‘I'd like your help tomorrow. ’ ‘Can you be more specific (= tell me exactly what you want) ? ’ “我想让你明天来帮帮我。”“你能不能说得具体些?”
children's television programmes aimed at a specific age group 针对特定年龄段的少儿电视节目
The money was collected for a specific purpose. 这笔钱是为一个特定用途而收的。
children with specific learning difficulties (= in one area only) 某一方面有学习困难的儿童
a belief that is specific to this part of Africa 非洲这一地区特有的一种观念
Massage may help to increase blood flow to specific areas of the body... 按摩有助于增加身体特定部位的血液流量。
There are several specific problems to be dealt with... 有几个特定问题需要解决。
I asked him to be more specific... 我要求他说得更具体些。
These nerve centres generate rhythmic movements; or to be more specific, rhythmic stomach movements... 这些神经中心产生有节奏的运动,或者更确切地说,是有节奏的肠胃蠕动。
Send your resume with a cover letter that is specific to that particular job. 寄出你的简历并附上一份针对那个特定工作岗位的附函。
Mothods: Male patients � � cytogenetics analysis is carried out with peripheral blood chromosome G banding methods. 方法采用外周血染色体G显带技术,对男性患者进行细胞遗传学检测.
We should make a concrete analysis of each specific question. 对于每个具体问题要进行具体分析.
What's the specific time of his arrival? 他确切的到达时间是几点钟?
Will you be specific? 请讲清楚些,好 吗 ?
We should make decisions in accordance with specific conditions. 我们应当根据具体情况做出决定.
This is a specific for cancer. 这是一种治疗癌症的特效药.
This disease is specific to this area. 这种疾病只发生在这一地区.
There are two specific ( al ) questions we must answer. 有两个具体问题我们必须回答.
The town relies on its specific landscape for developing the tourist industry. 这个市镇凭藉独特的风光发展旅游业.
I gave you specific instructions. 我给过你明确的指示。
Special programmes of study are tailored to the needs of specific groups. 制订特殊课程,以满足特定群体的需要。
Your decision must be translated into specific, concrete actions. 你的决定必须转化为具体明确的行动。
I'll start with some generalities and then examine a few specific examples. 我首先进行概述,然后会分析几个实例。
Most companies are looking to sponsor students on specific courses. 大部分公司在寻求机会资助学习某些特定课程的学生.
specific groups may be formed to address specific issues. 可能会组成特别小组去解决特定问题。
n [ˈnesisəri] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
It may be necessary to buy a new one. 也许有必要买个新的了。
It doesn't seem necessary for us to meet. 我们似乎没必要见面。
Only use your car when absolutely necessary. 非用不可的时候再用你的汽车。
If necessary , you can contact me at home. 必要的话,我在家时你也可以和我联系。
I'll make the necessary arrangements. 我会做一些必要的安排。
This is a necessary consequence of progress. 这是发展的必然后果。
I kept the engine running because it might be necessary to leave fast... 我没让发动机熄火,因为也许需要迅速离开。
We will do whatever is necessary to stop them... 我们要采取一切必要措施去阻止他们。
Wastage was no doubt a necessary consequence of war... 巨大的损耗无疑是战争的必然结果。
Scientific work is differentiated from art by its necessary connection with the idea of progress. 科学工作与艺术的区别在于它与人类进步有着必然联系。
...a small parcel of necessaries tied up in a handkerchief and carried on a stick. 用手绢包好挑在棍子上的一小包生活必需品
If necessary, the airship can stay up there for days to keep out of danger... 必要时,飞艇能在那里停留数天以躲避危险。
The army needs men who are willing to fight, when necessary... 军队需要在必要时愿意投入战斗的军人。
They were ready to die , if necessary, for their country. 必要时, 他们愿为国捐躯.
This place is rather cramped. 这地方太局促了.
They always sum up their ( work ) experience whenever it is necessary, so they improve rapidly. 他们总是随时总结经验, 所以工作质量提高很快.
He wasn't good navigator, so it is necessary that the coastline remain in sight as he moved from one harbor to the next. 他不擅航海, 所以当他从一码头驶到另一码头时,得一直沿海岸线航行.
He believed that in building socialism it was necessary to make thorough plans on behalf of the state. 他认为搞社会主义,要替国家好好打算盘.
It's necessary for leading cadres to keep frequent contacts with the masses. 领导应和群众经常见面.
It's necessary for us to net the currant bushes. 我们有必要用网盖上红醋栗树.
They has possessed themselves of all the necessary material. 他们已取得了所有必要的材料.
It is both important and necessary to note this difference. 注意到这个差距是重要的和必要的.
The ability to do this will be necessary in future flights to distant planets. 将来飞往遥远的行星时,需要这样的能力.
This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop very quickly. 这就使得工农业必须飞速发展.
Is it necessary to send a car for them? 用得着派车去接他们 吗 ?
[səˈlu:ʃən] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Attempts to find a solution have failed. 试图找到解决办法的种种努力全都失败了。
There's no simple solution to this problem. 这个问题没有简单的解决办法。
Do you have a better solution? 你有更好的解决办法吗?
The solution to last week's quiz is on page 81. 上星期测验的答案在第81页。
an alkaline solution 碱溶液
saline solution 盐溶液
the solution of glucose in water 葡萄糖在水中的溶解
Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force. 尽管他试图寻求和平解决,但现在却面临使用更多武力的压力。
...the ability to sort out simple, effective solutions to practical problems. 找出简单有效的方法解决实际问题的能力
...the solution to crossword No. 19721. 第 19721 号纵横字谜的答案
...a warm solution of liquid detergent... 热洗涤剂溶液
Vitamins in solution are more affected than those in solid foods. 溶液里的维生素比固体食物里的维生素受到的影响更大。
They have arrived at a solution via scientific investigation. 他们通过科学的调查研究得出了解决问题的办法.
We must apply our energies to finding a solution. 我们必须全力想出一个解决的办法.
Adding sulphate to the solution will give a precipitate. 将硫酸盐加入该溶液会产生沉淀.
The solution of the problem has just come to me. 我刚想起如何解答这个问题.
The solution can be expressed by a mathematical equation. 答案可用一个数学方程式来表示.
Water precipitates camphor from its alcoholic solution. 水能把樟脑从其酒精溶液中淀析出来.
This is the only solution imaginable. 这是唯一想得出的解决办法.
No one can offer a permanent solution to the problem. 没有人能提出解决这个问题的长久之计.
They tried everyway to find the solution. 他们想尽办法来解决问题.
The solid particles were filtered from the solution. 固体微粒是从溶液中过滤出来的.
A solution of sugar boils down to a syrup. 糖水煮浓而成糖浆.
The problem calls for immediate solution. 这个问题非得马上解决不可.
It's a peaceful solution. 这是个和平的解决方法.
Such a solution proved impractical. 这样一种解决方法证明是不切实际的.
This is a dilute solution. 这是一种稀释溶液.
c [ˈkɔmik] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a comic monologue/story 滑稽的长篇独白 / 故事
The play is both comic and tragic. 这部剧既滑稽又悲惨。
She can always be relied on to provide comic relief (= sth to make you laugh) at a boring party. 在沉闷的聚会上,她总是能搞些笑料调剂气氛。
a comic opera 滑稽歌剧
a comic actor 喜剧演员
Joe loved to read 'Superman' comics. 乔喜欢看《超人》的漫画书。
...a comic opera. 喜歌剧
Grodin is a fine comic actor. 格罗丁是一位优秀的喜剧演员。
Most of these trips had exciting or comic moments. 大部分旅行途中都有激动人心或逗人开怀的时刻。
The novel is comic and tragic... 这部小说令人笑中带泪。
When they split up, they both claimed to be the rightful owner of the comic book. 这对夫妇关系破裂后, 均声称自己是唐老鸭漫画书的合法主人.
B : I sometimes read comic books on the weekend. 我有时候在周末看漫画书.
We try to as authentic as possible while really telling a comic book kind of story. 虽然我们力求使它真实可信,但我们其实讲的是个有点像漫画一样的故事.
Shakespeare always introduced some comic relief into his tragedies. 莎士比亚总是把一些滑稽场面注入他的悲剧之中.
A faintly comic figure, he fears ridicule above all else. 他是个不怎么滑稽的人物, 最害怕被人嘲笑.
Cartoon and comic strips as such a means, were thus born. 卡通和连环画就是这样产生的.
He is a popular TV comic. 他是观众喜爱的电视喜剧演员.
Beside Shakespeare, Marlowe strikes us as an immature dramatist, especially in his comic scenes. 和莎士比亚相比, 马洛给我们的印象是一个不成熟的戏剧家, 特别是他的喜剧场面.
The comic skIt'sent up the foolishness of young men in love. 那幅画把沉溺于热恋中的青年男子的痴态勾勒得滑稽可笑.
Shakespeare created many comic characters. 莎士比亚塑造了许多喜剧人物.
I saw the child reading a science fiction comic. 我看见那孩子在看一本科幻连环漫画杂志.
Our comic play was a burlesque of a Shakespearean tragedy. 我们的喜剧是对莎士比亚一出悲剧的讽刺性模仿.
