She remained bitterly opposed to the idea of moving abroad. 她仍然强烈反对移居国外。
They are totally opposed to abortion. 他们完全反对堕胎。
Our views are diametrically opposed on this issue. 在这个问题上,我们的观点大相径庭。
200 attended, as opposed to 300 the previous year. 出席的有200人,而前一年是300人。
This exercise develops suppleness as opposed to (= rather than) strength. 这项锻炼不是增强力量,而是增强柔韧性的。
I am utterly opposed to any form of terrorism... 我坚决反对任何形式的恐怖主义。
We are strongly opposed to the presence of America in this region. 我们强烈反对美国在该地区的存在。
...people with policies almost diametrically opposed to his own... 提出与他几乎截然相反的政策的人
This was a straight conflict of directly opposed aims. 这是完全对立的目标之间的正面冲突。
We ate in the restaurant, as opposed to the bistro. 我们是在餐厅吃的饭,而不是在小饭馆。
The site of Expo 2010 at the waterfront between Nanpu Bridge and Lupu Bridge. 上海世博会的举办场地位于南浦大桥和卢浦大桥之间的滨水区域.
Aunt Mary's a real conservative. She's totally opposed to women going out to work. 玛丽姑妈是一个极守旧的人, 她根本就反对女人外出工作.
The father opposed to his son's marriage. 父亲反对儿子的婚事.
The enemy chieftain was opposed and deserted by his followers. 敌人头目众叛亲离.
He had opposed George's entry right at the beginning. 他起初就反对乔治加入.
Frankly speaking, I'm not opposed to reform. 坦率地说, 我不反对改革.
At first he was opposed to the scheme, but we managed to argue him round. 他起初反对这个计划, 可是我们通过辩论最终使他转变了态度.
The path he saw himself taking in his research seemed directly opposed to the ethos of the department. 他发现自己的研究路线似乎与系里的精神截然不同.
The minister has consistently opposed any relaxation in the law. 部长一向反对法律上的任何放宽.
I am inclined to believe that he is really opposed to the plan. 我倾向于认为他真反对这一计划.
His family were adamantly opposed to the marriage. 他的家人坚决反对这门亲事.
He struggled against those who opposed his plan. 他与那些反对他的计划的人进行了斗争.
This is a heated debate which involves materialist as opposed to idealist views. 这是一场唯物主义与唯心主义的大论战.
The man in the street is opposed to this idea. 一般人反对这种想法.
I opposed myself to the training plan. 我反对那项训练计划.
His parents are opposed to the match. 他父母反对这门亲事.
I am not opposed to reform. 我不反对改革.
The husband strongly opposed his wife's going there alone. 丈夫极力反对妻子单独去那个地方.
[tʃaɪld] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a child of the 90s 90年代的人
They can't have children . 他们不能生孩子。
a support group for adult children of alcoholics 帮助酗酒者成年子女的小组
a child of three/a three-year-old child 三岁小孩
men, women and children 男人、女人及儿童
an unborn child 胎儿
not suitable for young children 不适于幼儿
I lived in London as a child. 我小时候住在伦敦。
a child star 童星
They have three grown-up children. 他们有三个成年的孩子。
When I was a child I lived in a country village... 我小时候生活在一个小乡村里。
He's just a child. 他还只是个孩子。
How are the children?... 孩子们都好吧?
His children have left home... 他的子女都已离家独立生活了。
Even a child knows all this. 这种事连小孩都知道.
The child is hugging her doll. 孩子紧抱着她的洋娃娃.
The car ran over the child, but by a miracle, he was unhurt. 汽车压着了这个小孩, 但他却没有受伤,真是奇迹.
Her child is her greatest care. 她的孩子是她最关心的事.
Has the child rallied from her high fever yet? 这个女孩的高烧退了 吗 ?
He plunged into the water to save the child. 他跳入水中救小孩.
That child! Whatever you said, he simply wouldn't listen. 这孩子, 饶怎么说他也不听.
When his father refused to let him have his own way, the child played his trump card by crying. 看到爸爸没有如自己的意, 那孩子便使出绝招,哇的一声哭了起来.
Stop pulling him about like that; he's a child after all. 别那样折腾他了, 他毕竟还是个孩子.
o [əˈrɪdʒənəli] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
The school was originally very small. 这所学校当初很小。
She comes originally from York. 她原本来自约克郡。
originally, we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece. 我们本来打算去意大利,但后来获得机会去了希腊。
The plane has been kept in service far longer than originally intended... 这架飞机已经超期服役很长时间了。
France originally refused to sign the treaty... 最初法国拒绝签署该条约。
originally the old man lived in Shandong Province. 这位老人原本住在山东.
After much discussion they settled on the plan originally proposed. 他们讨论了很久,然后确定了原来提出的那个计划.
The Franks were originally a loose confederation of Germanic tribes. 法兰克人原来是日尔曼部落的一个松散部落.
The conference was originally planned to open in March. 会议原计划于三月开幕.
Some enterprises owned by the whole people employ workers and staff originally belonging to collective enterprises. 全民所有制企业里有集体所有制职工.
It was originally planned to put up a big building here. 当初打算在这儿盖一座大楼.
Each Reader's Digest condensed book is an abbreviation of an originally longer work. 《读者文摘》都是较长原著的缩写本.
It was originally published in the pages of a magazine. 这篇文章原先发表在一本杂志上.
This room was originally designed to be my study. 这间屋子原预定做我的书房.
originally I didn't want to go. 我本意不想去.
The school was originally very small. 这所学校当初很小。
originally released in 1957, the film was remade as "The Magnificent Seven". 这部电影最早在1957年上映,后被翻拍为《七侠荡寇志》。
The castle was originally surrounded by a triple wall, only one of which remains. 这座城堡最初由三重墙环绕而成,现在仅存一道。
Shakespearean women's roles were originally written to be played by men. 莎士比亚笔下的女性角色在创作之初是打算由男性来扮演的。
I was disturbed to hear that the selection committee originally decided not to send a British team to this year's Championships. 当我听说选拔委员会原本决定不派英国队去参加今年的锦标赛时,我觉得很不安。
While he had originally traveled in order to study, traveling had become an end in itself. 尽管他原本是为了学习而旅行,但旅行过程本身也是一种享受。
It is not known whether the bomb was originally intended for the capital itself. 尚不清楚炸弹起初的轰炸目标是否是首都。
France originally refused to sign the treaty. 最初法国拒绝签署该条约。
The guards were originally hired to watch over the houses as they were being built. 最初雇门卫是为了看护正在修建的房子。
The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans. 公历最初是以罗马人的儒略历为基础制定的。
Sunset Boulevard was originally conceived by Wilder as an astringent satire on Hollywood. 怀尔德最初是想把《日落大道》拍成一部对好莱坞的辛辣讽刺片。
originally, Hatfield had been intended as a leisure complex. 最初,哈特菲尔德是准备建成一个休闲娱乐中心的。
It was bitterly cold now and the ground was frozen hard. 现在天气冷极了,地面都冻硬了。
...the frozen bleakness of the Far North. 极北地区的天寒地冻
frozen fish is a very healthy convenience food. 冻鱼是非常健康的方便食品。
...frozen desserts like ice cream. 冰激凌等冷冻甜品
He put one hand up to his frozen face... 他用一只手捂在冰冷的脸上。
I'm frozen to the bone out here. 我在这里快冻死了。
One boy, aged about 11, looks frozen with fright... 一个大约 11 岁的男孩吓得一动不动。
Katherine was frozen in horror. 凯瑟琳吓呆了。
While quality of life has improved, there's still a lot of burnout. 在生活质量提高的同时, 却有许多人身心疲惫.
They were frozen out of the club. 他们被挤出了俱乐部.
Contrast fresh and frozen vegetables and you'll find the fresh ones taste better. 把新鲜蔬菜和冰冻蔬菜对比,就会发现新鲜的吃起来味道好.
The weather is cold and the ground is frozen. 天寒地冻.
The frozen snow was so slippery that it was hard to keep one's feet. 冰雪溜滑,人们很难站稳.
The portals of the rich reek of flesh and wine while frozen bodies lie by the roadside. 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨.
The stream has frozen up; you can see the fish trapped in the ice. 小河冻起来了, 你可以看见冻在冰里的鱼.
The ship was frozen in for the winter. 冬天,船被冰冻住了.
When your hands are frozen, they become insensible. 当你的手冻僵的时候, 它们就没有知觉了.
The wet clothes has frozen on the clothesline. 潮衣服在晒衣绳上结冻了.
The windows are frozen up. 窗户冻住了.
The two pots are frozen together. 这两个罐子冻结在一起了.
nien [ˌnaɪnˈti:n] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
num.十九;十九个;第十九; n.十九岁;十九点钟;
She was chatting away, nineteen to the dozen. 她没完没了地聊着。
They have nineteen days to make up their minds. 他们有19天时间去作决定。
It's nineteen hour Beijing time. 现在是北京时间19点.
At the age of nineteen he began his duty. 他19岁时开始服兵役.
She is coming nineteen. 她快要满十九岁了.
He revolutionized medicine in the nineteen fifties and sixties. 他在二十世纪五六十年代对药物进行改进.
Attendant: At nineteen minutes past eight. 服务员: 八点十九分.
