The daily cowherd reads, weary when also arrives the Buddha incense pavilion study to meditate. 每天放牛看书, 疲倦时还到佛香亭学习坐禅.
Plato said that every philosopher ought to meditate on death. 柏拉图说每个哲学家都要冥思死亡.
I will meditate in thy precepts , and have respect unto thy ways. 15我要默想你的训词,看重你的道路.
To meditate is to labor; to think is to act. 沈思就是劳动, 思索就是行动.
The more we meditate on Scripture, the more readily we'll detect error. 越默想上帝的话, 就越能发现自己的错误.
[kɔ:z] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.原因;动机;(某种行为、感情等的)理由;缘故; vt.成为…的原因;导致;引起;使遭受;
The project is still causing him a lot of problems. 这项工程现在仍然给他带来许多的麻烦。
The poor harvest caused prices to rise sharply. 收成不好导致物价急剧上涨。
deaths caused by dangerous driving 危险驾驶造成的死亡
The bad weather is causing problems for many farmers. 恶劣的天气给许多农民造成了困难。
Are you causing trouble again? 你又在惹麻烦吗?
Do they know what caused the fire? 他们知道引起这场火灾的原因吗?
fighting for the Republican cause 为共和党的事业而奋斗
a good cause (= an organization that does good work, such as a charity) 崇高的事业
Animal welfare campaigners raised £70 000 for their cause last year. 动物保护主义者去年为保护动物募集了7万英镑。
with/without good cause (= with/without a good reason) 理由充分;无缘无故
There is no cause for concern . 没有理由担忧。
The food was excellent─I had no cause for complaint . 饭菜好极了,我没理由抱怨。
Drinking and driving is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents. 酒后驾车是导致交通事故最常见的原因之一。
There was discussion about the fire and its likely cause. 对那场火灾及其可能的起因进行了讨论。
Unemployment is a major cause of poverty. 失业是贫困的主要原因。
...fundamental laws of biological cause and effect. 生物学上因果关系的根本法则
They make common cause for a few purposes, but for the most part, they pursue their own interests. 他们因为几个目的而联手,可是多数情况下,他们追逐着各自的利益。
The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause. 想要为公益事业筹集资金的人都可以参加雷利国际自行车比赛。
This was a genuine mistake, but it did cause me some worry. 这是好心办错事,可是确实让我担心了一阵子。
Only a few people can find any cause for celebration... 只有少数几个人能找到庆祝的理由。
Both had much cause to be grateful for the secretiveness of government in Britain. 双方都有充分的理由对英国政府的行事隐秘深表感激。
Refusing to have one leader has not helped the cause. 拒绝推举一名领导者对此项事业毫无帮助。
Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease... 在可以预防的引发死亡和疾病的因素当中,吸烟排在第一位。
The causes are a complex blend of local and national tensions. 原因很复杂,既有地方性冲突也有全国范围的紧张局势。
Attempts to limit family size among some minorities are likely to cause problems... 试图在某些少数民族地区限制生育可能会引起问题。
[ˈberi] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.埋葬,葬;为…举行葬礼;隐藏,埋藏,遮盖,掩蔽;专心致志于,埋头于,沉溺于; n.布里;
He was buried in Highgate Cemetery. 他被安葬在海格特墓地。
(figurative)Their ambitions were finally dead and buried . 他们的雄心壮志最终给埋葬了。
She's 85 and has buried three husbands. 她85岁了,三度丧夫。
buried treasure 埋藏的财宝
The dog had buried its bone in the garden. 狗把骨头埋在花园里。
The house was buried under ten feet of snow. 房子被埋在十英尺厚的积雪中。
The miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed. 坑道塌方,矿工都被活埋。
Your letter got buried under a pile of papers. 你的信被压在一堆文件底下。
He buried his face in his hands and wept. 他双手掩面而泣。
She had learnt to bury her feelings. 她已经学会了感情不外露。
He walked slowly, his hands buried in his pockets. 他双手插在口袋里缓步而行。
He buried himself in his detective story again. 他又沉浸在他的侦探故事里了。
His reaction was to withdraw, to bury himself in work. 他的反应是抽身而退,埋头于工作。
...the popular image of writers burying themselves in the country in order to write. 常见的退隐乡间写作的作家形象
My father buried his head in his newspaper... 我父亲专心致志地看他的报纸。
Their house was buried by a landslide... 他们的房子在一次塌方中被掩埋。
She buried her face in the pillows ... 她把脸埋进枕头里。
He held her closely, burying his head against her shoulder. 他紧紧地抱住她,把头靠在她的肩上。
The missile buried itself deep in the grassy hillside... 导弹深深地埋在杂草丛生的山坡上。
He stood on the sidewalk with his hands buried in the pockets of his dark overcoat. 他站在人行道上,双手插在黑色外套的口袋里。
When we feel anger, we bury the emotion and feel guilty instead... 当我们感到愤怒时,压抑这种情绪反而会觉得内疚。
It is time to bury our past misunderstandings. 是我们捐弃前嫌的时候了。
Latest reports say that mud slides buried entire villages... 最新报道说泥石流掩埋了整个整个的村庄。
They make the charcoal by burying wood in the ground and then slowly burning it. 他们通过把木材埋到地下缓慢燃烧来获取木炭。
...squirrels who bury nuts and seeds. 掩埋坚果和种子的松鼠
...soldiers who helped to bury the dead in large communal graves... 帮忙把死者安葬在大型公共墓地的士兵们
I was horrified that people would think I was dead and bury me alive... 想到人们会认为我死了并把我活埋,我觉得恐惧万分。
He had buried his wife some two years before he retired. 大概在他退休前两年,他妻子去世了。
She buried it under some leaves... 她把它藏在一堆树叶下面。
I was looking for my handbag, which was buried under a pile of old newspapers. 我正在找我那被埋在一堆旧报纸下面的手提包。
[næg] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.不断找岔,抱怨;困扰,折磨; vi.叱责,抱怨;困扰,焦虑; n.挑剔的人;马,老马;
Stop nagging─I'll do it as soon as I can. 别唠叨了——我会尽快做的。
She had been nagging him to paint the fence. 她一直唠叨,要他把围栏油漆一下。
A feeling of unease nagged at her. 一种不安的感觉一直困扰着她。
Doubts nagged me all evening. 我一晚上都没有摆脱心中的疑虑。
The more Sarah nagged her, the more stubborn Cissie became... 萨拉越对茜茜唠叨,茜茜越是固执。
My girlfriend nagged me to cut my hair... 我女朋友老是念叨着让我去理发。
He could be wrong about her. The feeling nagged at him. 他可能冤枉她了,这种感觉让他备受折磨。
...the anxiety that had nagged Amy all through lunch... 整个午餐期间一直折磨着埃米的焦虑心情
And most importantly of all, communicate an idea; don't nag about it. 最重要的是, 交流各自的想法, 避免挑剔批评.
It's a waste of money betting on that old nag! 把赌金压在那匹老马上就是白扔钱!
Anyone a hand on that nag, shoot him. 如果有人要抢那匹老马, 就开枪射他.
There was a positive correlation between GPDA and N acetyl � � D glucosa minidase ( nag ), urine minimal albumen ( UmA ). 尿GPDA与N乙酰βD氨基葡萄糖苷酶 ( NAG ) 和尿微量白蛋白 ( UmA ) 呈显著正相关.
We feel annoyed when our parents nag , and painful when they punish us. 被父母惩罚时我们会觉得很痛苦.
She's a terrible nag. 她是个爱唠叨的人.
