Don't ask me about it─that's her department. 这事别问我——那是她的职责范围。
the English department 英语系
the children's department (= in a large store) 儿童用品部
a government/university, etc. department 政府部门、大学学系等
the marketing/sales, etc. department 营销、销售等部门
the Treasury department 财政部
the department of Trade and Industry 工业贸易署
'I'm afraid the name means nothing to me,' he said. 'That's not my department.' “恐怕这个名字对我来说毫无意义,”他说,“我对此并不熟悉。”
He moved to the sales department. 他转到了销售部。
...the U.S. department of Health, Education and Welfare... 美国卫生、教育和福利部
He volunteered to serve as the manager of our department store. 他自荐当我们商场的经理.
The resource pool is heterogeneous : Hosts have different processor types and operating systems. 资源库是异质性的: 主机电脑会有不同的处理器和作业系统.
The department deferred the decision for six months. 这个部门推迟了六个月才作决定.
The general manager has planned a reorganization of the sales department. 总经理已经计划改组销售部.
The corporate planning department made a synthesis of all their studies for the future. 公司计划部综合分析了他们全部的对未来的研究报告.
The department is gearing up for increased intake of students. 这个系正在为扩大招生做好准备.
It was like a Whitehall farce the way I was sent from department to department and everyone said it was someone else's job to help me. 这就像一个英国政府滑稽剧:我被从一个部门打发到另一个部门,每个人都说帮助我是他人的事.
It's about time we started in to reorganize the department. 到了该改组这个部门的时候了.
The department offers four specialities. 这个系有四个专业.
The advertising department has overrun its budget three years in row. 广告部的开支已经连续三年超过预算.
Can you slot her into a job in the sales department? 你能把她安排在销售部工作 吗 ?
They went past the department store. 他们从百货公司的旁边经过.
The mayoral candidate has promised to purge the police department. 市长候选人答应清洗警察部门.
the department of Homeland Security 国土安全部
Don't work in that department; it's a madhouse. 别在那个部门工作,那里太乱。
The rooms were awful and the food was worse. 房间很糟糕,吃的更差。
The weather got worse during the day. 日间天气变得更恶劣了。
The interview was much worse than he had expected. 这次面试比他预计的要糟得多。
I've been to far worse places. 我到过糟糕得多的地方。
There's nothing worse than going out in the cold with wet hair. 没有比在大冷天头发湿着外出更糟糕的了。
They were trying to prevent an even worse tragedy. 他们正在设法避免更大的悲剧发生。
The crisis was getting worse and worse . 危机越来越严重了。
Don't tell her that─you'll only make things worse . 别把这事告诉她,你只会火上浇油。
Never mind─it could be worse (= although the situation is bad, it is not as bad as it might have been) . 没关系,原本可能还要更糟。
If he gets any worse we'll call the doctor. 要是他的病情恶化,我们就请医生。
He told her she'd let them down and she felt worse than ever . 他对她说,她让他们失望了,于是她难过极了。
I shall have to miss the party, worse luck! 我参加不了这次聚会了,真倒霉!
I didn't do it very well, but, if anything, he did it worse than I did. 我干得不太好,但其实他干得比我还糟。
It's raining worse than ever. 雨下得比以往都大。
She'd lost her job. Even worse, she'd lost her house and her children, too. 她丢了工作。更倒霉的是,她还失去了房子和孩子。
The increase in taxes means that we'll be £30 a month worse off than before. 税收的增加意味着我们将比以前每月少挣30英镑。
If you want a safe investment, you could do a lot worse than put your money in a building society. 你要想投资而不冒风险,倒不如把钱存到房屋互助协会。
I'm afraid there is worse to come. 恐怕更糟的还在后头呢。
The kids were none the worse for their adventure. 孩子们没有因历险而受伤。
For the past couple of years my life has gone from bad to worse. 过去几年来,我的生活每况愈下。
Scientists in search of a challenging career could do worse than consider forensic science. 寻求富有挑战性的事业的科学家不妨考虑一下法医学。
The grandparents sigh and say how things have changed for the worse. 爷爷奶奶叹着气说情况变得如何如何糟糕。
Father came home from the pub very much the worse for drink... 父亲从酒吧回到家里,乱撒酒疯。
They are all apparently fit and well and none the worse for the fifteen hour journey. 他们的身体状况显然都很好,15个小时的行程没有给他们带来不适。
d [dɪˈlɪvəri] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a delivery van 厢式送货车
Please pay for goods on delivery (= when you receive them) . 请货到付款。
Allow 28 days for delivery . 请留出28天送货时间。
Is there a postal/mail delivery on Saturdays? 星期六送邮件吗?
(formal)When can you take delivery of (= be available to receive) the car? 你何时能提取那辆汽车?
(figurative)the delivery of public services 提供公共事业服务
an easy/difficult delivery 顺 / 难产
a delivery room/ward (= in a hospital, etc.) 产房;产科病房
The beautiful poetry was ruined by her poor delivery. 这优美的诗被她拙劣的朗诵给糟蹋了。
a fast delivery 一个快投球
Please allow 28 days for delivery... 递送将需要 28 天的时间。
It is available at £108, including VAT and delivery. 其价格为 108 英镑,包括增值税和送货费在内。
I got a delivery of fresh eggs this morning. 我今天早上收到了送来的新鲜鸡蛋。
...a pizza delivery man. 比萨饼递送员
...Interflora, the flower delivery service. 国际花商联盟,鲜花速递服务机构
His speeches were magnificently written but his delivery was hopeless. 他的发言稿写得非常精彩,但他的演讲风格真是无可救药。
In the end, it was an easy delivery: a fine baby boy... 分娩过程最终非常顺利,生了个健康的男婴。
Premature birth is three times more likely for twins, and delivery at 36 to 38 weeks is normal. 双胞胎的早产率要比一般的高出两倍,在36到38周之间分娩很正常。
The second time somebody calls you a horse, call him a jerk. 第二次还是有人说你是匹马时, 你可以当那人是蠢货.
You have to pay a premium for express delivery. 寄快速投递你得付额外费用.
I had to give a slow delivery. 我不得不慢慢地说.
The strike caused a great delay in the delivery of the mail. 这次罢工严重地延误了邮件的投递.
He was employed at the local grocery store as a delivery boy. 他受雇于当地杂货店当送货员.