His accident with the microphone brought some welcome comic relief to a very dull party. 他撞上了麦克风,这给极沉闷的聚会带来了些欢乐.
This comic was a swap that I got from Nick. 这本漫画书是我从尼克那里换来的.
She prefers to play comic roles. 她更喜欢扮演滑稽角色.
The ending of the play is comic. 此剧的结局是喜剧性的.
His words provided some comic relief in what was really a dull speech. 他的话给极沉闷的讲话增添了几分轻松的气氛.
The entertainment consisted of comic songs, dances and acrobatic performance, and wound up with a screamingly funny farce. 娱乐的节目包括滑稽歌曲 、 舞蹈和杂技, 最后是一场令人捧腹大笑的滑稽闹剧.
The play is both comic and tragic. 这部剧既滑稽又悲惨。
[weist] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
to waste time/food/energy 浪费时间 / 食物 / 能源
Why waste money on clothes you don't need? 为什么浪费钱买你不需要的衣服呢?
She wasted no time in rejecting the offer (= she rejected it immediately) . 她当即拒绝了提议。
You're wasting your time trying to explain it to him (= because he will not understand) . 你跟他解释是在浪费时间。
Don't waste your sympathy on him─he got what he deserved. 别把你的同情心白白浪费在他的身上,他是咎由自取。
Her comments were not wasted on Chris (= he understood what she meant) . 她对克里斯的一席话没有白费。
It was a wasted opportunity. 这白白浪费了一次机会。
You're wasted as a sales manager─you should have been an actor. 你当销售经理屈才了,你本应该做演员。
I hate unnecessary waste. 我憎恨不必要的浪费。
It seems such a waste to throw good food away. 把好的食物扔掉似乎太浪费了。
I hate to see good food go to waste (= be thrown away) . 我不愿看到好好的食物被扔掉。
The report is critical of the department's waste of resources. 报告批评了这个部门对资源的浪费。
What a waste of paper! 多么浪费纸啊!
There could be many reasons and he was not going to waste time speculating on them... 原因可能有很多,他不打算浪费时间对此妄加猜测。
I resolved not to waste money on a hotel... 我决心不住酒店,以免浪费钱。
The packets are measured to reduce waste... 包裹的大小经过测量以减少浪费。
I hate waste. 我讨厌浪费。
Congress passed a law that regulates the disposal of waste... 国会通过了一项规范废弃物处理的法律。
Up to 10 million tonnes of toxic wastes are produced every year in the UK. 英国每年会产生多达1,000万吨的有毒废弃物。
Let's not waste an opportunity to see the children... 咱们别错过了看孩子们的机会。
It was a wasted opportunity. 这是一个错失了的良机。
All the well-meant, sincere advice is largely wasted on him. 他对所有善意、真挚的建议基本都无动于衷。
There was a patch of waste land behind the church... 教堂的后面有一块荒地。
Yarrow can be found growing wild in fields and on waste ground. 田野里和荒地上会疯长蓍草。
...the barren wastes of the Sahara. 贫瘠的撒哈拉沙漠
So much of his enormous effort and talent will go to waste if we are forced to drop one hour of the film... 如果我们被迫把电影缩短1小时,那么他付出的许多努力就会白费,他的才华也将大半被淹没。
Mexican cookery is economical, she says. Nothing goes to waste. “墨西哥的烹调注重俭省,”她说,“任何东西都不会浪费。”
The war has laid waste large regions of the countryside. 这场战争摧毁了大片村庄。
...cities laid waste by the decline of traditional industries... 因传统工业衰落而没落的城市
...a nation that prides itself on its 'waste not, want not' thrift and its environmental conscience. 为其“俭以防匮”的节俭作风和环保意识而自豪的国家
b i i [bi: ˈɪntrɪstɪd in] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
对…感兴趣; 关心
I thought she might be interested in Paula's proposal. 我觉得她对葆拉的提议可能会感兴趣。
to be interested in wildlife conservation 对野生动物保护感兴趣
I casually mentioned that I might be interested in working abroad. 我不经意地提到我可能会对出国工作感兴趣.
Only is the trade likely to be interested in this talk. 只有同行才可能对这个话题感兴趣.
He just did his job in a matter - of - fact way and was not to be interested in gaining merit, but only in avoiding making mistakes. 他在工作上 进取心 不大,常常是不求有功, 但求无过.
I would be interested in a ten - day trip around Christmas time. 我有兴趣在圣诞节前后去玩10天.
Grown up folks began to be interested in the bright - eyed girl. 一般成年人开始对这位 明眸皓齿 的女郎感兴趣.
I think you may be interested in our new product. 我想贵公司可能会对敝公司的新产品感兴趣.
We will be interested in the heat capacity of interstellar gases. 我们感兴趣的是星际气体的热容量.
I've been writing a book, John. Do you think anyone would be interested in publishing it? 我一直在写一部书, 约翰. 你想会有什么人高兴出版 吗 ?
I used to be interested in flying kites and keeping dogs. 那时我对放风筝和养狗感兴趣.
Would you be interested in going to the horse races tomorrow? 明天你有兴趣去看赛马 嘛 ?
Then you must be interested in disco dancing, aren't you? 那你一定喜欢迪斯科了, 是 吗 ?
Why would I even be interested in going to a baseball stadium? 我为什么对去棒球场这么感兴趣?
Perhaps you'd be interested in reading over our complimentary brochure. 也许你会对读我们的赠阅手册感兴趣.
a [əˈfɔ:d] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
She never took a taxi, even though she could afford to. 尽管她坐得起出租汽车,但她从未坐过。
He couldn't afford the money to go on the trip. 他不够钱去进行这次旅行。
(formal)They could ill afford to lose any more staff. 他们再也不能损失员工了。
We cannot afford to ignore this warning. 我们对这个警告绝不能等闲视之。
We cannot afford any more delays. 我们不能再有任何耽搁了。
The tree affords some shelter from the sun. 这棵树可以挡一挡太阳。
The programme affords young people the chance to gain work experience. 这项计划给年轻人提供了获得工作经验的机会。
affordable prices/housing 付得起的价格;买得起的住宅
We can't afford to go abroad this summer. 今年夏天我们没有足够的钱去国外。
Can we afford a new car? 我们买得起一辆新车吗?
None of them could afford £50 for a ticket. 他们中没有哪个拿得出50英镑买一张票。
She felt she couldn't afford any more time off work. 她觉得再也抽不出时间歇班了。
It was a cold room, but it afforded a fine view of the Old City. 这房间虽然很冷,但是它能让人将古城的景致尽收眼底。
The country could not afford the luxury of an election. 该国负担不起选举这样奢侈的事。
This affords us the opportunity to ask questions about how the systems might change... 这给我们提供了就系统可能如何改变进行提问的机会。
My parents can't even afford a new refrigerator... 我父母甚至买不起一台新冰箱。
The arts should be available to more people at prices they can afford... 艺术品应该以人们能够承受的价格面向更多的人出售。
We can't afford to wait... 我们等不起。
Because of you, I always kept girls around me at a distance. 因为你, 我总与身边的女孩保持一定的距离.
Don't figure on going abroad this summer; we may not be able to afford it. 别指望今年夏天出国, 我们可能负担不起旅行费用.
These lands afford good pasture. 这些地方有好的牧草.
I can't afford the vacation, for it would eat up my savings. 我度不起假, 那样会把我的积蓄用光的.
I can't afford to buy you another car — do you think I'm made of money? 我可没能力再为你买一辆车了,你以为我很有钱 吗 ?
These trees afford a pleasant shade. 这些树下有一片宜人的树阴.
None of us can afford It'separately, so let's pool our resources. 我们之中谁也不能单独买得起这东西, 所以我们就集资购买吧.
I wish I could afford to dine off fresh meat every day. 我要是能天天吃到新鲜的肉就好了.
I cannot afford to offend him. 我惹不起他.
I used to go out nearly every night but I decided to knock it on the head because I couldn't really afford it. 我以前几乎每晚外出,但我决定停止,因为我实在抽不出时间.
I can't afford a ticket. I'm spent up. 我把钱花光, 没钱买票了.
He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries? 他告诉我说,公司付不起那么多薪水了.
[ˈɛəplein] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
They arrived in Belgium by airplane . 他们乘飞机到达比利时。
an airplane crash/flight 飞机坠毁 / 飞行
a commercial/jet/military airplane 商用 / 喷气 / 军用飞机
The airplane fell towards the earth. 飞机向地面坠落.
The ailerons on an airplane are hinged to the wing. 飞机的副翼是用铰链装在机翼上的.
The airplane had dual controls. 这架飞机有两套操纵装置.
Concord inaugurated a new era in airplane travel. 协和飞机开创了空中旅行的新纪元.
The pilot crashed the airplane in landing. 飞机驾驶员在降落时使飞机坠毁.
The airplane crashed on a hillside. 飞机在山坡上坠毁.
The airplane cleaved the clouds. 飞机穿入云中.
I'm scared to fly in an airplane. 我怕坐飞机.
The airplane has a sophisticated electronic guidance system. 这架飞机有一套尖端的电子导航系统.
The airplane is circling overhead. 飞机在上空回旋.
An airplane started for Dalian yesterday. 昨天有一架飞机飞往大连.