The women's liberation movement in the nineteen sixties and seventies also changed American life. 二十世纪六七十年代的妇女解放运动也改变了美国人的生活.
The group says that was double amount raised in the nineteen nineties. 这个数字是上世纪九十年代的两倍.
He lived in Shanghai until he was nineteen. 他在上海一直住到十九岁.
They talk nineteen to the dozen about all they have do in that time. 他们喋喋不休地谈著那段时间里他们所做过的一切.
We are being whirled around the sun at a speed of nineteen miles a secend. 我们正以每秒19英里的速度围绕大阳运行.
He was talking nineteen to the dozen. 他喋喋不休地说个没完.
nineteen patients , including 6 of 7 patients with fungal septicemia died. 死亡19例(20.5%), 其中7例真菌性败血症6例死亡.
Draining mountains of everlasting snow, the river twists for nineteen hundred miles. 这条河把终年积雪的群山上的融雪带走, 蜿蜒1900英里长.
Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth. 十九次失败,直到第二十次才获成功,这就是坚持.
The two old friends were talking nineteen to the dozen. 这两个老朋友聊起来没完没了.
The book consists of nineteen chapters. 全书共分19章.
I have passed nineteen years in the galleys. 在监牢里过了十九年.
It's nineteen past nine. 九点过十九分.
Her tongue goes nineteen to the dozen. 她喋喋不休说个没完.
I hadn't left home till I was nineteen. 直到19岁我才离开家.
Katy Jones is nineteen and comes from Birmingham. 凯蒂·琼斯19岁,是伯明翰人。
He was a kid really, not more than eighteen or nineteen. 他实际上还是个孩子,最多不过十八九岁。
u [ʌnˈstedi] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
She is still a little unsteady on her feet after the operation. 手术以后她还有点站不稳。
an unsteady hand 颤抖的手
The boy was very unsteady and had staggered around when he got up... 男孩站立不稳,并且起身后四下走动时步子踉跄。
He poured coffee into the mugs, and with an unsteady hand, held one of them out to David. 他把咖啡倒进杯里,然后一只手颤巍巍地端了一杯给戴维。
His voice was unsteady and only just audible... 他的声音发颤,而且小得只刚刚能听见。
She knew first-hand the impact an unsteady parent could have on a sensitive young girl. 她有亲身体验,知道情绪变化无常的家长对一个敏感的小女孩会产生什么影响。
...a slightly unsteady item of furniture. 一件稍微有些不结实的家具
By the analysis of the unsteady pumping test data near the hydrogeological boundary. 通过水文地质边界附近非隐定流抽水试验资料的分析.
The unsteady aerodynamic and moment characteristics of the models and the unsteady wall pressure are measured. 研究中测量了模型的气动力及力矩特性,同时测量了风洞的非定常壁压.
An unsteady thermal conduction model of its envelope was built and the dynamic load was calculated. 以某一低温实验装置为例,建立其围护结构非稳态传热数学模型,对动态负荷进行计算.
Analytical results show that the unusual noise source is chiefly due to unsteady combustion. 测试结果表明,国产机噪声异常主要是由于不稳定燃烧造成的.
Ambient pressure and correlation between parameters have strong influence on PDE performance when working is unsteady. 以非稳态方式工作的脉冲爆震发动机(PDE),环境压力、参数之间的强相关性对其性能影响很大.
The unsteady flows in a agitator calculated numerically, and compared with the author � � s experimental data. 研究了搅拌器内非定常流场的分布, 并与实验结果做了比较.
Presently the low and unsteady yield is a main problem existing in Carya cathayensis prodution. 目前山核桃(Caryacathayensis Sarg.)生产中,存在的主要问题是产量不稳不高.
The unsteady condition of mill vibration that it was caused vibration of strip was investigated. 分析研究了带材横向振动导致轧机振动失稳的条件和机理.
Especially if i feel unsteady and insecure i sometimes try to cover this with jokes. 尤其是当我感到不稳定和不安全时,我会试图用玩笑掩盖这些.
Results show that EM does provide unsteady design of turbomachinery an operable degree of freedom. 结果表明,缘线匹配为叶轮机非定常设计提供了可操作的自由度.
One, pass to the floor person difficulties existence of description, outstanding floor claim of unsteady. 第一, 通过对底层人物艰难生存的描绘, 突出底层诉求的不稳定性.
Numerical calculations were performed to investigate the effects of unsteady wakes on film cooling. 利用数值计算的方法研究了非定常尾迹对动叶气膜冷却效率的影响.
The one dimensional model is employed to simulate the daily regulating unsteady flows below Shuikou reservoir. 用一维不稳定流数学模型模拟枯水期水口电站下游日调节不稳定流.
This type of flow has not only complex flow separation , but character of unsteady bringing noise. 这类流动不仅具有复杂的流动分离结构, 而且常常不稳定,也是噪声发生的主要区域.
He's a bit unsteady on his pins. 他的两腿还有点站不稳.
How can you still use this unsteady stool. 这只希里光当的板凳,怎么还在用啊?
Blade element theory was used to calculate unsteady aerodynamic loads in linear and nonlinear regimes. 桨叶气动力计算采用时域非定常空气动力计算模型,包括非线性分离和动态失速的影响.
Gas ejection from gun muzzle is a more complex unsteady process. 火炮的后效期现象是一种比较复杂的非定常气体动力学现象.
brly [ˈbri:fli] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
He had spoken to Emma only briefly . 他和埃玛只讲了短短的几句话。
briefly, the argument is as follows… 简言之,理由如下…
Let me tell you briefly what happened. 我来大致给你讲一下所发生的事情吧。
He smiled briefly... 他微微笑了笑。
Guerillas captured and briefly held an important provincial capital. 游击队攻占并短暂控制了一个重要首府。
There are four basic alternatives; they are described briefly below. 有4个基本的选项,简述如下。
briefly, no less than nine of our agents have passed information to us. 总而言之,至少有9名特工向我们传递了情报。
She hesitated briefly but quickly regained her poise. 她犹豫片刻,但很快恢复了镇静.
I want to touch briefly on another aspect of the problem. 我想简单地谈一下这个问题的另一方面.
He spoke briefly but grasped the essence of the problem, and brought out the crucial point. 话虽然简短,但是抓住了问题的本质, 起到了画龙点睛的作用.
He was kidnapped and briefly detained by a terrorist group. 他被一个恐怖组织绑架并短暂拘禁.
Let's consider briefly his suggestion. 让我们考虑一下他的建议.
She glanced briefly at his lapel badge. 她扫了一眼他翻领上的徽章.
He was told to speak briefly; accordingly he cut short his remarks. 人家叫他说话简短, 于是他就长话短说了.
It may be briefly summarized in the following outline. 这可以用下面的提纲简短地加以概括.
He took a glance at it briefly, and then he told me to look again. 他向它略略瞟了一眼, 然后叫我再看看.
Let's meet and review briefly each group's discussion. 咱们碰一下各组讨论的情况.
There isn't much time left . Could you speak just briefly? 时间不多了,你大略说说 吧.
A hound yelped briefly as a whip cracked. 鞭子一响,猎狗发出一阵嗥叫.
He told me briefly what had happened. 他扼要地告诉我所发生的事情.
Then briefly she told us about herself. 于是她简单地给我们谈了谈她的情况.
He touched only briefly on that question. 关于那个问题他只略略说了几句.
He served briefly as prime minister from 1920 to 1921. 他在1920到1921年间曾短期出任过首相.
He glanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of recognition. 他瞥了她一眼,但似乎没认出她来。
He also talked briefly about the isolation he endured while in captivity. 他还简单谈及了他被俘期间忍受的孤独。
Cross sketched the story briefly, telling the facts just as they had happened. 克罗斯简要地叙述了事情的经过,把当时发生的情况一五一十地说了一遍。
We shall first look briefly at the historical antecedents of this theory. 我们首先应大致看一下该理论在历史上的前身。
[ˈkɒnstəntli] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Fashion is constantly changing. 时尚总是日新月异。
Heat the sauce, stirring constantly. 加热调味汁并不停地搅动。
She suggests that women are under constant pressure to be abnormally thin... 她暗示说女性总是处在保持身材异常瘦削的压力之下。
Inflation is a constant threat... 通货膨胀始终是个威胁。
The average speed of the winds remained constant. 平均风速保持稳定。
In the world of fashion it sometimes seems that the only constant is ceaseless change... 在时装界,有时似乎唯一永恒不变的东西就是不断的变化。
Two significant constants have been found in a number of research studies. 若干研究已经发现了两个重要常量。
A dog that barks constantly can be a source of annoyance to the neighbours. 吠个不停的狗会惹邻居烦恼.
We must constantly adjust the amount of money in circulation. 我们必须对货币的流通不断进行调节.
The speech sounds of all languages are gradually but constantly changing. 各种语言的语音总在不断变迁.
She had a haunted look, as if she were constantly anxious or afraid. 她显得忧愁不堪, 仿佛一直在担心害怕似的.
They constantly intrigued against each other. 他们之间彼此耍阴谋.
He has this irritating mannerism of constantly scratching his nose. 他老是挠鼻子,这个习惯真让人不舒服.
She constantly invoked death for her relief and deliverance. 她常常想在死亡中寻求解脱.
