A wasp had flown in through the window. 一只黄蜂从窗口飞了进来。
They were on a plane flying from London to New York. 他们在从伦敦飞往纽约的飞机上。
A simmering row ended with her letting fly with a stream of obscenities. 激烈的争吵最后以她一连串的污言秽语而告结束。
It was all pretty much done on the fly. 那几乎都是匆忙之中完成的。
The blow sent the young man flying. 这一拳把那个年轻人打翻在地。
What I'd give to be a fly on the wall when Davis finds out what's happened to his precious cargo. 我多么希望能够看到戴维斯发现他珍贵的货物出事时的样子啊。
She flew at him for making a very anti-British remark. 她攻击他激烈的反英言论。
Losing a game would cause him to fly into a rage. 输掉一场比赛会让他暴跳如雷。
...a lovely girl, who would not have harmed a fly. 连一只苍蝇都不肯伤害的可爱女孩
Ray wouldn't hurt a fly. 雷心肠很软。
The planes flew through the clouds... 飞机穿越云层。
The bird flew away. 鸟儿飞走了。
He flew to Los Angeles... 他飞往洛杉矶。
He flew back to London... 他飞回了伦敦。
Parker had successfully flown both aircraft... 两架飞机帕克均成功驾驶过。
He flew a small plane to Cuba... 他驾驶一架小型飞机飞往古巴。
It may be possible to fly the women and children out on Thursday... 周四可能会将妇女和儿童空运出去。
The relief supplies are being flown from a warehouse in Pisa. 救济物资正从比萨的一个仓库空运过来。
His long, uncovered hair flew back in the wind... 他那露在外面的长发随风向后飞舞。
She was running down the stairs, her hair flying. 她从楼上跑下来,长发飘动着。
They flew the flag of the African National Congress... 他们升起非洲人国民大会的旗帜。
A flag was flying on the new military HQ. 一面旗帜在新的军事指挥部上空飘扬着。
She flew to their bedsides when they were ill... 在他们生病的时候她飞奔至他们身边。
I flew downstairs... 我飞奔到楼下。
I must fly or I'll miss my plane... 我必须赶快走了否则就会误机。
I'll have to fly. 我得赶紧走了。
Rumours had been flying around the workrooms all morning... 整个早上流言在各工作间传来传去。
Rumours were flying about possible deals. 关于可能的交易的传闻在满天飞。
acss [ˈæktrəs] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
She's a very great dramatic actress. 她是一个非常了不起的戏剧演员。
And the teddy bear you gave me that I held so tight. 而我紧紧地抱着你给我的泰迪熊.
She succeeded in fulfil ( l ) ing herself as an actress. 她作为演员充分发挥了自己的才能.
She has won success as an actress. 她唱戏唱红了.
She commenced her life as an actress in the 1930 s. 从30年代她就开始舞台生涯.
She thinks it will be romantic to be an actress. 她认为当个女演员会很浪漫.
Dame Ellen Terry was a famous actress. 艾伦特里夫人是一位知名演员.
All her neighbours supposed her to be an actress. 街坊都以为她是一个演员.
The book charts her rise to fame as an actress. 这本书记述了她作为演员的成名史.
The actress wore a black wig over her blond hair. 那个女演员戴一顶黑色假发罩住自己的金黄色头发.
The actress is asking the court to protect her from an obsessive fan who is making her life a misery. 那个女演员要求法庭保护,使她不再受那个把她的生活搞得一团糟的痴狂影迷的骚扰.
Her performance in that play really put her on the map as a comedy actress. 她在那出喜剧中当演员而一举成名.
The actress needed to be prompted frequently. 那女演员经常需要提示.
The actress is walking at a brisk pace. 那位女演员正以轻快的步伐走着.
The actress sailed into the room in her flowing dress. 那位女演员身穿飘逸的长裙翩然走进房间.
At the end of the third scene the actress exited. 那位女演员在第三场结束时退场.
She's no great shakes as an actress. 她不是什么名角儿.
She is far and away the best actress in the country. 她无疑是国内最优秀的女演员.
The film actress gave up her career and married. 那位女电影演员放弃事业而结婚了.
The actress was the magnet that drew great audiences. 那位女演员曾吸引过许多观众.
She has that indefinable something that makes an actress a star. 她具备了那种使演员成为明星的说不出的特质。
an actress of considerable stature 颇有名望的女演员
Joanna has finally made it to the first rank of celebrity after 25 years as an actress. 乔安娜当了25年演员后,终于跻身一线女明星之列。
Jane is determined to stake her claim as an actress. 简决心主张自己作为一名女演员的权利。
She pipped actress Meryl Streep to the part. 她击败女演员梅丽尔·斯特里普,拿到了这个角色。
Jules, the story's narrator, is an actress in her late thirties. 这个故事的叙述者朱尔斯是个年近不惑的女演员。
The fiery actress kicked him in the shins. 那位脾气暴躁的女演员踢了他的小腿。
He accompanied the volatile actress to Hollywood the following year. 第二年他陪着这位情绪无常的女演员去了好莱坞。
Although now a celebrity in her own right, actress Lynn Redgrave knows the difficulties of living in the shadow of her famous older sister. 虽然女演员琳恩·雷德格雷夫现在依靠自己的能力出了名,但她明白生活在大名鼎鼎的姐姐的阴影里有多不容易。
Aileen stands out for her incredible versatility as an actress. 艾琳多才多艺,是一位出类拔萃的女演员。
unnd [ˌʌn'kaɪnd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
an unkind remark 不友善的话
He was never actually unkind to them. 其实他从没有对他们不好。
It would be unkind to go without him. 甩掉他那就太不够朋友了。
‘That's your problem, ’ she remarked unkindly. “那是你的问题。”她刻薄地说。
All last summer he'd been unkind to her... 去年整个夏天他都对她很恶劣。
No one has an unkind word to say about him... 所有人说起他来都没有一句坏话。
The weather was unkind to those pipers who played in the morning. 坏天气对上午那些风笛吹奏者毫不容情。
...a shared conviction that some unkind fate or chance is keeping them apart. 彼此坚信是无情的命运或机缘让他们一再错过
A stranger who is kind is a relative; an unkind relative is a stranger. 善良的陌生人是亲戚, 冷漠的亲戚是陌生人.
