It's never too late to improve your diet. 什么时候改善饮食都为时不晚。
...a healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables... 富含水果和蔬菜的健康饮食
He was put on a diet of milky food. 他按照医嘱要食用乳制品。
...a special diet for children with high cholesterol. 专为胆固醇高的孩子准备的特别饮食
Have you been on a diet? You've lost a lot of weight... 你最近在节食吗?你瘦了好多。
diet and exercise will alter your shape... 节食和锻炼会改变你的体形。
I've been dieting ever since the birth of my fourth child... 我生完第四个孩子后就一直在节食。
Most of us have dieted at some time in our lives. 我们大多数人都曾在人生的某个时期为减肥而节食过。
...sugar-free diet drinks. 无糖低热量饮料 margarine. 低卡路里的人造黄油
The radio had fed him a diet of pop songs... 他从广播里听到的都是千篇一律的流行歌曲。
People are rejecting this constant diet of despair. 人们开始拒绝这种没完没了的绝望情绪。
She supplements her diet with eggs and fruit. 她以鸡蛋和水果来补充她的饮食.
He ascribed his good health to proper diet and exercise. 他把身体好归功于适当的饮食及运动.
Sweets should be cut out of diabetics diet. 糖尿病人不应该吃糖.
They lived frugally off a diet of porridge and lentils. 他们生活节俭,只吃燕麦粥和小扁豆.
[dʒəˈpæn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 日本; 日本国
Relations between japan and China have recently been on the mend. 最近,中日关系在向好的方面发展.
He was appointed ambassador to japan. 他奉派为驻日大使.
The cuisine of japan is low in fat. 日式烹饪的特点是低脂肪。
" A seafaring visitor will talk about japan , Which waters and mists conceal beyond approach ; " 海客谈 瀛 洲,烟涛微茫信难求.
He was a graduate from the Department of Economics , Imperial University, Tokyo, japan . 原名 郁文.1922年毕业于东京帝国大学经济科.
In Indonesia and Vietnam it took second place, to japan. 令委员会感到意外的是, 中国的总体吸引力仅仅排在第三位.
A final tension between America and japan concerns trade. 美日之间另一项不和谐是在贸易方面.
In fact, such a Chinese creed originated from japan. 至少在20世纪初,中国近代各个政治派别,包括中国近代贤妻良母主义的首倡者, 几乎都曾力倡女子就业.
Relations between and japan have improved thecouple of years. 在过去十年内中日关系已经有所提升.
Resistance Against japan is quick - decision offensive warfare on exterior lines. 抗日战争 战场作战的基本方针,是外线的速决的进攻战.
japan is not feted for its stewardship of the environment. 在环境管理方面,日本做的并不值得赞赏.
Recently a new anti - japan trend has come into being. 最近产生了一股新的 反 日倾向.
How would you characterize the current state affairs in the japan - China relationship? 另外,教科书问题会不会影响日中两国领导人的互访?
The trade of foreign - invested enterprises with japan increased rapidly. 外商投资企业对日贸易快速增长.
Ai Fukuhara is a goodwill ambassador of China and japan. 例句福原爱是中日友好大使.
s d [sɔft driŋk] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
软饮料; 软饮(不含酒精的饮料)
What kind of soft drink would you like to have, sir? 您要喝点什么, 先生?
This soft drink has a nasty aftertaste. 这软饮料有种让人难受的余味.
Sometimes cola is served as a soft drink at the dinner table. 有时可乐作为软饮料送上餐桌.
Can soft drink also sell this way? 汽水也能这么卖?
So she and her colleagues decided to put the soft drink to the test. 于是她和她的同事们决定检测一下这种软饮料.
Root beer is actually a soft drink, and not a beer. 沙士是不含酒精的饮料, 不是啤酒.
Cola is a soft drink. 可乐是一种不含酒精的软性饮料.
Lemonade is a soft drink. 柠檬水是一种不含酒精的饮料.
Wife: And a soft drink vending machine. 老婆: 和柔和的饮料自动售货机.
I prefer a soft drink. 还是来些果汁.
soft drink makers to stop selling sugary soda, offer alternatives to kids in US. 美国软饮料生产商们想停止销售含糖苏打汽水, 为孩子们提供别的替代品.
Especially during the scorching heat of summer, It'seems good to have a cold soft drink. 尤其夏天的天气相当炎热, 喝杯冷饮似乎还不错.
Choose any one, served soup and soft drink. 任意一款配汤和饮料.
Get an old beer bottle or soft drink bottle. 找一个旧啤酒瓶或饮料瓶.
The soft drink business always booms in the summertime. 饮料业在夏天总是兴旺繁荣.
Having a bottle of soft drink is not enough to quench my thirst. 喝一瓶汽水不够解渴.
Carbonated soft drink ( CSD ) importance to wholesaler ( % CSD share of total wholesaler business ). 碳酸型饮料对该批发商的重要性 ( 批发商业务中碳酸型饮料的百分比 ).
A soft drink turns away companies. 软饮料会赶走伙伴.
Two coffee & tea breaks with snacks, fruits and soft drink, mineral water during the meeting. 会议期间提供咖啡 、 茶、果汁、软饮料 、 本地矿泉水、甜麦卷 、 牛角包、小点心和水果.
Do you want to go for a diet soft drink with me? 你想和我一起去喝杯减肥饮料 吗 ?
The U.S. soft drink industry still works this way today. 一直到现在,美国汽水工业还是这样做的.
To enter puberty, work, love, and taste are also shifted from the soft drink coffee. 进入青春期, 工作了, 恋爱了, 口味也由汽水转向了咖啡.
Set Meal Includes Soup, Salad and Hot Appetizers, Dessert and Choice of soft drink. 特价套餐均附汤 、 沙拉、开胃冷盘、开胃热盘 、 甜点及软性饮料.
thnd [ˈtailænd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 泰国(亚洲)
The last offensive drove thousands of people into thailand. 最后一次进攻将成千上万的人赶到了泰国。
He visited thailand and Singapore to tout for investment. 他访问了泰国与新加坡,以期招揽投资。
thailand is at its most vibrant during the New Year celebrations. 在欢度新年期间,泰国举国欢腾。
What really sets Mr Thaksin apart is that he comes from northern thailand. 他信先生真正与众不同之处是他来自泰国北部。
My stay in thailand has certainly been the experience of my life. 我在泰国的日子真的是我生命之中的一种经历.
During vacation, we're going to travel to the north of thailand. 在假期中, 我们将要去泰国的北部旅行.
thailand exports its fine rices around the world. 泰国将精米出口到世界各地。
China and thailand is coterminous. 中国和泰国是毗连的。
Susan and Liam are in thailand. 苏珊和连恩在泰国.
thailand could be adaptable in its dealing with distant empires. 泰国与远方的帝国打交道时可以应付裕如.
In thailand rice is an important commodity for export. 米是泰国的一项重要出口商品.
thailand is on the west of Laos. 泰国在老挝的西面.
He first searched for remains of early man in Jehol, then in thailand. 他先在热河省, 后来又在泰国寻找早期人类的化石遗存.
I went to thailand for vacation. 我是去泰国度的假.
Brad, did you enjoy your trip to thailand? 布莱德, 你去泰国旅游愉快 吗 ?
mire [ˈmikstʃə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 混合体; 混合; 混合物
The city is a mixture of old and new buildings. 这座城市是新老建筑兼而有之。
We listened to the news with a mixture of surprise and horror. 我们怀着惊恐交加的心情收听了这则消息。
cake mixture 蛋糕粉
Add the eggs to the mixture and beat well. 将鸡蛋加进混合料中,搅拌均匀。
They looked at him with a mixture of horror, envy, and awe. 他们带着一种恐惧、嫉妒和敬畏交织在一起的复杂心情望着他。
...a mixture of spiced, grilled vegetables served cold. 一道加香料烤制的蔬菜冷拼盘
Prepare the gravy mixture. 将肉汁混合料调好。
...a mixture of water and sugar and salt. 水、糖和盐的混合液
Table 1. General conditions of the familial hypertriglyceridemia. 表1. 高甘油三酯血症家族一般情况分析.
Stir the mixture until smooth. 搅拌这种混合物直到调匀为止.
The mixture is fed into the cylinder from the carburettor. 混合体由汽化器注入汽缸.
We unite these two ingredients into a mixture. 我们把这两种成分结合成一种混合剂.
His new play is a mixture of saddness and humour. 他的新剧本融悲哀和幽默于一体.
The speaker was received with a mixture of applause and hisses. 那演说者同时得到喝彩声和嘘声.
The bread mixture was set beside the fire to rise. 和好的面包面团靠火放着,好让它发酵.
Air is a mixture of gases. 空气是多种气体的混合物.
Add some chilli to the mixture. 在混合物里加一些辣椒粉.
In this cake mixture, you can substitute oil for butter. 在这种做蛋糕的配料中, 你可以用食用油代替黄油.
His words were a mixture of pity and reproof. 他的话里既有同情也有责备。
It is a good idea to blend it in a food processor as this lightens the mixture. 把它放到食品加工器里搅拌是个好主意,因为这样能够使混合物的分量减轻。
Spoon the mixture carefully into the mould. 用勺小心地把混合物舀起,倒入模具内。
The mixture can be used as a gargle several times a day. 每天可用这种混合液漱几次口。
Smooth the mixture with the back of a soup spoon. 用汤勺的背面把混合料抹平。
The offspring contain a mixture of the genetic blueprint of each parent. 子女身上遗传了父母双方的基因型板。
Add the grated orange rind and toss the apple slices in the mixture. 加入磨碎的橙皮,再将苹果片在其中轻拌。
Add the oats to thicken the mixture and stir until it is nice and creamy. 加上燕麦让混合料变稠,然后搅拌成奶油状。
Using 2 spoons, mould the cheese mixture into small balls or ovals. 用两把小匙将奶酪混合物塑成圆球或椭圆球形状。
The diaries are a mixture of confession and observation. 这些日记既有自白,也有评论。
Prepare the souffle dish before making up the souffle mixture. 在搅拌做蛋奶酥的各种原料之前先要把盘子准备好。
p [pi:l] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt. 剥(皮); 削(皮)
to peel an orange/a banana 剥橙子 / 香蕉
Have you peeled the potatoes? 你给土豆刮皮了吗?
