigan... 手边备一件薄的套头毛衣或开襟毛衫。
The $20 check came in very handy. 那张20美元的支票正好派上了用场。
That key will come in handy if you lock yourself out... 要是你把自己锁在了屋外,那把钥匙就派上用场了。
Credit cards can be handy — they mean you do not have to carry large sums of cash. 信用卡很方便,有了它你就不用携带大量现金了。
The book gives handy hints on looking after indoor plants... 这本书提供了一些关于如何照料室内花草的有用信息。
Bitboards also quite handy for move generation. 位棋盘对于行棋也非常方便.
The handy dandy Seal Lock allows you to never worry for your equipments again! 便利绝妙的封印锁让你再也不用担心你的装备!
The school is close to our houses, so it is quite handy for the children. 学校离我们家很近, 所以孩子们上学很方便.
This is especially handy when you are in search of something particular. 您在搜寻某些特别的事物时,这就特别有用了.
She was handy with her needle. 她善长针线活.
This machine is fully automatism number controlled, its operation is handy , andits cutting is exact. 本机全自动数字控制, 操作简便, 切割精确.
This is a very handy tool for opening cans. 这是一种很简便的开罐头工具.
It's handy to have the thermos here. 暖瓶放在这儿好拿.
This spade is very handy. 这把铁锹使起来挺顺手.
A few more traveler's checks may come in handy on holiday. 多带几张旅行支票,度假时会有用的.
The booklet is very practical and handy of reference. 这本小册子很实用,而且便于查考.
She is a handy girl who can turn her hand to anything. 她是个心灵手巧的姑娘.
She is handy with the needle. 她是做针线活的巧手.
It may come in handy. 这东西迟早会有用处.
nd [nɔd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vi. 点头
I asked him if he would help me and he nodded. 我问他能不能帮我一下,他点了点头。
Her head nodded in agreement. 她点头表示同意。
He nodded his head sympathetically. 他同情地点点头。
She nodded approval. 她点头表示赞同。
The president nodded to the crowd as he passed in the motorcade. 当总统的车队经过时,他向人群点头致意。
She nodded at him to begin speaking. 她点头示意他开始讲话。
to nod a greeting 点头问候
I asked where Steve was and she nodded in the direction of the kitchen. 我问史蒂夫在哪儿,她朝厨房点了点头。
He sat nodding in front of the fire. 他坐在火炉前打盹儿。
to give a nod of approval/agreement/encouragement 点头表示赞同 / 同意 / 鼓励
He got the nod from the team manager (= he was chosen for the team) . 他被球队经理看中了。
We've been given the nod to expand the business. 我们得到允许扩大企业规模。
I hope he'll give the nod to the plan. 我希望他会同意这个计划。
Everything could be done by a nod and a wink. 每件事只靠点拨一下就能办妥了。
'Are you okay?' I asked. She nodded and smiled... “你没事吧?”我问她。她点点头,笑了。
David said nothing, but simply nodded, as if understanding perfectly... 戴维什么都没说,只是点点头,好像完全理解了。
'Does it work?' he asked, nodding at the piano... “它能用吗?”他边问边朝钢琴方向扬了下头。
She nodded towards the drawing room. 'He's in there.'... 她朝客厅方向扬了扬头说:“他在那里面。”
All the girls nodded and said 'Hi'... 所有的女孩都点头招呼道:“嗨!”
Tom nodded a greeting but didn't say anything... 汤姆点头致意,但什么都没说。
Taylor leapt up to nod the ball home... 泰勒跳起来头球破门。
Brian McClair nodded in his twenty-third goal of the season. 布赖恩·麦克莱尔头球攻入了自己本赛季第23粒进球。
'Keep him outside till I give you the nod.' “没我同意,别让他进来。”
He has always argued that the party cannot be seen to let the treaty through on the nod... 他一直争辩,不能眼看着该党让此条约毫无异议地通过。
Big issues are going through on the nod. 重大议题将会一致通过。
a [əˈveɪləbl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a. 可获得的,有空的
readily/freely/publicly/generally available 可以容易 / 免费 / 让公众 / 普遍得到的
Tickets are available free of charge from the school. 学校有免费票。
When will the information be made available ? 何时才可以了解到情况?
Further information is available on request. 详情备索。
This was the only room available. 这是唯一可用的房间。
We'll send you a copy as soon as it becomes available . 一有货我们就会给你寄一本去。
Every available doctor was called to the scene. 所有能找到的医生都被召集到了现场。
Will she be available this afternoon? 今天下午她有空吗?