Rajat nag is managing director general of the bank ; we called him in Manila. 是银行的最高行政长官,在马尼拉我们打了电话过去.
How often do I have to nag at you to tidy your room? 难道还要我经常催你整理房间 吗 ?
This old nag is well broken in. 这匹老马驯的很好.
That they nag about eating habits and short hemlines is well known. 众人皆知的是母亲对吃东西的习惯和过短的衣服贴边而唠唠叨叨.
Is that your nag? 那是你的马 吗 ?
I will go over to engage him to come behind on his swift nag. 我先到麦克尔·克劳斯家去一趟,请他骑他那匹快马一路上给我们望风.
Don't nag. If you do, I shall have to protect myself by appearing deaf. 不要唠叨. 如果您没完没了地唠叨, 我不得不装聋来自我保护.
You belong on my nag, and the princess had to accept it. 公主不得不和她换马骑.
Does not mean to nag or scold, it means to listen. 顺其自然并非意味着抱怨或斥责, 而是意味着倾听.
Because the math teacher never nag, boring, for we never force us by rote. 因为数学老师从来不喋喋不休 、 枯燥乏味地为我们讲解,也从来不强迫我们死记硬背.
I have never seen a nag like this one. 我从来没见过这样的矮小马.
You are best not to nag or criticize. 最好不要喋喋不休或是指责谩骂.
Look out ! The nag will knock the living daylights out of you. 那劣马将摔你个半死.
maet [ˈmægnət] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
In the 1990s the area became a magnet for new investment. 这个地区在20世纪90年代成了新的投资热点。
fridge magnets of your favourite cartoon characters 可吸附于冰箱表面的你最喜欢的动画人物磁体
Prospect Park, with its vast lake, is a magnet for all health freaks... 拥有一大片湖区的普罗斯佩克特公园吸引着所有注重健康的人。
Lower interest rates are acting like a magnet, dragging consumers back to the shops. 较低利率像磁铁一样吸引顾客又回到了商店。
...a fridge magnet. 冰箱磁铁
As a normal material magnet can make force with iron. 一种常态的磁体可以和铁产生力量.
The earth may be thought of as a gigantic magnet. 整个地球可以想像为一块硕大无朋的磁石.
The rabbits in our backyard were a magnet that attracted all the children in the neighbourhood. 我家后院的兔子像磁铁一样吸引着邻居所有的孩子.
Fast installation, no magnet switch. 安装方便、快捷 、 不再需要磁开关.
A clean and dry set of BDU's is a magnet for mud and rain. 乾净的野战制服是招引泥浆与雨水的磁石.
It works through magnet and magnetic reed switch , so as to detect unauthorized access. 该探测器探测通过磁铁和磁簧开关装置产生报警信号, 达到探测未授权人员的入侵行为.
Dalian is a magnet for tourists. 大连是吸引游客的地方.
A magnet attracts both iron and steel. 磁铁吸铁也吸钢.
He picked all the needles a magnet. 他用磁铁捡起了所有的针.
A plate guide device includes a magnet cylinder and guide plate. 一种印版引导装置,包括磁性滚筒和引导板.
Spin the magnet and you will produce electricity at the end of both copper wires. 旋转磁体,然后铜线的两端就可以产生电流.
Its structure was confirmed by elemental analysis ( EA ) , nuclear magnet resonance ( NMR ) and photoluminescence ( PL ) . 首先通过元素分析和 核磁共振 及 发射光谱 证明了它的结构.
Buckingham Palace is a great magnet for tourists. 白金汉宫对旅游者来说是个有巨大吸引力的地方.
With a strong magnet close by, compass can no longer tell direction. 在近处有一块强力磁铁的指南针是不能辨别方向的.
A piece of glass is laid on top of the magnet. 一块玻璃被搁在那磁铁的上面.
Preparation of high performance Nd Fe B sintered magnet by strip casting ( SC ) process was studied. 研究了采用SC(stripcasting ) 工艺制备的高性能烧结钕铁硼磁体.
Avanto 1.5 T magnet Avanto 1.5 T provides a dramatic reduction in acoustic noise without compromising gradient performance. 奥姆Avanto1.5T的磁体磁奥姆Avanto1.5T的大幅降低提供了一个在不影响梯度噪声性能.
Its application to permanent magnet direct current motor design expert system verifies its validity and effectiveness. 并将其应用于永磁直流电动机设计专家系统,提高了设计效率,应用结果证明该策略是正确、有效性的.
A magnet cleanly separates the tin from the aluminum. 磁铁将锡与铝分开.
The magnetic state of a bar magnet or a horseshoe magnet is extremely complicated. 条形磁铁或马蹄形磁铁的磁态是极其复杂的.
Certain metals are attracted to a magnet. 某些金属受磁石的吸引.
He picked all the pins up with a magnet. 他用磁铁捡起了所有的大头针.
Polarity is inherent in a magnet. 极性是磁铁的固有性质.
The actress was the magnet that drew great audiences. 那位女演员曾吸引过许多观众.
In the 1990s the area became a magnet for new investment. 这个地区在20世纪90年代成了新的投资热点。
We pushed and pushed but the piano wouldn't move. 我们推了又推,但钢琴一动不动。
push hard when I tell you to. 我叫你推时,你就使劲推。
She pushed at the door but it wouldn't budge. 她推了推门,但门纹丝不动。
You push and I'll pull. 你推,我拉。
He walked slowly up the hill pushing his bike. 他推着自行车缓缓爬上山。
She pushed the cup towards me. 她把杯子推向我这边。
He pushed his chair back and stood up. 他向后挪挪椅子,站了起来。
He tried to kiss her but she pushed him away. 他想吻她,但她把他推开了。
She pushed her face towards him. 她把脸凑近了他。
I pushed the door open. 我推开了门。
The fans pushed against the barrier. 球迷们推挤着路障。
The woman pushed back her chair and stood up... 那女人把椅子往后一推站了起来。
They pushed him into the car. 他们把他推进了车里。
I pushed through the crowds and on to the escalator... 我挤出人群,踏上了自动扶梯。
Dix pushed forward carrying a glass... 迪克斯拿着杯子往前挤。
One detachment pushed into the eastern suburbs towards the airfield... 一支小分队开进了东部郊区向飞机场挺进。
The army may push southwards into the Kurdish areas. 军队可能南下向库尔德地区挺进。
Any shortage could push up grain prices... 任何一种短缺都会抬高粮食价格。
The government had done everything it could to push down inflation... 政府已经采取了所有可能的措施来抑制通货膨胀。
We are continuing to push the business forward... 我们正在继续推进业务的发展。
The government seemed intent on pushing local and central government in opposite directions. 政府似乎一心想让地方政府和中央政府背道而驰。
She thanks her parents for keeping her in school and pushing her to study... 她感谢父母送她上学并督促她学习。
James did not push her into stealing the money... 詹姆斯没有怂恿她去偷钱。
Britain's health experts are pushing for a ban on all cigarette advertising... 英国的健康专家正努力争取取缔任何形式的香烟广告。
Germany is pushing for direct flights to be established. 德国正在努力争取直飞航班的开通。
Ministers will push the case for opening the plant... 部长们将极力劝说人们接受开办工厂一事。
She knew enough about publishing to know that they could push a hundred thousand copies into the bookshops. 关于出版业她非常了解,很清楚他们能够向书店推销10万本书。
She was sent for trial yesterday accused of pushing drugs. 她因被控贩毒昨天被送交法院接受审判。
I think that he was pushing it a bit when he said it was the best stadium in the world. 他说这是世界上最好的体育场,我觉得说得有些过头。
Two cabinet ministers also got the push. 两位内阁大臣也被撤职了。
[ˈædvətaɪz] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.做广告,做宣传;通告,通知;宣扬; vi.登广告,做广告;做宣传;
I wouldn't advertise the fact that you don't have a work permit. 我不会向外声张你没有工作许可证这件事。
to advertise a product/a business/your services 做广告宣传产品 / 企业 / 你的服务项目
The cruise was advertised as the ‘journey of a lifetime ’. 这次航行被宣传为“终生难得的旅行”。
We are currently advertising for a new sales manager. 目前我们公开征聘一位新的销售经理。
We advertised the concert quite widely. 我们为这次音乐会做了相当广泛的宣传。
If you want to attract more customers, try advertising in the local paper. 如果你要吸引更多顾客,就试试在当地报纸登广告。
The players can advertise baked beans, but not rugby boots... 球员可以给烤菜豆做广告,但不能代言橄榄球靴。
In 1991, the house was advertised for sale at $49,000... 1991年,这座房子登广告出售,售价为49,000美元。
We advertised for staff in a local newspaper... 我们在一家地方报纸上刊登了招聘广告。
I shall advertise for someone to go with me. 我将登广告寻人和我同去。
His hard sinewy body advertised his ruthlessness of purpose. 他健硕的身体使他显得意志尤为坚强。
There is no need to advertise the fact that you are a single woman... 没有必要张扬你是一个单身女性。
I didn't want to advertise the fact that he hadn't driven me to the airport. 我不想宣扬他没有开车送我去机场的事。
Purchasing a radio station and using empty billboards to advertise it. 他购买了一家广播电台,然后利用空闲的广告牌为电台做宣传.