Please take delivery of the goods at the station next Friday. 请于下星期五到火车站提货.
c [tʃɑ:t] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.图表;航海图;排行榜; vt.绘制地图;记录;记述;跟踪(进展或发展);
a weather chart 天气图
a sales chart (= showing the level of a company's sales) 销售图表
a naval chart 海军航图
The album went straight into the charts at number 1. 这张专辑一进入每周流行唱片排行榜便占首位。
to top the charts (= to be the record that has sold more copies than all the others) 名列每周流行唱片排行榜第一
The exhibition charts the history of the palace. 展览记载了这座王宫的历史。
She had carefully charted her route to the top of her profession. 她周密地制订了达到她职业巅峰的行动计划。
Cook charted the coast of New Zealand in 1768. 库克于1768年绘制了新西兰的海岸图。
NATO had charted a new course for stability and cooperation in Europe... 北约制订了保持欧洲稳定与合作的新计划。
We've charted a possible way forward... 我们已经制订了下一步可能的计划。
This album confirmed The Orb's status as national stars, going straight to Number One in the charts... 这张专辑确立了The Orb作为全国明星的地位,销量直升至排行榜首位。
They topped both the US singles and album charts at the same time. 他们同时荣登美国单曲榜和专辑榜榜首。
One GP has charted a dramatic rise in local childhood asthma since the M25 was built nearby... 一位全科医生跟踪记录发现,自从附近修建了25号高速公路以来,当地哮喘病患儿数量急剧增加。
This magnificent show charts his meteoric rise from 'small town' country singer to top international Rock idol... 这场盛大的演出展示了他是如何从一个“小镇”乡村歌手一跃成为国际顶级摇滚偶像的。
Ptolemy charted more than 1000 stars in 48 constella-tions... 托勒密绘制了48个星座1,000多颗恒星的星位图。
Male unemployment was 14.2%, compared with 5.8% for women (see chart on next page)... 相比女性的5.8%,男性失业率为14.2%(见下页图表)。
The chart below shows our top 10 choices. 下图是我们优先考虑的10个选择。
...charts of Greek waters. 希腊海域图
Portuguese explorers had charted the west coast of Africa as far as Sierra Leone... 葡萄牙探险家已经绘制出了远至塞拉里昂的非洲西海岸地图。
Drag onto a Gantt chart to add a new milestone task to your project schedule. 拖到甘特图上以向项目日程添加新的里程碑任务.
Be responsible for developing related project WI, PFMEA, chart, process card. 负责相关项目作业指导书, PFMEA, 流程图, 过程卡的开发运用.
Black kernels are those that are darker than dark amber on a standard color chart. 黑仁指的是在标准色谱上颜色深于暗琥珀色的种仁.
Rather, it was the weak economy that devastated profits and loan demand ( see chart ). 相反, 是萧条的经济摧毁了利润和贷款需求 ( 见图表 ).
The following chart attempts to crystallize the history of cataloguing. 下表中将试图具体列出编目史实.
That was in the days before electricity was available at the flick of a switch . 那是在过去,还没有到开关一响就有电的时代。
Which switch do I press to turn it off? 我按哪个开关就能把它关了?
to throw a switch (= to move a large switch) 扳动开关
a switch of priorities 轻重缓急的改变
She made the switch from full-time to part-time work when her first child was born. 第一个孩子出生后她就从全职工作改为兼职工作。
a policy switch 政策的转变
a riding switch 马鞭
We're in the process of switching over to a new system of invoicing. 我们正在转用新的发票制度。
Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen. 按这两个键就可以在屏幕上的文件之间进行切换。
When did you switch jobs? 你们什么时候调动工作的?
The dates of the last two exams have been switched. 最后两门考试的日期掉换了。
I see you've switched the furniture around (= changed its position) . 我看出来你把家具重摆了。
Do you think she'll notice if I switch my glass with hers? 要是把我的杯子跟她的换了,你认为她看得出来吗?
I can't work next weekend─will you switch with me? 下个周末我不能上班——咱俩调个班好不好?
Have you been able to switch your shift with anyone? 你找着能跟你调班的人了吗?
When I hear the word ‘football ’ I switch off (= because I am not interested in it) . 我听见“足球”两个字就腻味。
The only time he really switches off (= stops thinking about work, etc.) is when we're on vacation. 只有在我们外出度假的时候,他才真正无牵无挂。
Please switch the lights off as you leave. 你离开的时候请把灯关了。
How do you switch this thing on? 这东西怎么开?
Leona put some detergent into the dishwasher, shut the door and pressed the switch. 利昂娜将一些清洁剂放入洗碗机,关上门后按了开始键。
...a light switch. 电灯开关
Estonia is switching to a market economy... 爱沙尼亚正在向市场经济转轨。
The law would encourage companies to switch from coal to cleaner fuels... 该法律将鼓励企业转而使用比煤更加清洁的能源。
My mother's interest had switched to my health... 母亲转而关注起我的健康来。
As the era wore on, she switched her attention to films. 随着这个时代慢慢过去,她把目光投向了电影业。
In half an hour, they'd switched the tags on every cable... 半个小时内,他们就给每根电缆都换了标签。
The ballot boxes have been switched. 投票箱被人调换了。
[lʌŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
lung cancer 肺癌
Women tend to worry about cancer of the breast than of the lung. 女人趋向于担心患上乳腺癌而不是肺癌.
When the external pressure reduces, bubbles form in the blood, leading to lung damage within minutes. 当外部压力降低, 血液中形成气泡, 肺部会在几分钟内受损.
Effect such as brain tumor , cervical cancer, lung cancer, cancer of the stomach, neuroblastoma intestinal cancer. 脑瘤, 宫颈癌, 肺癌, 胃癌, 神经母细胞瘤等效果很好.
Objective: To study surgical treatment of special pneumohemothorax bullae of lung. 目的: 对肺大疱破裂致自发性血气胸的外科治疗进行临床研究.
The cytotoxic effects of NDV ( Losota 4 ) were investigated on multicellular spheroid of human lung adenocarcinoma A 549. 用人肺腺癌细胞系A549多细胞球体研究了新城疫弱病毒 ( NDV ) 的抗癌细胞增殖作用.
I like to run, because running will not only exercise, but also to increase lung capacity. 我喜欢跑步, 因为跑步不但能锻炼身体, 还能增加肺活量.
The major infection sites were lung ( 51 . 4 % ) and vascular access ( 16 . 7 % ). 感染部位主要为肺部 ( 51.4% ) 和血管通路 ( 16.7% ).