The airplane lifted from the airport. 飞机从机场起飞.
The pilot of the airplane gunned his engine for a sharp climb. 飞行员加大油门使飞机急剧爬升.
The airplane cracked up in landing. 那架飞机着陆时撞毁了.
He was killed in an airplane accident in the first flush of youth. 他在风华正茂时因飞机失事身亡.
The new airplane flies at twice the speed of sound. 这架新式飞机以两倍于音速的速度飞行.
Lifeless bodies from the airplane crash lay on the ground. 空难者的尸体躺在地上.
The huge airplane lifted from the airport. 大客机从机场起飞.
The airplane crashed into the house. 那架飞机轰隆一声撞上房子.
The modern airplane can arrow upward to 20, 000 feet. 现代的飞机能够如箭般地飞达20, 000英尺的高度.
The airplane lifted from the aircraft carrier. 飞机从航空母舰上起飞.
We watched the airplane ascend higher and higher. 我们看着飞机逐渐升高.
The airplane soared into the sky. 飞机凌空而起.
He looked in that direction and saw an airplane. 他朝那个方向看,看见了一架飞机.
The loudspeaker announced each airplane as it landed at the airport. 每架飞机在机场一着陆,扩音器就发出通告.
One company is giving its employees airplane tickets in the event they need to make a hasty escape. 一家公司正在给自己的员工发机票,万一需要就紧急撤离。
I was really gobsmacked when I saw your picture of a model wearing a hat with a toy airplane on it. 看到你照片中的模特戴着一个顶上立着一架玩具飞机的帽子,我真是目瞪口呆。
maer [ˈmætə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
It was clear that she wanted to discuss some private matter... 很明显,她想谈些私事。
Until the matter is resolved the athletes will be ineligible to compete... 除非这个问题得以解决,否则这些运动员没有资格参加比赛。
If your ordinary life is out of control, then retreating into a cosy ritual will not improve matters... 如果正常生活都一团糟了,那么再讲究小情调根本无济于事。
If it would facilitate matters, I would be happy to come to New York... 如果对事态发展有利,我很乐意来纽约。
History is always a matter of interpretation... 历史总是一种阐释角度的问题。
Observance of the law is a matter of principle for us... 守法是我们的一个原则问题。
...the Government's plans to levy VAT on printed matter. 政府对印刷品征收增值税的计划
...a rich variety of reading matter. 种类繁多的阅读材料
A proton is an elementary particle of matter. 质子是物质的基本粒子。
He has spent his career studying how matter behaves at the fine edge between order and disorder. 他从事研究物质在有序与无序的细微临界处的行为变化。
They feed mostly on decaying vegetable matter. 它们大多以腐烂的蔬菜为食。
...waste matter from industries. 工业废料
Carole, what's the matter? You don't seem happy... 卡萝尔,出什么事了?你好像不开心。
What's the matter with your office?... 你们部门出什么事了吗?
Within a matter of days she was back at work... 仅仅几天后,她又回去上班了。
He expected to be at East Grinstead station in a matter of hours... 他希望几个小时内可以到达东格林斯特德站。
A lot of the food goes on the floor but that doesn't matter... 许多食品掉在地板上,不过也没什么关系。
As for Laura and me, the colour of our skin has never mattered... 至于我和劳拉,肤色根本不是问题。
Being responsible for one's own health is one thing, but being responsible for another person's health is quite a different matter... 对自己的健康负责是一回事,对他人的健康负责就完全是另一回事了。
You have no business going into such places all by yourselves. If your parents take you, of course, that's another matter. 你们不该自己去这些地方。不过如果是父母带你们去的,那就另当别论了。
Your doctor and health visitor can help a great deal and you need to talk about it with them as a matter of urgency. 你的医生和家访护士会帮很大的忙。你应该和他们谈一谈,这是当务之急。
Choosing the colour for the drawing-room walls was no easy matter. 选择客厅墙壁的颜色绝非易事。
'He's moving in here,' Maria said. 'So that's the end of the matter.' “他就要搬来住了,”玛丽亚说,“那么就这么定了。”
The fact of the matter is that most people consume far more protein than they actually need... 真实的情况是,大多数人摄入的蛋白质比他们实际所需的多出许多。
The truth of the matter is that he was having an identity crisis when he met Carina. 实际情况是,他认识卡丽娜时正在迷失自我。
The irony was that Shawn had not seen her. Nor for that matter had anyone else... 具有讽刺意味的是,肖恩并没有见过她,别人也同样如此。
A great deal of hard work was done and, for that matter, is continuing. 大量艰苦的工作已经完成,同样,大量艰苦的工作也仍在继续。
'Did I wake you?' — 'Yes, but it doesn't matter.' “我把你吵醒了?”——“是的,不过没关系。”
'Steve, what do you want?' — 'Coke, Pepsi, it doesn't matter.' “史蒂夫,你要喝点什么?”——“可口可乐,百事,随便啦。”
Their behaviour is an offence. It's no laughing matter. 他们这么做是犯罪,这可不是开玩笑的。
n a a [nɔt æt ɔ:l] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
"Thank you very much for speaking with us." — "not at all." “非常感谢您能和我们交谈。”——“不客气。”
He's not at all worried about his car's reliability. 对于自己那台车性能的稳定性他根本不担心。
"Sorry. I sound like Abby, don't I?" — "No. not at all." “抱歉,我讲起话来像阿比,是不是?”——“不,一点不像。”
Apparently the girls are not at all amused by the whole business. 据说女孩们觉得整件事情一点也不好笑。
Lean hard-training women athletes may men-struate less frequently or not at all. 身材瘦削而且训练艰苦的女运动员行经可能不那么频繁,或者根本不来月经。
"After you." — "not at all, Mr Bird, after you." “您先请。”——“别客气,伯德先生,您先请。”
I am not an obsessive. not at all. 我不是个强迫症患者,完全不是。
The pilots respectfully represented that they were not at all tired. 飞行员郑重表示他们一点也不累.
She was not at all daunted by the size of the problem. 她一点也不为问题的严重性所吓倒.
Such attitudes were not at all uncommon thirty years ago. 这些看法在30年前很常见.
It's not at all certain whether I'll come tomorrow. 我明天还不定来不来呢.
This tune is not at all pleasing to the ear. 这个曲子真难听.
He was not at all nervous, for he knew what to expect. 他心里有底, 一点不慌.
His illness is not at all serious. 他的病很轻.
The crops are not at all bad. 庄稼长得真不赖.
cy [ˈkændi] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a candy bar 一条巧克力
Who wants the last piece of candy? 谁想要这最后一块糖?
a candy store 糖果店
a box of candy 一盒糖果
...a piece of candy... 一块糖
...a large box of candies... 一大盒糖
Beside me were dozens of sandwiches and a box of candy. 我旁边有几打三明治和一匣糖果.
candy: What do you mean? 坎蒂: 你是什么意思?
The cotton candy looked but the caramels looked even better. 棉花糖看起来很吸引人,但是焦糖看起来更好吃.
Hey Allie, you want some cotton candy? 嘿,爱丽, 想不想要些棉花糖?
What's with the pink lining with the candy stripes? 为什么用花边条纹作粉红色的内衬?
We behaved like little children in the candy store. 我们在糖果店表现得就像小孩子.
Please add piece of candy to coffee. 请给咖啡加块糖.
Please show me the best candy in your shop. 请给我看看你们店最好的糖果.
Like a candy from a crazed fanatic baby. 象个从抓狂的宝宝手里得来得糖果.
This candy is so hard that no one can chew it. 这种糖太硬,没人嚼得动.
After dinner, guests can also feeding candy box from the pills. 饭后, 客人还可以从丸药盒里取食糖果.
The eager children mobbed the candy man the moment he appeared. 卖糖果的人刚出现,急切的孩子们便把他包围了.
Share the candy with your brother. 把糖分给你弟弟一点.
Alice is passing candy up since she is trying to reduce. 艾丽斯不吃糖,因为她想减肥.
Like drinking a candy bar! (喝汽水)就像吃糖一样.
It is weird to spend a lot of money to alter that old candy store. 花那么钱去改造那个破旧的糖果店,实在令人不解.
The child is eager to have the candy. 那孩子巴不得拿到糖.
Have a piece of candy, please. 请吃块糖.
His pocket was all gummed up with candy. 他的口袋全被糖粘住了.
His pockets bulged with apples and candy. 他的口袋鼓鼓地装满了苹果和糖.
prce [prəˈnauns] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Very few people can pronounce my name correctly. 很少有人能把我的名字念正确。
The ‘b ’ in lamb is not pronounced. lamb中的b不发音。
to pronounce an opinion 发表意见
The judge will pronounce sentence today. 法官将于今天宣判。
She pronounced him the winner of the competition. 她宣布他是竞赛的优胜者。
I now pronounce you man and wife (= in a marriage ceremony) . 现在正式宣布你们结为夫妻。
She was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. 到达医院时她被宣告已经死亡。
He pronounced the country to be in a state of war. 他宣布全国进入战争状态。
The judge pronounced for (= in favour of) the defendant. 法官宣布被告胜诉。
The minister will pronounce on further security measures later today. 今天稍后,部长将发表进一步的安全措施。
Have I pronounced your name correctly?... 你的名字我念得对吗?
