Cutting our costs is the only way forward . 降低成本是我们发展的唯一途径。
We are not getting any further forward with the discussion. 我们的讨论没有取得任何进展。
The project will go forward (= continue) as planned. 这个项目将按计划继续进行。
Looking forward , we hope to expand our operations in several of our overseas branches. 展望未来,我们希望拓展其中几家海外分公司的业务。
The next scene takes the story forward five years. 下一个场面是描述故事中五年后的情况。
(old use)from this day forward 从今天起
It was decided to bring the meeting forward two weeks. 已决定把会议提前两周。
We consider this agreement to be an important step forward . 我们认为,这项协定是向前迈出了重要的一步。
They ran forward to welcome her. 他们跑向前去欢迎她。
He took two steps forward. 他向前走了两步。
She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. 她倾身向前,吻了他的面颊。
He's very forward and confident and chats happily to other people. 他很自以为是,喜欢和别人攀谈。
We will forward your letters to him. 我们会把您的信转交给他。
He came forward with his hand out. 'Mr and Mrs Selby?' he enquired... 他走上前去伸出手来。“是塞尔比先生和夫人吗?”他问道。
She fell forwards on to her face... 她一头栽倒在地。
The best seats are in the aisle and as far forward as possible... 最好的座位在过道处,越靠前越好。
The other car had a 3-inch lower driving seat and had its engine mounted further forward. 另外一辆车的驾驶座椅低了3英寸,引擎更加靠前。
forward of the main cabin are the guest cabins... 主舱前面是客舱。
Sixty-one small parachute symbols were painted on the left side just forward of the wing. 61 个小降落伞的标志被绘在左翼的正前面。
Now the leadership wants to look forward, and to outline a strategy for the rest of the century... 现在领导层想要展望未来,为本世纪余下的时间勾画出战略纲要。
People should forget and look forwards... 人们应该忘记过去向前看。
When we put the clocks forward in March we go into British Summer Time. 我们3月份把表调快时,就进入了英国夏令时。
Velazquez's work from that time forward was confined largely to portraits of the royal family. 委拉斯开兹的作品从那时起大多局限于皇室成员画像。
And by boosting economic prosperity in Mexico, Canada and the United States, it will help us move forward on issues that concern all of us... 促进墨西哥、加拿大和美国的经济繁荣将有助于解决与我们大家息息相关的诸多问题。
They just couldn't see any way forward... 他们就是看不到前进的方向。
The music is used to forward the plot, not simply to keep the toes tapping. 音乐用来推进情节发展,而不仅仅是保持节奏感。
...the scientist who has done the most to forward the cause of public understanding over the year. 这位一年来为促进公众理解作出巨大贡献的科学家
Over the years several similar theories have been put forward... 几年来已经有好几个类似理论相继提出。
Next month the Commission is to bring forward its first proposals for action... 下月该委员会将提出它的首批行动建议。
When he's out on the road, office calls are forwarded to the cellular phone in his truck... 他在路上时,打到办公室的电话会转接到卡车里的移动电话上。
[ˈgælən] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
...80 million gallons of water a day. 每天8千万加仑水
...a gasoline tax of 4.3 cents a gallon. 每加仑4.3分的汽油税
One fifth of a gallon or four fifths of a quart of liquor. 五分之一加仑或一夸脱酒的五分之四.
Regular grade gasoline in April averaged $ 3.46 a gallon. 在4月份,普通汽油的均价为每加仑3.46美元.
You know the Hummer gets maybe 14 miles per gallon and that is enough. 他接着说:“悍马的油耗只有14英里第加仑,这是不行的. ”
Gasoline is sold by the gallon. 汽油按加仑出售.
You will catch more flies with a spoonful of honey than with a gallon of vinegar. 一匙蜜比一桶醋能抓到更多的苍蝇(甜言蜜语比辛辣言词更容易奏效).
Belinda: And get about 25 miles to the gallon. 贝琳达: 而且一加仑大概可跑二十五英里.
About 25 miles per gallon on the freeways. 走高速公路的话,一加仑可以跑25英里.
While you're about it, top me with a gallon or so of unleaded. 趁你现在修车, 请给我加l加仑 左右的无铅汽油把油箱灌满.
She drives a compact that gets 40 miles to the gallon. 她驾驶的是一辆每加仑油可以跑40公里的经济适用性轿车.
A drop of honey catch more flies than a gallon of gall. 甜言蜜语是陷阱.
The imperial gallon is not the same as the US gallon. 英制的加仑和与美制的容量不同.
The imperial gallon is not the same size as the US one. 英制的加仑与美制的容量不同.
One gallon of water weighs 4 pounds. 一加仑水重4磅.
A gallon a quarter more now than it did 3 weeks ago. 一加隆油价比3星期前上涨了四分之一.
This car averages 40 miles to the gallon. 这辆汽车平均每加仑可行.
What mileage does your car do per gallon? 你的汽车每加仑汽油行驶的平均英里计程是多少?
This car runs 5 miles on a gallon of gasoline. 这部汽车一加仑汽油可以行驶五英里.
This 20 US gallon unit easily transports water to your batteries. 该系统可以将20加仑的水可以很容易的注入您的电池内.
Today, Nissan said their new car is going to get 367 miles a gallon. 今天尼桑说他们的新车能跑367英里.
That container will hold a gallon. 那容器能够装一加仑.
The cars average about 30 miles per gallon of gas. 这种车平均每加仑汽油能行30英里.
The price of petrol is coming down by four pence a gallon. 汽油的价格每加仑降了4便士。
Unleaded gasoline rose more than a penny a gallon. 无铅汽油每加仑涨了1分多。
Critics have zeroed in on his plan to raise gasoline taxes 10 cents a gallon. 批评者将矛头对准他打算将汽油税每加仑提高10美分的计划上。
i [ˈɪdiət] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Not that switch, you idiot! 不是那个开关,你这个蠢货!
When I lost my passport, I felt such an idiot. 我丢了护照时觉得自己像个大傻瓜。
...the village idiot. 村里的那个智障者
...a bunch of idiot journalists waiting to ask me stupid questions. 一帮白痴似的记者等着问我愚蠢的问题
You're an idiot! 你是个白痴!
I knew I'd been an idiot to stay there... 我知道我呆在这里很蠢。
It was still one step away between the genius and the idiot. 天才和傻瓜仅仅一步之遥.
Carpenter: Well, I knew some idiot would ask me. So I measured it! 木匠: 我知道会有傻瓜问, 所以我量了.
Freddy! I think you're an idiot. 弗雷迪! 我觉得你是个白痴.
What an idiot I was to leave my suitcase on the train! 我真笨,竟把手提箱落在火车上了!
At that time, I listened to the story, thinking: story of people must be a idiot. 当时, 我听了故事, 心想: 编故事的人一定是一个白痴.
You idiot, you stupid cowboy, you blinded me, I'm suing! 你这个白痴!你这个笨牛仔! 你弄瞎我了! 我要告你!
Let my say this: bein'an idiot is no box of chocolates. 容我这麽说: 当个白痴可不像一盒巧克力那麽美好.
You think sawing like an idiot has anything to do with your major? 你这样像傻瓜地锯木头对你的主修有什么帮助?
He is next door to an idiot. 他简直是个痴子.
I'm an idiot musically. I can't sing. 我是个音乐白痴, 不会唱歌.
Only an idiot would make such a thoughtless remark. 只有草包才会说出这样没有头脑的话来.
She always makes a mess of things; she is an idiot! 她总是把事情弄糟, 真是个大笨蛋!
She is a positive idiot. 她完全是个白痴.
You are behaving like a perfect idiot. 你表现得像个十足的白痴.
That man's a right idiot! 那个男子完全是个白痴.
He was a blithering idiot . 他是个十足的傻瓜。
When I lost my passport, I felt such an idiot. 我丢了护照时觉得自己像个大傻瓜。
He snubbed her in public and made her feel an idiot. 他当众冷落她,让她觉得自己像一个白痴似的。
"You must think I'm a real idiot." “你一定觉得我简直是个白痴。”
You're an idiot! 你是个白痴!
The original script was written with the idiot box in mind. 剧本当初就是为电视而写的。
idiot! You could have told me! 蠢货!你本应该告诉我!
You conceited idiot. 你这个自命不凡的蠢货。
e [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Have you seen the Picasso exhibition? 你看过毕加索的画展吗?
an exhibition of old photographs 老照片展
She refused to allow the exhibition of her husband's work. 她拒不允许展出她丈夫的作品。
We were treated to an exhibition of the footballer's speed and skill. 足球运动员表现出的速度和技能真是让我们大饱眼福。
an appalling exhibition of bad manners 无礼行为极其恶劣的表现
显示更多例句 exhibition of expressionist art. 表现派艺术展览会 exhibition on the natural history of the area. 该地区自然历史的展览会
He responded in champion's style by treating the fans to an exhibition of power and speed. 他向崇拜者展示了他的力量和速度,表现得颇有冠军风范。
The quiz was a good opportunity for the exhibition of his knowledge. 这次测验是他显示知识的好机会.