The areas of consolidation are firmer than the surrounding lung. 实变区域比周围的肺组织坚韧.
Many countries have limited or banned the use of asbestos because of fears that its fibres cause diseases such as lung cancer if inhaled. 许多国家限制或禁止了石棉的使用,因为害怕其纤维被吸入人体后会导致肺癌等疾病.
He had a cancerous growth on his lung. 他的肺上长了个恶性肿瘤.
lung cancer deprived him of his life. 肺癌夺去了他的生命.
Don't inhale dust into your lung. 别把灰尘吸进肺里.
diagnosis of lung cancer 肺癌的诊断
an operation on her lung to remove a tumour 为她做肺部肿瘤切除手术
The test should identify which smokers are most prone to develop lung cancer. 这项检查应该可以确认哪些吸烟者更容易得肺癌。
He was born with only one lung. 他生下来就只有一叶肺。
He was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. 他被诊断患了无法手术的肺癌。
The change in smoking is paralleled by a change in the incidence of lung cancer. 吸烟情况的变化与肺癌发病率的变化如影随形。
lung cancer has now overtaken breast cancer as a cause of death for women in the US. 肺癌现在已经取代乳腺癌成为美国女性的一大杀手。
10,000 deaths a year from chronic lung disease are attributable to smoking. 吸烟导致每年有1万人死于慢性肺病。
lung cells die and are replaced about once a week. 肺细胞约每周新老更替一次。
Since her heart and lung transplant operation she has gone from strength to strength. 做过心肺移植手术后,她的身体不断好转。
It goes without saying that if someone has lung problems they should not smoke. 不用说,有肺病的人不应吸烟。
Anyone with heart, lung or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying. 有心肺疾病或血液循环问题的人在乘坐飞机前应寻求医生建议。
Not only cancer, but also heart and lung disease are influenced by smoking. 不仅是癌症,还有心脏病和肺部疾病也都会受吸烟影响。
He was rushed to hospital last week after suffering a collapsed lung. 上星期,他因出现肺萎陷而被火速送进医院。
Every working day I treat people who are dying from lung diseases caused by smoking. 每天上班我都要医治那些因吸烟患上肺病的垂危患者。
There is an acknowledged risk of lung cancer from radon. 氡被认为有诱发肺癌的危险。
e ['evrɪθɪŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
She seemed to have everything ─looks, money, intelligence. 她似乎什么都有——美貌、金钱和智慧。
everything in the capital is now quiet. 目前首都的形势很平静。
‘How's everything with you? ’ ‘Fine, thanks. ’ “你一切都好吗?”“很好,谢谢。”
Money isn't everything. 金钱不是最重要的。
My family means everything to me. 对我来说家庭意味着一切。
Have you got his name and address and everything? 你知道他的名字、地址及其他情况吗?
She told me about the baby and everything. 她向我讲了小宝宝和其他的情况。
Take this bag, and leave everything else to me. 把这个包拿走,其他所有东西都给我留下。
everything had gone. 一切都过去了。
When we confronted him, he denied everything. 我们与他当面对质时,他什么都不承认。
Early in the morning, hikers pack everything that they will need for the day's hike... 一大早,徒步旅行者们把当天旅行所需的一切都装进包里。
'This should have been decided long before now.' —'We can't think of everything.'... “这个在此之前早该决定了。”——“我们不可能考虑得面面俱到。”
Cathy thought that she had the answer to everything... 凯茜觉得她能够处理一切。
She says everything is going smoothly... 她说一切进展顺利。
Is everything all right?... 一切都好吗?
I love him. He is everything to me... 我爱他,他是我的一切。
Crime cases were something that agents solved, and to him the case was everything... 犯罪案件是执法人员要解决的事情,对于他而言,案件就是一切。
She has everything: beauty, talent, children... 她拥有一切:美貌、才干和子女。
It was a garden that had everything. It was rich and wild and beautiful, and exciting. 那个花园里一切尽有,景物丰富多彩、自然、美丽,令人激动。
He had a bed and a fireplace and everything... 他家里有一张床、一个壁炉及其他物品。
We become friends and everything, and we call each other on the phone all the time. 我们成了非常要好的朋友,一直互通电话。
He'd gone to Seattle long after everything else in his life had changed... 他生活中的其他一切都改变了,很久之后他去了西雅图。
(British English)to do up/undo your buttons 系上 / 解开扣子
(North Amercian English)to button/unbutton your buttons 系上 / 解开扣子
to sew on a button 缝上扣子
shirt buttons 衬衫的纽扣
the play/stop/rewind button 播放 / 停止 / 倒带键
Adam pressed a button and waited for the lift. 亚当按了一个按钮,然后等着乘坐电梯。
Choose ‘printer ’ from the menu and click with the right mouse button. 从菜单上选取“打印机”,然后点击鼠标右键。
The windows slide down at the touch of a button . 按一下开关,窗玻璃便落下来。
We arrived at 4 o'clock on the button. 我们在4点钟准时到达。
You're on the button there! 那让你说准了!
a new satirical comedy show that pushes all the right buttons 一出新的极尽搞笑之能事的讽刺喜剧
I've known him for years, but I still don't know what pushes his buttons. 我已认识他多年,可还是摸不透他的脾气。
...a coat with brass buttons. 带铜纽扣的外套
Ferguson stood up and buttoned his coat. 弗格森站起身来,扣上了外套。
He reached for the remote control and pressed the 'play' button. 他伸手拿过遥控器,按下“播放”键。
Buchanan pushed all the right buttons, appealing to Maher's loyalty and to his guilt. 布坎南通过激发马厄的忠心和负罪感得到了他想要的东西。
He didn't even button his coat. 他没扣他外衣的纽扣.
Press the button and the wheel will turn. 按一下电钮,轮子就会转动.
He is sewing a button on. 他把一个纽扣缝上去了.
The cop told him to button his lip. 警察叫他闭嘴.
e [ɪkˈstent] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
It is difficult to assess the full extent of the damage. 损失情况难以全面估计。
She was exaggerating the true extent of the problem. 她对这个问题言过其实。
I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge. 他知识之渊博令我惊奇。
You can't see the full extent of the beach from here. 从这儿看不到海滩全貌。
To a certain extent , we are all responsible for this tragic situation. 我们都在一定程度上对这悲惨的局面负有责任。
He had changed to such an extent (= so much) that I no longer recognized him. 他变得我简直认不出了。
To some extent what she argues is true. 她的论证在某种程度上是符合事实的。
The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent , wildlife. 森林污染严重影响了植物的生存,其次也对野生动物造成了影响。
To what extent is this true of all schools? 这在多大程度上符合所有学校的实际情况?
