This jacket's too big, even with a sweater underneath. 即使里面穿一件毛衣,这件外套也太大了。
underneath her cool exterior she was really very frightened. 她外表冷静,其实内心十分害怕。
He seems bad-tempered, but he's very soft-hearted underneath. 他表面脾气暴躁,实则菩萨心肠。
She pulled the drawer out and examined the underneath carefully. 她拉开抽屉仔细查看底部。
The device exploded underneath a van. 该装置在一辆货车底下发生了爆炸。
...using dogs to locate people trapped underneath collapsed buildings. 利用狗来寻找被困在倒塌的楼房下面的人
Check the actual construction of the chair by looking underneath... 看看椅子的下面,检查一下它的实际构造。
The sand martin is a brown bird with white underneath... 崖沙燕是一种褐羽白腹的鸟。
He was as violent as Nick underneath... 在内心深处,他和尼克一样暴躁不安。
underneath, Sofia was deeply committed to her husband. 索菲娅从内心里对丈夫忠贞不贰。
He wore his swimsuit underneath his slacks. 他在运动服里面衬着游泳衣.
Bilingual Time: When did you start this blog and what for? 双语时代: 您什么时候开始开设这个博客?目的是什么?
underneath his rather severe manner, he is really very kindhearted. 他待人态度相当严厉, 但心地确实十分善良.
Put the date underneath the address. 把日期写在地址下面.
Have you looked underneath? 那底下你找过了 吗 ?
She wore a coat with a dress underneath. 她穿着一件大衣,里面套着一条连衣裙.
He got underneath the skin of his audience. 他抓住了听众的心.
Working underneath the car is always a messy job. 在汽车底下工作是件脏活.
They lived underneath a crushing tyranny. 他们生活在难以忍受的暴政下.
What have you got underneath your shirt? 你的衬衫里面有 什么 ?
He staggered underneath a burden. 他在重负下摇摇晃晃.
unte [ʌnˈfɔ:tʃənət] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.不幸的,倒霉的;不吉利的;不成功的;可惜的,可叹的; n.不幸的人;
He was unfortunate to lose in the final round. 他不幸在最后一轮输了。
It was an unfortunate accident. 那是一次不幸的事故。
She described the decision as ‘unfortunate ’. 她把这项决定说成是“令人遗憾”。
It was unfortunate that he couldn't speak English. 可惜他不会讲英语。
You're putting me in a most unfortunate position. 你正在把我推入十分可悲的处境。
It was an unfortunate choice of words. 那是一种不恰当的措辞。
one of life's unfortunates 人生中的不幸者之一
Some unfortunate person passing below could all too easily be seriously injured... 从下面经过的倒霉蛋儿很容易受重伤。
Apparently he had been unfortunate enough to fall victim to a gang of thugs... 他显然不幸落入了一群歹徒之手。
It really is desperately unfortunate that this should have happened just now. 刚才竟发生这样的事儿,实在是太不合时宜了。
...the unfortunate incident of the upside-down Canadian flag... 加拿大国旗挂颠倒这种尴尬事儿
Every year we have charity days to raise money for unfortunate people. 每年我们都有慈善日来筹款帮助贫困人群。
...the unfortunate inhabitants of the East End slums. 伦敦东区贫民窟穷困潦倒的居民
A man without an education is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances deprived. 没有受过教育的人是境况不佳的不幸牺牲品.
The unfortunate gymnast was taken on as a new laboratory assistant. 那位不幸的体操运动员被雇佣为新实验室管理员.
It was an unfortunate way to end his career. 他就这样为自己的建筑生涯划上了句号,真是令人遗憾.
His inaptitude for the job is very unfortunate. 非常遗憾他对此工作无法胜任.
She was always good with the unfortunate. 她对不幸的人总是很友好.
It is indeed unfortunate! 那的确是不幸 啊 !
You mustn't ridicule unfortunate people. 你不该嘲笑不幸的人.
He hurled curses at the unfortunate man who had made the mistake. 他对着这个犯了错误的可怜人大声叫骂.
Early in my life , I was prejudiced against living in the country by some unfortunate experiences with farm animals. 由于几次不幸遭遇都与牲畜有关, 所以我幼年时对农村生活怀有偏见.
I sincerely pity these unfortunate beings. 我真诚地同情这些不幸的人.
Does this unfortunate news augur war in the near future? 这个不幸消息预示最近的将来会发生战争 吗 ?
I count myself to be unfortunate. 我认为我自己时运不佳.
A beautiful girl has often an unfortunate life. 红颜多薄命.
It's unfortunate when a father and son can't relate to each other. 父子之间关系不好是很不幸的.
u [ʌnˈdu:] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.松开,解开;取消,废除;毁灭;扰乱; vi.撤销;
to undo a button/knot/zip, etc. 解开纽扣、解开绳结、拉开拉锁等
to undo a jacket/shirt, etc. 解开上衣、衬衫等
I undid the package and took out the books. 我打开包裹取出书来。
He undid most of the good work of the previous manager. 他把前任经理的大部分功绩都毁掉了。
It's not too late to try and undo some of the damage . 想办法补救部分损失还为时不晚。
undo (= a command on a computer that cancels the previous action) 撤销(计算机的还原指令)
The team was undone by the speed and strength of their opponents. 这个队被对手的速度和体力打败了。
I managed secretly to undo a corner of the parcel... 我悄悄地设法解开了包裹的一角。
I undid the bottom two buttons of my yellow and grey shirt... 我解开了自己黄灰相间的衬衫上最下面的两个纽扣。
A heavy-handed approach from the police could undo that good impression... 警方采取高压手段可能会毁掉之前留下的好印象。
She knew it would be difficult to undo the damage that had been done... 她知道想要消除已经造成的损害是很难的。
They were undone by a goal from John Barnes... 约翰·巴恩斯的一粒进球使他们落败。
Macbeth is the story of a Scottish soldier who becomes king but is undone by his own ambition. 《麦克白》讲述的是一个苏格兰士兵当上了国王,却毁于自己的野心。
Nothing could ever undo the wrong or cure the pain that Morris had inflicted on her. 没有任何东西能为她洗雪莫里斯强加于她的冤枉或治愈莫里斯遗留给她的创痛.
When used as comparison functions, undo and Redo are really one function and not two. 在使用比较功能时, 撤销和恢复实际上是一个功能,而不是两个.
We cannot undo the past. 往事不能挽回.
The ATT ( with undo logs ) and the dirty page table are also stored with each checkpoint. ATT ( 带有UNDO日志 ) 和脏页表同样保存在每个检查点.
To undo this confusion is the purpose of Yoga. 瑜珈的目的就是解除这个混淆.
You do and undo at every step. 你每一步伐都在建造和拆卸.
As a computational facility, undo has no merit. 作为计算机的一项功能, 撤销没有什么优点.
I wish I could undo my actions. 我希望取消我原来的行为.
Mars sought to bring Vulcan to Heaven by force that he might undo his trickery. 马尔斯想凭武力把伏尔甘拖到天府,逼他解除阴谋.
With customs we live well, but laws undo us. 风俗使我们的生活美满, 法律却破坏我们的美满生活.
The undo engine tracks transactions and creates a single undo unit that encompasses a transaction. 撤消引擎跟踪事务,并创建包含一个事务的单个撤消单元.
What if're making a mistake can't undo? 如果我们犯的错是不能再亡羊补牢的又怎么办?
His pride will undo him some day. 他的傲慢总有一天会毁了他.
undoes the last action or a sequence of actions, which are displayed in the undo list. 撤消上一个操作或者一系列操作, 这些操作显示在“撤消”列表中.
[ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪdlɪ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
The desire to be a mother may creep up on you unexpectedly. 你会不知不觉地产生想当母亲的渴望。
Miserable, and unexpectedly lonely, she went in search of Jean-Paul. 内心痛苦、突感寂寞的她去寻找琼-保罗。
She panics when people pop in unexpectedly, rushing round plumping cushions. 一群人冷不防地冒出来,跑来跑去地拍松垫子,这把她吓坏了。
Moss had clamped an unexpectedly strong grip on his arm. 莫斯突然紧紧抓住他的手臂。
The Indians came out unexpectedly, catching the soldiers off-guard. 印第安人突如其来地出现,令士兵们猝不及防。
The phantom used to appear unexpectedly, but mostly during the winter. 那个幽灵过去常常出人意料地出现,但是大多在冬季。
The invasion was held up by unexpectedly stout resistance. 入侵行动因遭遇到了出乎意料的顽强抵抗而受阻。
They were caught in a clinch when their parents returned home unexpectedly. 父母突然回家,撞见他俩拥抱在一起。
The volcano unexpectedly blew up early in the morning. 火山一早突然爆发了.
I had just put the dinner on when Jim walked in unexpectedly. 我刚把晚饭摆上桌,吉姆突然走进来.
A new force ( e . g . a school of thought , etc. ) emerged unexpectedly. 异军突起.
I meant to help him; unexpectedly I have brought him trouble. 我想帮助他, 没想到反而给他添了麻烦.
unexpectedly it poured with rain and it was impossible to start off. 不意大雨如注,无法启程.
She died quite unexpectedly. 她的去世相当出人意料.