When Mike Wood began to advertise his sign company, he didn't know his work would become. 在伍麦克刚开始为他的标牌制作公司打广告时, 他并不知道这些产品还有其他的用途.
I would like a banner to advertise my webhosting website. 我想我的一个横幅宣传网站主办的网站.
It was time to advertise our cause instead of our cars. 当时的当务之急是我们的事业可不是为我们的汽车进行广告宣传.
Early to bed and early to rise. Work like hell and advertise. 早睡早起. 尽力工作,并且极力宣传(这种做法).
Many urged a boycott of the Post and the companies that advertise in it. 这件事发生后,很多人呼吁抵制《纽约邮报》以及在该报上做广告的公司.
Sports marketing has increasingly become a popular way to advertise a company's goods and services. 在体育活动方面的市场营销正逐渐成为公司商品和服务进行广告宣传和普及的一种途径.
They are trying their best to advertise their new products. 他们正竭力为新产品做广告.
This is made possible the sponsors who advertise on this site. 这两个目标所以可能乃是由于本网站的广告商的赞助.
This is made possible by the sponsors who advertise on this site. 在本站投放广告的赞助商们,使得这一切皆有可能.
He was among the first American entrepreneurs to advertise in all the media. 他是美国第一批在所有的宣传媒介上登广告的企业家之一.
Not to advertise, just show how to introduce a new product. 不是为了做广告, 而是告诉在描述一个产品时,应该怎样去说.
You'd better advertise for a person to look after the garden while you are on holiday. 在你休假期间,你最好登个广告招人来照料花园.
Are lawyers allowed to advertise? 准许律师做广告 吗 ?
b se o [bi: ʃuə ɔv] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
She looked over her shoulder to be sure of her footing. 她扭头看了看后面以确认自已是否站稳了.
He likes to be sure of his bodily comforts. 他注重物质上的舒适.
A lot of people think that it's better to pay for their education so that they can be sure of getting quality. 许多人认为最好是接受付费教育,这样能确保教学质量。
Perhaps we can be sure of the facts before they arrive. 在他们到来以前,也许我们可以把情况弄弄清楚.
Can I be sure of a profit if I invest? 我要是投资,肯定能获利 吗 ?
As amusing bit of copy would circulate until no one could be sure of its origin. 一则有趣的文学往往流传到谁都不知道它的出处.
An amusing bit of copy would circulate until no one could be sure of its origin. 一则有趣的文字往往流传到谁都不知道它的出处.
be sure of it; give me the ocular proof. 相信它; 给我可见的证据.
be sure of this and just wait on Him. 确信这一点,只要等候他.
The first thing to be sure of is whom science should serve. 首先要明确的是科学应该为谁服务.
be sure of hay till the end of May. 不到五月底,干草不可弃.
Arriving on foot, he could be sure of taking his men unawares. 步行到达, 他确信会使手下的人大吃一惊.
To succeed in something, you must be sure of yourself. 要想获得成功, 你必须有自信心.
Testing helps manufacturers to be sure of a product's quality. 测试帮助制造业者确定产品的质量.
You can always be sure of a warm welcome at my house. 您什么时候到我家来都会受到热情欢迎的.
[ˈpreɪzˌwɜ:ði:] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a praiseworthy achievement 值得称颂的成就
...the government's praiseworthy efforts to improve efficiency in health and education. 政府在提高卫生和教育事业的效率上所付出的值得赞扬的努力
He may not have achieved all his aims. But his effort is praiseworthy. 他可能没达到他的全部目的, 但他的努力是值得赞扬的.
The naming of the disease itself perhaps represents a praiseworthy effort of observation. 这种疾病的命名本身也许就说明了一个可贵的观察成果.
That morning was of a praiseworthy sort. 那天早晨真值得赞美.
He is attacking an end to be irresistible, but he in defensive aspect diligently also praiseworthy. 他在进攻一端不可阻挡, 而他在防守方面的努力也令人钦佩.
His moral character and habits are praiseworthy. 他的道德品质和性情值得称道.
When you grew up, you didn't do anything praiseworthy. 小时不知孝顺父母,友爱兄弟;大了, 也没什麽值得人称说的作为;到老还是这麽副贼德性.
A usually praiseworthy act; a feat or exploit. 英勇事绩通常值得表扬的行为; 成就或功绩.
Their efforts toward the settlement of the border dispute are praiseworthy. 他们为解决边界争端所作的努力是值得赞扬的.
These are the praiseworthy way , the neutral way , and blameworthy ones. 其中,有令人赞叹的 、 有中性, 也有应受谴责的.
The tasks carried out by them are praiseworthy. 他们进行的事业是值得赞扬的.
His performance is praiseworthy. 他的业绩是非常值得肯定的.
It's really a praiseworthy act. 这真是个可靠的行为.
The only praiseworthy thing about this moral poem was that It'soon got lost. 关于这首道德教诲诗,惟一值得赞扬的地方便是:不久它就被弄丢了.
That is a praiseworthy great deed. 这是值得称赞的有出息的作为.
As for his moral character, he is also praiseworthy. 至于他的品德, 也是值得称赞的.
His aim is honorable and praiseworthy. 他的目的是高尚的,值得称赞的.
This is a set of guidance books of the most praiseworthy. 这是这套辅导用书最值得称道之处.
However , it does contain one praiseworthy passage, in which Chiang asserts that mustaction must be resolute. 蒋氏声明中有一段是值得赞扬的, 即他所说“言必信,行必果”的那一段.
We are very celebrated in industry rely to praiseworthy professional technology and good after service. 凭借精湛的专业技术及良好的售后服务,在业内赢得一定的知名度.
Beauty has always been regarded as something praiseworthy. 美丽总是被认为值得赞美的.
His painstaking to attain his goal in life is praiseworthy. 他为实现人生目标所下的苦功是值得称赞的.