The book discusses the extent to which (= how much) family life has changed over the past 50 years. 本书论述了近50年来家庭生活的变化程度。
I became pregnant but this man was very violent towards me to the extent that I lost our baby... 我怀孕了,但是这个男人对我非常粗暴,致使我流产了。
He said he didn't like the president, but not to the extent of wanting to kill him... 他说他不喜欢总统,但是还没有到想要刺杀他的地步。
The government itself has little information on the extent of industrial pollution... 政府本身几乎不了解工业污染的程度。
Growing up with him soon made me realise the extent of his determination... 和他一起长大让我很快意识到他有多么坚定。
Their commitment was only to maintain the extent of forests, not their biodiversity. 他们仅承诺维持现有森林面积,并不保证林区生物的多样性。
It was and, to a large extent, still is a good show... 它过去是个好节目,现在在很大程度上仍是个好节目。
To some extent this was the truth... 在某种程度上,这是事实。
It's still not clear to what extent this criticism is originating from within the ruling party... 目前仍不清楚这种批评有多少是来自执政党内部。
To that extent they helped bring about their own destruction... 他们正是如此推波助澜,导致了自己的毁灭。
Both drinking and smoking among young people are increasing to an alarming extent. 在青年人中饮酒、吸烟的现象已发展到惊人的程度.
She was aghast at the extent of the damage to her car. 她的汽车的损坏程度使她震惊.
Language is a reflector of a society to some extent. 从某种程度上来说,语言反映了社会.
From him I learned that a good politician is marked to great extent by his sense of timing. 从他那儿我懂得,一个能干的政治家在很大程度上在于审时度势.
This jog warmed me to a certain extent. 跑步使我暖和一些了.
The playground covers over an acre in extent. 操场的面积超过一英亩.
No one knows the extent of his debts. 没有人知道他负债多少.
When the paper bag was blown out to its full extent, it burst. 当纸袋吹鼓得不能再鼓时, 它破了.
He was mad to such an extent that he threatened to kill his father. 他疯狂至极,竟然威胁要杀死他的父亲.
We've altered the original plan to some extent. 我们部分地改变了原计划.
To some extent, it has something of conservatism complying with reality, and rejects idealism and transcendentalism. 它体现出与现实认同的保守主义倾向, 并拒斥理想主义和超验价值.
[ənd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a table, two chairs and a desk 一张桌子、两把椅子和一张办公桌
Sue and I left early. 我和休早离开了。
Do it slowly and carefully. 要慢慢仔细地做。
Can he read and write? 他能读会写吗?
I cooked lunch. and I made a cake. (= you are emphasizing how much you have done) 我做了午饭,还做了一个蛋糕。
5 and 5 makes 10. 5加5等于10。
What's 47 and 16? 47加16得多少?
She came in and took her coat off. 她进来后脱了外衣。
bread and butter 涂黄油的面包
What does two and two make? 2加2等于几?
McCain spent five and a half years in a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam. 麦凯恩在越南的战俘营里度过了5年半的时间。
...fourteen and a quarter per cent. 14.25%
We printed two hundred and fifty invitations. 我们印了250份请柬。
...three thousandand twenty-six pounds. 3,026英镑
'Well, of course, they haven't won a football game.' — 'and what would you expect?'. “嗯,当然,他们一场足球比赛也没有赢过。”——“那么你所期望的是什么呢?”
and now the drought in Sudan... 现在苏丹也有旱情。
Football, and Aston Villa will reclaim their lead at the top of the English First Division. 来看足球,阿斯顿维拉队将在英格兰甲级联赛重登榜首。
When he returned, she and Simon had already gone... 他回来时,她和西蒙已经走了。
Between 1914 and 1920 large parts of Albania were occupied by the Italians... 在1914年至1920年间阿尔巴尼亚的大部分地区被意大利人占据。
Learning becomes more and more difficult as we get older... 随着年龄增长,学习变得越来越难。
Day by day I am getting better and better... 我在一天天地好转。
I waved goodbye and went down the stone harbour steps... 我挥手告别,然后走下港口石阶。
He asked for ice for his whiskey and proceeded to get drunk. 他要求给他的威士忌里面加冰,接着喝得大醉。
You could only really tell the effects of the disease in the long term, and five years wasn't long enough... 真的,这种病只能在很久以后才能看出它的影响,而5年的时间还不够长。
The cure for bad teaching is good teachers, and good teachers cost money. 解决教学质量差的办法就是请好的教师,但请好的教师是需要花钱的。
All through yesterday crowds have been arriving and by midnight thousands of people packed the square. 昨天陆续有大批人到来,午夜时有几千人聚集在广场上。
As Downing claims, and as we noted above, reading is best established when the child has an intimate knowledge of the language... 如唐宁所说,也正如我们前文所指出的,当孩子对语言非常熟悉时,阅读的效果最佳。
Finally — and I really ought to stop in a minute — I wish to make the following recommendations. 最后——我确实应该停一下——我想作以下推荐。
Commuter airlines fly to out-of-the-way places. and business travelers are the ones who go to those locations. 支线航空公司航班飞往偏僻地区。商务旅客就是会前往那些地区的人。
'He used to be so handsome.' — 'and now?'... “他以前是那么英俊。”——“那么现在呢?”
Anyone willing to assist can contact this number. 凡愿协助者可拨此号码联系。
We are looking for people who would be willing to assist in the group's work. 我们正寻找愿意协助该团体工作的人。
activities that will assist the decision-making process 促进决策进程的活动
a course to assist adults to return to the labour market 成人重返劳工市场的辅导班
We'll do all we can to assist you. 我们要尽量帮助你。
We will assist you in finding somewhere to live. 我们将帮你找个住的地方。
The play was directed by Mike Johnson, assisted by Sharon Gale. 该剧由迈克∙约翰逊导演,沙伦∙盖尔为助理导演。
Two men are assisting the police with their enquiries (= are being questioned by the police) . 有两个人正配合警方的询问。
Here are some good sources of information to assist you in making the best selection... 这里是一些有价值的信息来源,可以帮助你作出最佳选择。
...a chemical that assists in the manufacture of proteins... 有助于生成蛋白质的一种化学物质
Foreign Office officials assisted with transport and finance problems... 外交部官员帮助解决运输和经费问题。
The public is urgently requested to assist police in tracing this man... 紧急要求公众帮助警方追踪此人。
The family decided to assist me with my chores... 全家人决定帮助我做家务。
Julia was assisting him to prepare his speech... 朱莉娅正在帮他准备讲演稿。
A gardener was hired to assist with the gardening. 园丁是被雇佣来协助完成园艺工作的.