Carefully peel away the lining paper. 小心剥掉衬着的那层纸。
The label will peel off if you soak it in water. 标签浸到水中就会脱落。
The wallpaper was beginning to peel. 壁纸开始剥落了。
Put on some cream to stop your nose from peeling. 抹点乳霜,以免你的鼻子再脱皮。
The walls have begun to peel. 墙壁开始破皮了。
The leading car in the motorcade peeled off to the right. 汽车队的先导车转向右侧。
You look hot─why don't you peel off? 你看来很热——为何不脱掉衣服?
He peeled off his shirt. 他脱下了衬衣。
(North American English also)an orange/a lemon peel 一片橙子 / 柠檬皮
orange/lemon peel 橙子 / 柠檬皮
...grated lemon peel. 擦碎的柠檬皮
She sat down in the kitchen and began peeling potatoes. 她坐在厨房里,开始削土豆皮。
One of the kids was peeling plaster off the wall... 其中一个孩子在剥墙上的灰泥。
It took me two days to peel off the labels... 我花了两天时间才揭下这些标签。
Its once-elegant white pillars are peeling. 曾经典雅的白色立柱正在掉漆。
His face, at the moment, was peeling from sunburn. 那时他的脸因为晒伤而脱皮。
I don't need a knife; I can peel the skin off with my fingers. 我不需要刀, 用手指就能把皮剥去.
peel an apple for the child. 给孩子削个苹果吃.
Housewives routinely peel off crisp & yen ; 10, 000 ( $ 82 ) notes to pay for their shopping. 家庭主妇购买所需总要把10, 000日元 ( 82美元 ) 破开.
peel the apple and cut it into slices. 剥苹果并且切开它成切片.
I peel the carrots and potatoes so my mother can cut them into smaller pieces. 我会剥红萝卜及马铃薯的皮,所以妈妈可以将它们切成一小片.
These potatoes peel easily. 这些土豆很容易去皮.
These boiled eggs peel easily. 这些水煮蛋很容易剥壳.
Please peel me a peach [ peel a peach for me ]. 请你替我削桃子的皮.
Could you peel the vegetables? 你能把蔬菜去皮 吗 ?
h [hɑrd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adv. 努力地; 勤劳地; 猛烈地; 重重地 adj. 坚硬的; 困难的; 难忍的; 严厉的
I wanted her and she was playing hard to get. 我想得到她,但她却故意装出不感兴趣的样子。
California's been particularly hard hit by the recession. 加利福尼亚受经济衰退的影响尤为严重。
The talks had been hard going at the start. 会谈从一开始就举步维艰。
The hall porter was feeling hard done by at having to extend his shift. 酒店行李搬运工因为被迫延长当班时间而愤愤不平。
Paradise Street was a short, crowded street near the railway station and hard by the factory. 天堂街是火车站附近一条拥挤的小街道,离该工厂很近。
There are probably fewer hard facts about the life of Henry Purcell than that of any other great composer since the Renaissance. 有关亨利·普赛尔生平的可靠资料可能比任何其他文艺复兴以来的伟大作曲家都要少。
He wanted more hard evidence... 他想要更多确凿的证据。
The sea was a hard blue. 大海呈一片耀眼的蓝色。
I am expecting a long, hard winter. 我估计冬天会漫长而寒冷。
...a prolonged period of hard frost... 漫长的强霜冻期
Those were hard times. 那些岁月是非常艰难的。
It had been a hard life for her... 对她而言,那是一段非常艰苦的生活。
These last four years have been hard on them. 过去的这四年里他们吃了不少苦。
The grey light was hard on the eyes... 光线暗淡对眼睛不利。
Don't be so hard on him. 别对他太苛刻了。
Kate realized that the previous hard look on Maggie's face had been a mask. 凯特意识到玛吉原先的那副冷酷表情其实是装出来的。
His father was a hard man... 他的父亲是个冷酷无情的人。
It was snowing hard by then. 当时雪下得很大。
I've never seen Terry laugh so hard... 我从未见过特里如此放声大笑。
I kicked a dustbin very hard and broke my toe. 我狠狠地踢了一脚垃圾箱,结果脚趾骨折了。
He looked at me hard... 他使劲盯着我看。
You had to listen hard to hear the old man breathe... 你要仔细听才能听见老人的呼吸声。
...a hard day's work... 一天的辛苦工作
Coping with three babies is very hard work... 照顾3个宝宝是非常累人的活儿。
Am I trying too hard? 我是不是努力过头了?
I'll work hard. I don't want to let him down... 我会努力工作,我不想让他失望。
She found it hard to accept some of the criticisms directed towards her and her work... 她发现某些针对自己和自己工作的批评意见很难接受。
It's hard to tell what effect this latest move will have... 很难说最近这次行动会有什么结果。
Something cold and hard pressed into the back of his neck. 一个冰冷梆硬的东西顶在了他的脖梗儿上。
He shuffled his feet on the hard wooden floor... 他拖着脚在硬木地板上走动。
[ˈʌvən] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 炉; 灶; 烘箱
Take the cake out of the oven. 把蛋糕从烤箱中取出来吧。
a gas/an electric oven 煤气 / 电烤箱
a cool/hot/moderate oven 低温 / 高温 / 中温烤箱
Open a window, it's like an oven in here! 打开窗户。这儿热得像火炉!
Put the onions and ginger in the oven and let them roast for thirty minutes. 将洋葱和姜放进烤箱烘烤30分钟。
His cheeks shone red before the glowing oven. 他的脸被炉火映得通红.
A casserole was already in the oven cooking gently for luncheon. 焙盘菜已放在烤箱里慢慢煨着等午饭时吃.
She baked bread in an oven. 她用烤炉烤面包.
Bake in a moderately hot oven. 放进烤箱里用中等温度烘烤.
The cake baking in the oven made the whole house fragrant. 炉上烤的蛋糕使满屋子气味喷香.
Put the meat into the oven to roast. 把肉放到炉子里去烤.
We baked bread and cake in an oven. 我们在炉子里烤面包和蛋糕.
John, I've something to tell you. I've a bun in the oven. 约翰, 我有事要告诉你, 我有喜了.
This bread's fresh from the oven. 这面包是新出炉的.
The meat is roasting in the oven. 肉在炉子里烤着.
Take the cake out of the oven. 把蛋糕从烤箱中取出来吧。
The oven burners reignite automatically if blown out. 烤炉的火如果吹灭了会自动再点燃。
You'll be amazed at the culinary creations possible in a Dutch oven. 荷兰烤箱能够做的食物之多会让你感到惊奇。
When food comes out of any oven, it should stand a while. During this delay the centre carries on cooking. 食物出炉后都应该静置一会。在此期间,中心部分还在继续加热。
Pour a whole lot of cold water over the rice, and bung it in the oven. 往米中倒入大量凉水,然后放在炉子上。
The pudding is quick and easy and needs little attention once in the oven. 这种布丁做起来简单快捷,放到烤箱里之后就不用操什么心了。
Grease two sturdy baking sheets and heat the oven to 400 degrees. 在两块结实的烤板上抹些油,把烤炉加热到400度。
A real pizza oven gives better results than an ordinary home oven. 专门的比萨烤箱比普通家用烤箱效果更好。
Remove the dish from the oven, crack the salt crust and you will find the skin just peels off the fish. 把盘子从烤箱里拿出来,弄碎鱼表面的那层盐,鱼皮就会从鱼身上剥落下来了。
I've put some sesame crackers in the oven to bake. 我已经把几片芝麻脆饼放进烤箱里烤了。
Heat the oven to 180˚C. 把炉子加热到摄氏180度。
Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes or until golden brown. 在预热过的烤箱里烤25分钟,或烤成金黄色。
Set the oven at gas mark 4. 将煤气炉开至4挡。
s [slais] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
v. 把…切成片 n. 薄片; 切片; 部分
a slice of bread 一片面包
Cut the meat into thin slices. 把肉切成薄片。
Our firm is well placed to grab a large slice of the market. 我们公司处境有利,足以获得巨大的市场份额。
a fish slice 煎鱼铲
to slice (up) onions 把洋葱切成片
slice the cucumber thinly. 把黄瓜切成薄薄的片。
a sliced loaf 切片面包
He accidentally sliced through his finger. 他不小心把指头割破了。
A piece of glass sliced into his shoulder. 一块玻璃划破他的肩膀。
(figurative)Her speech sliced through all the confusion surrounding the situation. 她一席话把整个事态的一切纷扰剖析得清清楚楚。
The knife sliced his jacket. 那把刀划破了他的上衣。
(figurative)The ship sliced the water. 船破浪前进。
He managed to slice a shot over the net. 他设法把球斜切过网。
The new tax has sliced annual bonuses by 30 percent. 由于征收新税,年度红利减少了30%。
slice a piece off. 切下一片。
(figurative)He sliced two seconds off the world record. 他把世界纪录缩短了两秒。
Try to eat at least four slices of bread a day. 每天尽量至少吃 4 片面包。
...water flavored with a slice of lemon. 加了一片柠檬调味的水
Helen sliced the cake... 海伦把蛋糕切成片。
slice the steak into long thin slices. 将牛排切成长长的薄片。
Fiction takes up a large slice of the publishing market. 小说在出版市场上占了很大的份额。
...a car that represents a slice of motoring history. 一辆代表了一段汽车发展史的轿车
The captain swung his left foot, but sliced the ball wide. 队长飞起左脚一踢,球却侧着旋出去老远。
The ship sliced through the water. 轮船在水中破浪前行。
To make a ham sandwich you put a slice of ham between two slices of bread. 把一片火腿夹在两片面包之间就做成了火腿三明治.