[ˈhɑ:mfəl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
the sun's harmful ultra-violet rays 太阳的有害紫外线
Many household products are potentially harmful. 很多家用产品有潜在的害处。
Fruit juices can be harmful to children's teeth. 果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。
the harmful effects of alcohol 酒精的害处
It's believed the affair was potentially harmful to British aviation. 据信该事件可能对英国航空业造成不利影响。
...the harmful effects of smoking... 吸烟的危害
Works to protect from damage caused by chlorine, salt water, and the sun's harmful rays. 能够有效阻止氯气 、 盐性水和有害太阳光线带来的伤害.
SPF 25 safeguards skin against sun most harmful effects · Leaves skin soft, smooth, fair & staying young · Allergy tested. 防晒度25可保护肌肤抵抗阳光损害,令肌肤柔软幼滑而细致, 保持年青,经过敏测试,不含香料、不含 油脂,适合极干性皮肤.
Is what air conditioning blows harmful to the skin? 空调吹的对皮肤有害 吗 ?
Hawthorn powder: invigorate and dissolve silt, clear the harmful substances in intestines, facilitate defecation. 山楂粉: 活血化淤, 清除肠道有害物质, 促进排便.
It acts as a buffer against harmful environmental change. 它可作为缓冲来对抗有害的环境变化.
It's filled with poison and is harmful. 这个毒根是有毒害的.
There is a general awareness that smoking is harmful. 人们普遍认识到吸烟有害健康.
Smoking is a harmful vice. 吸烟是一种有害的恶习.
It is conspicuous that smoking is harmful to health. 很明显,抽烟对健康有害.
This apparatus produces harmful radiations. 这种仪器会产生有害的辐射物.
Watch out for harmful tendencies and deal with them the moment they crop up. 不良倾向一冒尖儿就不要放过它.
Excessive drinking is harmful to the health. 饮酒过多会伤害身体.
Sighing for sorrow can be harmful. 悲伤叹息会伤害身体.
She actually considered fresh air harmful. 她竟然认为新鲜空气有害.
Excessive smoking is harmful to one's health. 吸烟过多对身体有害处.
Cars, trucks and buses produce exhaust nearly as harmful as the factories. 汽车 、 卡车和公共汽车排出的废气和工厂的废气差不多同样有害.
Any conduct harmful to the public interest must not be permitted. 凡是损害公共利益的行为,都应该制止.
prolonged exposure to harmful radiation 长时间接触有害辐射
the harmful effects of alcohol 酒精的害处
The drug is not harmful per se, but is dangerous when taken with alcohol. 这种药本身无害,但与酒同服就危险了。
Such laws could protect the consumer from harmful or dangerous remedies. 这样的法规可以保护消费者免受有害或者危险药品的威胁。
They compared the fat intake of groups of vegetarians and meat eaters, and matched their diets up with levels of harmful blood fats. 他们比较了素食者组与肉食者组的脂肪摄入量,并将他们的膳食与血脂超标水平对应起来。
Polyunsaturated oils are essential for health. Excess is harmful, however. 多不饱和油对健康很重要。但是,食用过量就会有害。
Paul's father only saw him as a substitute for his dead brother. 保罗的父亲只是把他当作他死去的哥哥来看待。
a substitute family 收养家庭
The course teaches you the theory but there's no substitute for practical experience. 这门课教的是理论,但没有任何东西能代替实践经验。
The local bus service was a poor substitute for their car. 他们坐当地的公交车,这比坐自己的汽车可差远了。
He was brought on as (a) substitute after half-time. 他作为替补队员在下半场上场。
Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you. 大夫所能给你的忠告是无可替代的。
Margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe. 做这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。
Butter can be substituted with margarine in this recipe. 做这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。
Beckham was substituted in the second half after a knee injury (= somebody else played instead of Beckham in the second half) . 下半场贝克汉姆膝盖受伤被换下。
[不可数名词, 可数名词]the substitution of low-fat spreads for butter 用低脂肪酱代替黄油
Two substitutions were made during the game. 比赛中换了两次人。
They were substituting violence for dialogue... 他们在用暴力取代对话。
You could always substitute a low-fat soft cheese... 你总是可以代之以低脂肪的软奶酪。
She is seeking a substitute for the very man whose departure made her cry. 那个男人的离去令她伤心痛哭,她正想找一个人填补内心的空缺。
...tests on humans to find a blood substitute made from animal blood. 为从动物血液中提取人血的替代品而在人体上进行的试验
The printed word is no substitute for personal discussion with a great thinker... 阅读印在纸上的内容远不如与伟大的思想家面对面探讨那般受益。
There is no substitute for practical experience. 实践经验是无法替代的。
Coming on as a substitute, he scored four crucial goals for Cameroon. 作为替补队员上场的他为喀麦隆队打入了四粒关键进球。
Two types of substitute valves are available: a mechanical valve or a biological valve. 通常有两种可选的瓣膜: 一种为机械瓣膜、一种为生物瓣膜.
So far , not a substitute for much of modern science and technology. 迄今为止, 现代科学技术远不能替代.
This product is not a substitute of medicine. 本品为营养型补充剂,不能代替药物.
The key actor for tonight's show has fallen ill. Who can be his substitute? 今晚唱压轴的演员病了, 你们谁能救援?
Ductile Iron , also known as nodular iron, was developed in 1949 as a substitute for steel. 作为钢的替代品, 1949年人类开发了球墨铸铁.
wn [wɔ:n] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.警告,告诫;通知;预告; vi.发出警告;
I tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen. 我设法提醒过他,可他就是不听。
If you're thinking of getting a dog, be warned ─they take a lot of time and money. 如果你想养条狗,有话说在前头,那可既费时间又费钱。
He warned us against pickpockets. 他提醒我们要提防小偷。
She was warned that if she did it again she would lose her job. 她被警告说如果她再这样做就会丢掉工作。
I had been warned what to expect. 有人事先告诉过我要出什么事。
Police have warned of possible delays. 警方已经通知可能会廷期。
The guidebook warns against walking alone at night. 这本指南告诫夜间不要单独行走。
He warned Billy to keep away from his daughter. 他警告比利离他女儿远点。
The referee warned him for dangerous play. 裁判警告他有危险动作。
The farmer warned us off his land when we tried to camp there. 我们想在那里露营时,农场主警告我们不得靠近他的土地。
We were warned off buying the house. 有人劝我们不要购买这所房子。
When I had my first baby friends warned me that children were expensive... 当我有了第一个孩子时,朋友们提醒我说养孩子是很花钱的。
They warned him of the dangers of sailing alone... 他们警告他说独自航行危险重重。
Mrs. Blount warned me not to interfere... 布朗特夫人警告我不要插手。
Children must be warned to stay away from main roads... 必须警告孩子们远离交通要道。
But be warned: this is not a cheap option. 但要慎重:这个选择代价不菲。
We are going to warn theatre. 我们准备去华纳剧院.
Bicycle Bells were ringing all the way to warn pedestrians to move out of their way. 自行车铃声一路响着,警告行人让路.
It's easy to overlook slights and red flags that should warn us away from dangerous waters. 因为面对一切赞许、积极反馈,很容易失去自我、忽视那些警告我们远离“危险”的征兆.
She was angry that there was no sign put up to warn people about the hole. 她很生气为什么没人设立标志来提醒行人这里有个洞.
We warn you not to do it again. 我们警告你别再这样做.
The sea ad the warn sun made me feel on top of the world. 大海和温暖的阳光,使我觉得十分舒服.
Yeah, let me warn you, I have been working out. I have pumped me up! 好吧, 让我警告你, 我要脱了. 我出来拉!