To assist guests in confirming airline tickets, making restaurant reservations, arranging tours and making transportation arrangements. 帮助客人订购航班机票 、 饭馆订餐 、 安排旅行和进行交通安排.
Glasses assist your eyes. 眼镜有助于眼睛.
Record the related information and assist SCMC Customer Service dept for subsequent handling. 记录相关的信息并协助SCMC客户服务部处理后续的事宜.
To assist learners as they develop into competent leaders. 帮助学员成为出色的领导者.
They went as assistant directors, but they found very few directors to assist. 他们在那儿担任助理导演, 但是他们几乎找不到什么可以协助的导演.
In brief, it is very necessary to use body language appropriately to assist the teaching. 总之, 英语课堂上适当使用体态语来辅助教学是必要的.
To assist other functions to finish quality analysis in cumulative charts ( trend analysis ). 协助其他职能用累积图表完成产品质量统计.
They assist architects to communicate with internal and external design teams. 助理建筑师需辅助建筑师在团队内部及团队外部之间的沟通.
This paper deals with how to use Internet to assist the teachers'teaching the students'learning. 如何利用好它来辅助教师讲授英语和学生学习英语,是本文探讨的重点.
Good glasses will assist you to read. 好的眼镜能有助于你阅读.
assist Sales Analysis Manager to control CRB department budget effectively. 协助销售分析经理有效地控制部门费用预算.
assist marketing team the preparation and implementation of exhibitions. 协助营销团队进行展会的筹备和执行.
ToolsEnema. This is an ideal way to assist the cleansing process by washing out the colon. 这是一种理想的方法,可以通过清洗结肠,来清除体内垃圾.
For me to think I'm any better than a homeless person on the street is ridiculous. 在我看来,认为我自己比街上的无家可归者要更加高尚是很可笑的。
The children were very good... 孩子们非常听话。
I'm going to be a good boy now... 我现在要做个乖孩子了。
You are good to me... 你对我很体贴。
good and evil may co-exist within one family. 善与恶可能并存于一体。
We have a fairly good idea of what's going on... 我们对正在发生的事有着相当清楚的认识。
This is a much better indication of what a school is really like... 这是显示学校真面貌的一个更加精确的指标。
Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations... 这样的地产是否可获得大笔收益还要视具体情形而定。
The merchandise is reasonably priced and offers exceptionally good value. 这些商品定价合理,很是划算。
Rain water was once considered to be good for the complexion... 雨水曾一度被认为可以滋养皮肤。
Nancy chose the product because it is better for the environment. 南希选择这种产品是因为它更环保。
Furlaud urged him to resign for the good of the country... 弗劳德敦促他为了国家的利益辞职。
Victims want to see justice done not just for themselves, but for the greater good of society... 受害者希望正义得到伸张,这不仅是为了他们自己,也是为了社会的更广泛的利益。
If the weather's no good then I won't take any pictures... 如果天气不好,我就不拍照了。
I was never any good at maths. 我数学向来就不好。
It's no good worrying about it now... 现在就为此发愁根本没用。
We gave them water and kept them warm, but it didn't do any good... 我们给他们水喝,为他们驱寒,但是都不管用。
It is always best to choose organically grown foods if possible. 如果可能,最好还是挑选有机食品。
I think it's good that some people are going... 我认为一些人要去是好事情。
We had a really good time together... 我们一起玩得真痛快。
I know they would have a better life here... 我知道他们在这里会生活得更好。
Exercise is just as important to health as good food... 锻炼与合理膳食对健康同等重要。
His parents wanted Raymond to have the best possible education... 父母想让雷蒙德接受最好的教育。
He was very good at his work... 他工作非常出色。
I'm not very good at singing... 我不太擅长唱歌。
On balance biotechnology should be good news for developing countries... 总的来说,生物技术对发展中国家应该是有利的。
I had the good fortune to be selected... 我有幸被选中。
They thought it was a good idea to make some offenders do community service... 他们认为让一些违法者去社区做义工是个好主意。
There is good reason to doubt this... 有充分理由对此提出质疑。
coue ['kɒli:ɡ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a colleague of mine from the office 我办公室的一位同事
We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years. 20多年来我们既是朋友又是同事。
the Prime Minister and his Cabinet colleagues 首相及其内阁同僚
Without consulting his colleagues he flew from Lisbon to Split... 没跟同事们商量,他就从里斯本飞到了斯普利特。
A colleague urged him to see a psychiatrist, but Faulkner refused. 一位同事竭力劝福克纳去看精神病医生,但他拒绝了。
Heand his colleague Ingrid Storm looked at liberals and conservatives ( in theAmerican senses of the words ). 他与他的同事英格里德·斯道姆对自由主义者和保守主义者 ( 美国人的语言方式 ) 进行了观察.
This is Mr. Zhang Lihua, my former schoolmate. This is my colleague , Miss Li Ming. 这位是我的老同学张力华. 这是我的同事李明.
His discovery extinguished the achievements of his colleague. 他的发现使他同事的成就黯然失色.
His incompetent colleague was axed as a warning to other employees. 作为对其他员工的警告,他的一个不胜任的同事被解聘了.
It may take time but one candidate surely will emerge as the best colleague and researcher. 这可能花费时间,但这样做可能会招到最好的同事和研究人员.
Have a harmonious cooperation with colleague and working for the company. 与公司同事能和谐的合作,为公司效力.
There is no place for white collar to relax and chat with colleague and friends. 没有白领的地方能放松和聊天与同事和朋友.
My colleague is an award winning journalist. 我同事是个获奖的新闻工作者.
He was too embarrassed to bring it up in front of the colleague. 有同事在座,他没好意思说.
May I invite my colleague Mr. Johnson next time? 下次我可以邀请我的同事约翰逊来 吗 ?
Wave: About this, you must go to ask your China's colleague. 波: 关于这个, 你得去问你们中国的同仁.
Now, my colleague and I would like to take questions. 下面, 我和我的同事愿意回答大家的提问.
