to mount a protest/campaign/an exhibition 发起抗议 / 运动;举办展览
Pressure is mounting on the government to change the law. 迫使政府修改法律的压力不断增加。
The death toll continues to mount. 死亡人数持续增加。
She slowly mounted the steps. 她慢慢地爬上台阶。
He mounted the platform and addressed the crowd. 他登上讲台对人群发表演说。
He mounted his horse and rode away. 他骑上马走了。
The specimens were mounted on slides. 标本安放在载片上。
The diamond is mounted in gold. 这颗钻石镶在金饰物上。
Meanwhile, my debts were mounting up. 同时,我的债务在不断增加。
Mt Everest 珠穆朗玛峰
St Michael's mount 圣迈克尔山
an engine/gun mount 发动机 / 炮架
The ANC announced it was mounting a major campaign of mass political protests. 非洲人国民大会宣布他们正在开展一次大规模政治抗议活动。
...a security operation mounted by the army. 军队开展的维护安全军事行动
For several hours, tension mounted... 有几个小时,紧张局势有所加剧。
The decibel level was mounting... 噪音在增强。
The uncollected garbage mounts in city streets... 未收的垃圾在市区街道上越积越多。
He ignored his mounting debts. 他对日益增加的债务置之不理。
Llewelyn was mounting the stairs up into the keep... 卢埃林登上台阶,走进城堡主楼。
The vehicle mounted the pavement. 机动车开上了人行道。
He mounted his horse and rode away... 他骑上马走了。
A man in a crash helmet was mounting a motorbike... 一位戴头盔的男子正跨上摩托车。
...the number of owners who care for older mounts. 愿意照料老马的马主的数量
Her husband mounts the work on velour paper and makes the frame... 她丈夫把作品装裱在绒纸上,并制作了画框。
The support for the fence is mounted on an extension to the table. 篱笆的支撑部分安装在桌子延长出的地方。
The gallery has mounted an exhibition of art by Irish women painters. 画廊已举办了一场爱尔兰女画家的作品展。
...mount Kilimanjaro. 乞力马扎罗山
p ['pəʊɪm] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
It's hard to find good pineapples at this time of year. 这个时节很难找到好吃的凤梨.
He styled his poem doggerel. 他把他的这首诗歌叫做打油诗.
I can knock off a poem in half an hour. 半小时之内我就能作一首诗.
This poem has struck a responsive chord in the hearts of its readers. 这首诗引起了读者的共鸣.
He improvised a poem at the evening party. 他在晚会上现编了一首诗.
The poem is so complicated that I cannot make out its meaning. 这首诗太复杂,我理解不了它的意思.
It is a good poem all right, but it's a bit too long. 诗是好诗, 就是长了点.
Don't read your own thoughts into the poem. 不要把你自己的想法硬加在这首诗中.
He is going to recite a poem. 他将要朗诵一首诗.
He can recite that poem from memory. 他能凭记忆背诵那首诗.
If you know sth. about the author's family background, you will appreciate the poem on an even profounder level. 如果你对作者的出身背景有所了解, 你就会在更深的层次上理解这首诗.
This is a poem that perfectly conveys to the reader what the poet feels. 这是一首向读者充分地表达出诗人思想感情的诗篇.
This poem runs the gamut of emotions from despair to joy. 这首诗展现了从绝望到喜悦的感情历程.
His love was written into his poem. 他把他的爱写在诗歌中.
That poem makes me think back to my childhood. 那首诗使我回想起我的童年.
The poet composed a new poem. 这位诗人创作了一首新诗.
In Milton's poem, Satan, even after his fall, dimly reflects his former glory. 在弥尔顿的诗中, 撒旦即便失败后, 也能依稀显出昔日的荣光.
If you memorize a poem, you can say it without looking at a book. 你若记住一首诗, 不看书就能脱口而出.
Then he remembered a poem that he had learned when he was a child. 这时他记起小时候学过的一首诗.
This poem has the distinctive flavour of a ballad. 这首诗有民歌风味.
The poem is entitled Ode to Skylark. 这首诗的题目是《云雀颂》.
I have learned the poem off. 这首诗我已经背熟了.
Her latest poem has remarkable depth. 她最近的那首诗极有深度.
The poem was all the rage then. 这首诗在当时十分流行.
This classical poem is hard to understand. 这首古诗很费解.
to memorize a poem 记住一首诗
At my brother's high school graduation the students recited a poem. 在我弟弟的高中毕业典礼上,学生们朗诵了一首诗。
Whatever its obscurities, the poem was clear on at least one count. 这首诗再怎么晦涩,至少有一点是清楚的。
He sees the poem as a celebration of human love. 他认为,这首诗是对人世间爱的赞美。
The poem, which appeared in 1890, is an exaltation of married love. 写于1890年的这首诗是对婚姻爱情的高度颂扬。
exin [ɪk'spleɪn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.& vi.讲解,解释; vt.说明…的原因,辩解; vi.说明,解释,辩解;
Can you explain how the email system works? 你能说明一下电子邮件系统的工作原理吗?
