PET 词汇库 : 看单词选词义(考) - 22
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(1) The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months.
(2) We lost a lot of money, but we just put it down to experience.
(3) experience has taught me that life can be very unfair.
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n. 经验; 经历; 往事
v. 经历; 感受
adj. 年纪较大的; 老人; 老式的
adj. 海洋的; 海产的; 海军的; 海船的
n. 海军陆战队士兵
(1) It wasn't a ghost; it was a real person.
(2) pictures of animals, both real and mythological
(3) In the movies guns kill people instantly, but it's not like that in real life .
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n. 结果; 重要性
v. 使开心; 给…提供娱乐
adj. 真的; 真实的,实际的; 名副其实的; 严肃的; 十足的
adv. 非常,很
(1) The king was attended upon [ on ] by a number of servants.
(2) He consulted a number of relevant books and periodicals.
(3) The radar beam can track a number of targets almost simultaneously.
a number of
[ə ˈnʌmbə(r) ɒv]
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许多的; 一些
n. 运动员; 田径运动员; 运动健儿; 身强力壮的人
n. 口音,腔调; 重音; 重音符号
v. 强调; 重读
(1) The photograph showed him to advantage.
(2) He took advantage of my generosity (= for example, by taking more than I had intended to give) .
(3) A small car has the added advantage of being cheaper to run.
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n. 安排; 筹划; 布置; 商定; 协议; 整理; 改编乐曲
n. 公共交通,公共交通工具,公交车辆
adj. 主要的
n. 主管道; 水源; (水等)供应系统
n. 有利条件; 优势; 优点,好处
v. 有利于; 有助于; 使处于有利地位
(1) Only in this way can the critical mass of participation be reached.
(2) Each year, hundreds of animals are killed in this way.
(3) in this way we get better results in teaching.
in this way
[in ðis wei]
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n. 便宜货; 交易,协议
v. 商谈; 讨价还价
adv. 这样
进展; 与…和睦相处
(1) She was so depressed she took to drugs.
(2) I would rather go out tonight, if you don't mind.
(3) I would rather die than compromise.
would rather
[wʊd ˈrɑːðə(r)]
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害怕; 对…感到恐惧
n. 禁令,禁律; 〈美〉禁酒,[美史]禁酒时期; [法]诉讼中止令
宁愿, 宁可
n. <心>移情作用; 同感,共鸣; 神入
(1) The host fears the guests won't get on...
(2) What are your neighbours like? Do you get on with them?
(3) Jane got on with her work...
get on
[ɡet ɒn]
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n. 慈善机构(或组织); 赈济; 宽容,仁慈; 慈善事业
(1) He had to laugh despite himself.
(2) Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it.
(3) despite applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.
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不完全是; 不见得
常识; 人所共知的事
n. 竞争者; 选手
prep. 尽管,虽然; 不由自主
(1) The crisis had a negative effect on trade.
(2) The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative.
(3) Scientists have a fairly negative attitude to the theory.
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adj. 消极的; 否定的; 负的; 阴极的
v. 拒绝; 否定
n. 底片; (化验或科学试验中的)阴性结果; 坏的事情
n. 功能; 函数; 因变量; 宴会
v. 工作; 发挥功能
n. 紧急事件
adj. 紧急情况下的; 应急的
(1) He is likely to get off with a small fine.
(2) At eight I said 'I'm getting off now.'
(3) I told you. get off the farm.
get off
[ɡet ɒf]
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n. 社区; 居住区; 周边地区
v. 确信
下(车、马等); 离开; 发出; (使)入睡
(1) obviously, we don't want to spend too much money.
(2) Diet and exercise are obviously important.
(3) He was obviously drunk.
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n. 日记,日志; 期刊,杂志
adv. 明显地﹐显而易见地
n. (政务)委员会,地方议会; 委员; 会议
adj. (房屋或公寓)地方政府出租的
(1) She conveniently forgot to mention that her husband would be at the party, too (= because it suited her not to say) .
(2) Fruit is a convenient source of vitamins and energy.
(3) A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns.
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v. 拥有; 具备; 控制; 使言行失常
adj. 时髦的,赶时髦的,追随时髦的
n. 时髦人物,赶时髦的人; 领导时尚的人
n. 奖,奖赏; 报酬,薪水; 加薪; 授予; (赔偿)裁定额
v. 授予; 奖励; 裁定
adj. 实用的; 方便的; 附近的; 省事的
(1) The show was good entertainment value .
(2) a budget for the entertainment of clients
(3) radio, television and other forms of entertainment
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n. 冒险; 奇遇; 冒险精神
v. 去某地探险
n. 衣领; (动物)颈圈; 箍
v. 抓住,逮住; 拦住(某人与其)谈话
n. 娱乐节目/活动; 招待
adj. 严重的; 令人担忧的; 重要的; 严肃的; 认真的; 庄重的; 大量的
(1) historically, there has always been a great deal of rivalry between the two families.
(2) The book is historically inaccurate.
(3) a historical novel
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adj. 常见的; 共有的; 共同的; 普通的; 平凡的; 众所周知的; 粗俗的
n. 公共用地; 公共食堂
adj. (有关)历史的,史学的; 基于史实的,历史题材的
(1) You have to learn to take care of your possessions.