Please give me a slice of ham. 请给我一片火腿.
ce fm [kʌm frɔm] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
来自于; 来(自); 出生(于)
Many of the clothes come from the world's top fashion houses. 这些服装中有很多出自世界顶级时装设计公司。
The final word will still come from the Secretary of State. 最后仍然要由国务卿来定夺。
Nearly 60% of our bookings come from repeat business and personal recommendation. 我们近60%的订单来自于回头客和熟人介绍。
All the band come from good, solid, working-class backgrounds. 所有的乐手都来自值得我们尊敬的工人阶级。
75 percent of chief executives come from inside the company. 75%的行政总裁来自公司内部。
They come from the combatant nations. 他们来自各参战国。
The murderer may well come from the estate. 凶手很可能来自那个庄园。
His views come from his own humble beginnings. 他的观点源于他卑微的出身。
Help may also come from some unexpected places. 帮助也可能来自某些意想不到的地方。
The turbulence in his life has come from accidents and illness. 他一生中的波动来自疾病和不测事故.
What part of South America did she come from? 她出生在南美洲的哪个地方?
The largest and most delicious apples come from Dalian. 最大最好吃的苹果产于大连.
I come from the north. 我是北方人.
Good sports records come from hard training. 良好的运动成绩是靠严格训练取得的.
He's just come from the countryside. 他刚从乡下来.
[ə slais ɔv] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Bess stabbed a slice of cucumber. 贝丝叉起一片黄瓜。
a slice of melon 一片瓜
a slice of apple pie 一块苹果派
a slice of bread 一片面包
They wanted to make sure they got a slice of the profits. 他们想确保自己可得到一份利润.
Please give me a slice of ham. 请给我一片火腿.
He was eating a slice of coconut. 他正在吃一片椰肉.
She reached me a slice of bread. 她递给我一片面包.
Ade cut a slice of bread for me. 艾德给我切了块面包.
She took up a slice of bread, broke it nervously, then put it aside. 她拿起一片面包,焦虑不安地把它掰碎,又放在一边。
To make a ham sandwich you put a slice of ham between two slices of bread. 把一片火腿夹在两片面包之间就做成了火腿三明治.
She cut a slice of beef from the joint. 她从大块的牛肉上切下一片来.
There is a slice of bread in the dish. 盘子里有一片面包.
For breakfast, she had only a slice of bread and butter. 她早餐只吃了一片奶油面包.
Please cut a slice of cake for me. 请给我切一块蛋糕.
a l [ə ˈlitl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
一点; 少量; 一些; 少许
Sightseers may be a little overwhelmed by the crowds and noise. 拥挤的人群和喧闹的噪音可能会让游客有些茫然不知所措。
"Well," she said a little uneasily, "what is it?" “噢,”她有些不自在地说道,“是什么?”
Will you lend me your jacket for a little while? 你能把上衣借给我穿一会儿吗?
They stopped at a little cafe and had a fondue. 他们在一家小餐馆歇脚,吃了顿干酪火锅。
He complained a little of a nagging pain between his shoulder blades. 他有几句提到说肩胛骨之间一直在疼。
Fry remaining peppers, adding a little more dressing if necessary. 用油炸一下剩下的辣椒,如果需要再加点调味汁。
I poured a little more bourbon into my glass. 我又往酒杯里倒了点儿波旁威士忌。
His mouth was a little open, as if he'd started to scream. 他的嘴微微张开,似乎是要开始尖叫.
Carol was absent-minded and a little slow on the uptake. 卡萝尔心不在焉,反应有点迟钝。
She felt a little more reconciled to her lot. 她感到对自己的命运多少接受一些了。
Their marriage is getting a little frayed around the edges. 他们的婚姻开始出现裂痕。
Right now I'm in need of a little filial affection. 此刻我需要的是一份孝心。
"Frankly I found it rather frightening." — "a little startling," Mark agreed. “坦白说我觉得这相当可怕。”——“是有点吓人,”马克表示同意。
Some of those artillery pieces look a little elderly. 那些大炮中有些看起来有点老掉牙了。
The least his hotel could do is provide a little privacy. 他的酒店至少应该提供一点隐私保护。
[wiŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 翼; 翅膀; 边锋; 侧厅
The swan flapped its wings noisily. 天鹅大声地拍打着翅膀。
wing feathers 翅膀上的羽毛
the east wing 东翼楼
the new wing of the hospital 与医院一侧相连的新楼房
There was a dent in the nearside wing. 左边挡泥板上有一个凹痕。
the radical wing of the party 这个政党中的激进派
the political wing of the National Resistance Army 国民抵抗军的政治组织
He plays on the wing. 他踢边锋。
(figurative)Her imagination took wing. 她发挥了海阔天空的想象。
A solitary seagull winged its way across the bay. 一只孤零零的海鸥飞过了海湾。
An application form will be winging its way to you soon. 申请表不久将送达你处。
I didn't know I'd have to make a speech─I just had to wing it. 我不知道还得讲话,只好想到什么就说点什么。
The bird flapped its wings furiously... 鸟儿使劲地拍打翅膀。
She saw the occasional glimmer of a moth's wings. 她看见蛾子的翅膀偶尔会泛光。
We were given an office in the empty west wing. 给我们在空置的大楼西翼分了一间办公室。 the Child Psychiatry wing of London's Royal Free Hospital. 在伦敦皇家自由医院配楼的儿童精神病部
...the military wing of the African National Congress. 非洲国民大会的武装派
...the liberal wing of the Democratic Party. 民主党自由派
Most nights I watched the start of the play from the wings. 大多数晚上我都是在边厢观看戏剧的开场。
He had no sooner got his wings than the Korean conflict broke out. 他刚获得飞行资格,朝鲜战争就爆发了。
A few moments later they were airborne and winging their way south... 过了一会儿,他们已然搭上飞机赶往南方了。
A cash bonanza will be winging its way to the 600,000 members of the scheme... 该方案的60万成员很快将获得一次发财的机会。
...legislation aimed at clipping the president's political wings. 旨在从政治上限制总统的立法
There are now more than 20 big companies waiting in the wings to take over some of its business. 现有20多家大公司随时准备接手其部分业务。
I led a very confined life in my village so I suppose that I wanted to spread my wings. 我在村里生活很封闭,所以我想出去闯荡一番。
Her boss took her under his wing after fully realizing her potential. 老板充分意识到她的潜力后,对她关怀备至。
[miks] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
v. 使混合
Oil and water do not mix. 油和水不相融。
Oil does not mix with water. 油不融于水。
mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. 把所有的配料放在碗里,搅和一下。
If you mix blue and yellow, you get green. 蓝色和黄色相混合就是绿色。
I don't like to mix business with pleasure (= combine social events with doing business) . 我不喜欢将社交活动和做生意混在一块。
With this range of paints, you can mix your own colours. 用这一组油彩可以调配出你所需要的颜色。
Why don't you mix a cocktail for our guests? 你给客人调制鸡尾酒好吗?
Why don't you mix our guests a cocktail? 你何不给客人调制鸡尾酒?
Children and fireworks don't mix. 孩子不宜玩烟火。
They don't mix much with the neighbours. 他们不怎么与邻居交往。
You can mix and match courses to suit your requirements. 你可以根据自己的要求将课程重新编排。
mix the remaining cream in with the sauce. 把剩下的奶油掺到调味酱里。
mix the fruit into the rest of the mixture. 把水果和别的东西拌在一起。
Add the milk and mix to a smooth dough. 加入牛奶再揉成光滑的面团。
Someone has mixed up all the application forms. 有人把申请表都弄乱了。
I think you must be mixing me up with someone else. 我觉得你一定是把我错当成别人了。
Oil and water don't mix... 油和水不相溶。
It mixes easily with cold or hot water to make a tasty, filling drink... 它极易溶于冷水或热水,冲成既可口又充饥的饮料。
He had spent several hours mixing cement... 他花了几个小时搅拌水泥。
Are you sure I can't mix you a drink? 你确定不用我为你调一杯饮料吗?
For speed we used packets of pizza dough mix... 为了节约时间,我们用了几包做比萨饼的混合面粉。
It was a packet mix. 这是一小包混合配料。
The story is a magical mix of fantasy and reality... 这个故事是幻想与现实的奇妙结合。
We get a very representative mix of people. 我们现在有了非常具有代表性的一群人。
Politics and sport don't mix. 政治与体育不可混为一谈。
...some of these pills that don't mix with drink... 一些不能用饮料冲服的药片
I ventured the idea that the secret of staying young was to mix with older people... 我大胆地提出了这样的观点:保持年轻的秘诀就在于和年长的人交往。
People are supposed to mix, do you understand?... 人们应该互相交际,你明白吗?
They've been mixing tracks for a new album due out later this year. 他们一直在为定于今年稍后推出的新专辑录制歌曲。
Stewart has developed a tendency to mix it verbally with the opposition. 斯图尔特现在变得只要和别人意见不合,就准备大吵一架。
[pi:s] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 篇; 首; 片; 块…
a piece of string/wood 一截绳子;一块木头
She wrote something on a small piece of paper. 她在一小片纸上写了点什么。
a large piece of land 一大片土地
a piece of cake/cheese/meat 一块蛋糕 / 奶酪 / 肉
He cut the pizza into bite-sized pieces. 他把比萨饼切成一口一块的小块。
I've got a piece of grit in my eye. 我眼里进了一粒沙子。
There were tiny pieces of glass all over the road. 路上到处都是碎玻璃渣。
...a piece of cake. 一块蛋糕
...a piece of wood. 一截木头
...assembling objects out of standard pieces... 用标准部件组装物品
The equipment was taken down the shaft in pieces. 该设备被拆卸成几部分送下了井。
People struggle to get the best piece of land. 人们竞相争夺最好的土地。
When I produced this piece of work, my lecturers were very critical... 当我拿出这件作品时,我的讲师们提出了诸多批评意见。
It is a highly complex piece of legislation. 它是一项非常复杂的法规。
I disagree with Andrew Russell over his piece on British Rail. 我不同意安德鲁·拉塞尔那篇关于英国铁路公司的文章。
Each piece is unique, an exquisite painting of a real person, done on ivory... 每一件艺术品都是绘在象牙上的精美绝伦的真人肖像,都是独一无二的。
None of the pieces is insured. 没有一件艺术品上过保险。
They got a small piece of the net profits and a screen credit. 他们得到了一小部分纯利润以及电影演职人员字幕中的署名权。
...the disclosure that Texas Air might sell a piece or all of Continental. 得克萨斯航空公司可能会卖掉部分或整个大陆航空公司这一消息的披露
How very thoughtless. I'll give him a piece of my mind. 真是太没头脑了,我要告诉他我很生气。
At its peak in the Thirties, Underground design and architecture was all of a piece... 在30年代的顶峰时期,地铁的设计和建筑风格都一模一样。
The essays that Parsons completed in the latter part of his life are of a piece with his earlier work. 帕森斯后半生完成的文章和他的早期著作一脉相承。
...providing that my brother gets back alive and in one piece from his mission. 如果我哥哥执行任务能够平安归来
I'll answer your questions when I've said my piece. 说完我想说的,我会回答你的问题。
If the shell had hit the boat, it would have blown it to pieces... 如果炮弹击中了小船,它早就被炸成碎片了。
He took it all to pieces, cleaned it inside and out and put it together again... 他把它全拆了,里外清洁了一下,然后又装了起来。
She's a strong woman, but she nearly went to pieces when Arnie died. 她是个坚强的女性,但阿尼去世时,她几乎崩溃了。
He made numerous errors of fact and was torn to pieces during the subsequent question time... 他犯了数不清的事实错误,并在随后的答疑时间中被批得体无完肤。
Every error is captured, every decision picked to pieces. 每个错误都会被抓住,每个决定都会被骂得一无是处。
suae [ˈsʌndi:] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 圣代冰淇淋
...a chocolate sundae. 巧克力圣代
Which one do you 1 ike best: Lemon pie, chocolate sundae or custard pudding? 你最喜欢吃哪个呢? 柠檬派, 巧克力圣代,还是奶油布丁?