Mother constantly picked at him for being sloppy. 母亲不断地批评他懒散.
The spectre of economic crisis is constantly haunting some countries. 经济危机的幽灵一直在一些国家里游荡徘徊.
Pollutants are constantly being released into the atmosphere. 污染物质正在不断地被排放到大气中去.
A wrongdoer is constantly haunted by the fear of discovery. 作恶者经常心中害怕被发觉.
We should constantly urge ourselves on to study hard. 我们要经常鞭策自己努力学习.
Visionaries are constantly fighting conventional wisdom because they see the world ahead in terms of what it can be. 愿景家总在不断挑战传统思维,因为他们是用超前的眼光看待这个世界的。
We are constantly being reminded to cut down our fat intake. 不断有人提醒我们要减少脂肪的摄入量。
The two women bickered constantly. 这两个女人经常发生口角。
The script was rewritten constantly during filming. 在拍摄期间,剧本一直在进行修改。
My husband is constantly thrown together with young people through his work. 我丈夫由于工作关系经常遇到年轻人。
Wigs are hot and uncomfortable to wear constantly. 头上老是顶着假发,又热又不舒服。
Brown was constantly letting the side down. 布朗不断让家人失望。
I worry about her constantly. 我无时无刻不为她担心。
If you smoke then the whole respiratory system is constantly under attack. 如果抽烟,整个呼吸系统就会一直受到损害。
We've always been marginalized, exploited, and constantly threatened. 我们总是遭到排挤、剥削和不断的恐吓。
[ˈʃɑ:plɪ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
The report was sharply critical of the police. 报道猛烈地抨击了警方。
‘Is there a problem? ’ he asked sharply. “有问题吗?”他厉声喝问。
Profits fell sharply following the takeover. 接管后,利润突然大幅度降低。
The road fell sharply to the sea. 公路陡然下坡,通向大海。
Their experiences contrast sharply with those of other children. 他们的经历和其他孩子的形成鲜明的对比。
She moved sharply across the room to block his exit. 她疾步冲到门口,挡住他的去路。
He rapped sharply on the window. 他猛敲窗户。
sharply pointed 尖尖的
The other end of the twig is sharpened into a sharp point to use as a toothpick... 细枝的另一端被削尖用作牙签。
Using a sharp knife, cut away the pith and peel from both fruits... 用一把锋利的刀削去两种水果的外皮和中果皮。
His nose was thin and sharp. 他的鼻子又细又尖。 sharp-toed cowboy boots. 黑色尖头牛仔靴
I was approaching a fairly sharp bend that swept downhill to the left. 我正驶向下坡路上一个突然向左的急转弯。
He is very sharp, a quick thinker and swift with repartee... 他非常机敏,反应很快,并且能说会道。
Gates is known to be a superb analyst with a sharp eye and an excellent memory. 盖茨是公认的杰出分析家,他目光敏锐且记忆力超群。
'Don't contradict your mother,' was Charles's sharp reprimand... “不要和你妈妈顶嘴,”查尔斯严厉地斥责道。
That ruling had drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups. 那项判决已遭到了民权组织的严厉批评。
There's been a sharp rise in the rate of inflation... 通货膨胀率已大幅上升。
Tennis requires a lot of short sharp movements... 打网球需要做大量快速而剧烈的动作。
Many people make a sharp distinction between humans and other animals... 很多人认为人类和其他动物截然不同。
Her reticence was in sharp contrast to the glamour and star status of her predecessors... 她的寡言少语和前任们的光鲜亮丽、明星范儿十足形成了鲜明的对比。
...a colourless, almost odourless liquid with a sharp, sweetish taste... 一种几乎无气味的无色液体,尝起来微甜,味道很冲
In the hot sun the rain-washed herbs smelled sharp and spicy and sweet all at once. 烈日下,被雨水冲刷过的香草闻起来既冲又香气扑鼻。
The wind was not as sharp and cruel as it had been. 风不像刚才那么凛冽和凶猛了。
Now politics is all about the right haircut and a sharp suit... 现在政界讲究的无非是合适的发型和时髦的衣着。
A sharp dresser, Wyatt is never seen in casual clothes. 怀亚特衣着入时,从未有人见过他穿便装。
She planned to unlock the store at 8.00 sharp this morning. 她打算今天早上 8 点整准时开门营业。
A solitary viola plucks a lonely, soft F sharp. 一把中提琴独自奏出了一个寂寞柔和的升F 调。
Vincent French is a real estate broker at the sharp end of a tough and exacting business... 文森特·弗伦奇在房地产这个艰难行业做了最吃苦受累的不动产经纪人。
Working at the sharp end, many of us have noted an increase in the number of patients attending surgeries. 从事一线工作,我们很多人已经注意到来做手术的病人越来越多。
(British English)I don't go brown very easily. 我不容易晒黑。
After the summer in Spain, the children were brown as berries . 在西班牙度过了一个夏天之后,孩子们晒得黝黑。
leaves of various shades of brown 深浅不一的棕色叶子
brown doesn't (= brown clothes do not) suit you. 你不适合穿棕色衣服。
Heat the butter until it browns. 把黄油加热,使之呈棕色。
The grass was browning in patches. 草地一片片地变成褐色。
brown the onions before adding the meat. 把洋葱炒成褐色,然后放进肉。
By now the passengers were getting browned off with the delay. 此时乘客们对延误已开始感到不满。
...spicy tomato sauce served over a bed of brown rice. 浇在一层糙米上的辣味番茄酱
Cook for ten minutes until the sugar browns... 熬煮10分钟,直到糖变成褐色。
He browned the chicken in a frying pan. 他用煎锅把鸡肉煎成焦黄色。
...brown bread. 黑面包
...a slim brown man with a speckled turban. 一个戴着花头巾、身材瘦削、棕色皮肤的男子
There were many gorgeous females busy browning themselves. 有许多漂亮的女性忙着晒黑自己。
Her skin was of the fortunate kind that could brown in the sun without burning... 她的皮肤属于那种很幸运的类型,在阳光下无需长时间晒着就能变黑。
I don't want to be really really brown, just have a nice light golden colour. 我不想晒得黝黑,只想晒成一种漂亮的淡金色。
The stairs are decorated in golds and earthy browns. 楼梯油漆成金色和土褐色。
...her deep brown eyes... 她深褐色的眼睛
Arkansas has seen a 70 % decline in its numbers since 1967. 自1967年以来,这种鸟儿的数量在阿肯萨州已经减少了70%.
Mr. brown has held 500 shares in the shipping company. 布朗先生持有该家航运公司的500份股份.
am ['ætəm] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
the splitting of the atom 原子的分裂
Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water. 两个氢原子和一个氧原子结合组成一个水分子。
A methane molecule is composed of one carbon atom attached to four hydrogens. 甲烷分子由1个碳原子与4个氢原子构成。
The neutrons and protons form the core of the atom. 中子和质子构成了原子核.
Alcohol: Organic compounds characterized by a hydroxyl group ( OH ) bonded to a carbon atom. 醇 ( 酒精 ): 是有机化合物.它是一个氢氧团和碳原子的结合.
That cannot get up an atom of sympathy for them. 那并不能激发起人们对他们的丝毫同情.
We hadn't an atom of food. 我们没有一点食物了.
Matches the previous atom zero or one times, while consuming as little input as possible. 匹配前面的原子零次或一次, 但尽可能少地消耗输入.
It'said the implosion had the power of the atom bomb the US dropped on Nagasaki. 据说,此次核试验的爆炸力相当于美国在长崎投放的力量.
They exploded an atom bomb. 他们爆炸一颗原子弹.
The particles expelled when the atom explodes are protons, alpha rays or neutrons. 原子爆炸时排出的粒子是质子 、 a射线或中子.
For many years the atom was believed to be indivisible. 在过去有很多年原子一直被认为是不可分割的.
The hydrogen atom is lighter and simpler than the atoms of any other elements. 氢原子较之其他任何元素的原子的重量都轻,结构都简单.
It makes no sense at all to speak of a stationary electron in an atom. 谁要说原子内有一个静止的电子,那是毫无意义的.
Methods : The atom absorbing spectrum method atomatomic fluorescence spectrometry method were used. 建立了荧光分光光度法测定血清中西诺沙星浓度的方法.
There is not an atom of truth in the rumor. 那谢意毫无真实性.
When an atom of U 235 is split, several neutrons are set free. 一个铀235原子分裂时, 释放出几个中子.
Hydroformylation of the olefinic atom economic method th introduce new functional group in the oil compounds. 而通过双键的氢甲酰化反应引入新官能团能为油脂的化工利用提供了一条广阔的道路.
The positive charge in the atom is spread over the whole atomic volume. 原子中的正电荷分布在整个原子体积上.
There's not an atom of truth in what he said. 他所说的没有一点是真话.
The nucleus of an atom consists of neutrons, protons and other particles. 原子核由中子 、 质子和其他粒子构成.
The power of the atom can be used to produce electricity. 原子能可以用来发电.
A molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hygrogen and one atom of oxygen. 一个水分子是由两个氢原子和一个氧原子构成的.
The power of the atom will become still better as time goes by. 随着时间的推移,原子动力的利用还会变得更好.