She explained to them what to do in an emergency. 她向他们说明了紧急情况下应采取的行动。
‘It works like this, ’ she explained. “它是这样工作的。”她解释道。
She tried to explain but he wouldn't listen. 她试图说明一下原因,可他根本不听。
Alex explained that his car had broken down. 亚历克斯解释说他的汽车出了毛病。
Well, that doesn't explain why you didn't phone. 嗳,那不是你不打电话的理由。
scientific findings that help explain the origins of the universe 有助于解释宇宙起源的科学发现
The government now has to explain its decision to the public. 政府现在必须向公众解释决策的理由。
(informal)Oh well then, that explains it (= I understand now why sth happened) . 噢,原来是这么回事。
I really don't see why I should have to explain myself to you. 我真不明白我为什么非要向你解释我的行为不可。
Could you explain yourself a little more─I didn't understand. 请把你的意思说得更清楚一点——我还不明白。
First, I'll explain the rules of the game. 首先我要说明一下游戏规则。
It was difficult to explain the problem to beginners. 对初学者解释这个问题很难。
‘Let me explain! ’ he added helpfully. “让我来说明一下!”他热心地补充道。
I explained that an ambulance would be coming soon. 我解释说救护车很快就到。
He explained who each person in the photo was. 他对照片里的人一一作了介绍。
Not every judge, however, has the ability to explain the law in simple terms... 然而,不是每个法官都能用简单的语言来解释法律。
Don't sign anything until your solicitor has explained the contract to you... 在律师向你解释清楚合同之前,不要签署任何东西。
'Let me explain, sir.' — 'Don't tell me about it. I don't want to know.'... “您听我解释,先生。”——“别跟我说,我不想知道。”
Before she ran away, she left a note explaining her actions... 逃跑前,她留下一张便条解释原委。
I can't explain such a statement by him on the basis of logic. He must have blown his top. 我从逻辑推理方面解释不了他讲的这番话,他想必是神经错乱了.
He will explain it fully once and for all. 他将把它充分地解释一次就此了结.
Many theories purport to explain growth in terms of a single cause. 许多理论都标榜以单一的原因解释生长.
Please explain to me where to begin and how to do it. 请向我说明从哪里开始以及怎样做.
Don't try to explain away the situation. If you have made mistakes, just admit them. 不要再分辩了, 有错误就承认嘛!
Let me digress for a moment and explain what had happened previously. 让我岔开一会儿,解释原先发生了什么.
He failed to explain his meaning generally. 他未能把自己的意思完全说清楚.
mole ['məʊbaɪl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.移动的,可移动的;变化的;易变的,不稳的;交融的; n.风铃,(可随风摆动的)悬挂饰物;
mobile equipment 可移动装备
a mobile shop/library (= one inside a vehicle) 流动商店 / 图书馆
a kitchen especially designed for the elderly or people who are less mobile 专门为上了年纪或行动不便的人设计的厨房
You really need to be mobile (= have a car) if you live in the country. 如果你住在乡村,你确实要有一辆汽车。
a highly mobile workforce (= people who can move easily from place to place) 具有很强流动性的劳动力
Call me on my mobile. 打手机给我。
What's your mobile number? 你的手机号码是多少?
the mobile networks (= companies that provide mobile phone services) 移动电话网络公司
...special mobile units where men can have their fingerprints taken and donate a specimen of blood. 人们可以取指纹和捐献血样的特设流动点
...the four hundred seat mobile theatre. 有400个座位的流动剧场
I'm still very mobile. 我仍然行动自如。
We're a very mobile society, and people move after they get divorced. 我们的社会具有很大的流动性,离婚以后人们就会搬家离开。
...young, mobile professionals. 流动性大的年轻专业人员
Robyn had the more mobile, more expressive face. 罗宾有一张更加善变、表情更加丰富的脸。
Don't bother trying to call me on my mobile . It's out of whack again. 不要打我的手机,它又出问题了.
The doctors take turns at participating in the mobile medical team. 医生们轮流参加巡回医疗队.
The old lady sits on a mobile chair every morning. 那位老妇人每天上午坐在一把可携带使用的椅子上.
He has not been so mobile since his accident. 自从出事后他一直行动不便.
He converted his truck into a mobile snack bar. 他把货车改成流动小吃店.
She's much more mobile now that she's bought a car. 自从她买了汽车后,活动量就大多了.
Please make sure all mobile phones are switched off during the performance. 请确保演出时关上所有手机。
a prepaid mobile phone 预付话费的移动电话
upwardly mobile immigrant groups 步步高升的移民群体
c ['kʌmpənɪ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4,商号;作伴,伴侣,客人;连队,中队;(社交)集会,聚会;
the largest computer company in the world 全球最大的计算机公司
the National Bus company 全国公共汽车公司
She joined the company in 2002. 她于 2002 年加盟这家公司。
Mike gets a company car with his new job (= one that the company pays for) . 迈克因新的职位得到公司提供的专用汽车。
company profits were 5% lower than last year. 公司的利润比去年降低了5%。
a theatre/dance, etc. company 剧团、舞蹈团等
the Royal Shakespeare company 皇家莎士比亚戏剧团
I enjoy Jo's company (= I enjoy being with her) . 我喜欢和乔在一起。
She enjoys her own company (= being by herself) when she is travelling. 她喜爱独自旅行。
The children are very good company (= pleasant to be with) at this age. 和这个年龄的孩子在一起很开心。
a pleasant evening in the company of friends 与朋友一起度过的愉快夜晚
Sheila found some work as a secretary in an insurance company. 希拉在一家保险公司找到一份当秘书的工作。
...the Ford Motor company. 福特汽车公司
...the Phoenix Dance company. 凤凰舞蹈团
The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company... 这个师的组成部队将包括两个坦克连和一个步兵连。
C company's sentries were just ahead. C连的哨兵就在前头。
'I won't stay long.' — 'No, please. I need the company'... “我不会呆很久。”“别这样,求你了。我需要有人陪。”
Ross had always enjoyed the company of women... 罗斯总是喜欢有女人陪伴。
Keegan and company approached the game with understandable caution. 基根一伙人小心谨慎地对待这场比赛,这是可以理解的。
Mr Koo is in good company. The prime minister made a similar slip a couple of years back. 库先生的错大人物也犯过。几年前首相就有过类似的疏漏。
He didn't say he had had company. 他没说当时有客人在。
When they were in company she always seemed to dominate the conversation... 他们在一起的时候,她好像总是操纵着话语权。
I feel awkward and shy in company. 跟别人在一起的时候,我觉得很别扭,不好意思。
Saudi Arabia, in company with some other Gulf oil states, is concerned to avoid any repetition of the two oil price shocks of the 1970s. 避免20世纪70年代两次石油价格冲击的情形再次出现,这是沙特阿拉伯和其他一些海湾石油国家一致关心的问题。
Why don't you stay here and keep Emma company? 你为什么不呆在这儿,陪陪埃玛?