Regardless of how and when will always support you sundae! 不管以后怎样,圣代都会永远支持你!
A jumbo hot dog, a submarine sandwich and a sundae for me. 我要一份大热狗 、 一份法式三明治,再来一份水果冰淇淋.
The chocolate sundae really hit the spot! 那巧克力圣代的口味真是恰到好处!
Minutes ago, he got the chocolate sundae he had ordered. 几分钟前, 他点的巧克力圣代冰淇淋送上来了.
Do you want a sundae or something else? 你要圣代冰淇淋或其他的口味?
Do you want to stop for a sundae? 你要不要停下来吃个圣代?
Favorite desserts are chocolate cream pie and, of, an ice cream sundae with hot fudge sauce. 最受欢迎的甜点是巧克力奶油派, 一种加乳脂沙司的冰淇淋圣代.
It was a chocolate sundae the likes of which little Tom would never see again. 像这样的巧克力水果冰淇淋,小沁姆再也不会看到.
B: A chocolate sundae. Have you ever eaten chocolate sundaes? 一个巧克力圣代冰淇淋. 你曾经有吃巧克力圣代冰淇淋了 吗 ?
Waitress: Do you want an apple pie or a sundae? 服务生: 要不要来份苹果派或是圣代?
A fish burger at McDonald's, with a strawberry sundae afterward , would also be great! 麦当劳的鱼香汉堡加上一个草莓圣代也很赞!
" How much is an ice cream sundae? " “ 一份圣代冰淇淋要多么钱? ”
Wait a minute. I remember an apple pie, fried potato and sundae. 等等, 还有苹果派, 薯条和圣代.
Have sundae now and then. 偶尔要一杯圣代冰淇淋.
I'll have the chocolate sundae with the works. 我要一个全套的巧克力圣代.
Their strawberry sundae is on sale. 他们的草莓冰淇淋圣代正在特价中.
A walnut sundae, and don't spare the whipped cream. 做胡桃圣代冰淇淋, 就甭想少用掼奶渍.
Waiter: Lemon pie, hot cake in syrup, chocolate sundae and custard pudding. 侍者: 柠檬派, 糖油煎饼, 巧克力圣代和奶油布丁.
I'd like to have a sundae. 我要份圣代冰淇淋.
How about some sundae? 来点圣代冰淇淋好 吗 ?
He later featured a picture of a vanilla cone and an elaborate sundae. 他随后展示了一张画有香草蛋卷冰淇淋和一杯精制的代的图片.
a pe o [ə pi:s ɔv] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
一张片; 块; …
How very thoughtless. I'll give him a piece of my mind. 真是太没头脑了,我要告诉他我很生气。
Mr. Long was now cutting himself a piece of the pink cake. 朗先生正在给自己切一块粉色蛋糕。
Strain the juice through a piece of gauze or a sieve. 用一块纱布或过滤网将果汁过滤一下。
There was a piece of cloth tied to the dog's collar. 狗项圈上系着一条布。
He hunted vainly through his pockets for a piece of paper. 他翻遍口袋想找一张纸,结果没找到。
He ticked off my name on a piece of paper. 他在一张纸上我的名字旁打了钩。
They ceremoniously cut a piece of ribbon, declaring the exhibition open. 他们郑重其事地剪彩,宣布展览开幕。
A powerful electric current is passed through a piece of graphite. 给一块石墨通入强电流。
Getting rid of him will be a piece of cake. 摆脱掉他就是小事一桩。
a piece of china crunched under my foot. 我踩碎了一块瓷片。
It was just a piece of play-acting. 它只是一种作秀而已。
Just slip in a piece of paper. 只要塞进一张纸就行。
a piece of laboratory apparatus 一件实验室仪器
a piece of bent wire 一段弯曲的金属丝
a piece of bread and butter 一块黄油面包
e [i:tʃ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 各自的; 每 pron. 每一个; 每个; 各自
There aren't enough books for everyone to have one each. 书不够给每人发一本。
They lost $40 each. 他们每人损失了40元。
each day that passed he grew more and more desperate. 他一天天变得越来越绝望。
each answer is worth 20 points. 每题为20分。
each of the answers is worth 20 points. 每道答题为20分。
The answers are worth 20 points each. 这些答题每题为20分。
‘Red or blue? ’ ‘I'll take one of each, please. ’ “红的还是蓝的?”“请一样给我一个。”
We each have our own car. 我们各人都有自己的汽车。
They can't destroy truth without destroying each and every one of us. 除非他们将我们赶尽杀绝,否则真理不灭。
We looked at each other in silence... 我们相顾无言。
Both sides are willing to make allowances for each other's political sensitivities... 双方都愿意体谅彼此的政治敏感问题。
each book is beautifully illustrated... 每本书都配有精美的插图。
each year, hundreds of animals are killed in this way... 每年都有数百只动物被这样杀掉。
He picked up forty of these publications and read each one of them. 他从这些出版物中挑选了40本,逐一阅读。
each and every person responsible for his murder will be brought to justice... 所有参与谋杀他的人都会被绳之以法。
We are in the same boat; we must help each other. 我们既然同舟, 就要共济.
The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said. 证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定.
They support each other in their work. 他们在工作中互相支持.
By wearing the ring on the third finger of the left hand, a married couple symbolically declares their eternal love for each other. 将婚戒戴在左手的第三只手指上, 意味着夫妻双方象征性地宣告他们的爱情天长地久,他们定能白头偕老.
The book is more satisfying if you read each chapter in sequence. 这本书依次读各章会更好.
[ˈsu:ʃi:] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 寿司(一种日本食品); 寿司(一种做成糕饼状或丸状的冷米饭)
a sushi bar 寿司店
Diners around the globe have developed the taste for Japanese delicacies like sushi and sashimi. 全世界的食客青睐日本美食,如寿司和生鱼片.
In which restaurant would you typically find sushi? 通常在哪种餐厅可以找到[寿司]?
sushi, the Japanesefish dish, may be garnished with baran, a type of plastic grass or leaf. 寿司, 日式鱼菜肴, 可能用巴兰作装饰, 一种塑料材质的草或树叶.
Don't you think we're a little bit past sushi at this point? 你不觉得我们的关系应该超过寿司了 吗 ?
sushi is the most famous Japanese food, it is raw fish with rice. 而寿司可谓是最出名的日本美食了, 主要原料为生鱼片和米饭.
After cleaning face, apply with seaweed sushi salad mask to get better effect. 洗面后, 使用海苔寿司沙律面膜效果会更好.
A: The Japanese people eat sushi and Sashimi. 日本人喜欢吃寿司和生鱼片.
Peruvians didn't seem to like eel, for example, which was a very common sushi topping. 比如, 秘鲁人不太喜欢鳗鱼, 而鳗鱼是非常普通的寿司甜品酱原料.
This photo was photoed in front of the sushi Shop where we had the dinner. 这张照片是在当时吃寿司的店门口拍的.
In Beijing, which has sold do seaweed sushi use and shutter and green chunks of mustard? 在北京哪有卖做寿司用的海苔紫菜还有卷帘和绿芥末膏的 呢 ?
The sushi completed could be loaded by the train and gone. 制作完成的寿司才能被火车载走.
They'll be fattened for the sushi market, where their buttery meat fetches high prices. 他们将养肥为寿司市场, 他们的黄油肉类带来高价格.
The sushi rice grains cohere. 寿司米粒很黏.
The bad criticism to The Selection of Literary Works by sushi , affected his spread. 摘要苏轼对《文选》恶评颇多, 影响了《文选》的流布.
A sushi plate that incorporates a central area for soy sauce and a area for presentation. 寿司板,包含了中部地区的酱油和大面积的介绍.
LL: All right , all right on. Let's go get some sushi tonight! 别这么 小气 好不好. 我们都好久 没 出去吃了,一次寿司肯定不会把你吃穷的.
Dave and Tara are getting ready to order lunch at a sushi bar. 戴夫和泰拉在寿司店里准备点午餐.
