He is living now in his mother's home county of Oxfordshire... 他现在居住在他母亲的故乡牛津郡。
Over 50 events are planned throughout the county. 全县共筹划了50多次活动。
Wish you a bright and joyful Christmas! 祝你过一个愉快欢乐的圣诞.
The county Party secretary has gone to stay in a village to gain firsthand experience. 县委书记到一个乡村蹲点去了.
Everyone signed the petition to the county Council for a new school in our village. 大家在致县委会的请愿书上签了名,要求在我们村里办一所新学校.
The canal has proved useful to the county in many ways. 这条水渠给这个县带来的好处是多方面的.
When the good news reached there, the whole county rejoiced. 喜讯传到那里时, 全县的人都欢欣鼓舞起来.
In that year county after county fell to the enemy. 那一年一个又一个的县城沦入敌人手中.
These horses were judged the best in the county. 这些马被评为全县最好的马.
The county voted the measure down. 全郡投票否决了该项议案.
It was based on Faulkner's own birthplace of Oxford county. 这是根据福克纳的出生地牛津郡写的.
The official sitting in the county seat can't order people around like one sitting right here. 县官不如现管.
There was only one public bathroom in the small county town and it was always packed with people. 小小县城只有一家公共浴池,因此天天爆满.
They hurried through the work and started off for the county town. 他们赶忙把工作做完,然后动身到县城去.
The criminal has been sent to the county seat under guard. 这个罪犯已经解到县里去了.
We met in Dorchester, Dorset's bustling county town. 我们在多塞特熙熙攘攘的郡首府多切斯特相遇。
We calculate that the average size farm in Lancaster county is 65 acres. 我们计算出兰开斯特郡的农场面积平均为65英亩。
Ramona spoke with warmth when she recollected the doctor who used to be at the county hospital. 拉蒙纳回忆起曾在乡村医院工作的那位医生时,言语中透着温情。
It is sad to see a county confine its activities to undignified public bickering. 看到整个县都不顾颜面地公开争吵,真让人感到难过。
I ran straight up to Columbia county, then turned East, came down the Harlem Valley and thence home. 我一直跑到哥伦比亚县,然后向东转,沿着哈勒姆山谷,从那里回到家。
Between 100 and 150 travellers' vehicles were scattered around the county, with the largest gathering centred on Ampfield. 大约100到150辆旅游车分散在这个县里,其中数量最多的一拨集中在安帕菲尔德。
He has been a Derby county supporter since boyhood. 他从孩提时代起就是德比郡队的支持者。
I married above myself — rich county people. 我高攀了一门亲事,是县里的富有人家。
The riots will also mean lost income for Los Angeles county. 暴乱还意味着洛杉矶县收入的损失。
Bailiffs need a certificate from the county court to seize goods for rent arrears. 查封官需要有郡法院的证明才能没收货物以抵欠租。
The party won at least one county, and ran a close second in several others. 该党派至少在一个郡获胜,而在其他几个郡也和第一名相距甚微。
[ˈhju:mərəs] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
The poem humorously describes local characters and traditions. 那首诗幽默地描述了当地的人物和传统。
He had a wide mouth and humorous grey eyes. 他有一张大嘴巴,一双滑稽的灰眼睛。
He gave a humorous account of their trip to Spain. 他饶有风趣地讲述了他们的西班牙之行。
...a humorous magazine. 幽默杂志
He was quite humorous, and I liked that about him. 他很幽默,我喜欢他这一点。
His performance is interesting , humorous and smart. 常演剧目有:《三岔口》、《钓金龟》、《女起解》、《乌盆记》等.
I thought the last speaker at the meeting was especially humorous. 我觉得会上最后一个发言人尤为幽默.
He was quite humorous and I liked that about him. 他非常幽默,我喜欢他这一点.
The poet ranted his humorous verses before a big crowd. 这位诗人在大庭广众之下大声朗诵他的幽默诗句.
Each had a different way, humorous or philosophic , contemptuous, sour, or sly, of showing this resentment. 各人有各人不同的表示憎恨的方式, 诙谐的,明达的, 傲慢的, 酸溜溜的或者调皮的.
His humorous address catch the ear of the people. 他的幽默谈吐让讲课变得很轻松.
We like the teachers both knowledgeable and humorous. 我们喜欢知识渊博又有幽默感的老师.
The book takes a humorous look at parenthood. 这本书以幽默的笔触论述了父母的身份.
This novel by its humorous satire exaggerating technique, concentratedreflection bourgeois democracy false and deceit. 这篇小说以其幽默讽刺的夸张手法, 集中反映了资产阶级民主的虚伪性和欺骗性.
Writing of foreign humor news gives people humorous feeling as well as amusement and enjoyment. 国外幽默新闻写作使新闻富有了幽默美感,给人以娱乐和享受.
Being humorous also helps you to have good humanamong people. 幽默风趣还能帮助你有良好的人际关系.
He speaks in a humorous and implicit vein. 他说话幽默含蓄.
Her name is Lisa, from New Zealand, a young, beautiful, lively and humorous teacher. 她叫丽莎, 新西兰人, 一个年轻 、 漂亮 、 活泼、幽默的老师.
He introduced his speech with a humorous anecdote. 他讲了一则幽默轶事作为讲演的引子.
They are not only brilliant individuals, but also exceptionally human, humble and sometimes even downright humorous. 他们不但绝顶聪明, 而且非常有人情味 、 很谦虚、有时还很幽默呢.
He is witty and humorous. 这个人很风趣.
A humorous sentence will give a lively touch to the lesson. 一个幽默的句子会给一堂课增添一股活力.
He is of a humorous turn. 他性情幽默.
May: It tells a romantic and humorous love story. 阿美: 它讲述了一个浪漫而诙谐的爱情故事.
The more popular newspapers like to use cartoons and humorous drawings. 更通俗的新闻报刊喜欢使用卡通画和幽默漫画.
His humorous toast gingered up the party. 他幽默的祝酒辞使宴会的气氛活跃起来了.
There was, they felt, one very humorous incident on the way. 出了一个他们认为十分有趣的小插曲.