He was as thoughtless as he was unkind. 他做事不加思考,就像他的残暴一样典型.
Yes, there were many unkind articles. 是的, 有很多不友好的文章.
People who kinder , uncaring unkind or uncaring can be described as meaner than a junkyard dog. 那些不友好的或者不予关注的人们会被描述为不怀好意的人.
He was unkind to you. 他对你不客气.
He cut me to the quick with that unkind remark. 他那冷酷的话深深伤害了我.
I did not expect such unkind treatment at your hands. 我没想到你如此刻薄.
I said a lot of unkind things to you. I'm sorry. 对不起,我说了许多对你不有好的话.
It would be truer to say that he was careless than that he was unkind. 与其说他待人苛刻倒不如说粗心更准确.
Fancy her saying such unkind things about you! 真想不到她竟然对你说了这么不友好的话!
He was always unkind to mother. 他待妈妈一直都不好.
They ascribed their disaster to an unkind fate. 他们把他们的灾难归于命不好.
Don't harbo ( u ) r unkind thoughts . 别心怀 叵 测.
She was still smarting from [ over ] his unkind words. 她对他的那些无情话仍感到很难受.
What you said was true but nevertheless unkind. 你所说的都对,不过有点不客气.
He was never unkind to her. 他从未亏待过她.
It was unkind to denigrate her achievement. 贬低她的成就是刻薄的.
It was very unkind of the newspapers to pick the young singer's performance apart as they did. 那些报纸对一个青年歌唱家的演出吹毛求疵,真是太刻薄了.
Don't harbour unkind thoughts. 不要心怀不轨.
unkindness often reacts on the unkind person. 恶人有恶报.
Such unkind action debases you. 这种不和善的行为贬低了你自己的人格.
There's a big age gap between them (= a big difference in their ages). 他们的年龄相差很大。
ways of calculating the age of the earth 计算地球年龄的方法
He was tall for his age (= taller than you would expect, considering his age) . 以他的年龄,他算高个子。
She was beginning to feel her age (= feel that she was getting old) . 她开始感到自己上年纪了。
He started playing the piano at an early age . 他幼年开始弹钢琴。
All ages admitted. 老幼均可入内。
Children over the age of 12 must pay full fare. 12岁以上儿童须购全票。
He left school at the age of 18. 他18岁读完中学。
She needs more friends of her own age. 她需要更多的同龄朋友。
children from 5–10 years of age 5至10岁的儿童
Young people of all ages go there to meet. 不同年龄的年轻人都去那里聚会。
When I was your age I was already married. 我在你这个年纪时已经结婚了。
...under age smoking. 未成年吸烟
Whisky loses strength as it ages. 存放时间越久,威士忌的口味越淡。
...the age of steam and steel. 蒸汽和钢铁时代
...items of Bronze age pottery. 青铜器时代的陶器
He waited what seemed an age... 他等了似乎很长时间。
The bus took absolutely ages to arrive. 公共汽车过了很长时间才来。
Recycling is an issue that has come of age in Britain in the last decade. 回收利用是上个十年中被英国民众广泛认可的观念。
The company was to be held in trust for Eddie until he came of age. 在埃迪达到法定年龄之前,该公司将委托他人代为经营。
Because she was under age, her parents were still responsible for her. 因为她还未成年,她的父母仍然应为她负责。
Balsamic vinegar is aged in wood for at least 10 years and the flavour is wonderful... 意大利香醋在木桶中就经历了至少10年的酝酿期,所以口味极佳。
He was only in his mid-thirties, but already worry had aged him. 他虽然只有三十五六岁,但忧虑让他很显老。
She has a nephew who is just ten years of age... 她有一个才10岁的侄子。
At the age of sixteen he qualified for a place at the University of Hamburg... 16岁时,他就有资格进入汉堡大学。
Everything in the room looks in keeping with the age of the building. 房间里的一切看起来都与这栋建筑物的存在年头很相称。
Perhaps he has grown wiser with age... 可能随着年纪增长,他变聪明了。
The fabric was showing signs of age... 这块衣料可以看出岁月留下的痕迹。
He had always looked so young, but he seemed to have aged in the last few months... 他原来一直看起来很年轻,但最近几个月他显得老了。
[eɪm] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.瞄准;对准;踢向;挥向; vi.旨在;以…为目标;致力于;决定; n.目的;目标;瞄准;
The gunman took aim (= pointed his weapon) and fired. 持枪歹徒瞄准后就射击了。
The government is aiming at a 50% reduction in unemployment. 政府正力争减少50%的失业人数。
They're aiming at training everybody by the end of the year. 他们力求做到在年底前人人得到培训。
We should aim for a bigger share of the market. 我们应该努力争取更大的市场份额。
He has always aimed high (= tried to achieve a lot) . 他总是心气很高。
They are aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%. 他们正力求使失业人数下降50%。
We aim to be there around six. 我们力争六点钟左右到那里。
Teamwork is required in order to achieve these aims . 要达到这些目标需要齐心协力。
She set out the company's aims and objectives in her speech. 她在讲话中提出了公司的各项目标。
Her aim was good and she hit the lion with her first shot. 她瞄得准,第一枪就打中了狮子。
Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe. 我们的主要目标是增加在欧洲的销售量。
Bob's one aim in life is to earn a lot of money. 鲍勃唯一的人生目标就是挣很多的钱。
the aims of the lesson 本课教学目标
She went to London with the aim of finding a job. 她去伦敦是为了找工作。
He stood with the gun in his right hand and his left hand steadying his aim. 他站立着,右手举枪,左手稳住枪对准目标。
They aimed kicks at his shins. 他们踢向他的小腿。
She had spotted a man with a shotgun taking aim. 她发现一个正持猎枪瞄准的男子。
Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators. 共和党的战略家正尖锐地攻击民主党的参议员。
...a missile aimed at the arms factory... 瞄准军工厂的导弹
He was aiming the rifle at Wade. 他将步枪瞄准了韦德。
He is aiming for the 100 metres world record... 他志在打破100米世界纪录。
Businesses will have to aim at long-term growth. 企业必须以长期增长为目标。
The aim of the festival is to increase awareness of Hindu culture and traditions. 该节庆日的目的在于增强人们对印度文化和传统的认识。
...a research programme that has largely failed to achieve its principal aims. 在较大程度上未能实现其主要目标的研究项目
The new measures are aimed at tightening existing sanctions. 新措施旨在加强现行的制裁。
...talks aimed at ending the war. 旨在结束战争的谈判
Are you aiming to visit the gardens?... 你想去逛公园吗?
