CET4 必备词汇 : 看单词选词义(考) - 26
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(1) a field mushroom (= the most common type that is eaten, often just called a ‘mushroom ’, and often grown to be sold)
(2) fried mushrooms
(3) cream of mushroom soup
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n. 小孩,儿童;子女
n. 居住;驻扎;住处
n. 蘑菇,伞菌
n. 阴影,影子
(1) the absence of any women on the board of directors
(2) The decision was made in my absence (= while I was not there) .
(3) We did not receive any news during his long absence.
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adj. 适合的;适宜的
n. 纯净;纯洁;纯度
n. 火花,火星
n. 缺席,不在;缺乏
(1) Give Mary a call; she needs cheering up.
(2) Bright curtains can cheer up a dull room.
(3) Oh, come on─cheer up!
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vt. 创立,创办,建立;建成
adj. 澳大利亚的
n. 正餐,主餐;宴会
vt. 鼓舞;欢呼
(1) The invention would have wide application/a wide range of applications in industry.
(2) lotion for external application only (= to be put on the skin, not swallowed)
(3) It took three applications of paint to cover the graffiti.
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n. 硬币
n. 请求;申请;运用
n. 情感,情绪
adj. 温和的;有节制的
(1) [不可数名词]to be sentenced to life imprisonment for murder
(2) (figurative)Some young mothers feel imprisoned in their own homes.
(3) They were imprisoned for possession of drugs.
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n. 化学;化学构成
adv. 相对地,比较地
vt. 关押,监禁
n. (乡间)小路;车道;跑道
(1) to submit/consider/accept/reject a proposal
(2) a proposal to build more office accommodation
(3) His proposal that the system should be changed was rejected.
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n. 毫米
n. 提议,建议;求婚
vt. 刺激;激励,鼓舞;激发
n. 等待
(1) What difference will it make if he knows or not?
(2) I don't think it makes a lot of difference what colour it is (= it is not important) .
(3) ‘Shall we go on Friday or Saturday? ’ ‘It makes no difference (to me). ’
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n. 小屋,棚屋
n. 差别,差异;差量,差额;分歧
adj. 宠爱的,溺爱的
n. 漏洞;裂缝;漏隙
(1) ‘I'm feeling really depressed. ’ ‘The winter here has that effect sometimes. ’
(2) I tried to persuade him, but with little or no effect.
(3) I can certainly feel the effects of too many late nights.
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n. 结果,效果;所有物;特效
vi. 重复;发出回声
vi. 发生;出现
n. 流行音乐,流行歌曲
(1) I have a bad memory for names.
(2) People have short memories (= they soon forget) .
(3) He had a long memory for people who had disappointed him.
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n. 允许进入;承认;入场费
vt. 缓和;使减少
adj. 部分的;偏爱的;偏袒的
n. 记忆;回忆;存储器
(1) the spring/fall semester
(2) By the end of the semester, I will not fear math.
(3) We are trying to pull through the toughest time of the semester.
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adj. 轻快的;红火的;清新的;麻利的
adj. 安心的;安全的
n. 学期,半学年
n. 工艺,手艺;行业
(1) an upward gaze
(2) an upward movement in property prices
(3) She started once again on the steep upward climb...
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adj. 向上的,上升的
n. 保守的人
vt. 密封;盖章
adj. 英雄的;英勇的
(1) Here the river is confined in a narrow channel.
(2) The soldiers concerned were confined to barracks (= had to stay in the barracks , as a punishment)
(3) She was confined to bed with the flu.
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vt. 吊,悬;推迟
int. 喂;哈罗,你好
n. 戏剧,戏剧艺术
vt. 限制;禁闭
(1) Cracks of light filtered through the shutters...
(2) Light and water in embassy buildings were cut off...
(3) The janitor comes round to turn the lights out...
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n. 通信者;通讯员
adv. 轻轻地,轻松地
vt. 插入;嵌入
n. 事实;实际,实情
(1) She seemed a trifle anxious.
(2) $1 000 is a mere trifle to her.
(3) He is not a person to be trifled with.
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n. 桩;赌注
adj. 心神不安的,忧虑的
n. 小事,琐事;少许
adj. 一贯的;一致的;连贯的
(1) People were craning out of the windows and waving.
(2) She craned her neck to get a better view of the stage.
(3) The little prefabricated hut was lifted away by a huge crane.
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n. 手掌,手心;掌状物;棕榈树
adj. 友好的,可亲的
n. 集中;专注;浓度
n. 起重机;鹤
(1) to obtain advice/information/permission
(2) I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.
(3) To obtain the overall score, add up the totals in each column.
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vt. 建筑;建立,创建
vt. 拧紧
vt. 精炼,提纯;改进,改善
vt. 获得,得到,买到
(1) He slung the bag over his shoulder.
(2) She tapped him on the shoulder.
(3) He looked back over his shoulder.
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n. 现象
n. 肩,肩膀
adj. 正派的;得体的;像样的
vt. 刻,雕刻;切下;刻写
(1) a law prohibiting the sale of alcohol
(2) Soviet citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad.
(3) The high cost of equipment prohibits many people from taking up this sport.
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vt. 禁止,阻止
adv. 完全地,十足地
n. 批改,修改;惩罚
n. 民主,民主制;民主国家
(1) nuclear missiles
(2) a missile base/site
(3) The authorities offered to stop firing missiles if the rebels agreed to stop attacking civilian targets.
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vt. 损坏,糟蹋;宠坏
adj. 漂亮的,美丽的;美好的
adj. 给人印象深刻的;了不起的
n. 发射物;导弹
(1) a pile of clean/dirty laundry
(2) a laundry basket/room
(3) to do the laundry
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adj. 医学的;内科的
adj. 内疚的;有罪的
n. 洗衣房,洗衣店
n. 布,织物,布料
(1) They brought the children to Jesus and he blessed them.