Solving time hair on the problem, use mind on unitive colleague. 把时间发在解决问题上, 把胸怀用在团结同仁上.
He is a colleague of mine. 他是我的同事.
a colleague of mine from the office 我办公室的一位同事
He was fired from his job after roughing up a colleague. 他因为对一位同事动粗而被开除了。
He had been invited to sup with a colleague and his wife. 他已经受邀和一位同事及其夫人共进晚餐。
A colleague made unwelcome sexual advances towards her. 一个同事对她进行性骚扰。
He had allegedly tried to proposition a colleague. 据说他曾试图向一名同事求欢。
A colleague of mine in Milan devised the following very clever little experiment. 我在米兰的一个同事设计了下面这个非常巧妙的小实验。
The constable received a distress call, and saw two youths attacking his colleague. 这名警察收到了求救呼叫,看见两个年轻人正在殴打他的同事。
He is leaving his north London business in the hands of a colleague. 他把自己伦敦北部的业务交给一位同事打理。
He grimaced and looked narrowly at his colleague. 他做了个鬼脸,然后仔细打量着同事。
['ælaɪd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.同盟的,同盟国的;联合的;姻亲的;同源的,类似的; v.联合(ally的过去分词);
medicine, nursing, physiotherapy and other allied professions 医药、护理、理疗以及其他相关职业
In this job you will need social skills allied with technical knowledge. 这项工作需要社交能力和专业知识。
allied forces/troops 盟军;盟军部队
Italy joined the war on the allied side in 1915. 1915年,意大利加入协约国参战。
...a disastrous rise in interest rates allied with a stock market slump. 股市下跌的同时,利率却在灾难性地上涨
...the approaching allied forces... 正在到来的盟军
They're backed by allied warplanes and tanks. 他们受到盟军战机和坦克的掩护。
...forces from three allied nations. 来自三个同盟国的军队
...a think-tank allied to the right wing of the Democratic Party. 与民主党右翼结盟的智囊团
...lectures on subjects allied to health, beauty and fitness... 与保健、美容和健身等主题相关的讲座
Only now have doctors, and allied medical professionals, come to appreciate this. 直到现在医生和相关医学人士才开始对此有所认识。
He possessed a raw energy allied to a feeling of something special. 他粗犷豪放,给人一种特殊的感觉。
Note that you do not need the Chronosphere to use allied Powers. 值得注意的是,你不需要超时空传送仪就可以运用盟军的超时空科技.
In the countersunk caseless cartridge, the burning at ignition allied to the matching of charge configuration. 埋头无壳弹的点火 、 烧与装药结构的相互匹配有着十分密切关系.
allied Powers vary greatly but they all serve very important purposes. 盟军的技能应用范围很广但是她们都有着明确的使用目的.
Several political parties allied with each other against higher taxes. 几个政治党派联合起来反对提高税收.
That just meant to announce when the allied Troops would attack. 这等于宣布了多国部队何时发动进攻.
Many Australians fought as volunteers on the allied side. 许多澳大利亚人作为志愿兵与盟军一起战斗.
Every form of deception and every obstacle baffled the allied Commission. 用尽一切欺瞒和阻挠的手段来避开协约国委员会的耳目.
On June 6, 1944, allied forces launched their largest invasion. 1944年6月6日盟军发动了他们最大规模的进攻.
Their forces capitulated five hours after the allied bombardment of the city began. 同盟军开始轰炸这个城市五个小时后,他们的部队投降了.
allied armies liberated France from the Nazis. 盟军把法国从纳粹手里解放了出来.
German ferrets constantly spied on the allied prisoners of war. 德国侦探经常监视着盟军的战俘.
Diamond is chemically allied to coal. 金刚石与煤在化学上是同类的.
This country allied with another country. 这个国家与另一国家结盟.
The senate is expected to pass the bill shortly. 预计参议院不久就会通过此议案。
...a senate committee. 参议院委员会
By the time I was Vice Chancellor, senate had become a much larger and a much more democratic body... 到了我当校长的时候,大学评议会的人员规模已显著扩大,也变得更加民主了。
The new bill would remove student representation from the university senate. 新议案将取消大学评议会中的学生代表。
The full senate is expected to confirm Mr. Geithner, 47 as Treasury secretary on Monday. 参议院有望于周一批准47岁的盖特纳担任财长.
He has been reelected to the senate. 他重新当选参议员.
They feel deeply the honour of belonging to the senate. 他们为作为参议院的成员而深感荣幸.
These businessmen have been lobbying a bill through the senate. 这些商人一直在游说议员通过该项议案.
The senate had a session today with closed doors. 参议院今天召开一次秘密会议.
The democrats organize a filibuster in the senate. 民主党党员组织了阻挠议事.
The proposal was approved by both the House and the senate. 那项提案在众议院和参议院均获通过.