The director was not available for comment. 主管没有时间发表意见。
[不可数名词]the availability of cheap flights 有廉价机票出售
(British English)This offer is subject to availability . 优惠至此产品售完为止。
available resources/facilities 可利用的资源 / 设备
Mr Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment. 利奇先生休假了,不方便作出评论。
There are three small boats available for hire... 有3艘小船可供出租。
Since 1978, the amount of money available to buy books has fallen by 17%... 自1978年以来,可用于采购图书的经费已经减少了17%。
All the evidence of the crime is available. 罪证俱在.
This book is not available here. 这里没有这本书.
These tickets are available for one month. 这些票有效期一个月.
I'm afraid your order has caught us on the hop — the goods aren't available yet. 恐怕你的订单来得太突然,我们全无准备,目前尚无货源.
Television is available in each of the hotel rooms as an extra. 旅馆每个房间都有电视机作为额外优待.
It may be objected that not enough manpower is available. 有人可能会提出反对,认为没有足够的人力可用.
Two very clear and comprehensive handbooks are available. 现有两种清晰易懂内容全面的手册供应.
The doctor is not available now. 医生现在没空.
A limited number of cars is available. 汽车使用数目有限制.
The serum is available to the general public. 一般公众均可获得血清.
These tablets are available over the counter. 这些药片无需处方可直接购买.
This book is not easily available. 这本书可不好买.
There is also a de luxe model available , but it'll cost you. 还有一种豪华型的, 但很贵.
faly [ˈfɛəli] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
ad. 公正地,正当地;相当(程度)地
a fairly easy book 一本相当浅易的书
a fairly typical reaction 相当典型的反应
I know him fairly well, but I wouldn't say we were really close friends. 我相当了解他,但并不是说我们是真正的密友。
I go jogging fairly regularly. 我差不多经常练习慢跑。
We'll have to leave fairly soon (= before very long) . 我们不久得离开。
I'm fairly certain I can do the job. 我有相当把握能干这项工作。
The report was fairly incomprehensible. 这份报告相当难懂。
I think you'll find it fairly difficult (= you do not want to say that it is very difficult) . 我认为你会觉得它相当难。
He has always treated me very fairly. 他待我一直很公正。
Her attitude could fairly be described as hostile. 公平而论,她的态度可以说是怀有敌意。
The time fairly raced by. 时间过得真快。
After I had read the book I could fairly claim to be an expert. 读完这本书,我差不多可以说是专家了。
Both ships are fairly new... 两艘船都还比较新。
We did fairly well but only fairly well. 我们做得还过得去,但也仅仅是过得去而已。
Were you always fairly bright at school?... 你在学校一直还算聪明吧?
You've got to be fairly single-minded about it... 对这事你还得专心一点。
He fairly flew across the room... 他简直是飞过了房间。
For him, the place is fairly boiling with humanity... 对他来说,这个地方充满了人情味。
It can no doubt be fairly argued that Sir John, whose pay is linked to performance, is entitled to every penny... 毋庸置疑,既然约翰爵士的薪水是与业绩挂钩的,他的每一分钱都是理所应得的。
The wind whipped across the plain. 大风席卷平原.
I felt fairly easy after taking the medicine. 我服药后感到舒服些.
The original plan had undergone fairly extensive modifications. 原计划已经作了相当大的修改.
I've got a fairly good idea of what they want. 我已经完全清楚他们要什么.
The unexpected news fairly knocked me over. 那意外的消息着实使我吃了一惊.
Wash the tablecloth in fairly hot soapy water. 桌布要用比较热的肥皂水来洗.
wohy [ˈwə:ði] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a. 值得的
to be worthy of attention 值得注意
A number of the report's findings are worthy of note . 这份报告里有些调查结果值得注意。
No composer was considered worthy of the name until he had written an opera. 作曲家直到写出一部歌剧来才被认为是名副其实。
a worthy champion (= one who deserved to win) 当之无愧的冠军
He felt he was not worthy of her. 他觉得他配不上她。
The money we raise will be going to a very worthy cause . 我们筹集的钱款将用于非常崇高的事业。
a worthy member of the team 一位优秀的队员
her worthy but dull husband 她那为人正派却呆板的丈夫
He gave a speech that was worthy of Martin Luther King. 他作了一次典型的马丁·路德·金式的演讲。
trustworthy 值得信任的
roadworthy 适于在公路上行驶的
a meeting attended by local worthies 当地知名人士参加的会议
The bank might think you're worthy of a loan... 银行也许会认为你具备贷款的条件。
The Minister says the idea is worthy of consideration... 部长说这个想法值得考虑。
...worthy members of the community... 团体中德高望重者
They thought the feminist label was too worthy. 他们觉得女权主义者这个称谓太抬举她们了。
What do you like to do in your spare time? 空闲时你喜欢干什么?