I warn you to have nothing to do with it. 我警告你们不要去招惹它.
It was thoughtful of you to warn me of your arrival. 你来之前先通知我,真是考虑得很周到.
Did he warn you that he might be late? 他有没有预先告诉你他可能会迟到?
Miss Austin'detective showed her an accurate report to warn her of the man's cheating. 奥斯丁小姐的侦探想它展示了一份精确的报告来警告她关于那人的欺诈行为.
Perhaps I should warn you that this city is full of con artists. 也许我该提醒你这座城市有许多骗子手.
It is my duty to warn you. 我有责任向你提出警告.
[ˌmedɪˈteɪʃn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
She found peace through yoga and meditation. 她通过瑜伽和冥想找到了宁静。
He was deep in meditation and didn't see me come in. 他正在沉思,没有看见我进来。
his meditations on life and art 他对生活和艺术的沉思录
Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation. 许多忙碌的主管开始练习瑜伽和冥想。
Having chosen a meditation it is important that you stick to that meditation for, at the very least, a fortnight. 选择了一种冥想方法后,至少要坚持练习两周时间,这一点非常重要。
...the man, lost in meditation, walking with slow steps along the shore... 这名陷入沉思中的男子,沿着岸边慢慢地走着
In his lonely meditations Antony had been forced to the conclusion that there had been rumours. 独自静心想来,安东尼断定曾有流言蜚语。
In fact, the entire novel is a long meditation on childbearing and mortality... 实际上,整部小说就是一部关于生儿育女与道德伦理的长篇沉思录。
The title track is a pointed meditation on a continent gone wrong. 主打歌是对一个误入歧途的大陆的深刻沉思。
During meditation brain waves alter. 冥想时的脑波改变.
When meditation is properly approached, these centers will open voluntarily. 当完全达到冥想时, 这些中心会自动打开.
It is the place not of disgust and dismay, but of sorrow and meditation. 古人的坟墓并不要使人生出憎厌和沮丧的情感, 而是叫人来哀悼和沉思的.
We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot survive without human affection. 人活着可以没有宗教和沉思.但是万万不能没有感情!
meditation : A drop of God's wisdom is greater than an ocean of human intelligence. 默想: 神点滴的智慧也胜过人有海洋那么多的聪明.
To know that knower is the real meditation. 了解被认识的对象才是真正的冥想.
She reached her decision only after much meditation. 经过深思熟虑后,她做出了决定.
AshtangaYoga High pressure affecting your health . This type of Yoga emphasizes meditation. 阿斯汤加瑜伽在瑜伽的流派中更注重心灵冥想的瑜伽.
During meditation you can see and hear from those that you are attuned with. 在冥想中,你可以看到和听见你调谐到的人.
meditation is fast gaining recognition worldwide. 冥想在全球范围内快速获得肯定.
My personal choice is through prayer and meditation. 我个人选用的方法是祈祷和冥思.
That's meditation in a nutshell, albeit a one minute taste of it. 虽然介绍的有点简单, 但总之这 就是 冥想.
And naturally if education becomes involved with meditation it becomes religious. 自然地,如果教育和静心关联,它就变成是具有宗教性的.
We hope that you have enjoyed the meditation for synthesis. 我们希望你喜欢合成冥想.
Karma , Upasana, Dhyana and Sakshatkara ( action , worship , meditation and realization ) are the progressive stages of spiritual attainment. 服务 、 崇拜、冥想、开悟:这是灵性成就的连续进程.
This peaceful garden lends itself to meditation. 这个恬静的花园适于冥想.
He was deeply interested in meditation, the East, and yoga. 他对默想 、 东方 、 以及瑜珈深感兴趣.
a depressing sight/thought/experience 令人沮丧的景象 / 想法 / 经历
Looking for a job these days can be very depressing. 如今求职有时会令人非常沮丧。
Yesterday's unemployment figures were depressing... 昨天的失业数字令人沮丧。
I'm rather keen to go on holiday in February because I think it's a very dismal, depressing month. 我很想 2 月份去度假,因为我觉得那是一个非常阴沉惨淡、令人抑郁的月份。
The author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland. 作者描述了一幅令人压抑的波兰生活画面.
The sea as an inscrutable force behind life reflects his fatalistic and depressing life attitude. 海象征生活背后的那种不可思议的力量,则反映了作者带有宿命论色彩的人生观.
It implied that the hydrogen bond played an important role in depressing the energy of reaction. 其中氢键在降低反应的活化能方面起了重要的作用.
High sensitive spark depressing circuit is used for preventing mould damage. 高灵敏度火花抑制电路,防止损坏模具.
In this depressing twilight of political thinking, Snow Starburst like a fireworks display. 在人们政治上陷入思想苦闷的情况下, 斯诺的《西行漫记》就象焰火一样,腾空而起,划破了苍茫的暮色.
After the depressing events of the last few months, Mina felt that it was time to put a little joie de vivre back into their lives. 经历了前几个月许多令人沮丧的事情, 麦娜觉得现在该小小地享受一下生活了.
He was depressing on the button. 他正按下按钮.
The retrospect was depressing. 回想起来令人沮丧.
The details , while depressing to me are fairly banal: a delayed flight, a missed connection. 事情的始末再老套不过了, 但着实让我沮丧: 先是飞机晚点,后又搭错了航班.
Everything and everybody in this city is vulgar and depressing. 这个城市里的一切人和事都那么平淡无奇,令人沮丧.
Women have two types depressing and more depressing. Men have two types nerdy and not nerdy. 女人有两种类型郁闷的和更郁闷的. 男人有两种类型讨厌的和不讨厌的.
The second issue addressed is the depressing social status that teachers enjoy. 另一个问题就是教师的社会地位非常低.
That's why entropy is depressing. 这就是为什么熵让人灰心丧气的原因.
Laundromat is really depressing. 自助洗衣店真闷.
She gave a very depressing economic forecast last night on the radio. 她昨晚在广播里对经济作了非常悲观的预测.
His pessimism has the effect of depressing everyone. 他的悲观情绪感染得大家情绪低落.
Joe: But I find the news really depressing. 乔: 但是,现在新闻太让人压抑了.
Yesterday'sunemployment figures were depressing. 昨天的失业数字令人沮丧。
The one ray of sunlight in this depressing history is her meeting and falling in love with Martin. 在这段阴郁的时期,遇到并爱上马丁成为她唯一的一丝慰藉。
He always woke with a sense of deep sorrow and depressing loss. 他醒来时总是满怀哀愁,抑郁惆怅。
All in all, it appeared that a pretty depressing summer awaited Jones. 总之,等待琼斯的似乎是一个相当令人沮丧的夏天。
It must be really depressing listening to everybody's whinges. 听每个人的抱怨肯定非常地郁闷。
It says much for Brookner's skill that the book is sad, but never depressing. 这本书笔调忧伤,却并不令人沮丧,这很能说明布鲁克纳超群的写作技巧。
c [ˈkænsə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
cancer research 癌症研究
Violence is a cancer in our society. 暴力行为是我们社会的毒瘤。
to become cancerous 发生癌变
cancerous cells/growths/tumours 癌细胞;癌病变;恶性肿瘤
cancer patients 癌症病人
lung/breast cancer 肺 / 乳腺癌
cancer of the bowel/stomach 肠 / 胃癌
Most skin cancers are completely curable. 大多数的皮肤癌是完全可以治愈的。
The cancer has spread to his stomach. 癌已扩散到他的胃部。
Her mother died of breast cancer... 她母亲死于乳腺癌。
Jane was just 25 when she learned she had cancer... 简得知自己罹癌那一年才25岁。
The blank picokeystone served a couple purposes. 取空白楔块儿有两个目的.