He keeps company with all sorts of lazy characters. 他与形形色色的懒人为伍。
The three of them parted company at the bus stop. 他们三个在公共汽车站分了手。
The tennis star has parted company with his Austrian trainer... 这位网球明星与他的奥地利教练分道扬镳。
We have agreed to part company after differences of opinion. 我们道不同不相为谋。
Where I part company with him, however, is over the link he forges between science and liberalism. 然而,我与他产生分歧的地方是,他把科学与自由主义联系了起来。
‘I will ’ and ‘I shall ’ are usually contracted to ‘I'll ’ (= made shorter) . I will和I shall通常缩约为I 'll。
They were sued for breach of contract (= not keeping to a contract) . 他们被指控违约。
to take out a contract on sb 获得杀害某人的协议
Glass contracts as it cools. 玻璃遇冷收缩。
a contracting market 萎缩的市场
The heart muscles contract to expel the blood. 心脏肌肉收缩以挤压出血液。
a contract of employment 雇用合同
a research contract 从事研究的合同
a contract worker (= one employed on a contract for a fixed period of time) 合同工
I was on a three-year contract that expired last week. 我签订的三年期合同已于上周期满。
Under the terms of the contract the job should have been finished yesterday. 根据合同的条款,这项工作本应于昨天完成。
She is under contract to (= has a contract to work for) a major American computer firm. 她已签约为一家大的美国计算机公司工作。
The offer has been accepted, subject to contract (= the agreement is not official until the contract is signed) . 此报价已获接受,尚需以签约为准。
These clauses form part of the contract between buyer and seller. 这些条款构成买卖双方所签合同的一部分。
to enter into/make/sign a contract with the supplier 与供应商签订合同
a contract for the supply of vehicles 车辆供应合约
to win/be awarded a contract to build a new school 获得承建一所新学校的合同
The company won a prestigious contract for work on Europe's tallest building... 这家公司赢得了一份极为重要的合同,参与建设欧洲最高的大厦。
He was given a seven-year contract with an annual salary of $150,000. 他签下了一份为期7年的合同,年薪为15万美元。
You can contract with us to deliver your cargo... 你可以跟我们签订送货合同。
The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has already contracted to lease part of its collection to a museum in Japan. 波士顿美术博物馆已经签订合同,将其部分藏品租借给日本一家博物馆。
Blood is only expelled from the heart when it contracts... 血液在心脏收缩的时候从心脏流出。
New research shows that an excess of meat and salt can contract muscles. 新的研究表明,过量食用肉类和盐可能会导致肌肉收缩。
The manufacturing economy contracted in October for the sixth consecutive month. 10月,制造业经济已经连续第6个月出现萎缩状况。
He contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion... 他因为输血而感染了艾滋病。
Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer contracted by women. 卵巢癌是女性常患的第六大癌症。
She contracted a formal marriage to a British ex-serviceman. 她和一个英国退役军人正式订婚了。
The convictions resulted in the local crime bosses putting a contract on him... 这些判罪导致当地犯罪团伙的老大们要雇凶杀他。
The police advised her to get out of town because there was a contract on her life. 警察建议她离开这个城市,因为有人雇杀手杀她。
The director wanted Olivia de Havilland, then under contract to Warner Brothers. 导演想要当时签约于华纳兄弟娱乐公司旗下的奥利维娅·德哈维兰出演。
e [iˈnɔ:məs] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
an enormous house/dog 巨大的房子;大狗
an enormous amount of time 大量的时间
enormous interest 浓厚的兴趣
The problems facing the President are enormous. 总统面临的问题是巨大的。
...his enormous capacity for brutality. 他的穷凶极恶
It was an enormous disappointment. 真是让人万分失望。
There is, of course, an enormous amount to see. 当然有很多可看的。
The main bedroom is enormous... 主卧室非常大。
An enormous sum of money is injected each year into teaching. 每年都有大量资金投入到教学中.
They wield enormous political power. 他们行使巨大的政治权力.
These camels travelled enormous distance over the desert regions. 这些骆驼在沙漠里长途跋涉.
The half hour lecture caused an enormous furor. 那半小时的演讲引起了极大的轰动.
The enormous fish snapped the line. 一条大鱼咬住了线.
The enormous difficulty makes him cynical about the feasibility of the idea. 由于困难很大,他对这个主意是否可行持怀疑态度.
It was an enormous ship; there were no fewer than a thousand cars on it. 这是一艘硕大无比的船, 上面至少载有上千辆汽车.
He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as £100 for a single appearence. 他挣得的钱是极多的,一次出场就付给他一百英镑之多.
Despite its immensity, it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer's dream to create'an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible. 桥尽管很大, 但它结构简单,而外形雅观, 实现了设计师要创造出 “ 一个在重物作用下尽可能不变形的庞然大物”的理想.
The tiny kitten approached the enormous bear and let out a purr and a mew. 那猫却走近体大腰圆的灰熊,冲它“喵呜“,“喵呜“地叫着.