(2) Don't worry yourself about me, I can take care of myself.
(3) I take care of them to the best of my abilities.
take care of
[teik kɛə ɔv]
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照顾; 处理
v. 防御; 保卫; 防守; 替…辩护; 辩解; 卫冕; 参加…以保住…
n. 隧道,地道
v. 挖隧道,挖地道
n. 管弦乐队; 管弦乐队的全部乐器
(1) The weakest students can end up with a negative score.
(2) They could end up with a 50-point winning margin.
(3) That's what you'll end up with, you mark my words.
end up with
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n. 机会; 时刻; 场合; 原因
v. 导致; 引起
n. 完成,实现; 成就,功绩
adj. 有才能的,有才干的; 能干的
(1) It's fashionable but wearable, and it's easy to look after.
(2) I just can't be bothered to look after the house.
(3) They wanted someone responsible to look after the place at night-time.
look after
[luk ˈɑ:ftə]
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adj. 肯定的; 无疑的; 轻微的; 某个,某些,某位
pron. 某些(不提及人或事物的名称时用)
照顾; 照料; 料理; 打理
n. 移居; 移民局检查站
v. 看到; 瞄准; 观察
n. 视力; 景象
(1) She plays the flute in the school orchestra.
(2) the Scottish Symphony orchestra
(3) ...the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic orchestra.
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n. 联系; 连接物; 纽带; 交通路线; 超文本链接; (链状物)圈
v. 使联系在一起; 连接; 声称…有关系; 挽住
n. 管弦乐队; 管弦乐队的全部乐器
adj. 竞争的; 有竞争力的
(1) Some birds which were once a common sight are now becoming rare.
(2) a common spelling mistake
(3) They share a common interest in photography.
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n. 地点,位置; (电影的)外景拍摄地; 定位
n. 批评家( critic的名词复数 ); 评论员; 批评者; 挑剔的人
adj. 常见的; 共有的; 共同的; 普通的; 平凡的; 众所周知的; 粗俗的
n. 公共用地; 公共食堂
(1) The device had been used operationally some months previously.
(2) He may suddenly take a dislike to foods that he's previously enjoyed.
(3) He had first entered the House 12 years previously.
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n. (儿童或年轻人在某人家玩乐并过夜的)聚会; 在外过夜
v. 混淆,使困惑; 搅乱,难以理解
adv. 事先; 以前; 仓促; “previous”的派生
(1) None of the passengers and crew were injured.
(2) crew members
(3) the officers and crew
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n. 球门; 进球得分; 目标
n. (飞机、轮船等上的)全体工作人员; 技术团队; 一组人; 划船队; 赛船运动
v. 当船员
v. 解释; 辩解,说明…的理由
n. 废弃物,垃圾; 杂乱的一堆; 一窝幼崽; 猫砂; 褥草; 轿子
v. 使凌乱; 乱扔; (猫狗)产仔
(1) For instance, if you want to exercise more, arrange to do it with a friend.
arrange to do
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逃避; 逃出; 从…漏出; 发出
vt. 修订; 改变; 修正; [主英国英语]复习
vt.& vi. 复习
vi. 修订,校订
vt.& vi. 编织,编结; 接合(折骨等); 使皱起,使皱紧; 使紧密相联
n. 编织物; 编织法
(1) I'll ring the hotel. I'll tell them we'll check in tomorrow.
(2) I'd like to cash this check in, please.
(3) You must check in the equipment after using.
check in
[tʃek in]
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adj. 缺席的; 不在场的; 心不在焉的; (父或母)不和子女一起住的
v. 缺席; 不在
n. 建筑学; 建筑式样; 建筑风格; 体系结构; 结构; 架构
conj. (表示选择或怀疑)是否; 无论,不管
(在旅馆、机场等) 登记
(1) The air seemed to be full of pink mist.
(2) Your garden will be full of green grass and gay flowers.
(3) The club seemed to be full of eccentrics.
be full of
[bi: ful ɔv]
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n. 解决办法; 溶解; 答案
n. 外甥女; 侄女
v. 充满; 横生; 盈; 满腹
(1) surgical/optical/precision, etc. instruments
(2) instruments of torture
(3) Is he learning an instrument?
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n. 教育; 培养; 教育学; 教育机构
终于; 最终
n. 器械; 乐器; 仪器; 工具; 促成某事的人/物; 受利用的人; 文据
n. 追求,理想; 雄心,野心
(1) a driving licence
(2) a licence for the software
(3) Is there a licence fee?
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v. 称赞; (对上帝)称颂
n. 称赞; (对上帝)敬拜
adv. 有规律地; 经常; 均匀地
n. 许可; 许可证; 放纵; 放荡
n. 发展; 成长; 研制; 开发; 发展阶段; 新进展; 新建住宅区
(1) the relative merits of the two plans
(2) the position of the sun relative to the earth
(3) They now live in relative comfort (= compared with how they lived before) .
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n. 亲戚; 同类事物
adj. 相对的; 比较的; 相比之下存在; 关于; 指代前面句子(的一部分)
v. 营救,救助
n. 营救(行动)
(1) Remember, keep a positive attitude and good things will happen.