To be candid with you, your son is far from trust worthy. 对你老实讲, 你的儿子是靠不住的.
They regard the problem as not worthy of serious consideration. 对这一问题他们都认为不屑一顾.
We saw nothing worthy of remark. 我们看不到值得注意的东西.
Travel gives us a worthy and improving pleasure. 旅行给予我们一种高尚有益的快乐.
People say: " Guilin's scenery is peerless in the world . " It was not until I visited the place that I found it really worthy of the reputation. 人们都说 “ 桂林山水甲天下 ”,到桂林一看,果然名不虚传.
[teɪl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. (动物的)尾巴
The dog ran up, wagging its tail. 那条狗摇着尾巴跑上前去。
The male has beautiful tail feathers. 雄鸟有美丽的尾羽。
a white-tailed eagle 白尾雕
the tail wing 尾翼
the tail of a kite 风筝的尾坠
the tail of the procession 游行队伍的末尾
The men all wore top hat and tails. 男士都头戴高顶礼帽,身穿晚礼服。
The police have put a tail on him . 警方已派人对他进行盯梢。
Manx cats are tailless. 马恩岛猫没有尾巴。
A private detective had been tailing them for several weeks. 私人侦探几个星期来一直在跟踪他们。
The number of tourists tails off in October. 十月份游客人数越来越少。
‘But why…? ’ Her voice tailed away. “但是为什么…?”她的声音细了下去。
The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies. 那些牛甩动着尾巴驱赶苍蝇。
...a black dog with a long tail. 长尾黑狗
...the horizontal stabilizer bar on the plane's tail... 飞机尾部的水平尾翼
Elsie tugged her husband's coat tail. 埃尔西用力拉了拉她丈夫外套的后摆。
Officers had tailed the gang from London during a major undercover inquiry... 在一次重大的秘密调查行动中,警察从伦敦就盯上了那帮匪徒。
He trusted her so little that he had her tailed. 他十分不信任她,所以派人跟踪她。
He checked behind. No tail. 他看看身后——没有人跟着。
Past TV deals have seen the tail wagging the dog. Now football clubs feel they are equal partners with TV. 以往和电视台的交易中,足球俱乐部就已经有过喧宾夺主的记录。现在,他们更是觉得可以和电视台平起平坐了。
His team retreated last night with tails tucked firmly between their legs. 昨晚,他的队伍灰溜溜地退场了。
I turned tail and fled in the direction of the main house. 我掉头就跑,朝主屋方向逃去。
Application: mainly use to shave rust and oil paint. 用途: 主要用来刮除铁锈和墙漆.
The horse stood whisking its tail. 那匹马站着挥动尾巴.
A dog reacts to kindness by wagging its tail. 狗摇尾巴以报答人们的爱护.
The dog's tail wagged. 狗尾巴摇动着.
The peacock spreads his splendid tail. 孔雀展开了它那灿烂夺目的尾巴.
The number of tourists starts to tail off in October. 游客在十月份开始逐渐减少.
[ˈsəʊʃəlɪzəm] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 社会主义
With the establishment of socialism market economy, it bring about new change to hospital ethics situation. 社会主义市场经济的确立, 医院医德医风情况发生了新的变化.
The CPC is the core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 中国共产党是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心.
We are in the process of building socialism. 我们正在建设社会主义.
Some people ask why we chose socialism. 人们说,你们搞什么社会主义!
With extraordinary wisdom, Deng Xiaoping advanced the theory of constructing the socialism with Chinese characteristics. 邓小平以非凡的智慧, 提出了建设中国特色社会主义理论.
A postmodern approach from a different premise than both libertarianism and the socialism. Postmodernism is holistic. 后现代主义始于一个与自由主义和社会主义都不同的前提, 后现代主义是整体主义的.
Now we have great achievement in the construction of the socialism market economy. 我国目前的社会主义市场经济建设已经取得了很大的成就.
This is the only way to demonstrate the superiority of socialism. 只有这样,才能表明社会主义的优越性.
Chile and Cuba were blazing a new path for Latin American socialism. 智利和古巴正在为拉美社会主义开辟一条新的道路.
