The kids made a mess in the bathroom. 孩子们把浴室搞得一塌糊涂。
‘ What a mess ! ’ she said, surveying the scene after the party. 看着聚会后的情况,她说:“真是一片狼藉!”
My hair's a real mess! 我的头发太乱了。
The economy is in a mess . 经济陷入了困境。
I feel I've made a mess of things. 我觉得我把事情搞糟了。
The whole situation is a mess. 整个情况都是一团糟。
Let's try to sort out the mess. 我们来收拾一下残局吧。
The biggest question is how they got into this mess in the first place. 关键问题是他们究竟是怎么惹出这样的麻烦的。
You're a mess! 你真邋遢!
There's a mess of fish down there, so get your lines in the water. 那底下有很多鱼,快下钩吧。
the officers' mess 军官食堂
Careful─you're messing my hair. 小心——你弄乱我的头发了。
We finished in time, no messing. 我们不费吹灰之力,就按时完成了。
When they decide to have a party they don't mess around. 他们决定搞聚会,便会迅速操办起来。
Will you stop messing around and get on with some work? 别瞎闹了,干点正经事儿不行吗?
We spent the day messing around on the river. 我们在河边闲逛了一整天。
Who's been messing around with my computer? 谁瞎动过我的电脑?
I've really messed up this time. 这次我真的把事情给弄糟了。
If you cancel now you'll mess up all my arrangements. 如果你现在取消,就会破坏我所有的安排。
He was messed up pretty bad by the other guy. 他被另一个家伙打成了重伤。
I don't want you messing up my nice clean kitchen. 我不想让你弄脏我这整洁的厨房。
The house is a mess... 屋里一片狼藉。
The wrong shampoo can leave curly hair in a tangled mess... 不合适的洗发水会使卷发纠结成乱糟糟的一团。
I've made such a mess of my life. 我把自己的生活弄得一团糟。
...the many reasons why the economy is in such a mess... 经济陷入如此困境的众多原因
Finally, making a dreadful mess, they devour the fruit... 最后,他们狼吞虎咽地吃起了水果,果汁滴得到处都是。
I'll clear up the mess later. 我呆会儿会把滴落的水擦干净。
...a party at the officers' mess... 在军官餐厅举行的聚会
He hurried to the mess to find the control officer. 他匆忙赶到餐厅去找指挥官。
['eksɪt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.出口,通道;退场;退去,退出;死亡; vi.离开;退出;退场;去世;
Where's the exit? 出口在哪儿?
There is a fire exit on each floor of the building. 这栋建筑每层楼都有个消防通道。
The emergency exit is at the back of the bus. 紧急出口在公共汽车的尾部。
The heroine made her exit to great applause. 女主角在热烈的掌声中退场。
He made a quick exit to avoid meeting her. 他迅速离去以避免见到她。
an exit visa (= a stamp in a passport giving sb permission to leave a particular country) 出境签证
Leave the roundabout at the second exit. 在第二个出口处驶离环岛。
Take the exit for Trento. 从通往特伦托的出口处驶出。
The bullet entered her back and exited through her chest. 子弹从她背部穿胸而过。
We exited via a fire door. 我们从防火安全门走了出去。
As the actors exited the stage the lights went on. 演员们退场时灯光便亮了起来。
To exit from this page, press the return key. 退出本页面按返回键。
I exited the database and switched off the computer. 我退出数据库后关掉了计算机。
He picked up the case and walked towards the exit... 他提起箱子,向出口走去。
There's a fire exit by the downstairs ladies room. 楼下女洗手间旁边有个消防出口。
Take the A422 exit at Old Stratford. 从旧斯特拉福特的A422号出口出来。
I made a hasty exit and managed to open the gate. 我匆忙离开并设法打开了大门。
...after England's exit from the European Championship... 英格兰退出欧锦赛后
They suggested that she make a dignified exit in the interest of the party. 他们建议她为了政党的利益体面地下台。
She exits into the tropical storm... 她走了出去,消失在热带风暴中。
As I exited the final display, I entered a hexagonal room... 我从最后一个展厅里出来,走进一个六角形的房间。
I can open other applications without having to exit WordPerfect. 我不必退出WordPerfect程序就可以打开其他应用程序。
t [tə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
prep.向,朝着;到;关于;属于; adv.朝一个方向的;到某种状态;关闭;
Two friends and I drove to Florida during college spring break... 我和两个朋友在大学春假期间开车去了佛罗里达。
Ramsay made a second visit to Italy. 拉姆齐第二次访问意大利。
We went to a party at the leisure centre... 我们去休闲活动中心参加了一个聚会。
He came to dinner... 他来赴晚宴了。
There was a piece of cloth tied to the dog's collar... 狗项圈上系着一条布。
Many patients prefer hand-held shower heads rather than those fixed to the wall… 很多病人更喜欢手握式的淋浴喷头而不是固定在墙上的那种。
Hemingway's studio is to the right... 海明威的工作室在右面。
You will see the chapel on the hill to your left… 你会看见那座小教堂在你左侧的山上。
He picked up the knife and gave it to me... 他捡起刀子递给我。
Firms should be allowed to offer jobs to the long-term unemployed at a lower wage. 公司应获许以较低的工资给长期失业的人提供岗位。
Marcus has been most unkind to me today... 马库斯今天对我非常无礼。
…troops loyal to the government. 忠于政府的军队
He is a witty man, and an inspiration to all of us... 他机智风趣,鼓舞激励着我们所有人。
Marriage is not the answer to everything... 婚姻并不能解决一切问题。
I'm going to have to explain to them that I can't pay them. 我将不得不向他们解释我不能付钱给他们。
to his surprise, the bedroom door was locked… 令他吃惊的是,卧室门锁上了。
He survived, to the amazement of surgeons. 令外科医生惊讶的是,他竟活下来了。
It was clear to me that he respected his boss... 在我看来他显然很尊重他的上司。
Everyone seemed to her to be amazingly kind. 每个人对她来说都善良得不可思议。
The shouts changed to screams of terror. 喊叫声变成了惊恐的尖叫声。 old ranch house that has been converted to a nature centre. 被改建成自然中心的旧农场主住宅
Rickman worked as a dresser to Nigel Hawthorne... 里克曼曾是奈杰尔·霍索恩的服装师。
He was an official interpreter to the government of Nepal. 他曾是尼泊尔政府的官方译员。
Every vehicle was banned from coming into Mexico City one day a week from Monday to Friday… 每周一到周五期间都会有一天禁止所有车辆进入墨西哥城。
From 1977 to 1985 the United States gross national product grew 21 percent... 从1977到1985年,美国的国民生产总值增长了 21%。
I read everything from fiction to history. 从小说到历史,我什么书都读。
…mechanical toys and gadgets, from typewriters totoy cars. 从打字机到玩具汽车这样的机械玩具和小巧装置
Larry and Andy had drifted from place to place, worked at this and that. 拉里和安迪从一处漂泊到另一处,干点这个又干点那个。
She stood up and began to pace to and fro... 她站起身,开始来回踱步。
The boat was rocking gently to and fro in the water. 小船在水中轻轻地来回摇荡。
[neɪl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.钉子;指甲,趾甲;钉状物;纳尔; vt.钉住;抓住;使固定;揭露;
Stop biting your nails! 别咬指甲!
nail clippers 指甲钳
She hammered the nail in. 她把钉子敲了进去。
They're good customers who always pay on the nail. 他们是好主顾,付账从不耽搁。
I nailed the sign to a tree. 我将标示牌钉到了一棵树上。
The police haven't been able to nail the killer. 警方还没有抓到杀人凶手。
We must nail this lie. 我们一定要戳穿这个谎言。
He nailed a victory in the semi-finals. 他在半决赛中获胜。
All the parties seem anxious to nail down a ceasefire. 各方面似乎都渴望将停火之事敲定。
She says she'll come, but I can't nail her down to a specific time. 她说要来,但我无法让她敲定具体什么时候来。
A mirror hung on a nail above the washstand... 脸盆架上方用钉子挂着一面镜子。
He hammered the nail into the branch. 他把钉子钉到了树枝上。
Frank put the first plank down and nailed it in place... 弗兰克放下第一块厚木板,把它钉在合适的位置上。
They nail shut the front door... 他们把前门钉死了。
Keep your nails short and your hands clean. 常剪指甲,保持双手清洁。
The prosecution still managed to nail him for robberies at the homes of leading industrialists. 检控方仍设法使其入室抢劫知名实业家们的罪名成立。
He's a shrewd businessman and hard as nails... 他是一个既精明又铁石心肠的生意人。
He simply looked mean and hard as nails. 他看起来既卑鄙又冷酷无情。
'I think it would civilize people a bit more if they had decent conditions.' — 'I think you've hit the nail on the head.' “我认为,如果人们有良好的环境,就会更有教养一点。”——“我想你说到点子上了。”
In future, we will continually carry forward our plant spirits: factuality, innovation, wholehearted service and improvement. 我厂将继续发扬“求实 、 创新 、 诚恳服务、精益求精”的企业精神,努力开拓进取, 于时俱进.