He pronounced it Per-sha, the way the English do. 他像英格兰人那样将它读成Per-sha。
A specialist has now pronounced him fully fit... 一位专家已宣布他的身体完全恢复了。
I now pronounce you man and wife. 我现在宣布你们结为夫妻。
The authorities took time to pronounce their verdicts... 当局斟酌权衡再三才宣布他们的决定。
'As for me,' he pronounced, 'I can recognize a good deal when I see one'... “至于我,”他宣称,“买卖好坏我一看便知。”
Can you pronounce the last word? 你能读出最后一个单词 吗 ?
You should pronounce the word the way he does. 你应该像他那样发这个词的音.
She taught us how to pronounce those difficult words. 她教我们如何发这些难字的音.
Don't add inflection or change the tone of how you pronounce the word. 发音时不要加入音量和语气的变化.
Please pronounce the words clearly. 请把字读清楚.
pronounce your words clearly. In the word " dumb ", you don't pronounce the " B " 字音要发清楚. 在 “ dumb ” 这个字中, “ B ” 不发音.
A backwards E ? One that is upside down ? How do you pronounce that? 反过来的字母E,还有倒过来的E怎么 念?
To pronounce ( a sound ) with the lips in a flattened or neutral position. 不圆唇发音靠嘴唇里扁平位置或中性位置来发 ( 一个音 )
I know the meaning, but it is not easy to pronounce. 我知道它的含义, 可它的发音不容易.
Some of the consonants have a hard sound when you pronounce them. 有些辅音在发声时需要发硬腭音.
He is best qualified to pronounce upon such a matter. 他最有资格对这种事情发表意见.
Finally the minister announces the big moment : I now pronounce you man and wife. 他们互赠金戒指象征婚姻的承诺.
lr o [ˈleitə ɔn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Steps taken now to maximise your health will pay dividends later on. 现在采取措施增强体质会使你日后受益。
This is only going to cause me more problems later on. 这只会在以后给我带来更多麻烦。
later on I learned how to read music. 后来我学会了怎么识乐谱。
later on, Victor from flat 10 called. 后来,10号公寓的维克托打来电话。
later on I'll be speaking to Patty Davis. 等会儿我会跟帕蒂·戴维斯谈。
I'll call you later on the landline. 晚些时候我会用固定线路给你打电话。
I'll let you know all about it later on. 以后我全让你知道.
I may have to ask for your advice later on. 以后少不得要去向您讨教.
Can we talk about it later on? 我们能否以后谈论这件事?
I don't know what happened later on. 至于以后怎样,我就不知道了.
I shall explain that later on. 这一点我后面再作说明.
This can help you satisfy the craving without setting up problems later on. 这可以帮你满足欲望,而且事后又不会惹出问题。
Tell her I've got a window in my diary later on this week. 告诉她我这周晚些时候有空儿。
This is only a rough idea; I'll go into top particulars later on. 这只是初步想法, 以后我将详加说明.
To avoid extra expense and mess later on, try to decide on fittings before the plastering's finished. 为避免将来出现额外的开支和不必要的麻烦,尽量在抹灰完工之前把固定设施确定下来。
s [ˈspəʊkən] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a quietly spoken man 说话斯文的男人
Kedesun is an agent that provides air conditioning, industry refrigeration, liquid control products. 本公司专业代理制冷空调 、 工业冷冻 、 流体控制的相关产品.
Without a word spoken, he hurried away, with his hoary head bending low. 他什么也没说, 低着白发苍苍的头, 匆匆地走了.
Many a true word is spoken in jest. 笑话之中有真话.
Do English as spoken in the UK and English as spoken in the USA differentiate more as the years pass? 英式英语与美式英语的差异是否会随着时间推移而进一步加大?
I know of the man, but I've never spoken to him. 我知道这个人, 不过从来没有和他说过话.
She didn't feel a bit nervous though it was the first time she'd spoken in public. 她虽是第一次当众讲话,却一点都不发慌.
He affirmed to have spoken the truth. 他坚定地说出实话.
I simply don't believe that spoken skills can be drilled into learners in a language laboratory. 我简直不相信在语言实验室里能够把说话的技能传授给学生.
There is a distinct improvement in your spoken English. 你的英语口语有明显的进步.
Do you have [ find ] any difficulty in understanding spoken English? 你听懂英语有困难 吗 ?
His spoken Arabic was hurriedly brushed up before he started for the Middle East. 他在动身去中东以前,把阿拉伯语匆匆复习了一下.
a corpus of 100 million words of spoken English 含有1亿单词的英语口语语料库
I've spoken to the manager about it. 那件事我已经和经理谈过了。
They managed to deaden the sound on TV every time the alleged victim's name was spoken. 每当提到据称是受害者的人的姓名时,他们都设法调低电视机的声音。
She'd often spoken of her antipathy towards London. 她常提及她对伦敦的反感。
I may have spoken a bit too freely, been a bit extreme, even laid it on a little. 我可能有些自由发挥,有些极端,甚至有些言过其实了。
Not a word was spoken. 一言未发。
There had been naked misery in her voice when she'd spoken about the letter. 她说起那封信时,声音里流露出明显的痛苦。
He had a good memory, and total recall of her spoken words. 他记忆力很好,她当时说的话他全都记得起来。
So we're trying to redress the balance and to give teachers a sense that both spoken and written language are equally important. 所以我们正努力恢复平衡,让教师们感到口语和书面语同样重要。
Soon after we had spoken to this man he had met a violent end. 我们和这个人谈话之后没多久,他就死于非命了。
I knew him by sight but had never spoken with him. 我和他有过几面之缘,但从未说过话。
One of the fundamental bars to communication is the lack of a universally spoken, common language. 交流的一个基本障碍就是缺少一种大家都说的通用语。
In France patois was spoken in rural, less developed regions. 在法国,欠发达的农村地区说方言。
There is a potential educational benefit in allowing pictures to tell the story, rather than the spoken word. 用图片代替话语来讲述故事可能会收到更好的教育效果。
At hearing his name spoken, the dog gave a responsive wag of his tail. 听到有人喊它的名字,这条狗摆了摆尾巴。
unir [ʌnˈfeə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
unfair criticism 不公正的批评
It seems unfair on him to make him pay for everything. 让他承担一切费用似乎对他不公平。
It would be unfair not to let you have a choice. 不让你有所选择是不公平的。
They had been given an unfair advantage . 他们得到了不公正的好处。
unfair dismissal (= a situation in which sb is illegally dismissed from their job) 不公平解雇
measures to prevent unfair competition between member countries 防止成员国之间不公平竞争的措施
Life seems so unfair sometimes. 人生有时似乎非常不公平。
It's so unfair! 这太不公平了!
She claims to have been unfairly dismissed. 她声言遭到无理解雇。
The tests discriminate unfairly against older people. 这些测验使年纪较大的人受到歧视。
She was awarded £5,000 in compensation for unfair dismissal... 她获判5,000英镑,作为遭到无理解雇的补偿。
America decided that imported steel had an unfair advantage over steel made at home... 美国认定进口钢铁相对于国产钢铁具有不公平的优势。
The American plane makers continue to accuse Airbus of unfair competition... 美国飞机制造商继续指控空中客车公司不正当竞争。
Some have been sentenced to long prison terms after unfair trials. 有些人被冤判长期徒刑。
You must keep to the rules even if you think they're unfair. 尽管你认为这些规则不公正,但也得遵守.
The omission of the girls was unfair. 把女孩排除在外是不公平的.
It is unfair to generalize from these two accidents and say that all young people are bad drivers. 从这两起车祸中就得出结论说所有的年轻人驾车都不行,那是不公平的.
Don't worry. We won't be unfair to you. 你放心吧, 亏不了你.
He accused his teacher of unfair marking. 他指责教师打分不公平.
He clamoured against the unfair treatment. 他吵嚷着反对所受的不公平对待.
I thought the decision was grossly unfair. 我认为这个决定非常不公平.
The unfair trial was a mockery of justice. 那不公平的审判是对公正的一种蔑视.
It was unfair to judge her on such a brief acquaintanceship. 你刚认识她就对她作出评价,这是不公平的。
He still hopes to win his claim against unfair dismissal . 他声称遭无理解雇,仍然希望赢得申诉。
the unfair distribution of wealth 财富分配不公
The punishment was harsh and unfair. 处罚很重而且不公平。
It seems unfair on him to make him pay for everything. 让他承担一切费用似乎对他不公平。
She's always whingeing about how unfair everything is. 她总是嘟囔着说一切都太不公平了。
The criticism is both unfair and unhelpful. 批评既不公正又无济于事。
s [sɔlv] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal. 正在想办法解决废物处理的问题。
to solve an equation/a puzzle/a riddle 解方程;解难题;解谜
to solve a crime/mystery 破案;解开奥秘
Their domestic reforms did nothing to solve the problem of unemployment... 他们的国内改革未能解决失业问题。
We may now be able to get a much better idea of the true age of the universe, and solve one of the deepest questions of our origins. 现在,我们也许能够更加清楚地了解宇宙生成的年代,并且解答关于人类起源最为深奥的问题之一。
Let's think this out together — there must be a way to solve this. 让我们一起好好考虑一下吧,一定有办法能解决这件事情的.