Computer auxiliary test is turning into the new tide in teaching with humorous potential demand. 计算机辅助实验在教学中的应用已成为时代的潮流,它有着巨大的潜在需求.
e ['eɪtɪ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
num.八十; n.八十;八十年代;八十岁; adj.八十的;八十个的;八十岁的;
eighty horses trotted up. 80匹马小跑起来。
He was in his late eighties and had become the country's most respected elder statesman. 他年近九旬,已成为该国最受尊崇的政界元老。
He ran a property development business in the eighties. 他在20世纪80年代经营着一家房地产开发公司。
The focus of the earthquake was eighty miles from our city. 这次地震的震源在距我市八十英里的地方.
He stands one metre and eighty. 他身高一米八十.
City's officals says the material lets as mush eighty percent of rainwater pass through. 另外渗透性人行道已经可以让水通过表面并让水到土壤里.
Our product line includes more than eighty series in over 12,000 various specifications. 我们的产品线包括八十以上系列超过12,000多个规格.
My first teacher was eighty years old on his last birthday, and is still going strong. 我的启蒙老师上次生日已80高龄了.
The river is about eighty miles long. 这条河大约八十英里长.
We can get a fair meal for eighty cents. 我们花8角钱可吃上一顿不错的饭.
Seventy or eighty years after Sima, there was another famous writer, whose name was Yang Xiong. 距司马相如七八十年后.又出了一位著名的文学家杨雄, 也是成都人.
He carries his eighty years well. 真看不出他是八十高龄的老人.
My grandfather was eighty when he died and was gathered to his fathers. 祖父80岁那年随先人于地下去了.
By 1937, Wernher von Braun was supervising a group of eighty rocket engineers and scientists. 时至1937年, 韦恩赫··劳恩率领着一个由80名火箭工程师和科学家组成的小组开展工作.
The watch is worth about eighty yuan. 这只手表价值80元左右.
He may be eighty, but he is still lively. 他可能已有80岁, 但是仍然充满朝气.
He is eighty, but still hale and hearty. 他年已八旬, 但仍老当益壮.
There are scores of people there, maybe eighty or more. 那里有好多人, 也许有80个或者更多.
The old man is over eighty. 这位老人已年逾80.
eighty people died when bombs rained down on the city's crowded streets. 炸弹在城市拥挤的街道上雨点般落下,造成80人死亡.
Having walked eighty miles that day, some of them were played out at the end. 那天走了80里, 结果他们中有几个人感到疲倦极了.
He was over eighty years of age, infirm and totally blind. 他八十多岁了,身体虚弱, 双目失明.
eighty horses trotted up. 80匹马小跑起来。
The poll canvassed the views of almost eighty economists. 民意调查征询了将近80位经济学家的意见。
The stadium has been fitted with seating for over eighty thousand spectators. 这个体育场配备了8万多个观众座席。
All eighty opposition members of parliament have handed in their resignation. 议会中80名反对党成员全部递交了辞呈。
p ['pɪktʃə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.照片,画像;图画,图片;影片;情景; vt.构想,想象;描绘,画;描述;
A picture of flowers hung on the wall. 墙上挂着一张花卉的图画。
The children were drawing pictures of their pets. 孩子们在画他们的宠物。
She wanted a famous artist to paint her picture (= a picture of herself) . 她想请一位名画家为自己画像。
a book with lots of pictures in it 一本有大量插图的书
We had our picture taken in front of the hotel. 我们在旅馆前照了相。
The picture shows the couple together on their yacht. 照片显示这对情侣一同在他们的游艇上。
A picture of Rory O'Moore hangs in the dining room at Kildangan. 一幅罗里·奥穆尔的画像挂在基尔丹根的餐厅里。
...drawing a small picture with coloured chalks. 用彩色粉笔画一张小画
The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other... 游客无事可做,只能互相拍照。
The Observer carries a big front-page picture of rioters in a litter-strewn street. 《观察家报》在头版刊登了一张暴乱者聚集在满是垃圾的街头的大幅照片。
...heartrending television pictures of human suffering. 令人心碎的人类遭受苦难的电视画面
The golfer is pictured on many of the front pages, kissing his trophy as he holds it aloft. 许多报纸的头版上都刊登了那个高尔夫球手高高举起奖杯亲吻的照片。
...a woman who claimed she had been pictured dancing with a celebrity in Stringfellows nightclub... 宣称自己在斯特林费洛夜总会和某位名人跳舞的照片上了报纸的女子
Warner Communications Inc. has refused to distribute the picture in the United States. 华纳通信公司已拒绝在美国发行这部电影。
...a director of epic action pictures. 史诗动作片的导演
We're going to the pictures tonight... 我们今晚要去看电影。
I'd rather see it at the pictures than on video anyway. 我本来就宁可去电影院看,而不是看录像。
They have in their mind a picture of what an alcoholic should look like... 他们的心中有一个酒鬼应有的样子。
We are just trying to get our picture of the whole afternoon straight... 我们只是想把整个下午的情形搞清楚。
He pictured her with long black braided hair... 他想象她留着黑油油的长辫子的样子。
I never would have pictured this as her home... 我怎么也想不出她的家会是这样。
I'll try and give you a better picture of what the boys do... 我会试着更清楚地向你描述一下这些男孩子都干些什么。
Her book paints a bleak picture of the problems women now face... 她的书是女性当下所面临问题的凄凉写照。
But as with other charitable bodies, these figures mask the true picture... 但和其他慈善机构一样,这些数字掩盖了实情。
It's a similar picture across the border in Ethiopia. 在边界那边的埃塞俄比亚,情况也大致相似。
Luke never tells you the whole story, but you always get the picture. 卢克从不告诉你事情的来龙去脉,但你总会弄明白是怎么回事。
Meyerson is back in the picture after disappearing in July... 迈耶森在7月份消失后现在又掺和了进来了。
Sometimes security was so tight that people who might have had something important to offer were left out of the picture. 有时安全措施过于严密,使本来可能会提供重要情况的人成了局外人。
We found her standing on a chair, the picture of terror, screaming hysterically. 我们发现她站在一把椅子上,满脸恐惧地发出歇斯底里的尖叫。
Has Inspector Fayard put you in the picture? 法亚尔督察把情况都告诉你了吗?