She hit the nail with a sledgehammer. 她用大锤钉钉子.
Every word he said hit the nail on the head. 他说的真是头头是道.
nail biting is often a subconscious reaction to tension. 咬指甲通常是紧张时的下意识反映.
They were fighting tooth and nail. 他们猛烈地厮打着.
My dress hitched on a nail. 我的衣服被钉子挂住了.
I missed the deadline again last week; I suppose that is another nail in my coffin. 上星期我又误了最后期限, 我想那是另一个促使我完蛋的错误.
[ɪn'vɒlv] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Any investment involves an element of risk. 任何投资都有一定的风险。
Many of the crimes involved drugs. 许多罪案都与毒品有关。
The test will involve answering questions about a photograph. 考试将包括回答一些关于一张照片的问题。
The job involves me travelling all over the country. 这份工作需要我在全国各地跑。
(formal)The job involves my travelling all over the country. 这份工作需要我在全国各地跑。
There was a serious incident involving a group of youths. 有一起涉及一群年轻人的严重事件。
How many vehicles were involved in the crash? 这次撞车事故涉及多少辆汽车?
We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations. 我们希望参加庆典的人越多越好。
Parents should involve themselves in their child's education. 父母应当参与孩子的教育。
His confession involved a number of other politicians in the affair. 他的自白供出其他一些政治人物也涉及此事。
You have involved me in a great deal of extra work. 你害得我添了一大堆额外的工作。
Running a kitchen involves a great deal of discipline and speed... 料理好厨房需要把一切都安排得规规矩矩,且要讲求速度。
Nicky's job as a public relations director involves spending quite a lot of time with other people. 尼基作为公共关系主管,需要花很多时间与别人打交道。
If there was a cover-up, it involved people at the very highest levels of government. 如果有人想要隐瞒实情,那其中就涉及政府部门最高层的人物。
...a riot involving a hundred inmates... 有 100 名囚犯参与的暴动
I seem to have involved myself in something I don't understand. 我似乎卷入了一件我并不知情的事情当中。
Noel and I do everything together, he involves me in everything... 我和诺埃尔什么事情都一起做,他让我参与所有的事。
Before too long he started involving me in the more confidential aspects of the job. 不久,他便开始让我介入工作中更机密的方面。
A late booking may involve you in extra cost... 预订晚了的话你可能要额外多花钱。
This involved me in a round trip of over 400 miles. 为此我需要往返旅行 400 多英里。
But what does it involve? 但是,它涉及什么事情?
Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence. 在适当的时间提建议需要人的睿智.
I think because it didn't involve divorce or projectile vomiting. 我想,这是因为它没和离婚或者呕吐搭界.
In this regards, I sincerely invite you to participate and to involve in the symposium. 在这方面, 我真诚地邀请您参加,并参与了研讨会.
It's interesting how most resolutions involve some kind of change. 有意思的是大多数决心都涉及某种改变.
Do any processes involve the use of dangerous chemicals? YES NO. 生产中有否使用危险化学品? 是否.
w [ˈraɪtə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
writers of poetry 诗人
a travel/cookery, etc. writer 游记作家、写菜谱的人等
the writer of this letter 写这封信的人
a messy writer 书写潦草的人
Turner is a writer and critic. 特纳是作家兼批评家。
...detective stories by American writers. 美国作家创作的侦探小说
No-one is to see the document without the permission of the writer of the report... 此报告未经作者允许,任何人不得翻阅。
I can't agree with the letter writer who claims bringing back the death penalty would be an abuse of human rights. 我不能赞同写信人所称恢复死刑就是侵犯人权的说法。
What do you like to do in your spare time? 空闲时你喜欢干什么?
He counted himself a great writer. 他自认为是一个伟大的作家.
He is not so much a journalist as a writer. 与其说他是个新闻工作者,不如说他是个作家.
If a writer does not go deep among the masses, he cannot expect to turn out good works. 当作家而不深入群众, 就不会写出好作品来.
The writer expanded his short novel into a long one. 那位作者把他的短篇小说扩展为长篇.
He claims that the writer never consciously formulated his own theoretical position. 他声称该作家从未有意识地阐明他自己的理论见解.
Double rhythms, resounding through the lyric depiction and connecting with each other , indicate the thespian place of mankind and the cognition of the writer to this thespian place. 这双重旋律互为表里, 表明了人类的某种悲剧性处境以及作家对这种悲剧性处境的感受和认识.
The profound erudition of the writer came from long years of study. 这位作家渊博的学问来自长年累月的钻研.
He is a very popular writer but I don't like his style. 他是个很受欢迎的作家,但我不喜欢他的文风.
The writer, an expatriate living in Singapore, has studied and worked in the US. 作者曾在美国读书和工作, 目前旅居新加坡.
The writer finely images the hero. 作者非常细致地描述书中的英雄.
The writer expurgated some parts from his novel when he read the third times. 作家第三次审稿时又删去了几部分.
At this point the writer puts in [ inserts ] a flashback. 作者在这里安插了一段倒叙.
He was a writer living in straitened circumstances. 他是一个生活拮据的作家.
I want to make it as a writer. 我想在写作上获得成功.
He was a good writer, but he sold out and now just writes for money. 他曾是个好作家, 但后来背弃了原则,现在只是为钱而写作了.
The writer showed great rhetorical skill. 该作者显示出非常出色的修辞技巧.
He used to be a linguist till he turns writer. 他过去是个语言学家,后来成了作家.
In this sentence the writer uses an illegal construction. 在本句中,作者使用了一个不合语法的结构.
I only started (= began to read) this book yesterday. 我昨天才开始看这本书。
We need to start (= begin using) a new jar of coffee. 我们得新开一罐咖啡了。
The kids start school next week. 孩子们下星期开学。
It started to rain. 下起雨来了。
Mistakes were starting to creep in. 不知不觉间,开始出错了。
She started laughing. 她笑了起来。
It's a long story. Where shall I start? 说来话长。我从哪儿说起呢?
It's time you started on your homework. 你该做功课了。
John then unlocked the front door and I started to follow him up the stairs... 约翰接着打开前门,我开始跟他上楼。
It was 1956 when Susanna started the work on the garden... 苏珊娜是从 1956 年开始修建这个花园的。
The fire is thought to have started in an upstairs room... 火灾被认为是从楼上的一个房间里开始燃起的。
The Great War started in August of that year... 第一次世界大战于那年 8 月爆发。
I started by asking how many day-care centers were located in the United States... 我一开始先问了问美国有多少所日托中心。
He started with a good holiday in Key West, Florida. 他先去佛罗里达的基韦斯特岛度了个愉快的假期。
Betty started as a shipping clerk at the clothes factory... 贝蒂的第一份工作是在服装厂里当运务员。
Grace Robertson started as a photographer with Picture Post in 1947. 格雷斯·罗伯逊于 1947 年参加工作,做了《图片邮报》杂志的一名摄影师。
George Granger has started a health centre and I know he's looking for qualified staff... 乔治·格兰杰开办了一个保健中心,我知道他正在物色合格的职员。
Now is probably as good a time as any to start a business. 目前可能正是创业的最佳时机。
He started the car, which hummed smoothly... 他发动了汽车,车发出平稳的嗡嗡声。
We were just passing one of the parking bays when a car's engine started. 我们从一个停车区经过时,一辆车发动了引擎。
She put the bottle on the table, banging it down hard. He started at the sound... 她砰的一声把瓶子放到了桌子上,把他吓了一跳。
Rachel started forward on the sofa. — 'You mean you've arrested Pete?' 雷切尔从沙发上猛地往前一欠身子。——“你的意思是你已经抓到了皮特?”
You must get her name and address, and that can be a problem for a start... 你必须先打听到她的姓名和地址,而那可能就是第一个难题。
It comes as a surprise to be reminded that he is 70. For a start, he doesn't look it... 有人提醒我他 70 岁了,这很令人惊讶。首先,他看上去不像。
The new Prime Minister has got off to a good start, but he still has to demonstrate what manner of leader he is going to be... 新首相上任后开了个好头,但他仍得展现出自己的执政风格。
England got off to a bad start in the Five Nations' Championship, losing 35-10 to France. 英格兰队在五国锦标赛中开局不利,以 10 比 35 输给了法国队。
To start with, the pressure on her was very heavy, but it's eased off a bit now... 一开始,她的压力很大,但现在已经好些了。
Success was assured and, at least to start with, the system operated smoothly. 成功有保证了,至少该系统一开始运行得挺顺利。
[ˌθɜ:'ti:n] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.十三;十三岁;十三个; num.十三; adj.十三的,十三个的;
The boss often made her work twelve or thirteen hours a day. 老板常迫使她每天工作十二、三个小时.