a member of the senate 参议员
His nomination, while strongly backed by the President, has received tepid support in the senate. 尽管他的提名得到总统的大力支持,但支持他的参议员却寥寥无几。
The senate is expected to pass the bill shortly. 预计参议院不久就会通过此议案。
After 10 years of negotiation, the senate ratified the strategic arms reduction treaty. 经过10年协商,参议院已经正式批准了《削减战略武器条约》。
The new bill would remove student representation from the university senate. 新议案将取消大学评议会中的学生代表。
Voters are selecting candidates for both US senate seats and for 52 congressional seats. 选民正在为美国参议院议席和52个众议院议席挑选候选人。
Senator Sam Nunn reigns supreme over the senate Armed Services Committee. 萨姆·纳恩参议员主导着参议院军事委员会。
In the senate, the count is too close to call at this point. 参议院现在的票数还难分上下。
The president vetoed the bill, and the senate failed by a single vote to override his veto. 总统否决了该议案,而参议院以一票之差未能推翻他的否决。
He was appointed government leader in the senate, and minister without portfolio. 他被任命为政府驻参议院领袖,政务委员。
Some members of the House and senate worked all day yesterday. 一些众议员和参议员昨天工作了整整一天。
This is the fifth and probably final day of testimony before the senate Judiciary Committee. 今天是在参议院司法委员会作证的第5天,很可能也是最后一天。
The president rebuked the House and senate for not passing those bills within 100 days. 总统谴责参众两院没有在100天之内通过那些法案。
Despite objections by the White House, the senate voted today to cut off aid. 参议院不顾白宫的反对于今天投票决定中止援助。
The student senate voted to remove Fuller from office. 学生评议会投票免除了富勒的职位。
By the time I was Vice Chancellor, senate had become a much larger and a much more democratic body. 到了我当校长的时候,大学评议会的人员规模已显著扩大,也变得更加民主了。
[dʌl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.钝的;迟钝的;呆滞的;阴暗的; v.缓和;减轻;使阴暗;
Life in a small town could be deadly dull. 小城镇的生活可能会非常没意思。
The first half of the game was pretty dull. 上半场比赛打得十分沉闷。
There's never a dull moment when John's around. 只要约翰在就不会有沉闷的时候。
a dull grey colour 暗灰色
dull, lifeless hair 无光泽、无弹性的头发
Her eyes were dull. 她目光呆滞。
The gates shut behind him with a dull thud. 他出去后门砰的一声闷响关上了。
It was a dull, grey day. 那是一个阴沉昏暗的日子。
a dull ache/pain 隐隐的疼痛
a dull pupil 脑子迟钝的小学生
Don't sell into a dull market. 不要到萧条的市场去推销。
‘I suppose so, ’ she said dully. “我看是这样。”她木然说道。
His leg ached dully. 他的腿隐隐作痛。
The tablets they gave him dulled the pain for a while. 他们给他的药片暂时缓解了疼痛。
He felt dulled and stupid with sleep. 他睡得迷迷糊糊,昏头昏脑。
His eyes dulled and he slumped to the ground. 他眼前一黑重重地倒在地上。
The endless rain seemed to dull all sound. 连绵不断的阴雨似乎使所有的声音都变得沉闷起来。
They are both nice people but can be rather dull... 他俩都是好人但非常沉闷。
I felt she found me boring and dull... 我觉得她认为我既无趣又沉闷。
The body's natural rhythms mean we all feel dull and sleepy between 1 and 3pm. 人体生物钟会让我们在下午 1 点到 3 点之间感觉没精打采、昏昏欲睡。
The stamp was a dull blue colour. 邮票是晦暗的深蓝色。
It's always dull and raining. 天气总是阴雨连绵。
The long whining whistle of a shell was followed by the dull boom of the explosion... 在炮弹长长的哀鸣声呼啸而过之后是隆隆而低沉的爆炸声。
The coffin closed with a dull thud. 棺材合上时发出一声闷响。
The pain, usually a dull ache, gets worse with exercise... 通常不明显的疼痛在运动后会加剧。
I realized with a kind of dull shock that I didn't recognize a single name. 我暗自一惊,发现一个名字都不认识。
Her eyes dulled and she gazed blankly... 她眼神暗淡,呆呆地凝视着。
He can dull your senses with facts and figures... 他会用事实和数据蒙蔽你的理智。
shld [ʃəd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
aux.应该〔不问人称,表示义务,责任〕;大概是,有可能;将会; v.shall的过去式;
You shouldn't drink and drive. 你不该酒后驾车。
He should have been more careful. 他应当更小心点儿才是。
A present for me? You shouldn't have ! (= used to thank sb politely) 给我的礼物?您太客气了!
You should stop worrying about it. 你该不要再为此事担忧了。
should I call him and apologize? 我是不是应该打电话向他道歉?
I should wait a little longer, if I were you . 假如我是你的话,我会再等一会儿。
(ironic)‘She doesn't think she'll get a job. ’ ‘She should worry, with all her qualifications (= she does not need to worry) . ’ “她担心找不到工作。”“她那么好的条件,还担心什么呀。”
I should exercise more... 我应该多锻炼一些。
The diet should be maintained unchanged for about a year... 这样的饮食应保持约一年不变。
All visitors should register with the British Embassy... 所有游客都必须到英国大使馆登记。
The European Commission ruled that British Aerospace should pay back tens of millions of pounds. 欧洲委员会裁定英国航空航天公司应该偿还数千万英镑。
I should have gone this morning but I was feeling a bit ill... 今天早晨我本应该走的,但是我觉得有点不舒服。
I should have been in the shade like all the other tourists, then I wouldn't have got burned... 我本应该像其他旅游者一样呆在阴凉处的,那么我就不会晒伤了。
You should have no problem with reading this language... 阅读这种语言你应该没问题。
The voters should by now be in no doubt what the parties stand for... 选民们现在应该确切知道各党派的主张了。
should I or shouldn't I go to university?... 我该不该去上大学呢?
What should I do?... 我应该怎么做?
I should look out if I were you! 如果我是你,我会小心的。
James, I should refuse that consultancy with Shapiro, if I were you... 詹姆斯,如果我是你,我就会拒绝向夏皮罗咨询。
If you should be fired, your health and pension benefits will not be automatically cut off... 如果你被解雇,你的医疗和养老保险金不会自动中断。
should you buy a home from Lovell, the company promises to buy it back at the same price after three years... 如果你从洛弗尔公司买房子,该公司承诺3年后以同样的价格再购回。
He raised his glass and indicated that I should do the same... 他举起了杯子并且示意我也应该这样做。
I insisted that we should have a look at every car... 我坚持我们每辆车都应该看一下。
I should think it's going to rain soon... 我想可能马上要下雨了。
'I suppose that was the right thing to do.' — 'I should imagine so.'... “我认为那样做是对的。”——“我想是吧。”
I should be happy if you would bring them this evening... 如果今晚你将他们带来的话,我会很高兴。
'I should like to know anything you can tell me,' said Kendal... “只要是你能告诉我的,我都会洗耳恭听,”肯德尔说。
You should have heard him last night! 昨晚你真该听听他所说的。
You should have seen him when he first came out — it was so sad... 你真应该看看他第一次出现时的样子,真让人难过。
I'm making these plans and who should I meet but this blonde guy and John. 我正在制订这些计划,没想到这时候居然遇上这个金发的家伙和约翰。
m [maɪ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.我的(I的所有格形式); int.啊呀;天啊;
Where's my passport? 我的护照在哪儿?
my feet are cold. 我的脚冷。
my goodness! Look at the time! 天哪!看看几点了!
my dear/darling/love 亲爱的;我的宝贝儿 / 心肝儿
my dear girl, you're wrong. 我亲爱的姑娘,你错了。
I invited him back to my flat for a coffee... 我邀请他回我的公寓喝杯咖啡。
John's my best friend... 约翰是我最好的朋友。
my sweet Freda... 我亲爱的弗蕾达
Yes, of course, my darling. 是,当然了,亲爱的。
my God, I've never seen you so nervous... 天哪,我从没见你这么紧张过。
my goodness, Tim, you have changed! 我的天,蒂姆,你变了!