The exhibition will be a big affair. 这次展出将是一个盛举.
Up to the 20 th of May about 500 people have visited the art exhibition. 截至5月20日有近500人看了画展.
The exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture. 这个展览会是由文化学会主办的.
Visitors entered the exhibition hall in a steady stream. 参观者川流不息地进入展览厅.
The painter is planning an exhibition of her works for the early spring. 那位画家正准备她的初春个人画展.
The exhibition will be opened as soon as everything is in order. 一俟准备就绪,即行公开展出.
China will host an exhibition of international garment machinery. 中国将主办国际服装机械展览会.
Some ceramic works of art are shown in this exhibition. 这次展览会上展出了一些陶瓷艺术品.
The exhibition hall is decorated with many traditional Chinese paintings. 展厅里张挂着许多国画.
The exhibition is designed to reflect the diversity of the nation and its regions. 这次展览的本意就是要反映这个国家民族和地域的多样性.
Now let's get on to the next exhibition room. 现在我们到下一个展览室去吧.
Could you spare some time to come to our art exhibition? 你能抽出时间来看看我们的画展 吗 ?
The exhibition is held annually. 这个展览每年举行一次。
an exhibition of work by contemporary British artists 当代英国画家作品展
The exhibition continues until 25 July. 展览要持续到7月25日。
In the exhibition, abstract paintings are juxtaposed with shocking photographs. 展览会上抽象画与令人震惊的照片并列展出。
I'd dropped a hint about having an exhibition of his work up here. 我已经暗示要在这里举办一次他的作品展。
He responded in champion's style by treating the fans to an exhibition of power and speed. 他向崇拜者展示了他的力量和速度,表现得颇有冠军风范。
The hottest show in town was the Monet exhibition at the Art Institute. 全城最轰动的展览是在美术学院举办的莫奈画展。
Enthused by the success of the first exhibition, its organisers are hoping to repeat the experience. 由于首展告捷,组织者大受鼓舞,希望能再创佳绩。
In the wild, this fish can reach a weight of 5lbs. 这种鱼在自然生存环境中可以长到5磅重。
She is trying to lose weight (= become less heavy and less fat) . 她正在设法减肥。
He's put on/gained weight (= become heavier and fatter) since he gave up smoking. 他戒烟后体重增加了。
What is your height and weight?... 你的身高和体重是多少?
This reduced the weight of the load... 这减轻了负荷的重量。
His weight was harming his health... 他体重过重,这有损他的健康。
Despite the vehicle's size and weight it is not difficult to drive. 尽管车子很大很重,但它一点都不难开。
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other... 他把重心从一只脚转到另一只脚上。
He kept the weight from his left leg. 他一直不让左腿受力。
I was in the gym lifting weights. 我在健身房举哑铃。
Straining to lift heavy weights can lead to a rise in blood pressure. 用力提重物会导致血压升高。
It can be sewn into curtain hems to weight the curtain and so allow it to hang better. 可以把它缝到窗帘的褶边里增加重量,使窗帘更有垂感。
...a computer program which weights the different transitions according to their likelihood... 根据可能性的大小对不同转换进行加权处理的电脑程序
This takes account of the number of countries in which a company wins approval for a new drug, weighted by the size of each country's market. 这考虑到了允许一家公司的新药在本国上市的国家的数量,并依照每个国家的市场规模权衡其重要性。
The scientists involved put different weight on the conclusions of different models... 相关科学家对不同模型的结论给予不同的权重。
We had this understanding that courses were roughly the same weight. 我们已经了解到各门功课差不多一样重要。
The weight of expectation was getting to them... 他们逐渐感觉到了期望带来的压力。
Companies found themselves collapsing under the weight of debts. 许多公司发现自己因债台高筑而濒临倒闭。
The fact that he is gone has given more weight to fears that he may try to launch a civil war... 他已经离开这一事实让人更担心他会发动一场内战。
Do you think, perhaps, that what happened today might lend weight to that criticism? 你觉得今天发生的事情可能会使那种批评加剧吗?
Consumers generally place more weight on negative information than on the positive when deciding what to buy. 消费者在决定要买什么东西的时候往往更重视负面消息,而不是正面消息。
...the overwhelming weight Freud assigned parents in our development. 弗洛伊德认为父母在我们的成长过程中所起到的举足轻重的作用
The relief was indescribable. It was freedom after years of slavery. A great weight lifted from me. 如释重负的感觉是难以言喻的。这是受多年奴役之后的自由。我卸下了一个重担。
That argument no longer carries as much weight... 那个论点不再具有那么大的影响力了。
Senator Kerry carries considerable weight in Washington. 参议员克里在华盛顿举足轻重。
Any successful manager is worth his weight in gold. 任何一个成功的管理者都是千金难求的。
He accused the team of not pulling their weight. 他指责这个团队没有尽到本分。
The administration is throwing its full weight behind the UN plan. 该政府正鼎力支持这项联合国计划。
prnt [ˈpregnənt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
My wife is pregnant. 我妻子怀孕了。
I was pregnant with our third child at the time. 当时我正怀着我们的第三个孩子。
a heavily pregnant woman (= one whose baby is nearly ready to be born) 临产期孕妇
to get/become pregnant 怀孕
He got his girlfriend pregnant and they're getting married. 他让女友怀孕了,因此他们即将结婚。
She's six months pregnant. 她怀孕六个月了。
Her silences were pregnant with criticism. 她的沉默里充满了批评之意。
Lena got pregnant and married... 莉娜怀孕并结婚了。
Tina was pregnant with their first daughter. 蒂娜怀了他们的第一个女儿。
There was a long, pregnant silence. 当时出现了长时间耐人寻味的沉默。
...a deceptive peace, pregnant with invisible threats. 一种和平的假象,潜伏着许多无形的威胁
It was a civil case so there was no question of him being sent to prison. 这是一桩民事案件,因此他没有被送进监狱的可能.
The pregnant woman needed to breathe deeply when her heart was beating with such fierceness. 当这位孕妇的心如此猛烈地跳动时,她需要做深呼吸.
She is a pregnant woman. 她是一名孕妇.
The pregnant woman looked forward to her maternity. 孕妇期待着做母亲.
She is pregnant with her first child. 她怀了第一胎.
His words were followed by a pregnant pause. 他说完话,接着是一段意味深长的停顿.
All nature seemed pregnant with life. 整个大自然似乎充满了活力.
Then she dropped her bombshell. " I'm pregnant. ”然后她说出了令人震惊的事, “ 我怀孕了. ”
His words are pregnant with meaning. 他的言辞富有意义.
She is five months pregnant. 她怀孕5个月了.
I became pregnant easily. At least I've had no problems on that score. 我很容易就怀上了孩子。至少在那方面我没有问题。
She said snappishly. "I'm not pregnant, Brian." 她没好气地说:“布赖恩,我没有怀孕。”
Janet looked very pregnant. 珍妮特看上去显然是怀孕了。
Never douche if you are pregnant. 怀孕时千万不要冲洗阴道。
The association is advising pregnant women, the very young and the elderly to avoid such foods. 协会建议孕妇、儿童和老年人不要食用此类食物。
Doctors issued a warning against eating any fish caught in the river. 医生发出警告不要吃在那条河里捕的鱼。
to give sb fair/advance/adequate warning of sth 就某事向某人发出充分的 / 预先的 / 足够的警告
The bridge collapsed without (any) warning . 那座桥在没有任何先兆的情况下坍塌了。
Let me give you a word of warning . 我来提醒你一句。
a government health warning 政府关于健康的忠告
to give sb a verbal/written/final warning 向某人发出口头 / 书面 / 最后警告
[只用于名词前]She had ignored the warning signs of trouble ahead. 她没有理会警示前方危险的标志。
Police fired a number of warning shots . 警方多次鸣枪警告。
warning bells began to ring (= it was a sign that sth was wrong) when her letters were returned unopened. 当她的信原封不动被退回时,不祥之感就来了。
The minister gave a warning that if war broke out, it would be catastrophic... 部长警告说,战争一旦爆发将会是灾难性的。
He was killed because he ignored a warning to put stronger cords on his parachute... 他忽视了降落伞上要求使用更结实的绳索的警告信息,因而命丧黄泉。
The soldiers opened fire without warning... 士兵们在没有发出警告的情况下开了枪。
With no warning, he was fired from his job... 他没有受到任何警告,就被解雇了。
She ignored the warning signals... 她忽视了一些预警信号。
Some fog warning signs had been put up with flashing yellow lights. 一些配有黄色闪光灯的大雾警示标志立了起来。
Experts regarded it as a warning signal of an economic smashup. 专家们把它看作是一场经济灾难的警告信号.
In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as a warning to you. 在某种程度上说, 你犯那个错误我 倒 感到高兴, 因为它可以对你敲警钟.
He gave me a warning look. 他向我做了一个警告的眼色.
The black clouds gave warning of an approaching storm. 乌云是暴风雨将要来临的前兆.