He could not get up an atom of sympathy for her. 他对她激不出一点同情心.
the splitting of the atom 原子的分裂
A molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. 水分子由两个氢原子和一个氧原子构成。
A neutron is simply a neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom. 中子就是原子核里不带电的粒子。
He patented the idea that the atom could be split. 他获得了“原子可以再分”这一概念的专利权。
c [ˈkʌvərɪŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.掩蔽物,遮盖物; v.覆盖( cover的现在分词);
a thick covering of snow on the ground 地上厚厚的一层积雪
floor/wall coverings 地板 / 墙壁覆盖物
He pulled the plastic covering off the dead body. 他拉掉了盖在尸体上的塑料布。
Leave a thin covering of fat... 留下薄薄一层脂肪。
Sawdust was used as a hygienic floor covering. 锯屑曾被用来铺在地上保持地面清洁卫生。
This is just like a thief covering his ears when stealing a bell. 这简直是掩耳盗铃.
The wires must be insulated from touching each other, with a rubber covering. 这些金属线一定要用橡胶皮包起来,以免相互接触.
The invention is used in water ú ? proof and greening of the roofing and the wall covering. 屋面、墙面的防水绿化装置,适用于屋面墙面的防水与绿化.
Practical information, covering arange of great value in actual combat operations. 信息实用 、 覆盖面广、极具实战操作价值.
There are lots of bus lines covering the area. 有许多的公共汽车路线遍布于这一地区.
We gave him covering fire as he dashed across the clearing. 我们用火掩护他冲过空地.
The green covering on top of the water in the pond is algae. 池塘水面上绿色的东西是水藻.
The Tian'anmen Square in Beijing is the world's largest square, stretching 800 metres from north to south and 500 metres from east to west, and covering an area of over 400 hectares. 北京天安门广场是世界上最大的广场.它南北长800米,东西宽500米, 面积400多公顷.
The commandos pushed forward under the covering fire of their artillery. 突击队在炮兵的火力掩护下向前推进.
A hat is a covering for your head. 帽子是头的遮盖物.
a thick covering of snow on the ground 地上厚厚的一层积雪
Leave a thin covering of fat. 留下薄薄一层脂肪。
How do we know you're not just covering up for your friend? 我们怎么知道你不只是在为自己的朋友遮掩呢?
The brown vinyl covering all the horizontal surfaces is coming unstuck in several places. 水平面上覆盖的棕色塑料布有几处地方松脱。
Social science is a collective name, covering a series of individual sciences. 社会科学是一个统称,涵盖一系列的独立学科。
He must make a decent living from other artists covering his songs. 其他艺术家翻唱他的歌曲,一定使他过上了收入颇为可观的生活。
Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter. 申请人需要提交一份简历和附函。
You should take out travel insurance covering you and your family against theft. 你应该为自己和家人办理旅游保险以防偷盗。
The rules covering eligibility for benefits changed in the 1980s. 20世纪80年代,有关救济金领取资格的规定变了。
Two oil slicks are covering a total area of seven square miles. 两层浮油漂浮在7平方英里的区域上。
They devoted their entire airtime to covering the storm. 他们一直在全程播报这场暴风雨。
Over 150 companies will be there, covering everything from finance to fixtures and fittings. 将有超过150家公司出席,涉及领域从金融到室内设备,应有尽有。
Sawdust was used as a hygienic floor covering. 锯屑曾被用来铺在地上保持地面清洁卫生。
e [ɪˈkwɪpmənt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
new equipment for the sports club 体育俱乐部的新器材
The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive. 这个摄影室的装备花费巨大。
a useful piece of equipment for the kitchen 一件有用的厨房设备
office equipment 办公室设备
...computers, electronic equipment and machine tools. 计算机、电子设备和机床
...outdoor playing equipment. 户外游乐设备
Rita: But you're terrible with money . You're disorganized and lazy. What employer could possibly want you? 莉达: 但你不擅理财、乱无章又懒惰, 什么雇主会要你 呢 ?
They loaded themselves with food, medical supplies, and oxygen equipment. 他们携带了食物 、 医疗器具和氧气设备.
If the equipment is not up to the agreed specifications and quality, we will undertake to replace them. 如果设备达不到议定的规格质量, 我们将负责调换.
Semiconductor devices can perform a variety of control functions in electronic equipment. 半导体器件在电子设备中能起各式各样的控制作用.
The military equipment captured was beyond counting. 缴获的武器装备不可胜数.
Their firm supplies kitchen equipment. 他们公司提供厨房设备.
Technically it is the most advanced equipment ever. 从技术上说,这是最先进的设备.
The plant was dismantled of all its equipment and furniture. 这家工厂的设备和家具全被拆除了.
Lacking equipment, we couldn't continue climbing the mountain. 因无装备, 我们无法继续登山.
Small enterprises are suited to top filling in the gaps in the manufacture by large enterprises of complete sets of equipment. (小企业为大企业 ) 协作配套
They met with many difficulties, for they lacked equipment, experience and technical data. 因为缺少设备, 缺乏经验和技术资料,他们遇到不少困难.
The diving school has acquired a franchise for scuba equipment. 潜水学校获得潜水用水肺的特许经营权.
He has the equipment for the job. 他具备这项工作的知识和技能.
Leave inessential equipment behind. 把不重要的设备撇开.
Without microscopes and other modern equipment, attempts to teach science were futile. 没有显微镜及其他现代化的设备, 想教授自然科学是不会有成果的.
The soldiers have got their equipment up to the front line. 士兵们已经把装备运往前线.
There isn't much equipment. We're going to have to improvise. 设备不多,我们只能将就着用。
Our equipment is top of the range. 我们的设备是最昂贵的。
The inquiry found that the company had seriously underspent on safety equipment. 调查发现,公司对安全设备的投资严重不足。
In their haste to escape the rising water, they dropped some expensive equipment. 他们在河水上涨仓促逃离时,丢掉了一些值钱的装备。
I'm having difficulty using my video editing equipment and can't fathom out the various connections. 我不会使用视频编辑设备,而且搞不清各种各样的连接。
There are three conference rooms each of which is equipped with a screen, flipchart and audio visual equipment. 有3个会议室,每个会议室都配有屏幕、活动挂图板和视听设备。
We eagerly anticipated the day we would leave school. 我们迫切地期盼着毕业离校的那一天。
When Scott reached the South Pole he found that Amundsen had anticipated him. 斯科特到达南极时发现阿蒙森已先到过那里。
(formal)a fast anticipatory movement by the goalkeeper 守门员的快速预期动作
It is anticipated that inflation will stabilize at 3%. 据预测,通货膨胀将稳定在3%。
We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry. 我们需要一个能预见时装业变化并做相应安排的人。
Try and anticipate what the interviewers will ask. 尽量设想面试主持者会提出什么问题。
We don't anticipate any major problems. 我们预料不会发生什么大问题。
Our anticipated arrival time is 8.30. 我们预计抵达的时间是8:30。
The eagerly anticipated movie will be released next month. 那出观众翘首企盼的电影将于下月上映。
They anticipate moving to bigger premises by the end of the year. 他们预期年底前迁入较大的经营场址。
I don't anticipate it being a problem. 我认为它不会成为一个问题。
We anticipate that sales will rise next year. 我们预料明年销售量将会增加。
It is anticipated that the equivalent of 192 full-time jobs will be lost... 预计将失去相当于192份全职工作的岗位。
What Jeff did was to anticipate my next question... 杰夫预先回答了我的下一个问题。
Do you expect your partner to anticipate your needs? 你是否期望你的伴侣不等你提出就主动满足你的需要?
In the 50s, Rauschenberg anticipated the conceptual art movement of the 80s. 上世纪50年代时,劳申伯格就早早地预见到了80年代的概念艺术运动。
At the time we couldn't have anticipated the result of our campaigning... 那时我们不可能预料到我们这项运动的结果。
Jim did not anticipate any trouble, but we considered everything carefully and expected the worst. 译文:吉姆没料到会有任何麻烦, 但我们仔细考虑了一切,并做好了最坏的打算.
I anticipate success in effective economic control. 我预料对经济的控制会获得成功的.
I anticipate his arrival at four o'clock. 我期待他4点钟到达.
I anticipate Jackie Chan and the Jet Li cooperation very much! 我很期待成龙和李连杰的合作!
We anticipate meeting a lot of opposition to our new plan for traffic control. 我们预料会遇到许多人反对我们有关交通管理的新计划.
Chinese market is occupied about very one of, want than what we anticipate tall. 中国市场大约占十分之一, 比我们预期的要高.
Do they anticipate each day with great relish? 他们对每一天都充满干劲 吗 ?
I anticipate a good vacation. 我期待着一个快乐的假期.
We anticipate much pleasure on our trip to New York. 我们料想到纽约的旅行会很快乐.