Beijing is thirteen hours ahead of New York. 北京比纽约早十三个小时.
He began to learn English age of thirteen. 他十三岁时开始学习英语的.
When he was thirteen, his extraordinary good looks were already apparent. 当他十三岁时, 他那出众的相貌已经显露出来.
Many people think thirteen is an evil number. 很多人认为十三是个不吉利的数字.
When it came to end thirteen wise women came to bestow magical gifts upon the baby. 在宴会快要完结的时候,十三个女巫来给这个公主献上魔法祝福.
Finally, after thirteen years , Amercians decided that Prohibition had failed. 最终, 在十三年后, 美国宣告禁酒令失败了.
Whoever made that death threat video forgot to cover up the number thirteen on his sneakers. 拍那段威胁录象的人忘了把他鞋上的号码13遮住了.
In bridge, each player is dealt thirteen cards. 在桥牌游戏中, 每一位牌手拿到13张牌.
thirteen is not divisible by any even number. 13不能被任何偶数除尽.
thirteen unarmed civilians died in that attack. 13名手无寸铁的平民在那场袭击中丧生。
thirteen people have been charged with treason — an offence which can carry the death penalty. 13人被控犯有叛国罪——一种可处死刑的罪行。
There was evidence that thirteen people in all had taken part in planning the murder. 有证据表明共计13人参与策划了这起谋杀。
thirteen years ago she found herself having to conjure a career from thin air. 13年前,她认识到自己得白手起家创造出一番事业来。
Their story is the subject of a new book titled "The Golden thirteen". 一本题为《金色十三》的新书讲述了他们的故事。
Cairo has only thirteen square centimetres of green space for each inhabitant. 开罗居民的人均绿地面积仅13平方厘米。
We have been cutting back a bit: we did have thirteen horses, but now it's nine. 我们已经作了一些削减:原来我们是有13匹马,现在只有9匹。
A thirteen year old girl is being treated after breathing in smoke. 一名13岁的小姑娘因吸入浓烟正在接受治疗。
No fewer than thirteen foreign ministers attended the session. 至少有13国外长出席了这届会议。
His resignation after thirteen years is a political bombshell. 他任职13年后提出辞职,这在政治上轰动一时。
"thirteen?" he guessed wildly. “13?”他胡乱猜道。
thirteen per cent of Christie's coin and banknote auction went unsold. 佳士得13%的硬币和纸币拍卖流拍。
"What time d'you make it?" — "thirteen past." “你的表几点?”——“整点过13分钟。”
thirteen per cent of the population live below the poverty line. 13%的人口生活在贫困线以下。
There have been at least thirteen previous attempts to reach the North Pole unaided. 之前至少已经有过13次想独立到达北极的尝试。
e ['eseɪ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.散文;随笔,杂记文;尝试,企图;试验; vt.尝试;试验;
His first essay in politics was a complete disaster. 他初次涉足政坛便碰得头破血流。
an essay on the causes of the First World War 关于第一次世界大战起因的文章
We asked Jason to write an essay about his hometown and about his place in it. 我们让贾森写一篇有关他的家乡和他自己的家的短文。
...Thomas Malthus's essay on population. 托马斯·马尔萨斯有关人口的论文
Sinclair essayed a smile but it could hardly have been rated as a success. 辛克莱想试着微笑一下,但根本没有笑出来。
I can decide nothing until I have consulted my wife. 我没有跟太太商量过,什么都不能决定.
Here's the essay for you to look over. 这篇文章请你过目[过一下目].
The matter in your essay is excellent but the style is deplorable. 你的文章内容不错,但是文体很糟.
There is a large crop of mistakes in your essay. 你的文章中错误百出.
He was writing his essay when, all of a sudden, he was seized with giddiness. 他正在写论文, 突然一阵头晕.
After being touched up, the essay reads more smoothly. 稿子经过这样一改,念起来就顺口多了.
He's now revising the first draft of his essay. 他目前正修改他的文章初稿.
The essay is most penetrating and powerful. 这篇杂文极为深刻有力.
There is much food for thought in this essay. 这篇杂文中有不少发人深思的东西.
I inadvertently passed this essay by. 我漫不经心地把这篇散文忽略过去了.
This is a thoughtful essay. 这是一篇具有思想性的随笔.
She needs the discipline of having to write an essay every week. 她需要进行每周写一篇文章的训练.
Cut out the paragraph unnecessary for the essay. 删掉论文中不必要的段落.
The essay treats of the progress in cancer research. 这篇文章讲述了癌症研究的进展情况.
He threaded several causal ideas into a charming essay. 他把几段有关因果的概念穿插在一篇引人入胜的文章中.
I wrote tortuous essay for obscure journals. 我给一些无名杂志写一些拐弯抹角的文章.
Your essay was not marked through an oversight on my part. 由于我的疏忽你的文章没有打分.
This essay needs polishing. 这篇文章还得顺一顺.
The essay was pithily written. 文章写得很简洁.
It's an essay heavy with surplus phrasing. 这是篇废话连篇的散文.
In writing an essay one must do a lot of pruning. 写文章要下一番剪裁的工夫.
This essay is so short that it can only scratch the surface of the topic. 这篇文章很短,只能对这一问题作肤浅的探讨.
The matter in your essay is good but the style is deplorable. 你文章的内容很好,但是体裁太糟糕了.
The points you make are fine, but the whole essay lacks coherence. 你提出的论点很好,但整篇文章缺乏呼应连贯。
Reading this essay was an elevating experience. 阅读这篇短文很有启发。
m ['menʃn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.提到,说起;提名表扬; n.提及;
Nobody mentioned anything to me about it. 没人跟我提过这事儿。
Sorry, I won't mention it again. 对不起,我再也不提它了。
Now that you mention it , she did seem to be in a strange mood. 既然你说到这事儿,她确实好像情绪不大对。
His name has been mentioned as a future MP. 有人提到他,认为他将来可以当下院议员。
Did she mention where she was going? 她有没有说起她要去哪儿?
You mentioned in your letter that you might be moving abroad. 你在信中谈到你可能要移居国外。
He failed to mention that he was the one who started the fight. 他没提到是他先动手打人的。
‘Thanks for all your help. ’ ‘Don't mention it. ’ “多谢你帮忙。”“不用客气。”
He has two big houses in this country, not to mention his villa in France. 他在这个国家有两座大房子,更别提他在法国的别墅了。
He made no mention of her work. 他根本没提她的工作。
The concert didn't even get a mention in the newspapers. 报纸对这场音乐会只字未提。
Richard deserves (a) special mention for all the help he gave us. 理查德对我们帮助很大,理应被特别提一提。
She did not mention her mother's absence... 她并没有说起她母亲不在场的事。
I may not have mentioned it to her... 我可能没跟她提过这件事。
The statement made no mention of government casualties... 声明里没有提及政府方面的伤亡情况。
At the community centre, mention of funds produces pained looks. 在社区中心一提到资金问题,大家就会愁眉不展。
I was absolutely outraged that I could be even mentioned in an article of this kind... 我大为恼火,我的名字居然出现在这种文章里面。
As for your father, he won't be mentioned in my will. 至于你父亲,我的遗嘱里不会提到他的名字。
His appointment is a complete surprise — he has never been mentioned as a front runner... 他的任命完全出人意料——他从来都不是呼声最高的候选人。
Her name has been mentioned as a favoured leadership candidate. 提到她的名字时,说她是领导职位的热门候选人。
So many people have helped me with this book that it is hard to pick out the few for special mention. 帮助我完成本书的人数太多,难以从中选出几位特别致谢。
'Thank you very much.' — 'Don't mention it.' “非常感谢!”——“别客气。”
The audience, not to mention the bewildered cast, were not amused... 观众们并没有觉得好笑,更不用说那些一头雾水的演员了。
It was both deliberate and malicious, not to mention clever. 这件事是处心积虑、早有预谋的,更不用说其手段的高明。
The actor's wedding got a mention on television. 电视上报道了这位男演员的婚礼.