He assured us of his ability to solve the problem. 他向我们保证他有能力解决这个问题.
Once this difficulty is overcome, other problems will be easy to solve. 攻下这一关, 其他问题就好办了.
Such comments are inane because they don't help us solve our problem. 这种评论纯属空洞之词,不能帮助我们解决问题.
After studying differential calculus you will be able to solve these mathematical problems. 学了微积分之后,你们就能够解这些数学题了.
I think that I've managed to solve the question of what to buy my mother for her birthday. 我认为我自己解决了给妈妈买什么东西来作生日礼物的问题.
We'll have to think of a way to solve the problem. 我们得想个法子解决这个问题.
We can solve the problem no matter how complicated it is. 任凭问题多复杂,我们也能弄清楚.
In this way, he was able to solve the mystery. 就这样, 他终于解开了这个秘密.
The problem will not be difficult to solve, if properly handled. 如处理得当, 问题不难解决.
Only when a reservoir is built here can we solve our irrigation problem. 除非在这里修个水库,才能解决灌溉问题.
The problem looks simple enough, but when you come to try and solve it you'll find it's a real teaser. 这道题看起来很简单, 但当你要解它时你就会发现它确实是一道难题.
This problem is too hard for me to solve. 这个问题太难,我解决不了.
Being with peers and friends does not necessarily solve this feeling of loneliness. 跟同龄人及朋友在一起并不一定能消除这种孤独感.
In an intelligence test we take a sample of an individul's ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds …. 在智力测验中,我们取样于个人解决各种难题和各种问题的能力.
We should develop the students'ability to analyse and solve problems. 我们应该培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力.
He was clever so much so that he can solve it in a few minutes. 他聪明到可以在几分钟内解决它的地步.
There are various ways to solve the problem. 解决这个问题有许多种方法.
Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal. 正在想办法解决废物处理的问题。
It is unrealistic to expect them to be able to solve the problem immediately. 指望他们能够立即解决问题是不现实的。
I'm sorry to barge in like this, but I have a problem I hope you can solve. 很抱歉这样打扰您,但是我有个问题希望您能解决。
I dreamed up a plan to solve both problems at once. 我想出了一个方案,可以同时解决两个问题。
📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
to be terrified of spiders 惧怕蜘蛛
Yet the patient may be terrified of something terrible going to happen, he knows not what. 然而患者可能觉得似乎感觉到会有什麽可怕的事要发生而感到恐慌, 但他却说不出个所以然.
i [ˈinsekt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
insect species 昆虫种类
insect repellent (= a chemical that keeps insects away) 驱虫剂
an insect bite 蚊虫叮咬
He was like a green insect attacked by ants, its whole body quivering in its resistance. 他全身的筋肉没有一处松懈,像被蚂蚁围攻的绿虫, 全身摇动着抵御.
They sprayed aerosol insect repellent into the faces of police. 他们将喷雾驱虫剂喷在了警察的脸上.
Cyclin D 1 and CDK 4 proteins were expressed correctly in insect cells and had their biological activity. 成功构建了细胞周期蛋白D1及CDK4真核杆状病毒表达载体,并且在昆虫细胞中正确表达了具有生物活性的细胞周期蛋白D1及CDK4融合蛋白.
He approaches to look climb on original dunghill full shining white insect, chicken is eating happily. 他走近一看,原来粪堆上爬满了白花花的虫子, 鸡正吃得欢呢.
It can be concluded that irradiated sterile insect technique is feasible for integrated controlling cotton bollworm. 辐射不育技术作为棉铃虫综合防治的措施是可行的.
Please brush this insect off. 请把这只虫掸掉.
Do you think butterfly is a type of insect? 你认为蝴蝶是一种昆虫 吗 ?
They classed this insect under the Coleoptera. 他们把这种虫列入甲虫类.
The insect anchored fast to its prey. 这昆虫紧紧地抓住它的猎物不放.
The insect ran up my leg. 小虫子爬到我腿上来了.
This insect makes its strange noise by rubbing its back legs together. 这只昆虫摩擦它的两条后腿发出一种奇怪的声音.
The traveller's face was covered with insect bites. 旅行者满脸都是被虫子叮咬的疙瘩.
She caught the insect by inverting her cup over it. 她用杯子扣住了那只昆虫.
He was bitten by an insect in the garden. 他在花园里被虫子咬了一口.
Feathers initially developed from insect scales. 羽毛最初由昆虫的翅瓣演化而来.
She flapped a newspaper at the insect. 她用报纸拍虫子.
You put the insect in a matchbox. 你把这个虫子放进火柴盒里.
The lizard darted out its tongue at the insect. 蜥蜴伸出舌头去吃小昆虫.
Rubbing this special cream into the insect bite will help to take away the worst of the pain. 把这种特制油膏揉搓在虫子咬过的地方可以大大减轻痛苦.
A tiny insect , trying to shake a mighty tree, is ludicrously ignorant of its own weakness. 蚍蜉撼大树, 可笑不自量.
An insect flew into my eye. 一个虫子飞进我的眼里.
The ant is a social insect. 蚂蚁是一种群居昆虫.
Leaving some fields fallow provided a natural check on insect populations. 让一些土地休耕是自然控制昆虫数量的办法.
a species of insect previously unknown to science 科学上以前尚未了解的一种昆虫
Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect. 蜜蜂之间所用的交流方式是昆虫中最为复杂的方式之一。
[luk ʌp] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
She just grunted, not deigning to look up from the page. 她只咕哝了一声,继续看书,不屑抬起头来看一眼。
to look up a number in the telephone directory 在电话簿里查电话号码
look up the trains to Beijing in the timetable. 查火车时刻表上到北京的列车.
Please look up a fast train to Leeds. 请查一下去利兹的快车.
Children should look up to their parents. 孩子应当尊敬父母.
Who would look up to us? 谁会瞧得起我们?
You're a popular girl, Grace, and a lot of the younger ones look up to you. 你很受大家欢迎,格雷丝,很多比你小的女孩子都很崇拜你。
Many people have to look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary. 这个词的意思很多人都要查字典才知道。
He turned his face to look up at the sky in a carefree manner. 他仰首望着天,做出一副满不在乎的神气.
Carrie was sipping coffee, and did not look up. 嘉莉在呷着咖啡, 头也没抬.
Scarlett knew what that meant, knew Melanie wanted her to look up. 思嘉懂得这是什么意思, 知道媚兰是要她抬起头来.
I couldn't look up. My eyes were getting wet. 我眼泪盈眶,抬不起头来.
Help the boy to look up the book in the catalogue. 请帮助这孩子在目录里找找这本书.
It degrades to stoop -- it is glorious to look up. 卑躬屈膝是卑鄙的, -- 敢于趾高气扬才是光荣.
We can look up the word in the dictionary. 我们可以在字典里查这个字.
frip [ˈfrendʃip] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a close/lasting/lifelong friendship 亲密的 / 持久的 / 终生的友谊
friendships formed while she was at college 她在大学时建立的友谊
He seemed to have already struck up (= begun) a friendship with Jo. 他似乎已经开始和乔交朋友了。
Your friendship is very important to me. 你的友情对我非常重要。
a conference to promote international friendship 促进国际友好关系的会议
...a hobby which led to a whole new world of friendship and adventure. 打开了一片充满友谊和冒险的全新天地的爱好
He had the friendship of Terry Jones and the respect of John Cleese... 他得到了特里·琼斯的友谊和约翰·克利斯的尊敬。
Steve really values your friendship more than anything else. 史蒂夫真的把你的友谊看得比其他任何东西都重要。
The President set the targets for the future to promote friendship with East Europe... 总统确定了在未来加强同东欧的互助的目标。
They were reaching out the hand of friendship to their former adversaries of the Cold War... 他们向从前冷战时期的对手伸出友谊之手。
She struck up a close friendship with Desiree during the week of rehearsals... 在排练的一周里她和德西蕾建立了亲密的友谊。
Giving advice when it's not called for is the quickest way to end a good friendship... 在别人不需要的时候提供建议是葬送好友关系的最快方式。
May the friendship between the peoples of ( our ) two countries last forever. 祝两国人民的友谊万古长青.
The friendship between the peoples of the two countries has been strengthened through various means. 通过各种途径增进两国人民之间的友谊.
The banquet is being held in an atmosphere of friendship and cordiality. 宴会在热情友好的气氛中进行着.
Our holiday together cemented our friendship. 共度假日使我们的友谊更加牢固.
Take this ring as a pledge of our friendship. 收下这枚戒指当作我们友谊的信物.
Our deep friendship has lasted for years. 我们之间的厚谊长存.
A shadow came over their friendship. 他们的友谊暂时中断了.
The lonely student is starving for friendship. 那个寂寞的学生渴望友情.
Nothing will interfere with our friendship of course. 当然没有什么能够妨碍我们的友谊.
For the sake of our friendship after years, do me this honour! 看在咱哥俩多年的情分上, 你就赏个面子吧!
I will not do anything to the prejudice of our friendship. 我不会做损害我们友谊的事.
No one can wreck the friendship between us. 没有人能够破坏我们之间的友谊.