'How much is he paying you?' — 'Oh, five thousand.' —'Not bad.'... “他给你多少钱?”——“哦,5,000。”——“挺不错嘛。”
You need at least ten pounds if you go to the cinema nowadays — it's really bad. 现在看场电影至少要花上10英镑——真是太贵了。
Not being able to hear doesn't seem as bad as not being able to see... 看不见比听不到更让人难以忍受。
He was a bad driver... 他是一个技术糟糕的司机。
He had increased Britain's reputation for being bad at languages... 他加深了人们对英国人不擅长语言的印象。
Many old people in Britain are living in bad housing... 英国有很多老人居住条件恶劣。
She was in rather a bad film about the Mau Mau... 她出演了一部关于茅茅运动(20世纪50年代肯尼亚基库尤人反抗英国殖民者的民族主义运动)的烂片。
It was a bad start in my relationship with Warr... 我与沃尔的关系开始得不太顺利。
The bad weather conditions prevented the plane from landing... 糟糕的天气使飞机无法降落。
We have been going through a bad time... 我们正经历一段困难时期。
He had a bad accident two years ago and had to give up farming... 他两年前遇到严重的车祸,不得不放弃务农。
This was a bad case of dangerous driving... 这是一起严重的危险驾驶案例。
Economist Jeffrey Faux says a tax cut is a bad idea... 经济学家杰弗里·福克斯认为减税是不明智的。
Of course politicians will sometimes make bad decisions... 政治家当然有时也会作出错误的决定。
The closure of the project is bad news for her staff... 项目终止对她的雇员来说是一个不幸的消息。
[peidʒ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt. (通过扩音器、传呼机等)呼叫 n. 页; 张
Turn to page 64. 请翻到第64页。
Someone has torn a page out of this book. 有人从这本书里撕掉了一张。
a blank/new page 空白页;新的一页
the sports/financial pages of the newspaper 报纸的体育 / 财经版
on the opposite/facing page 在对面的一页上
over the page (= on the next page) 在下一页
a glorious page of Arab history 阿拉伯历史上光辉的篇章
Why don't you have him paged at the airport? 你为何不在机场扩音喇叭上呼叫他呢?
page Dr Green immediately. 请立即传呼格林医生。
Where's your book? Take it out and turn to page 4. 你的书呢?拿出来,翻到第4页。
...the front page of the Guardian. 《卫报》的头版
He turned the pages of his notebook... 他翻着笔记本。
Over the page you can read all about the six great books on offer. 在下一页上,你可以看到有关6本在售好书的全部信息。
...a new page in the country's political history. 该国政治史上崭新的一页
He was paged repeatedly as the flight was boarding... 航班登机时,广播里反复呼叫他。
I'll have them paged and tell them you're here. 我会叫人呼他们,告诉他们你在这儿。
The fable is given on the next page. 这篇寓言登在下一页上.
Have you had experience in mocking up a page? 你装扮过花童 吗 ?
Is it too late to insert a new page into my magazine article? 往我在杂志上发表的那篇文章中再加上一页晚不晚?
The torn page is mended with tape. 撕破的一页用胶带补好了.
She wrote away all day, filling page after page. 她写了一页又一页, 整整写了一天.
Please turn to page twelve. 请翻到十二页.
Write your address at the head of this page. 把你的住址写在纸的上端.
Go down to the bottom of the page and then stop. 念到这一页底下停止.
It is mentioned on page 20. 它在20页被提到.
h [hæm] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 火腿; 无线电收发报业余爱好者
a ham actor 表演过火的演员
a radio ham 无线电通讯爱好者
a slice of ham 一片火腿
a ham sandwich 火腿三明治
The hams were cooked whole. 这些火腿是整条烹制的。
Thrusting themselves into the spirit of the farce, they ham it up like mad. 他们全力投入到这部闹剧中去,极尽搞怪之能事。
I became a ham radio operator at the age of eleven. 我在11岁时成了一名业余无线电操作员。
...ham sandwiches. 火腿三明治
...a huge baked ham. 巨大的烤火腿
The former West ham and Celtic star's current contract expires at the end of the season. 前西汉姆联队和凯尔特人队的球星现在的合同将在本赛季末到期.
Add cooked eggs, 3 colors vegetables and ham slices. 加入炒好的鸡蛋, 和三色蔬菜以及火腿粒.
The hungry boys polished off a plateful of ham and then asked for more. 那些饥肠碌碌的孩子们很快吃一盘子火腿,还想再要.
The ham frizzled in the frying pan. 火腿在煎锅中咝咝作响.
Serving Suggestion: Serve chilled own as an aperitif or with chicken, ham, salads, cheeses and fish. 饮用指南: 冰凉后饮用.可单独饮用或与鸡肉, 火腿, 色拉, 奶酪,与鱼类搭配皆佳.
This dish contains ham. 这道菜里有火腿.
To make a ham sandwich you put a slice of ham between two slices of bread. 把一片火腿夹在两片面包之间就做成了火腿三明治.
ham and eggs is a good breakfast. 火腿肠是一顿好早餐.
West ham have completed the signing of Jonathan Spector for an initial fee of £500, 000. 西汉姆联队以首期50万镑的费用签下了乔纳丹-斯佩克托.
Your story is very funny, but there is no need to ham it up. 你的故事很能引人发笑, 不过不必过分渲染.
I think West ham will struggle, as will Wigan and Portsmouth, but Sunderland will survive. 我认为西汉姆会为保级挣扎, 同样的还有维根和朴茨茅斯, 但桑德兰会保级的.
Why do two side meet ham of my private parts black? 为什么我下身大腿两侧会黑黑的?
Tomato, ham, cheese, mushroom, olive and egg. 番茄, 火腿, 芝士, 蘑菇, 橄榄及鸡蛋.
Please give me a slice of ham. 请给我一片火腿.
The cook will utilise the leftover ham bone to make soup. 厨师要用吃剩的猪腿骨做汤.
a ham and mushroom pizza 火腿蘑菇比萨饼
The ham is delicious with avocado. 火腿鳄梨非常好吃。
Giovanni has the best Parma ham for miles around. 方圆数英里内,乔瓦尼的帕尔马火腿最棒.
Trim the fat off the ham. 把肥膘从火腿上切除。
pe [pleit] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 板; 片; 盘
sandwiches on a plate 盘子上的三明治
a pile of dirty plates 一摞脏盘子
dinner plates 餐盘
a plate of sandwiches 一盘三明治
two large plates of pasta 两大盘意大利面食
Try the seafood plate. 请尝尝这道海鲜。
The tanks were mainly constructed of steel plates. 这些坦克车主要是用钢板制造的。
She had a metal plate inserted in her arm. 她的胳膊里嵌着一块接骨板。
A brass plate beside the door said ‘Dr Alan Tate ’. 门旁的铜牌上写着“艾伦·泰特医生”。
The cutlery is plate, not solid silver. 这套餐具是镀银的,不是纯银的。
the armadillo's protective shell of bony plates 犰狳的一层防护性鳞甲
the Pacific plate 太平洋板块
Earthquakes are caused by two tectonic plates bumping into each other. 地震是由两块地壳构造板块互相碰撞造成的。
The book includes 55 colour plates. 本书有55幅彩色插图。
See plate 4. 见彩图4。
a printing plate 印版
a silver ring plated with gold 一枚镀金的银戒指
The walls of the vault were plated with steel. 保险库的墙壁都装了钢板。
Anita pushed her plate away; she had eaten virtually nothing. 安妮塔把自己的盘子推开;她几乎什么都没吃。
...dusty-looking cars with New Jersey plates. 落满灰尘、挂着新泽西州牌照的汽车 and silver plate, jewellery, and roomfuls of antique furniture. 金银餐具、珠宝,还有整屋整屋的古董家具
Fermor's book has 55 colour plates. 弗莫尔的书里有55页整版彩色插图。
The United States Geological Survey has revealed that the earthquake was not caused by a simple horizontal movement of one plate past another. 美国地质调查局揭示了此次地震并非由大陆板块间简单的水平交错运动所引起。
We have enough on our plate. There is plenty of work to be done on what we have. 我们有很多工作要做。仅是手头现有的事情就已经有的忙了。
Even the presidency was handed to him on a plate. 他甚至连总统之位都是得来全不费工夫。
They just handed the game to the other team on a plate. 他们让另一支球队轻易地赢得了这场比赛.
He quickly ate everything on his plate and asked for seconds. 他很快地把他盘里的东西吃光,然后又要第二份.
s [ˈʃɔpɪŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 买东西; 购物
(British English)When shall I do the shopping ? 我什么时候去买东西呢?
(British English)We do our shopping on Saturdays. 我们星期六购物。
a shopping basket 购物篮
a shopping trolley 购物手推车
(North Amercian English)a shopping cart 购物手推车
to put the shopping in the car 把买好的东西放进汽车
I'll do the shopping this afternoon. 今天下午我会去买东西。
We put the shopping away. 我们把买回来的东西放好。
We went down town to do some Christmas shopping and all the world and his wife were there. 我们去市里购买圣诞用品,那里人山人海.
She often goes shopping with a basket. 她常提着篮子去买东西.
This part of the city has been zoned as a shopping area. 城市的这一部分已划为商店区.
The shopping centre also incorporates a library and a bank. 商业中心还包括一家银行和一家图书馆.
Most shopping centers have knocked ten percent off the price. 大部分购物中心打九折.
I live just by the market , and it's very convenient to go shopping. 我家就住在商场旁边, 买东西很方便.
I continued working, meanwhile, he went out shopping. 我继续工作, 这期间他出去买东西.
There was a shopping center that drew its customers from the neighbo ( u ) ring communities. 那里有一个吸引附近社区顾客的购物中心.
I normally do all my shopping on Saturdays. 我通常在星期六买东西.
Shanghai has good shopping. 在上海买东西方便.
American shopping malls and supermarkets are palaces of consumerism. 美国的商场是消费主义的地盘.
They went into town to indulge in some serious shopping. 他们进城去大肆购物。
a downtown shopping plaza 市中心的购物区
The union presented a shopping list of demands to the management. 工会向资方提交了一份写明各项要求的清单。
A series of bomb hoaxes has disrupted Christmas shopping in the city centre. 一系列炸弹假警报扰乱了市中心的圣诞节购物活动。
Gossips made a big thing about him going on shopping trips with her. 风言风语把他和她出去购物这件事闹得沸沸扬扬。
Now what about that shopping list? I've got to get going. 那张购物清单呢?我得出发了。
chen wg [ˈtʃikin wiŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Very wants to eat the chicken wing together with you! 很想和你一起吃鸡翅!