We cannot ~ ( that ) socialism be achieved overnight. 我们不能要求社会主义在一个晚上建成.
City information is the only roads in socialism modernize build of China. 摘要城市信息化是我国社会主义现代化建设的必由之路.
The overwhelming majority of our intellectuals serve socialism of their own volition. 我国的知识分子绝大多数是自觉自愿地为社会主义服务的.
China will stay in the primary stage of socialism for a long period of time. 我国将长期处于社会主义初级阶段.
Persisted the Chinese characteristic socialism theory system, trulypersists the Marxism. 坚持中国特色社会主义理论体系, 就是真正坚持马克思主义.
socialism: You have 2 cows and you give one to your neighbour. 社会主义: 你有两头母牛,你把一只送给邻居.
Most observers look at such financial socialism as an emergency measure – and a bad thing. 多数观察人士将此类金融社会主义视为应急措施——并认为这是一件坏事.
He believed that in building socialism it was necessary to make thorough plans on behalf of the state. 他认为搞社会主义,要替国家好好打算盘.
Scientific socialism originated in the middle of the nineteenth century. 科学社会主义创始于19世纪中叶.
At present, China is still on the initial stage of socialism. 现在, 中国仍然处在社会主义的初级阶段.
William Morris was one of the early prophets of socialism. 威廉∙莫里斯是社会主义的早期传播者之一。
He had decided long ago that he would put his trust in socialism when the time came. 很久以前他就决定时机成熟时会寄希望于社会主义。
The forces of National socialism were transforming Germany root and branch. 纳粹主义势力当时正在彻底改变德国。
Her synthesis of feminism and socialism ran counter to all other historical currents. 她将女权主义和社会主义的结合与所有其他的历史潮流背道而驰。
He believed in socialism and the brotherhood of man. 他信仰社会主义,相信人与人之间有手足般的情谊。
This socialism does not after all offer a magic formula for prosperity and human dignity. 这种社会主义说到底并不能提供实现富足和人格尊严的神奇方案。
The British brand of socialism was more interested in reform than revolution. 英国式的社会主义更加注重改革,而不是革命。
Here I think it is appropriate to draw your attention to one very specific feature of socialism. 谈到这里,我认为应该适时地提醒大家注意社会主义的一个非常明确的特征。
imne [ɪˈmædʒɪn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt. 想像,设想
‘Can we still buy tickets for the concert? ’ ‘I imagine so . ’ “我们还能买到音乐会的票吗?”“我想可以吧。”
I don't imagine (that) they'll refuse. 我认为他们不会拒绝。
There's nobody there. You're imagining things . 那里根本没有人,你在胡思乱想。
He's always imagining (that) we're talking about him behind his back. 他总是胡乱猜想我们在背后说他的闲话。
‘He was furious. ’ ‘ I can imagine . ’ “他大怒。”“我想象得出。”
I had imagined her to be older than that. 我本来以为她的年龄还要大一些。
I can just imagine him saying that! 我确实能想到他那么说!
imagine earning that much money! 想想看,竟赚那么多的钱!
She imagined walking into the office and handing in her resignation. 她想象着自己走进办公室,递上辞呈。
Can you imagine what it must be like to lose your job after 20 years? 你能想象得出干了20年之后被辞退会是什么样的滋味吗?
Close your eyes and imagine (that) you are in a forest. 闭上眼睛,设想自己在森林里。
I can't imagine life without the children now. 我现在无法设想没有了孩子们的生活。
The house was just as she had imagined it. 这房子正是她所想象的。
I realised that I must have imagined the whole thing. 我意识到大概整件事都是我臆想出来的。
We tend to imagine that the Victorians were very prim and proper... 我们往往认为维多利亚时代的人们都一本正经,谨言慎行。
I imagine you're referring to Jean-Paul Sartre... 我猜你说的是让-保罗·萨特。
He could not imagine a more peaceful scene... 他想象不出比这更祥和的景象。
She couldn't imagine living in a place like that... 她无法想象住在那样一个地方。
The velocity change at the contact point between the plate and spindle, forming roller was analyzed. 分析了旋压瞬时主轴与成形辊及板材接触点的速度变化状态.
Don't imagine you can get anything out of it. 休想在这件事上捞稻草.
One can imagine how regretful he was. 可以想像他是多么懊悔.
I don't imagine they will come if it rains. 我认为天如果下雨,他们是不会来的.