Take this gift as a pledge of our friendship. 把这个作为我们友谊象征的礼物收下吧.
Our letters enabled us to knit up our old friendship. 通信使我们恢复了旧日的友谊.
He ached for her friendship. 他渴望和她交朋友.
Between the peoples of China and the Soviet Union there is a profound friendship. 中苏两国人民之间存在着深厚的友谊.
The river of our friendship runs a long course from a remote source. 我们两国人民的友谊源远流长.
l a [lɑ:f æt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn? 我们活着是为了什么?不就是给邻居当笑柄,再反过来笑他们。
Do not hesitate to laugh at anything you find amusing. 只要觉得好笑就尽管笑。
Lysenko gave a deep rumbling laugh at his own joke. 李森科说笑话的时候自己咯咯直乐。
The British don't laugh at the same jokes as the French. 法国人觉得好笑的笑话,英国人不一定会笑。
She wanted to laugh at the melodramatic way he was acting. 他戏剧化的夸张架势使她忍不住想笑。
He could not bear that his friends should laugh at him. 他受不了朋友们的嘲笑.
Try to laugh at it instead of getting uptight. 试着一笑了之,不要紧张.
Please don't laugh at me if I can't do it well. 如果做得不好,请别见笑.
The daring climbers laugh at danger. 勇敢无畏的登山者在危险面前泰然自若.
Please do not laugh at my performance! 献丑献丑!
The presenters and audience ripped her apart, enjoying a laugh at her expense. 主持人和听众都公开批评她,并以取笑她为乐。
When I was a lad his age I would laugh at the strangest things. 我是他那样的小毛孩时,莫明其妙地就会发笑。
You can stand there and feel superior as you point and laugh at them. 你站在那儿指指点点、嘲笑他们时,会觉得自己高人一等。
He may laugh at our discomfiture now, but before long he'll be laughing on the other side of his face. 他现在可以对我们幸灾乐祸, 但是要不了多久他就会转喜为忧.
Nowadays we laugh at medicine altogether, and don't bow down to anyone. 现在我们根本就看不起医学, 我们对什么人都不崇拜.
[saɪˈkɔlədʒɪst] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
an educational psychologist 教育心理学家
a clinical psychologist (= one who treats people with mental disorders or problems) 心理医生
psychologists tested a group of six-year-olds with a video. 心理学家用一段录像对一组6岁的儿童进行了测试。
University of Michigan psychologist Robert Zajonc conducted an experiment to test this phenomenon. 密歇根大学的心理学家罗伯特·扎乔克(RobertZajonc)进行了一项实验来测试这种现象.
Or, what Stanford University psychologist Claude M. Steele, who is black, refers to as'stereotype vulnerability. 或者, 用斯坦福大学的黑人心理学家克劳迪-M-斯蒂尔的话说, 这是一种“定型的脆弱性”.
Ryan, a motivational psychologist at the University and lead investigator the four new studies about gaming. Ryan说, 他是一位Rochester大学的动机心理学家,并且领导有关游戏的4个新研究项目的调查人员.
Dr. Sinclair is a child psychologist. 辛克莱博士是一位儿童心理学专家.
According to psychologist Dr. Paul Becker , sunlight , or thereof, is the key to the winter blues. 心理学家保罗·贝克尔博士认为, 阳光的充足与否是造成冬天忧伤情绪的关键.
He shot and killed a clinical psychologist who were entering the abortion clinic. 他开枪打死了一位正往诊所里走的临床心里医生.
The psychologist always assign work to each researcher. 这位心理学家总是将工作分派给每个研究员.
Abraham Maslow, the American psychologist set out a hierarchy of five needs. 美国心理学家亚伯拉罕?马斯洛(AbrahamMaslow)罗列了5种需求层次.
A special apparatus was used by the psychologist to study shortterm memory. 这位心理学家使用了一种特殊的仪器来研究短时记忆.
psychologist Jones also once said: " the convention is 9 % effective body language. " 心理学家琼斯也曾说: “ 常规就是9%有效的肢体语言. ”
He practises as a clinical psychologist. 他是临床心理医生.
One day, the psychologist saw a young couple in a small coffeehouse. 有一天, 这位心理学家在一家咖啡屋见到一对年轻夫妇.
psychologist is expert who studies at psychology. 心理学家是研究心理学的专家.
The psychologist suggested that a fierce dog is at large at home. 这位心理学家说,室内有一只猛狗游荡.
The police psychologist who examines Edward Meyers diagnoses him with what condition? 警方心理学家测试爱德华梅耶尔后诊断他是什么病?
That was left to a French psychologist Binet, and his student, Victor Henri. 这一任务留给了法国心理学家阿尔弗雷德·比奈( AlfredBinet )和他的学生维克多·亨利(VictorHenri).
You are right, Your are more a psychologist than a saleswomen. 您说对了.说您是服务员, 倒不如说您是位心理学家.
To answer this question I turned to Amanda Visek, a sports psychologist at George Washington University. 为了寻找答案,我求助于阿曼达·维舍克, 一位乔治华盛顿大学的运动心理学家.
He is now a consultant psychologist with a major London hospital. 他现时在伦敦一家大医院里担任心理学顾问.
The person who is talking with schoolmaster is a psychologist. 正和校长谈话的那个人是一位心理学家.
A gifted American psychologist has said, " Worry is a spasm of emotion … " 一位有天赋的美国心理学家说过: “ 焦急是感情的一阵发作…… ”
I quickly ran give aid to the wounded psychologist. 我忙跑过去帮助那位受伤的心理医生.
Alfred Adler, the famous Viennese psychologist, wrote a book entitled What Life Should Mean to You. 维也纳]位著名的心理学家[阿得洛], 写过一本书,书名叫[生活对你的意义].
Ask your doctor for a referral to a clinical psychologist. 让你的医生给你推荐一位临床心理学家。
He passed himself off as a senior psychologist. 他冒充成资深心理学家。
Last night a top criminal psychologist cast doubt on the theory. 昨天晚上,一位顶级犯罪心理学家使人们对该理论产生了怀疑。
t [ˈterifai] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Flying terrifies her. 她害怕坐飞机。
It was a terrifying experience. 那是一次可怕的经历。
Flying terrifies him... 坐飞机让他害怕得要命。
The thought of dying slowly and painfully terrified me. 缓慢而痛苦地死去的想法使我恐惧不已。
Don't let the title of Kelly's book terrify you. 不要被凯利的著作的名称吓到.
In short, a crisis in the Treasury market would and the mere possibility should terrify policymakers. 总之, 美国国债市场的危机将震撼世界,仅仅是其可能性应该就会让政策制定者感到恐慌.
You'll terrify me out of my wits if you behave in this way. 你这样会吓死我的.
Would not his splendor terrify you? Would not the dread of him fall on you? 11他的尊荣岂不叫你们惧怕吗? 他的惊吓岂不临到你们 吗 ?
The aim of the terrorists is to terrify people! 恐怖份子的目的就是令大众感到恐慌!
Will not His majesty terrify you, And the dread of Him fall on you? 伯13:11他的尊荣、不叫你们惧怕麽.的惊吓、不临到你们 麽 .
That I may not seem as if I would terrify you by letters. 9我说这话免得你们以为我写信是要威吓你们.
Bad Moon warriors wear strikingly patterned clothing and shocking war paint designed to terrify the enemy. 恶月的战士们喜欢用夸张的装束和吓人的战漆来恐吓敌人.
So no fear of me can terrify you, Nor can my pressure be heavy upon you. 7我的威吓不能使你惊惶, 我的压力在你身上也不会沉重.
Remove Your hand from me, And let not the dread of You terrify me. 伯13:21就是把你的手缩回、远离我身.又不使你的惊惶威吓我.
Driving at high speeds in the median of a highway to terrify drivers in both lanes. 在马路中间高速行驶以使双标的目的行驶的司机都受到惊吓.
NIV Would not his splendor terrify you? Would not the dread of him fall on you? 11[和合]他的尊荣,岂不叫你们8惧怕吗? 他的9惊吓,岂不临到你们 吗 ?
Now, it's the thoughts in our head that terrify us the most. 现在, 令我们感到最害怕的,是我们自己头脑中的想法.
NIV so pursue them with your tempest and terrify them with your storm. 15[和合]求你也照样用狂32风追赶他们,用暴雨恐吓他们.
Behold, no fear of me should terrify you, Nor should my pressure weigh heavily on you. 伯33:7我不用威严惊吓你 、 也不用势力重压你.
So pursue them with Your tempest And terrify them with Your storm. 诗83:15求你也照样用狂风追赶他们、用暴雨恐吓他们.
Whom would it profit to terrify or to kill James Sinclair? 恐吓或者干掉詹姆斯·辛克莱对谁会有好处?
Their movements through the region were calculated to terrify landowners into abandoning their holdings. 他们在该地区的行动是精心谋划的,意在恐吓土地所有者放弃手中的地产。
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I used to be a very heavy gambler, but not any more. It's a mug's game. 我曾经是个赌棍,但现在再也不赌了,那是傻瓜的游戏。
This behaviour is not any more becoming among our politicians than it is among our voters. 这种行为对于我们的政治家和选民来说都不合适。
Not any more, mocked the crows from shady pine bough perches. 时光不再啊, 乌鸦栖息在成荫的松树主枝上,向我发出嘲笑.