She winked a warning to the talkative boy. 她向那个多嘴的男孩使了一个表示警告的眼色.
The boss gave John a week's warning without reason. 老板毫无理由地通知约翰一个星期后离职.
The rockets flared a warning. 火箭发出闪光警告.
Her warning got two boys off. 她的警告使得两个孩子免受处分.
Her words sounded like a veiled warning. 她的话听起来像一个含蓄的警告.
You should take warning from his example. 你应当把他作为前车之鉴.
The press gave ear to the chancellor's warning of a possible rise in interest rates. 新闻界倾听了大臣关于利率可能提高的告诫.
He was up for a time and then, without warning, despondent again. 他一度兴高采烈, 但忽然又情绪低落下来.
He climbed the ladder in defiance of the warning. 他无视警告爬上了那架梯子.
an early warning of heart disease 心脏病的早期症状
fy [ˈfæti] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj;多脂肪的。油腻的;配胖的;[医]脂肪过多的; n.胖子;
fatty foods 高脂食物
fatty tissue 脂肪组织
Britain is fast becoming a nation of fatties. 英国很快就会变成胖子国。
Don't eat fatty food or chocolates... 不要吃高脂食物或巧克力。
The report dispels the myth that Northerners have a fattier diet than people in the south. 该报告消除了北方人比南方人膳食脂肪含量高的谬论。
...fatty acids... 脂肪酸
The woman lost about 1.8kg of fatty tissue during the week's fast. 那个女人在禁食一星期后减脂约 1.8 公斤。
Consuming this amount of food could turn these fit players into fatties... 这些体格健壮的运动员吃这么多会变成胖子的。
'Get another one, fatty,' said Jerry. “再拿一个,胖子。”杰里说。
Linoleic acid is the predominant fatty acid in the chloroplast. 亚油酸是叶绿体中主要的脂肪酸.
The emulsifiers in all examples are mono - and diglycerides of fat - forming fatty acids or soubitan monooleate. 所有例子中所用的乳化剂为脂肪酸(它是构成脂肪的)的一和二甘油酯及一油酸山梨糖醇酯.
The virus infects the fatty tissue and increases replication, differentiation, and accumulation of fat cells. 该病毒会感染脂肪组织,然后复制 、 分化 、 积累脂肪细胞.
To this he owed his nickname of " fatty ". 他由此得了一个 “ 大块头 ” 的外号.
The lean meat and contains the massive essential fatty acid fish richly. 瘦肉和富含大量必要脂肪酸的鱼类.
A food that is too fatty may cause indigestion. 过于油腻的食物会引起消化不良.
Indonesia PTSUM fatty acids series, and so on. 印尼PTSUM脂肪酸系列等等.
When a sperm whale is sick, it many produce a fatty substance called ambergris. 当抹香鲸生病时, 它会产生出一种脂肪物质,被称为龙涎香.
They're opening up, and the fatty tissues are oozing out. 受损的皮肤正在破裂, 脂肪组织已经暴露出来了.
Conclusion Hypertriglyceridemia, adiposity, drunk and lack doing sports are the main factors for fatty liver. 结论 高甘油三酯血症 、 肥胖 、 酗酒、少动是脂肪肝的主要相关因素.
fatty, cystic mass and cystic teratomas showed particularly characteristic signs on MRI. 尤其是含脂肪性的肿块,含液囊肿和囊性畸胎瘤具有一定特征性.
The fatty substances have been rendered down. 脂肪已提炼出来了.
There is a posterior midline fatty lesion consistent with lipoma. 下后部中线位置脂性病变,符合脂肪瘤表现.
The yield of lanolin fatty acids is 92.4 % . The product turns out according with external product. 采用本工艺,羊毛酸得率可达92.4%,产品达到国外同类产品质量指标.
We dubbed him fatty. 我们给他起了个绰号叫“胖子”.
I have a particular dislike of fatty meat. 我特别不喜欢肥肉.
A total of 429 patients were examined , in which 148 ( 34.5 % ) demonstrated a fatty liver using abdominal ultrasound. 分析变项包括性别、纪 、 体质量指数、前血糖指数、化血红素、功能指数、固醇指数及三酸甘油脂指数.
fatty acid value is one of sensitive indexes of grain quality. 脂肪酸值是粮食品质劣变的灵敏指标之一.
They were staring at the television screen. 当时他们正盯着电视屏幕。
Move your cursor to the top of the screen. 把你的光标移到屏幕顶端。
the screen display 屏幕显示
Can you do a printout of this screen for me (= of all the information on it) ? 你能帮我把这一屏幕打印出来吗?
a cinema/movie screen 电影银幕
an eight-screen cinema 一家有八个放映厅的电影院
The movie will be coming to your screens shortly. 这部电影不久就会在你们那里上映。
He has adapted the play for the screen. 他把那部剧改编成了电影剧本。
Some actors never watch themselves on screen . 有的演员从来不看自己拍的戏。
She was a star of stage and screen (= plays and films/movies) . 她是戏剧、电影两栖明星。
a screen actor 电影演员
The nurse put a screen around the bed. 护士绕床拉了一道帘子。
We planted a screen of tall trees. 我们种下一排大树作为屏障。
(figurative)All the research was conducted behind a screen of secrecy. 整个研究始终是秘密进行的。
screen doors 纱门
Dark glasses screened his eyes from the sun. 他戴了一副墨镜,保护眼睛不受阳光照射。
Men over 55 should be regularly screened for prostate cancer. 55岁以上的男性应定期做前列腺癌检查。
Many viewers have strong opinions about violence on the screen... 许多观众对银幕暴力心存反感。
She was the ideal American teenager, both on and off screen. 无论是在荧幕上还是在生活中,她都是人们心目中完美的美国青少年。
The series is likely to be screened in January... 这个系列剧可能在 1 月份播放。
TV firms were later banned from screening any pictures of the demo. 后来各电视台被禁止播放任何有关这次游行的画面。
They put a screen in front of me so I couldn't see what was going on. 他们在我面前竖了一面屏风,所以我看不到发生了什么事情。
Most of the road behind the hotel was screened by a block of flats. 宾馆后面的那条路大部分被一片公寓楼遮住了。
...a quick saliva test that would screen for people at risk of tooth decay. 能快速核查是否长蛀牙的唾液检验
They will screen all their candidates. 他们会对所有求职者进行筛选。
...screening procedures for the regiment. 参军的筛选程序
The airline had been screening baggage on X-ray machines. 该航空公司已采用X光机对行李进行安全检查。
I employ a secretary to screen my calls. 我雇用了一名秘书转接打给我的电话。
aule [ˈɔ:təməbi:l] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.<美>汽车; v.开汽车,坐汽车;
an automobile accident 车祸
the automobile industry 汽车工业
Each of the outstanding automobile design is the perfect combination of aesthetics and engineering. 每一辆杰出的汽车设计都是美学与工程学的完美结合.
automobile fuel has intimate relationship with autombiles. 车用燃料与汽车有着不可分割的关系.
Lastly, puts forward the corresponding counter measure to the automobile industrial agglomeration of Anhui province. 最后, 对安徽汽车产业集聚的发展提出了建议.
We are interested in purchasing automobile halogen Halogen Lamps. 我们想采购大量的汽车前大灯,请厂家与我们联系.
Adjust the tax rates of wine, compact car, motor vehicle and automobile tires. 调整白酒 、 小汽车 、 摩托车、汽车轮胎等税目的税率.
To drive an automobile, you must learn how to manipulate the steering wheel and pedals. 你必须学会如何操作方向盘和脚踏板,才能开汽车.
automobile accidents are far too common. 汽车事故太常见了.
automobile passenger transportation station is the important part of the city transportation programming. 汽车客运站是城市交通规划的重要组成部分.
We should also study ways of organizing enterprise groups in the automobile industry. 汽车工业如何组织起来,也要研究一下.
Kritski, looks like your automobile lost a little weight. 克里斯克, 看起来你的汽车失去了一些重量.
Non capisco perch é quando uno dice Torino dovrebbe , secondo Lei , andarci in automobile. 可是所有的人想提杜林的时候, 都可以说的.高可尊先生说道.
Our automobile suBassemBlies company has all kinds of spare parts with a complete range of specifications. 本汽车配件公司,零件完备,规格齐全.
The world's largest automobile company was in default of $ 2 billion. 世界上最大的汽车厂商有20亿美元的资金缺口.
The automobile you purchased from us was repossessed because you failed to make payments on it. 本公司收回您向我们购买的汽车,因为您未付车款.
A symmetrical element model for acoustic coupling analysis of the automobile passenger compartment is set up. 建立了车辆乘坐室声振耦合分析的对称有限元模型.
Support the development of automobile consumption credit business, auto finance companies to broaden financing channels. 支持汽车消费信贷业务发展, 拓宽汽车金融公司融资渠道.
The article introduces the application of derivative weld in automobile weld product line. 介绍了引出焊在汽车焊接生产线中的应用.
Major customers are Europe well - known automobile factory, auto parts plant, lighting plant, seating and other plants. 主要客户为欧洲著名汽车厂 、 汽车配件厂 、 灯具厂 、 座椅厂等.