Don't wait to know your mistakes until others have been hurt. 不要等到别人受伤了,才明白自己的过错.
Please accept my condolences. 请接受我的慰问.
I felt a touch on my arm. 我觉得有人摸了一下我的手臂.
Today I really swam to my heart's content . I did 3,000 metres at a stretch. 今天我一口气游了三千米,真过瘾.
my mother makes a fuss of me every time I come home. 我每次回家,母亲总对我体贴备至.
He stepped on my toes. 他踩着我的脚趾了.
It is absurd that they ( should ) deny my request. 他们拒绝我的要求是荒唐的.
I hinted at his imprudence, his folly, but he did not take my hint. 我暗示他的轻率, 他的愚蠢, 但他没有觉察我的暗示.
my income for that year amounted to 1000 dollars. 我那一年的收入达到1000美元.
Now he was dead, and I could not get away from my sadness. 现在他死了, 而我无法摆脱悲痛.
When I read this article, thoughts thronged my mind and I couldn't sleep. 读了这篇文章后,我浮想联翩,夜不能寐.
my guess is that he didn't come because his parents wouldn't let him come. 我猜,他没来是因为父母不让他来.
What are you burrowing around in my drawer for? 你在我抽屉里乱翻 什么 ?
by [baɪ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.& vi.购买,购得; n.交易,买卖;便宜货; vt.够支付;买通;收买;贿赂;
Five pounds doesn't buy much nowadays. 如今五英镑买不到多少东西了。
He can't be bought (= he's too honest to accept money in this way) . 他是收买不了的。
Her fame was bought at the expense of her marriage. 她出了名,却牺牲了她的婚姻。
You could say you were ill but I don't think they'd buy it (= accept the explanation) . 你可以称病,但我想他们不会相信的。
She had never bought into the idea that to be attractive you have to be thin. 她从不随大溜认为要想有魅力,就得瘦身。
Developers are buying up all the land on the island. 开发商们要把岛上的全部土地都买尽了。
That jacket was a really good buy. 那件夹克确实买得很划算。
Best buys this week are carrots and cabbages. 这个星期最便宜的是胡萝卜和卷心菜。
Computer games are a popular buy this Christmas. 这个圣诞节电脑游戏很畅销。
He bought me a new coat. 他给我买了一件新外套。
He bought a new coat for me. 他给我买了一件新外套。
Where did you buy that dress? 那件连衣裙你是在哪里买的?
I bought it from a friend for £10. 我从朋友那里花10英镑买来的。
If you're thinking of getting a new car, now is a good time to buy. 你要是想买辆新车的话,现在正是时候。
I bought my car second-hand. 我买了一辆二手车。
He gave his children the best education that money can buy. 他让孩子们接受花钱能买到的最好的教育。
For them, affluence was bought at the price of less freedom in their work environment. 对他们来说,富足是以减少在工作场所的自由为代价才获得的。
Once he shows he can be bought, they settle down to a regular payment. 一旦他表现出可以被收买,他们就会定期向他行贿。
I'm not buying any of that nonsense. 我才不信那些废话呢。
This was still a good buy even at the higher price... 即使价格更高一些,这仍然很合算。
S & G offers great buys on computer software. S & G 公司可提供性价比很高的电脑软件。
It was a risky operation, but might buy more time... 这是一次冒险的行动,但也许能赢得更多的时间。
He could not afford to buy a house... 他买不起房子。
They can now be bought fresh in supermarkets... 这些现在可以在超市买到新鲜的了。
About £35,000 buys a habitable house... 大约花3.5万英镑就能买到一所宜居的房子。
If the pound's value is high, British investors will spend their money abroad because the pound will buy them more. 如果英镑升值,英国的投资家们就会向国外投资,因为这样英镑能买到更多的东西。
She put the bite on me so that she could buy a pair of new shoes. 她向我借钱,以便可以买一双新鞋.
[ɪkˈstrɔːdnri] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
It's extraordinary that he managed to sleep through the party. 真想不到他竟然从聚会开始一直睡到结束。
What an extraordinary thing to say! 真是咄咄怪事!
an extraordinary achievement 卓越的成就
She was a truly extraordinary woman. 她是位非常杰出的女性。
They went to extraordinary lengths to explain their behaviour. 他们竭力为自己的行为辩解。
An extraordinary meeting was held to discuss the problem. 举行了特别会议讨论这个问题。
an envoy extraordinary 特使
He behaves extraordinarily for someone in his position. 对他那种地位的人来说,他的行为很特别。
extraordinarily difficult 特别困难
She did extraordinarily well. 她干得特别好。
Representatives of the colonies met in an extraordinary congress. 各殖民地代表在一次特别大会上会面。
We've made extraordinary progress as a society in that regard... 在那个方面,我们的社会已经取得了巨大的进步。
The task requires extraordinary patience and endurance... 那项任务需要非凡的耐心和毅力。
What an extraordinary thing to happen!... 这事儿真蹊跷!
His decision to hold talks is extraordinary because it could mean the real end of the war. 他作出举行谈判的决定非同寻常,因为这可能意味着战争真的要结束了。 an extraordinary meeting of the sport's ruling body... 在体育运动管理机构的特别会议上
There will be an extraordinary meeting next Wednesday to discuss the emergency resolution. 下星期三将有一个额外安排的会议专门讨论紧急决议.
Her strength of will is extraordinary. 她意志的力量是不平常的.
The extraordinary election results confounded the government. 这次不寻常的选举结果使得政府不知所措.
What an extraordinary hat! 多么奇特的帽子!
You can enjoy the extraordinary sight unbroken cloud plains that stretch out before you. 你可以欣赏展现于面前一望无边的奇特云海.
She has a marvellous voice with an extraordinary range. 她歌喉甜美,音域奇广.
A trunk is extraordinary long! 象的鼻子特别的长!
When Tom's companions drank to the Hans en Kelderr, or Jack in the low cellar , he could not help displaying an extraordinary complacence of countenance. 当同事们举杯向他祝贺那未出世的孩子时, 汤姆不禁露出一种异常得意的神情.
They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary. 他们不顾社会习俗,并未意识到自己在做些与众不同的事.
He is a man of extraordinary will power. 他是个具有非凡意志的人.
It's extraordinary that the American girl Jane speaks Chinese so fluently. 这位美国姑娘珍妮中文讲得如此流畅,实属罕见.