The host attacked the city unexpectedly. 军队突袭了那座城市.
u [ˌʌndəˈwɔ:tə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.在水中的;水面下的; adv.在水下,在水中;
underwater creatures 水生动物
an underwater camera 水下摄影机
Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay underwater. 深吸一口气,看你能在水里待多久。
...giant submarines able to travel at high speeds underwater... 能够在水下高速行进的巨型潜艇
Some stretches of beach are completely underwater at high tide... 海滩上有些地方在涨潮时完全淹没在水中。
...underwater camera equipment. 水下摄影器材
...a pool of clear water lit by underwater lights. 被水下灯光照亮的一池碧水
The design of underwater beveling machinelaying of seabed oil & gas pipelines installation and service. 设计了专门用于海底 油气 输送管道安装、维修的水下坡口机.
A mind blowing underwater puzzle gamePlunge with your mobile into a fun addictive puzzle experience! 本游戏是一个水下泡泡龙游戏,赶快来体验到这个吸引人的有趣设计吧.
The underwater computer is the invention of a marine technologist in Australia. 水下计算机的发明者是澳大利亚的一位海洋技术专家.
For underwater bursts at certain depths, the radioactive cloud may not be formed. 当在水下某一深度爆炸时, 放射性云团也许不会形成.
These conditions may be regarded as corresponding to a shallow underwater explosion. 可以把这个条件看作是浅层水下爆炸的相应条件.
For example, can our blood adjust itself to underwater surroundings? 例如, 在水底环境里我们的血液能自我调节 吗 ?
With the massage facilities: massage Bed, Buoyancy Spring and underwater Massage for you to relax. 设有按摩床、浮力泉 、 冲凉泉、水底全身按摩等按摩设施,阁下可以在按摩池内舒缓身体的疲劳,彻底放松身心.
A flawless diamond is invisible underwater. 毫无瑕疵的钻石在水中是看不见的.
The underwater tunnel for crossing river is an important scheme in the project of Taizhou highway. 摘要隧道过江方案是泰州公路过江通道工程中的一个重要方案.
A sonar array is a radar towed behind a ship that listens and locates underwater sounds. 声纳阵列雷达拖着船舶侦听和位于水下声音.
Six Italian divers were trying to live underwater for a while. 六名意大利潜水员将尝试一段水下生活.
A simple and easy technological way had been provided for underwater blasting projects. 为水下爆破工程提供了简单、易行的技术途径.
Photo Gallery: underwater Landscapes A wave breaks over a coral reef in the Red Sea. 水下景观图片 美术馆 .海浪打碎越过一个珊瑚礁在红海.
A test base of the PLA Navy shoulders the task of testing and appraising underwater weapons. 海军某试验区担负着水中兵器的试验鉴定任务.
This process builds underwater mountain ranges, such as the central ridges of the Atlantic and oceans. 这一过程创造了水下山脉, 如大西洋和太平洋的中部山脊.
This is a horizontal screen playing underwater shooting game! 这是一款横屏幕玩的水底射击游戏!
A game that is very popular with these young swimmers is the underwater tricycle race. 这些幼小的游泳运动员非常喜爱的一项运动就是水下三轮车比赛.
End of Alan s underwater photograph. 阿伦的水下照片,完.
There is another possibility: that drilling 5,000 feet underwater a species, are out of our depth. 但还存在另一种可能性: 在水下5000英尺钻井, 已超出了我们人类的能力范围.
The Doppler Velocity Log ( DVL ) simulation system for the underwater vehicle has been built in this paper. 本文建立了水下机器人的多普勒 测速 声纳 仿真系统.
The ship was underwater when they reached her. 他们赶到那艘船时,船已沉到水里了.
To do this, scientists have to devise Methods: Using radar and underwater television. 为此, 科学家还要设计出使用雷达和水下电视的方法.
[ʌnˈeɪbl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
He lay there, unable to move. 他躺在那里动弹不得。
I tried to contact him but was unable to. 我试着跟他联系,却没联系上。
The military may feel unable to hand over power to a civilian President next year... 军方可能会觉得明年难以将政权移交给一位民选总统。
unable any longer to keep from breaking in she said, 'I simply cannot believe you're serious.' 她再也忍不住了,便插话道:“我真不敢相信你是认真的。”
China's construction workers, miners and casual laborers have all the ingredients for HIV to spread. 中国的建筑工人, 矿工以及短工人群等具备所有传播艾滋病的可能.
The ice blocks up the river, making the upstream water unable to flow. 冰把河道堵住了, 上游的水流不下来.
I was unable to resist laughing. 我忍不住笑了.
At the approach of cold weather, the troops were unable to keep holding the field. 寒冷的天气到来时, 部队无力继续作战.
The crew seemed unable to right the capsized yacht. 水手们好像无法使倾覆的游艇翻过来.
They were unable to run the telephone network economically. 他们未能经济地经营电话网络.
The patient was so weak that the nurse was unable to get him up. 这病人弱得很,护士扶都扶不起来.
He was unable to escape the array of facts. 他无法躲避一连串的事实.
His poor method of learning by rote made him unable to deal with the problems in his work flexibly. 他死记硬背的学习方法使他在工作中不能灵活处理问题.
He was unable to control the animal in himself. 他控制不了自己兽性的发作.
Much to my regret, I am unable to accept your kind invitation. 不能接受您的盛情邀请,深为抱歉.
Clare nodded, temporarily unable to speak. 克莱尔点了点头, 一时说不出话来.
I am simply unable to call to mind his name. 我实在想不起来他的名字了.
The firemen were unable to quench the fire. 消防人员无法扑灭这场大火.
She was unable to hold her own, and she had to quit. 她总赶不上别人, 所以只好辞职了.
I regret being unable to say that I cannot come. 我不能来,甚为抱歉.
They are standing in while the others are unable to take part. 当别人不能参加时,他们就去代替.
His assistant stepped into the breach when the old surgeon was unable to go on with the operation. 当那位老外科医生不能继续动手术时,他的助手接替他将手术进行了下去.
Oil majors need not fear being unable to sell their crude. 大型石油公司无需担心原油销售不出去。
Once the compulsive spender stops at the mall, she will be unable to control her spending. 患强迫性购物症的人一旦来到购物中心,就无法控制自己的开支。
unable to restrain herself, she rose and went to the phone. 她没能克制住自己,起身走向电话。
The British driver was unable to hang on to his lead. 英国车手没能保住自己的领先地位。
She was unable to find employment. 她没能找到工作。
For months I had been either unwilling or unable to go through with it. 数月来,我一直不是不愿意就是没办法做这件事。
He is unable to travel much because of old age. 他年事已高,不能频繁出游。
He was unable to contain his own destructive feelings. 他无法抑制自己消极的情绪。
u c [ˈʌndə kənˈtrəul] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Firemen said they had the blaze under control. 消防队员说他们已经控制住了火势。
The situation is under control. 局势已经得到控制。
The police kept the mob under control. 警察将暴徒制服.
The river was brought under control. 这条河给制服了.
We've got to get the economy under control or it will literally eat us up. 我们必须设法控制经济,不然它非把我们吞噬了不可。
If we can't bring our problems under control, feelings of powerlessness and despair often ensue. 如果我们不能解决自己的问题,往往会感到无能为力和绝望。
"Everything's under control here," her mother said comfortingly. "You've nothing to worry about." “这里一切都在控制之中。”母亲安慰她说,“没什么好担心的。”
The whole hospital area has been zoned off until the infection is under control. 在这种传染病得到控制以前,整个医院已同外界隔离.
He was angry; but with everybody present, he kept his temper under control. 他有些生气, 但当着大家的面不好发作.
Firemen had been fighting the forest fire for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control. 消防队员与森林大火搏斗了几乎三个星期才把火控制住.
Whenever his physical sensations were a little under control the terror returned. 只要身体感官稍一正常,恐怖便又袭上心头.
She shook her head. " No, it's about under control. " 她摇摇头, “ 没什么, 差不多就绪了. ”
Army officers said the situation was under control. 陆军军官称局面已经得到了控制。
Remain in your house until everything is under control. 在一切尚未获得掌控前,待在自己的房子里.
Finally, she brought herself under control. 最后她连抽泣也止住了.
The committee has little or no understanding of the problem. 委员会对这个问题了解不多或根本不了解。
The existence of God is beyond human understanding (= humans cannot know whether God exists or not) . 上帝的存在与否是超出人类所能理解的。
We finally came to an understanding about what hours we would work. 我们最终就工作时间问题取得了一致意见。
We have this understanding that nobody talks about work over lunch. 我们有个默契:吃午饭时谁也不许谈工作。
We must tackle the problem with sympathy and understanding. 我们必须带着同情和谅解来处理这个问题。
We are looking for a better understanding between the two nations. 我们正在寻求两国间的进一步了解。
My understanding of the situation is… 我对形势的看法是…
The statement is open to various understandings. 这个声明可以有各种不同的诠释。
They agreed to the changes on the understanding that they would be introduced gradually. 他们同意这些改革,条件是须要逐步进行。
She has very understanding parents. 她的父母对她非常宽容。
They have to have a basic understanding of computers in order to use the advanced technology. 要想利用先进技术,他们必须先对计算机有个基本的了解。
Her boss, who was very understanding, gave her time off... 她的老板很通情达理,准了她的假。
Fortunately for John, he had an understanding wife. 幸运的是,约翰有一个通情达理的妻子。
We would like to thank them for their patience and understanding. 我们要感谢他们的耐心和理解。
There was complete understanding between Wilson and myself. 我和威尔逊之间完全能够彼此理解,相互信任。
We had not set a date for marriage but there was an understanding between us. 我们还没有确定结婚的日子,不过我们对此有一致的想法。
It is my understanding that this torture has been going on for many years... 据我了解,这种折磨已经持续很多年了。
Our understanding is that they wanted to be in Washington. 我们的理解是,他们想呆在华盛顿。
Kevin had treatment on the understanding that he would attempt to overcome his drinking problem. 凯文接受了治疗,但条件是他要努力克服自身的酗酒问题。
I could not understand a single sentence without an English dictionary. 我那时合并字典就看不懂一个英文句子.