This scientist accessed enormous different files to find the correct information. 这位科学家在计算机上调阅了大量的不同文件以找寻所要的信息.
a man of enormous girth 腰围很粗的男人
She was a shy, delicately pretty girl with enormous blue eyes. 她是一个害羞、娇美的女孩,长着一双大大的蓝眼睛。
Cereals form the staple diet of an enormous number of people around the world. 谷类是世界范围内很大一部分人的主要食物。
The two firms wield enormous clout in financial markets. 两家公司在金融市场有非常大的影响力。
Worldwide, an enormous amount of research effort goes into military technology. 在世界范围内,大量的研究精力都投入到军事技术上。
The airlines have invested enormous sums in new, quieter aircraft. 航空公司投入了大笔资金购买噪音较小的新型飞机。
The tower was surmounted by an enormous statue, utterly out of scale with the building. 那座塔的顶部矗立着一尊巨型雕像,与整个建筑完全不成比例。
She gets enormous pleasure out of working freelance. 做自由职业者让她体会到无穷的快乐。
The domino effect if one train is cancelled is enormous. 如果一班火车被取消,其连锁反应将是巨大的。
The repulsive force within the nucleus is enormous. 核子内部的斥力是巨大的。
b [baɪ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
prep.靠,通过;被,由;沿着;按照; adv.经过,过去;在侧,在附近;短暂拜访;
by eight o'clock he had arrived at my hotel... 到8点时,他已经到达我住的宾馆了。
We all knew by then that the affair was practically over. 到那时,我们都知道事情实际上已经结束了。
by day a woman could safely walk the streets, but at night the pavements became dangerous... 白天的时候,妇女可以安全地在街上行走,而到了夜晚人行道上会变得很危险。
She had no wish to hurry alone through the streets of London by night. 她可不想独自在夜晚匆匆走过伦敦的街道。 apparent annual rate of 22.8 per cent (1.9 multiplied by 12)... 22.8%的名义年率(1.9乘以12)
230cm divided by 22cm is 10.45cm. 230厘米除以22厘米等于10.45厘米。
Daddy called and asked me to drop by his office. 爸爸打来电话让我去他办公室一趟。
...evening wear that was discreet by his standards. 以他的标准来看相当朴素的晚礼服
Stella knew what he meant by 'start again'... 斯特拉知道他说“重来”是什么意思。
'You're unbelievably lucky.' — 'What do you mean by that?' “你真是太幸运了。”——“你这话是什么意思?”
He caught her by the shoulder and turned her around... 他抓住她的肩膀把她的身子转了过来。
She was led by the arm to a small room at the far end of the corridor... 她被拉着胳膊带到走廊另一头的一个小房间里。
Judith was sitting in a rocking-chair by the window... 朱迪丝正坐在窗户边的一张摇椅里。
Felicity Maxwell stood by the bar and ordered a glass of wine... 费利西蒂·马克斯韦尔站在吧台旁,要了一杯红酒。
A few cars passed close by me... 几辆车贴着我开过去。
He kept walking and passed by me on his side of the street. 他一直在街对面走着,并与街这边的我交错而过。
We had made arrangements to stop by her house in Pacific Grove... 我们已安排好去造访她位于帕西菲克格罗夫的家。
Pharmacists are required by law to give the medicine prescribed by the doctor. 法律规定药剂师必须按照医生开的处方配药。
The feast was served by his mother and sisters... 这顿美餐是他母亲和他的姐妹们准备的。
I was amazed by their discourtesy and lack of professionalism... 他们的无礼和不专业让我震惊。
...a painting by Van Gogh... 一幅凡·高的画
'Jacob's Ladder', the newest film by Adrian Lyne, is a post-Vietnam horror story. 阿德里安·莱恩的最新电影《雅各的天梯》讲的是一个发生在越战后的恐怖故事。
We'll be travelling by car. 我们将开车旅行。
...dinners by candlelight. 烛光晚餐
Make the sauce by boiling the cream and stock together in a pan... 把奶油和高汤一起放在平底锅里熬煮来制作调味料。
The all-female yacht crew made history by becoming the first to sail round the world... 这艘游艇的船员为清一色的女性,她们进行了首次环球航行,创造了历史。
I met him by chance out walking yesterday... 我昨天外出散步时碰巧遇见了他。
He opened Ingrid's letter by mistake... 他不小心拆了英格丽德的信。
I am certainly lucky to have a kind wife who is loving by nature... 拥有一个天性仁爱的贤妻,我当然很幸运。
She's a nurse by profession and now runs a counselling service for women... 她的职业是护士,现在开办了一个妇女咨询中心。
They were sitting round the kitchen table... 他们正围坐在餐桌旁。
The nightdress has handmade lace round the armholes and neckline... 这件女式睡衣的袖孔和领口都镶着一圈手织花边。
Suddenly a car came round a corner on the opposite side... 突然,对面的街角处拐过一辆汽车。
Stay on the left-hand pavement to follow a road downhill round a curve... 继续顺着左边的人行道拐一个弯,然后沿路下山。
He happens to own half the land round here... 他恰好拥有这里一半的土地。
I think he has earned the respect of leaders all round the world... 我想他已经赢得了世界各国领导人的尊重。
Holes can be worn remarkably quickly by a wheel going round at 60mph... 以每小时60英里的速度前进的车轮很快就会磨出洞来。
Stars appeared everywhere, spinning round and round, faster and faster. 满眼金星乱转,而且越转越快。
She paused, but did not turn round... 她停了一下,但是并没有转身。
The end result was that the ship had to turn round, and go back to Djibouti... 最后的结果是这艘船不得不掉转方向,驶回吉布提。
He will be glad to refurnish where possible, change things round and redecorate... 他会很乐意尽可能添置些家具,把东西挪一挪,然后重新装饰。
I've already moved things round a bit to make it easier for him. 我已经把东西挪了挪,好让他更方便。
John handed round the plate of sandwiches. 约翰把那盘三明治传给大家。 the whiskey bottle is passed round. 当大家传递威士忌酒瓶的时候
I think we should go round and tell Kevin to turn his music down... 我觉得我们应该去凯文家让他把音乐的声音调小一些。
He came round with a bottle of champagne. 他带着一瓶香槟过来了。
As we sat round chatting, I began to think I'd made a mistake... 当我们坐在那里聊天时,我开始认为自己犯了一个错误。
I was running round all hyped up. 我兴奋地跑来跑去。
That was for a design built round an existing American engine... 那是用在以现有的一种美国发动机为基础的设计之上的。
The core of the Festival's programme centres round performances of new and 20th century work. 这个音乐节最重要的节目以演奏20世纪的作品和新作为主。
Don't just immediately give up but think about ways round a problem... 不要马上放弃,应该想想解决问题的办法。
There are ways of getting round most things! 有几种可以解决大多数问题的方法。