(2) God bless you!
(3) The priest blessed the bread and wine.
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n. 友谊,友好
vt. 为…祈神赐福
n. 公鸡;雄禽
vt. 跟踪
(1) memories tinged with sadness
(2) I felt a deep sadness.
(3) our joys and sadnesses
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n. 爱情,爱意;疼爱,关爱
n. 悲痛,悲哀
adv. 很少,不常,难得
adv. 哪儿;某个地方;任何地方
(1) I was somewhat surprised to see him.
(2) The situation has changed somewhat since we last met.
(3) What happened to them remains somewhat of a mystery.
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num. 第五
adv. 有点
n. 电梯
adv. 向外,往外;产生;带来
(1) An accident can happen anywhere.
(2) I don't have anywhere to stay.
(3) Do you know anywhere I can buy a second-hand computer?
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vt. 计算
vt. 延长;伸出;持续;包括;扩大
n. 气味,香味;香水
adv. 哪儿;某个地方;任何地方
(1) The report was sharply critical of the police.
(2) ‘Is there a problem? ’ he asked sharply.
(3) Profits fell sharply following the takeover.
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n. 阶段;方面;相位
n. 草莓
vt. 离弃;遗弃;中途放弃,中止
adv. 锐利地,敏锐地
(1) Salary is proportional to years of experience.
(2) to be directly/inversely proportional to sth
(3) Families with children spend proportionally less per person than families without children.
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adj. 鲜艳的;生动的
n. 接见;会见;面谈
adj. 比例的;相称的
n. 放射性;辐射能
(1) a violent/short/quick, etc. temper
(2) He must learn to control his temper .
(3) She broke the plates in a fit of temper .
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adv. 令人畏惧的;很,非常
n. 猛烈,激烈;暴力
n. 特征;性情,脾气
n. 逻辑;推理;逻辑性
(1) They've docked 15% off my pay for this week.
(2) dock workers
(3) The ship was in dock .
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n. 地毯
n. 船坞,码头;月台
n. 童年,幼年时代
n. 地面,表面;外表
(1) I'm afraid this essay is a poor effort.
(2) the United Nations' peacekeeping effort
(3) The local clubs are making every effort to interest more young people.
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n. 努力;费力
vt. 接受;同意;认为…正确;承受
n. 冠军;支持者,拥护者
n. 告别语;道别;再见
(1) There's someone at the door.
(2) someone's left their bag behind.
(3) It's time for someone new (= a new person) to take over.
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pron. 某人,有人
vt. 嗅;闻出
n. 支付,支付的款项
n.&vi. 旅行,游历
(1) how does it work?
(2) Suppose we meet somewhere for a drink? I'll pay. how's that?
(3) 'The fuel gauge is broken.' — 'Broken? how do you mean?'
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art. (定冠词)这,那
n. 会议;研讨会
vt. 使隔离,使孤立;隔离
adv. 怎么;怎样;如何
(1) a brief résumé of events so far
(2) to resume talks/negotiations
(3) She resumed her career after an interval of six years.
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adv. 到处;始终
vt. 恢复;重新开始
adv. 共同,一起
n. 委员会;全体委员
(1) the daily rotation of the earth on its axis
(2) This switch controls the number of rotations per minute.
(3) crop rotation/the rotation of crops (= changing the crop that is grown on an area of land in order to protect the soil)
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adv. 立即,即刻
n. 高尔夫球
n. 旋转,转动;轮流
adj. 分离的;单独的
(1) He prefaced the diaries with a short account of how they were discovered.
(2) I must preface my remarks with an apology.
(3) I will preface what I am going to say with a few lines from Shakespeare...
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vi. 变弱
n. 吠叫声;树皮
n. 序言,前言,引语
n. 蛋白质
(1) a joint account (= a bank account in the name of more than one person, for example a husband and wife)
(2) The report was a joint effort (= we worked on it together) .
(3) They finished in joint first place.
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n. 问候,招呼,致敬
adv. 总是;一直;一再
n. 接头,接缝;关节
vi. 站起来;升起;上涨
(1) a very fine performance
(2) fine clothes/wines/workmanship
(3) a particularly fine example of Saxon architecture
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adj. 美好的;健康的;令人满意的;晴朗的
n. 砖,砖块
adj. 枯燥的;不鲜明的;无生气的;阴沉的
n. 葡萄牙人;葡萄牙语
(1) We sat down in the shade of the wall.
(2) The temperature can reach 40˚C in the shade .
(3) The trees provide shade for the animals in the summer.
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vt. 集中;使汇集
vi. 荫蔽;给…遮挡
vi. 暂住,借宿;安顿
n. 潜水艇
(1) reed beds (= where they grow)
(2) Mrs reed smacked my face left me without a word.
(3) It works through magnet and magnetic reed switch , so as to detect unauthorized access.
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n. 芦苇,芦杆,芦丛
adj. 唯一的,仅有的
n. 颏,下巴
vt. 错过;惦念
(1) done with mathematical precision
(2) Historians can't estimate the date with any (degree of) precision .
(3) He chose his words with precision .
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vt. 投,掷,抛,扔
n. 安全,保险
n. 精确,精密,精密度
n. 提供;给予;提议
(1) subsequent generations
(2) subsequent events confirmed our doubts.
(3) Developments on this issue will be dealt with in a subsequent report.
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adv. 沉重地;大量地
adj. 随后的,后来的
adv. 最坏地
vt. 背叛;辜负;流露出

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