The parts of an automobile are standardized. 汽车零件是标准化了的.
Henry Ford was an automobile baron. 亨利·福特是一位汽车业巨头.
He is repairing the brake lever of an automobile. 他正在修理汽车的刹车杆.
You must obtain a new automobile license when your old one expires. 当旧的汽车牌照满期,你得领取新的.
My father had a narrow squeak in the automobile accident. 我父亲在这次车祸中死里逃生.
The automobile slowed down to go around the curves in the road. 汽车在路上转弯时放慢了速度.
The mechanic serviced our automobile. 机械师把我们的汽车修好了.
An automobile came tearing along the road. 汽车沿公路疾驰而来.
Factoring in connection with automobile installment accounts is a big business today. 代管汽车分期付款的到期帐目是当今一桩巨大的业务.
to read a/the map (= understand the information on a map) 查看地图
large-scale maps 大比例尺地图
Can you find Black Hill on the map ? 你能在地图上找到布莱克山吗?
I'll draw you a map of how to get to my house. 我给你画一张到我家的路线图。
The exhibition has helped put the city on the map. 展览会使这个城市名扬四方。
an unexplored region that has not yet been mapped 一个尚未绘制地图的未经勘察的地区
It is now possible to map the different functions of the brain. 现在已有可能了解大脑的各种功能。
[不可数名词]the mapping of the Indian subcontinent 印度次大陆地图的绘制
gene mapping 基因图的绘制
Grammar information enables students to map the structure of a foreign language onto their own. 语法知识使学生能够把外语结构和母语结构联系起来。
He has his career path clearly mapped out. 他精心规划了自己的前途。
He unfolded the map and set it on the floor... 他打开地图,放在了地板上。
Have you got a map of the city centre? 你有市中心的地图吗?
...geological maps, books and atlases. 地质图、书籍与地图册 maps on television. 电视上的气象图
...a spacecraft which is using radar to map the surface of Venus. 使用雷达绘制金星表面地图的宇宙飞船
...better mapping of the ocean floor. 对海底地形的更精确绘制
...the attempts of the Edinburgh Festival's organisers to put C.P. Taylor firmly on the map... 爱丁堡艺术节的组织者们为使C.P.泰勒名扬四海所作的努力
This could put cider back on the map as one of our great national drinks. 这样可以让苹果酒再度名扬四方,成为我们重要的国酒之一。
The complexity of the road map puzzled me. 错综复杂的公路图把我搞糊涂了.
The map of the heavens showed all the northern constellations. 这份天体图标明了北半部所有的星座.
The map on the wall is a bit crooked. 墙上的地图有些歪.
g o a dt [ɡəu ɔn ə ˈdaiət] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
I think you should go on a diet. 我看尔应该节食.
You must go on a diet because you are too fat. 你必须限定饮食因为你太胖了.
I've got to go on a diet. I don't want to be a fatso. 我得少吃点儿, 我可不想变成一个大胖子.
I am a little overweight. I should go on a diet. 我有点过胖了, 得节食才行.
You need't go on a diet, but you must eat sensily and mustn't overeat. 你不必节食, 但必须饮食有度,不能吃得过饱.
The doctor says I've got to go on a diet. 医生说我得节食.
Many people, especially young women go on a diet to get slim. 许多人, 特别是年青女子,为变得苗条而节食.
Things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. 近来情况变得如此糟糕,以致他决定节食了.
Why do not you go on a diet? 你为什么不节制饮食 呢 ?
Take my advice and go on a diet. 听我的建议,赶紧节食.
Maggie: He advises her to go on a diet. 玛吉: 医生建议她节食.
Helen: I need to go on a diet. 海伦: 我需要节食减肥.
I've gained much weight recently. I have to go on a diet. 最近胖了许多, 我得节食了.
The doctor ordered him to go on a diet to lose weight. 医生要他按规定进食来减肥.
You should go on a diet. 你应该节食.
I think you shall go on a diet. 我看尔应该节食.(或:我看你应该吃规定的饮食. )
"He'll have to go on a diet," Ballard quipped. “他得减肥啦,”巴拉德俏皮地说。
a t
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The work was done according to her instructions. 这项工作是依照她的指示办的。
Everything went according to plan . 一切均按照计划进行。
The salary will be fixed according to qualifications and experience. 薪金将依资历和经验而定。
according to Mick, it's a great movie. 据米克说,这是一部了不起的电影。
You've been absent six times according to our records. 根据我们的记录,你已经缺席六次了。
The route that the boatmen choose varies according to the water level. 船夫选择的路线会随水位的变化而有所不同。
If all goes according to plan, the first concert will be Tuesday evening. 如果一切都按计划进行的话,第一场音乐会将在星期二晚上举行。
Philip stayed at the hotel, according to Mr Hemming... 据亨明先生所说,菲利普住在旅馆里。
He and his father, according to local gossip, haven't been in touch for years. 当地风传,他和父亲已多年未联系了。
They both played the game according to the rules... 他们俩都依章行事。
They must take their own decision according to their own legal advice. 他们必须根据各自律师的意见自行决定。
Prices vary according to the quantity ordered... 价格随订购数量不同而有所变化。
according to the assessor's statement, the fire damage was not severe. 根据估价员的估计, 火灾损失并不严重.
We wanted to buy a bigger house than this but we had to cut our coat according to our cloth. 我们原想买比这个大些的房子,但是得量力而为呀.
according to informed sources, a takeover bid is planned for next month. 据消息灵通人士透露, 收购建议计划在下月作出.
according to ancient legend, the river is a goddess. 据古代传说, 这条河是位女神.
He regulated his watch according to the radio. 他听收音机校准了他的表.
You've been in prison three times according to our records. 根据我们的记录,你曾入狱三次.
according to what I have learnt, we are going to have an outing next week. 据我所知, 下周将进行一次郊游.
The spaceshipblasted off at 15:30 according to the plan. 宇宙飞船按计划在15时30分起飞.
The task has been accomplished according to schedule. 任务已如期完成.
The action he takes varies according to the nature of the complaint. 他所采取的行动,根据怨言的性质,而有所不同.
He will be punished according to his deserts. 他将受到应有的惩罚.
Everything has worked out according to plan. 一切都按计划发展.
according to one estimate, about 19 in 20 people can be hypnotizd to some degree if they want to be and if they trust the hypnotist. 据估计, 20个人中有19个人可程度不同地被催眠,如果他们想被催眠并相信催眠的人.
How does the food here measure up according to your nutrition standards? 按照你的营养标准来衡量这食物 怎么样 ?
[dəˈrekʃn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
It's only a small improvement, but at least it's a step in the right direction . 虽然这只是小小的改进,但至少是朝正确方向迈出的一步。
Support came from an unexpected direction. 一个出人意料的来源提供了帮助。
Let us approach the subject from a different direction. 咱们从一个不同的角度来探讨这个题目吧。
We are looking for somebody with a clear sense of direction . 我们想找一个有明确目标的人。
Once again her life felt lacking in direction. 她的生活似乎又没了方向。
Let's stop and ask for directions. 咱们停下来问问路吧。
Simple directions for assembling the model are printed on the box. 模型装配的简要说明印在盒子上。
All work was produced by the students under the direction of John Williams. 所有作品都是在约翰·威廉斯的指导下由学生创作完成的。
There is some clever direction and the film is very well shot. 由于导演指导有方,影片拍得非常成功。
I am very unhappy with the direction the club is taking. 我对俱乐部的发展趋势很不满意。
The exhibition provides evidence of several new directions in her work. 这个展览表明她的创作有几个新动向。
I lost all sense of direction (= I didn't know which way to go) . 我完全迷失了方向。
When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions . 警察赶到后,人群便向四面八方散开了。
Tom went off in the direction of home. 汤姆朝家的方向去了。
She glanced in his direction . 她朝他那个方向瞥了一眼。
The aircraft was flying in a northerly direction. 飞机正向北飞去。
The road was blocked in both directions. 这条路往返方向都堵死了。
They hit a truck coming in the opposite direction . 他们撞上一辆迎面开来的卡车。
Has the wind changed direction ? 风向变了吗?
His failures underline the difference between theatre and film direction. 他的失败说明了导演戏剧和电影是不同的。
He proceeded to give Dan directions to the computer room. 他接着告诉丹去计算机房该怎么走。
St Andrews was ten miles in the opposite direction... 圣安德鲁斯在相反方向上 10 英里处。
He drove off in the direction of Larry's shop... 他驾车朝着拉里商店的方向驶去。
They threatened to walk out if the party did not change direction... 他们威胁说,如果该党不改变方针,他们就将集体退席。
I've never done any sustained writing, but that might be one of my next directions. 我以前从未尝试过持续写作,不过那可能是我下一步努力的方向之一。
I should know by now not to throw away the directions until we've finished cooking... 现在我知道了不该在饭没做完之前就扔掉烹饪说明。
It owns self import and export right. 公司拥有自营进出口权.
He realized that he was heading in the wrong direction. 他意识到走错了方向.