Let's order gong - bao chicken dice , spicy chicken wing and ox tail soup. 我们来个宫保鸡丁, 辣鸡翅和牛尾汤吧.
chicken wing meat is my favorite. 鸡翅子上的肉我最爱吃.
You're excited about the chicken - wing thing. 你对我吃鸡翅比赛很有兴趣.
Wash the chicken wing, use water to boil the chicken wing until it cooked. 鸡中翼洗净, 烧热一锅水,下鸡中翼煮至全熟.
Dry it. Put the chicken wing into a big bowl with the Drunk Chicken Sause. 沥乾水份后, 将鸡翼放于大碗中,然后倒入醉鸡汁,汁要浸过鸡翼面.
You have Tupperware in your fridge with three bites of rice or one leftover chicken wing. 你冰箱里有三口剩饭和一只鸡翼.
Uniform chicken wing centre knife 2 , also uniform knife of chicken root segments. 鸡翅中间划一刀, 鸡根根部也划一刀.
plty o [ˈplenti ɔv] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
indef.&det. 充足的; 相当多的 许多; 大量的
There were plenty of servants to wait on her. 有很多仆人服侍她。
She is in the fortunate position of having plenty of choice. 好在她有很多选择。
Are there plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet? 你的饮食中新鲜果蔬充足吗?
There are plenty of plus points about being an older first-time mum. 年龄稍长再做妈妈有很多好处。
The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend. 相比之下,私营部门就有很多钱可供开销。
He's got plenty of brains as well as brawn. 他头脑聪明,身体强健。
A good general diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables. 良好的日常饮食应该包含大量的新鲜蔬菜。
There are free buses around the resort and plenty of nightlife. 这个游览胜地到处都有免费大巴,夜生活也很丰富。
I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato. 我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。
The water is clear and plenty of fish are visible. 水清澈见底,能看见许多鱼。
Seen from a netsurfer's screen, there are plenty of stores to "visit". 从网上冲浪者的显示器上可以看到很多可“光顾”的商店。
The nursery is bright and cheerful, with plenty of toys. 托儿所明亮宜人,还有许多玩具。
She needs plenty of room for experiment in her life. 她一生需要很多尝试的机会。
He has plenty of joie de vivre. 他尽情享受生活的乐趣。
He's got plenty of money left. 他还剩有大把的钱。
p [ˈpitsə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 比萨饼; (意大利)烤馅饼; 烘馅饼
a ham and mushroom pizza 火腿蘑菇比萨饼
Is there any pizza left? 还有比萨饼吗?
...the last piece of pizza... 最后一块比萨饼
We went for a pizza together at lunch-time. 我们中午一起去吃了比萨饼。
Lebanese pizza topped with minced meat onion and pine nuts. 顶部配以鲜嫩的小牛肉,洋葱和松仁,松软可口.
pizza was by far the most popular takeaway choice , accounting for 83 % of sales. 比萨的定购量占83%,是目前最受欢迎的外卖快餐.
Tons of flavorful ingredients make this pizza unique and delicious. 吨可口的成分,使这个比萨饼独特和美味.
The pizza and burgers filled the children. 比萨饼和汉堡包把孩子们填饱了.
On Sunday nights, when the cafeteria is closed, we order pizza. 星期日晚上, 自助餐厅不营业时, 我们就会叫披萨来吃.
You can put a lot of different pizza toppings on a pizza base. 你可以在比萨饼底衬上加不同的顶配料.
I flips over the pizza. 翻弄比萨.
This is the thing where you go and you have to make your own pizza? 就是你们去的那个地方,在那里你们不得不自己做批萨?
Let's Go Out for pizza! 吃比萨啦!
Most of our pizza crust styles come in 9 and 12 inches. 萨飞士最受欢迎的比萨饼胚尺寸是9寸和12寸.
A pizza garden can have basil, oregano, and tomatoes. 比萨花园可以种罗勒 、 牛至和西红柿.
Gennaro Lombardi opened the first American pizza shop in New York City in 1905. 格拉罗?劳巴蒂于1905年在纽约市开办了第一家比萨饼店.
Will pancakes and pizza cure my condition? 小薄饼和披萨能治疗我的病 吗 ?
They dug into the pizza hungrily. 他们开始大吃比萨饼.
Do you like eating pizza? 你爱吃比萨饼 吗 ?
a pizza topped with cheese and anchovies 奶酪鳀鱼比萨饼
a ham and mushroom pizza 火腿蘑菇比萨饼
I always keep a pizza in the freezer as a standby. 我总会在冰箱里放一个比萨饼应急。
The pizza base retains its crispness without becoming brittle. 比萨饼的饼底依然酥脆,也没有变得易碎。
They have computerized systems to ensure delivery of the right pizza to the right place. 他们已经实现了系统的计算机化,以保证比萨的送货准确无误。
To save time we used packets of pizza dough mix. 为了节约时间,我们用了几包做比萨饼的混合面粉。
It takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to get into the franchised pizza business. 要想得到比萨店的特许经营权,需要支付一大笔钱。
He shared a pizza with his son Laurence. 他和儿子劳伦斯分吃了一张比萨饼。
A real pizza oven gives better results than an ordinary home oven. 专门的比萨烤箱比普通家用烤箱效果更好。
There was still plenty of time to take Jill out for pizza. 还有充裕的时间带吉尔出去吃比萨饼。
[θiŋk] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
v. 思考; 考虑; 想起; 想
I certainly think there should be a ban on tobacco advertising... 我确实认为应该禁止香烟广告。
Do you think I ought to seal the boxes up?... 你认为我应该把这些盒子封起来吗?
Nora thought he was seventeen years old... 诺拉觉得他有 17 岁。
Do you think she was embarrassed about it?... 你觉得她曾为此而难为情吗?
You were probably brought up to think like that... 你可能从小就被教育那样考虑问题。
He can keep matters under control by silencing the demonstrators and others who think like them... 他可以通过压制示威者和与他们观点相同的人来控制住事态。
She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to think... 她闭了一会儿眼睛,努力思考着。
I have often thought about this problem... 我常考虑这个问题。
To make the computer work at full capacity, the programmer has to think like the machine... 为了让计算机充分发挥作用,程序员就得像计算机一样思考。
I meet many businessmen, and I see they think in terms of the overall picture... 我认识许多商人,我发觉他们考虑问题都是从全局出发的。
Nobody could think of anything to say... 谁也想不出什么话说。
I can't think of any reason why he should do that... 我想不出来他为什么非要那样做。
He thought of another way of getting out of the marriage... 他又想到一个摆脱那桩婚姻的点子。
I don't know why I never thought of that. 我怎么就从未想到过那一点。
She must be ill, Tatiana thought... 她一定是病了,塔蒂亚娜心想。
I remember thinking how lovely he looked... 我记得曾经在心里暗想他的样子多么可爱。
We all thought of him as a father... 我们都视他为父亲。
He thinks of it as his home... 他将那儿当作自己的家。
To tell the truth, I don't think much of psychiatrists... 说实话,我不太喜欢精神科医生。
The Director thought a good deal of him... 主任对他评价很高。
I'm only thinking of you... 我一心只为你着想。
You never think of anyone but yourself... 你从来不考虑别人,就只顾你自己。
Martin was thinking of taking legal action against Zuckerman... 马丁在考虑对朱克曼提起诉讼。
Have you ever thought of marrying?... 你有没有想过结婚?
I'm primarily thinking of the first year... 我考虑的主要是第一年。
There is a theme of tragedy that runs through it: I'm thinking in particular of the story of Tom Howard. 贯穿始终的是一个悲剧主题,特别是汤姆·霍华德的故事。
Who does she think she is? Trying to make a fool of me like that... 她以为她是谁啊?竟敢那样取笑我。
You can't do this! What do you think you're doing?... 你不能这样做!你以为自己在干些什么?
To think I left you alone in a place with a madman at large!... 想想看,我竟然把你一个人抛在那儿,让你和一个无人看管的疯子呆在一起!
When I think of how you've behaved and the trouble you've got into! 现在想想看,你都做了些什么,闯了多少祸!
y [ˈjəugə:t] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 酸奶; 酸乳酪
Would dairy products such as skim milk and cheese and yoghurt be available? 可以买到像脱脂牛奶、乳酪和酸酪这样的奶制品吗?
The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt. 生产商试图召回变质的酸乳酪.
Monday : Sweet corn salad, Garlic bread, Seasonal fruits, rice noodle with beef, Cucumber, Juice or yoghurt. 星期一:甜玉米沙拉; 蒜蓉面包; 时令水果;牛肉炒河粉; 黄瓜; 果汁或酸奶.
They will eat mostly rice and sauces made from yoghurt and tamarind, spiced with peppers. 他们主要吃米饭和由酸乳酪和罗望子果加胡椒制成的调味汁.
Tuesday : Cheery tomato salad with cucumber, Rye bread, Seasonal fruits, Chicken pizza, Carrot, Juice or yoghurt. 星期二: 小番茄黄瓜沙拉; 黑麦面包; 时令水果; 鸡肉比萨; 胡萝卜; 果汁或酸奶.
Well mix the milk, yoghurt, eggs, almond extract and sugar in a bowl. 把牛奶, 酸奶, 鸡蛋, 杏仁精和砂糖用打蛋器打匀.
I only had a strawberry yoghurt for breakfast. 我早餐只吃一个草莓酸奶.
A yoghurt was produced from Coix and soybean. 以薏苡仁、大豆为原料,研制薏苡酸奶,探讨其工艺.
An impression of the continuous of yoghurt was introduced. 对两种菌的刺激作用和连续发酵工艺予以介绍.
Drink too cool yoghurt to may cause have loose bowels or upset stomach. 喝太凉的酸奶可能引起拉肚子或肚子痛.
The yoghurt is featured by rich flavour and fine and smooth mouthfeel. 制成了香味浓郁、口感细腻的花生蛋白乳酸饮料.
The attention does not buy protein content > of 1.0 %, that is not true yoghurt. 注重不要买蛋白质含量>1.0%的, 那不是真正的酸奶.