[ˈgræntʃaɪld] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Mary loves her grandchildren. 玛丽很疼爱她的孙子们。
Ask the clerk in payroll to show you pictures of her new grandchild. 让工资处的人把她刚出生的小孙孙的照片拿给你看看.
We could steal a grandchild or two and go on a real cruise with you. 我们可以偷偷带走一两个孙子,跟你作一次真正的航行.
I am my gr's first grandchild. 我是我祖父的第一个孙子.
FRANK: you are his favorite grandchild. 你是他最疼的孙子.
Second, the sound of the grandchild, the brothers and sisters relationships. 第二 、 健全了祖孙间 、 兄弟姐妹间的关系.
It's a boy. My parents are so delighted. It's their first grandchild. 是个男孩. 我父母好高兴.它是他们第一个外孙.
He loves his grandchild very much. 他非常喜欢他的孙儿.
She asked her grandchild to take care of the cat while she was away on holiday. 她要她的孙儿在她出外度假时,代为照顾那只猫.
And how does he expect to provide for my grandchild? 那他打算用什么来抚养我们的孙子?
All the family attended the baptism of the first grandchild. 家庭所有成员都参加了第一个孙子的洗礼仪式.
This is my grandchild. 这位是我的孙子.
She was my last living grandparent and I was her only grandchild. 她是我祖辈中最后一位离世的,我是她惟一的外孙.
The day before the flood, her littlest grandchild had come down with malaria. 洪水前的一天, 她最小的孙子得了疟疾病倒了.
He lavished kisses upon his grandchild. 他一再地吻他的孙子.
As soon as the old man sees his grandchild his face lights up. 老人一见到孙子就喜笑颜开的.
For the beside 10 ages , we entertain our grandchild by making monkeymonkey tricks. 之后10年, 咱们扮鬼脸耍把戏让孙辈开心.
Sadly he died before he could see his grandchild. 令人伤心的是他在死之前没有看到他的孙子.
His grandchild is a naughty boy. 他的孙子是个淘气的男孩.
You don't know where your grandchild lives? 你是说你不知道你的孙女住哪儿?
The father buys, the son begs, the grandchild sells, and his son things. 父买 、 子修建 、 孙儿卖, 重孙街上当乞丐.
The household grew up, and ago too ages had passed, the grandchild arrived to visit. 多年过去, 宝宝们长大, 孙子孙女们也来到了世上.
Each stocking was among the first gifts she would give to her newest grandchild. 每一只都出现在她第一次送给新生的孙子孙女的礼物当中.
Pablito , his only grandchild, ran to greet him. 他唯一的孙子, 跑过来迎接他.
We're taking our little grandchild away with us. We'll make sure he has the time of his life. 我们会把小孙子带走。我们一定会让他过得开心。
The letter was correctly addressed, but delivered to the wrong house. 信上的姓名地址写得都对,但被错投到另一家去了。
What's your email address ? 你的电邮地址是什么?
The project has a new website address . 这个项目有个新的网址。
What's your name and address ? 你的姓名、住址?
I'll give you my address and phone number. 我会告诉你我的地址和电话号码。
Is that your home address ? 这是你的住址吗?
Please note my change of address . 请注意我的地址变了。
Police found him at an address (= a house or flat/apartment) in West London. 警方在伦敦西区一处住所里找到了他。
people of no fixed address (= with no permanent home) 没有固定居所的人
Throughout the book we have addressed ourselves to the problem of ethics. 整本书中我们都在探讨伦理观的问题。
The address is 2025 M Street, Northwest, Washington, DC, 20036... 地址为华盛顿特区,西北区,M大街2025号,邮政编码20036。
We require details of your name and address. 我们需要你的姓名和地址的详细信息。
Applications should be addressed to: The business affairs editor. 申请表应寄给;商务编辑。
Internet addresses are also known as URLs. 网址也被称作URL。
He is due to address a conference on human rights next week. 他下星期将在一个大会上发表关于人权的演说。
The two foreign ministers did not address each other directly when they last met... 这两位外交部长在上次会面时并没有直接的言语交流。
He addressed his remarks to Eleanor, ignoring Maria. 他和埃莉诺聊了聊,而没搭理玛丽亚。
I heard him address her as darling... 我听见他称她为“亲爱的”。
The Duchess should be addressed as Your Grace. 公爵夫人应被称为“大人”。
Mr King sought to address those fears when he spoke at the meeting... 金先生在会上讲话时试图消除那些恐惧。
['lʌkɪ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
His friend was killed and he knows he is lucky to be alive. 他的朋友丧了命,他知道自己还活着是侥幸。
She was lucky enough to be chosen for the team. 她很幸运被选中加入此队。
You were lucky (that) you spotted the danger in time. 你幸好及时发现了险情。
Mark is one of the lucky ones ─he at least has somewhere to sleep. 马克是个幸运的人,他至少还有地方睡觉。
the lucky winners 幸运的获胜者
You can think yourself lucky you didn't get mugged. 你未遭暴力抢劫,可以算是万幸了。
She counted herself lucky that she still had a job. 她认为自己很幸运,仍有一份工作。
It was lucky for us that we were able to go. 我们能去是我们的运气好。
That was the luckiest escape of my life. 那次逃脱是我一生中最大的幸运。
a lucky guess 侥幸猜中
a lucky charm 吉祥符
Luckily for us, the train was late. 我们真凑巧,火车晚点了。
Luckily, I am a good swimmer. 幸好我是个游泳好手。
‘I'm off to Paris. ’ ‘lucky you! ’ “我要去巴黎了。”“你真幸运!”
‘I was hoping to get a ticket for Saturday. ’ ‘You'll be lucky. ’ “我盼望弄到一张星期六的票。”“但愿你会走运。”
I am luckier than most. I have a job... 我比大部分人幸运。我有份工作。
I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth... 我认为自己是地球上最幸运的人。
Some people are born lucky aren't they?... 有人生来就有福气,不是吗?