(2) For showbiz newcomers, he advises keeping a positive attitude.
(3) Jerry : Of course, Chinese literators also accept the positive attitude of Confucianism.
positive attitude
[ˈpɔzitiv ˈætitju:d]
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n. 栅栏; 赛马障碍物; 销赃者
v. 把…圈起来; 击剑; 搪塞
v. 扣牢; 关紧; 使牢固; 系上; 抓牢; 盯住
(1) They eat mainly fruit and nuts.
(2) ‘Where do you export to? ’ ‘France, mainly. ’
(3) The population almost doubles in summer, mainly because of the jazz festival.
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adv. 主要地; 大多
adj. 男性的; 雄性的; 有力的; [植]雄性的,仅有雄蕊的
n. 男; 雄性动物; [植]雄性植物; 马累[马律]
(1) The city has trebled the number of its prisoners to 21,000.
(2) the number of commuters to London has dropped by 100,000.
(3) the number of women who become pregnant after adopting children is legion.
the number of
[ðə ˈnʌmbə ɔv]
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n. 毕业文凭; 文凭课程
n. 线索,迹象; 提示,注意事项; 暗示; 微量
vt. 暗示
vi. 暗示,提示
n. 机会; 时机
(1) G: No , son ! No pain , no gain ! We are following the fish.
(2) No pain, no gain Many people tend to overdo their exercise programs looking for quick results.
no pain no gain
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adv. 在下面,在底下; 在下面,在下层
prep. 在…之下; 在下面; 在…下面; 在…领导或控制下
n. 下部,底部
n. 递送(商品); 分娩; 投递的; 演说风格
v. 买得起; 承受得住; 提供; 抽得出(时间)
(1) This was an amount of compliance which he had not at all expected.
(2) I have to do an amount of homework every day.
(3) Quite an amount of rain has fallen during the night.
an amount of
[æn əˈmaunt ɔv]
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v. 影响; 使感动; (疾病)感染; 假装
n. 答复; 反应
adj. 慷慨的; 宽厚的; 丰富的
adj. 许多
(1) Looks has the source of goods factory fast to relate with us!
(2) This paper introduce the rules of law relate with medical record management.
(3) Welcome the domestic and foreign merchants to relate with Our company consults!
relate with
[riˈleit wið]
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把…同…联系起来 connect something in thought or meaning
adj. 有价值的; 宝贵的; 贵重的,值钱的
(1) They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available.
(2) the amount of sleep we need varies from person to person.
(3) the amount of paperwork involved is mind-boggling.
the amount of
[ðə əˈmaunt ɔv]
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n. 全体职工; 行政人群; 拐杖
v. 任职于…
n. 肖像,肖像画; 模型,标本; 半身雕塑像; 人物描写
adj. 竖向的;纵向打印格式的
(1) Let's talk just about investment generally.
(2) The male is generally larger with a shorter beak.
(3) I generally get up at six.
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n. 恐惧; 担心; 担忧; 可能性
v. 害怕; 担心; (替…)担心
adv. 笼统地; 通常地; 普遍地
n. 有利条件; 优势; 优点,好处
v. 有利于; 有助于; 使处于有利地位
(1) Can you describe him to me?
(2) The man was described as tall and dark, and aged about 20.
(3) Jim was described by his colleagues as ‘unusual ’.
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有售, 上市; 廉价出售
v. 成长,发展; 出现; 开发,研制; 养成习惯; 获得(名声); 患病; 开始侵袭/影响; 加强; 发挥; 修建; 阐释; 冲洗(胶片)
v. 描述; 把…称为; 做…运动; 形成…形状; 认为; 描画
(1) And the teddy bear you gave me that I held so tight.
(2) He lost his job as a result of the dispute.
(3) He was made king as a result of various intrigues.
as a result
[æz ə rɪˈzʌlt]
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(把…)关掉; 完成; 解雇; 转向
adv. 否则; 除此以外; 与之不同地; 以其他方式
n. 谋杀; 困难的事
v. 谋杀; 毁坏; 打垮
(1) We were greatly encouraged by the positive response of the public.
(2) Banks actively encourage people to borrow money.
(3) They claim that some computer games encourage violent behaviour in young children.
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v. 鼓励; 使有希望; 劝说; 促进
总的来说,大体而言; 总而言之; 总之; 归根结底
n. 两星期,十四天
n. 综合性大学; 大学人员; 大学校舍
(1) the latest unemployment figures
(2) the latest craze/fashion/trend
(3) her latest novel
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n. 价值(观); 重要性,用途; 划算程度; 数值
v. 重视,珍视; 给…估价
v. 道歉,认错
adj. 最近的; 最新的
n. 最新事物; 最新消息; 至迟
v. 受苦; 忍受; 变差
(1) One said he could not see anything except the blue of the sky.
(2) That kind of money is no longer going about now.
(3) no longer trammel by his responsibility as chairman, he can say what he wish.
no longer
[nəʊ ˈlɒŋgə]
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n. 专题讨论会; 正式商谈; 体育协会

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