In the hubbub of city life, it is hard for us to imagine the people and the things of the past, and how indeed these people felt about the world. 天天生活在城市里的我们很难想像过去的人,过去的事, 过去的年代与感觉.
You can imagine the situation there. 你可以想象那里的情况.
I can't imagine lying like that. I would go crazy. 我无法想像那样躺着的情形, 我会发疯的.
They were as far removed from the ethos of terrorism as you could imagine. 他们丝毫不受恐怖主义思潮的影响,这你可以想像到的.
a [əˈkædəmi] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
the Royal academy of Arts 皇家艺术学会
the Royal academy of Music 皇家音乐学院
a police/military academy 警官 / 军官学校
The British academy of Film and Television Arts. 英国电影和电视艺术学院
...the American academy of Psychotherapists... 美国心理治疗师学会
...her experience as a police academy instructor. 她在警校当教官的经历
...the Royal academy of Music. 皇家音乐学院
The academy offers a public sphere for cross - disciplinary communication general field of built human environment, city. 学院以人文环境和都市作为研究主体,提供跨领域交流和公共论域的空间.
Was the Vice President of Yinchuan Painting and Calligraphy academy. 曾任银川书画院副院长.
Their study appears in the National academy of Sciences. 他们的研究结果发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》上.
This is the website of the academy of Agricultural Sciences in Henan province. 这是河南省农业科学院的网站.
This is an academy of music. 这是一所音乐专科学院.
In fact, hotheaded stock investors make better decisions academy of Management Journal showed. 实际上, 鲁莽的股票者们能做出更好的决定.
Topping the academy as Game of the Year , was the Sims from Electronic Art. 位居学院“年度最佳游戏”金榜榜首的是来自“电子艺术”的作品:模拟人生.
Because he went out to the academy a few times anD ran your fielD exercises? 就因为他来过几次学校,指导你实习?
He is a student in an academy of music. 他是一所音乐学院的学生.
Who do you think should win the academy Award for Best Director this year? 你认为今年谁会获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖?
The lecture was given under the auspices of the academy of Sciences. 这次报告会是由科学院主办的.
Headway academy is a foreign company formed in Shanghai. 本公司是一家成立于上海的美资公司.
academyacademy says babies should should sleep on their backs. 儿科学会表示婴儿应该仰睡.
In 1802, president President Thomas Jefferson signed legislation to establish the military military academy. 在1802年, 托马斯杰斐逊总统签署法令简历军事院校.
The Aireforce Air Force academy is located at Colorado Springs , springs Colorado. 空军军官学校位于科罗拉多州的斯普林斯市的.
First presented in l 929, the academy Awards are among the film industry's most coveted prizes. 始于1929年的学院奖,堪称电影界人士梦寐以求的荣誉.
The myoelectirc prostheses gained he rewards of Shanghai Government, Chinese academy of Sciences and National government. 肌电控制假肢研制成果曾获上海市 、 国科学院和国家鼓励.
He passed into the Military academy with no difficulty. 他毫无困难地获准就读军事学院.
I visited Chinese academy of Sciences yesterday. 我昨天去访问了中国科学院.
It is the custom of this academy to make an annual award for outstanding researchers in chemistry. 每年向杰出的化学研究人员发奖是这个学会的惯例.
ny [ˈnɔɪzi] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a. 喧闹的,嘈杂的
noisy children/traffic/crowds 吵闹的孩子;喧闹的交通;嘈杂的人群
a noisy protest (= when people shout) 吵吵嚷嚷的抗议声
The engine is very noisy at high speed. 这个发动机转速高时噪音非常大。
a noisy classroom 吵闹的教室
The children were playing noisily upstairs. 孩子们在楼上吵闹地玩耍。
...my noisy old typewriter... 我那台噪音极大的旧打字机
His daughter was very active and noisy in the mornings. 他的女儿一到上午就很好动,吵吵闹闹的。
It's a noisy place with film clips showing constantly on one of the cafe's giant screens... 这个咖啡馆很嘈杂,室内的一个大屏幕上不停地播放着电影片断。
The baggage hall was crowded and noisy... 行李大厅拥挤嘈杂。
It might, at last, silence the small but noisy intellectual clique. 它可能最终会使这个聒噪的知识分子小圈子安静下来。
...the noisy and unpopular fringe groups that are attempting to change the culture of their society. 企图变革社会文化的哗众取宠、不受欢迎的边缘群体
The mother hushed her noisy child. 那位母亲叫她的孩子安静下来.
Hush, boys, the party's getting noisy. 嘘!小声点, 孩子们, 你们太闹了.