She repressed her desire to mention his name. 她压制住自己没有提他的名字.
a [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
The invention would have wide application/a wide range of applications in industry. 这项发明会在工业中得到广泛应用。
lotion for external application only (= to be put on the skin, not swallowed) 仅限外部敷用的涂剂
It took three applications of paint to cover the graffiti. 刷了三道油漆才盖住了涂鸦。
strict application of the law 法律的严格执行
a database application 数据库应用软件
Success as a writer demands great application. 作家要成功就得悉力以赴。
Further information is available on application to the principal. 申请书请交校长,届时将提供详情。
the application of new technology to teaching 新技术在教学上的应用
a planning/passport application 规划 / 护照申请
His application to the court for bail has been refused. 他向法庭申请保释遭到拒绝。
an application for membership/a loan/a licence 会籍 / 贷款 / 执照申请
an application form (= a piece of paper on which to apply for sth) 申请表
With repeated applications of weedkiller, the weeds were overcome. 经过反复施用除草剂,杂草得以彻底根除。
...Turkey's application to join the European Community... 土耳其要求加入欧共体的申请
Students learned the practical application of the theory they had learned in the classroom... 学生们学会了将课堂上学到的理论付诸实际应用。
Simon's book provides a succinct outline of artificial intelligence and its application to robotics. 西蒙的书简明扼要地概括了人工智能及其在机器人技术方面的应用。
...his immense talent, boundless energy and unremitting application. 他横溢的才华、充沛的精力和不懈的努力
His application for membership of the organisation was rejected... 他想要加入该组织的申请遭到了拒绝。
They filed an application to have their case heard early. 他们申请早日审理他们的案子.
Her application was turned down. 她的申请被驳回了.
Your application will have attention. 你的申请会得到考虑.
For youth, for happiness, let's bless each other, treasure the friendship between you and me. 为了年轻, 为了欢乐, 让我们彼此祝福, 彼此珍惜.
The regulation has no application to this particular case. 那项规则不适用于这一特定情况.
Next week is the deadline for sending in your application. 呈递申请书的截止日期是下星期.
His application was denied. 他的申请遭到拒绝.
The boy earnestly asked that his application be granted. 那孩子热切地要求批准他的申请.
His application was rejected out of hand. 他的申请立即遭到拒绝.
The 20 th of this month is the closing day for application. 申请到本月20日截止.
Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather. 天气不好,破坏了我们的露营旅行。
Don't let him spoil your evening. 别让他搞得你一晚上不开心。
The tall buildings have spoiled the view. 那些高楼大厦破坏了这一带的景致。
Don't eat too many nuts─you'll spoil your appetite (= will no longer be hungry at the proper time to eat) . 别吃太多坚果,会影响你的食欲。
(British English)spoiled ballot papers (= not valid because not correctly marked) 废选票
She spoils those kids of hers. 她那几个孩子给她宠坏了。
Why not spoil yourself with a weekend in a top hotel? 为什么不到顶级饭店度个周末,让自己享受享受呢?
He really spoiled me on my birthday. 我过生日那天他真让我受宠若惊。
the spoils of high office 身居高位的连带利益
It's important not to let mistakes spoil your life... 重要的是不要让错误毁了你的生活。
Peaceful summer evenings can be spoilt by mosquitoes. 宁静的夏夜可能会被蚊子破坏掉。
Grandparents are often tempted to spoil their grandchildren whenever they come to visit. 祖父母每次来访都往往禁不住要娇惯孙辈。
spoil yourself with a new perfume this summer... 今年夏天买瓶新香水慰劳一下自己吧。
Perhaps I could employ someone to iron his shirts, but I wanted to spoil him. He was my man. 也许我可以雇别人来熨他的衬衫,但我想好好宠他。他是我爱的男人。
We all know that fats spoil by becoming rancid... 我们都知道油脂变质后会发臭。
Some organisms are responsible for spoiling food and cause food poisoning... 有些生物会导致食物变质并引起食物中毒。
They had broadcast calls for voters to spoil their ballot papers... 他们通过广播呼吁选民们投无效选票。
The results showed that 7.2% of the voters cast blank or spoiled ballots. 结果显示,7.2 %的选民投了空白或无效票。
True to military tradition, the victors are now treating themselves to the spoils of war... 按照军事惯例,胜者正在分享战利品。
Competing warlords and foreign powers scrambled for political spoils. 相互争斗的军阀及外国列强们正在争夺政治上的收益。
At lunchtime, MPs are spoilt for choice in 26 restaurants and bars. 到了午餐时间,议员们有 26 家之多的餐厅和酒吧可供选择。
Jealousy is the most terrible thing and will spoil anybody's nature. 嫉妒是最可怕的东西,它会毁坏人的天性.
Frosts spoil the last of the flowers. 霜冻冻坏了最后一批花朵.
p [prə'məʊt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.促进,推进;提升,助长;促销;使(学生)升级; vi.成为王后或其他大于卒的子;
policies to promote economic growth 促进经济增长的政策
a campaign to promote awareness of environmental issues 提高环保意识的运动
The band has gone on tour to promote their new album. 这个乐队已开始巡回宣传他们的新唱片。
The area is being promoted as a tourist destination. 这个地区正被推广为旅游点。
She worked hard and was soon promoted. 她工作勤奋,不久就得到提升了。
He has been promoted to sergeant. 他已晋升为巡佐。
They were promoted to the First Division last season. 上个赛季他们晋升为甲级队。
You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth... 不必为了促进经济增长而牺牲环境保护。
In many ways, our society actively promotes alcoholism. 我们的社会从多个方面助长了酗酒的风气。
Paul Weller has announced a full British tour to promote his second solo album. 保罗·韦勒已经宣布到英国巡演,以推广他的第二张专辑。
...a special St Lucia week where the island could be promoted as a tourist destination. 在特殊的圣卢西亚活动周期间这个岛屿可以作为旅游胜地进行宣传推广
I was promoted to editor and then editorial director... 我先是被提升为编辑,然后又晋升为编务总监。
In fact, those people have been promoted. 事实上,那些人已经升职了。
Woodford Green won the Second Division title and are promoted to the First Division. 伍德福德格林队赢得了乙级联赛的冠军,成功升甲。
promote Chinese culture and build the common spiritual home for the Chinese nation. 弘扬中华文化,建设中华民族共有精神家园.
And the show will help promote it. 而这次展览会有利于促销它.
promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism. 要提倡唯物辩证法,反对形而上学和烦琐哲学.
He was in town to promote his new books. 他在城里推销他的新书.
An industrial estate will help to promote the business of that city. 工业区将促进那个城市的商业发展.
The organization works to promote the trade between nations. 该组织旨在促进各国之间的贸易.
We should boldly give them work and promote them and not be overcautious. 我们要放手地任用和提拔他们,不要畏首畏尾.
Good habits promote longevity. 良好的习惯能增长寿命.
The meeting discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries. 会议讨论了如何促进两国的合作.
The meeting discussed how to promote this latest product. 这次会议讨论了如何开展这种新产品的推销工作.
A good example serves to promote good manners in the young. 好榜样可促使青年人讲礼貌.
The aim is to promote closer economic integration. 目的是进一步促进经济一体化。
['mɪnɪməm] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.最低限度;最小量;最低消费;[数]极小值; adj.最低的;最小的;最少的;
a minimum charge/price 最低收费 / 价格
the minimum age for retirement 退休的最低年龄
The work was done with the minimum amount of effort. 做这项工作没费什么劲。
You'll need £200 minimum for your holiday expenses. 你需要200英镑作为你假日的最低开销。
costs should be kept to a minimum . 成本应保持在最低限度。
The class needs a minimum of six students to continue. 这个班最少需要六名学生才可以继续办下去。
As an absolute minimum , you should spend two hours in the evening studying. 你每天晚上应花两个小时学习,这绝对是最低要求。
Temperatures will fall to a minimum of 10 degrees. 气温会降到最低点10度。
He passed the exams with the minimum of effort. 他没费什么劲就通过了考试。
He was only five feet nine, the minimum height for a policeman. 他只有5英尺9英寸高,刚刚达到当警察的最低身高要求。
...a rise in the minimum wage. 最低工资的提高
The basic needs of life are available with minimum effort... 稍加努力就能满足生活的基本需求。
Neil and Chris try to spend the minimum amount of time on the garden. 尼尔与克里斯想尽可能少花时间打理花园。
You're talking over a thousand pounds minimum for one course. 你说的可是一门课程收费至少1,000英镑。
This would take three months at a minimum... 这至少要3个月。
At the minimum, they must be guaranteed against any form of further attack. 至少要保证他们不再受到任何形式的攻击。
Office machinery is kept to a minimum... 办公室的机器数量维持在最低限度。
She has now cut her teaching hours to the minimum. 她现在已经把她的教学时间减至最低限度。
This price is his minimum; he refuses to lower it any further. 这个价格是他开的最低价, 他拒绝再作任何降价.
What is the minimum price? 最低价是多少?
The journey was accomplished with a maximum of comfort and ease and a minimum of discomfort. 带着最大限度的舒适和轻松结束了这一旅程,很少有什么不舒适.
A temperature of 121� � C is regarded as the minimum necessary to achieve sterility. 一般认为要做到无菌,温度起码必须达到121摄氏度.
Keep his remarks to the minimum and let other people have chances to present their views. 把他的发言控制得尽可能短些,好让别人也有机会发表意见.
Today's minimum temperature is 10℃. 今天的最低气温是10℃.