I didn't aim to get caught. 我并不想被抓住。
His message was aimed at the undecided middle ground of Israeli politics... 他所传达的信息针对的是以色列政局中尚未表态的中间派。
Advertising aimed at children should be curbed. 针对儿童的广告应受到限制。
m ['mɪsɪŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.失去的;下落不明的; v.错过( miss的现在分词);
I never found the missing piece. 我一直没找到丢了的那件。
My gloves have been missing for ages. 我的手套已经丢了很久了。
Two files have gone missing . 两个档案不见了。
They still hoped to find their missing son. 他们仍然希望找到他们丢失的儿子。
(especially British English)Our cat's gone missing again. 我们的猫又走丢了。
The book has two pages missing/missing pages. 这本书缺了两页。
He didn't notice there was anything missing from his room until later on. 后来他才注意到他的屋里丢了东西。
He was reported missing, presumed dead . 有报道说他失踪了,并推定已经丧生。
Many soldiers were listed as missing in action . 许多士兵都被列在战斗失踪人员名单上。
Fill in the missing words in this text. 填出文中空缺的单词。
There were several candidates missing from the list. 有几名候选人没有出现在名单中。
It was only an hour or so later that I discovered that my gun was missing... 仅仅约一个小时之后,我发现我的枪不见了。
The playing cards had gone missing. 扑克牌不见了。
Three buttons were missing from his shirt. 他的衬衫掉了3枚纽扣。
What is missing, however, is an internal, artistic cohesion... 不过,缺乏的是一种内在的艺术凝聚力。
She had given me an incomplete list. One name was missing from it. 她给我的名单并不完整,有一个名字漏掉了。
Five people died in the explosion and more than one thousand were injured. One person is still missing. 爆炸中有5人死亡,1,000多人受伤,1人至今下落不明。
Get expert tips and tricks from the Bonus 101 Video. 从奖励的101电视台获得专家提示和技巧.
It was decided to call off the search when there was no hope of finding the missing child alive. 在没有希望找到那名失踪的孩子生还时,决定停止搜寻.
If I don't go to the party, I shall feel I'm missing out. 如果我不去参加聚会, 我将会感到错失良机.
The searchers fanned out to look for the missing man. 搜寻人员四下散开寻找失踪者.
Police are combing the woods for the missing children. 警察搜遍树林以寻找失踪的孩子.
The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. 泰坦尼克号及时地转了方向, 勉强避开了高耸在它旁边超过海面一百英尺的一块巨大的冰墙.
She devoted all her time to the location of the missing money. 她花掉所有时间去寻找失款.
Check the tools and see if anything is missing. 检点一下工具,看有无丢失.
[ˈhɒrə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
I stood up to speak and─horror of horrors─realized I had left my notes behind. 我站起来讲话,可是——老天爷呀——我发现自己忘了带讲稿。
Her son is a little horror. 她的儿子是个小捣蛋鬼。
a horror film/movie 恐怖片 / 电影
In this section you'll find horror and science fiction. 你可以在这一部分找恐怖和科幻小说。
the horrors of war 战争的恐怖经历
In his dreams he relives the horror of the attack. 那次袭击的恐怖景象在他的梦中一再重现。
The full horror of the accident was beginning to become clear. 这次悲惨事故的真相已开始逐渐清晰了。
Most people have a horror of speaking in public. 大多数人都十分害怕当众讲话。
a horror of deep water 恐惧深水
Her eyes were wide with horror. 她吓得目瞪口呆。
To his horror , he could feel himself starting to cry (= it upset him very much) . 他很恐惧,感到自己都快哭了。
She recoiled in horror at the sight of an enormous spider. 看到一只巨大的蜘蛛,她吓得直退。
The thought of being left alone filled her with horror. 想到被孤零零地留下,她就不寒而栗。
With a look of horror, he asked if the doctor thought he had cancer. 他惊恐失色地问医生是否认定他患了癌症。
People watched in horror as the plane crashed to the ground. 人们惊恐地看着飞机坠落到地面上。
The company has already boosted its share of the UK tea market with its round tea bags. Now it is successfully converting the nation to (horror of horrors) instant tea. 该公司已经凭借其袋泡茶提高了自己在英国茶叶市场的占有份额。现在它正在成功地使该国人民改喝(最可怕不过的)速溶茶。
...a horror story about lost luggage while flying. 乘飞机旅行时丢失行李的糟糕经历
...a psychological horror film. 心理恐怖片
Our host was arrogant and offensive. How his sweet wife could tolerate such a horror was baffling. 招待我们的男主人傲慢无礼。真不知道他温柔的妻子怎么能容忍这样一个讨厌的家伙。
Can you possibly imagine all the horrors we have undergone since I last wrote you? 你能想象得出自从我上次给你写信以来我们所经历的所有可怕事情吗?