He did his best to talk me round, but I wouldn't speak to him... 他竭力想要说服我改变主意,但是我不愿意跟他讲话。
The Chandler twins were coming round to the same opinion. 钱德勒家的这对双胞胎也最终统一了意见。
In the past, the elections have been marked by hundreds of murders, but this time round the violence has been much more limited... 在过去,这些选举中总是会发生数百起谋杀案,但这一次暴力事件已经非常少了。
Of course, it isn't the same first time round... 当然,这不同于第一次了。
I'm about two inches larger round the waist. 我的腰围大概粗了两英寸。
...forty-eight inches round the hips. 臀围48英寸
I go to bed round 11:00 at night. 我大约晚上11点上床睡觉。
round about one and a half million people died. 大概有150万人死亡。
It's about time you sorted out your finances. 现在是你整顿财务状况的时候了。
Moving house put a severe strain on our finances. 搬家使我们的经济十分紧张。
The building project will be financed by the government. 这个建筑项目将由政府出资。
He took a job to finance his stay in Germany. 他找了一份工作以赚钱支付在德国的费用。
the world of high finance (= finance involving large companies or countries) 高级金融界(关乎大公司或国家的金融)
a diploma in banking and finance 银行与金融学文凭
the finance director/department 财务主任;财务科
finance for education comes from taxpayers. 教育经费来自纳税人。
the Minister of finance 财政部长
The fund has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons... 该基金大部分用于了资助联邦监狱的建造。
Government expenditure is financed by taxation and by borrowing. 政府开支依靠征税款和借贷来维持。
...a major player in the world of high finance... 高级金融界的大户
The report recommends an overhaul of public finances... 该报告建议对公共财政进行彻底改革。
Be prepared for unexpected news concerning your finances... 对财务上的意外状况要做到有备无患。
In general, women manage the day-to-day finances but leave most longer-term decisions to men... 通常,妇女管理日常财务,而把大多数较长期的决策交给男人。
The Ministry of finance consistently overestimated its budget deficits. 财政部一贯高估预算赤字.
We referred the matter back to the finance Committee. 我们把这事转回给财政委员会处理.
He does not understand finance at all. 他对财务一窍不通.
The finance director is subpoenaed by prosecution. 财务经理被检查机关传讯.
She is an expert in finance. 她是一名财政专家.
finance is not within the compass of this department. 财政不在这个部门的管辖范围之内.
finance for education comes from taxpayers. 教育经费来自纳税人。
the lexicon of finance and economics 财经词汇
Company finance is to provide funds for the everyday operation of the business. 公司融资是要为日常运作提供资金。
i [ɪnˈvestmənt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
to encourage foreign investment 鼓励外国投资
investment income 投资收益
This country needs investment in education. 这个国家需要对教育进行投资。
a minimum investment of $10 000 1万元的最低投资额
a high return on my investments 我的投资的高收益
Our investments are not doing well. 我们的投资境况不佳。
We bought the house as an investment (= to make money) . 我们买这所房子作为投资。
A microwave is a good investment . 微波炉值得买。
The project has demanded considerable investment of time and effort. 该项目已让我们投入了相当多的时间和精力。
He said the government must introduce tax incentives to encourage investment... 他说政府必须推出税收激励政策来鼓励投资。
One of the most important changes concerns the investment of pension contributions. 最重要的一个变化涉及养老保险基金的投资。 investment of twenty-eight million pounds... 2,800万英镑的投资金额
You'll be able to earn an average rate of return of 8% on your investments. 你将能获得 8% 的平均投资收益率。
When selecting boots, fine, quality leather will be a wise investment... 在挑选长筒靴的时候,购买上等的好皮靴将是明智的选择。
A small-screen portable TV can be a good investment. 小屏幕的便携式电视机很值得买。
I worry about this big investment of time and effort. 我担心投入这么多时间与精力却不起作用。
Chapter 4. Several proposals for Business Combination. 第4章对我国企业合并会计准则的几点建议.
The success of the project pivots on investment from abroad. 这个工程的成功主要依靠外来投资.
He realized 10000 dollars from his investment. 他投资赚了10000美元.
Lack of confidence is the biggest barrier to investment in the region. 缺乏信心是在这一地区投资的最大障碍.
They made an investment in heavy industry. 他们投资于重工业.
It took two years before I recouped my investment. 我用了两年时间才收回投资.
They ploughed their profits back into further investment. 他们将利润用于再投资.
Besides selecting technological ventures for investment, the firms provide management, marketing and networking advice to the investee companies. 除甄选适宜投资的科技开发项目外,创业资金公司并为获得投资的公司提供管理 、 市场推广和建立网络等方面的意见.
The investor believes that his investment will pay off handsomely soon. 这个投资者相信他的投资不久会有相当大的收益.
Any investment involves an element of risk. 任何投资都有一定的风险。
In the 1990s the area became a magnet for new investment. 这个地区在20世纪90年代成了新的投资热点。
The factory was to be a showpiece of Western investment in the East. 这家工厂将会成为西方在东方投资的样板。
s [sʌn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
We have two sons and a daughter. 我们有两个儿子,一个女儿。
They have three grown-up sons. 他们有三个成年的儿子。
He's the son of an Oxford professor. 他是牛津大学一位教授的儿子。
Maine & sons, Grocers (= the name of a company on a sign) 梅因父子杂货店
Well, son, how can I help you? 那么,孩子,我能为你做点什么?
one of France's most famous sons 法国最著名的人士之一
the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit 圣父、圣子和圣灵
He shared a pizza with his son Laurence... 他和儿子劳伦斯分吃了一张比萨饼。
Sam is the seven-year-old son of Eric Davies... 萨姆是埃里克·戴维斯 7 岁的儿子。
...New Orleans's most famous son, Louis Armstrong. 新奥尔良最著名的人物——路易斯·阿姆斯特朗
...sons of Africa. 非洲之子
Don't be frightened by failure, son. 孩子,不要害怕失败。
We find the mother featured in the son. 我们发现这个儿子很像他母亲.