[ˈpɒlətɪks] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
party politics 党派政治
local politics 地方政治活动
He's thinking of going into politics (= trying to become a Member of Parliament, Congress, etc.) 他打算步入政坛。
a major figure in British politics 英国政坛的风云人物
I don't want to get involved in office politics. 我不想卷入办公室的政治。
the internal politics of the legal profession 法律界内部的钩心斗角
sexual politics (= concerning relationships of power between the sexes) 两性间的权势之争
His politics are extreme. 他的政治观点偏激。
a degree in politics 政治学学位
A politics of the future has to engage with new ideas. 未来的政治制度必须同新思想结合。
The key question in British politics was how long the prime minister could survive... 英国政治的关键问题是首相能坚持多久。
He quickly involved himself in local politics... 他很快涉足地方政治事务。
My politics are well to the left of centre. 我的政治主张相当偏左。
He began studying politics and medieval history. 他开始学习政治学和中世纪史。
...young politics graduates. 年轻的政治学毕业生
You need to understand how office politics influence the working environment. 你需要了解办公室权术是如何影响工作氛围的。
Trends that urbanization is growing and with that comes increased congestion and more competition for parking. 的趋势表明,城市化进程不断增加,来增加与拥挤和更为激烈的竞争停车.
Don't mention politics or we'll be here until kingdom come. 咱们别谈政治吧,否则一谈就没完没了.
He finds politics a dirty game, and only enters them reluctantly because he knows that at the very least he and his friends are better than the present gang. 他发现政治是一种肮脏的把戏, 所以只是出于不得已才参与政治,这是因为他知道,最起码他和自己的朋友们比这帮人要强得多.
You're an ambitious man. You're not in politics for your health — that I know. 你野心勃勃, 想在政治上混出名堂来——这一点我是知道的.
What are your politics? 你的政见 如何 ?
One can't separate politics from economics. 不能把政治与经济割裂开来.
The book attempts a definition of his role in world politics. 该书要阐明的是他在世界政局中的作用.
He tends to overstate his case when talking politics. 他一谈政治便流于夸夸其谈。
Each piece is unique, an exquisite painting of a real person, done on ivory... 每一件艺术品都是绘在象牙上的精美绝伦的真人肖像,都是独一无二的。
None of the pieces is insured. 没有一件艺术品上过保险。
They got a small piece of the net profits and a screen credit. 他们得到了一小部分纯利润以及电影演职人员字幕中的署名权。
...the disclosure that Texas Air might sell a piece or all of Continental. 得克萨斯航空公司可能会卖掉部分或整个大陆航空公司这一消息的披露
How very thoughtless. I'll give him a piece of my mind. 真是太没头脑了,我要告诉他我很生气。
At its peak in the Thirties, Underground design and architecture was all of a piece... 在30年代的顶峰时期,地铁的设计和建筑风格都一模一样。
The essays that Parsons completed in the latter part of his life are of a piece with his earlier work. 帕森斯后半生完成的文章和他的早期著作一脉相承。
...providing that my brother gets back alive and in one piece from his mission. 如果我哥哥执行任务能够平安归来
I'll answer your questions when I've said my piece. 说完我想说的,我会回答你的问题。
If the shell had hit the boat, it would have blown it to pieces... 如果炮弹击中了小船,它早就被炸成碎片了。
He took it all to pieces, cleaned it inside and out and put it together again... 他把它全拆了,里外清洁了一下,然后又装了起来。
She's a strong woman, but she nearly went to pieces when Arnie died. 她是个坚强的女性,但阿尼去世时,她几乎崩溃了。
He made numerous errors of fact and was torn to pieces during the subsequent question time... 他犯了数不清的事实错误,并在随后的答疑时间中被批得体无完肤。
Every error is captured, every decision picked to pieces. 每个错误都会被抓住,每个决定都会被骂得一无是处。
noly [ˈnɔ:məli] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
I'm not normally allowed to stay out late. 通常情况下,我不能在外很晚不归。
It's normally much warmer than this in July. 通常七月要比现在热得多。
It normally takes 20 minutes to get there. 去那儿一般要花20分钟。
Her heart is beating normally. 她心跳正常。
Just try to behave normally. 尽量表现得若无其事。
All airports in the country are working normally today... 今天国内所有机场都运转正常。
Social progress is normally a matter of struggles and conflicts... 社会进步通常是斗争和冲突的结果。
She would apparently eat normally and then make herself sick. 她显然还会照吃不误,然后把自己吃到恶心。
...failure of the blood to clot normally. 血液未能正常凝结
Students will normally take three A2 subjects. 学生通常要选三门A2证书考试科目。
I normally do all my shopping on Saturdays. 我通常在星期六买东西.
My pulse beats normally. 我脉搏正常.
normally there are no complications with the medicine. 服用这种药按理不会产生并发症.
Students will normally take four or five AS subjects. 学生通常要选四门或五门高级证书辅助考试学科。
The child is developing normally. 这孩子发育正常。
I'm not normally allowed to stay out late. 通常情况下,我不能在外很晚不归。
They normally charge three hundred pounds but we got it for half price. 他们通常要价300英镑,但我们按半价买到了。
Social progress is normally a matter of struggles and conflicts. 社会进步通常是斗争和冲突的结果。
normally, such an outward display of affection is reserved for his mother. 通常,只有在母亲面前他的情感才会如此外露。
These products are normally bought and stored carefully out of reach of children. 这些产品一般在购买和储藏过程中都要避免儿童碰触。
Child custody is normally granted to the mother. 孩子的监护权通常判给母亲。
Clients normally pay fees in advance, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. 客户通常按月、季度或年度预付费用。
Diploma and certificate courses do not normally require the submission of a dissertation. 为获得文凭和证书所修的课程通常不需要提交论文。
Your cv should be short—two sides of a sheet of A4 paper should normally be enough. 简历应力求简短,通常A4纸两面的篇幅就足够了。
normally he performs his devotions twice a day. 通常情况下他每天祈祷两次。
You normally receive 4 treatments each day, Sundays excepted. 通常每天接受4次治疗,星期日除外。
Her normally shy son had come out of his shell. 她那平时很害羞的儿子已经开始与人交往了。
The rainy season in the Andes normally starts in December. 安第斯山区的雨季通常在12月份来临。
ason [əˌsəʊʃɪ'eɪʃn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
She became famous through her association with the group of poets. 她通过与这些诗人交往而成名。
The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations with childhood holidays for me. 海滨使我联想起童年假期的各种愉快情景。
The cat soon made the association between human beings and food. 这只猫很快就把人类与食物联系起来。
a proven association between passive smoking and cancer 已被证实的被动吸烟与癌症之间的因果关系
The book was published in association with (= together with) British Heritage. 这本书是与英国传统出版社联合出版的。
They have maintained a close association with a college in the US. 他们和美国一所学院保持了密切联系。
a residents' association 居民联合会
his alleged association with terrorist groups 他被指称的与恐怖组织的关联
the Football association 足球协会
Do you belong to any professional or trade associations? 你参加了专业学会或行业协会没有?
...the British Olympic association... 英国奥林匹克协会
Research associations are often linked to a particular industry. 研究协会常与某个特定的行业挂钩。
...the company's six-year association with retailer J.C. Penney Co... 该公司与零售商 J. C. 彭尼公司6年的业务往来
Blyth's association with the sea began in 1966... 布莱思的航海生涯始于1966年。
He has a shelf full of things, each of which has associations for him... 他的一个搁架上摆满了东西,每一样都能勾起他许多回忆。
Black was considered inappropriate because of its associations with death. 不宜用黑色,因为它让人联想到死亡。
Published in association with the Council for the Protection of Rural England, the book provides refreshing solutions to the long-term problem of water conservation. 这本书与英格兰乡村保护委员会合作出版,就节约水资源这个长期问题提供了全新的解决方法。
Active combat in space and from space will be no longer unusual. 在空间主动作战和从空间主动作战将司空见惯.
The association is under the auspices of World Bank. 这个组织是在世界银行的赞助下办的.
Our long association with your company has brought great benefits. 我方和贵公司的长期合作带来了巨大的利益.
The Alumnae association is my link to the school's present administration. 女校友协会是我和现在学校行政部门之间的纽带
At the airport he read an address of welcome in behalf of the association. 在机场上他代表该协会致了欢迎词.
They banded themselves into an association. 他们联合起来,成立一个协会.
Recently he enrolled in the Chinese Medical association. 他最近加入了中华医学会.
The association is funded by an annual subvention from the government. 协会的经费,每年由政府拨款补助.
He had an illicit association with Jane. 他和简曾有过不正当关系.