...the horror of this most bloody of civil wars. 这场极其血腥的内战的惨烈
...his horror of death. 他对死亡的惧怕
As I watched in horror the boat began to power away from me. 我惊恐万分地看着船加足马力从我身边开走了。
I felt numb with horror... 我惊呆了。
He shrank back ( in shame , horror , etc. ). 他把身子一缩.
I was seized by a nameless horror. 我为不可名状的恐慌所控制.
She had a horror of hospitals. 她极其憎恶医院.
He is the stereotyped monster of the horror films and the adventure books, and an obvious ( though not perhaps strictly scientific ) link with our ancestral past. 它们是恐怖电影和惊险小说中的老一套的怪物, 并且与我们的祖先有着明显的 ( 虽然可能没有科学的 ) 联系.
It's amazing how quickly people adapt. 人适应环境的速度之快真是惊人。
amazingly, no one noticed. 令人惊奇的是,竟没有人注意到。
an amazing achievement/discovery/success/performance 惊人的成就 / 发现 / 成功 / 表演
That's amazing, isn't it? 真是令人惊叹,是不是?
It's amazing what we can remember with a little prompting... 稍加提醒我们就能想起很多东西,真是让人惊奇。
This movie has some of the most amazing stunts you're ever likely to see. 这部电影里有一些可能是你见所未见、让人惊叹的特技。
Natasha: Yes that was a lot of fun. The girl from accounts was amazing I thought. 娜塔莎: 不错,那很好玩. 我觉得会计部那女同事很出色.
We could see amazing creatures through the glass in the bottom of the boat. 透过船底的玻璃我们可以看到一些怪得让人吃惊的生物.
If at first you don't succeed, try reading the manual. You're about to make amazing discovery. 如果一开始没成功, 回头看看使用手册,你会有惊人的发现.
Suddenly, he saw a foreign parrot and it was an amazing mimic. 突然, 他看到一个外国鹦鹉,它有惊人的模仿能力.
Serena: Well , you're amazing able to say all of those things. You just are. 我了解, 那可不简单.但是你从来没有放弃. 你是如此地迷人.
Now I am one of the best, it's amazing. 现在我已经跻身一流球员的行列了, 这种感觉简直太棒了.
The news is quite amazing. 这消息十分惊人.
The scientist's experiments have thrown great light on the amazing ways honeybees communicate in their dark hives. 这位科学家的实验很清楚地表明了在黑暗的蜂房里,蜜蜂是怎样以很巧妙的方式传递信息的.
Well! Look at that amazing sight! 哦! 看那迷人的景色!
That's amazing, isn't it? 真是令人惊叹,是不是?
The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety. 大自然最让人惊叹的是它的无限多样性。
This small country has an amazing variety of landforms. 这个小国家拥有令人惊叹的丰富的地貌类型。
It's really an amazing dance. It just always brings the house down. 这真是一段精彩绝伦的舞蹈表演,每次总是博得全场喝彩。
There are an amazing number of commonalities between systems. 体制之间有着多得惊人的共性。
When he came down to earth after his win he admitted: "It was an amazing feeling" 从胜利的喜悦中平复后,他承认:“当时感觉棒极了。”
It was amazing what a morale booster her visits proved. 令人惊诧的是,她的访问大大鼓舞了士气。
He's prone to flit between subjects with amazing ease. 他往往会轻松自如地转换话题。
It's absolutely amazing, believe you me. 这太不可思议了,真的。
It's amazing how people collect so much stuff over the years. 人们竟然日积月累地收集了这么多东西,真令人惊叹。
This movie has some of the most amazing stunts you're ever likely to see. 这部电影里有一些可能是你见所未见、让人惊叹的特技。
It was amazing how my mother coped with bringing up three children on less than three pounds a week. 我妈妈用每周不到3英镑的钱抚养大了3个孩子,简直太不可思议了。
academic/literary/scientific, etc. study 学术、文学、科学等研究
It is important to develop good study skills . 培养良好的学习方法很重要。
Physiology is the study of how living things work. 生理学是研究生物功能的学科。
to continue your studies 继续学业
business/media/American studies 商学;传媒学;美国研究
These proposals deserve careful study. 这些建议值得认真研究。
to make/carry out/conduct a study 进行 / 开展 / 从事一项研究
This study shows/confirms/suggests that… 这一研究证明 / 证实 / 显示…
a detailed study of how animals adapt to their environment 关于动物如何适应环境的细致研究
a study of Chartres Cathedral 沙特尔大教堂试画
a nude study 裸体画习作
His face was a study in concentration. 他脸上完全是一副全神贯注的表情。
How long have you been studying English? 你学英语多久了?
Don't disturb Jane, she's studying for her exams. 不要打扰简,她正在温习功课,准备考试呢。
My brother studied at the Royal College of Art. 我哥哥曾就学于皇家美术学院。
a composer who studied under Nadia Boulanger (= was taught by Nadia Boulanger) 曾师从纳迪亚·布朗热的作曲家
Nina is studying to be an architect. 尼娜在学建筑。
Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of life. 科学家仔细察看行星照片,寻找生命迹象。
...a relaxed and happy atmosphere that will allow you to study to your full potential... 能让人充分发挥学习潜质的轻松愉快的环境
He went to Hull University, where he studied History and Economics... 他去了赫尔大学学习历史和经济学。
...the use of maps and visual evidence in the study of local history... 利用地图和图像资料研究当地历史
She gave up her studies to have Alexander. 为了生亚历山大,她放弃了学业。
Recent studies suggest that as many as 5 in 1000 new mothers are likely to have this problem. 最近的研究成果表明在 1000 个刚生产完的妈妈中,有 5 个可能存在这样的问题。
...the first study of English children's attitudes. 首个关于英国儿童观念的研究
...a new centre for Islamic studies... 新的伊斯兰教研究中心
She is currently doing a business studies course at Leeds. 她目前在利兹大学修读一门商科课程。
Debbie studied her friend's face for a moment. 黛比仔细端详了一会她朋友的脸。
I know that you've been studying chimpanzees for thirty years now... 我知道你研究黑猩猩至今已有30年了。
I invite every citizen to carefully study the document. 我请每位市民都仔细研读该文件。
[eɪd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.帮助;助手;外援;辅助设备; vt.帮助;资助;救助;促进; vi.帮助;
economic/humanitarian/emergency aid 经济 / 人道主义 / 紧急援助
An extra £10 million in foreign aid has been promised. 额外的1 000万英镑外国援助款项已得到保证。
aid agencies (= organizations that provide help) 救援机构
medical aid programmes 医疗援助计划
He was breathing only with the aid of a ventilator. 他只有靠呼吸器呼吸。
This job would be impossible without the aid of a computer. 这项工作不用计算机是不行的。
One of the staff saw he was in difficulty and came to his aid (= helped him) . 一名工作人员见他有困难,便过来帮忙。
a hearing aid 助听器
Photos make useful teaching aids. 照片可以成为有用的教具。
collecting money in aid of charity 为资助慈善事业的募捐
What's all this crying in aid of? 这哭叫声究竟是为啥?