His mind reached after an understanding of the problem. 他开动脑筋,想弄懂这个问题.
Education and experience breed a breadth of vision and understanding to him. 教育和经历使他眼界开阔.
This dictionary will enable better international understanding. 这部辞典将促进国际间更好的理解.
The youth was fortunate in having understanding parents. 这个青年有通情达理的父母,真幸运.
We must have a clear understanding of the problem. 我们对这一问题必须有一个清醒的认识.
There is an unspoken understanding that Hugh will be in charge while Jeanne is away. 大家有了默契,珍妮不在的时候由休来负责.
uned [ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
an unexpected result 意想不到的结果
an unexpected visitor 不速之客
The announcement was not entirely unexpected . 这个通告并非完全出乎意料。
[单数]Police officers must be prepared for the unexpected. 警察必须随时准备应付意外事件。
They had arrived unexpectedly. 他们意外地到达了。
an unexpectedly large bill 出乎意料的高额账单
The plane was unexpectedly delayed. 飞机意外地延误了。
Not unexpectedly, most local business depends on tourism. 并非出人意料的是,当地的大部分生意依靠旅游业。
His death was totally unexpected... 他的死亡完全出乎意料。
He made a brief, unexpected appearance at the office... 他出乎意料地在办公室露了一下脸。
The wind whipped across the plain. 大风席卷平原.
She was put in a fluster by the unexpected guests. 不速之客的到来弄得她很慌张.
His promotion was unexpected. 他的升迁出人意料.
He was discomfited by the unexpected questions. 意料不到的问题使得他十分尴尬.
His unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion. 他的突然来访使我们完全不知所措.
We were all astonished at the unexpected news. 听了这个突如其来的消息,我们都十分诧异.
This was a sudden and unexpected blow. 这是一个突如其来的意外打击.
The unexpected storm landed me in great difficulties. 突然的暴风雨使我陷入了极端困难的境地.
The unexpected news fairly knocked me over. 那意外的消息着实使我吃了一惊.
His unexpected death is unexpected news. 他的猝死是一个意外的消息.
Events took an unexpected turn. 事情发生了波折.
Something unexpected always breaks out in this area. 在这一地区总有意想不到的事情发生.
The youngest player scored up an unexpected fifty runs. 那位最年轻的选手意想不到地得了50分.
The unexpected blow did not stagger his resolution. 这个意外打击并没有动摇他的决心.
They tried to feed me a false line about unexpected extra expenses. 他们试图向我提供假情况来解释那些意想不到的额外开支.
He has met with some unexpected difficulties. 他遇到了一些意想不到的困难.
I always keep some good wine in for unexpected guests. 我总保存些好酒,用来招待不速之客.
Such beauty was unexpected in the midst of the city. 市中心有这样的美景真是出乎意料。
The announcement was not entirely unexpected . 这个通告并非完全出乎意料。
[ˈju:nɪfɔ:m] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.制服;军服;通讯中用以代表字母 u 的词; adj.(形状,性质等)一样的;规格一致的;始终如一的; v.使规格一律;使均一;使穿制服;
a military/police/nurse's uniform 军装;警服;护士制服
soldiers in uniform 穿制服的军人
The hat is part of the school uniform . 帽子是校服的一部分。
Do you have to wear uniform ? 你非得穿制服不可吗?
uniform rates of pay 统一的薪资标准
The walls were a uniform grey. 墙壁一律都是灰色。
Growth has not been uniform across the country. 全国各地的发展程度不一。
uniform lines of terraced houses (= they all looked the same) 整齐的一列列排房
[不可数名词, 单数]They tried to ensure uniformity across the different departments. 他们努力保证各部门之间的统一。
the drab uniformity of the houses 这些房屋的千篇一律
The principles were applied uniformly across all the departments. 这些原则统一适用于所有部门。
The quality is uniformly high. 质量一律很高。
Pressure must be uniformly distributed over the whole surface. 压力必须均匀分布于整个表面。
The town police wear dark blue uniforms and flat caps... 镇上的警察穿着深蓝色制服,戴着鸭舌帽。
Philippe was in uniform, wearing a pistol holster on his belt... 菲利普身着制服,腰带上别着手枪皮套。
Mark's is the uniform of the young male traveller — green Army trousers, T-shirt and shirt. 马克一身年轻男性旅行者的典型行头——绿军裤、T恤外加衬衫。
Chips should be cut into uniform size and thickness... 土豆条要切得大小厚薄均匀。
All flowing water, though it appears to be uniform, is actually divided into extensive inner surfaces, or layers, moving against one another... 所有流动的水看似一成不变,但实际上内部分成许多广延的面,或者说层,彼此逆向移动。
Along each wall stretched uniform green metal filing cabinets... 每面墙边都一溜摆着相同的绿色金属档案柜。
Shrimp are raised in long uniform ponds, frozen in the nearby packing plant and shipped north. 虾放养在清一色的长池子里,再送到附近的包装车间冷冻,最后用船运往北方。
Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. 现在, 战俘身穿蓝色服装,肩扛来福枪, 在军营前大胆地走来走去.
The uniform imparts a dignified appearance to him. 这身制服使他显得威严.
They are uniform in size and shape. 它们的大小和形状都相同.
He looks quite smart in his uniform. 他穿着制服显得很帅.
She was wearing the regulation uniform of tunic, hat and tie. 她穿着标准制服:外衣 、 帽子和领带.
I've got a thing about men in uniform. 我特别喜欢穿制服的人.
The windows in the house are all uniform. 房子里的窗户都是一样的.
He was in uniform three years. 他服役三年.
You must turn in your uniform when you leave the army. 你离开部队时,必须把军服上缴.
unnt [ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
an area of high/low unemployment 失业率高 / 低的地区
rising/falling unemployment 上升的 / 下降的失业率
It was a time of mass unemployment . 当时有大批人失业。
measures to help reduce/tackle unemployment 旨在减少失业 / 缓解失业情况的措施
the level/rate of unemployment 失业人数 / 率
unemployment benefit/statistics 失业补贴 / 统计资料
Thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment . 成千上万的青年正面临长期待业状况。 area that had the highest unemployment rate in western Europe... 西欧失业率最高的地区
unemployment is so damaging both to individuals and to communities. 失业对个人和社会都有极大的负面影响。
Application Engineer, currently base in Intel APAC R & D Center in Shanghai, China. 应用工程师, 目前在位于中国上海的英特尔亚太 研发 中心工作.
The unemployment figures are not necessarily related to the rise in prices. 失业的数目同物价的上涨并没有必然的联系.
This area has a high incidence of crime, disease, unemployment, etc. 这个地区的犯罪率 、 发病率 、 失业率等很高.
unemployment amongst married women reached a peak. 在已婚女性中失业率达到了顶峰.
The government must make new policies to reduce unemployment. 政府必须制定减少失业的新政策.
He believes that unemployment is socially divisive and is leading to the creation of an underclass. 他认为失业会造成社会分化,道致贫困阶层的产生.
The government will look into how to reduce unemployment. 政府将研究如何降低失业率.
They were impoverished by a prolonged spell of unemployment. 他们因长期失业而一贫如洗.
The threat of unemployment has spurred students on to work harder at their studies. 失业的威胁促使学生更加努力学习.
Black unemployment rate jumped to 17 percent last year. 去年黑人失业率猛增至17%.
His whole life is a fight against poverty and unemployment. 他的一生是与贫苦和失业斗争的一生.
The unemployment figures are not necessarily bound up with the rise of prices. 失业数字不一定与物价上涨相关.
The government has been dilatory in dealing with the problem of unemployment. 政府迟迟未解决失业问题。
There is no simple remedy for unemployment. 失业问题没有简单的解决办法。
unemployment is rising steeply. 失业率正在大幅上升。
The nation's unemployment rate has been climbing steadily since last June. 自去年6月以来,该国的失业率一直在不断上升。
unemployment is now a whisker away from three million. 现在的失业人数已接近300万。
By far the most important issue for them is unemployment. 对他们来说最重要的无疑就是失业问题。
Poverty and unemployment are frustratingly hard to tackle. 贫穷和失业是难以解决的问题,这常常让人泄气。
u [ˈʌndəwɛə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
She packed one change of underwear. 她打行李时带了一套换洗的内衣。
...a couple who went for a late-night swim in their underwear. 深夜穿着内衣去游泳的一对夫妇
...a change of underwear. 更换内衣
Starting from the origin of garment, the paper narrates the evolution of the underwear function. 从服装起源着手, 对内衣的功能演变做作了简略的叙述.