There the incidence of the cancer of the oesophagus was suspected to be pretty high. 估计那里的食道癌发病率相当高.
This is a possible cure to fight off cancer. 这也许是治愈癌症的良方.
The medicine is effective against cancer. 这药物治癌有效.
Radium can be used to treat cancer. 镭可以用来治疗癌症.
I learned that he was suffering from cancer. 我听说他患了癌症.
He was suffering from cancer which had already reached an advanced stage. 他的癌症已经到晚期了.
The diagnosis was ovarian cancer. 诊断结果是卵巢癌.
He is in the terminal stage of cancer. 他正处于癌症晚期.
The doctor thought the girl's illness should be kept back from her because it was cancer. 医生认为不能把病情告诉这个女孩,因为她得了癌症.
He made a research into the cause of cancer. 他对癌症病因进行了研究.
cancer destroyed her body but not her spirit. 癌症摧残了她的身体,却摧毁不了她的精神.
This is a specific for cancer. 这是一种治疗癌症的特效药.
Lung cancer deprived him of his life. 肺癌夺去了他的生命.
Besides cancer, smoking can lead on to other diseases. 除了癌症外, 吸烟还可引起其他疾病.
one of the most common forms of cancer 最普通的一种癌症
The test should identify which smokers are most prone to develop lung cancer. 这项检查应该可以确认哪些吸烟者更容易得肺癌。
Val works for an advertising agency (= a company that designs advertisements) . 瓦尔为一家广告公司工作。
Cigarette advertising has been banned. 香烟广告已遭禁止。
A good advertising campaign will increase our sales. 良好的广告宣传活动会增加我们的销售量。
However, is the relationship stability always beneficial to channel members? 然而, 关系稳定性对渠道成员来说一定是有利的 吗 ?
She had the idea of advertising on the Internet. 她想到要在互联网上做广告.
A manufacturer can amplify the demand of a product by advertising widely. 厂商能用大做广告的方法来扩大人们对产品的需求.
Extensive advertising can cause a factitious demand for an article. 大规模的广告宣传能引起对某一商品的反常需求.
Mother has been advertising for a cleaner for weeks without success. 近几周母亲接连登广告想雇一名清洁工,但至今没有找到人.
Cigarette advertising predisposes children to smoking. 烟草广告会引道儿童抽烟.
The advertising department has overrun its budget three years in row. 广告部的开支已经连续三年超过预算.
Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us. 尽管我们可能对自己的良好鉴赏力感到十分自豪, 但我们不再能任意选择我们所需要的东西了, 因为我们受到了广告的微妙影响.
The advertising campaign is aimed primarily at young people. 这个广告宣传运动主要是针对年轻人的.
Television advertising is strictly monitored. 电视广告受到严格的监控.
The advertising manager is the mastermind of our new marketing policy. 广告制作商是我们新市场政策的策划人.
Television seems to be firmly entrenched as the number one medium for national advertising. 电视看来要在全国广告媒介中牢固地占据头等位置.
Still, the quality of advertising leaves much to be desired. 广告质量仍不尽人意.
advertising induces people to buy. 广告诱导人们花钱买东西.
There are thousands of pages of advertising on our porch. 有成千上万页广告堆在我们的门廊上.
As soon as we get the green light , we'll start advertising for new staff. 一得到许可, 我们就将开始打广告招募新员工.
The advertising agency rang up 1.4 billion dollars in yearly sales. 这家广告代理商每年销售额达14亿美元。
They might be wise to stop advertising on television. 他们不妨停止在电视上做广告,这样做可能是明智之举。
Players should be allowed to earn money from advertising. 应该允许运动员拍广告挣钱。
When it is done properly, arts sponsorship can be more effective than advertising. 如果方式得当的话,艺术赞助可能比做广告更有效。
Clever advertising would seduce more people into smoking. 巧妙策划的广告会引诱更多的人吸烟。
Banning cigarette advertising would be unconstitutional, since selling cigarettes is legal. 既然出售香烟是合法的,那么禁止做香烟广告就是违宪的。
Britain's health experts are pushing for a ban on all cigarette advertising. 英国的健康专家正努力争取取缔任何形式的香烟广告。
l [ˈlʌki] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
His friend was killed and he knows he is lucky to be alive. 他的朋友丧了命,他知道自己还活着是侥幸。
She was lucky enough to be chosen for the team. 她很幸运被选中加入此队。
You were lucky (that) you spotted the danger in time. 你幸好及时发现了险情。
Mark is one of the lucky ones ─he at least has somewhere to sleep. 马克是个幸运的人,他至少还有地方睡觉。
the lucky winners 幸运的获胜者
You can think yourself lucky you didn't get mugged. 你未遭暴力抢劫,可以算是万幸了。
She counted herself lucky that she still had a job. 她认为自己很幸运,仍有一份工作。
It was lucky for us that we were able to go. 我们能去是我们的运气好。
That was the luckiest escape of my life. 那次逃脱是我一生中最大的幸运。
a lucky guess 侥幸猜中
a lucky charm 吉祥符
Luckily for us, the train was late. 我们真凑巧,火车晚点了。
Luckily, I am a good swimmer. 幸好我是个游泳好手。
‘I'm off to Paris. ’ ‘lucky you! ’ “我要去巴黎了。”“你真幸运!”
‘I was hoping to get a ticket for Saturday. ’ ‘You'll be lucky. ’ “我盼望弄到一张星期六的票。”“但愿你会走运。”
I am luckier than most. I have a job... 我比大部分人幸运。我有份工作。
I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth... 我认为自己是地球上最幸运的人。
Some people are born lucky aren't they?... 有人生来就有福气,不是吗?
He had always been lucky at cards. 他打牌的手气向来很好。
They admit they are now desperate for a lucky break... 他们承认现在急盼幸运之神的降临。
He was lucky that it was only a can of beer that knocked him on the head. 算他命大,砸到他脑袋上的只是一罐啤酒。
He did not have on his other lucky charm, a pair of green socks. 他没把另一件吉祥物,一双绿色的袜子,穿在脚上。
You'll be lucky if you get any breakfast... 你能吃到早饭就已经算幸运了。
Those remaining in work will be lucky to get the smallest of pay increases... 那些仍在工作的人,有那么一点点儿加薪就要算是运气了。
She counted herself lucky to get a job in one of Edinburgh's department stores... 能在爱丁堡一家百货公司找到工作,她觉得自己很幸运。
At the end of two days, you may count yourself lucky that you don't have to live here. 两天过后,你就会庆幸自己不用住在这里。
'The thing about Mr Kemp is that he always treats me like a lady.' — 'lucky old you.' “问题是,肯普先生向来把我当淑女看待。”——“你真幸运。”
You may strike lucky and find a sympathetic and helpful clerk, but, there again, you might not. 走运的话,你可能赶上一位有同情心、乐于助人的职员。但话又说回来,你也可能没这运气。
I've had two runners-up medals with Monaco and AC Milan, but I hope it will be third time lucky and I get a winners' medal with Rangers. 我为摩纳哥队、AC米兰队效力时两次都只拿到了亚军,但是事不过三,我希望能为流浪者队拿下一个冠军。
e [ˈentə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.& vi.进入;开始;参加;登记;
to enter a relationship/conflict/war 建立关系;发生冲突;参战
Several new firms have now entered the market. 有几家新公司已打入市场。
The investigation has entered a new phase. 调查已进入新阶段。
to enter the Church (= become a priest) 成为神职人员
to enter Parliament (= become an MP) 成为英国国会议员
to enter politics 开始从政
to enter a school/college/university 考入学校 / 学院 / 大学
Where did the bullet enter the body? 子弹从哪个部位穿入身体的?