The thermometer reached the minimum for the year. 寒暑表已降到当年的最低记录.
Under the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the army and civilians in flooded areas fought the floods courageously, reducing the losses to the minimum. 在中共中央、国务院的正确领导下, 灾区广大军民奋勇抗洪, 把灾害的损失减少到了最低限度.
They want to spend a minimum of both time and money. 他们想花费最少的时间和钱.
o [ˈəʊnə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a dog/factory owner 狗的主人;工厂主
The painting has been returned to its rightful owner . 这幅画已归还给合法所有权人。
He's now the proud owner of a cottage in Wales. 现在他很得意自己在威尔士有一座小别墅。
The owner of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in... 我进去的时候这家商店的店主正在扫地。
Every pet owner knows their animal has its own personality... 宠物的主人都知道它们有自己的个性。
He denied doing any harm to the owner. 他否认坑害过物主.
The historic mansion was presented by the owner to the city, and is now kept up by the local authority. 这幢有历史意义的宅邸是房主送给城市的, 现在由地方当局保养维修.
The plantation owner has possessed himself of a vast piece of land. 这个种植园主把大片土地占为己有.
The owner of the shop came up to see what was the matter. 店主走过来,看看出什么事了.
The property returned to the original owner. 财产已还原主.
The owner of the hotel welcomed us personally. 这家旅馆的主人亲自欢迎我们.
It was now obvious that he was hastening to restore the keys to their owner. 现在他显然正急着把钥匙归还原主.
They decided to give it back to its owner. 他们决定把它归还原主.
The owner has offered a reward for the recovery of the stolen goods. 失主已经悬赏寻找被窃物品.
Last Chrismas, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates , decided to take some presents to a children's hospital. 去年圣诞节, 马戏团老板 吉米·盖茨 决定给儿童医院送些礼物.
When the sale is complete, you must deliver the house over to the new owner. 买卖成交后, 你必须把房子移交给新主人.
The owner made a dive for the rejected clothing and began to snatch it this way and that. 店主冲向那堆挑剩的衣服,开始翻来翻去.
After his death the house reverted to its original owner. 他死后房子归还给了原先的主人.
The painting has been returned to its rightful owner . 这幅画已归还给合法所有权人。
The stolen car was returned to its rightful owner . 被盗的汽车还给了其合法的主人。
Over breakfast at my motel, I fell into conversation with the owner of a hardware shop. 我在汽车旅店吃早饭时,和一位五金店的老板聊了起来。
The owner said the bird may have escaped through a weak spot in the aviary. 鸟的主人说这只鸟可能是从鸟舍一处不结实的地方逃走的。
I had no ID on me so I couldn't prove I was the owner of the car. 我身上没带身份证件,也就无法证实我就是车主。
The former owner had not left any forwarding address. 以前的房主没有留下任何转递地址。
The house was remodelled by its present owner. 现在的房主改建了这座房子。
The owner was so irate he almost threw me out of the place. 店主非常恼火,差点把我从那个地方扔出去。
It is expected that the new owner will change the yacht's name. 估计新主人会给游艇改名。
The owner of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in. 我进去的时候这家商店的店主正在扫地。
The car must be returned to its rightful owner. 这辆车必须归还给真正的主人。
The owner knew about the engagement and brought them glasses of champagne on the house. 店主知道了订婚一事,于是免费请他们喝香槟。
The concert will be broadcast live (= at the same time as it takes place) tomorrow evening. 音乐会明晚将现场直播。
They began broadcasting in 1922. 他们于1922年开播。
I don't like to broadcast the fact that my father owns the company. 我不想宣扬这家公司为我父亲所有。
(British English)a party political broadcast (= for example, before an election) 政党政治广播节目
We watched a live broadcast of the speech (= one shown at the same time as the speech was made) . 我们观看了那场演说的现场直播。
In a broadcast on state radio the government also announced that it was willing to resume peace negotiations. 在国家电台的广播中,政府也声明愿意重新开始和平谈判。
The concert will be broadcast live on television and radio... 音乐会将通过电视和广播现场直播。
CNN also broadcasts in Europe. 美国有线新闻网也在欧洲播出节目。
What do you like to do in your spare time? 空闲时你喜欢干什么?
We managed to record the whole of the concert from a live studio broadcast. 我们设法把现场直播音乐会的全部节目录了下来.
Recapped the headlines at the end of the news broadcast. 在新闻的最后把主要内容概述一下.
What shows are lined up for tonight's broadcast? 今晚广播安排了什么节目?
He has made a name for himself by his broadcast talks. 他的广播谈话使他出了名.
A station clocked to broadcast one minute in each hour. 一个车站规定每小时广播一分钟.
The Prime Minister set forth the aims of his government in a television broadcast. 首相在一次电视讲话中阐明了政府的目标.
The planetarium staff also prepared talks for radio broadcast. 天文馆的工作人员还要准备讲稿给电台广播.
The music faded down and a special news broadcast began. 乐曲的音量减弱了,专题新闻广播开始了.
They broadcast this hour every day. 他们每天这个时间播音.
The President's speech was broadcast nationally. 总统的演说在全国广播.
Some stations broadcast 24 hours of the day. 有些电台一天24小时广播.
They broadcast the news to the local population every day. 他们每天都向当地听众播送新闻节目.
The broadcast went out on television at prime time , when everyone was watching. 这个电视节目在众人皆看的黄金时间播出.
Radio One has broadcast on this wavelength for years. 广播1台已经用这个波长广播多年了.
to broadcast on long wave 用长波播送
The programme was broadcast nationally. 这个节目曾在全国播放过。
a party political broadcast 党派政治广播
The election broadcast consisted largely of talking heads. 有关选举的电视广播主要播放发言者的特写镜头。
Mr Smith hurriedly sought to retract the statement, but it had just been broadcast on national radio. 史密斯先生想赶快收回这项声明,但它刚刚已经在国家电台播出了。
ad [ɑ:md] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.武装的;有把手的;有防卫器官的; v.“arm”的过去式和过去分词;
He was armed with all the facts. 他备有所需的全部事实材料。
He was armed with a rifle. 他配有一支步枪。
The man is armed and dangerous. 这个男子有枪,是个危险分子。
armed guards 武装警卫
Police were heavily armed . 警察全副武装。
an armed robbery 持械抢劫
an international armed conflict (= a war) 国际武装冲突
City police said the man was armed with a revolver. 市警方称那名男子携带了一支左轮手枪。
...a barbed-wire fence patrolled by armed guards... 有武装警卫巡逻的带刺铁丝网围栏
I call on everyone to renounce the use of violence and armed struggle... 我呼吁每个人都放弃使用暴力和武装斗争。
They had been found guilty of armed robbery. 他们被判犯有持械抢劫罪。
Competition was good for the entire industry and that Chrysler deserved a chance. 竞争对整个工业有好处,克莱斯勒公司应当有机会参加竞争.
They used armed forces to break the demonstration. 他们动用了武装部队来平息示威游行.
She has to have an armed bodyguard wherever she goes. 她不管到哪儿都得有带武器的保镖跟从.
armed guards wrestled with the intruder. 武装警卫和闯入者扭打起来.
They openly and wantonly carried out repeated armed intrusions into our country. 他们明目张胆地对我国不断发动武装入侵.
They armed him with a rifle. 他们发给他一支步枪.
Most southern towns have suffered from the reckless depredation of the armed gang. 大多数南方城镇都遭受过这帮武装匪徒的鲁蛮掠夺.
The navy is one of the armed forces. 海军是三军之一.
The US is continually building up its armed forces. 美军正持续加强它的三军.
His bodyguard was armed with a pistol. 他的保镖配有手枪.
armed conflict may break out at any moment. 武装冲突有一触即发之势.
She left the courtroom flanked by armed guards. 她在武装警卫护送下离开法庭。
armed rebels advanced towards the capital. 武装叛乱分子向首都推进。
He will have been pleased by Marshal Yazov's assurance of the armed forces' loyalty. 当亚佐夫元帅向他保证武装部队的忠诚时,他会感到心满意足的。
The armed forces have launched offensives to recapture lost ground. 这支武装部队已发动进攻要夺回失去的阵地。
The armed Forces could do away with conscription and go over to a volunteer system. 军队可以废除强制服兵役制度而采取自愿入伍的形式。
The rebels are well organised, disciplined and very well armed. 叛乱者组织有序,纪律性强,武装精良。
Soon the entire armed forces were in open revolt. 很快,整个武装部队开始公然抗命。
The armed forces and the hardliners are now going to be in the saddle. 武装部队和奉行强硬路线的人即将掌权。
r [ˈru:mə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.传闻,谣言;流言; vt.谣传;
to start/spread a rumour 制造 / 散布谣言
There are widespread rumours of job losses. 到处谣传要裁员。
Some malicious rumours are circulating about his past. 有人别有用心地散布谣言,说他过去如何如何。
I heard a rumour that they are getting married. 我听到传闻,说他们要结婚了。
Many of the stories are based on rumour. 这些说法很多都是道听途说。
rumour has it (= people say) that he was murdered. 有传言说他被杀害了。
It's widely rumoured that she's getting promoted. 到处都在传要提拔她了。
He was rumoured to be involved in the crime. 有传言说他卷入了这桩罪行。
[只用于名词前]He denied his father's rumoured love affair. 他否认谣传的他父亲的风流韵事。
Simon denied rumours that he was planning to visit Bulgaria later this month... 西蒙否认了他打算这个月晚些时候访问保加利亚的传闻。
There have been persistent rumours of quarrels within the movement... 运动团体内部存在争执的传闻始终未断。
As everybody can see, what the rumour mongers say is merely patched up stories. 众所凋知, 那些专造成遥的人说的无非是一些虚构的谎言罢了.