Through the lamp box of the running cost structure will also be further reduced. 通过灯箱的结构升级,运行成本还会进一步的降低.
At weekends the beach is crowded with noisy trippers. 周未时,海滨上满是喧哗的游客[度假者].
Has that noisy class settled down yet? 那个吵闹的班安静下来了 吗 ?
We are averse to such noisy surroundings. 我们不喜欢这么吵闹的环境.
It is so noisy here that I can't think. 这里太吵了,我没法思考.
This room is too noisy. 这屋里太闹.
All the children are not noisy. 并不是所有的儿童都吵闹.
The teacher scowled at his noisy class. 老师对他那喧闹的课堂板着脸.
Looking after fifteen noisy children is no laughing matter. 照看15个吵吵嚷嚷的孩子可不是闹着玩的事.
The radio's too loud [ noisy ] . 收音机开得太 响 了.
When the children's play got too noisy, their mother called a halt. 当孩子们的游戏过于吵闹时, 他们的母亲叫他们停下来.
The people in the room overhead were very noisy yesterday evening. 昨晚在楼上那个房间的人很吵.
Little Timmy is a noisy feeder. 小蒂米吃东西时发出响声.
I don't like pubs. They're noisy, smelly, and what's more, expensive. 我不喜欢酒吧. 那里又吵, 气味又难闻, 更重要的是, 花费太多.
grer [ˈgrəʊsə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 零售商人;食品店
That grocer never overcharges. 那杂货商从不多要价.
I owe the grocer. 我欠杂货店钱.
The grocer gave her the groceries that he had gathered and stood in stunned silence. 杂货店主把他刚才聚拢的全部食品交给了她,站在那里,惊人的安静.
It was a good place to set up as a grocer. 这是建个杂货店的好地方.
" You keep it,'said Hurstwood sadly. " I only want enough to pay the grocer. " “ 你留着吧, "赫斯渥伤心地说, " 我只要够付食品店老板的钱就行了.
Rent was paid, and now came the grocer. 付过房租, 现在又该付食品店老板了.
The grocer calls on the Kirks every Friday. 食品商每星期五给柯克家送食品.
The grocer sells wine and spirits. 这位食品商出售葡萄酒和烈性酒.
A grocer must know how to blend different kinds of tea. 杂货店必须知道如何混合不同种类的茶.
A grocer used to need to know how to blend tea. 杂货商以往都必须知道如何混合茶叶.
Things Your grocer Won't Tell You. 杂货店不会告诉你的13件事.
Maybe the grocer will wait. 也许食品店的老板会愿意等一等.
The grocer sacked the onions. 这个商店把洋葱装入袋里.
A grocer built up a greenhouse nearby a gulf. 一名杂货商在一个海湾附近建造了一个温室.
The cook and the grocer haggled over the price of eggs. 厨师和杂货商为蛋价计较个没完.
The grocer took back the rancid butter. 杂货店老板让把变了味的黄油退给了他.
Food might not be purchased from a grocer or from a supermarket. ?食品不需要从杂货店或超级商场购买.
From a grocer we buy the various things. 我们从杂货店里购得各种各样的东西.
John Longhouse, the grocer, scoffed at her and requested that she leave his store at once. 这个杂货店主,约翰.朗霍斯嘲弄她一番后让她马上离开他的店.
She asked the grocer to keep a good cut of beef for her each week. 她要求食品商每星期为她留一大块牛肉.
Pay the bill and ask the grocer to receipt it. 付帐之后请食品杂货商注明收讫.
The grocer deals in tea, coffee, spices and so forth. 该杂货店经销茶叶 、 咖啡 、 佐料等商品.
She made out a list for grocer. 她把要向杂货商购买的东西列成一张单子.
In the torchlight he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recongnized as Bill Wilkins , our local grocer. 在手电光下他看到一个人影,他立刻认出这个人是本地杂货商比尔·威尔金斯.
That grocer always overcharges. 那个杂货商总是要高价.
My neighbourhood grocer trusts me for this week's food. 我家邻近的食品商赊给我这一周的食品.
The grocer accused her of shoplifting and demanded to look in her bag. 食品杂货店老板说她行窃并要求检查她的手提袋。
If I go to a grocer I know and trust, I can safely assume the eggs will be fresh. 如果去的是一家我了解并信赖的杂货店,我便能确信鸡蛋是新鲜的。
At the other end of the social scale was the grocer, the village's only merchant. 社会等级的另一端是杂货店老板,村里唯一的商人。