He had always been lucky at cards. 他打牌的手气向来很好。
They admit they are now desperate for a lucky break... 他们承认现在急盼幸运之神的降临。
He was lucky that it was only a can of beer that knocked him on the head. 算他命大,砸到他脑袋上的只是一罐啤酒。
He did not have on his other lucky charm, a pair of green socks. 他没把另一件吉祥物,一双绿色的袜子,穿在脚上。
You'll be lucky if you get any breakfast... 你能吃到早饭就已经算幸运了。
Those remaining in work will be lucky to get the smallest of pay increases... 那些仍在工作的人,有那么一点点儿加薪就要算是运气了。
She counted herself lucky to get a job in one of Edinburgh's department stores... 能在爱丁堡一家百货公司找到工作,她觉得自己很幸运。
At the end of two days, you may count yourself lucky that you don't have to live here. 两天过后,你就会庆幸自己不用住在这里。
'The thing about Mr Kemp is that he always treats me like a lady.' — 'lucky old you.' “问题是,肯普先生向来把我当淑女看待。”——“你真幸运。”
You may strike lucky and find a sympathetic and helpful clerk, but, there again, you might not. 走运的话,你可能赶上一位有同情心、乐于助人的职员。但话又说回来,你也可能没这运气。
I've had two runners-up medals with Monaco and AC Milan, but I hope it will be third time lucky and I get a winners' medal with Rangers. 我为摩纳哥队、AC米兰队效力时两次都只拿到了亚军,但是事不过三,我希望能为流浪者队拿下一个冠军。
m [mɒm] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Where's my mom? 我妈在哪儿?
mom and Dad 妈妈和爸爸
Are you listening, mom? 妈,你在听吗?
We waited for mom and Dad to get home... 我们等爸爸妈妈回家。
mom, can you tell me how to do it? 妈妈,能告诉我怎么做吗?
No, I hid under my bed for a week after mom read me that story. 不, 自从我妈给我读了这个故事后我在床下面躲了一个星期.
So cuddly. The beautiful crib from mom and Dad. 抱起来真舒服. 爸爸妈妈送的漂亮婴儿床.
My mom always gives me comfort when I am sick. 在我生病时,妈妈总是给我以安慰.
Because I had never been to a date with my mom before. 因为从未尝试过这样的约会.
Oscar: Did you take breakfast to your mom on Mother's Day? 奥斯卡: 母亲节那天你给你妈妈端去早餐了 吗 ?
Chen Xiang: mom, How this could be a magic lantern? 沉香: 妈妈, 它为什么是盏神灯 呢 ?
Daniel: mom, it's so terrible. Water went down into my throat and I almost got drowned. 丹尼尔: 妈妈, 真糟糕. 水到我的喉咙里来了,我差点被淹死.
IF MY dad married a man, who would be my mom? 如果我爸爸和一个男人结婚了, 谁将是我妈妈 呢 ?
Your mom said something about paying a finder's fee? 你妈妈有没有解释什么是中介费?
My dad spent $ 500 on a new coat and my mom had a cow. 我爸爸花了500美元买了一件外套,妈妈顿时气不打一处来.
Meng Yi, mom and single teacher ( another teacher of our country ) good? 孟毅, 妈妈和单老师 ( 我国的另一名教师 ) 好不好?
mom has just bought a very beautiful yellow apron. 妈妈新买了一条黄色的围腰,很漂亮.
mom: Alright! Enough already! You can get a mohawk! 母亲: 好吧, 够了! 你就剃 吧 !
Everyone apart from mom had gone home. 除了妈妈,大家都回家了.
Are you listening, mom? 妈,你在听吗?
Johnnie snitched on me to his mom. 约翰尼在他妈妈那儿告了我的状。
Merry Christmas, mom. 妈妈,圣诞快乐!
My mom was the one who mediated between Zelda and her mom. 我妈妈充当了泽尔达和她妈妈之间的调解人。
Back off, mom, I'm old enough to make my own decisions! 你别管,妈妈,我已经能够自己作决定了!
He and my mom were arguing every night, hour after hour. 他和我妈妈每天晚上都吵个不停。
When I used to do that when I was a kid, my mom would spank me. 我还是个孩子的时候常常干那种事,每次妈妈总是打我的屁股。
Hi, mom, I'm home! 嘿,妈妈,我回家了!
I spilled my coffee all over the table and mom leaned across me to wipe it up. 我把咖啡洒得满桌都是,妈妈俯过身来把它擦掉了。
I don't have much contact with my uncle. 我和叔父甚少联系。
There is little contact between the two organizations. 这两个机构相互之间没有什么联系。
Have you kept in contact with any of your friends from college (= do you still see them or speak or write to them) ? 你和你大学里的朋友还保持联系吗?