In which direction did he go? 他朝哪个方向去了?
The aircraft was flying in a northerly direction. 飞机正朝北飞行.
[ɡein weit] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Some people will gain weight, no matter how hard they try to slim. 有些人无论多么努力地减肥,都会长肉。
Some people do gain weight after they stop smoking. 一些人戒烟后体重确实会增加。
She was a small gray - blonde woman with a tendency to gain weight. 她娇小玲珑,满头金发略呈灰白,身子开始微微发胖了.
Overnight she developed an insatiable appetite, and began to gain weight. 她突然间显出了一种永不满足的食欲, 而且体重开始增加了.
" Even if they keep on eating badly , they won't gain weight,'says CEO Andre G . Pemet. 基塞首席执行官安德-C- 波奈说, “ 病人即使继续胡吃, 也不会再发胖. ”
She will never gain weight, she will become a metabolic underachiever. 她永远不会发胖, 只是新陈代谢不足.
I'll gain weight. I'll get fat. I need to walk it off. 我会变胖. 我会变肥. 我需要散散步来消耗.
People usually gain weight because they overeat, but what makes them overeat? 人们体重经常是因为吃得过饱而增长.可是为什么会吃过饱 呢 ?
You are sure to gain weight and accumulate more cholesterol. 只会增加体重,提高胆固醇.
So we do not want people to gain weight right? 所以我们也不想让人们过于肥胖,对 吗 ?
Linda, you seriously need to lighten up. Stress makes people gain weight. 琳达, 你真得放松点. 压力让人发胖.
Most people gain weight when they stop smoking, didn't you? 大部分人停止抽烟时,体重会增加, 你会这样 吗 ?
A: And I might gain weight. 但我可能会因此增重.
This illness predisposes you to gain weight. 这种病就预设了你体重会增加.
Put on such pastures they never gain weight. 在这样的草场上放牧,它们不会长膘.
a [ˈɔːtəʊ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.<美>汽车; vi.乘汽车;
the auto industry 汽车工业
...the auto industry. 汽车工业
auto focusing technology is widely used in all kinds of optical apparatus. 自动调焦技术已经广泛应用于各种光学仪器中.
After visiting the auto dock. 参观了汽车码头后.
Detroit auto makers were already knocking door. 底特律的汽车制造商也已经对此虎视眈眈.
During the preparation stage, the applicant shall not conduct any auto financing business. 筹建期内不得以汽车金融公司名义从事经营活动.
This auto manufacturing center of the United States was paralysed in a matter of days. 美国的这家汽车生产中心仅仅在几天的时间里就陷入了瘫痪.
This paper focuses on auto - organization algorithm of topic - related reports and the topic organization algorithm search technology. 本文将话题相关报道自组织算法及话题源检索技术作为主要研究内容.
Current auto transport config settings succeeded connecting to the server and received data. 当前的自动传送配置设置已成功连接到服务器并接收到数据.
When will Yuanjing with a six speed auto gearbox be available in the market? 啥时候六速自动变速箱的远景能上市 呢 ?
We cannot make the survival of our auto industry dependent on an unending tax dollars. “说:”我们不能让我们的生存依赖于汽车行业的一个永无休止的流通税美元.
Manual & multicolour more auto drafting Tablet plus clear thick film exposure and fertilizer. 手工套版更在感光片加隔透明厚胶片中曝光加肥.
Online book sharing wiki site with auto PDF or EPUB generation for ebook devices. 亿年书海网络书籍编辑与分享平台,生成精美PDF和EPUB电子书.
MM that stature explodes well, has not been finished auto heterodyne having a ditch! 身材好的爆的MM, 受不了了自拍有沟!
You've reached Joe's auto Repair. 这里是乔的汽车修理厂.
Don't park your auto here. 别把你的汽车停在这儿.
The United auto Workers hit the bricks against General Motors. 联合汽车工人工会举行罢工,反对通用汽车公司.
A special news program exposed underhanded auto repair shops that are ripping off senior citizens. 一个特别新闻节目揭露了一家敲榨老年人的卑鄙的汽车维修店.
The problems of the auto industry have created economic ripples through the rest of the economy as well. 汽车业的问题造成其他行业也出现了经济上的连锁反应。
The auto Compact Disc Cleaner can run off batteries or mains. 这种光盘自动清洗机可用电池或电源两种方式驱动。
The auto Pact yoked Ontario into the United States economy. 《汽车协定》强行将安大略纳入了美国的经济体系中。
f [ˈfɔrid] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
She has a poor complexion and pock marks on her forehead. 她满面菜色,额头上有些麻子。
She dabbed iodine on the cuts on her forehead. 她把碘酒轻搽在前额的伤口上。
A curl of black hair fell loosely across his forehead. 他的额头上垂着一绺散开的黑色卷发。
The car struck him a glancing blow on the forehead. 那辆汽车蹭伤了他的前额。
He touched the boy's forehead. It was burning hot. 他摸了摸男孩的额头,烧得烫手.
He wiped away the beads of sweat on his forehead. 他擦去了额头上的汗珠。
Sweat ran from his forehead into his eyes, blurring his vision. 汗水从额头流到了眼睛里,模糊了他的视线。
He bent forward and laid a kiss softly upon her forehead. 他弯身向前,在她额头上轻轻一吻。
Midge's forehead furrowed as she saw that several were drinking. 米奇看到几个人正在喝酒时皱起了眉头。
The wind blew her hair back from her forehead. 风把她前额上的头发吹到了后面。
She tapped her forehead and looked annoyed with herself. 她拍打着脑门,看上去在生自己的气。
She brushed a lock of hair off his forehead. 她撩开他脑门上的一绺头发。
Mike shook his head, to unstick his hair from his sweating forehead. 迈克晃了一下头,想把头发从汗涔涔的前额上甩开。
He anointed my forehead. 他给我的前额涂上了油。
Indigo tattoos adorn her forehead. 她的前额纹着靛青色的刺青。
[ais kri:m] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Who wants an ice cream? 谁要冰激凌?
Desserts are served with cream or ice cream. 甜点上加奶油或冰激凌。
They stuffed themselves with ice creams, chocolate and lollies. 他们填了一肚子的冰激凌、巧克力和棒棒糖。
Do you want an ice cream?... 想来份冰激凌吗?…
...vanilla ice cream. 香草冰激凌
I'll get you some ice cream. 我会给你买些冰激凌。
The boy ate several dishfuls of ice cream. 那小男孩吃了好几满盘冰淇淋.
We had ice cream for dessert. 我们餐后吃的甜点是冰淇淋.
I ate two dishes of ice cream. 我吃了两碟冰淇淋.
ice cream is on special this week only! 冰淇淋特价优惠,只限本周!
ice cream sells best in summer. 冰淇淋在夏天销路最好.
The boy charged up and asked for an ice cream. 这个男孩跑上来要了一份冰淇淋.
The sale of ice cream is partly determined by the weather. 冰淇淋的销量部分取决于天气.
If you are naughty you won't get any ice cream. 你要是再调皮,就吃不到冰淇淋了.
Desserts are served with cream or ice cream. 甜点上加奶油或冰激凌。
jelly and ice cream 果冻冰激凌
She was always treating him to ice cream. 她总是请他吃冰激凌。
People are strolling, buying ice cream for their children, just like they do every Sunday. 人们在闲逛,给孩子们买冰激凌,就像每个星期天一样。
It has 25 calories less than ordinary ice cream. 它所含热量比普通的冰激凌少了25卡路里。
The easiest way to make ice cream yourself is to invest in an ice cream machine. 自己制作冰激凌的最简单的办法就是买一台冰激凌机。
After pigging herself on ice cream she went upstairs. 大吃特吃了一通冰激凌之后她上了楼。
I'll bet they have yummy ice cream. 我敢打赌他们有非常好吃的冰激凌。
He spooned the ice cream into a cup and fed it to her. 他用勺子把冰激凌舀进杯子,喂给她吃。
She would eat four tubs of ice cream in one sitting. 她以前常常一次就吃4桶冰激凌。
e [ɪgˈzædʒəreɪt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
The hotel was really filthy and I'm not exaggerating. 我不是夸张,这旅店真的很脏。
He tends to exaggerate the difficulties. 他往往夸大困难。
I'm sure he exaggerates his Irish accent (= tries to sound more Irish than he really is) . 我肯定他把他的爱尔兰口音故意说得很重。
Demand for the product has been greatly exaggerated. 对这项产品的需求给过分夸大了。
The dress exaggerates her wasp waist and enlarges her bosom. 那件连衣裙凸显了她的蜂腰,也让她的胸部看起来更丰满。
These figures exaggerate the loss of competitiveness... 这些数字夸大了竞争力的丧失。
Don't exaggerate... 别夸张。
He thinks I'm exaggerating... 他觉得我在夸大其词。
We should neither exaggerate nor ignore the differences. 虽然我们不能夸大这些不同,但是我们也不能忽视它们的存在.
It is impossible to exaggerate the fact. 无论怎样强调这事实,也不嫌过份.