The funds of the association shall comprise of members'subscriptions. 协会的基金将由会员的捐款构成.
c [kleɪm] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.声称;断言;需要;索取; vi.提出要求; n.(根据权利而提出的)要求;声称;断言;索赔;
He claimed political asylum. 他要求政治避难。
He's not entitled to claim unemployment benefit. 他无权要求领取失业救济金。
She claimed damages from the company for the injury she had suffered. 她因受伤向公司要求获得损害赔偿金。
You could have claimed the cost of the hotel room from your insurance. 你本可以从你的保险中索取旅馆住房费。
You can claim on your insurance for that coat you left on the train. 你可按你的保险索赔你遗忘在火车上的大衣。
A lot of lost property is never claimed. 许多失物从未被认领。
He claims (that) he was not given a fair hearing. 他声称他未得到公正的申述机会。
I don't claim to be an expert. 我不敢自称为专家。
Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer. 科学家们宣称攻克癌症已有重大的突破。
It was claimed that some doctors were working 80 hours a week. 据说有些医生每周工作80小时。
Five Asian countries lay claim to the islands. 5个亚洲国家声称对那些岛屿拥有主权。
Barbara Follett's greatest claim to fame is that she taught Labour MPs how to look good on television. 芭芭拉·福利特最出名的事就是她教工党议员如何在电视上拥有良好形象。
The civil war claimed the life of a U.N. interpreter yesterday... 昨天,内战夺去了一位联合国译员的生命。
Heart disease is the biggest killer, claiming 180,000 lives a year. 心脏病是头号杀手,每年夺去18万条生命。
The union claimed a pay rise worth four times the rate of inflation. 工会要求按照通货膨胀率的4倍提高工资。
She'd no claims on him now... 现在他不欠她什么了。
He was surrounded by people, all with claims on his attention. 他被人们团团围住,个个都要他把注意力放在自己身上。
There is already a long list of people claiming her attention. 需要她关注的人已经很多了。
Some 25 per cent of the people who are entitled to claim State benefits do not do so... 有权申领政府补贴的人当中,约有25%没有提出申请。
John had taken out redundancy insurance but when he tried to claim, he was refused payment... 约翰办理过失业保险,可是当他去索赔时却遭拒付。
Steffi Graf claimed a fourth Wimbledon title in 1992. 施特菲·格拉芙于1992年第4次赢得温布尔登桂冠。
Zhuang claimed the record in 54.64 seconds... 庄创下了54.64秒的纪录。
He was too modest to claim the credit. 他太谦逊,不愿意邀功。
Now they are returning to claim what was theirs. 如今他们回来索取本属于他们的东西。
Rival claims to Macedonian territory caused conflict in the Balkans. 多方主张拥有对马其顿的领土主权,结果在巴尔干地区引发了冲突。
He claimed that it was all a conspiracy against him... 他声称这一切都是一场针对他的阴谋。
A man claiming to be a journalist threatened to reveal details about her private life... 一个自称是记者的人威胁要公开有关她的私生活的细节。
He repeated his claim that the people of Trinidad and Tobago backed his action... 他再次声称,特立尼达和多巴哥的人民支持他的行动。
He rejected claims that he had affairs with six women. 他拒不承认他和6个女人有染的说法。
An underground organisation has claimed responsibility for the bomb explosion... 一个地下组织已经声称对这起炸弹爆炸事件负责。
[ɑ:t] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.艺术;艺术作品;(需要技术、工艺的)行业;文艺(包括绘画、雕塑、建筑、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、文学等); vi.thou art 即 you are,对一人讲话时用; adj.艺术的;(为)艺术家的;艺术品的;具有艺术性的; vt.& vi.[口语](把…)装饰得古色古香,(把…)装饰得古怪而有艺术趣味,把…装饰得有艺术价值;把…加以艺术乔装,使艺术化[仅用于 art up 短语中];
an art gallery/exhibition 美术馆 / 展览
a collection of art and antiques 一批收藏的艺术品和古董
She's good at art and design. 她擅长美术和设计。
an art teacher/student/college/class 美术教师 / 学生 / 学院 / 班
lottery funding for the arts 为艺术筹集资金的彩票
Dance is a very theatrical art. 舞蹈是非常讲究舞台感的一种艺术。
an arts degree 文科学位
a therapist trained in the art of healing 接受过治疗技术训练的治疗员
Letter-writing is a lost art nowadays. 当今尺牍是一种已消失的技巧。
Appearing confident at interviews is quite an art (= rather difficult) . 面试时表现出充满信心是一门很高的艺术。
an art critic/historian/lover 艺术批评家 / 史家 / 爱好者
Can we call television art? 我们能把电视称作艺术吗?
stolen works of art 被盗艺术品
Her performance displayed great art. 她的表演展现了精湛的技艺。
modern/contemporary/American art 现代 / 当代 / 美国艺术
...arts and social science graduates. 人文和社会科学毕业生
...the Faculty of arts. 文学院
...the Cambridge arts Cinema. 剑桥艺术影院
Fishing is an art. 钓鱼是一门技术。
...the unscientific arts of seduction and romance. 勾引异性和谈情说爱的不科学的技巧
Father, I know thou art aware of me at all times. 父亲,我知道您无时无刻不在关心着我。
...the arts Council of Great Britain. 大不列颠艺术委员会
...Farnham College of art and Design. 法纳姆美术设计学院
Catherine the Great was a patron of the arts and sciences. 叶卡捷琳娜大帝赞助过各种艺术创作和科学研究。
...a painter, content to be left alone with her all-absorbing art. 甘愿独自沉浸于绘画中的画家
...the first exhibition of such art in the West. 此类艺术品在西方的首次展览
...contemporary and modern American art. 近现代美洲艺术
a ['ædvətaɪz] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.做广告,做宣传;通告,通知;宣扬; vi.登广告,做广告;做宣传;
I wouldn't advertise the fact that you don't have a work permit. 我不会向外声张你没有工作许可证这件事。
to advertise a product/a business/your services 做广告宣传产品 / 企业 / 你的服务项目
The cruise was advertised as the ‘journey of a lifetime ’. 这次航行被宣传为“终生难得的旅行”。
We are currently advertising for a new sales manager. 目前我们公开征聘一位新的销售经理。
We advertised the concert quite widely. 我们为这次音乐会做了相当广泛的宣传。
If you want to attract more customers, try advertising in the local paper. 如果你要吸引更多顾客,就试试在当地报纸登广告。
The players can advertise baked beans, but not rugby boots... 球员可以给烤菜豆做广告,但不能代言橄榄球靴。
In 1991, the house was advertised for sale at $49,000... 1991年,这座房子登广告出售,售价为49,000美元。
We advertised for staff in a local newspaper... 我们在一家地方报纸上刊登了招聘广告。
I shall advertise for someone to go with me. 我将登广告寻人和我同去。
His hard sinewy body advertised his ruthlessness of purpose. 他健硕的身体使他显得意志尤为坚强。
There is no need to advertise the fact that you are a single woman... 没有必要张扬你是一个单身女性。
I didn't want to advertise the fact that he hadn't driven me to the airport. 我不想宣扬他没有开车送我去机场的事。
Purchasing a radio station and using empty billboards to advertise it. 他购买了一家广播电台,然后利用空闲的广告牌为电台做宣传.
When Mike Wood began to advertise his sign company, he didn't know his work would become. 在伍麦克刚开始为他的标牌制作公司打广告时, 他并不知道这些产品还有其他的用途.
I would like a banner to advertise my webhosting website. 我想我的一个横幅宣传网站主办的网站.
It was time to advertise our cause instead of our cars. 当时的当务之急是我们的事业可不是为我们的汽车进行广告宣传.
Early to bed and early to rise. Work like hell and advertise. 早睡早起. 尽力工作,并且极力宣传(这种做法).
Many urged a boycott of the Post and the companies that advertise in it. 这件事发生后,很多人呼吁抵制《纽约邮报》以及在该报上做广告的公司.
Sports marketing has increasingly become a popular way to advertise a company's goods and services. 在体育活动方面的市场营销正逐渐成为公司商品和服务进行广告宣传和普及的一种途径.
They are trying their best to advertise their new products. 他们正竭力为新产品做广告.
This is made possible the sponsors who advertise on this site. 这两个目标所以可能乃是由于本网站的广告商的赞助.
This is made possible by the sponsors who advertise on this site. 在本站投放广告的赞助商们,使得这一切皆有可能.
He was among the first American entrepreneurs to advertise in all the media. 他是美国第一批在所有的宣传媒介上登广告的企业家之一.
Not to advertise, just show how to introduce a new product. 不是为了做广告, 而是告诉在描述一个产品时,应该怎样去说.
You'd better advertise for a person to look after the garden while you are on holiday. 在你休假期间,你最好登个广告招人来照料花园.
Are lawyers allowed to advertise? 准许律师做广告 吗 ?
[əˈpru:vɪŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.满意的; v.赞成,同意( approve的现在分词 );批准;认可;核准;
She looked at him approvingly and smiled. 她面带微笑赞许地望着他。
He gave me an approving nod. 他向我点头表示同意。
His mother leaned forward and gave him an approving look. 他的母亲探身向前,对他投以赞许的目光。
approving and issuing the Quality Manual, appointing and authorizing Management Representative and supervising his activities. 批准和颁布企业的质量手册, 任命和授权管理者代表,监督其有效实施.
She received many approving glances. 很多赞许的目光向她投来.
Officials who once wooed foreign investors increasingly balk at approving new deals. 那些力图吸引外国投资者的官员,也越来越不敢批准新的交易.
Any change in purpose of use must be approved by the original reviewing and approving agencies. 需要政变使用目的的,应当报原审批机关批准.
The human resources department for approving leave applications from staff. 人力资源部负责批准员工的休假声请.
The climate was permissive, supportive, and approving of mind control experimentation. 风气是许可的, 支持的, 以及赞成精神控制实验的.
I thank the Congress approving a good agreement with Peru. 我感谢国会批准了与秘鲁签定的好协定.
The human resources department is responsible for approving leave applications from staff. 人力资源部负责批准员工的休假申请.
Manulife may request for additional identification documents for approving the Direct Debit Authorization. 宏利或会要求额外的身份证明文件以批核此直接付款授权书.