At one time I used to like her, but not any more. 我一度很喜欢她, 现在已不喜欢了.
Max: No. I used to, but not any more. 马克斯: 不.过去玩, 但现在不玩了.
Show some leg show some arm, but not any more than that. 可以暴露一点大腿和胳膊, 但不要过头.
Chelsea is not any more an isolated situation. 但是历史是改变的.
Not any more , at least not right now. 但好景已不再, 至少眼下是如此.
I forgave you before but not any more. 我曾经原谅你,但不会再那么做了.
Lau: Not any more, definitely no more. 刘: 不会了, 现在肯定不会有了.
Not any more . It has just about doubled in size since they built the bridge. 现在可不算小, 自从兴建那座桥以后,那个市镇差不多有从前两倍大了.
I was not any more nervous than usual before the start on Sunday. 我周日起步之前并不比平常更紧张.
J : Not any more. I actually live with my fianc é e in my place. 不. 我现在和我的未婚妻住在我家.
p [ˈpeiʃənt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
cancer patients 癌症病人
He's one of Dr Shaw's patients. 他是肖医生的病人之一。
She's very patient with young children. 她对幼儿特别有耐心。
You'll just have to be patient and wait till I'm finished. 你只能耐心点,等我把事情做完。
She sat patiently waiting for her turn. 她耐心地坐着等候轮到自己。
The earlier the treatment is given, the better the patient's chances... 病人越早接受治疗,康复的可能性就越大。
She was tough but wonderful with her patients... 她很严厉,但对患者却很好。
Please be patient — your cheque will arrive... 请耐心点——你的支票会来的。
He was endlessly kind and patient with children. 他对孩子们总是非常好,很有耐心。
Mike Teavee: I don't know, I hate chocolate! 麦克: 我不知道, 我讨厌巧克力!
She is a senior patient. 她是一位高龄患者.
The patient is out of danger. 这个病人已脱离危险.
The patient is very weak. 病人很衰弱.
The drug has had an immediate effect on the patient. 此药对病人立刻产生了效果.
A patient throng was waiting in silence. 一大群耐心的人在静静地等着.
The patient was so weak that the nurse was unable to get him up. 这病人弱得很,护士扶都扶不起来.
The patient fatigues easily. 病人容易疲劳.
Your patient answer just adds up to refusal. 你的耐心的回答等于拒绝.
The patient is doing nicely. 病人的情况进展良好.
The nurse should try to develop empathy between herself and the patient. 护士应当努力与病人建立心理上的沟通.
The patient died from acute cerebral haemorrhage. 患者死于急性脑溢血.
The patient was but poorly able to sit up. 病人仅能勉强坐起来.
She pressed the patient a bit too hard when she gave him an injection. 她打针时手重了些.
The patient was saved. 病人得救了.
The doctor administered some medicines to his patient. 医生给了他的病人一些药.
The operation unavoidably caused the patient much pain. 手术不免会导致病人更多的疼痛.
Then Dr Millington asked the caller if he was a relative of the patient. 后来米灵顿医生问那位打电话的人他是否是病人的亲属.
The patient needs peace and quiet. 病人需要安静.
When the doctor answered the phone, Mr gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr gilbert. 当医生接电话时, 吉尔伯特先生说,他是在打听一位叫吉尔伯特先生的病人.
The patient won't pull through, I'm afraid. 病人怕不行了.
i do't maer
📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
"Steve, what do you want?" — "Coke, Pepsi, it doesn't matter." “史蒂夫,你要喝点什么?”——“可口可乐,百事,随便啦。”
"Did I wake you?" — "Yes, but it doesn't matter." “我把你吵醒了?”——“是的,不过没关系。”
it doesn't matter if you win or lose. 你是赢是输都无所谓。
it doesn't matter much whether we go together or separately. 我们一起去还是分头去都可以.
it doesn't matter to me whether you go or not. 你去或不去,对我都没关系.
it doesn't matter how far it is; we can go by bike. 路远也不要紧, 我们可以骑车去.
it doesn't matter whether the paper is thick or thin. 纸张厚薄无关紧要.
it doesn't matter about the price; buy it, whatever it costs. 价钱没什么关系; 不论多少钱都买.
it doesn't matter throwing that away. 把它扔掉,没关系.
it doesn't matter about closing the door. 关门没关系.
it doesn't matter about me; I can walk. 不要管我, 我能走.
it doesn't matter in the least. 这一点也没关系.
it doesn't matter to me. 这对我无所谓.
That kind of person likes to spend money, it doesn't matter whose it is. 那种人就是喜欢花钱,钱是谁的不重要。
it doesn't matter if the shoes feel a bit tight. They'll stretch with wearing. 这种鞋小点不要紧,穿穿就大了.
sece [ˈsentəns] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a jail/prison sentence 判处监禁
a light/heavy sentence 轻判;重判
to be under sentence of death 被判处死刑
The judge passed sentence (= said what the punishment would be) . 法官宣布了判决。
The prisoner has served (= completed) his sentence and will be released tomorrow. 犯人已服刑期满,明天将获释。
to be sentenced to death/life imprisonment/three years in prison 被判死刑 / 终身监禁 / 三年徒刑
They are already serving prison sentences for their part in the assassination... 他们因参与这起刺杀已经开始在监狱服刑了。
He was given a four-year sentence... 他被判了4年徒刑。
A military court sentenced him to death in his absence... 一所军事法庭在他缺席的情况下判处他死刑。
She was sentenced to nine years in prison... 她被判 9 年徒刑。
Hard work always takes your mind off domestic problems. 繁重的工作总使你忘记家庭的问题.
The old law could sentence a woman to an unbearable marriage for life, but this is now all changing. 旧法律能够迫使妇女终身接受不堪忍受的婚姻, 但这种情况现在已经完全改变了.
Use a period at the end of the sentence. 在一个句子的末尾用句号.
His sentence was commuted from death to life imprisonment. 他的判决由死刑减为无期徒刑.
He spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence. 等候判决期间他被还押候审一个星期.
This sentence bears no other construction. 这个句子没有别的解释.
The sentence was two years'hard labour suspended for a year. 判处强劳两年,缓期执行一年.
If you change the words over, the sentence sounds better. 如果你把词调换一下位置, 这个句子听起来就更好了.
The sentence was mild. 判刑判得很轻.
The judge handed down a very heavy sentence on him. 法官给他判了很重的刑.
Begin every sentence with a capital. 每个句子开始要用大写字母.
The convict was pardoned after serving five years of his sentence. 罪犯服刑5年才获赦免.
This is an ambiguous sentence. 这是一个含意不清的句子.
I can't sum up his whole philosophy in one sentence. 我无法用一句话来概括他的全部人生观.
If you drink with a bosom friend , a thousand cups are too few . If you argue with a man, half a sentence is too much. 酒逢知己千杯少, 话不投机半句多.
He escaped a prison sentence by reason of unsound mind at the time the crime was committed. 他以犯罪时精神不正常为由逃过了监禁刑罚.
The death sentence may be commuted to life imprisonment. 死刑可能減为无期徒刑.
s [ˈsləʊli] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
to move slowly 慢慢移动
Please could you speak more slowly? 请您说慢一点好不好?
The boat chugged slowly along. 船突突地缓慢前进。
He found that life moved slowly in the countryside. 他发现乡村的生活节奏慢。
Don't rush into a decision. Take it slowly . 不要急于作决定。慢慢来。
slowly things began to improve. 慢慢地,情况开始好转了。
We'll get there slowly but surely. 我们虽慢,但一准能赶到那儿。
The traffic is heavy and slow... 交通拥挤,车流缓慢。
Electric whisks should be used on a slow speed. 使用自动搅拌器时应该选用慢挡。
I began to walk slower and slower... 我走得越来越慢。
We got there by driving slow all the way. 我们开着车去了那里,一路上开得很慢。
The distribution of passports has been a slow process. 颁发护照的过程非常缓慢。
The world community has been slow to respond to the crisis... 国际社会对这次危机反应迟缓。
I've been a bit slow in making up my mind. 我下决心有些慢。
The rate of bombing has slowed considerably... 轰炸的速度明显慢了下来。
She slowed the car and began driving up a narrow road... 她放慢车速,开始驶上一条狭窄的道路。
He got hit on the head and he's been a bit slow since. 他的脑袋受过撞击,从那以后,他的反应变得有些迟钝。
Don't be faint-hearted when things seem a bit slow or boring... 事情变得有点沉闷无聊的时候,不要胆怯。
The island is too slow for her liking. 这个岛太沉闷了,不合她的胃口。
I can conquer any difficulties and overcome any obstacles! 我可以征服任何困难,克服任何障碍!
The funeral made its way slowly through the silent streets. 送葬的队伍缓缓地穿过肃静的街道.
Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. 后来,他说话说得慢了, 但是我还是听不懂他的话.
The batsman began slowly but once he got his eye in he started to play some very good shots. 那个击球手起步较慢,但是当他的眼光变得准确起来后,他打了几个很好的球.
He dragged his tired feet slowly along. 他拖着疲倦的步子慢慢地走着.