The new test should aid in the early detection of the disease. 新的化验应该有助于早早检查出这种疾病。
This feature is designed to aid inexperienced users. 这个特色是为帮助没有经验的用户而设计的。
They were accused of aiding his escape. 他们被控帮助他逃跑。
They were accused of aiding him in his escape. 他们被控帮助他逃跑。
Horrified neighbours rushed to his aid as he fell. 他摔下来时,惊恐的邻居们赶忙冲过去救他。
...a charity performance in aid of Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital. 为给大奥蒙德街儿童医院筹资而举办的慈善演出
We're coming to the aid of the people of Somalia at the request of the United Nations... 我们应联合国的要求前去救援索马里的民众。
The export sector will aid the economic recovery... 出口产业将促进经济复苏。
Calcium may aid in the prevention of colon cancer. 钙可能有助于预防结肠癌。
...regular flights carrying humanitarian aid to Cambodia... 向柬埔寨运送人道援助物资的定期航班
They have already pledged billions of dollars in aid. 他们已经许诺援助几十亿美元。
...US efforts to aid Kurdish refugees. 美国对库尔德难民的援助行动
...a charitable organization that has spent millions aiding pharmaceutical research. 已投入巨资资助药物研究的一家慈善机构
...a software system to aid managers in advanced decision-making... 帮助经理作出高级决策的软件系统
The hunt for her killer will continue, with police aided by the army and air force. 警方将在陆军和空军的帮助下,继续追踪谋杀她的凶手。
He succeeded with the aid of a completely new method he discovered... 借助于自己发现的一种全新的方法,他获得了成功。
Gently raise your upper body to a sitting position, without the aid of your hands. 在不用手扶的前提下,慢慢抬起上身直到坐起。
The new law gives authorities a responsibility to provide aids to the disabled... 新法律规定当局有责任为残疾人提供帮助。
The book is an invaluable aid to teachers of literature... 这本书对于教授文学的老师来说帮助非常大。
g [ɡrænd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.宏大的,宏伟的;(最)重要的;豪华的; n.一千美元;大钢琴;
It'll cost you five grand! 这要花去你5 000块钱!
She finally learned to drive at the grand old age of 70. 她终于在70岁高龄学会了开车。
He described himself grandly as a ‘landscape architect ’. 他自封为“景观建筑师”。
the grand Duchess Elena 大公夫人埃琳娜
Fred did a grand job of painting the house. 弗雷德粉刷房子干得很出色。
Thanks. That'll be grand! 谢谢。那太棒了!
I had a grand day out at the seaside. 我在海边痛痛快快玩了一天。
New Yorkers built their city on a grand scale . 纽约人大规模地建造自己的城市。
a grand design/plan/strategy 宏伟的蓝图;宏大的计划;重大的战略思想
We stayed at the grand Hotel. 我们住在格兰酒店。
the grand Canyon 大峡谷
The wedding was a very grand occasion. 婚礼场面非常隆重。
It's not a very grand house. 这房子并不是十分富丽堂皇。
They're paying you ten grand now for those adaptations of old plays. 他们打算付你一万美元作为改编老剧本的报酬。
They stayed at The grand Hotel, Budapest. 他们住在布达佩斯大饭店。
It came to a grand total of £20,329. 总计20,329英镑。
He was a grand bloke. 他非常了不起。
The dinner was a grand success... 晚宴办得十分成功。
Few museums could rival the Old Royal Observatory at Greenwich for a grand day out... 若想找个地儿开心地逛一天,没有哪家博物馆能比得上格林尼治皇家天文台。
The Duke of Clarence will be there, and many of your grander friends. 克拉伦斯公爵将会到场,还有你许多牛不可及的朋友亦将出席。
He is grander and even richer than the Prince of Wales... 他比威尔士亲王还牛气,甚至更有钱。
The grand design of Europe's monetary union is already agreed. 欧洲统一货币的宏伟构想已经获得认同。
Critics will point to other grand schemes that have gone less well, such as Sheffield's World Student Games disaster... 批评家将会指出其他一些并不成功的大项目,比如谢菲尔德世界大学生运动会这一败笔。
The scenery of South Island is on a grand scale. 南岛风光壮观秀丽。
...this grand building in the center of town... 这幢位于市中心的宏伟建筑
c ['sentrəl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.中央的,中心的;重要的,核心的; n.电话总局;电话转接员;
the central area of the brain 大脑中枢
The flat is very central─just five minutes from Princes Street. 这套公寓位于市中心,去王子街只需要五分钟。
a central location 中心位置
[不可数名词](formal)the centrality of the family as a social institution 家庭作为一种社会机构的重要性
The hotel is centrally located for all major attractions. 这家旅馆位于中心地带,去往所有主要景点都很方便。
a centrally planned economy 中央计划经济
Is the house centrally heated (= does it have central heating) ? 这房子有中央供暖吗?