She likes to wear expensive blue underwear. 她喜欢穿昂贵的兰色内衣.
Soon, Jim was pacing, brows knitted, with handfuls of underwear. 很快, 吉姆开始走来走去, 他皱着眉头, 手里拿着一堆内裤.
Itis suitable for sewing underwear, tights, underskirt. culottes, etc. 适用于缝制内衣裤 、 紧身衣 、 衬裙 、 衬衣、裤裙等之产品.
They left off their woolen underwear when the weather got warm. 天气暖了,他们脱去了羊毛内衣.
He had removed his underwear. 他已脱去了内衣.
underwear and Nightwear, Apparel Stocks, Brass Brass Products and Brass Builders Hardware, Silicon Products. 采购产品内衣和睡衣, 服装存货, 黄铜,铜器和建筑铜五金, 硅产品.
Hanes expects sales of Michael Jordan underwear to exceed $ 10 million annually. 黑尼斯预期迈克尔·乔丹牌内衣的销售年收入超过1,000万美元.
The unit to account the underwear wholesale is the ton. 以单位的帐户内衣批发是吨.
No, my mother does my underwear. I take my pants and shirts to the cleaners. 不, 我母亲洗我内衣裤, 我把袜子和衬衫拿到干洗店里洗.
You are so warm, even my underwear, plastic melting of all Pini. 你是如此地温暖, 连我内衣里的塑胶都被你融化了.
Ultra wide soft wings can hold tightly onto underwear, fastening and never shifting and leaking. 配合特宽柔软护翼,密实包裹内裤两边, 固定巾身不移位,并防止侧漏.
Man wears underwear under the trousers and Superman wears overtrousers. 男人把内裤穿里边,超人把内裤穿外面.
Scope: Applied to cotton, linen, synthetic fiber, blended, underwear and infants, and other clothing. 适用范围: 适用于棉 、 麻 、 合成纤维 、 混纺 、 内衣及婴幼儿等各类衣物.
Q: When will see capes and underwear? 问题: 头盔跟内衣系统什麽时候会实装?
She packed one change of underwear, eg a bra, pants, tights. 她打点好一套替换的内衣物(如乳罩 、 内裤 、 裤袜).
Looking for underwear, sleepwear, infant dress, maternity dress, etc. 求购内衣裤, 睡衣裤, 婴儿服装, 孕妇装等.
It is mainly applicable to the adjustable buckles for bras, underwear straps. 主要用于各种文胸 、 内衣肩带、吊带所用调节扣.
High real silk underwear production sales, pyjamas, perennial export products developed in Japan and Western Europe. 生产销售高级真丝内衣 、 睡衣, 产品常年出口日本及西欧发达国家.
I walk upstairs to find Sasha standing in her underwear and a pink top. 我走上楼,发现莎夏穿着内衣裤和一件粉红上衣,站在那.
Please show me some underwear. 请拿内衣给我看看.
Man wears underwear under the trousers and superman wears it over the trousers. 普通人把内裤穿里边,超人把内裤穿外面.
Larry: But I need some clean underwear. 赖瑞: 可是我需要些乾净的内裤穿.
She packed one change of underwear. 她打行李时带了一套换洗的内衣。
Never dry underwear over direct heat; it will weaken the fabric. 不要直接加热烘干内衣,那样会损坏布料。
[ʌnˈhæpi] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
to be/look/seem/sound unhappy 感到 / 看来 / 似乎 / 听起来不愉快
an unhappy childhood 不快乐的童年
I didn't realize but he was deeply unhappy at that time. 我没有察觉到原来他那时非常不开心。
They were unhappy with their accommodation. 他们对住处不满意。
He was unhappy at being left out of the team. 他对未能入选该队感到不高兴。
an unhappy coincidence 不幸的巧合
It was an unhappy choice of words. 那样用词是不适当的。
Her marriage is in trouble and she is desperately unhappy... 她的婚姻陷入困境,她为此非常郁闷。
He was a shy, sometimes unhappy man... 他是一个腼腆的人,有时候还很忧郁。
He has been unhappy with his son's political leanings... 他一向不满意儿子的政治倾向。
I suspect he isn't altogether unhappy about my absence... 我猜想他对我的缺席并没有感到很不高兴。
...this unhappy chapter in the history of relations between our two countries... 我们两国关系史上不愉快的这一篇章
The legislation represents in itself an unhappy compromise. 这项立法本身就是勉强妥协的产物。
It was same as Master of Area now. 相当于现在的地区长官,嘻嘻.
With all his money, he is unhappy. 尽管他有那么多钱, 他也并不愉快.
Why do you choose to ask him questions at a time when he is unhappy? 你怎么单在他不高兴的时候问他问题?
She sighed over her unhappy fate. 她悲叹自己不幸的命运.
For all this wealth, he was unhappy. 尽管他富有, 但他并不幸福.
The boy's deceit made his mother very unhappy. 这小孩的欺骗行为使他母亲非常不愉快.
Two unhappy marriages have left their mark on her. 两次不幸的婚姻给她留下了极坏的印象.
Tears streamed down his cheeks as he recounted his unhappy experience. 他声泪俱下地诉说了自己的不幸遭遇.
I reasoned from his silence that he was unhappy. 我从他的沉默中判断他不快乐.
From his letter I surmised that he was unhappy. 我从他的信中推测他并不快乐.
If you are in the depths of despair, you are extremely unhappy. 如果你彻底地失望, 你会十分不开心.
I'm unhappy about the work you did for me. 你替我做这件事我不太满意.
A gentleman is open and poised; a petty man is unhappy and worried. 君子坦荡荡, 小人长戚戚.
tele [ˈterəbl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.可怕的;危害极大的;<非正>很糟的;劣质的; adv.口〉非常,很,极; n.可怕的人;
a terrible experience 令人极不愉快的经历
What terrible news! 多么骇人听闻的消息!
I've just had a terrible thought. 我刚刚产生了一个可怕的想法。
a terrible accident 重大事故
He had suffered terrible injuries. 他受了重伤。
I feel terrible─I think I'll go to bed. 我觉得难受,想去睡觉了。
a terrible meal 劣质餐食
Your driving is terrible! 你的驾驶技术真是糟糕透了!
(informal)I had a terrible job (= it was very difficult) to persuade her to come. 为劝她来,我费尽了口舌。
a terrible mistake 严重的错误
to be in terrible pain 处于极度痛苦之中
The room was in a terrible mess. 房间里脏乱不堪。
Tens of thousands more suffered terrible injuries in the world's worst industrial disaster... 还有成千上万的人在那场全世界最严重的工业灾难中受了重伤。
I often have the most terrible nightmares... 我常做很吓人的噩梦。
He did feel terrible at the time but seems to be fine now... 他当时确实很难受,但现在似乎好了。
Are you all right? You look terrible. Are you sick? 你没事儿吧?你的脸色很难看,生病了吗?
She admits her French is terrible. 她承认自己的法语很蹩脚。
I was a terrible fool, you know. I remember that now... 你知道,我那时愚蠢至极。我至今还记得。
Her death is a terrible waste. 她死得太不值了。
We often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from strangers for years. 表面上道貌岸然的人或有声望的家庭,却有着骇人听闻,多年不让人知道的秘密,这样的事情我们经常在小说里读到.
Ken and I took Mocky to a bookstore. 肯和我带着莫奇去了一家书店.
It's hard to pick yourself up after such a terrible shock. 经历这样可怕的打击后,就很难再振奋起来了.
Food will be served in the hospitality tent (= for example at an outdoor show) . 招待帐篷将有食物供应。
They had a midnight feast in their tent. 他们在帐篷里举行了一次午夜宴会.
Our products have four series: Camping tent, Beach tent, Children tent and office Stationary. 我们的产品涉及四个系列: 沙滩帐篷,野营帐篷, 儿童帐篷和办公文具.
Our family went camping last summer. We had to buy a new tent. 去年夏天我们全家都去露营了. 我们只好买了一副新帐篷.
He is torn from the security of his tent andoff to the king of terrors. 他要从所倚靠的帐棚被拔出来,带到惊吓的王那里.
Put a tent over his legs to stop them being rubbed by the sheets. 给他的腿盖上罩子,以免被床单摩擦.
We just need a tent supported on a rigid framework. 我们正需要一座有坚硬架子支撑的帐篷.
They pegged their tent down. 他们钉好了账篷.
The boys felt tired, so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. 孩子们感到累了, 所以他们扑灭营火之后就爬进帐蓬了.
When the sun started to go down, he stopped and set up his tent. 太阳开始下山了, 他停下来搭起帐篷.
Slack up the tent ropes before it rains. 在下雨之前把帐篷的绳子放松.
It was so stuffy in the tent that we could sense the air was heavy with moisture. 帐篷里很闷热,我们感到空气都是潮的.
We improvised a tent out of two blankets and some long poles. 我们用两条毛毯和几根长竿搭成一个临时帐蓬.
Hailstones pelted the tent. 冰雹不断地砸在帐篷上.