In many ways, our social statistics exaggerate the degree of hardship. 我们的社会统计数字在许多方面夸大了困难的程度.
And if you think I exaggerate, try it. 如果你认为我夸大其词, 那麽不妨打开电视试试.
Perhaps they exaggerate his illness. 也许他们把他的病情夸大了吧.
Don't exaggerate the difficulties of your work. 别夸大你的工作困难.
In fact, the student is likely to exaggerate the problems. 事实上, 他们很可能夸大问题.
We can't exaggerate his scientific attainment. 我们无法估量他在科学上的造诣.
This chap likes to exaggerate and is good at nothing but boasting. 这个人言过其实,就会吹牛皮放大炮.
If you exaggerate, people will no longer believe you. 如果你说话虚夸, 人们便不会相信你了.
She did not exaggerate about the height of the tower. 她没有把塔的高度夸大.
I appreciate your honesty. It's really quite refreshing . Some interviewees tend to exaggerate. 我欣赏你的诚实,有些面试者会夸大自己的能力,而你和他们完全不同. 令人耳目一新.
I do not want to exaggerate the case for a ban. 我不想夸大实施禁令的理由.
Moreover, the system tends slightly to exaggerate the victory winning party. 而且, 这种制度似乎有些夸大获胜党的胜利.
However, under no circumstances should we exaggerate our achievements or regard our accomplishments as superb. 但是, 切不可过分夸张自己的成就,切不可把我们的事情说得太美满了.
If exaggerate a little to wear a down jacket. 要是穿羽绒服有点夸张了.
Bob has a tendency to exaggerate things. 鲍勃有爱夸张的倾向.
We should treat accurately the own value of the procedure and should not exaggerate its value. 应该准确地看待程序的自身价值并且不要夸大其价值.
A new accent is an adventure, be bold! exaggerate wildly. 学新的口音是一种冒险, 大胆点! 尽量夸张.
In my opinion, it is not good to exaggerate the role of any one individual. 我认为, 过分夸大个人作用是不对的.
During the interview, some interviewees tend to exaggerate. 面试时, 有些面试者会有夸大的倾向.
f i l [fɔ:l in lʌv] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
She will treat you and respect you asfull equal and easily fall in love with you. 她将会和你平等的对待你、尊敬你,很容易爱上你.
Take it around trying to stuck somewhere, fall in love a lot. 到处转转, 尝试一下失败,多谈谈恋爱.
Meet someone, fall in love, live ever after. 遇见某人, 堕入情网, 然后幸福的生活.
Let a man who does not wish to become slothful, fall in love. 让不愿懒散度日的男人沉醉于爱情吧.
When Takeo and Kaede first meet, they are and without speaking a word, fall in love. 《当彩色的声音尝起来是甜的》是科学松鼠会第一本科普出版物, 书里甄选了科学松鼠会上乘的科普文章, 全是我没有看过的.
They sleep, watch television, and sometimes fall in love. 他们睡觉, 看电视, 有时还相爱.
It is natural that he should fall in love with such a beautiful girl. 他爱上那位美丽的姑娘是很自然的事.
What's more, many of us fall in love with people because we want to be them. 更为重要的一点是, 我们中的大多数人会因为我们想成为某人而爱上某人.
When you fall in love, it's impossible to listen to the voice of reason. 人一坠入情网, 就听不见理智的声音了.
Why do you always gaze on her with rapture? Do you fall in love with her? 你为什么总丢了魂似地注视着她? 莫非你爱上她了 吗 ?
Wait. It means you fall in love with him? 等等. 你是不是爱上他了?
It takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. 一见钟情只在瞬息之间,而对爱大彻大悟却需要很多年。
Jessie: That's the worst reason to fall in love! 杰西: 这是坠入爱河最糟糕的理由!
Let yourself fall in love, then break free and set your sights high. 放手去爱吧, 然后解放自己,存志于高原.
Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high. 让自己陷入情网, 让自己跳出情网,让自己看得更高更远.
Love her every move a person can become a to fall in love with her. 爱一个人她的一举一动都能成为爱上她的理由.
How can you fall in love with him? 你怎么会爱上他?
I wanted her to fall in love with me. 我希望她会爱上我.
When someone loves none, he will fall in love with anyone around him. 当一个人谁都不爱的时候, 他就可以爱上身边的任何一个人.
If someone loves none, he may fall in love with anyone around him. 当一个人谁都不爱的时候, 他就可以爱上身旁的任何一个人.
However start to fall in love of my shift. 后来有一天,去不知不觉爱上了轮班工作制.
In the Minnesota north woods, it's easy to fall in love with sled dogs. 在明尼苏达北部森林里很容易爱上雪橇狗.
Didn't want to fall in love again so soon. 我不想这么快就再次坠入爱河.
A sad about life is when you meet someone and fall in love. 生活中最悲哀的事情是,你遇见某人并陷入情网.
Some people meet through chatrooms and fall in love. 有的人在聊天室相识并坠人爱河.
Never stop smiling, not even when you're sad, some man fall in love with your smile. 永远要保持微笑, 即使在你难过的时候也要笑容满面.
Slowly but surely she started to fall in love with him. 虽然过程缓慢,但她无疑开始爱上他了。
Foreigners unfailingly fall in love with the place. 外国人都爱上了这个地方。
She'safraid she's going to be hurt and that she'll never fall in love again. 她害怕自己会受到伤害,从而永远不会再恋爱了。
[ˈvendə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
street vendors 街头小贩
software vendors 软件销售商 vendors. 卖冰激凌的小贩
Remember, the estate agent is working for the vendor. 记住,房地产代理商是为房地产卖方服务的。
The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by June 15. 卖方须在6月15日前将货交给买方.
Place purchase orders or purchase requisition to ABB vendor or logistic dept . according to sales contract. 根据合同要求向内部采购部门或ABB供应商发出采购需求单或采购订单.
Create purchasing contract or order base on project requirement and release to vendor timely. 基于项目的需求生成采购合同或订单并及时的传达供应商.
Mere vendor certification of software suitability is inadequate. 只有供应商的软件适合性证书是不够的.
The above document as in the vendor check register the original, you do not need checking. 以上文件如在供应商登记时已核对原件的, 则不需要重复核对.
Ability to develop and establish effective system on vendor management and control certain resource of vendor. 能开拓和建立有效的供应商管理系统,并拥有一定的制造商资源.
Where in the purchase of goods, such as quality problems arise, be caveat vendor replacement. 凡在本公司购买的商品, 如出现质量问题, 一律包退包换.
My company is the first vendor of electronic money. 我的公司则是第一家提供电子货币的零售商.
Is the vendor always held responsible if goods are faulty? 如果产品有瑕疵,卖主是否一定要负责到底?
Issue working instruction to backend vendor, logistic handle when goods return. 是起诉工作指示后端供应商, 物流处理货物返回.
Price negotiation and vendor payment application management. 议价及供应商的付款应用程序管理.
It happened─whether by accident or design ─that the two of them were left alone after all the others had gone. 碰巧——不知是偶然还是有意安排——其他人走后,只剩下了他们两个人。
The tiles come in a huge range of colours and designs. 瓷砖有各种各样的颜色和图案。
a course in art and design 美术及设计课程
a design studio 设计室
computer-aided design 计算机辅助设计
the design and development of new products 新产品的设计和开发
designs for aircraft 飞机的设计图样
new and original designs 别具一格的新型设计方案
floral/abstract/geometric designs 花卉 / 抽象 / 几何图案
The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models. 这种汽车的基本设计与早期的样式非常相似。
special new design features 特别的新型设计风格
The magazine will appear in a new design from next month. 从下月起这本杂志将以新的设计问世。
The intelligence service conceived a grand design to assassinate the War Minister. 情报机构策划了一项暗杀陆军部长的重大计划。
This project is designed to help landless people... 这一项目旨在帮助那些没有土地的人。
It's not designed for anyone under age eighteen. 它不是为18岁以下者设计的。
The pair met often — at first by chance but later by design. 这两个人经常见面——开始是偶然的,后来就是有意的了。
His colonel had designs on his wife... 他的上校在打他妻子的主意。
Greece has always stressed that it had no designs on the territory. 希腊一直强调它对这片领土没有任何企图。
Is there some design in having him in the middle?... 让他呆在中间是不是有什么目的?