Someone entered the room behind me. 有人跟着我进了屋。
Knock before you enter. 进来前先敲门。
(figurative)It never entered my head (= I never thought) that she would tell him about me. 我从未想到过她会把我的事告诉他。
(figurative)A note of defiance entered her voice. 她的声音里带有公然反抗的口气。
Postcodes will be entered into the statisticians' computers... 邮编将被输入统计员的电脑中。
When a baby is born, they enter that baby's name into the computer... 每当有婴儿降生,他们就将婴儿的名字输入电脑。
Prue entered the passage in her notebook, then read it aloud again. 普吕把那一段写在她的笔记本上,然后又大声念了一遍。
It never enters his mind that anyone is better than him... 他从没想过会有谁比他更好。
Though she enjoyed flirting with Matt, it had not entered her head to have an affair with him. 虽然她喜欢和马特打情骂俏,但是却未曾想过要和他相好。
China enters a new five-year plan period next year... 中国明年开始进入新一个五年计划期。
The war has entered its second month... 战争已经进入了第二个月。
I run so well I'm planning to enter some races... 我跑步很不错,正在考虑参加一些比赛。
He entered for many competitions, winning several gold medals... 他参加过多次比赛,赢得了数枚金牌。
His wife Marie secretly entered him for the Championship. 他妻子玛丽偷偷地为他报名参加锦标赛。
...some of the 150 projects entered for the awards. 150个参加奖项评比的项目中的一些
Each week she meticulously entered in her notebooks all sums received... 每个星期她都细心地在笔记本上记下所有收到的款项。
He entered the room briskly and stood near the door... 他轻快地走进屋里,站在门边。
Before entering the bathroom, he emptied his dirty laundry into the hamper... 进浴室前,他把脏衣服全都放进洗衣筐里。
He entered the BBC as a general trainee... 他进入英国广播公司成为一名普通实习生。
She entered a convent. 她成为了一名修女。
Whenever thoughts of his baby daughter enter his mind a smile appears on Jeremy's face... 无论何时想起他的小女儿,杰里米的脸上都会出现笑容。
Dreadful doubts began to enter my mind. 我开始产生了可怕的怀疑。
personal effects/belongings/possessions 私人物品 / 财产 / 财物
personal details (= your name, age, etc.) 个人基本资料
Of course, this is just a personal opinion. 当然了,这只是个人意见。
Coogan has run a personal best of just under four minutes. 库根跑出了刚好低于四分钟的个人最好成绩。
The novel is written from personal experience . 这部小说是根据个人亲身经历写成的。
Use stencils to add a few personal touches to walls and furniture. 用型板给墙壁和家具增添些个人风格。
All hire cars are for personal use only. 所有租赁车辆仅供个人使用。
Having good personal relationships is the most important thing for me. 拥有良好的人际关系对我最为重要。
He was popular as much for his personal qualities as for his management skills. 他的人品和他的管理技巧同样受到人们的喜爱。
The letter was marked ‘personal ’. 信上标注着“私人”字样。
I'd like to talk to you about a personal matter. 我想和你谈点私事。
I try not to let work interfere with my personal life . 我尽量不让工作干扰我的私生活。
She's a personal friend of mine (= not just somebody I know because of my job) . 她是我的私人朋友。
The President made a personal appearance at the event. 总统亲临现场。
I shall give the matter my personal attention. 我将亲自处理此事。
We offer a personal service to all our customers. 我们为所有顾客提供个别服务。
a personal pension plan (= a pension organized by a private company for one particular person) (私营公司的)个人养老金计划
Try to avoid making personal remarks. 要尽量避免针对个人的言论。
There's no need to get personal ! 没有必要搞人身攻击嘛!
He learned this lesson the hard way — from his own personal experience... 吃一堑长一智,他这个教训来之不易——是从他自己的亲身经历中得来的。
That's my personal opinion. 那是我的个人观点。
...a business that requires a great deal of personal contact. 经常需要本人亲自联系、打理的生意
...a personal letter from the President's secretary... 总统秘书亲自寄出的信
...teaching young people about marriage and personal relationships... 教导年轻人有关婚姻和人际关系方面的事情
You never allow personal problems to affect your performance... 绝不要让个人问题影响你的表现。
Newspapers resorted to personal abuse... 报纸采取了人身攻击的手段。
Myra was attacking something I'd written, and her attack got a little personal. 迈拉批评我写的东西,她的批评多少有些人身攻击的味道。 who take as much trouble over personal hygiene as women. 像女人一样不嫌麻烦打理个人卫生的男人
He was a personal friend whom I've known for many many years... 他是一位我认识多年的私人朋友。
What began as a professional relationship became a personal one pretty quickly, despite us coming from very different backgrounds. 尽管我们各自背景不同,但我们还是很快从工作关系发展成了私下的好朋友。
[ˈlʌki tʃɑ:m] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
He did not have on his other lucky charm, a pair of green socks. 他没把另一件吉祥物,一双绿色的袜子,穿在脚上。
I carry a lucky charm to protect me when I travel. 出门旅行时,我会带一会带来好运的护身符.
lucky charm: I don't in luck. 你的幸运符是什么? 我不相信运气这一说.
Myra: Oh, my lucky charm. 玛拉: 噢, 我的幸运符!
dete [dɪˈspaɪt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
prep.不管;尽管(自己)不愿意;不在乎;虽有; n.侮辱;憎恨;怨恨;轻蔑的拒绝或不承认;
He had to laugh despite himself. 他不想笑,但还是忍不住笑了出来。
Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it. 尽管她竭尽全力控制自己,声音仍然在颤抖。
despite applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work. 尽管他申请了数百个工作,但仍然在失业中。
She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring. 尽管她认为物理枯燥无味,她却学得很好。
despite myself, Harry's remarks had caused me to stop and reflect. 哈里的话让我不由自主地停下来细想。
The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated, despite increased spending... 尽管支出在增加,但国民医疗保健服务的质量却明显下降了。
despite a thorough investigation, no trace of Dr Southwell has been found... 尽管进行了彻底的调查,还是没有发现索思韦尔博士的任何踪迹。
What do you like to do in your spare time? 空闲时你喜欢干什么?
despite her scruffy clothes, there was an air of sophistication about her. 尽管她衣衫褴褛, 但神态老练世故.
The business folded up despite its brave start. 生意虽然开始时很成功,但终于失败了.
There has been an overall growth in population, despite some draconian efforts to contain it. 尽管有严厉的遏制措施,人口还是在全面增长.
She swims well despite her disabilities. 尽管身体残疾,她却是个游泳好手.
His determination remains as strong as ever despite all the setbacks he has encountered. 他虽然遇到许多挫折,可是意志仍旧那样坚强.
The pilot homed in by means of radar, despite the poor visibility. 尽管能见度极差,飞机由雷达导航返航了.
despite its immensity, it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer's dream to create'an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible. 桥尽管很大, 但它结构简单,而外形雅观, 实现了设计师要创造出 “ 一个在重物作用下尽可能不变形的庞然大物”的理想.