Carrie fluttered under his approving glance. 在他赞赏的目光下嘉莉感到心跳.
After that, Germany engineers came to Jia Yang validating the capacity then formal approving manufacture. 标准要求, 且获派德国工程师到厂确认制造能力后始导入量产.
You still retain 100 % editorial control . No ad will be placed without you approving the ad. 你有100%的编辑控制权, 你不审核通过的化,广告将不能在你的文章中出现.
We should make a distinction between approving or derogatory words linguistic form and in speech form. 要注意区分语言的褒贬义和言语的褒贬义.
The European Union stopped approving new genetically engineered crops in 1998. 欧盟在1998年停止批准新的转基因作物.
He looked through the proposals through before approving them. 他逐一审查了各项建议才予以批准.
Responsible for reviewing and approving information such as services, monthly labour cost and clinical costing. 负责审查和批准有关价格等的报表,如服务用度 、 每月劳工本钱和诊所的本钱.
However, approving the standards will help states quantify qualify for some federal federal grant money. 但是, 同意这套标准将帮助各州取得联邦政府资助的资格.
Visitors left approving remarks in the comment book. 参观的人在留言簿上留下了赞扬的话.
Some go along because of their connections with the people opposing or approving it. 有人因为反对或赞成的人跟自己有关系所以随声附和.
Management are continually involved in proposing or approving strategic options. 管理层需要不断地提出或审批战略选择的建议.
The members were unanimous in approving the project. 成员们一致同意批准这个计划.
The vote approving the amendment was far from unanimous; six dissented. 通过修正案的投票远非全体一致; 有六个人反对.
The operating term may be extended after expiration the approval the examining and approving agency. 经营期满,经审批机构批准,可以延期.
Several of the directors gave approving nods. 几个董事赞赏地点点头.
Meanwhile a batch of new - style concrete a way is able to approve project approving construction. 与此同时,一批新型干法水泥线得以批准立项建设.
The work of site selecting, programming and feasibility report frame and approving has finished. 前期工作进展情况:完成项目选址 、 规划、可研编制审批工作.
However, a proving approving the standers standards will help states qualify for some federal grant money. 然而, 赞成新标准会帮助各州政府有资格获得联邦拨款.
['spaɪdə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
This is the Berlin Olympic venue, is not like this spider web? 这里是柏林奥林匹克会场, 是不是像蜘蛛网 呢 ?
A spider is weaving a web under the eaves. 蜘蛛在屋檐下织网.
At the moment I'm working on a poisonous protein produced by the funnel spider. 现在我正在摆弄漏斗网蛛的一种毒蛋白.
You're about to meet the spider equivalent of a stealthy jungle cat. 你将要看到的是相当于隐秘的丛林猫科动物的蜘蛛.
There were a lot of spider webs in the corner of the room. 屋子的角落里挂了很多蜘蛛网.
All of a sudden the spider stopped building and started removing the web. 突然蜘蛛停止建设,并开始在网上删除.
The way seemed interminable, and the streets like the black web of some sprawling spider. 路仿佛没有尽头, 街道就象触足伸开的蜘蛛编织成的黑网.
The red spider lilies spread unendingly. Day by day they more and more densely and sadly. 大片大片的曼珠沙华. 一天一天,它们越来悦澜浓烈,越来越悲伤.
This paper describes technology process of stator frame and rotor spider for Wuq iangxi power station. 本文对五强溪机组的主要焊接部件定子机座和转子支架的制造工艺进行了论述,仅供参考.
The spider spins its web. 蜘蛛结网.
Reports of spider bites are greatly exaggerated. 有关蜘蛛螫人的报道被大大夸张了.
My sister has a spider. 我的姊姊有一只蜘蛛.
The spider hung suspended on its slender thread. 蜘蛛悬吊在它细长的丝上.
A spider spins a web in which it catches insects and bugs for its food. 蜘蛛结网,用于捕捉各种昆虫.
I found spider webs, bird nests, wildflowers, anthills, unusual rocks , eggshells and bizarre insects. 我找到蜘蛛网 、 鸟巢 、 野花 、 蚁丘 、 蛋壳和稀奇古怪的昆虫.
Q : Can I control the crawler request rate from Ask spider to my site? 我能控制爬虫请求率从问蜘蛛到我的地点 吗 ?
We passed silver birches , a huge spider statute, and a marine time boat. 我们走过了一小片白桦林,巨大的蜘蛛雕塑, 和航海时代的木帆船.
The spider can catch insects by cobweb. 蜘蛛能用蜘蛛网抓住昆虫.
That caused it to higher and higher and become entangled in a spider web. 我担心它会一直被缠在蜘蛛网上,就拿了一个长柄扫把帮它摆脱蜘蛛网.
A spider was on the ceiling. 冬天花板上有只蜘蛛.
Artificial spider - web is a network topology framework, which is proposed based on behavior research of spiders. 人工蜘蛛网络是源于蜘蛛结网捕食的行为研究提出的一种网络拓扑结构.
A spider had spun a perfect web outside the window. 蜘蛛在窗外结了一张完整的网。
The spider must wait for prey to be ensnared on its web. 蜘蛛必须等待猎物被它的蛛网困住。
The woolly spider monkey is the largest primate in the Americas. 绒毛蛛猴是美洲最大的灵长类动物。
s [skɪl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
The job requires skill and an eye for detail. 这项工作需要技巧和注意细节的眼光。
What made him remarkable as a photographer was his skill in capturing the moment. 他捕捉瞬间画面的能力使他成为一名不同凡响的摄影师。
We need people with practical skills like carpentry. 我们需要有木工等实用技术的人。
management skills 管理能力
Most of us will know someone who is always learning new skills, or studying new fields. 我们大多数人都会认识某个总是在不停地学习新技术或研究新领域的人。
The cut of a diamond depends on the skill of its craftsman. 钻石切割靠的是工匠的技艺。
What do you like to do in your spare time? 空闲时你喜欢干什么?
Masonry is a careful skill. 砖石工艺是一种精心的技艺.
His medical skill is so superb that he can hardly be filled in for in an emergency. 他医术高超,在紧急情况下很难被代替.
It needs skill to tune a piano. 调准钢琴需要技巧.
He showed valour and skill on the battlefield. 他在战场上显得骁勇善战.
The operation was a marvel of medical skill. 这次手术是医术上的一个奇迹.
Your cleverness and skill has compelled our admiration. 你的聪明和技巧使我们不得不敬佩.
The difficult operation will exact all the doctor's skill. 这困难的手术将需要这位医生拿出全部本领来.
To improve one's professional skill has now become a common practice. 钻研业务已蔚然成风.
Long years of fighting made him a commander with both skill and dash. 多年的战斗生活把他锻炼成了一个智勇双全的指挥员.
Stenography is no longer a marketable skill. 速记法已没有多大市场了.
His skill has matured. 他的技术到火候了.
The Korean craftsmen took this artistic skill with them into Japan. 韩国工匠把这种艺能带到了日本.
He is a negotiator of considerable skill. 他是个谈判高手.
People gasped with admiration at the superb skill of the gymnasts. 体操运动员的高超技艺令人赞叹.
If Mr. Jones can't find a job as a teacher, he can fall back on his skill as a printer. 如果琼斯先生找不到当老师的工作, 他可以凭他的技术搞印刷.
He has skill in painting. 他擅长绘画.
His medical skill is so superb that he can hardly be filled in for an emergency. 他医术高超,在紧急情况下几乎无人企及.
With great skill, he piloted the boat into the little harbor. 凭借高超的技术, 他引导这艘船驶进这窄小的港口.
His eagerness will not avail against the fitness and skill of his opponent. 他求胜心切,但这并不能抵挡得住对手的健壮与技艺.
He made brag of his skill. 他夸耀自己技术高明.
His skill is wonderful for his age. 他小小年纪,技巧令人称奇.
ct [krɑ:ft] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.技术,手艺,技艺;狡诈;行会成员; vt.手工制作;精巧地制作;
traditional crafts like basket-weaving 像编篮子之类的传统工艺
a craft fair/workshop 手工艺品交易会 / 制作车间
craft, Design and Technology (= a subject in some British schools) 工艺、设计与技术(英国某些学校中的科目)
chefs who learned their craft in top hotels 在高级饭店学过烹调技艺的厨师
the writer's craft 写作技巧
He knew how to win by craft and diplomacy what he could not gain by force. 他擅长于通过计谋和外交手腕赢得他用武力无法得到的东西。
Hundreds of small craft bobbed around the liner as it steamed into the harbour. 班轮驶进港口时,周围的许多小船颠簸起来。
a landing/pleasure craft 登陆 / 游艇
All the furniture is crafted from natural materials. 所有的家具均采用天然材料精心制作而成。
a carefully crafted speech 精心准备的讲话
The windows would probably have been crafted in the latter part of the Middle Ages... 这些窗户很可能是中世纪后期精心制作的。
Many delegates were willing to craft a compromise... 很多代表都想要制订出一个周密的折中方案。
The troops are reported to have advanced nearly four miles since they were landed from naval craft on Sunday evening. 据报道,部队自周日晚离开海军军舰登陆后已经挺进了将近4英里。
...the arts and crafts of the North American Indians... 北美印第安人的手工艺
All kinds of traditional craft industries are preserved here. 这里保留着各种各样的传统手工业。
...the craft of writing... 写作技巧
Maurice Murphy, one of the country's leading classical trumpeters, learnt his craft with the Black Dyke Mills band. 作为该国最著名的古典小号演奏家,莫里斯·墨菲曾师从黑堤磨坊铜管乐团。
With great difficulty, the fisherman manoeuvred his small craft close to the reef... 渔夫费了很大的劲才把他的小船划到暗礁旁。
It is what we might call craft, although it meant more than simple handiwork. 我们可以称之为手工艺, 尽管其含义远远大于简单的手工劳动.