It's the rumour that drags him down. 谣言使名誉扫地.
I know it's bandied about, but I think it's only a rumour. 我知道这事到处乱传, 不过我想这只是谣言.
He buzzed the rumour everywhere. 他到处散播谣言.
rumour has it that Jean's getting married again. 传说简又要结婚了.
I have not heard the slightest rumour on the subject. 我丝毫没有听到有关这个问题的任何传闻.
The rumour was hotly denied. 这个谣传被强烈地予以否认.
The rumour is that there is a sequel to the movie in the works, although this has not been confirmed. 传言说正在计划拍摄这部电影的续集, 但并未得到证实.
That put a stopper on the rumour. 这样一来,就把谣言止住了.
The rumour raised a storm of conjecture. 这谣言引起了一阵猜测.
The rumour quickly spread through the village. 谣言很快在村子里传开了.
The rumour had to disappear before facts. 在真相面前谣言不得不消声匿迹.
He dismissed the story as a rumour. 他把这个消息当做谣言而不予考虑.
The rumour was unfounded. 传闻失实.
There has been a rumour mill on him for years. 几年来,一直有谣言产生,对他进行中伤.
The rumour is beyond belief. 这谣言不可信.
How could you believe such a rumour? 你居然相信这种谣言?
I should like to know who put that rumour about. 我想知道是谁散布了那谣言.
[dɪsk] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.磁盘;唱片;圆盘;光盘; v.把…录成唱片;使成圆盘状;用圆盘耕地;
Red blood cells are roughly the shape of a disk. 红细胞大致呈圆盘状。
The program takes up 2.5 megabytes of disk space. 这个程序占用 2.5 兆的磁盘空间。
This driver monitors disk accesses capturing performance data. 此驱动程序磁盘访问监视器捕获的性能数据.
Note field back bets by only disk hemisphere. 本场盘口受注后退止半球盘.
The video disk stores an awesome amount of information. 电视唱片贮存着数量惊人的信息.
The secondary market, the Unit disk finishing, having concern. 二级市场上, 该股盘面整理, 关注后市.
Series of products for the company: U disk, memory cards and camera top. 公司系列产品为: U盘 、 闪存卡和摄像头等.
A full vector diffraction theory for optical disk system is described. 本文以完整的矢量衍射理论分析了光盘光学系统.
It's grinding, parabolic, research disk diameter than the domestic similar products. 该机的磨 、 抛 、 研盘直径均大于国内同类产品.
Is the computer hit by every hardware effects such as memory, video card, hard disk, CPU? 电脑中内存 、 显卡 、 硬盘 、 CPU等各硬件的作用?
Date and time of last warning about disk quota. 最后警告磁盘配额的日期和时间.
This option has the effect of decreasing the frequency of reads from disk. 这个选项的效果是减少磁盘读取频率.
Error writing to file ZZ. disk may be full. 在写文件zz时出错. 可能是磁盘已满.
New stars continued to come into being from the gas clouds of the disk. 新的恒星继续从圆盘中的气体云中形成.
Thus , SST 39 VF 160 Flash can used as disk by VxWorks operating system. 本文还针对所使用的SST39VF160闪存,实现了TrueFFS文件系统,使得闪存能像磁盘一样被VxWorks操作系统 操作.
Make sure you back up the disk before you turn the computer off. 一定要先复制磁盘,然后再关电脑.
Red blood cells are roughly the shape of a disk. 红细胞大致呈圆盘状。
a 40GB hard disk 40吉字节硬盘
These files have been zipped up to take up less disk space. 这些文档已经进行了压缩,以节省磁盘空间。
The image is then stored on the computer hard disk as a vast array of black or white dots. 这幅图像当时就以大量黑点或白点排列的形式被存入电脑硬盘。
The company sends a service engineer to fix the disk drive before it fails. 公司派了一位维修工程师前去修理磁盘驱动器,以免其出故障.
His gloved hand held up a computer disk. 他用那只戴着手套的手拿起一张光盘。
I can boot up from a floppy disk, but that's all. 我可以用一张软盘来启动,但其他的就无能为力了。
These discs hold more than 400 times as much information as a conventional computer floppy disk. 这些光盘能容纳的信息量是普通计算机软盘的400多倍。
A secretary can file papers as efficiently as a floppy disk can store them. 秘书归档文件时可以像软盘存储一样高效。
The disk has no viruses— I've scanned it already. 这个盘没有感染病毒——我已经扫描过了。
['hʌrɪ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.& vi.仓促(做某事);催促;(朝某方向)迅速移动;迅速处理; n.匆忙,急忙;
Take your time─there's no hurry. 悠着点——不用急。
In my hurry to leave, I forgot my passport. 我匆忙动身,忘了带护照。
What's the hurry ? The train doesn't leave for an hour. 慌什么?火车还有一个小时才开呢。
He had to leave in a hurry. 他不得不赶快离开了。
Sorry, I haven't got time to do it now─I'm in a hurry. 对不起,我现在没时间管这个——我忙着呢。
Can you do anything to hurry my order up? 你能不能设法让我点的东西快点送来?
hurry up with the scissors. I need them. 快点用剪刀。我需要用。
hurry up! We're going to be late. 快点!我们要迟到了。
I wish the bus would hurry up and come. 我希望公共汽车能快点来。
A good meal should never be hurried. 美餐绝不能狼吞虎咽。
Her application was hurried through. 她的申请很快得到了处理。
She was hurried into making an unwise choice. 她在催逼之下作出了不明智的选择。
I don't want to hurry you but we close in twenty minutes. 我并不想催你,但我们再过二十分钟就要关门。
She hurried away without saying goodbye. 她连声再见都没说就急忙离开了。
He picked up his bags and hurried across the courtyard. 他拎起提包匆匆穿过院子。
The kids hurried to open their presents. 孩子们急忙打开礼物。
You'll have to hurry if you want to catch that train. 如果你想赶上那趟火车就得抓紧时间了。
'It's a thrill I'm in no hurry for,' he smiles. “我可不想要这种刺激,”他笑着说。
I love it at St Mirren so I'm in no hurry to go anywhere... 我喜欢在圣米伦的生活,所以我哪里也不愿去。
'I am in no particular hurry,' he insisted. “我没什么特别着急的事,”他坚持道。
I'll need to talk with you, but there's no hurry... 我得和你谈谈,但不着急。
They say they are not going to be hurried into any decision... 他们说自己不会被迫仓促作出任何决定。
Rachel hurried him to his bed... 雷切尔催着他上了床。
...The President's attempt to hurry the process of independence. 总统试图加快独立进程的努力
Eric left the barge in a hurry. 埃里克匆忙离开了驳船。
Kate was in a hurry to grow up, eager for knowledge and experience... 凯特急于长大,渴望获取知识和经验。
There was no longer any reason to hurry. 再也不用着急了。
Mrs Hardie hurried to make up for her tactlessness by asking her guest about his holiday... 哈迪夫人赶紧问客人假期过得怎么样,替自己的言不得体打圆场。
Claire hurried along the road... 克莱尔匆匆地沿路而行。
When she finished work she had to hurry home and look after her son... 她下班后就得赶紧回家照顾儿子。
[fu:d] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a can of dog food (= for a dog to eat) 一罐狗食
He's off his food (= he does not want to eat anything) . 他不想吃东西。
a shortage of food/food shortages 粮食短缺
food and drink 饮食
the food industry 食品工业
Do you like Italian food? 你喜欢意大利食物吗?
frozen foods 冷冻食品
Enjoy your food. 用餐愉快。 of food and water. 食物和水的供给
It's not like you to be off your food. 胃口不好,这可不像你了。
Lord Fraser's speech offers much food for thought... 弗雷泽勋爵的讲演发人深省。
Developments in your career may give you food for thought. 事业上的发展可能会引发你很多的思考。
What astonishes me is that he always buys attacking players, like Andrey Arshavin. 让我惊讶的是他总是购买攻击球员, 比如阿尔沙文.