Lactic acid bacteria are involved in the formation of yoghurt, cheese, sauerkraut, and silage. 乳酸菌常被用来制作酸奶 、 干酪 、 泡菜和青贮饲料.
I like drinking creamy yoghurt in summer. 我喜欢在夏天喝些酸奶.
The consumers get a mild, creamy and healthy yoghurt. 消费者能够买到味道温和 、 质感浓稠,而且健康的酸奶.
I am investigating how yoghurt is made. 我正在调查酸奶是怎样制成的.
In this paper, the isolation and identification of yoghurt market were studied. 本文对引进酸奶发酵剂进行菌种分离与鉴定.
Mmm. I love yoghurt. 嗯. 我喜欢酸奶.
Processing technology of set Acanthopanax senticosus Harms yoghurt was studied with Acanthopanax senticosus Harms and milk. 以刺五加和牛乳为主要原料,对凝固型刺五加发酵酸乳的制作进行了研究.
This yoghurt contains no artificial flavouring or colouring. 这种酸乳酪不含人造香料或着色剂.
The effect of protein and milk fat on producing yoghurt is few. 而蛋白质和乳脂肪对产酸的影响较小.
The processing conditions, formulation and production influencing factors of jelly type coconut yoghurt were probed into. 探讨了凝固型椰子酸奶的工艺条件 、 配方及生产影响因素.
The processing technology and formula for hedgehog hydnum juice yoghurt are studied in the paper. 对猴头汁酸乳制作工艺及配方进行了研究.
Friday : Caesar salad with chicken, Mixed bread, Seasonal fruits, Fried rice with sausage, Juice or yoghurt. 星期五:鸡肉凯撒沙拉; 餐包; 时令水果; 扬州炒饭配炸泥肠; 果汁或酸奶.
This paper introduced a new process of soybean yoghurt made from soybean cake. 介绍了一种以脱脂豆粕为原料生产发酵酸豆乳的生产工艺.
This yoghurt has a deliciously creamy flavour. 这酸奶有一种香甜的奶油味。
Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and fruit, with unlimited wine. 午餐很丰盛,有肉、蔬菜、奶酪、酸奶、水果,酒无限量供应。
Thin down your mayonnaise with soured cream or natural yoghurt. 用酸奶油或原味酸奶稀释蛋黄酱。
If you don't take milk, cheese or yoghurt, other sources of calcium are important. 你要是不喝鲜奶和酸奶,也不吃乳酪,那么其他的补钙来源就很重要了。
[ˈsɔiə milk] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 豆奶; 豆浆
Common liquid packaging film content from soy sauce, vinegar, milk, soya milk, pesticides, cosmetics, etc. 多见的固体包装膜不步不不天物有酱油 、 醋 、 牛奶 、 豆乳 、 农药 、 化妆品等.
By cutting off milk and substituting unsweetened soya milk cancer cells are being starved. 食用不加糖的豆奶(豆浆)取代牛奶,则可使癌细胞饿死.
Cancer feeds on mucus milk and substituting with unsweetened soya milk cancer cells are being starved. 那些黏液也是癌细胞的食物之一,所以停食奶类,改用不带甜的豆浆也能饿死癌细胞.
What drink do you like best? I like soya milk. That's my favourite drink. 你最喜欢的饮料是什么? 我喜欢豆奶. 那是我最喜欢的饮料.
soya milk can cause allergic reactions in some children. 有些孩子会对豆浆过敏。
[fiʃ ˈfiŋɡə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 鱼条 查看答案
[lei ðə ˈteibl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
摆设餐具(准备吃饭); 摆放桌子
Leave the cloth on. I want to lay the table for supper. 台布不要取下, 我要摆桌子开晚饭了.
He began to lay the table, and she watched him. 他开始铺桌子, 她看着他.
Will you please lay the table for dinner? 请你摆好餐具准备吃饭好 吗 ?
When the supper was ready, mother told her to lay the table. 晚饭准备好了, 妈妈告诉她摆好餐具.
At that moment Margaret Brodie hurried into the kitchen to lay the table. 这时候,玛格丽特·布罗迪匆匆忙忙走进厨房来摆餐桌.
Set a place for him when you lay the table he may come after all. 铺桌子时给他摆上一份餐具--毕竟他有可能来.
He told the waiter to lay the table for eight. 他要服务员摆了八个人吃饭的餐具.
Mother told me to lay the table for breakfast. 母亲让我摆好桌子准备吃早饭.
My mother told me to lay the table for eight. 母亲让我摆好桌子准备8个人吃饭.
He told me to lay the table for six. 他让我摆好桌子准备6个人吃饭.
Well, you can lay the table. 嗯, 你可以摆桌子.
She went to lay the table for dinner. 她去摆好餐桌准备吃晚饭.
What I did was to lay the table. 我所做的是摆桌子.
lay the table for dinner. 摆好餐具准备吃饭.
If you can't cook the dinner, you can at least lay the table. 你如果不会做饭, 至少可以把桌子摆好.
u [ʌnˈhelθi:] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 不健康的; 不卫生的
They looked poor and unhealthy. 他们看起来贫病交加。
unhealthy skin 不健康的皮肤
His eyeballs were an unhealthy yellow. 他的眼球是不健康的蜡黄色。
unhealthy living conditions 有碍健康的生活条件
an unhealthy diet/lifestyle 不良的饮食 / 生活方式
He had an unhealthy interest in disease and death. 他对疾病与死亡有一种病态的兴趣。
Avoid unhealthy foods such as hamburger and chips... 不要吃不健康食品,如汉堡和薯条。
He worked in the notoriously unhealthy environment of a coal mine. 他在一个环境出了名恶劣的煤矿里工作。
I'm quite unhealthy really. 我真的很不舒服。
...a poorly dressed, unhealthy looking fellow with a poor complexion. 衣衫褴褛、脸色憔悴、一副病容的人
The redundancy of skilled and experienced workers is a terrible waste and a clear sign of an unhealthy economy. 技术熟练、经验丰富的工人过剩是可怕的浪费,也是经济运行不良的明显征兆。
Frank has developed what I would term an unhealthy relationship with these people... 弗兰克与这些人的关系在我看来不正常。
This government has developed an unhealthy obsession with secrecy... 本届政府在保密方面做过了头。
The doctor examined the child and said she was unhealthy. 医生检查了孩子后说她并不健康.
These are unhealthy examples for the young. 这些例子对年轻人有害.
They binge and then go back to their unhealthy habits. 他们为此极度苦恼,然后恢复了原来不健康的饮食.
This is a lifestyle that is dehumanizing us, making us unhealthy, stressed out, and unhappy. 这是一种极大的破坏我们生活质量的生活方式, 使我们的生活不那么健康, 充满了压力和烦恼.
He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students. 他总是做脏的且不健康的糖果,并销售给学生.
Which food do you think is healthy and which is unhealthy? 你认为哪种食物是健康的,哪种是不健康的 呢 ?
There are an unhealthy atmosphere, the impact on college students, is very bad. 社会上一些不良的风气, 对大学生来说影响是很坏的.
Casual dating is unhealthy and pathetic. But many guys seem to prefer that. 简单约会系一种唔健康及乏味的约会, 但似乎很多人都喜欢.
Aoid negative and unhealthy connections that might bring you down. 避免消极和不健康的交往,这可能是你堕落.
We must put a resolute stop to these unhealthy practices. 这种不良风气必须坚决制止.
It can be caused by obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle. 肥胖和不健康的生活方式都有可能导致糖尿病.
He made some routine observations upon the unhealthy effect of the night breeze at that season. 他照例说了些诸如这个季节的夜风对身体不好之类的话.
Jeffrey Dinslage says people often ask him about unhealthy discoloration discoloration on rose leaves, he. 杰弗里.道格拉斯说人们经常问他关于玫瑰叶上不健康的污点.
c [ˈkænədə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 加拿大[北美洲]
Innovation is another key part of the canada - China partnership. 创新是中加关系另一关键部分.
On estime que quelque 130 000 personnes d'origine ha ? tienne vivent au canada. 预计有约12万海地人来加定居.
Imprisoned lake, under canada rainstorm, mountain massif landslide mud - rock flow. 堰塞湖, 加之下暴雨, 山体滑坡的泥石流.
canada's celebration date, usually is comes from Britain's abundant harvest commemoration day. 加国的庆祝日, 通常是源自于英国的丰收纪念日.
English are skilled, base pay canada deducts a percentage. 英语熟练, 基本工资加提成.
canada $ 9, overseas $ 13 via International 1 st class mail. 加拿大9美元, 海外13美元通过国际第一类邮件.
Chiefly Northern California Chiefly canada A large, overstuffed sofa with upright armrests. 一种有垂直的扶手, 垫得很厚的大沙发.
America and canada's hardware facility very is also good. 美加的硬件设施也很好.
canada also staged one Summer Games -- in Montreal in 1976. 前两次分别是1988年的加尔加里冬季奥运会以及1976年的 蒙特利尔 夏季奥运会.
Taught at Queen's University , canada . Research and teaching: macroeconomics and monetary economics. 主要研究和教学领域: 宏观经济学、货币经济学.
I had never even been to canada before I got this job. 多伦多是个很棒的城市.
Any of several other fragrant plant resins, such as canada balsam. 用来制作香水和熏香的芳香树脂.
Customs: Everything is fine. Enjoy your visit to canada. 海关: 一切都很好. 祝您旅途愉快!
Four or five major firms supply most of the fertilizer in canada. 这种少数大企业对市场的控制,叫做寡头独占.
Will ship to canada for $ 3.95 via First Class Mail International. 将发运到加拿大为3.95美元通过一级邮件国际.