Do you want It'straight up or on the rocks? 你要不加较少的还是要加冰的?
His son joined the army last year. 他儿子去年入伍.
He established his son in business. 他安排儿子经商.
She repeatedly urged her son not to tell anyone about it. 她一再丁宁儿子不要和任何人讲这事.
The castle and the land are entailed on the eldest son. 城堡和土地限定由长子继承.
She tries to ground her son in arithmetic. 她设法给儿子打好算术基础.
He denied the money to his son. 他拒绝给儿子钱.
I was so sorry to hear that your son had been traveling with those criminal types. 听说你的儿子一直与那些罪犯同流合污,为此我感到很难过.
We can't give Smith the position. To begin with, he's too young; secondly, I want my son to have the job. 我们不能把这一职位给史密斯. 第一, 他太年轻; 第二, 我想让我儿子就任这一职位.
Or what man of you, if his son asks him for a loaf, will give him a stone? 再说,你们中间谁的儿子要个面包, 能给他一块石头 吗 ?
He hit his son in the heat of the moment. 盛怒中他打了儿子.
an initial payment of £60 and ten instalments of £25 60英镑的首期付款加十次25英镑的分期付款
in the initial stages (= at the beginning) of the campaign 运动的最初阶段
My initial reaction was to decline the offer. 我最初的反应是要婉言谢绝这个提议。
‘What initial is it, Mrs Owen? ’ ‘It's J, J for Jane. ’ “首字母是什么,欧文太太?”“是J,Jane的J。”
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was often known by his initials JFK. 人们常以姓名的首字母JFK称约翰·菲茨杰拉德·肯尼迪。
Just write your initials. 写下你的姓名首字母即可。
Please initial each page and sign in the space provided. 请在每一页上用姓名的首字母签署并在规定的空白处签字。
The initial reaction has been excellent... 初期的反应非常好。
The aim of this initial meeting is to clarify the issues. 本次初步会议的目标是澄清这些问题。
...a silver Porsche car with her initials JB on the side. 车身有她姓名缩写JB的银色保时捷跑车
Would you mind initialing this voucher?... 请在凭单上用首字母签名。
The agreement was initialled in June. 这份协议是6月份草签的。
Hesitation posisons your bravery, will and initial velocity. 踌躇将拖慢勇气 、 意志、初速.
Being due to initial data errors, the result accuracy from the popular adjustment will decrease. 因起算数据误差的存在, 导致了用普通的平差方法求得的结果精度降低.
After she'd overcome her initial shyness, she became very friendly. 她克服了起初的羞怯之后, 变得十分友善.
It's very sporting of you to give me an initial advantage. 你开局先让我一步,真是够大方的.
A decision will be taken at the culmination of the initial research. 在初始阶段研究结束时将作出决议.
An initial fee is payable to the franchiser. 应该付给经销商一笔先期费用.
The agreement has been initial ( l ) ed in Beijing. 协定已在北京 草签.
After an initial burst of enthusiasm for jogging, I gradually lost interest. 一时的热情过去之后, 我对慢跑逐渐失去了兴趣.
The experiments have given initial results eventually. 那些试验总算初见成效了.
At present, China is still on the initial stage of socialism. 现在, 中国仍然处在社会主义的初级阶段.
The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising. 这家公司很快偿付了初期的广告费。
We hope to recoup our initial investment in the first year. 我们希望我们的前期投资在第一年就能赚回来。
The initial reaction of most participants is fear. 多数参与者的最初反应是恐惧。
[θɜ:d] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.第三;三分之一;第三档; adj.第三的;三分之一的;
I sleep on the third floor... 我睡在三楼。
It was the third time one of his cars had gone up in flames... 这是他的车第三次起火。
A third of the cost went into technology and services... 有三分之一的支出投入了技术和服务。
Only one third get financial help from their fathers... 只有三分之一的人得到父亲的经济援助。
First, interest rates may take longer to fall than is hoped. Second, in real terms, lending may fall. third, bad loans could wipe out much of any improvement. 首先,利率的下降可能没有希望的那样快;第二,实际贷款额可能会减少;第三,坏账很可能抵消大部分增长。
The mammoth buffalo roamed the plains. 庞大的野牛群出没在这些平原上.
She seems to have camped up at the third act of the play. 她在第三幕中表演得似乎过火了.
The child has skipped to the third grade as he did exceedingly well in his studies. 这孩子因成绩优异而越级升入三年级.
He struck out in the third inning. 他在第三局三击不中出局了.
By wearing the ring on the third finger of the left hand, a married couple symbolically declares their eternal love for each other. 将婚戒戴在左手的第三只手指上, 意味着夫妻双方象征性地宣告他们的爱情天长地久,他们定能白头偕老.
The audience cried the speaker down as soon as he started on a third digression. 当发言人第三次扯到题外去时听众发出喊声,使他讲不下去.
The editor omitted the third paragraph from the article. 编辑删去了这篇文章的第三段.
The writer expurgated some parts from his novel when he read the third times. 作家第三次审稿时又删去了几部分.
A third candidate has entered the contest for the Republican nomination. 第三个候选人已经加入角逐共和党提名的行列.
The third baseman let the ball roll between his feet. 第三名垒手让球从他的两只脚之间滚了过去.
Wholesalers reported an improvement in sales for the third quarter. 批发商宣布第三季度的销售额有所提高.