They loaded themselves with food, medical supplies, and oxygen equipment. 他们携带了食物 、 医疗器具和氧气设备.
She would pinch on food in order to spend on clothing. 她过去常把伙食费省下来买衣服.
He is very nice in his food. 他吃东西挑剔.
Vinegar is used in preserving food. 醋可用来保存食物.
The avocado is a valuable food. 鳄梨是有价值的一种食物.
He didn't like the food, but he made a pretence of eating some of it as he was a guest. 他不喜欢这道菜, 但因为他是客人,所以假装吃了一些.
She talks about nothing but food and clothing, etc. 她尽说吃啊穿啊的.
food is essential for life. 生命离不开食物.
Oatmeal is a breakfast food. 燕麦片是一种早餐食品.
They wasted away for lack of food. 由于食物的缺乏,他们越来越虚弱了.
I can't stomach heavy food. 我吃不下油腻的东西.
When I get seasick , I throw up my food. 我一晕船就呕吐.
There is much food for thought in this book. 这本书里有许多值得令人思考的问题.
a [ˈɛəkrɑ:ft] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
fighter/transport/military aircraft 战斗机;运输机;军用飞机
The return flight of the aircraft was delayed... 回程航班被延误了。
At least three military aircraft were destroyed. 至少3架军用飞机被毁。
Most partner problems are a result of both people not living up to their promises. 大多数合作问题都是由于双方没有遵守承诺.
That is a drop of grain sacks from an aircraft to the hungry people on the island. 那是从飞机上空投给岛上饥民的一袋袋粮食.
Precision instruments are used to help pilots in guiding their aircraft. 精密仪器用来帮助飞行员操作飞机.
Pilots of large aircraft are masters of aviation. 大型飞行器的驾驶员是航空学方面的专家.
The pilot overshot the runway and crashed his aircraft. 飞行员让飞机滑出跑道,撞毀了飞机.
That will prevent the wings of the aircraft from icing up. 这样可防止机翼结冰.
The radar detected three enemy aircraft in the sky. 这个雷达发现了三架敌机.
The aircraft circled round [ around ] over the landing strip. 飞机在着陆跑道上空 兜圈子.
The aircraft hadn't enough power to get off the ground. 那架飞机的动力不够,无法起飞.
the rearmost section of the aircraft 飞机的最后部
The onslaught of orders should keep aircraft manufacturers busy for some time. 纷至沓来的订单应该会让飞机制造商忙碌一段时间。
She was shepherded by her guards up the rear ramp of the aircraft. 她在警卫的护送下上了飞机尾部的舷梯。
He devoted a major section of his massive report to an analysis of US aircraft design. 在他的长篇报告中,他用了很大的篇幅来分析美国飞机的设计。
Parker had successfully flown both aircraft. 两架飞机帕克均成功驾驶过。
He was forced to entrust an assistant with the important task of testing and demonstrating aircraft to prospective customers. 他不得不将向潜在客户测试和展示飞行器的重任交托给一名助手。
The wheels of the aircraft kissed the runway. 飞机的轮子轻触跑道。
The airlines have invested enormous sums in new, quieter aircraft. 航空公司投入了大笔资金购买噪音较小的新型飞机。
The landowners have had to sell their private aircraft. 这些土地所有者不得不卖掉自己的私人飞机。
The aircraft was nearing obsolescence by early 1942. 这种飞机在1942年年初就濒临淘汰了。
Fighter aircraft rained down high explosives. 战斗机投下大量烈性炸药。
An aircraft overshot the runway and was severely damaged. 一架飞机冲出了跑道,严重受损。
Their aircraft went down during a training exercise. 他们的飞机在一次训练中坠毁。
Using these missiles to down civilian aircraft is simply immoral and totally unjustifiable. 用这些导弹击落民用飞机是极不道德也是完全没道理的。
He is adding three aircraft carriers—that makes six in all. 他准备增加3艘航空母舰,这样一来总共就有6艘。
The aircraft leveled out, and tipped up again for its climb to 20,000 feet. 飞机上升后平直飞行,随后又再一次爬升,高度升至2万英尺。
It is cruel to keep animals in confined spaces. 把动物关在狭小的空间里是残酷的。
The problem is not confined to Germany... 问题不仅限于德国。
These dangers are not confined to smokers. 这些危险不只是困扰吸烟者。
His long legs bent up in the confined space. 他的两条长腿蜷在狭小的空间里。
He had been confined to a wheelchair since childhood. 他打小就只能坐轮椅。
However, it is primarily our own personal. 然而, 最初是次感元.
They confined the prisoner in a cell. 他们把犯人监禁在监狱里.
The edition is confined to 5 , 000 copies. 这一版书限出5000册.
The previously free ( = not paid for ) distribution of text books will now be confined to students who are needy. 以前免费发放课本,现在只给贫困学生.
Illness confined him to his room. 他因病待在屋里.
I should hate to be confined within the four walls of an office all day. 我讨厌整天关在办公室里.
She expects to be confined at the end of May. 她预计五月末分娩.
She expects to be confined next month. 她将于下月分娩.
He is confined to the house by illness. 他因病而闭门不出.
The professor confined his remarks to scientific management. 那位教授把自己的讲话局限在科学管理方面.
She confined her activities in educational circles. 她把她的各项活动都限制在教育圈内.
I was confined to my house by a bad cold. 重感冒使我闭门不出.
Our knowledge about agriculture has so far been exclusively confined to books. 我们对农业学的知识至今只限于书本上所说的.
The old woman has been confined to her bed for a whole year. 那老妇人已经卧病在床整整一年了.
It is hard to work efficiently in such a confined space. 在这样狭小的空间里工作很难提高效率.
It is cruel to keep animals in confined spaces. 把动物关在狭小的空间里是残酷的。
Increasing frailty meant that she was more and more confined to bed. 日益衰弱意味着她愈来愈需要卧床。
She eventually used a cane, then a walker, and finally was confined to the house. 结果她拄上了拐杖,后来又用上了助行架,最后连房门都出不了了。
He announced that the army and police had been confined to barracks. 他通告说军队和警察已经被禁闭在营房中不得外出。
The woman will be confined to a mental institution. 这个女人将被关进精神病院。
Velazquez's work from that time forward was confined largely to portraits of the royal family. 委拉斯开兹的作品从那时起大多局限于皇室成员画像。
In fact, the panic is overdone. As the map shows, the drought has been confined to the south and east of Britain. 事实上,人们有些过于恐慌。如地图所示,干旱仅限于英国的南部和东部地区。
Demands for a separate Siberia are confined for now to the lunatic fringe. 要求西伯利亚独立的人如今只局限于一小撮极端主义分子。
grly [ˈgreɪtli] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Your help would be greatly appreciated. 如蒙帮助,感激不尽。
a greatly increased risk 大大增加了的风险
People's reaction to the film has varied greatly. 人们对这部影片的反应大不一样。
We were greatly honoured that Sheik Hasina took the trouble to visit us. 谢赫·哈西娜专程前来看望我们,对此我们深感荣幸。
People would benefit greatly from a pollution-free vehicle... 人们将享受到无污染汽车的诸多好处。
He is greatly attached to his children. 他非常喜爱他的孩子.
The temperature here varies greatly between day and night. 这里白天和夜晚的温差很大.
By that time the steel output will have greatly increased. 到那会儿钢的产量将大大增加.
The store greatly reduced the prices to make a quick turnover. 这家商店实行大减价以迅速周转资金.
She suffered greatly as a child. 她童年深受苦难.
A child's access to schooling varies greatly from area to area. 孩子获得学校教育的机会因地区不同而大相径庭.
I was greatly relieved at the news. 听了这个消息,我甚感宽慰.
His speech ignited the crowd greatly. 他的演说使群众激动万分.
All contributions, however small, will be greatly appreciated. 所有捐献, 不论数量多少, 我们都将非常感谢.
This greatly reduced the speed of the ship, for there was danger that if she travelled too quickly, this rudder would be torn away. 这大大减低了船速, 因为如果它走得太快, 这个舵会有被冲掉的危险.
When she discovered her baby had disappeared, she was greatly frantic. 她发现孩子不见了, 大惊失色.
They greatly desired to come to China. 他们非常想到中国来.
The population of this city has greatly increased. 本市人口已大大增加.
He did not expand greatly on his statement. 他未就他的声明多加解释.
Prompt payment of bills is greatly appreciated. 如蒙即期结账,则不胜感激.
Marx wrote back to say that Engels'praise had greatly encouraged him. 马克思回信给恩格斯说,他的赞誉对自己的鼓励很大.
She delivered a slambang speech that greatly impressed her auditors. 她做了一次深深打动听众的极其成功的讲话.