She's lost contact with (= no longer sees or writes to) her son. 她和儿子失去了联系。
I finally made contact with (= succeeded in speaking to or meeting) her in Paris. 我最终在巴黎与她取得了联系。
The organization put me in contact with other people in a similar position (= gave me their addresses or telephone numbers) . 这家机构为我提供了其他和我情况相似的人的联系方法。
two people avoiding eye contact (= avoiding looking directly at each other) 避免目光相遇的两个人
Here's my contact number (= temporary telephone number) while I'm away. 这是我外出时的联系电话。
His fingers were briefly in contact with the ball. 他的手指稍稍地接触了一下球。
This substance should not come into contact with food. 这种物质切莫与食物接触。
a fear of physical contact 对身体接触的恐惧感
This pesticide kills insects on contact (= as soon as it touches them) . 这种杀虫剂昆虫一触即死。
In her job she often comes into contact with (= meets) lawyers. 她在工作中常与律师接触。
You must leave your full name and contact details when you phone. 打电话时须留下全名与联络信息。
Doctors I came into contact with voiced their concern... 我接触到的医生都表示了他们的担心。
The college has brought me into contact with western ideas. 上大学使我接触了西方的思想。
Then, after she had become famous, he tried to make contact with her. 后来,她出名之后,他曾试图与她联系。
Though they all live nearby, I lost contact with them really quickly... 虽然他们都住在附近,但我很快与他们失去了联系。
Mother and son lost contact when Nicholas was in his early twenties. 尼古拉斯20岁出头的时候母子就失去了联系。
They compared how these organisms behaved when left in contact with different materials... 他们比较了与不同材料接触时这些生物体的反应。
The cry occurs when air is brought into contact with the baby's larynx... 婴儿的喉咙接触到空气时,就会哭出来。
He failed to make radio contact. 他未能进行无线电联络。
...a technical problem reported by the pilot moments before he lost contact with the control tower. 飞行员与控制塔失去联络前不久报告的技术故障
Their contact in the United States Embassy was called Phil. 他们在美国大使馆的熟人叫菲尔。
When she first contacted me Frances was upset. 弗朗西丝第一次与我联系时很心烦意乱。
contact the Tourist Information Bureau for further details... 详情请洽旅游信息处。
We do keep in contact. 我们确实保持着联系。
He was in direct contact with the kidnappers... 他与绑架者有直接联系。
He forbade contacts between directors and executives outside his presence. 他禁止董事与管理层绕开他私下进行任何联系。
Opposition leaders are denying any contact with the government in Kabul... 反对派领袖否认与喀布尔政府有任何联系。
cm [kri:m] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.乳霜;精英;奶油色;乳脂,奶油; vt.把…搅成糊状(或奶油状)混合物;彻底打败,狠揍;
The best students were creamed off by the grammar schools. 最好的学生都已被文法学校录取。
We got creamed in the first round. 我们在第一轮就被彻底打败了。
cream the butter and sugar together. 把黄油和糖搅成糊状。
a cream linen suit 米色的亚麻布套装
the cream of the crop of this season's movies 本季节电影的最佳影片
Would you like milk or cream in your coffee? 你的咖啡里要牛奶还是奶油?
fresh/whipped cream 新鲜的 / 搅打过的奶油
...the cream of Chicago's 200 jazz and blues clubs. 芝加哥200家爵士乐和蓝调乐俱乐部中最优秀的成员
The Ball was attended by the cream of Hollywood society. 好莱坞的大牌影星们出席了那个舞会。
...a cream-coloured Persian cat. 米色的波斯猫
...strawberries and cream. 奶油草莓
...cream of mushroom soup. 奶油蘑菇汤
Gently apply the cream to the affected areas. 把药膏轻轻涂抹在患处。
...sun protection creams. 防晒霜
...cream silk stockings. 米色丝袜
g [gʊdz] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
We expected great things of the England team, but on the day they simply failed to deliver the goods. 我们本指望英格兰队大获全胜,可那天他们真是有负众望。
a heavy goods vehicle 重型货车
a goods train 货运列车
stolen goods 赃物
The plastic bag contained all his worldly goods (= everything he owned) . 这塑料袋里装着他的全部家当。
increased tax on goods and services 增加了的商品及劳务税
perishable/durable goods 易腐 / 耐用商品
electrical/sports goods 电器商品;体育器材
leather/cotton/paper goods 皮革 / 棉织 / 纸质商品
cheap/expensive goods 便宜的 / 昂贵的商品
He was the victim of those in his own party who had the goods on him. 党内一些人掌握了他的把柄,结果他成了牺牲品。
As long as I deliver the goods, my boss is very happy. 只要我做好本职工作,我的老板就很高兴。
You can give your unwanted goods to charity. 你可以将不要的物品捐赠给慈善机构。
...a wide range of consumer goods. 种类繁多的消费品
All his worldly goods were packed into a neat checked carrier bag... 他的所有家当都装在一个干净的方格图案手提袋里。
Money can be exchanged for goods or services. 钱可以用来换取商品或服务。
He is loading the goods into the back of the car. 他正把货物装入车的后部.
Only several goods left unsold. 只有几件商品未售出.
They enjoyed exemption from customs duties on goods to be used by themselves. 他们的自用物品获得免除关税.
The ship landed the goods at Dover. 轮船在多佛港卸了货.
These goods are in short supply. 这些货物供应紧张.
I'm afraid your order has caught us on the hop — the goods aren't available yet. 恐怕你的订单来得太突然,我们全无准备,目前尚无货源.
You bought goods per list price. 你按照所列价格买商品.
All his goods sell at a loss. 他的货物全部赔本出售.
The goods are done up in bundles for shipment. 货物已打包以备装船.
fr ['flaʊə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.面粉; vt.撒上粉;
Roll the dough on a lightly floured surface. 揉生面团时,案板上要撒点面粉。
Lightly flour a rolling pin... 在擀面杖上撒上薄薄的一层面粉。
Remove the dough from the bowl and put it on a floured surface. 把面团从碗中取出,放在撒有面粉的台面上。
First put the flour in the bowl, and then beat the eggs in. 先把面粉放在碗里, 然后把蛋搅进去.
Bread is made from flour. 面包是由面粉加工而成的.
Use two cups of flour for the cake. 用两杯面粉做蛋糕.
The rats have eaten holes in those bags of flour. 大老鼠把那些面粉袋嗑出了窟窿.
We often shake flour through a sieve. 我们经常用筛子筛面粉.
She ground wheat into flour. 她把麦子磨成面粉.
The grain store processed flour wrappers for Chinese dumplings. 这家粮店把面粉加工成面皮供包饺子用.
The southerners prefer rice and the northerners prefer food made from flour. 南方人比较喜欢吃米饭,北方人爱吃面食.
We'd better add in some lemon juice before mixing the flour with sugar. 在面粉里放糖之前,我们最好放进一些柠檬汁.
She tipped the flour into the basin. 她把面粉倒进盆里.
Add the remaining flour to make a soft dough. 把剩下的面粉加进去做成一块软面团.
She bought a small quantity of flour. 她买了一点面粉.
We'll add some flour to thicken the soup. 我们将加点粉把汤调浓些.
Mix the eggs with the flour. 把蛋和面粉搅拌起来.
flour is made from wheat. 面粉是用麦子磨成的.