Most mobile robots are still in the design stage... 大多数移动机器人仍处在设计阶段。
These machines are constantly updated by improving the design of the computers. 通过改善计算机的设计,这些机器不断得到更新。
...a new design of clock... 新款时钟
They drew up the design for the house in a week. 他们在一周内就画出了房子的图样。
Their range of tableware is decorated with a blackberry design... 他们的整套餐具上都饰有黑莓图案。
Many pictures have been based on simple geometric designs. 许多画都是基于简单的几何图案。
He was a born mechanic with a flair for design... 他生来就是个有设计天赋的机械师。
They wanted to design a machine that was both attractive and practical. 他们想设计一种既美观又实用的机械。 wearing specially designed boots. 脚踏特制皮靴的男子
We may be able to design a course to suit your particular needs... 我们或许可以专门设计一门课程以满足你的特殊需求。
Computer security systems will be designed by independent technicians... 计算机安全系统将由独立的技师来设计。
push [ˈpʌblɪʃ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.& vi.出版,发行;发表,宣布(结婚等);公布,颁布;出版…的著作;
The first edition was published in 2002. 第一版于2002年发行。
He works for a company that publishes reference books. 他在一家工具书出版公司工作。
Most of our titles are also published on CD-ROM. 我们的大部分书籍也制成光盘发行。
Pictures of the suspect were published in all the daily papers. 嫌疑人的照片刊登在各家日报上了。
The report will be published on the Internet. 报告将在互联网上公布。
She hasn't published anything for years. 她好几年没有发表作品了。
University teachers are under pressure to publish. 大学教师有不得不发表作品的压力。
The findings of the committee will be published on Friday. 委员会的调查结果将于星期五公布。
They publish reference books... 他们出版工具书。
His latest book of poetry will be published by Faber in May. 他的最新诗集将由菲贝尔出版公司于5月出版。
The ban was imposed after the magazine published an article satirising the government... 这家杂志刊登了一篇讽刺政府的文章后被停刊。
I don't encourage people to take photographs like this without permission, but by law we can publish. 我不鼓励人们未经允许就拍摄这样的照片,但根据法律我们可以刊登。
John Lennon found time to publish two books of his humorous prose. 约翰·列侬抽时间出版了两本幽默散文。
The demonstrators called on the government to publish a list of registered voters. 游行者呼吁政府公布注册选民的名单。
They publish this report with all reserve. 他们发表这消息,但不保证其真伪.
Official publish retail price list for each model is available separately. 各款型号之公布零售价目表另行提供.
I shall publish a sheet full of thoughts every morning. 我打算每天上午发表一整张随感文字.
This print will publish study to coach continuously around 4 special subject. 本刊将围绕四个专题连续刊载学习辅导.
Preferential publish have bigger scale of production, formed area advantage farming by - product supplies information. 优先刊登具有较大生产规模 、 形成了产地优势的农副产品供给信息.
They must teach, carry out research and publish their findings. Other professors then study the work. 他们必须教学, 进行研究工作和公开他们的发现. 其他教授则做研究.
The chief editor refused to publish Jane's report because there was nothing newsworthy in it. 主编因为简的报导没有价值而拒绝发表.
Give now publish, the reader can consult before relevant file analysis, use. 现予以刊登, 读者可参看以往相关文件分析 、 使用.
Anne Darling in 1998 began to publish fiction, a distinctive style has drawn widespread attention. 安妮宝贝1998年开始发表小说, 因作品风格独特引起广泛关注.
I have a blog of my own and I publish my journals online. 我有一个我自己的博客,每天在网上发表我的日记.
The professor has carried out an investigation in depth, and intends to publish his findings soon. 教授已进行了深入的调查, 打算不久公布他的调查结果.
l w [lu:z weit] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Denise: You'll never lose weight if you listen to your stomach. 狄妮丝 ︰ 如果听胃的话,你永远也别想减肥.
Say your goal is lose weight by dieting and cutting off sweets. 比如说你的目标是节食减肥不吃甜食.
He is walking proof that people can lose weight quickly. 他是人能迅速变瘦的活见证.
If you keep drinking Pu'er tea every day for a long time you will lose weight. 长期喝普洱茶有减肥的功效.
lose weight too quickly and you will lose muscle tissue as well as fat. 减肥太快会使你的肌肉组织和脂肪一起消失.
If your goal is to lose weight, you work towards exercising most days. 如果你的目标是减轻体重的话, 你需要运动很多天.
Carries on the movement to lose weight blindly, possibly works to no avail accomplishes nothing. 盲目地进行“运动减肥”, 可能劳而无功一事无成.
To lose weight, you must keep off fast food. 为了减肥, 你必须禁食快餐.
Blocking these cannabinoid receptors reduces hunger and helps people lose weight, the researchers said. 阻断这些大麻素受体可以减少饥饿感,从而帮助人们减肥.
You must cut down on sugar to lose weight. 你必须少吃糖以减轻体重.
We all understand we to eat fewer calories overall and control our portions to lose weight. 我们都明白我们需要吃更少的热量和控制身体来减肥.
She's starving herself trying to lose weight. 她让自己挨饿试图减肥.
She's starving herself trying to lose weight. 她用节食疗法试图减肥.
MM asked how to lose weight then eat snacks? 有MM问到爱吃零食应怎样减肥 呢 ?
In order to lose weight, she refrains from eating candies. 为了减肥, 她避免吃糖果.
Skipping breakfast is not the way to lose weight, a study of US teenagers suggests. 跳越早餐不是方式减轻体重, 一个美国青少年的研究建议.
How to lose weight sculpting movements and not only trained to the muscles? 怎样运动才会减肥塑身而不会练出肌肉?
Some people exercise to lose weight, while others just exercise to keep fit. 有些人为了减肥而运动, 而另一些人是为了保持健康而运动.
I'm trying to lose weight so I have to steer clear of fattening foods. 我想減肥,所以得避免吃增肥食品.
Thus the Pian begins her laughable , doomed quest to lose weight. 于是,个性执着的小片开始了她啼笑皆非的减肥计划.
No matter what your age, you can lose weight by following this program. 不论年龄多大,都可以按这套方案来减肥。
Some people can diet like crazy and not lose weight. 有些人拼命节食也不能减肥。
I've been told to lose weight and stop smoking. 我被告知要减肥并戒烟。
The message is crystal clear—if you lose weight, you will have a happier, healthier, better life. 意思很明显——如果减肥成功,你将会有一个更幸福、更健康、更美好的生活。
She told her friends at work that she was trying to lose weight. 她跟单位的朋友说她在努力减肥。
Unless you are trying to lose weight to please yourself, it's going to be tough to keep your motivation level high. 除非减肥是为了悦已,否则很难保持积极性。
...the plastic tops from aerosol containers. 喷雾剂容器的塑料盖子
...a bottle top. 瓶塞
...a little shop at the top of the street... 在街道那头的小店
He moved to the empty chair at the top of the table. 他挪到桌子另一端的空椅子上坐下。
Look at my new top. 看看我的新上衣。
The vehicles have a top speed of 80 kilometres per hour. 这些车辆最高时速为 80 公里。
...a top-ranking Saudi officer. 最高级别的沙特阿拉伯军官
For $50, the guests got three courses of top nosh, fizz, wine, and beer. 花 50 美元,客人们就尝到了三道美味菜肴,还有汽水、葡萄酒和啤酒。
We started from the bottom and we had to work our way up to the top. 我们从最底层开始,是一步一步奋斗到最高层的。
...his dramatic rise to the top of the military hierarchy. 他戏剧性地晋升至最高军阶
So you want to be a top model… 这么说,你想成为超级名模喽。
The President met this afternoon with his top military advisers... 总统今天下午会见了他最得力的军事顾问。
The United States will be at the top of the medal table... 美国将在奖牌榜上位列第一。
Labour was top of the poll with forty-six percent. 工党以 46% 的得票数高居首位。
Cleaning up the water supply is their top priority... 清洁供水系统是他们的当务之急。
On arrival, a six-course meal was top of the agenda. 他们到达之后要做的第一件事是吃一顿六道菜的大餐。
He was Italy's top scorer during the World Cup matches... 他是世界杯比赛期间意大利队进球最多的球员。
Management consultancy was the top choice of career among 11,500 students in a survey this year… 在今年一项对 11,500 名学生进行的调查中,管理顾问是首选职业。
It was the first time a Japanese manufacturer had topped the list for imported vehicles... 这是日本制造商初次占据进口车排行的首位。
So what happens if the Socialists top the poll but fall short of an absolute majority? 那么如果社会党人得票居首却达不到绝对多数会怎么样?
Imports topped £10 billion last month... 上个月进口总额超过了 100 亿英镑。
These five schools are in the state's top 5% in achievement scores, one school topping the score for the whole state. 这 5 所学校的成绩在该州居前 5%,其中一所的成绩高于全州所有其他学校。
The holiest of their chapels are topped with gilded roofs... 他们最神圣的教堂屋顶镀了金。
To serve, top the fish with the cooked leeks. 上菜时,把炒好的韭葱覆在鱼上。
How are you going to top that? 你怎样超过那个?
The publisher expected the book to sell 1,500 copies, tops... 出版商预计该书至多能卖出 1,500 本。
p [ˈpebl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.卵石;水晶;水晶透镜;卵石花纹; vt.用卵石铺;用石子扔;使纹理粗糙;
The origin of pebble stove in China and several development phases are reviewed. 回顾了我国球式热风炉的起源及所经历的几个发展阶段.
When he had heard the quotation, it was a pebble. 在艾伦当初听到这句格言的时候, 它还只是一颗鹅卵石.
Now now! Don't take so many biscuits; You are not the only pebble on the beach. 好了! 别拿那么多饼干, 不是只有你一个人((还有其他很多人)).