central America/Europe/Asia 中美洲;中欧;中亚
central London 伦敦中心区
The organization has a central office in York. 该组织在约克设有总部。
the central committee (= of a political party) (政党的)中央委员会
The central issue is that of widespread racism. 最重要的问题是种族主义的到处泛滥。
She has been a central figure in the campaign. 她一直是这场运动的主要人物。
Prevention also plays a central role in traditional medicine. 预防在传统医学中也起着主导作用。
Reducing inflation is central to (= is an important part of) the government's economic policy. 减少通货膨胀是政府经济政策最重要的组成部分。
...the central committee of the Cuban communist party. 古巴共产党中央委员会
Black dance music has been central to mainstream pop since the early '60s. 自上世纪60年代以来,黑人舞曲一直是主流流行乐的核心。
...a central part of their culture. 他们文化的核心部分
...central America's Caribbean coast... 中美洲加勒比海沿岸
The disruption has now spread and is affecting a large part of central Liberia. 混乱局面已经扩散,正在影响利比里亚中部的大片地区。
...a central location in the capital. 首都的中心地带
There is a lack of trust towards the central government in Rome. 人们对罗马的中央政府缺乏信任。
A huge bomb blast rocked central London last night. 昨晚一次剧烈的炸弹爆炸震动了伦敦市中心.
Explorers traced the Nile River to its several headstreams in central Africa. 探险者在中非找到了尼罗河的几处源头.
We're playing against the league champions next week. 下周我们要和联赛冠军队比赛。
We were rowing against the current. 我们划船逆流而上。
That's against the law. 那是违法的。
The odds against him surviving are incredible. 他活下来的概率非常小。
He didn't want to go against the wishes of the German government... 他不想违抗德国政府的意愿。
He discharged himself from hospital against the advice of doctors. 他不顾医生的劝告自行出院了。
A business needs insurance against risks such as fire and flood... 公司需要上保险以防备火灾、洪灾等风险。
It has been claimed that wine helps protect against heart disease. 有人声称葡萄酒有助于预防心脏病。
Have you got something against women, Les?... 你对女性存有芥蒂吗,莱斯?
I have nothing against foreigners. 我对外国人并无芥蒂。
It is against the law to detain you against your will for any length of time... 无论强制扣押多长时间都属违法。
We thought cheating was against the rules. 我们认为作弊是违反规定的。
...swimming upstream against the current... 逆流往上游泳
They were going to sail around the little island, against the tide. 他们打算绕着小岛逆潮航行。
The Pope has sent a message appealing for unity in his homeland, against a background of divisions in the Solidarity movement... 团结运动中各派搞分裂,在此情况下教皇发出号召,呼吁祖国保持团结。
The profits rise was achieved against a backdrop of falling metal prices. 在金属价格下跌的背景下,利润提高了。
Our policy has to be judged against a clear test: will it improve the standard of education?... 对我们的政策作出评判必须根据一条明确的准则:它是否会提高教育的水准?
Check the operator's productivity against agreed targets... 根据既定目标检验操作员的效率。
Over 50% of divorced men regretted their divorce, as against 25% of women. 离婚男性中有50%以上后悔离婚,与此相对,女性只有25%。
...an upsurge in racism against immigrants... 对移民的种族歧视的高涨
...the fight against crime... 打击犯罪
They are arguing against hospital closures... 他们据理反对关闭医院。
Security forces are still using violence against opponents of the government. 安全部队仍然在使用武力镇压反对政府的人。
Billy Hardy has pulled out of his second fight against Noel Carroll after a training accident. 一次训练事故之后,比利·哈迪退出了和诺埃尔·卡罗尔的第二次比赛。
Joan was very much against commencing drug treatment. 琼极力反对进行药物治疗。
The tour will include games against the Australian Barbarians... 这次巡回赛将包括和澳大利亚野人队的比赛。
She leaned against him... 她紧靠着他。
On a table pushed against a wall there were bottles of beer and wine. 在一张靠墙的餐桌上有啤酒和葡萄酒。
Taxes are unpopular — it is understandable that voters are against them... 税收不受欢迎——选民们反对是可以理解的。
sk [spi:k] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.& vi.讲,谈;演说;从某种观点来说;
I've spoken to the manager about it. 那件事我已经和经理谈过了。
The President refused to speak to the waiting journalists. 总统拒绝同等候的记者讲话。
(especially North American English)Can I speak with you for a minute? 我能跟你谈一会儿吗?