We shall be victorious in despite of difficulties. 不管有什么困难,我们一定会胜利.
despite being a big star, she's very approachable. 她虽然是个大明星,却非常平易近人。
despite signs of an improvement in the economy, there is no room for complacency. 尽管在经济方面有改善的迹象,但仍不容自满。
despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet. 尽管他身形庞大,移动起来还是很灵巧。
They were all in top hats and cutaways despite the growing heat. 虽然天气越来越热,他们仍全部戴着高顶礼帽,穿着燕尾服。
despite the violence that preceded the elections, reports say that polling was orderly and peaceful. 虽然选举之前有过暴力事件,但有报道称投票过程秩序井然,波澜不惊。
despite its demonstrable speed and safety, the boat failed to become popular. 虽然其速度和安全性都可得到证明,但这种船还是不受欢迎。
despite the occasional hiccup, the US and Laos have had quite cordial relations. 尽管偶尔出现一些小的磕碰,美国和老挝一直保持着很友好的关系。
I actually skated, and despite some teetering I did not fall on the ice. 我真的滑冰了——尽管有些踉跄,但没有跌跟头。
despite a thorough investigation, no trace of Dr Southwell has been found. 尽管进行了彻底的调查,还是没有发现索思韦尔博士的任何踪迹。
He'd obviously kept himself fit despite his years of confinement. 显然,尽管监禁多年,他依旧保持着身体健康。
despite the unsettled weather, we had a marvellous weekend. 尽管天气一会儿好一会儿差,我们仍然度过了一个美好的周末。
The gentleman, despite his advanced years, helped Kathryn back to her seat. 这位绅士,尽管年事已高,仍然帮着凯瑟琳回到座位上。
a lt [æt li:st] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adv.至少; 无论如何,反正;
The plan has a sting intail: it means we lose one day's holiday. 这个计划是先甜后苦: 它意味着我们少一天的假期.
at least Jeremy had the good form to go back and apologize. 杰里米回去道歉至少是有礼貌的举动.
at least the club keeps the young people off the streets. 起码俱乐部能使年轻人不在街上乱逛了.
That old tree must measure at least 30 metres from top to bottom. 那棵老树从地面到树梢至少有30米.
He left last Tuesday — at least, I think he did. 上星期二他离开了,反正我认为他已经走了.
Unconfirmed reports said that at least six people had been killed. 未经证实的报道称至少有六人丧生。
at least he has given her a child who will be a great comfort to her in the years ahead. 至少他留给她一个孩子,这孩子在未来的岁月里对她将是莫大的安慰。
Try to eat at least four slices of bread a day. 每天尽量至少吃4片面包。
All applicants should be at least 16 years of age at the commencement of this course. 申请修读这门课程者至少要年满16岁。
Whatever its obscurities, the poem was clear on at least one count. 这首诗再怎么晦涩,至少有一点是清楚的。
at least seventy students were injured in the continuing agitation against the decision. 至少有70名学生在反对该决定的持续抗争中受伤。
One of the effects of dyslexia, in my case at least, is that you pay tremendous attention to detail. 诵读困难的一个影响就是过分注意细节,至少对我来说是如此。
The market is at least ticking over. 至少市场还在缓慢发展。
at least one British officer was feeding him with classified information. 至少有一个英国官员在向他提供机密情报。
at least you have removed your blinkers and can now see the relationship in its true colours. 至少你现在已经摘下了有色眼镜,能够看清这段关系了。
They have received at least twenty thousand pounds each but had gone to court to demand more. 他们每人至少已经得到了两万英镑,但仍然向法庭提出诉讼要求获得更多。
He may not always achieve greatness but at least he's a trier. 他也许并非总能成就大事,但至少他竭尽所能。
at least 17 different irregular units are engaged in the war. 至少有17个非正规军部队参战。
There is little chance of a revival in new car sales until at least August next year. 至少到明年8月之前,新车销量回升的希望都微乎其微。
It seems at least that we've broken the back of inflation in this country. 看起来至少我们已经解决了这个国家通货膨胀中最棘手的问题。
It means that all the options are at least on the table. 这就意味着,至少所有的选择都已经摆到了桌面上。
If not a large concern, Queensbury Nursery was at least a successful one. 即使规模不算大,昆斯伯里托儿所至少办得很成功。
at least fifty four people have been killed and a further fifty are missing. 至少有54人死亡,另外还有50人失踪。
The criticisms have at least an element of truth and validity. 那些批评至少有一丝真实性和合理性。
What the hell, I thought, at least it will give the lazy old man some exercise. 管他呢,我心想,至少这能让懒鬼老头活动一下筋骨。
The old lady was still being ornery, but at least she had consented to this visit. 这位老太太脾气还是那么犟,但至少她已经同意接受此次拜访。
There have been at least thirteen previous attempts to reach the North Pole unaided. 之前至少已经有过13次想独立到达北极的尝试。
"at least we weren't kidnapped." — "I'm glad of that," was the laconic response. “至少咱们没被绑架。”——“对此我很庆幸,”答复就是这么简短的一句话。
You must put in an appearance, at least, or she'll think you're avoiding her. 至少,你必须露一下面,否则她会认为你在躲避她。
She felt very depressed about the future. 她感到前途无望。
an attempt to bring jobs to depressed areas 给经济萧条地区创造就业机会的努力
depressed prices 降低了的价格
The construction industry is no longer as depressed as it was. 建筑业不再像以往那样萧条了。
Acupressure is manual pressure applied to a specific slightly depressed point on the body. 指压按摩是用手按压人体某个轻微凹陷的穴位。
...legislation to encourage investment in depressed areas... 鼓励向经济困难地区投资的法律法规
She's been very depressed and upset about this whole situation. 她对整个情形感到极其沮丧和不快。
He seemed somewhat depressed... 他似乎有些抑郁。
He was really depressed about the business last week, but he's all smiles now. A very big order has just come in. 上个星期他还为生意愁眉苦脸的, 可是现在卻喜形于色, 因为刚接到一笔大订单.
I was depressed, withdrawn and sexually frigid. 我郁郁寡欢, 离群索居,没有什么性要求.
He became very depressed and even got suicidal at one point. 他变得十分消沉,甚至一度想自杀.
His reading achievement is depressed. 他的阅读能力低于一般水平.
The little girl depressed the button. 这个小女孩按下按钮.
When he was depressed, he felt utterly divorced from reality. 他心情沮丧时就感到完全脱离了现实.
The novel left him feeling depressed. (读完)这本小说使得他无精打采.
He was then depressed and in despair. 他那时沮丧郁闷,情绪低落.
She's been very depressed recently, but I'm sure she'll soon pull out of it. 她近来一直很抑郁, 但我相信不久她就会振作起来的.
I realised I was becoming increasingly depressed and apathetic. 我意识到自己越来越消沉、越来越冷漠了.
He was so depressed about his debts that he wanted to blow his brains out. 他为债务烦恼不已,恨不得一枪把自己结果了.
Business was rather depressed after war. 战后商业相当不景气.
He looked depressed, even suicidal. 他看上去很沮丧, 甚至于沮丧到想自杀.
His mother was depressed by the sad news. 这个坏消息使他的母亲意志消沉.
There is medical evidence to show that he is suicidal and clinically depressed. 医学证据表明他有自杀倾向而且临床诊断为抑郁.
The illness left her feeling listless and depressed. 那场病使她感到虚弱无力,提不起精神。
The construction industry is no longer as depressed as it was. 建筑业不再像以往那样萧条了。
depressed and ill, he had again shut himself away in his darkened studio. 他又沮丧又生了病,再一次躲进了自己昏暗的工作室。
Sometimes patients are more depressed six months later than when they first hear the bad news. 有时,病人6个月后比最初听到坏消息时情绪更低落。
Andrew now disowns that statement, saying he was depressed when he made it. 安德鲁现在推翻了那个说法,说那是自己在情绪低落时说的话。