Add the milk to the flour, and then mix in 3 eggs. 把牛奶倒进面粉, 再掺入三个鸡蛋.
The corn flour has been ground very fine. 玉米面磨得很细.
The flour is ground using traditional methods. 这面粉是用传统方法磨制而成。
She mixed the flour and water to a smooth paste. 她把面和水和成细润的面团。
two sackfuls of flour 两袋面粉
Lightly flour a rolling pin. 在擀面杖上撒上薄薄的一层面粉。
Just how much kneading is required depends on the sort of flour. 需要揉多久取决于用哪种面。
Lightly dust the fish with flour. 在鱼上撒上少许面粉。
Work the flour and yeast mixture together until you have a sticky dough. 将面粉和酵母混在一起和成黏糊糊的面团。
Mature flour has a longer shelf life. 熟面粉保存期要更长。
Gradually pour the liquid into the flour, working it in carefully with a wooden spoon. 慢慢将液体倒入面粉,同时用木勺轻轻地将两者搅在一起。
[əˈraɪvl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
The first arrivals at the concert got the best seats. 最早来到音乐会的人坐上了最好的座位。
early/late/new arrivals 早到 / 晚到 / 新到者
We're expecting a new arrival (= a baby) in the family soon. 我们家很快就会添一个新生婴儿。
the arrival of pay TV 收费电视的引进
There are 120 arrivals and departures every day. 每天有120次航班离港和抵港。
Guests receive dinner on/upon arrival at the hotel. 旅客一到旅馆即可就餐。
We apologize for the late arrival of the train. 我们为火车误点表示歉意。
the arrival of the mail in the morning 上午送达的邮件
daily arrivals of refugees 每天到来的难民
He was the most junior and most recent arrival at the embassy. 在大使馆里,他是职位最低也是入职最晚的一位。
...a couple anticipating the arrival of a new child. 盼望着孩子出生的一对夫妇
Her father was besotted with the new arrival. 她的父亲完全沉浸在新生儿带来的喜悦中。
...the day after his arrival in England... 他到英格兰的第二天
He was dead on arrival at the nearby hospital. 到达附近的医院时他已经死亡。
...the power vacuum created by the arrival of a new president... 新主席接任造成的权力真空
The company had eight departures and 11 new arrivals on its management board in 1980-1989. 在1980至1989年间,公司管理委员会离职8人,新吸收11人。
I was flicking idly through a newspaper while awaiting the arrival of orange juice and coffee... 我一边无所事事地翻着报纸,一边等着我点的橙汁和咖啡。
The coronation broadcast marked the arrival of television. 加冕典礼的转播标志着电视时代的到来。
He celebrated the arrival of the New Year with a party for his friends. 他为朋友们举行了一个聚会,庆祝新年的到来。
A high proportion of the new arrivals are skilled professionals... 新来的人中很大一部分是技术熟练的专业人士。
Kick ball into the ball door. 把球踢进球门.
I anticipate his arrival at four o'clock. 我期待他4点钟到达.
She's impatient for her father's arrival. 她急切地盼望着父亲的到来.
His unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion. 他的突然来访使我们完全不知所措.
His arrival at this conclusion was the result of much thought. 他得出这一结论是深思熟虑的结果.
The arrival of large supermarkets sounded the death knell of many small local shops. 大型超市的出现宣告了许多地方小商店的终结.
With the arrival of John's friends, the party became really enjoyable. 随着约翰朋友的到来, 聚会变得真正好玩起来.
t [ðəu] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
conj.虽然,尽管;即使;纵然; adv.可是,但是;不过;然而;话虽这样说; prep.但;
Anne was fond of Tim, though he often annoyed her. 安妮喜欢蒂姆,虽然他经常使她心烦。
though she gave no sign, I was sure she had seen me. 尽管她没有示意,我还是确信她看见了我。
His clothes, though old and worn, looked clean and of good quality. 他的衣服虽然很旧,但看上去干干净净,质地很好。
Strange though it may sound, I was pleased it was over. 尽管听起来也许很奇怪,但我很高兴这都结束了。
They're very different, though they did seem to get on well when they met. 他们大不相同,可是见面后好像还确实相处得不错。
He'll probably say no, though it's worth asking. 他很可能会拒绝,不过问一下有益无损。
Our team lost. It was a good game though. 我们队输了,可是这也不失为一场好球。
‘Have you ever been to Australia? ’ ‘No. I'd like to, though. ’ “你去过澳大利亚吗?”“没有,不过我很想去。”
Gaelic has been a dying language for many years, though children are nowadays taught it in school... 盖尔语多年来一直濒于消亡,尽管如今孩子们还在学校学习这门语言。
After news of this new court case Ford broke down again, though he blamed the breakdown on his work... 福特听到这一场新官司的消息后再次精神崩溃,尽管他说自己是因为工作才这样的。
I look back on it as the bloodiest (though not literally) winter of the war... 我现在回想起来,觉得那是战时最血腥的(但并非字面意义上的)一个冬天。
The problem was finally, though not conclusively, identified as a severely pinched nerve... 问题终于被认定为是神经受到严重挤压,尽管这还不是最终结论。
I like him. though he makes me angry sometimes... 我喜欢他,不过他有时惹我生气。
I want to try my hand at politics, or go back to the law. I don't want to go to school for it, though... 我想进入政坛,或者重操律师旧业。不过我不想进学校去专门学习。
I'm a good cook, though I say it myself... 我并非自夸,我的厨艺的确高超。
Even though I do say it myself we've probably got the best little restaurant in town. 不是我吹牛,我们的小饭店可能是全城最好的。
though the Indian labor pool is large, it is also primarily unskilled. 印度的劳动力储备量很大, 可是基本上是没有技术的.
though he was not dry behind the ears, he had to make a living by himself. 他虽未成年, 但得自己谋生.
He's the best teacher even though he has the least experience. 尽管他经验最少,但教得最好.