He tried to speak, but for once, his voice had left him... 他想说话,却一时语塞。
He speaks with a lisp... 他说话口齿不清。
When speaking to the seminar Mr Franklin spoke of his experience, gained on a recent visit to Trinidad... 在研讨会上发言的时候,富兰克林先生谈到了他最近游览特立尼达的经历。
He's determined to speak at the Democratic Convention... 他决定在民主党全国代表大会上发言。
He said it was the job of the Church to speak for the underprivileged... 他说,为贫困群体说话是教会的义务。
I speak for all 7,000 members of our organization... 我代表本组织的 7,000 名成员发言。
He doesn't speak English... 他不会讲英语。
Many of them can speak two or three or more languages. 他们当中许多人都会说两三门语言,有的人甚至更多。
In the book she speaks of his “social ineptitude” and says he verbally abused her... 她在书中提到他“缺乏社交技能”,并且说他曾经对她出言不逊。
St Paul speaks of the body as the 'temple of the Holy Spirit'. 圣保罗把身体描述为“圣神的宫殿”。
He is not speaking to his mother because of her friendship with his ex-wife... 因为母亲和前妻仍旧保持着友好的关系,他便不再和母亲说话。
The co-stars are still not speaking. 两位联袂主演的明星仍然互不理睬。
His behaviour spoke of an early maturity... 他的举止流露出早熟的痕迹。
The length of the car and the high polish of its fittings both spoke of money... 长车身和高档配置无不象征着财富。
...the figures speak for themselves — low order books, bleak prospects at home and a worsening outlook for exports... 这些数字本身就说明了问题——订单订购量低,国内销售前景惨淡,出口形势日趋恶化。
The results speak for themselves. 结局不言自明。
'We're not blaming you,' Kate said. 'speak for yourself,' Boris muttered. “我们没有怪你,”凯特说。“也就是你这么想,”鲍里斯嘟囔道。
She'd probably drop some comment about her 'fiancé' into the conversation so that he'd think she was already spoken for... 她可能会在谈话的时候不着痕迹地对她的“未婚夫”作些评论,这样他便会认为她已经名花有主了。
By December last year most of the resources had been spoken for. 去年 12 月之前,绝大多数的资源就被预订了。
They have no weaponry to speak of... 他们没有什么武器值得炫耀。
'Any fresh developments?' — 'Nothing to speak of.' “有什么新进展了吗?”——“谈不上什么新进展。”
This move caused consternation among universities and the government, not to speak of the students affected. 这个举措在大学和政府里造成了恐慌,更不用说受到影响的学生们了。
Both spoke highly of the Russian president... 双方均盛赞俄罗斯总统。
It seemed she found it difficult to speak ill of anyone. 她似乎觉得说别人的坏话很难。
I ought not to tell you but I will, since you're in the family, so to speak... 我本来不该告诉你的,但我还是要这么做,因为好歹你是家里的一员。
The five countries have now all passed, so to speak, their entry test. 可以说,这5个国家现在都已经通过了入门考试。
For a long time her mother and her grandmother had hardly been on speaking terms. 很久以来,她的母亲和外婆两人之间几乎不怎么说话。
s [sʌtʃ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.这样的;如此的;这么大的;非常的; pron.这样的事物[人];
They had been invited to a Hindu wedding and were not sure what happened on such occasions. 有人邀请他们去参加一个印度教徒的婚礼,但他们不清楚这样的庆典会是怎样一种场面。
He said he didn't have time or made some such excuse. 他说他没时间或别的诸如此类的借口。
She longed to find somebody who understood her problems, and in him she thought she had found such a person. 她渴望找一个理解她困难的人,她觉得他就是这样一个人。
We were second-class citizens and they treated us as such . 我们是二等公民,他们也就这样对待我们。
Accountants were boring. such (= that) was her opinion before meeting Ian! 做会计的个个乏味。在认识伊恩以前她一直这样想。
There is no such thing as a free lunch. 世上没有免费午餐之类的好事儿。
such advice as he was given (= it was not very much) has proved almost worthless. 他所得到的那点建议结果证明几乎完全没用。
The knot was fastened in such a way that it was impossible to undo. 那个结系死了,没法解开。
The damage was such that it would cost thousands to repair. 损坏严重,要修好就得花几千块钱。
This issue was of such importance that we could not afford to ignore it. 这个问题十分重要,我们疏忽不得。
Why are you in such a hurry? 你干吗这么急匆匆的?
There have been previous attempts at coups. We regard such methods as entirely unacceptable... 以前也有人试图发动政变。我们绝对不能接受这种做法。
You say you feel that you're being made to choose, and so you are. such choices as this are a by-product of freedom... 你说自己感觉是在被迫作选择,确实如此,而这样的选择是自由的附带品。
Each member of the alliance agrees to take such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force... 该联盟的每一位成员国都同意采取其认为必要的行动,包括动用武力。
Britain is not enjoying such prosperity as it was in the mid-1980s. 英国现在已经不像 20 世纪 80 年代中期那么繁荣昌盛。
He was said to have written such books as The Day of Locusts and Miss Lonely Hearts. 据说他曾经写过《蝗虫之日》和《寂寞芳心小姐》之类的小说。
...such careers as teaching, nursing, hairdressing and catering. 教书、护理、美发和餐饮之类的工作
I think most of us don't want to read what's in the newspaper anyway in such detail... 我想我们大多数人无论如何都不想如此仔细地去读报纸。
One will never be able to understand why these political issues can acquire such force... 人们永远也不会明白为什么这些政治问题会有如此大的影响力。
The weather has brought such a demand for beer that one brewery will operate over the weekend... 天气状况使得对啤酒的需求大增,一家啤酒厂周末要加班了。
This is something where you can earn such a lot of money that there is not any risk that you will lose it... 这可以让你挣一大笔钱,而且没有任何赔钱的风险。
The operation has uncovered such backstreet dealing in stolen property that police might now press for changes in the law. 这次行动破获了这样的地下销赃活动,现在警方可能会因此敦促修改法律。
I said, 'Well what time'll I get to Leeds?' and he said such and such a time but I missed my connection... 我说:“那么我什么时候才能到利兹?”他说了一个时间,但是我没赶上联运车。
They're informed that we've got this money to spend and we will do such and such with it. 他们被告知我们已经拿到了这笔钱并将用它来做什么。
Well my toilet's all blocked up and I've got it all coming into my flat and it'll ruin my home, such as it is... 我的马桶堵死了,脏水全都涌到屋子里,家里脏得一塌糊涂,情况就是这样。
The British Women's Movement, such as it is these days, came up with a programme of speeches at the House of Commons. 如今波澜不惊的英国妇女运动提出要在下议院发表演讲的计划。
I am not a learner as such —I used to ride a bike years ago... 严格说来,我并不完全是一个初学者——几年前我经常骑自行车。