The dispute was settled by mediation of the third country. 这场争端通过第三国的斡旋而得以解决.
On the third lap he left the other runners far behind. 跑到第三圈,他已经把别人远远地抛在后面了.
A third of the population is living at or below the poverty line . 三分之一的人口生活在贫困线或以下。
He KO'd Nathan Mann in the third round. 他在第3回合将内森·曼打晕了过去。
The third girl answered the most audibly. 第三个女孩回答的声音最响亮。
Relegation to the third Division would prove catastrophic. 降到丙级将是灾难性的。
It is his third brush with the law in less than a year. 这已是他在不到一年的时间里第三次触犯法律了。
Britain's third largest building society abandoned its mutual status and became a bank. 英国第三大建屋互助会准备放弃其互助性质,转变为银行。
The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the third World into an exploitative world system. 西方资本主义的扩张将第三世界并入了剥削性的世界体系中。
By the third lap Kinkead had touched 289 m.p.h. 到第三圈时,金基德的车速达到了每小时289英里。
It was the third time one of his cars had gone up in flames. 这是他的车第三次起火。
a rise/an increase/a drop/a fall in profits 收益的上升 / 增长 / 跌落 / 下降
The company made a healthy profit on the deal. 公司在这笔生意中获利颇丰。
profit from exports rose 7.3%. 出口利润增长了7.3%。
Net profit (= after you have paid costs and tax) was up 16.1%. 纯利润上升了16.1%。
The sale generated record profits . 这笔生意带来了创纪录的收益。
We should be able to sell the house at a profit . 我们卖掉这座房子应该可以获利。
The agency is voluntary and not run for profit . 这个机构是义务性的,不是为了赢利。
Future lawyers could study this text with profit. 未来的律师研读这一文本也许会有裨益。
Farmers are profiting from the new legislation. 新法规使农民受益。
We tried to profit by our mistakes (= learn from them) . 我们努力从错误中吸取教训。
Many local people believe the development will profit them. 当地的许多人认为,这项开发将对他们有利。
The bank made pre-tax profits of £3.5 million... 这家银行的税前利润为350万英镑。
You can improve your chances of profit by sensible planning... 你可以通过合理计划来提高盈利的机会。
Footballers are accustomed to profiting handsomely from bonuses... 足球运动员对获取丰厚的奖金已习以为常。
He has profited by selling his holdings to other investors... 他将自己的股票卖给其他投资者,从中获利。
Jennifer wasn't yet totally convinced that she'd profit from a more relaxed lifestyle... 珍尼弗还不完全相信更轻松的生活方式会对她有好处。
So far the French alliance had profited the rebels little... 到目前为止叛军都没有从法国同盟那里获得什么好处。
Surely we'll profit from your work. 我们肯定会从你的工作中得到益处.
They will have looked at blueprints of the building to understand its layout. 他们查看了大楼的设计图纸,以便了解其布局.
If you can saw the branches into equal lengths of wood, we shall make a bigger profit. 如果你能把这些树枝锯成同样长度的木段, 我们获利会更大.
He hoped to profit from his investments. 他希望从投资中获利.
You could profit from listening to a wise man. 智者一席话,使人受益大.
The net profit amounts to 20 dollars per ton of ore. 每吨矿砂的净利达20美元.
What will it profit me? 这对我有什么好处 呢 ?
I profit more from one consultation with you than from ten years of reading. 听君一席话,胜读十年书.
You may profit by the experience of others. 你可以吸取其他人的经验教训.
The entrepreneur takes business risks in the hope of making a profit. 企业家为追求利润而冒险.
exne [ɪɡ'zæmɪn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.检查,调查;考试;诊察;审问; vi.检查;调查;
The doctor examined her but could find nothing wrong. 医生给她作了检查,但没发现什么问题。
The students will be examined in all subjects at the end of term. 期末时学生须参加所有学科的考试。
You are only being examined on this semester's work. 只考你在本学期学的课程。
The goods were examined for damage on arrival. 货物到达时检查是否有破损。
These ideas will be examined in more detail in Chapter 10. 这些观点将在第10章作更为详细的探讨。
It is necessary to examine how the proposals can be carried out. 有必要调查一下怎样才能实施这些方案。
...learning to cope with the pressures of being judged and examined by our teachers. 学会应对老师评判和测验时的压力
Forensic scientists are examining what police believe to have been the bombers' car. 法医学家正在对一辆警方怀疑属于投弹者的汽车进行仔细检查。
Another doctor examined her and could still find nothing wrong... 另外一名医生对她进行了诊察,仍旧没有发现任何问题。
He was examined again and then prescribed a different herbal medicine. 医生又对他诊察了一遍,然后开了另外一种草药。
I have given the matter much thought, examining all the possible alternatives... 这个问题我已经考虑了很多,分析了各种可能的选择。
The plans will be examined by EU environment ministers. 欧盟各国环境部部长将仔细研究这些计划。
He examined her passport and stamped it... 他仔细检查了她的护照,然后在上面盖了章。
He finished his examination and left. Then the other doctor came, also to examine her. 医生检验完毕就走了, 那另一个医生也来为她检验.
Any theory originate practice, serve for practice again and suffer practice place to examine. 任何理论来源于实践, 又为实践服务并受实践所检验.
examine on the spot wait for a form, undertook comparative detailed investigation, reached relatively unanimous verdict. 实地查看等形式, 进行了比较具体的调查, 得出了较为一致的结论.
The teacher will examine the students in music. 老师将测验学生们的音乐知识.
Please examine the insulation of the electric wires in my house. 请检查一下我屋子里电线的绝缘情况.
You ought to examine yourself honestly and find out the source of your erroneous views. 你应该老老实实地反躬自省,找出你这些错误观点的根源.
Critically examine your work as if you were looking at someone else's efforts. 要像评价别人的工作一样,一丝不苟地检查你自己的工作.