I'm afraid the wind may blow the tent away. 我是怕风把帐篷吹走.
I kept to my tent. 我一直待在帐篷里.
When I told the spectators the beer tent was open, you couldn't see them for dust. 我告诉那些观众啤酒店仍然开着时, 他们已经跑得无影无踪.
They pitched their tent in a little clearing in the wood. 他们在树林里的一块小空地上支起了帐篷.
You spent the whole weekend in a tent in the rain? That's masochism! 下着雨,你就在帐篷里度过了整个周末?真是自讨苦吃!
We spent the night in a ropy old tent. 我们在一个破旧的帐篷里过了一夜。
The tent began to sag under the weight of the rain. 雨水使得帐篷中间开始下坠。
We scoured the area for somewhere to pitch our tent. 我们四处查看,想找一个搭帐篷的地方。
He had pitched his tent in the yard. 他在院子里搭起了帐篷。
Small things stirred in the grass around the tent. 一些小东西在帐篷四周的草丛里窸窸窣窣地动着。
He waved the servants out of the tent. 他挥手让仆人们退到帐篷外。
They ran to the center of the tent to take their bows. 他们跑到帐篷中央鞠躬致意。
I have to check my tent — it got soaked last night in the storm. 我得检查一下帐篷——昨天夜里暴风雨把它淋透了。
He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard. 他拉开帐篷的门帘,大步走进暴风雪中。
u [ˌʌnkənˈtrəʊld] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
uncontrolled anger 克制不住的愤怒
The thoughts rushed into my mind uncontrolled. 各种想法如潮水般涌上我的心头。
the uncontrolled growth of cities 城市的无规划发展
uncontrolled dumping of toxic wastes 有毒废弃物的乱堆乱放
His uncontrolled behavior disturbed the entire class... 他放肆的举动扰乱了全班的秩序。
Julia blows her nose, but her sobbing goes on uncontrolled. 朱莉娅擤了擤鼻子,不过她还是不停地啜泣。
The capital, Nairobi, is choking on uncontrolled immigration. 移民纷纷涌入首都内罗毕,人满为患。
...the central bank's uncontrolled printing of money. 中央银行滥印钞票
The uncontrolled whaling may put the whales out of existence. 滥捕鲸会使鲸绝种.
Many of the development processes are uncontrolled. 许多开发过程是未加以控制的.
This sign informs drivers that the intersection is uncontrolled and that default rules apply. 这标志通知驱动程序,相交是不受控制的,并默认规则适用.
uncontrolled bleeding any wound also calls for professional care. So does coughing or vomiting blood. 伤口不能止血,咳嗽或呕吐带血也需要专业的护理.
There is a clear association between uncontrolled HIV infection and risk of HCV progression. 艾滋病毒感染控制不佳和丙肝进展的风险之间的联系是很确定的.
Because of the extraneous and uncontrolled factors, those may affect the dependent variable. 由于许多外来的无法控制的因素, 这些因素可能影响应变因素.
He whose spirit is uncontrolled is like an unwalled town which has been broken into. 人不制伏自己的心,好像毁坏的城邑,没有墙垣.
uncontrolled it is a serious source of air pollution. 如果不进行控制将造成很严重的环境污染.
If uncontrolled, the shortage would set off a new rise in meat prices. 如果不加控制, 这种短缺会引起肉价再次上涨.
Displays uncontrolled anger, intolerance and prejudice towards others. 向他人表现无法控制的愤怒 、 不耐烦和偏见.
If it is returned due to uncontrolled circumstances, buyer is responsible for all shipping cost. 如果是由于返回到失控的情况下, 买方是responsiblefor所有运输费用.
Therefore uncontrolled market pressure, possibly has the same influence as the national political disturbance. 毫无节制的市场压力, 可能和国家的政治干扰一样具有杀伤力.
A moment later a man got up in an even louder and more uncontrolled state. 过了一会儿,一个男人站立起来,他叫喊的声音更大,处于一种更加失控的状态.
Hemorrhagic strokes often result from uncontrolled high blood pressure that causes a weakened artery to burst. 出血性中风,经常是因为未能控制好的血压而引起的血管脆弱发生破裂.
uncontrolled Files : files not to be withdrawed or renewed. 非受控文件: 不作更新及回收的文件.
Virtually without exception, today's systems use semiconductors such as silicon rectifiers ( both controlled and uncontrolled ). 现在,实际上毫无例外地都采用了如硅整流器的半导体技术 ( 可控的和不可控的 ).
Symptoms include uncontrolled moements, emotional disturbances and mental deterioration. 其症状包括部不自主运动, 情绪紊乱及智能衰退.
Imagination always turns in the same circle. It is an uncontrolled mind activity. 想象总是原地打转, 它是一个未经控制的心智活动.
If this condition goes uncontrolled, abnormally high insulin levels may cause irreversible brain damage. 如果这种情况持续下去, 异常的胰岛素水平将会导致不可逆的大脑损伤.
There should be a firm measure against the home price increased uncontrolled. 需要有一项措施来制止一下已经无法控制的高房价了.
Residents in many areas areas more than a dozen fires continue to burn uncontrolled. 由于多达十二处的火势继续蔓延,尚未得到控制,其他地区同样人心惶惶.
[ʌnˈkɒnʃəs] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.失去知觉的,无意识的;无意的,不自觉的;不知道的;不受意识控制的; n.[心]无意识;
She was knocked unconscious . 她被打昏了。
They found him lying unconscious on the floor. 他们发现他晕倒在地板上。
unconscious desires 自然流露的欲望
The brochure is full of unconscious humour. 这本小册子妙趣横生。
She is unconscious of the effect she has on people. 她没有察觉自己对大众的影响。
He was quite unconscious of the danger. 他丝毫没有意识到危险。
By the time ambulancemen arrived he was unconscious... 救护人员到达时他已经不省人事了。
He was dragged from his van and beaten unconscious by a gang of salmon poachers. 他被一帮盗猎大麻哈鱼的家伙从货车里拽出来打得不省人事。
He himself seemed totally unconscious of his failure... 他本人似乎对自己的失败全然不知。
Mr Battersby was apparently quite unconscious of their presence. 巴特斯比先生显然没有注意到他们在场。
unconscious envy manifests itself very often as this kind of arrogance... 潜意识里的嫉妒常表现为这种傲慢自大。
'You're well out of it,' Christopher said with unconscious brutality. “幸亏没你什么事儿,”克里斯托弗无意中冷冷地说道。
In examining the content of the unconscious, Freud called into question some deeply-held beliefs. 在审视无意识的内容时,弗洛伊德对一些根深蒂固的看法提出了质疑。
They are so quiet that he is completely unconscious of their presence. 他们非常安静,他完全不知道他们在场.
Our unconscious , however, is much better at juggling and working through complex problems. 我们的潜意识更擅长于做判别处理及解决复杂问题.
As the key content of Freud's doctrine, the theory of the unconscious generalizes his whole doctrine. 无意识理论既是弗洛伊德学说的核心内容, 又可用来概括其整个学说.
The boy worked on, apparently unconscious. 汤姆继续画着, 好像不知道那回事.
That old man has lain unconscious for some hours. 那位老人已经昏迷了好几个小时了.
He was quite unconscious of being remarkable among the local inhabitants. 他并不知道自己在当地居民中间十分惹人注目.
He knelt down beside the unconscious girl. 他跪在那个失去知觉的女孩身边.
His eyes glazed over and he fell back unconscious. 他两眼呆滞,向后倒下.
She remained unconscious for several hours. 她不省人事有好几个小时.
It would be an unconscious symbol he said. 他说那将是一个无意识的象征.
She is unconscious now, but may come to at intervals. 她现在失去了知觉, 但时而也会苏醒一会儿.
He was unconscious of his mistake. 他没意识到自已的错误.
She was unconscious but her heart was still beating. 她已经不省人事,但脉搏还在跳.
She was knocked unconscious . 她被打昏了。
We were set upon by about twelve youths and I was kicked unconscious. 我们遭到了大约12名青年的袭击,我被踢晕过去了。
[ˌʌnəkˈseptəbl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Such behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society. 这种行为在文明社会是完全不能接受的。
Noise from the factory has reached an unacceptable level. 工厂的噪声达到了难以容忍的地步。
unacceptably high levels of unemployment 奇高的失业率
It is totally unacceptable for children to swear... 孩子说脏话是完全不能容忍的。
Joanna left her husband because of his unacceptable behaviour. 乔安娜因其丈夫令人难以容忍的行为而离开了他。
I'm more aware of the inequalities in my society, and they are unacceptable. 我更加关注发生在我社会里的不平等事件, 因为那是不能接受的.
In this context in terms of net assets of the Group aircraft acquisition, Price TOSE unacceptable. 在此背景下,中航集团若以净资产收购, 价格东星无法接受.
We believe any level of contamination is unacceptable. 我们认为任何污染物都是不可接受的.
I regard his idea as totally unacceptable. 我认为他的主意是难以接受的.
His proposal is unacceptable. 他的建议无法接受.
We regret to say that the terms stipulated in your order are unacceptable to us. 很抱歉,贵方订单中规定的条款不能为我方接受.
I'm afraid your suggestion is unacceptable. 恐怕您的建议是不可取的.