They lean on the rail and toss a pebble into the falls, or a leaf. 他们凭着桥栏,把一粒鹅卵石或一片树叶投在瀑布里.
His forepaws braced a pebble. 它那双前爪紧紧抓住了一块小石子.
A pebble dislodged, a blade of grass bent, a file moved. 无论是取出一块鹅卵石, 折弯一片草叶,还是移动一份文件.
It is speculated that there are many more circles to come from that one pebble. 据推测,卵石激起的波纹还会有很多.
The pearl and pebble necklaces are a peculiarity of the peninsula. 珍珠和卵石项链是半岛的一个特色.
Then he squeezed the trigger and the pebble spattered. 他赶快把扳机一扣,啪的一声,石子击了个粉碎.
The pebble I threw skimmed over the water. 我扔的小石片掠过水面.
You aren't the only pebble on the beach. 你这样的人多得很.
He isn't the only pebble on the beach. 像他这样的人多得很.
But if he refused to pick a pebble, his father would be thrown into Jail. 但是如果他拒绝挑选鹅卵石, 他的父亲将被关进监狱.
On the way, Hansel dropped a pebble every several meters. 一路上, 亨舍儿每隔几米就扔一块鹅卵石.
A probable new species of pebble crab was also found off the coast of southwestern Australia. 这只螃蟹很可能是一种新的石卵蟹,来自澳大利亚西南海域.
The pebble made a ripple on the surface of the lake. 石子在湖面上激起一个涟漪.
We are going to pebble the walks in the park. 我们将用鹅卵石铺公园里的走道.
These particles range from coarse silt to sand or pebble size. 这些颗粒的大小变化范围是从粗粉砂级到砂级或细砂级.
She moaned as a sharp pebble cut into her blistered foot. 一颗尖石子扎破了她脚上的血泡,她痛得叫了一声.
The boy gave the bully a pelt on the back with a pebble. 那男孩用石子掷击小流氓的背脊.
At night they searched their saddle bags and discovered every pebble had become a diamond. 当夜幕降临,他们查看自己的马褡子,发现每一颗鹅卵石竟然都变成了钻石.
The bird mistook the pebble for egg and tried to hatch it. 这只鸟错把卵石当蛋,想去孵它.
A pebble lodged in his shoe. 一块鹅卵石进入他的鞋里.
What we need you to do is to take a pebble there and jam the gears. 我们要你做的就是把一个小鹅卵石弄进去并卡住里面的传动装置.
He fitted a pebble into the catapult and pulled back the elastic. Twang! 他把石子放进弹弓里,然后往回拉动橡皮筋。“嘣”!
You throw a pebble in a pool and it ripples. 往池塘里扔块鹅卵石就会激起一片涟漪。
mane [ˌmæɡəˈzi:n] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a weekly/monthly magazine 周刊;月刊
a magazine article/interview 杂志中的文章 / 访问记
Her designer clothes were from the pages of a glossy fashion magazine. 她的名师设计的服装取材于一份精美的时装杂志。
a regional news magazine on TV 以地区新闻为主题的电视节目
a magazine programme/program 专题节目
Her face is on the cover of a dozen or more magazines. 她的面孔出现在十几种杂志的封面上。
...a live arts magazine. 直播的艺术板块节目
...'Science In Action', a weekly science magazine programme. 《当下科学》——一个每周一期的科学新闻杂志型节目
What do you like to do in your spare time? 空闲时你喜欢干什么?
The editor of the magazine was hard up for material. 那家杂志的编辑缺少材料.
Is it too late to insert a new page into my magazine article? 往我在杂志上发表的那篇文章中再加上一页晚不晚?
She sued the magazine for defamation of her character. 她控告该杂志诽谤她的人格.
The magazine makes a feature of children's stories. 该杂志以刊登儿童故事为特色.
The difficulty is to get enough good copy to fill the magazine. 困难的是如何为该杂志组到足够多的好材料.
We obtained special permission to reproduce the book in our magazine. 本刊得到特别许可翻印这本书.
The core of regular contributors is essential to the magazine. 有一群经常投稿的人对这份杂志是极为重要的.
The story will be continued in subsequent issues of the magazine. 小说将继续在以后几期杂志上连载.
This is a male magazine. 这是一本男性杂志.
The magazine was snatched from my hand before I could read it. 我还没来得及看那期杂志,就被从我手里抢走了.
He escaped being killed when the magazine exploded because he had not gone to work. 他因没有去上班而避免了在那次弹药库爆炸中丧生.
The magazine subscription expires with the current issue. 本期杂志是订阅的最后一期.
He was idly turning the pages of a magazine. 他在无聊地翻看一本杂志.
He held a magazine in his hand. 他手里拿着一本杂志.
The cost of defending the libel action almost bankrupted the small magazine. 为诽谤罪辩护的诉讼费几乎使这家小杂志社破产.
There were rumours that she had posed topless for a magazine. 谣传她为某杂志拍过半身裸照.
Subscribers to the magazine can take advantage of this special offer. 杂志订户可享有此项特惠.
That magazine usurped copyrighted material. 那杂志盗用了版权为他人所有的素材.
d [ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
popular holiday destinations like the Bahamas 像巴哈马那样深受大众喜爱的度假胜地
to arrive at/reach your destination 到达目的地
Our luggage was checked all the way through to our final destination . 我们的行李一直被托运到最终目的地。
Spain is still our most popular holiday destination... 西班牙仍是我们最喜爱的度假去处。
Only half of the emergency supplies have reached their destination. 仅有一半的紧急救援物资运抵了目的地。
Does providing my realm preference guarantee my destination? 我选择了新的服务器后,保证就能转到那个新的去?
We are at last at our destination. 我们终于到达目的地.
An encrypted message cannot be decrypted by the destination queue manager. 加密的消息不能由目标队列管理器解密.
The name of the new database table ( the destination table ). 新数据库表的名称 ( 目标表 ).
The rider spurred on / forward to his destination. 骑者向目的地疾驰而去.
We have arranged shipment with freight to be collectedat destination. 我们已按运脚到付安排装船.
Do you really know the destination? 你真的知道你的目的地 吗 ?
The rider spurred on to his destination. 骑手向目的地疾驰而去.
But they noted new restrictions were in force inside the aircraft as it approached its destination. 但是他们发现,飞机即将抵达目的地时,采取了新的限制.
Perched on a rock, Jin Tai temple is one of Zhuhai must see cultural destination. 岩石上栖息, 金台寺是珠海必须要看的文化目的地.
The nanodroplets carry the nutraceutical nanoparticals through membranes and release them upon reaching their destination. 纳米液滴携带着营养物质的纳米颗粒穿过细胞膜,在到达目的地后把它释放出来.
The student group that have same interesting, activity or destination and organized. 有共同兴趣 ﹐ 活动或目的的有组织的学生团体.
If Kazakhstan is the place of your destination, try to avoid any affairs connected with drugs. 如果哈萨克斯坦是您的目的地, 请务必要避免与毒品有关的任何事情.
Where contractually specified, this protection shall extend to include delivery to destination. 如合约中有所规定, 此项产品保护应延伸包括交货至目的地在内.
The destination of education lies in itself and lies in the road taken. 教育没有目的,目的就在于教育本身,其中重要的是它含有“道路”之意.
I eventually arrived at my destination. 我终于到达了目的地.
They encountered untold difficulties and dangers before they reached their destination. 他们经历过数不尽的艰难险阻才到达目的地.
They were flown to the destination. 他们被空运到目的地.
The destination of his study is the law. 他的攻读目标是法律.
Life can be likened to a journey with an unknown destination. 生活可以被比作一次不知目的的旅行.
To find out, make Christchurch your next vacation destination. 找找看, 明年的暑假新西兰基督城是你旅游的目标.
The troops rushed to their destination without a single halt. 部队马不停蹄地赶到了目的地.
His destination was Chobham Common, a long way from his Cotswold home. 他的目的地是乔伯姆公地,那里和他在科茨沃尔德的家离得很远。
St Lucia is still mercifully undeveloped as a tourist destination. 作为一个旅游目的地,圣卢西亚所幸还未被开发。
You can check your baggage right through to its final destination. 你可以把行李直接托运到终点。
dt [ˈdaɪət] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.日常饮食;规定饮食; vt.& vi.(使)节制饮食; vi.节食;进规定饮食;
She's always dieting but she never seems to lose any weight. 她总是在节食,但体重好像并未减少。
dietary fibre 饮食纤维素
to have a healthy, balanced diet 有健康和均衡的饮食
the Japanese diet of rice, vegetables and fish 米饭、蔬菜和鱼这些日本人常吃的食物
to receive advice on diet 接受饮食建议
a low-fat, salt-free diet 低脂肪无盐的饮食
diet drinks (= with fewer calories than normal) 低热量饮料
I decided to go on a diet (= to lose weight) before my holiday. 我决定在休假前节食。
Children today are brought up on a diet of television cartoons and soap operas. 如今的孩子是看电视上的动画片和肥皂剧长大的。