She was sent to examine into the matter. 她奉派去调查那件事情.
It is most risky to go and examine an active volcano. 去探察活火山是非常危险的.
The doctor examine the patient carefully. 医生对这位病人作了仔细检查.
examine the account well before you pay it. 在付款以前仔细核对一下帐目.
He went to the Congo to examine a new volcano. 他曾去刚果察看一座新火山.
In sampling, we choose a small number of items which we think are typical of the whole and examine the sample. 在采样时, 我们选择少量我们认为是代表整体的东西,并对这个样本进行研究.
The teacher will examine the students in English. 老师要考学生的英语了.
The task of the Commission , as noted in the Olympic Charter, is to examine each candidature for membership of the IOC and to establish a report on each candidature to the IOC Executive Board. 奥林匹克宪章规定, 提名委员会的任务是对每位申请国际奥委会成员资格的候选人进行审查并向国际奥委会执行委员会提交对每位候选人的审查报告.
r [rɪˈfju:zl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
the refusal of a request/an invitation/an offer 拒绝请求 / 邀请 / 建议
a blunt/flat/curt refusal 率直的 / 断然的 / 粗率的拒绝
His refusal to discuss the matter is very annoying. 他拒绝商量这件事,令人很恼火。
...her refusal to accept change... 她对变革的拒绝
His letter in response to her request had contained a firm refusal. 对于她的请求他在信中给予了坚决的回绝。
If you have a good rapport with a dealer, they will always let you have first refusal on anything interesting... 如果你和经销商关系好,好东西他们会任你先挑。
A tenant may have a right of first refusal if a property is offered for sale. 若房产要出售,承租人可以有优先购买权。
His refusal iced our enthusiasm. 他的拒绝打消了我们的热情.
On his refusal to appear in person or by his attorney, he was pronounced contumacious. 由于他拒绝亲自出庭或派他的律师出庭, 被宣布为抗传.
Your patient answer just adds up to refusal. 你的耐心的回答等于拒绝.
His refusal to agree left him out on a limb. 他拒不表示同意,致使自己处于孤立地位.
We interpreted his silence as a refusal. 我们认为他的沉默就是拒绝.
He persisted in his refusal to pay the money. 他坚持拒绝付钱.
I interpreted his silence as a refusal. 我把他的沉默看作是拒绝的表示.
His refusal to help simply pinpointed his cowardice. 他拒绝帮助正显示他的胆小.
Her refusal only drew her lover on. 她的拒绝只能促使其恋人继续追求她.
His answer amounts to a refusal. 他的回答等于拒绝.
If you ever decide to sell your car, please give me the first refusal of it. 如果你决定把汽车卖掉, 请给我优先购买权.
Her refusal was merely a deliberate gesture. 她的拒绝只是故作姿态.
His refusal was worded in such a graceful way that we could not be offended. 他婉言谢绝,无损于我们的颜面.
This was a refusal to change, to make progress. 这就是墨守成规, 不愿进步.
His refusal to see me was an affront. 他拒绝见我,这对我是个侮辱.
The plan was doomed to fail by their refusal to give it any financial support. 由于他们拒绝给予任何资助,该计划注定要失败.
Will you give me first refusal on the car, if you decide to sell it? 如果你决定出售这辆车,给我优先购买权好吗?
The prime minister is facing a revolt by party activists over his refusal to hold a referendum. 因为拒绝进行公民投票,首相正面临着党内激进分子的反抗。
Mimi had gotten over her pique at Susan's refusal to accept the job. 米米已不再为苏姗拒绝接受这份工作的事生气了。
We would appreciate confirmation of your refusal of our invitation to take part. 若您确认拒绝我们的邀请不能参加,我们将感激不尽。
His refusal to talk was simple stubbornness. 他拒绝交谈完全是因为固执。
They cited Alex's refusal to return to the marital home. 他们引证了亚历克斯拒绝回到婚后的家中一事。
France was left isolated and at loggerheads with other EU member countries over its refusal to fall into line with demands to cut state borrowing. 法国与其他欧盟成员国要求削减国家借贷的意见相左,因而受到它们的孤立,与它们闹得不可开交。
at [ə'dɒpt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a campaign to encourage childless couples to adopt 鼓励无子女夫妇领养孩子的运动
to adopt a child 领养孩子
She was forced to have her baby adopted. 她被迫把婴儿给人收养。
All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem. 三个队处理这个问题的方法各不相同。
to adopt a resolution 通过一项决议
The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting. 委员会有望在下次会议上正式通过这项新政策。
to adopt a name/title/language 取名;袭用头衔;采用某语言
Early Christians in Europe adopted many of the practices of the older, pagan religions. 欧洲早期的基督教徒承袭了更古老的一些异教的许多习俗。
He adopted an air of indifference. 他摆出一副满不在乎的样子。
She was adopted as parliamentary candidate for Wood Green. 她被推举为伍德格林选区的议员候选人。
Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops... 议会采纳了要求全部撤军的决议。
Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment. 应帮助学生对环境采取积极的态度。
There are hundreds of people desperate to adopt a child... 有数以百计的人渴望领养孩子。
The adopted child has the right to see his birth certificate. 被收养的孩子有权看自己的出生证明。
I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs. 我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。
Podulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator, adopting a new country and a new profession. 波度尔斯基加入美国海军当上了飞行员,不仅改了国籍还换了行当。
...their adopted home in England. 他们移居英国的家
He has adopted the accent of a Second World War newscaster... 他承袭了二战时期播音员的口音。
The girl was uncertain what to do, or what tone of voice to adopt. 女孩不知道该做什么,也不知道该用什么口气说。
I move that we adopt the agenda as It'stands. 我提议不作改变通过这个议程.
Ensure that the General Assembly adopt a resolution not less strong than those passed at the previous sessions. 争取联大通过的决议基调不低于去年.