The IEA also points out that the targets can be achieved without unacceptable economic damage. 国际能源机构还指出,达到这一目标,不一定意味着无法接受的经济损失.
Let us be clear: this would be unacceptable. 我们必须说清楚: 这是无法接受的.
Mass unemployment is the unacceptable aspect of modern technology. 大批工人失业是现代技术让人难以接受的一面.
unacceptable Any kind of services, tele marketing , sex, dangerous , explosive, illegal, fake products etc. 不接受售卖种类:提供各类型服务, 传销, 色情, 危险货品, 非法货品, 假冒货品等等.
Application materials sent by fax are unacceptable. Application documents will not be returned. 申请表及材料传真件无效. 如未被录取,所寄材料不予退还.
Unnecessary customs regulations and protection of China's domestic services market were unacceptable, he said. 他表示,不必要的海关规定和对中国国内服务市场的保护都是不可接受的.
If the French idea is unacceptable, the German idea is unworkable. 如果法国的想法无法接受, 那么德国的想法无法操作.
Nothing unacceptable, I just don't get it which part that doesn't look like me, how come. 没什么不能接受的, 我只是不知道哪里不像我, 为什么会这么说.
Conversely terms of other products may set up unacceptable comparisons or fixations in your customer's mind. 有时候,作对比也可能让客户不能接受,让他们产生某种固定的想法.
This is totally unacceptable with a brand touting its quality asas basal stone! 完全无法接受一个宣称品质坚若磐石的品牌会有这种产品!
Some says it's unacceptable to see a baby performs as male involves in ads. hinted sexuality. 有人表示无法接受那些婴儿出演成年男性角色、并有性暗示的广告.
Such behaviour is totally unacceptable. 这种行为完全不能接受.
This undue pressure exerted on the elderly is unacceptable. 对老年人施加如此过分的压力,是难以令人接受的.
Such behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society. 这种行为在文明社会是完全不能接受的。
What if relations between you and your neighbour have reached deadlock, and their behaviour is still unacceptable? 如果你和你的邻居已闹僵了,而他们的行为还是令人难以接受,那怎么办?
There have been previous attempts at coups. We regard such methods as entirely unacceptable. 以前也有人试图发动政变。我们绝对不能接受这种做法。
unle [ʌnˈkʌmftəbl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
uncomfortable shoes 不舒适的鞋子
I couldn't sleep because the bed was so uncomfortable. 这床太不舒服了,我睡不着觉。
I was sitting in an extremely uncomfortable position. 我坐着的姿势难受极了。
She still finds it uncomfortable to stand without support. 她不扶东西站着仍觉得不舒服。
He looked distinctly uncomfortable when the subject was mentioned. 提到这个话题,他显然局促不安起来。
There was an uncomfortable silence. 有一种令人不安的寂静。
an uncomfortable fact 令人头痛的事实
I had the uncomfortable feeling that it was my fault. 我内心惴惴不安,觉得那是我的过错。
The request for money made them feel uncomfortable... 索要金钱让他们有些不安。
If you are uncomfortable with your counsellor or therapist, you must discuss it... 如果面对咨询顾问或治疗师时你觉得不自在,一定要提出来。
Wigs are hot and uncomfortable to wear constantly... 头上老是顶着假发,又热又不舒服。
The Metro journey back to the centre of the town was hot and uncomfortable. 乘地铁返回市中心又热又不舒服。
I sometimes feel uncomfortable after eating in the evening... 我晚上吃完饭有时会觉得不舒服。
People living or working with smokers can find it uncomfortable to wear contact lenses because the smoke causes irritation. 与吸烟者一起生活或工作的人会发现戴隐形眼镜不舒服,因为烟具有刺激作用。
It is uncomfortable to think of our own death, but we need to... 想到人终有一死会感到不舒服,但我们不得不去面对。
Such questions are uncomfortable to answer... 这些问题让人很难回答。
I find these chairs incredibly uncomfortable. 我觉得这些椅子非常不舒服.
He felt uncomfortable because of being criticized to his face. 当面说了他两句,他就抹不开了.
I feel uncomfortable in this chair. 我坐这张椅子觉得不舒服.
The dampness is uncomfortable, not to mention the cold. 潮湿就令人不舒服, 更不必说寒冷了.
When you are used to physical labour, you feel uncomfortable if you're idle. 劳动惯了, 闲着就不舒服.
Planners seem a little uncomfortable with the current government guidelines. 规划师似乎不太接受现行的政府指道方针.
I feel uncomfortable with strangers. 我和陌生人在一起时感到不自在.
The weight of the sleeping child's body was pushing on my arm and making it uncomfortable. 熟睡的孩子的身体压在我胳膊上,使我很不舒服.
Visually the chair is very pleasing, but it's uncomfortable. 这椅子看上去很可爱, 但它并不舒服.
Children are sometimes understandably reluctant to wear glasses that are ugly or uncomfortable. 孩子们有时不愿意戴难看或不舒服的眼镜,这是可以理解的.
That hard chair is uncomfortable. 那把硬椅子坐着不舒服.
u [ˈʌŋkl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
uncle Ian 伊恩叔叔
I'm going to visit my uncle. 我要去看我舅舅。
I've just become an uncle (= because your brother/sister has had a baby) . 我刚当上叔叔(或舅舅)。
My uncle was the mayor of Memphis... 我伯父是孟菲斯市市长。
A telegram from uncle Fred arrived... 弗雷德舅舅发的一封电报来了。
He came to work for uncle Julian and learn the business from the ground up. 他来替朱利安伯伯干活,从头学习做生意.
In the play, a wicked old uncle acts as a foil to the noble young prince. 在剧中, 一个坏心肠的老叔父为一高贵的年轻王子作衬托.
This is the uncle Zhang we're always talking about. 他就是我们常常念叨的张大伯.
We sat down to a wonderful meal prepared by my uncle. 我们坐下来享用我伯父准备的美餐.
Jim's uncle cut him off without a penny. 吉姆的叔叔没有留给他一文钱.
Your uncle asked after you. 你叔父询问了你的情况.
I'll go to see your uncle presently. 我一会儿就去看望你叔叔.
While he was at the university, an uncle maintained him in clothing. 他上大学时一位叔父供给他衣服.
uncle Tom looked hot after his walk. 在步行之后,汤姆叔叔看来很热.
When Jim's uncle retired from the railway company, he was given a gold watch. 吉姆的伯父从铁路局退休时得到一块金表.
My uncle has become quite an institution at the club! 我叔叔在俱乐部里已是颇有名气的人物了!
My uncle give me money! Pigs might fly! 我叔叔会给我钱! 那是不可能的事!
My uncle is my nearest relative. 叔叔是我最近的亲人.
After an exile of eight years her uncle returned to Cairo. 她叔叔背井离乡8年后返回开罗.
" We must learn from uncle Lei Feng,'said the Young Pioneer. 少先队员说道: “ 我们要向雷锋叔叔学习. ”
Jackson is leaning over backwards to persuade his wealthy uncle. 杰克逊想尽种种办法去讨好他那个有钱的叔叔.
He is my maternal uncle. 他是我舅舅.
uncle Geooge got a black eye for ogling a lady in the pub. 乔治叔叔在酒店里对一女士抛媚眼而被打黑了一只眼睛.
Suddenly an idea rushed into my head, " Why not ask uncle Mark for help? ”我突然想到了一个主意 “ 为什么不请马克大叔帮忙 呢 ?”
Her uncle cozened her out of her inheritance. 她叔叔诱使她放弃了继承权.
I don't have much contact with my uncle. 我和叔父甚少联系。
He was an orphan and lived with his uncle. 他是个孤儿,和他叔叔一起生活。
uncle Jim took the air rifle and went on a recce to the far end of the quarry. 吉姆叔叔拿起气枪一路巡查到采石场的最远处。
unnt [ˌʌnɪmˈpɔ:tnt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
unimportant details 细枝末节
relatively/comparatively unimportant 相对 / 比较次要的
They dismissed the problem as unimportant. 他们认为这个问题无关紧要而不予理会。
This consideration was not unimportant. 这项考虑并非无关紧要。
I was just a young girl from a small town and I felt very unimportant. 当时我只是个从小镇出来的小女孩,自觉十分渺小。
It was an unimportant job, and paid very little... 这份工作无足轻重,而且薪水还很低。
When they had married, six years before, the difference in their ages had seemed unimportant. 他们6年前结婚时,年龄的差距似乎并不重要。
Try to look unimportant because bad guys may be low in ammo. 尽量显得是一个无关紧要的人,因为敌人可能弹药不够用了.
It'suggests a society in which sex is relatively unimportant in assigning social roles. 它意味著,在查脱户耶克,决定社会角色的不是性别;相对而言,性别并不重要.
He is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant. 他很容易忽视那些他认为不重要的问题.
A king ruling a kingdom considered small or unimportant. 小国之君统治小块的或不重要的领地的君主.
Let's cut out the unimportant details. 我们来把不重要的细节删掉.
Money seems unimportant when sets beside the joys of family life. 与天伦之乐相比,金钱显得微不足道.
Don't quibble about unimportant things with me. 别为了琐碎的小事和我狡辩.