My mother is still going strong though she is in her seventies. 母亲已经70多岁了,可是身子骨儿还挺结实.
though it may be possible to measure the value of material goods in terms of money, it is extremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services which people perform for us. 虽然用金钱来衡量物质产品的价值是可能的;但要估计人们为我们提供的服务的真正价值却极为困难.
though the man I introduced to you last night looks somewhat boorish, he is a diamond in the rough. 我昨天晚上介绍给你认识的那个人虽然看上去有点没礼貌, 可他是个外粗内秀的人.
Find a good cartographer. though his maps may cost more, they are extremely accurate. 找一个好制图师. 价钱可能有点贵, 但是一分钱一分货嘛.
Even though at their last gasp, the enemies will still put up their deathbed struggle. 即使是奄奄一息, 敌人也还是要作垂死挣扎的.
This plant prefers alkaline soil, though it will readily tolerate some acidity. 这种植物在酸性土壤中也能生存, 但碱性土壤更加适宜.
The police decided to investigate further. 警方决定作进一步调查。
My life is further complicated by having to work such long hours. 我得工作这么长的时间,因此生活中的麻烦事就更多了。
Nothing could be further from the truth . 绝不是那回事。
further, it is important to consider the cost of repairs. 此外,重要的是要考虑修理费用。
I would go even further and suggest that the entire government is corrupt. 我甚至进而想要说,整个政府都是腐败的。
They watered down the soup to make it go further. 他们在汤里掺水,好让更多的人喝。
I am not satisfied with your explanation and intend to take the matter further. 我对你的解释不满意,打算进一步探讨这个问题。
Cook for a further 2 minutes. 再煮两分钟。
Have you any further questions? 你还有问题吗?
For further details call this number. 欲知详情,请拨打这个电话号码。
How will the company be doing ten years further on? 十年以后公司的情况将如何呢?
Think further back into your childhood. 再往前回想你的童年。
The hospital is further down the road. 沿这条路走下去就是医院。
Can you stand a bit further away? 你能不能站远一点?
Two miles further on we came to a small town. 我们又走了两英里,来到了一座小镇。
We had walked further than I had realized. 在我不知不觉中我们已走得很远。
further to your letter, I agree that there are some presentational problems, politically speaking. 正如贵方信中所提到的,我也认为从政治角度来说,有一些词语表意上的问题。
In return, they are themselves accused of furthering their own (leftist) political interests... 作为回应,他们自己也被指责推动自己的(左翼)政治利益。
Education needn't only be about furthering your career. 受教育并不一定只是要推进一个人的事业。
Dodd made no appeal of his death sentence and, further, instructed his attorney to sue anyone who succeeds in delaying his execution. 多德没有对自己的死刑判决提起上诉,而且他还要求自己的律师起诉任何成功使得这一死刑暂缓执行的人。
Now we live further away from the city centre... 现在我们住得离市中心更远了。
He came to a halt at a crossroads fifty yards further on... 他在往前 50 码远的十字路口停了下来。
Looking still further ahead, by the end of the next century world population is expected to be about ten billion. 再往前看,到下个世纪末世界人口预计将达约 100 亿。
They believed there were likely to be further attacks... 他们认为很可能会有更多的袭击。
His speech provides further evidence of his increasingly authoritarian approach... 他的讲话更加证明了他变得越来越独裁。
To have a better comparison, we need to go further and address such issues as repairs and insurance. 为了更好地作出比较,我们需要深入考虑维修、保险等问题。
Inflation is below 5% and set to fall further... 通货膨胀率在 5%以下,而且还将进一步下降。
The rebellion is expected to further damage the country's image... 预计叛乱将会进一步破坏这个国家的形象。
They lacked the scientific personnel to develop the technical apparatus much further. 他们缺少能够进一步研发这一技术装置的科研人员。
On February 7th the Post went further, claiming that Mr Wood had grabbed and kissed another 13 women... 2 月 7 日的《邮报》走得更远,声称伍德先生还强行抓住亲吻过另外 13 名女性。
prct [prə'tekt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack. 已经派出部队保护援助工作人员免遭袭击。
They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind. 他们挤在一起,免受风吹。
Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests. 每家公司都在奋力保护自己的商业利益。
a paint that helps protect against rust 防锈漆
a protected area/species 受保护的地区 / 物种
protected markets 受保护的市场
Many policies do not protect you against personal injury. 许多保单都列明不保障人身伤害。
So, what can women do to protect themselves from heart disease?... 那么,女性怎样做才能使自己不得心脏病呢?
A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind... 一件薄薄的羊毛长外套和一条紫色的头巾为她挡了风。
Many manufacturers have policies to protect themselves against blackmailers. 许多厂家都购买了保险,以防遭到敲诈。
Objective To search for the relative factors of gastric cancer. 目的探索胃癌诊治的相关因素.
The lion fought to protect her young. 那头狮子为了保护其幼狮而进行搏斗.
Police officers threw a cordon around his car to protect him. 警察在他汽车周围设置了防卫圈以保护他.
To combat drought and protect the seedlings is a matter of great urgency. 抗旱保苗,迫在眉睫.
The actress is asking the court to protect her from an obsessive fan who is making her life a misery. 那个女演员要求法庭保护,使她不再受那个把她的生活搞得一团糟的痴狂影迷的骚扰.
These tree belts effectively protect the farmland against shifting sand. 这些防护林带有效地保护了农田,使之免受流沙侵袭.
The duty to protect my sister is prior to all others. 保护我的妹妹是我最重要的责任.
He will want to protect, please and idolise her. 他会心甘情愿地保护 、 取悦和崇拜她.
Those who protect the oil field will be rewarded. 保护油田者有奖.
These trees will shield off arid winds and protect the fields. 这些树能挡住旱风,保护农田.