We produce all kinds of fashion jewelry & art craft made of Tutania, Copper, Diamond. 工厂主要生产以锡合金 、 铜 、 水钻等为材料的流行珠宝饰品 和 工艺品.
Weaving was the town's chief craft. 纺织是该镇的主要行业.
Industry in order to craft the main products are cork paintings, bottle King, Christmas gifts, products. 工业以工艺品为主,产品有软木画 、 瓶景 、 圣诞礼品 、 木制品等.
Gifts Articles, Toy and Games, Wooden Toys , Puzzles , craft Kits. 采购产品礼品, 玩具和游戏, 木制的玩具,智力玩具, 手艺装备.
Our company is a craft gift manufacturer and incorporate designing, producing, selling into an organic whole. 我司是一家及设计研发, 生产销售于一体的工艺品制造商.
These craft, when reaching a certain speed, plane on the flat after sections of their hull. 当达到一定速度时, 这类船以船身后部平坦部分滑行.
[pəˈmɪʃn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
You must ask permission for all major expenditure. 一切重大开支均须报请批准。
The school has been refused permission to expand. 学校扩充未得到许可。
No official permission has been given for the event to take place. 这项活动未得到正式批准,不能进行。
She took the car without permission . 她未经许可擅自使用了汽车。
poems reprinted by kind permission of the author 经作者慨然许可后重印的诗歌
(formal)With your permission, I'd like to say a few words. 如蒙允许,我想讲几句话。
The publisher is responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to reproduce illustrations. 出版者负责取得准予复制插图的必要许可文件。
He asked permission to leave the room... 他请求准许离开房间。
Finally his mother relented and gave permission for her youngest son to marry... 最后他母亲让步了,准许她的小儿子结婚。
...oil exploration permissions. 石油勘探许可证
The article was reproduced by the special permission of the President. 由于总统的特殊允许,这篇文章被复印了一份.
That car is my property; you mustn't use it without my permission. 这辆车是我的财产, 你必须得到我的允许才能使用.
The secretary was severely reprimanded by his boss for leaking out the secret without his permission. 这位秘书因未经上司允许泄露了秘密而受到斥责.
The boss called the foreman on the carpet for granting sick leave to a worker without first asking for permission. 老板训斥那个工头未经事先请示就擅自批准一个工人的病假.
The police had to get special permission to open up the grave. 警察必须在获得特准后,才能打开这座坟墓.
They generously accorded me permission to use their library. 他们慷慨地允许我使用他们的图书馆.
We obtained special permission to reproduce the book in our magazine. 本刊得到特别许可翻印这本书.
No reference books are to be taken out of the reading room without permission. 本阅览室参考书不得私自携出.
The children worried the necessary permission out of their father. 孩子们缠着他们的父亲不放,终于得到了许可.
Huntsmen have no power to ride over other people's land without permission. 猎手没有权力在未经许可的情况下骑马穿过别人的土地.
Did he give you permission to take that? 他允许你拿那个东西了 吗 ?
They have permission to build 200 new houses. 他们得到建200座新房的许可。
It is illegal to reproduce these worksheets without permission from the publisher. 未经出版者许可翻印这些习题是违法的。
the revocation of planning permission 建筑许可的撤销
Police said permission for the march had not been granted. 警方说游行并未得到批准。
One unbreakable rule in our school is that no child can be tested without written parental permission. 我们学校有一条金科玉律:未经父母书面同意,不得对学生进行测试。
Finally his mother relented and gave permission for her youngest son to marry. 最后他母亲作出让步,允许她的小儿子结婚。
He got permission from his commanding officer to join me. 他得到指挥官的许可来与我会合。
A conservatory would make up for the fact that we were refused planning permission for a roof terrace. 我们建屋顶平台的计划被驳回了,要是能盖一间温室也算一种补偿。
They used copyrighted music without permission. 他们未经允许使用了受版权保护的音乐。
s [sæk] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.麻袋;洗劫;<英俚>解雇; vt.解雇;把…装进袋里;掠夺;
They got through a sack of potatoes. 他们把一麻袋土豆吃完了。
two sacks of groceries 两袋杂用品
He got the sack for swearing. 他因说脏话而被开除。
Her work was so poor that she was given the sack . 她工作干得很差,被炒了鱿鱼。
Four hundred workers face the sack. 四百名工人面临解雇的危险。
He caught them in the sack together. 他撞见他们俩一起睡在床上。
the sack of Rome 对罗马城的洗劫
She was sacked for refusing to work on Sundays. 她因拒绝在星期天上班被解雇了。
Rome was sacked by the Goths in 410. 罗马在410年遭到哥特人的洗劫。
...a sack of potatoes. 一袋土豆
Earlier today the Prime Minister sacked 18 government officials for corruption... 今天早些时候,首相解除了 18 名涉嫌贪污腐败的政府官员的职务。
Science teacher James Wood was sacked for slapping a schoolboy. 理科教师詹姆斯·伍德因为掌掴一名男生而被开除。
In 1527 Imperial troops sacked the French ambassador's residence in Rome. 1527年,帝国军队洗劫了位于罗马的法国大使官邸。
These machines can automatically complete weighing, feed, making sack, sealing, cutting and transportation. 该机可自动完成称量, 落料 、 制袋 、 封合 、 切断、输送等过程.
The manager had found him out and was going to sack him. 经理发觉了他的不轨行为,打算炒他鱿鱼.
I have a busy day tomorrow, so I'm going to hit the sack early tonight. 我明天会很忙, 所以我今晚要早点睡觉.
How much did we sack up this time? 这次我们获得多少利润?
The corpse was sewn up in a sack and thrown into the river. 尸体缝好后被装入布袋中抛入河流之中.
Where did you sack in last night? 昨晚你们在哪儿睡觉的?
The hen pecked a hole in the sack. 母鸡在麻袋上啄了一个窟窿.
Where are you going to sack out? 你们准备去哪里大睡一场?
Changing her job like that is equivalent to giving her the sack. 那样调换她的工作等于是解雇她.
If you're late again tomorrow, you'll get the sack! 如果你明天再迟到, 那就卷铺盖走吧!
He hefted a sack of wheat to see how heavy it was. 他举起一袋麦子看看有多重.
['kraɪsɪs] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a political/financial crisis 政治 / 金融危机
the government's latest economic crisis 政府最近的经济危机
The business is still in crisis but it has survived the worst of the recession. 这家公司虽然仍处于危机之中,但已经挺过了经济衰退最严重的日子。
The ruling party was facing an identity crisis . 执政党当时正面临着自身认同的危机。
an expert in crisis management 危机处理专家
We provide help to families in crisis situations. 我们对处于困境的家庭提供帮助。
In times of crisis I know which friends I can turn to. 在危难关头我知道能投靠哪些朋友。
The party was suffering a crisis of confidence among its supporters (= they did not trust it any longer) . 当时这个政党在其支持者中正遭受信任危机。
Their marriage has reached crisis point. 他们的婚姻已到了危机的地步。
The fever has passed its crisis. 发烧已过危险期。
Natural disasters have obviously contributed to the continent's economic crisis... 很显然,自然灾害也是造成该大陆经济危机的原因之一。
The Italian political system has been judged to be in terminal crisis for decades. 人们认为意大利的政治体系几十年来一直存在着严重危机。
Recrystallization takes patience, but it's worth it! 重结晶须有耐心, 但它是值得的!
Poor organization was certainly a contributory factor to the crisis. 组织不善肯定是导致危机的因素之一.
She had proved that she could be relied on in a crisis. 她已证明,在危急时刻她是靠得住的.
The crisis has been already brought on. 危机业已酿成.
The Cabinet met to resolve the crisis. 内阁开会,寻求解决危机的办法.
In the face of a severe crisis relating to international reserves, the government devalued the currency twice. 面对国际储备的严重危机, 政府实施了两次货币贬值.
She preached economy as the best means of solving the crisis. 她倡导说节约是解决危机的最佳方法.
The matter has been brought to a crisis. 事情已到了节骨眼上.
Some scores of people acknowledged that there was a crisis. 数十个人都承认存在着一场危机.
The spectre of economic crisis is constantly haunting some countries. 经济危机的幽灵一直在一些国家里游荡徘徊.
Investments turned down considerably during the economic crisis. 在经济危机中,投资大大减少了.
During the monetary crisis, several European bankers rallied to the pound. 在金融危机期间, 欧洲的几个银行家联合起来支持英镑.
There is a slow drift into crisis. 有一种渐入危机的趋势.
She always stays cool, calm and collected in a crisis. 她在危急关头总是很冷静镇定,处之泰然。
a financial crisis of mammoth proportions 极其严重的金融危机