When we think something is unimportant we laugh it off. 当我们认为某事不足为道时,我们会“一笑置之”.
Block out this unimportant detail at the top of your picture. 在底片上把图像上部的这个不重要的细节涂抹掉.
There is no such thing in anyone's life as unimportant day. 在人的一生当中,没有所谓不重要的日子.
Let's not quarrel about such unimportant matters. 我们不要为这些小事争吵了.
To surpass the deeds of others is unimportant; to surpass my own deeds is a ll. 超越别人并不重要, 超越自己才是最重要的.
Apply filters todo lists to hide unimportant tasks. 过滤器过滤掉不重要任务.
Most people spend a lot of time doing unimportant things. 很多人将时间浪费在一些无关紧要的事情上.
He is always troubling me about his unimportant business. 他总是以他不重要的事情来烦恼我.
Try to look unimportant because bad guys may be low on ammo. 装成无关紧要的人,因为敌人的弹药可能不够了(所以他会先打重要的人).
Slough off unimportant verbiage. 删除无关紧要的空话.
In addition, are you dismissing true desires as unimportant or unrealistic? 另外, 你是否把内心真正的愿望看成是不重要或是无法实现的?
Do you think Lal will care for anything so unimportant? 你认为拉尔会看上如此无足轻重的区区之物 吗 ?
The resolution itself was unimportant. 决议本身不足挂齿.
The matter was so unimportant that she dismissed it from her mind. 此事太无足轻重,她将它置之脑后.
Finally, don't treat your drivers as unimportant details. 最后, 不要把你的驱动看成不重要的细节.
t [θæŋk] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.谢谢,感谢;责怪,把…归于; n.感谢,谢谢,道谢的话;
I must write and thank Mary for the present. 我得写信感谢玛丽送给我这份礼物。
There's no need to thank me─I enjoyed doing it. 不必谢我,我乐意效劳。
In his speech, he thanked everyone for all their hard work. 他在讲话中感谢大家各尽其力。
She said goodbye and thanked us for coming. 她向我们道别,并感谢我们的光临。
I have my parents to thank for my success. 我的成功归功于我的父母。
I'll thank you to mind your own business. 请你少管闲事。
thank God you're safe! 谢天谢地,你平安无事!
‘thank goodness for that! ’ she said with a sigh of relief. “这可要谢天谢地!”她宽慰地舒了一口气。
John won't thank you for interfering. 你插手,约翰必定十分恼火。
thank you very much for your call... 非常感谢您的来电。
thanks for the information... 谢谢提供这个信息。
'You'd like a cup as well, would you, Mr Secombe?' — 'thank you, Jane, I'd love one.'... “塞科姆先生,你也想来一杯吧?”——“谢谢,简,我确实想来一杯。”
'Would you like a cigarette?' — 'No thank you.'... “要来支烟吗?”——“不了,谢谢。”
The policeman smiled at her. 'Pretty dog.' — 'Oh well, thank you.'... 警察冲她笑了笑,“这狗真漂亮。”——“哦,谢谢。”
'His eyes were glassy?' — 'And dilated. They were watery.' — 'thank you.'... “他的眼神呆滞?”——“还双眼圆睁,泪汪汪的。”——“谢谢!”
I can stir my own tea, thank you... 我的茶我自己会搅,谢谢。
We know where we can get it, thank you very much. 我们知道在哪儿能买到,谢谢。
I thanked them for their long and loyal service... 我感谢他们长期以来忠诚的效力。
When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges. 判决书宣读完,加德纳夫人向法官们表示感谢。
They accepted their certificates with words of thanks. 他们一边道谢,一边接过证书。
We give thanks for this food. 感谢上帝赐给我们食物。
I was wrong, thank God... 原来我错了,感谢上帝。
thank heavens we have you here. 谢天谢地,我们可等到你了。
I have her to thank for my life... 我这条命多亏了她。
For all this I have only you to thank. 这一切我都得感谢你才是。
It is thanks to this committee that many new sponsors have come forward... 又有许多赞助商找上门来,这要归功于这个委员会。
thanks to recent research, effective treatments are available. 多亏近来的研究才有了有效的疗法。
It is no thanks to the Government that net assets did rise. 净资产的确增长了,但这与政府无关。
u [ˈju:niən] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.同盟,联盟;协会,工会;联合,团结; adj.工会的;
I've joined the union . 我已经加入工会。
a union member 工会会员
the Scottish Rugby union 苏格兰橄榄球协会
the former Soviet union 前苏维埃联邦
the European union 欧洲联盟
the union and the Confederacy 合众国与南部邦联
the State of the union address by the President 美国总统向国会发表的国情咨文
a summit to discuss economic and monetary union 商讨经济和货币联盟的高峰会议
Northern Ireland's union with Britain 北爱尔兰同英国的联合
sexual union 性结合
Their union was blessed with six children. 他们婚后幸得六个儿女。
I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union. 我认为女性无论从事什么工作,加入工会都是有好处的。
...union officials. 工会官员
In 1918 the Romanian majority in this former tsarist province voted for union with Romania. 1918年,这个前沙皇统治的省份中占了多数的罗马尼亚人投票赞成与罗马尼亚合并。
Tanzania is a union of the states of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. 坦桑尼亚是坦噶尼喀和桑给巴尔两个政体组成的联合国家。
...the question of which countries should join the currency union. 关于哪些国家应该加入货币联盟的问题
Even Louis began to think their union was not blessed in the eyes of God. 就连路易斯都开始认为他们的婚姻并没有受到上帝的祝福。
The naming of stars is at the discretion of the International Astronomical union. 给星体命名是由国际天文学联合会决定的。
...the Mothers' union. 母亲联合会
The risk factors, he added, " are correctable and need to be corrected before treatment or concurrently. " 他补充: “ 危险因子是确切的,应该在治疗前或者同时被处理. ”
They lived in unspoilt union. 他们和睦相处.
Germany began to attack the Soviet union in 1941. 德国在1941年开始进攻苏联.
In a rousing speech, the President hit out against the trade union. 在一次令人振奋的讲话中, 总统对工会进行了猛烈的抨击.
A customs union would integrate the economies of these countries. 关税联盟会把这些国家的经济紧密结合在一起.
On the basis of my own observations, I should like to elucidate a few problems concerning the Soviet union and China. 我想根据我的观察, 说明几个和苏联和中国都有关系的问题.
God will bless this union. 愿上帝保佑这桩婚姻.
The Minister hit out against trade union leaders. 部长猛烈攻击工会领袖们.
Some claimed that the doctor's union fronted for the smuggling ring. 有人说医师公会是走私集团的掩护机关.
[ˈterəbli] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
I'm terribly sorry─did I hurt you? 非常抱歉,我伤着您了吗?
It's terribly important for parents to be consistent. 父母要做到始终如一,这是极为重要的。
I miss him terribly. 我非常思念他。
They suffered terribly when their son was killed. 儿子遇难之后,他们悲痛欲绝。
The experiment went terribly wrong. 这次实验出了大问题。
Tens of thousands more suffered terrible injuries in the world's worst industrial disaster... 还有成千上万的人在那场全世界最严重的工业灾难中受了重伤。
I often have the most terrible nightmares... 我常做很吓人的噩梦。
He did feel terrible at the time but seems to be fine now... 他当时确实很难受,但现在似乎好了。
Are you all right? You look terrible. Are you sick? 你没事儿吧?你的脸色很难看,生病了吗?
She admits her French is terrible. 她承认自己的法语很蹩脚。
I was a terrible fool, you know. I remember that now... 你知道,我那时愚蠢至极。我至今还记得。
Her death is a terrible waste. 她死得太不值了。
He got terribly drunk and was throwing up for most of the night. 他喝得烂醉,呕吐了大半夜.
Don't buy your computer at that shop — they price them up terribly. 不要到那家商店买计算机,他们要价高得吓人.
Copernicus was terribly persecuted for his scientific theory. 哥白尼由于其科学理论而遭到严重的迫害.
It is terribly cold. 冷得邪乎
After her husband's death she felt terribly alone. 丈夫死后,她感到非常地孤独.
It's terribly hot here. 这里热得厉害.
I thought him terribly ungainly when he danced. 我觉得他跳舞时显得极其笨拙.
It was terribly hot and I started to feel strange. 天气热得要命,我开始觉得难受起来.
My head aches terribly. 我头痛得厉害.
What she said cut me terribly. 她说的话使我非常难受.
He is terribly ashamed of what he did. 他为自己所干的事愧疚不堪.
It all sounds terribly involved and complicated. 这事听起来非常错综复杂.
The house was terribly small and cramped, but the agent described it as a bijou residence. 房子十分狭小拥挤,但经纪人却把它说成是小巧别致的住宅。
I felt terribly jaded after working all weekend. 整个周末工作之后我感到疲惫不堪。
I'm terribly sorry—did I hurt you? 非常抱歉,我伤着您了吗?