Mark joined as an office boy at the age of fourteen with no academic qualifications as such at all... 马克在14岁的时候以勤杂员的身份进入公司,他当时根本就没有任何学历。
House prices are easily upset by factors which have nothing to do with property as such. The fall in prices in the South-East results largely from the high rate of interest on mortgages... 房价很容易受与地产本身无关的因素所影响。东南部房价的下跌很大程度上是由于抵押贷款利率的上涨所引起的。
Mr Simon said he was not against taxes as such, 'but I do object when taxation is justified on spurious or dishonest grounds,' he says. 西蒙先生说他对税收本身并不反对,“但是我反对以虚假不实的理由巧立明目收税,”他说。
['refrəns] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.参考;参考书;提及,涉及;证明人,介绍人; v.引用;参照;
The book is full of references to growing up in India. 这本书谈到许多在印度怎样长大成人的事。
She made no reference to her illness but only to her future plans. 她没有提到她的病,只说了她未来的计划。
the President's passing reference to (= brief mention of) the end of the war 总统对战争的结束一语带过
Keep the list of numbers near the phone for easy reference. 把电话号码表放在电话旁边,方便查找。
I wrote down the name of the hotel for future reference (= because it might be useful in the future) . 我记下了这家酒店的名字,以后也许用得着。
The library contains many popular works of reference (= reference books) . 这家图书馆藏有许多常用的参考书。
The emergency nurse can treat minor injuries without reference to a doctor. 急救护士不必征求医生的意见就可处理轻伤。
The map reference is Y4. 地图编号为Y4。
Please quote your reference number when making an enquiry. 查询时请报出编号。
We will take up references after the interview. 我们在面试之后收推荐信。
My previous boss will act as a reference for me. 我的前任上司将做我的推荐人。
There is a list of references at the end of each chapter. 每一章的后面都有一组参考书目。
With reference to your letter of July 22… 关于你7月22日的来信…
Each chapter is referenced, citing literature up to 2004. 每一章都附有参考书目,引用文献近至2004年。
He made no reference to any agreement... 他没有提到什么协议。
The crowd chanted 'No Poll Tax', a reference to the government's new local taxation system... 人群高呼“不要人头税”,指的是政府新确立的地方税收制度。
This might be done without reference to Parliament... 这件事情也许可以绕过国会直接进行。
Please keep this sheet in a safe place for reference. 请把这张纸放在稳妥之处以备查阅。
There are several reference books which have been compiled to help you make your choice. 有几本参考书专门帮你作出选择。
...a useful reference work for teachers. 有用的教师参考书
...a reference from the Quran. 引自《古兰经》的引文
...historical references. 历史引证
...a map reference... 地图索引
Make a note of the reference number shown on the form. 把表格上的编码记下来。
The firm offered to give her a reference. 公司主动给她开具介绍信。
It specifically referenced Hermann Noordung's classic 1928 book on this subject. 在这一问题上它特别参照了赫尔曼·诺丁1928年的经典之作。
Read these notes carefully and keep them for future reference. 仔细阅读这些注释并将其保留下来以备将来之用。
I am writing with reference to your article on salaries for scientists... 我写此信是为了回应你那篇探讨科学家薪水的文章。
I'm calling in reference to your series on prejudice. 我打电话是要谈谈你写的有关“偏见”的系列文章。
e [ɪgˈzɑ:mpl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.例子;榜样;范例;先例; vt.作为…的例子;为…做出榜样; vi.举例;作为…的示范;
She is a shining example of what people with disabilities can achieve. 她为残疾人有所作为树立了光辉的榜样。
He is a captain who leads by example . 他是个以身作则的队长。
It would be a mistake to follow his example . 仿效他的做法是错误的。
There is a similar word in many languages, for example in French and Italian. 许多语言,譬如法语和意大利语,都有相似的词。
The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example. 这份报告不完整,例如在法国的销售情况就没包括进去。
It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics. 将计算机科学与其他学科,如物理学,结合起来是可能的。
He sets an example to the other students. 他为其他同学树立了榜样。
Her courage is an example to us all. 她的勇气是我们大家的榜样。
Japan is often quoted as the prime example of a modern industrial nation. 人们经常举例把日本作为现代工业国家的典范。
It is a classic example of how not to design a new city centre. 这对于如何设计新市中心是个绝佳的反面教材。
It is important to cite examples to support your argument. 用实例来证明你的论点是重要的。
This dictionary has many examples of how words are used. 这部词典有许多关于词语用法的示例。
Just to give you an example of his generosity─he gave me his old car and wouldn't take any money for it. 且举个例子来说明他的慷慨吧——他把他的旧汽车给了我,而且分文不取。
This is a good example of the artist's early work. 这是这位艺术家早期作品的范例。
It is a perfect example of a medieval castle. 这是最典型的中世纪城堡。
Can you give me an example of what you mean? 你能给我举个实例来解释你的意思吗?
The examples are unique to this dictionary. 这些例证是这部词典独有的。
Following the example set by her father, she has fulfilled her role and done her duty... 她以父亲为榜样,完成了任务,履行了职责。
She should remember that she is a mother and a public figure and that others may follow her example. 她应该记住自己是位母亲,也是位公众人物,别人可能会以她为榜样。
Let us at least see our courts make an example of these despicable criminals. 至少让我们看到法庭惩罚这些十恶不赦的罪犯以儆效尤。
An officer's job was to set an example... 军官的职责就是树立榜样。
He is setting an example which other aristocrats and leading Britons should follow. 他为其他贵族和伦敦要人们树立了榜样。
Their example shows us what we are all capable of. 他们作为榜样向我们展示了我们都能做些什么。
He is a model professional and an example to the younger lads... 他是个模范的专业人士,是年轻人的榜样。
Take, for example, the simple sentence: 'The man climbed up the hill'... 以The man climbed up the hill这个简单句为例。
Symphonies 103 and 104 stand as perfect examples of early symphonic construction... 第103和104号交响曲是早期交响乐结构的典型代表。
The plaque illustrated in Figure 1 is an example of his work at this time. 图1中的匾额是他这个时期的代表作。
...'educational toys' that are designed to promote the development of, for example, children's spatial ability... 旨在促进儿童发展,诸如空间能力发展的“教学玩具”
Listed below are just a few examples of some of the family benefits available. 下面仅例举了家庭可享受的几种福利。
The doctors gave numerous examples of patients being expelled from hospital... 医生们列举了大量病人被逐出医院的实例。