You must take all reasonable precautions to protect yourself and your family. 你必须采取一切合理的预防措施,保护自己和家人。
Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack. 已经派出部队保护援助工作人员免遭袭击。
Porcupines use their spines to protect themselves. 豪猪用身上的刺毛来自卫。
He swore an oath promising to uphold and protect the country's laws and constitution. 他宣誓捍卫国家的法律与宪法。
Exercise will not only lower blood pressure but possibly protect against heart attacks. 锻炼不仅会降低血压,而且可能对心脏病有预防效果。
Companies should protect employees who blow the whistle on dishonest workmates and work practices. 公司应该保护那些检举不诚实的工友及工作行为的员工。
She cried out in fear and flung both arms up to protect her face. 她吓得大叫,并且抡起双臂护住了自己的脸。
The most important trees were tagged to protect them from being damaged by construction machinery. 最珍贵的树木都被贴上了标签,以防被建筑机械毁坏。
suus [səˈspɪʃəs] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
They became suspicious of his behaviour and contacted the police. 他们开始觉得他行为可疑,便报了警。
a suspicious look 怀疑的神情
You have a very suspicious mind (= you always think that people are behaving in an illegal or dishonest way) . 你疑心很重。
Didn't you notice anything suspicious in his behaviour? 你难道没有注意到他行为有可疑之处?
She died in suspicious circumstances . 她死得蹊跷。
Police are not treating the fire as suspicious. 警方认为这场火灾没有可疑之处。
It was all very suspicious. 这一切十分可疑。
I was suspicious of his motives. 我怀疑他的动机。
Many were suspicious of reform. 很多人对改革持怀疑态度。
He was rightly suspicious of meeting me until I reassured him I was not writing about him... 当然他很不放心见我,直到我再一次向他保证我不是在写他。
He has his father's suspicious nature. 他像他父亲一样生性多疑。
Two officers on patrol became suspicious of two men in a car... 两名巡警开始对一辆车里的两个人起了疑心。
A woman kept prisoner in a basement was rescued after suspicious neighbours tipped off police. 觉得情况可疑的邻居们报警后,被囚禁在地下室里的一名女子获了救。
He reported that two suspicious-looking characters had approached Callendar... 他报告说两个形迹可疑的人曾跟卡伦德接触过。
Nottingham police last night found what they described as a suspicious package. 诺丁汉警方昨晚找到了他们声称的可疑包裹。
A timid musician is pushed around by his psycho girlfriend and alcoholic boss. 一个懦弱怕事的胆小鬼,终日受到神化女友和酗酒上司折磨.
British voters are rightly suspicious of attempts to save money in the area of education. 英国选民怀疑当局企图削减教育经费是有根据的.
Why should you be so suspicious? 你何必多疑?
The rabbit is timid and suspicious. 兔子胆小而多疑.
It looks very suspicious to me. 我觉得这事似乎很不可靠.
The fire is of suspicious origin. 这场火灾起因可疑.
The story goes that he died by his own hands, but this looks rather suspicious. 谣传他已经自杀, 但我对此半信半疑.
There is a suspicious man lurking in the shadows. 有一可疑的人躲在阴暗中.
The police are suspicious of his alibi because he already has a record. 警方对他不在场的辩解表示怀疑,因为他已有前科.
The policeman examined the suspicious man. 警察盘问了那个可疑的人.
s [ˈseprətli] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
They were photographed separately and then as a group. 他们先单独照相,然后合影。
Last year's figures are shown separately. 去年的数字分别列出。
Cook each vegetable separately until just tender... 每样蔬菜都单独烹调,煮到稍稍变软就好。
Chris had insisted that we went separately to the club. 克里斯坚持我们不要一块儿去俱乐部。
Official publish retail price list for each model is available separately. 各款型号之公布零售价目表另行提供.
Careful inspection showed that the statue's head had been cast separately and soldered in place. 仔细检查发现雕像的头部是铸好后再焊接上去的.
The interest accrued contained in the actually paid amount shall be accounted for separately. 实际支付的款项中包括应计利息的,应当将这部分利息单独记帐.
He bought the parts separately and assembled his own computer. 他一一买来部件,组装成自己的电脑.
The untoward effect of these antioxidants was noted whether they were taken separately or together. 无论单独还是联合应用这些抗氧化剂均有显著副作用.
Thus, the entity concept applies to any economic unit that needs to be evaluated separately. 因此, 实体的概念适用于任何经济单位需要分开进行评审.
A partnership is not separately taxed as it is not regarded as a legal at law. 合伙人关系不是一个独立的法律实体(法人),因此并不单独征税.
If we don't hang together we may all hang separately. 如果我们不团结起来,我们会被一个个地绞死.
During cleaning, you need to clean them separately with the water and the distilled water. 在清洗中先要用自来水和蒸馏水分别进行清洗.
But with the IELTS, the speaking test is done separately as a live interview. 但雅思的口试则采用单独的现场面试.
Management of the Special Fund may be stipulated by another law separately. 特种基金之管理,得另以法律定之.
This paper introduces the correspondence analysis approach, evaluated and analyzed Chinas university Web sites separately. 本文引入一种全新的对应分析法, 并在构建了对应分析评价模型后,应用此方法对中国媒体网站进行抽样评价.
Inspired by One - class SVM, Double - Margin SVM is forward to classify two classes by two margins separately. 受一类SVM的启发, 提出的双边界SVM能够分别用两个边界对两类问题分类.
Wash the white clothes together, and the blue one separately. 那些白衣服放在一起洗, 这件蓝的要单洗.
He sold his birds separately to separate buyers. 他把他的鸟儿分别卖给不同的买主.
The full text will be dispatched separately. 全文另发.
It doesn't matter much whether we go together or separately. 我们一起去还是分头去都可以.
The collar comes off this shirt and can be washed separately. 这件衬衫的领子可以拿下来分别洗.
Let's go about the work separately. 这事咱们分头去做吧.
Living separately from parents after marriage is all the mode. 现在非常流行婚后与父母分开住.
Bulky items will be collected separately. 大件物品将分开收集。
Text and graphics are prepared separately and then combined. 文字和图分别编排后再进行混排。
They were photographed separately and then as a group. 他们先单独照相,然后合影。
Husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes. 现在夫妻双方分别按各自的收入纳税。
Free gifts are dispatched separately so please allow 28 days for delivery. 赠品会分开发送,所以请预留28天的送货期。
With characteristic astuteness, he spoke separately to all those involved. 凭着他特有的精明,他同有关人士一一进行了谈话。