The chances of a planet surviving a supernova always looked terribly slim. 行星躲过超新星爆发的几率总是十分渺茫。
My son has suffered terribly. He has lost his best friend. 我儿子遭受了巨大痛苦,他失去了最要好的朋友。
[ʌnˈhæpɪnɪs] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
There was a lot of unhappiness in my adolescence. 年少时我经历过很多不愉快。
His laugh-a-minute image is just a front to hide his deep unhappiness. 他滑稽可笑的形象只是用来掩饰内心深处痛苦的假面具。
He had sensed his mother's unhappiness. 他感觉到了母亲的不悦。
His unhappiness was understandable. 他不高兴是可以理解的。
The best cure for unhappiness is to hurl yourself into your work. 医治愁苦的最好办法就是全身心地投入工作.
Bottling up your anger can only lead to unhappiness. 把怒气憋在肚子里只会道致痛苦.
unhappiness is the root cause of his illness. 不开心是他生病的根源.
The quarrel caused her intense unhappiness. 争吵令她极其不快.
He expressed his unhappiness about the arrangements. 他表达了对这些安排的不满.
She divorced him after years of unhappiness. 经过多年的不愉快,她跟他离婚了.
He has seen much unhappiness in his life. 他一生经历了许多不幸.
There is no need to think that you are sentenced to a lifetime of unhappiness. 没必要认为你就注定一辈子得不到幸福.
He could not bear to lay too much responsibility for the unhappiness of his later years on his own shoulders. 为自己晚景凄凉承担这么多责任,他接受不了。
It's easy to be concerned with problems across the other side of the world and not see the poverty and unhappiness on your own doorstep. 人们往往会关注世界另一端的问题,而忽略了家门口的贫困和不幸.
unhappiness had deadened her to the lives of others. 她遭遇不幸,因而对别人的生活也无动于衷.
u [ˌʌndəˈstænd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.& vi.懂,理解; vt.了解;默认;听说;领会;
Can you understand French? 你懂法语吗?
Do you understand the instructions? 你懂得这些指令的意思吗?
She didn't understand the form she was signing. 她弄不懂她正在签署的表格。
I'm not sure that I understand. Go over it again. 我不敢说我搞懂了。请再来一遍吧。
I don't want you doing that again. Do you understand? 我不许你再这样做。你听明白了吗?
I don't understand what he's saying. 我不明白他在说些什么。
Doctors still don't understand much about the disease. 医生对这种疾病还了解不多。
No one is answering the phone─I can't understand it. 没人接电话,我不知道是怎么回事。
I could never understand why she was fired. 我怎么也不明白她为何被解雇。
I just can't understand him taking the money. 我真想不通他为什么会偷钱。
(formal)I just can't understand his taking the money. 我真想不通他为什么会偷钱。
Nobody understands me. 没有人了解我。
He doesn't understand women at all. 他根本就不了解女性。
They understand what I have been through. 他们对我的遭遇很同情。
I quite understand that you need some time alone. 我很理解你需要独自静一会。
I quite understand you needing some time alone. 我很理解你需要独自静一会。
If you want to leave early, I'm sure he'll understand. 如果你想早些离开,我相信他会体谅的。
I understand (that) you wish to see the manager. 我听说您想见经理。
I think you heard and also understand me... 我想你听到了我的话,也明白我的意思。
Rusty nodded as though she understood the old woman... 拉斯蒂点点头,好像听懂了那位老妇人的话似的。
I couldn't read or understand a word of Yiddish, so I asked him to translate. 我根本不懂意第绪语,所以请他来翻译。
It would be nice to have someone who really understood me, a friend... 要是有个真正理解我的人、有个朋友就好了。
Trish had not exactly understood his feelings... 特里希并没有完全理解他的感受。
They are too young to understand what is going on... 他们还太小,不明白发生了什么事。
She didn't understand why the TV was kept out of reach of the patients... 她不明白为什么病人不能看电视。
We understand that she's in the studio recording her second album... 我们听说她正在录音棚录制她的第二张专辑。
I understand you've heard about David... 我知道你们已经听说了戴维的事了。
I am given to understand that he was swearing throughout the game at our fans. 我得知整场比赛中他一直冲着我方球迷骂个不停。
You do not hit my grandchildren, do you understand?... 你不准打我的孙子孙女,明白吗?
I don't need it, understand?... 我不需要,懂吗?
tm [tə:m] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.学期;条款;术语;期限; vt.把…称为;把…叫做;
a technical/legal/scientific, etc. term 技术、法律、科学等术语
a term of abuse 咒骂用语
‘Register ’ is the term commonly used to describe different levels of formality in language. “语域”是一个术语,通常用以描述语言中用语的正式程度。
Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety... 我们的产品在质量、可靠性,尤其是品种方面颇具竞争力。
Paris has played a dominant role in France, not just in political terms but also in economic power. 不仅仅在政治方面,而且在经济实力上巴黎在法国也都一直处于支配地位。
The video explains in simple terms how the new tax works... 录像用简单易懂的语言解释了新税法。
The document is expressed in terms that are readily understood and agreed. 文件用语浅显易懂,让人易于接受。
Myocardial infarction is the medical term for a heart attack. 心肌梗死是心脏病的医学用语。
He had been termed a temporary employee... 他被称作临时雇员。
He termed the war a humanitarian nightmare. 他称这场战争是一场人道主义噩梦。
...the summer term. 夏季学期
...the last day of term. 学期最后一天
Felipe Gonzalez won a fourth term of office in Spain's election. 费利佩·冈萨雷斯在西班牙选举中获得第 4 次连任。
...a 12 month term of service... 为期 12 个月的任职期
Offenders will be liable to a seven-year prison term. 违犯者可判处 7 年监禁。
Premiums are guaranteed throughout the term of the policy. 在保单有效期内,所缴纳的保险费是有保障的。
That makes her the first TV presenter to work the full term of her pregnancy... 那样,她就成了首个怀孕期间一直上班的电视节目主持人。
Women over 40 seem to be just as capable of carrying a baby to term as younger women. 年过 40 的女性好像和年轻女性一样能够怀孕到足月。
...the terms of the Helsinki agreement... 《赫尔辛基协议》的条款
Mayor Rendell imposed the new contract terms. 伦德尔市长强加了新的合同条款。
She had come to terms with the fact that her husband would always be crippled. 她只好接受了丈夫将终生残疾这个现实。
I had at last found a sport where I could compete on equal terms with able-bodied people... 我终于发现了一个可以和体格健全的人平等竞争的体育项目。
The focus was on women gaining access to work on the same terms as men. 核心问题在于女性应与男性享有平等的就业机会。
Madeleine is on good terms with Sarah... 马德琳和萨拉相处很好。
We shook hands and parted on good terms. 我们握了握手,友好地告别。
The agreement should have very positive results in the long term... 从长远来看,这个协议将会产生非常积极的影响。
In the short term, chemical sprays are clearly an effective way to control pests... 从短期来看,喷洒化学药品显然能有效控制虫害。
They will sign the union treaty only on their terms. 只有同意他们的条件,他们才会在联盟条约上签字。
United should be thinking in terms of winning the European Cup... 联队应该在考虑要赢得欧洲杯。
She was thinking in terms of a career. 她在考虑干一番事业。
u [ʌmˈbrelə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
I put up my umbrella. 我撑开伞。
colourful beach umbrellas 五彩缤纷的海滩遮阳伞
Many previously separate groups are now operating under the umbrella of a single authority. 许多原本分散的团体现在正在单一的权威领导下运作。
an umbrella organization/group/fund 综合机构 / 团体 / 基金
‘Contact sports ’ is an umbrella term for a variety of different sports. “接触式运动”是多种不同体育运动的总称。
Harry held an umbrella over Dawn. 哈里为唐打着伞。
Does coincidence come under the umbrella of the paranormal?... 巧合属于超自然现象吗?
Within the umbrella term 'dementia' there are many different kinds of disease. “痴呆”这一统称里包括多种不同的疾病。
The major powers have chosen to act under the moral umbrella of the United Nations... 世界主要大国都选择在联合国的道义框架下行事。
Britain cannot avoid being under the US nuclear umbrella, whether it wants to or not. 不管愿不愿意,英国都免不了要处于美国的核保护伞之下。
What do you like to do in your spare time? 空闲时你喜欢干什么?
She stole him an umbrella. 她给他偷了一把雨伞.
There ! Isn't that your umbrella? 喏,这不就是你的那把雨伞?
Does anyone claim this umbrella? 有没有人认领这把伞?
umbrella and raincoats are what people need in rainy days. 伞和雨衣都是下雨天人们要用的.
The ribs of the umbrella are strong. 雨伞的骨架非常结实.
He was as cross as two sticks when his roommate took his umbrella without getting his agreement. 他非常生气,因为他的室友未经同意就把他的伞带走了.
It looks like rain, you'd better take an umbrella with you. 要下雨了, 你还是带把伞吧.
She jabbed me in the arm with her umbrella. 她用伞捅我的胳膊.
The umbrella keeps the rains off the user. 雨伞使撑伞人免受雨淋.
She was holding up an umbrella when I saw her in the street. 我在街上看到她时,她手里撑着把伞.
The wind blew my umbrella wrong side out. 风把我的伞吹得翻过去了.
Hadn't we best take an umbrella? 我们最好带一把伞 吧 ?
The man with the umbrella will be the Prime Minister. 拿着雨伞的那个人准是首相.
He ran back for an umbrella. 他跑回去拿雨伞.
Don't forget to take your umbrella in case it rains. 别忘了带伞,下雨好用.