[ˈlitl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 小的; 一点; 少的
a little house 小房子
a little group of tourists 一小批游客
a little old lady 一位小老太太
the classic little black dress 经典式样的黑色小连衣裙
‘Which do you want? ’ ‘I'll take the little one. ’ “你要哪一个?”“我要那个小的。”
She gave a little laugh. 她笑了一笑。
I had little money and little free time... 我没什么钱,也没多少空闲时间。
I find that I need very little sleep these days... 我发现最近我只需要睡很少时间。
On their way back to Marseille they spoke very little... 返回马赛的路上,他们没怎么说话。
Only Africa is at present little affected by hard drugs. 目前只有非洲没怎么受到硬毒品的影响。
Mrs Caan needs a little help getting her groceries home... 卡安太太需要有人帮把手将食品杂货拿回家。
A little food would do us all some good... 吃点东西,对我们大家都会有好处。
He walked a little by himself in the garden. 他一个人在花园里散了一会儿步。
He complained a little of a nagging pain between his shoulder blades... 他有几句提到说肩胛骨之间一直在疼。
He was a little bit afraid of his father's reaction... 他有点害怕父亲的反应。
In the beginning he had felt well, but little by little he was becoming weaker... 一开始他感觉很好,但慢慢地就变虚弱了。
I would have to learn, little by little, to exist alone. 我得慢慢学会独自生活。
We sat around a little table, eating and drinking wine. 我们围坐在一张小桌旁吃吃喝喝。
...the little group of art students. 那一小群艺术专业的学生
She's got the nicest little house not far from the library. 她有一幢非常漂亮的小房子,就在离图书馆不远处。
...a little old lady... 身材娇小的老太太
I have a little boy of 8... 我有一个8岁的小男孩。
When I was little I was very hyperactive. 我小时候异常好动。
Whenever Daniel's little sister was asked to do something she always had a naughty reply. 每次让丹尼尔的妹妹做什么事,她总是要淘气地回嘴。
Just go down the road a little way, turn left, and cross the bridge... 沿这条路走一小段,向左转,然后过桥。
Why don't we just wait a little while and see what happens... 为什么不再等一下看看事态的发展。
I had a little laugh to myself... 我自顾自地笑了一下。
She stood up quickly, giving a little cry of astonishment... 她迅速站了起来,惊叫了一声。
...irritating little habits... 烦人的小毛病
Harry found himself getting angry over little things that had never bothered him before. 哈里发现自己会因为小事而生气,而以前他从不会在意这些事情。
nw zend
📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
新西兰(地名) n. 新西兰(大洋洲)
This new zealand winery produces some of the best antipodean wines. 这家新西兰酿酒厂出产一些最好的澳新葡萄酒。
Can the new zealand bowlers fight back after their thrashing at Christchurch? 在克赖斯特彻奇遭遇惨败后,新西兰的投球手们还有还手之力吗?
Information on travel in new zealand is available at the hotel. 新西兰的旅行信息可以在宾馆获取。
Carlos Sainz of Spain has won the new zealand Motor Rally. 西班牙人卡洛斯·赛恩斯在新西兰摩托车公路大赛中夺冠。
new zealand were ahead inside five minutes. 新西兰队领先了不到5分钟。
France patched things up with new zealand. 法国和新西兰重修旧好。
Oceania is mainly made up of Australia and new zealand. 大洋洲主要是由澳大利亚和新西兰组成的.
Australia's rugby union team for the return clash with new zealand is weakened by injury. 将再次和新西兰队交手的澳大利亚业余英式橄榄球队由于球员受伤实力削弱了.
Sometimes when I performed in new zealand, I was doing a very presentable job. 有时,在新西兰演出的时候,我表现得很出彩。
For summer skiing down under, there is no better place than new zealand. 就澳新地区而言,夏季滑雪的最佳去处是新西兰。
Much of the butter eaten in England comes from new zealand. 在英国食用的黄油多产自新西兰.
This program is beamed to Australia and new zealand at 12:00 daily. 本节目每天12点向澳大利亚和新西兰播送.
They speak English in new zealand. 他们在新西兰讲英语.
Throughout the whole Empire and the English - speaking world the name of new zealand is saluted. 在整个帝国和英语世界中,新西兰的名称令人肃然起敬.
The pass was sternly defended for the necessary three days by the 5 th new zealand Brigade. 第五新西兰旅在该山口死守了三天,这是必须据守的三天.
[ˈhelθi] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 健康的; 健壮的; 有益健康的
to eat healthily 吃得健康
a healthy bank balance 一大笔银行结余
a healthy profit 丰厚的利润
Your car doesn't sound very healthy. 你的车听声音好像不很正常。
a healthy economy 繁荣的经济
It's not healthy the way she clings to the past. 她那种沉湎于过去的态度不明智。
She has a healthy respect for her rival's talents. 她很有风度地尊重对手的才能。
The child showed a healthy curiosity. 这孩子的好奇心很正常。
a shampoo that keeps hair looking healthy 护发洗发剂
to have a healthy appetite 胃口好
a healthy diet/climate/lifestyle 对健康有益的饮食 / 气候 / 生活方式
Keep healthy by eating well and exercising regularly. 通过良好饮食和经常性锻炼保持健康。
a healthy child/animal/tree 健康的孩子 / 动物 / 树
It's very healthy to be afraid when there's something to be afraid of. 不逞匹夫之勇是很明智的。
She has a refreshingly healthy attitude to work... 她对工作持一种明智态度,令人耳目一新。
...a healthy bank account. 巨额账户
He predicts a continuation of healthy profits in the current financial year. 他预计本财年能继续保持可观的利润。
She had a normal pregnancy and delivered a healthy child. 她正常妊娠,生了个健康的孩子。
Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy... 我们中大多数人需要过更为平衡的生活,以保持健康和快乐。
tt [təust] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 烤面包; 吐司面包
cheese on toast 烤面包片加奶酪
a piece of toast 一块烤面包片
two slices/rounds of toast 两片 / 两整片烤面包片
I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom. 我提议为新娘新郎干杯。
The committee drank a toast to the new project. 委员会为这项新计划干杯。
The performance made her the toast of the festival. 她的演出使她在艺术节中备受推崇。
One mistake and you're toast. 要是出一次错,你就完了。
The happy couple were toasted in champagne. 人们举起香槟酒为这对幸福的伉俪干杯。
We toasted the success of the new company. 我们为新公司的成功干杯。
a toasted sandwich 烤过的三明治
Place under a hot grill until the nuts have toasted. 把这些坚果放在高温烤架下面烤熟。
...a piece of toast. 一片吐司
toast the bread lightly on both sides. 稍稍烘烤面包两面。
...a toasted sandwich. 烤三明治
Eleanor and I drank a toast to Miss Jacobs... 我和埃莉诺向雅各布斯小姐敬酒。
At the end of the meal Burgoyne was asked to propose a toast. 用餐终了,伯戈因被邀请致祝酒词。
Party officials and generals toasted his health... 政党官员与军队将领为他的健康举杯祝酒。
They toasted her in champagne. 他们以香槟为她干杯。
She was the toast of Paris. 她是巴黎最受推崇的人。
They know how to control, restrict and, if need be, throttle access, important to newspapers and absolutely vital to radio and television. And if you don't play the game, you're toast. 他们知道怎样控制、限制信息获取途径,而且如果需要,还会将其完全阻断,而这些途径对报纸来说很重要,对广播、电视更是极其关键。如果你不遵守游戏规则,你就完蛋了。
He filled everyone's cup and proposed a toast to the guests. 他给每个人满上了酒,建议为来宾们干一杯.
I dropped my toast, but luckily it fell right side up. 我把吐司掉到地上了, 不过幸好它正面朝上.
I had toast and marmalade this morning. 今天早晨我吃的是烤面包加果酱.
We had toast and jelly at breakfast. 我们早餐吃的是烤面包和果冻.
She spread the toast thinly with raspberry jam. 她在烤面包片上塗了薄薄的一层山莓酱.
I ate two slices of toast. 我吃了两片吐司.
e [iˈnʌf] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adv. 足够地; 充分地; 很; 相当 adj. 足够的
There was nowhere near enough for everybody. 没有离每个人都近的地方。
We've nearly run out of paper. Do you think there's enough for today? 我们的纸差不多已用完了。你看今天够用吗?
‘He's a politician, remember. ’ ‘enough said. ’ “记住,他是一个政客。”“不用多说了。”
I've had enough of driving the kids around. 我已厌烦驾车带孩子们到处去。
I hadn't trained enough for the game. 对比赛我训练得不够。
This house isn't big enough for us. 这房子对我们来说不够大。
She's old enough to decide for herself. 她已到自己作决定的年龄了。
We didn't leave early enough. 我们离开得不够早。
Tell them it's just not good enough . 告诉他们这确实不够好。
He seemed pleasant enough to me. 他对我似乎已相当和气了。
If enough of you are interested, we'll organize a trip to the theatre. 如果你们中有足够多的人感兴趣,我们就组织去看一场戏。
Have you had enough (= to eat) ? 你吃饱了吗?
Six bottles should be enough. 六瓶应该够了。
(old-fashioned)There was food enough for all. 所有人都有足够的食物。
Have you made enough copies? 你复制的份数够吗?
Is there enough room for me? 有足够的地方给我吗?
I didn't have enough clothes to last a week. 我的衣服不够一周穿的。
Don't ask me to do it. I've got enough problems as it is. 别让我做这件事。我目前的问题已够多了。
I had had enough of other people for one night. 我已经受够了别人搞一夜情。
My husband is a jazz musician. enough said. 我丈夫是位爵士音乐家,透露这一点就够了。
I got this phone call from a gentleman, who seemed sincere enough... 这个电话是一位绅士打来的,他似乎非常诚恳。
Strangely enough, the last thing he thought of was his beloved Tanya... 说来也怪,他最后想到的才是他心爱的塔尼娅。
Her latest conquest is an Italian who, interestingly enough, doesn't speak a word of his native language. 她新搭上了个意大利人。有意思的是,那个意大利人一句意大利语都不会说。
Stop asking questions! You should know when enough is enough. 别问问题了!你应该知道什么时候该适可而止。
I've had enough—there are limits even for the patience of a saint!... 我已经受够了——即使是圣人忍耐也是有限的!
I think I have said enough... 我想我已经说得够多了。
Winter is a common enough German surname... 温特是一个非常普通的德国姓氏。
They had enough cash for a one-way ticket... 他们有足够的钱买单程票。
There aren't enough tents to shelter them all. 没有足够的帐篷供他们容身。
I met him only the once, and that was enough... 我就见过他那一次,那就让我受够了。