The twin brothers are alike in appearance but differ greatly in disposition. 这对孪生兄弟外貌很相像,但性格却相差很大.
They don't admire his new technique greatly, but they admire it to some extent. 他们虽不十分佩服他的新技术, 但还是多少有点服气.
This announcement greatly excited us. 这个通知使我们大为激动.
Hearing the siren from the mine, all the miners'wives were greatly alarmed. 听到矿上的警报后, 所有的矿工的妻子都受到极大的惊吓.
His lofty spirit has greatly attracted and activated others. 他的崇高精神大大地吸引并且激励了别人.
I was greatly touched by what you told me. 你对我讲的话使我大受感动.
Productivity has risen greatly. 生产效率大大提高.
What he did puzzled me greatly. 他的作为使我深感迷惑不解.
[ˈsʌdənli] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
‘Listen! ’ said Doyle suddenly. “你听!”多伊尔突然说。
I suddenly realized what I had to do. 我突然明白我该怎么做了。
It all happened so suddenly. 一切都来得那么突然。
suddenly, she looked ten years older... 突然间她看起来老了 10 岁。
Her expression suddenly altered... 她的表情一下子变了。
Will this plan be put into practice? 这个计划会实施 吗 ?
Why should she have criticized him , he wondered. Then he suddenly saw the light and began to feel relieved. “她干吗要批评我呢?”他想到这里豁然开朗,心情也舒展了.
Mary suddenly appeared in the doorway. 玛丽突然出现在门口.
Four days after setting out , while the Titantic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. 启航四天后, 泰坦尼克号在穿过北大西洋多冰的海域时, 瞭望员突然发现了一个巨大的冰山.
It's safest to keep a good distance behind in case the car in front suddenly stops. 最安全的办法是在后面保持相当一段距离,以防前面的汽车突然停车.
Paula frowned, suddenly wary. 宝拉皱了皱眉头, 突然警惕起来.
She had always seemed friendly until suddenly she began to show her teeth. 她看起来是客客气气的,一旦脾气发作起来,就张牙露齿不那么客气了.
suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply. 他忽闻有人在牡丹亭畔长吁短叹.
An idea suddenly struck me. 我忽然想到一个主意.
The ground suddenly sank under his feet. 他脚下的土地突然陷下去了.
She started running towards the street but suddenly doubled back to the house. 她出发向大街跑去,但是突然掉头向屋子跑去.
suddenly Jack shouted that he had lost five pounds. 突然杰克大喊他丢失了五英镑.
He suddenly cried out that the storehouse was on fire. 他突然叫道仓库着火了.
The crowd suddenly poured into the store. 人群突然涌进商店.
He was suddenly caught in the full beam of a searchlight. 他突然被探照灯照中而暴露无遗.
In a few moments she suddenly came to. 过了一会儿,她突然苏醒过来.
suddenly a face appeared at the window. 玻璃窗上突然露出一张面孔.
At first I didn't catch on, then I suddenly saw the light. 始而不解, 继而恍然.
The weather suddenly turned cold. 天气突然冷了起来.
suddenly a huge chasm opened in the earth. 大地突然裂开,形成一道深坑.
In the afternoon it rained suddenly. 下午天突然下雨了.
suddenly an idea rushed into my head, " Why not ask Uncle Mark for help? ”我突然想到了一个主意 “ 为什么不请马克大叔帮忙 呢 ?”
He suddenly dropped his habitual banter. 他突然不再像往常一样开玩笑.
suddenly the man brought a gun out and threatened the driver with it. 那男子突然掏出手枪威胁司机.
Death finally brought an end to her suffering. 死亡终于结束了她的痛苦。
This war has caused widespread human suffering. 这场战争给许许多多的人带来了苦难。
The hospice aims to ease the sufferings of the dying. 临终关怀医院旨在减轻临终者的痛苦。
They began to recover slowly from their nightmare of pain and suffering... 他们开始从痛苦的梦魇中慢慢恢复过来。
It has caused terrible suffering to animals... 那给动物们带来了可怕的灾难。
There was a glow on his face , wrinkled by a life time of suffering, that inspired one with a feeling of unshakable optimism. 他那饱经风霜的多皱的脸上发着光彩, 使人产生一种乐观的感觉.
He was suffering from nasal catarrh. 他正患鼻粘膜炎.
She has no feeling for the suffering of others. 她对别人的痛苦没有同情心.
The momentary relief was followed by worse suffering. 短暂的缓解之后接着是更为剧烈的痛苦.
We mustn't forget the bitter past when we are relieved of our suffering. 咱们不能好了疮疤忘了痛.
I learned that he was suffering from cancer. 我听说他患了癌症.
He was suffering from cancer which had already reached an advanced stage. 他的癌症已经到晚期了.
A doctor's task is to work for the relief of patient's suffering. 医生的工作是解除病人的痛苦.
The dying man was suffering so much that we thought it kinder to put him out of his misery. 那个垂死的人难受得不得了,所以我们认为让他一死了之更为仁慈些.
The explorers had to undergo much suffering. 探险者不得不忍受很多困苦.
The enemy warships were disengaged from the battle after suffering heavy casualties. 在遭受惨重伤亡后,敌舰退出了海战.
He is suffering from viral meningitis. 他患病毒性脑膜炎.
Their lives were filled with untold suffering. 他们生活在水深火热之中.
He sank into a coma after suffering a brain haemorrhage. 他在脑溢血后陷入了昏迷.
He is suffering in his pocket. 他在经济上正受损失.
He's suffering from an acute infection of the lower respiratory tract. 他患有急性下呼吸道感染.
the cohesive power of shared suffering 共患难的内聚力
neglected children suffering from social deprivation 遭社会遗弃无人照管的孩子
I hate to see animals suffering. 我不忍心看动物受苦。
Death finally brought an end to her suffering. 死亡终于结束了她的痛苦。
He was very bruised and suffering from whiplash. 他满身青肿,而且颈部过度屈伸受伤。
Uniquely among the great world religions, Buddhism is rooted only in the universal experience of suffering known to all human beings. 与世界其他主要宗教不同的是,佛教是唯一基于全人类所共知的苦难而产生发展起来的。
She is suffering a bilious attack. 她觉得恶心头痛。
He decided Franklin must be suffering from a bad cold. 他断定富兰克林一定是得了重感冒。
We must have been burgled while we were asleep. 我们睡着时一定让贼入室偷了。
Her parents died while she was still at school. 她还在读书时父母就去世了。
while I was waiting at the bus stop, three buses went by in the opposite direction. 我在公共汽车站等车时,对向驶过了三辆公共汽车。
You can go swimming while I'm having lunch. 我吃午饭时你可以去游泳。
shoes mended while you wait 在你等候的时候修的鞋
while Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless. 汤姆很擅长理科,而他的兄弟绝对是不可救药。
while I am willing to help, I do not have much time available. 尽管我愿意帮忙,但是没有多少时间。
I waited while six o'clock. 我一直等到了六点钟。
‘I'm just going to buy some postcards. ’ ‘Can you get me some stamps while you're at it? ’ “我正想去买明信片。”“你能顺便给我买些邮票吗?”
They chatted for a while . 他们聊了一会儿。
I'll be back in a little while (= a short time) . 我一会儿就回来。
I haven't seen him for quite a while (= a fairly long time) . 我有好一阵子没有见到他了。
They walked back together, talking all the while (= all the time) . 他们一起边走边聊着回去的。
We whiled away the time reading and playing cards. 我们靠看书和玩纸牌消磨时间。
They were grinning and watching while one man laughed and poured beer over the head of another... 当一个男人大笑着把啤酒倒在另一个人头上时,他们都在乐呵呵地看着。
I sat on the settee to unwrap the package while he stood by... 我坐在长椅上打开包裹时他就站在旁边。
The two ministers have yet to meet, but may do so while in New York... 两位部长尚未会面,但可能会在纽约碰头。
Never apply water to a burn from an electric shock while the casualty is still in contact with the electric current. 当被电击者还连着电时,千万不要把水弄到电击伤口上。
Marianne was tempted to turn the large rooms into traditional French-style salons, while Howard was in favour of a typically English look... 玛丽安娜想把这些大房间弄成传统法式客厅的样子,但是霍华德喜欢典型的英式风格。
The first two services are free, while the third costs £35.00. 前两项服务免费,但是第三项服务要花35英镑。
while the numbers of such developments are relatively small, the potential market is large... 尽管这种增长的数量相对较小,但是潜在的市场是巨大的。
while the modelling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model, male or female, will always be in demand... 尽管模特行业绝不是那么容易进入的,但是好的模特,不论男女,总是需要的。
They walked on in silence for a while... 他们默默地走了一会儿。
He was married a little while ago... 他不久前刚刚结婚。
All the while the people at the next table watched me eat. 我吃东西的时候邻桌的人一直在看我。