He made his way up the mountain slowly but surely. 他上山慢,但很稳当.
She pedaled her bicycle slowly up the hill. 她骑自行车慢慢上山.
The ships moved slowly inshore. 船只慢慢地向海岸行驶.
ce [kɔ:z] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
The project is still causing him a lot of problems. 这项工程现在仍然给他带来许多的麻烦。
The poor harvest caused prices to rise sharply. 收成不好导致物价急剧上涨。
deaths caused by dangerous driving 危险驾驶造成的死亡
The bad weather is causing problems for many farmers. 恶劣的天气给许多农民造成了困难。
Are you causing trouble again? 你又在惹麻烦吗?
Do they know what caused the fire? 他们知道引起这场火灾的原因吗?
fighting for the Republican cause 为共和党的事业而奋斗
a good cause (= an organization that does good work, such as a charity) 崇高的事业
Animal welfare campaigners raised £70 000 for their cause last year. 动物保护主义者去年为保护动物募集了7万英镑。
with/without good cause (= with/without a good reason) 理由充分;无缘无故
There is no cause for concern . 没有理由担忧。
The food was excellent─I had no cause for complaint . 饭菜好极了,我没理由抱怨。
Drinking and driving is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents. 酒后驾车是导致交通事故最常见的原因之一。
There was discussion about the fire and its likely cause. 对那场火灾及其可能的起因进行了讨论。
Unemployment is a major cause of poverty. 失业是贫困的主要原因。
...fundamental laws of biological cause and effect. 生物学上因果关系的根本法则
They make common cause for a few purposes, but for the most part, they pursue their own interests. 他们因为几个目的而联手,可是多数情况下,他们追逐着各自的利益。
The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause. 想要为公益事业筹集资金的人都可以参加雷利国际自行车比赛。
This was a genuine mistake, but it did cause me some worry. 这是好心办错事,可是确实让我担心了一阵子。
Only a few people can find any cause for celebration... 只有少数几个人能找到庆祝的理由。
Both had much cause to be grateful for the secretiveness of government in Britain. 双方都有充分的理由对英国政府的行事隐秘深表感激。
Refusing to have one leader has not helped the cause. 拒绝推举一名领导者对此项事业毫无帮助。
Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease... 在可以预防的引发死亡和疾病的因素当中,吸烟排在第一位。
The causes are a complex blend of local and national tensions. 原因很复杂,既有地方性冲突也有全国范围的紧张局势。
Attempts to limit family size among some minorities are likely to cause problems... 试图在某些少数民族地区限制生育可能会引起问题。
st [sɔft] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
soft margarine 软人造黄油
soft feather pillows 柔软的羽毛枕头
The grass was soft and springy. 草柔软而有弹性。
soft rocks such as limestone 诸如石灰岩之类的软岩
soft cheeses 软奶酪
soft skin 柔滑的皮肤
This season's fashions focus on warm tones and soft lines. 本季时装主要流行暖色调和柔和线条。
The moon's pale light cast soft shadows. 淡淡的月光投下柔和的暗影。
a soft pink 柔和的粉红色
the soft glow of candlelight 柔和的烛光
A soft breeze rustled the trees. 微风吹拂,树叶飒飒作响。
soft background music 轻柔的背景音乐
a soft voice 柔和悦耳的嗓音
Julia's soft heart was touched by his grief. 朱莉娅心肠软,见他悲伤动了恻隐之心。
Regular use of a body lotion will keep the skin soft and supple... 经常使用润肤露可使皮肤柔软而富有弹性。
When it's dry, brush the hair using a soft, nylon baby brush. 当头发干后,用柔软的婴儿用尼龙发刷梳理头发。
She lay down on the soft, comfortable bed... 她在柔软而舒适的床上躺了下来。
Add enough milk to form a soft dough. 加入足量的牛奶,使面团变得柔软。
This is a smart, yet soft and feminine look. 这是一张透着精明的面孔,但是线条柔和,女人味十足。
...the soft curves of her body. 她柔和的身体曲线
There was a soft tapping on my door... 有人在轻轻地敲我的门。
When he woke again he could hear soft music. 他再次醒来时,听见了轻柔的音乐声。
The president says the measure is soft and weak on criminals... 总统说这一举措对犯罪分子过于宽容,力度太小。
He had initially thought Byrnes too soft with the Russians. 原先他还以为伯恩斯对俄国人过于手软呢。
Her rather tough and worldly exterior hides a very soft and sensitive heart. 她那强硬而世故的外表下掩藏着一颗温柔而敏感的心。
The regime at Latchmere could be seen as a soft option... 在拉奇米尔建立政权可以视为一个简便易行的选择。
There is no way that 20 years of soft living could be lost in the first 30 minutes' exercise. 20 年轻松舒适的生活是绝对不可能经过首次 30 分钟的训练就能放弃的。
Women who carry cash about in the streets, as they very often have to, are a very soft target. 必须经常携带现金上街的女性特别容易受到攻击。
Terry had a soft spot for me... 特里非常疼我。
I have a soft spot for London Zoo. 我特别喜欢伦敦动物园。
ft [fɑ:st] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a fast car/horse 速度快的汽车 / 马
the world's fastest runner 世界最快的赛跑运动员
the fastest rate of increase for years 多年来最高的增长率
a fast response time 迅速的反应时间
a fast learner 领悟快的学习者
a fast road/pitch 快车道;快速球场
I'm early─my watch must be fast. 我早了——我的表肯定快了。
That clock's ten minutes fast. 那座钟快十分钟。
He made the boat fast . 他把船系牢了。
In his latest movie, the action is fast and furious. 在他的最新电影中,情节起伏跌宕。
Don't drive so fast! 别把车开得这么快!
How fast were you going? 当时你们走得有多快?
I can't go any faster. 我不能走得更快了。
The water was rising fast. 水迅猛上涨。
Her heart beat faster. 她的心跳加快。
He told supporters to stand fast over the next few vital days. 他叫支持者在接下来的几个重要日子里站稳立场。
The fabric was ironed to make the colours fast. 为防止掉色,织物已经过熨烫。
Life in Detroit no longer satisfied him; he wanted the fast life of California. 他不再满意底特律的生活,想要过加利福尼亚那种刺激快乐的生活。
I fasted for a day and half and asked God to help me. 我斋戒了一天半,祈求上帝伸出援手。
When he went upstairs five minutes later, she was fast asleep. 他5分钟后上楼时,她已睡熟。
There have been people who have played fast and loose with the rules. 有人在玩弄这些规则。
No doubt someone had pulled a fast one on her over a procedural matter. 无疑有人在程序性问题上骗了她。
We can only try to hold fast to the age-old values of honesty, decency and concern for others... 我们只能努力坚守那些古老的价值观:诚实、正派、关心他人。
...fast cars with flashing lights and sirens... 闪着灯、鸣着笛、飞速行驶的车辆
Brindley was known as a very, very fast driver... 众所周知,布林德利是个喜欢飞车的人。
When you've got a crisis like this you need professional help — fast!... 当你遇到这样的危急情况,就需要专业救援了——要快!
We'd appreciate your leaving as fast as possible. 如果您能尽快离开,我们将不胜感激。
That clock's an hour fast. 那个钟快了一个小时。
She climbed the staircase cautiously, holding fast to the rail... 她紧紧地抓着栏杆,小心翼翼地爬楼梯。
The tanker is stuck fast on the rocks. 油轮紧卡在礁石中间动弹不得。
a [əˈtenʃən] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Please pay attention (= listen carefully) to what I am saying. 请注意听我讲的话。
Don't pay any attention to what they say (= don't think that it is important) . 别在意他们所说的话。
She tried to attract the waiter's attention . 她试图引起服务员的注意。
I tried not to draw attention to (= make people notice) the weak points in my argument. 我尽量使人不察觉到我论证中的弱点。
An article in the newspaper caught my attention . 报上一篇文章引起了我的注意。
I couldn't give the programme my undivided attention . 我不能一心一意地关注这个方案。
(formal)It has come to my attention (= I have been informed) that… 我已获悉…
(formal)He called (their) attention to the fact that many files were missing. 他提请(他们)注意许多档案已经遗失这一事实。
(formal) Can I have your attention please? 请注意听我讲话好吗?
Films with big stars always attract great attention . 有大明星演出的电影总是引起很大的兴趣。
As the youngest child, she was always the centre of attention . 身为幼女,她一直是大家关注的中心。
Small children have a very short attention span . 幼儿的注意力持续时间很短。
He turned his attention back to the road again. 他把注意力转回到道路上。
the report's attention to detail 报告对细节的关注
The waiters stood to attention with napkins folded over their arms. 服务员笔直站立着,餐巾折叠着放在他们的手臂上。
Soldiers in full combat gear stood at attention... 全副武装的士兵们立正站着。
Other people walk along the beach at night, so I didn't pay any attention at first... 入夜后还有人在沙滩上散步,起先我并没注意到。
More than ever before, the food industry is paying attention to young consumers... 食品工业比以往任何时候都更加关注年轻消费者。
He sat at one of the round tables and tried to attract her attention. 他坐在其中一张圆桌旁边,想引起她的注意。
A faint aroma of coffee attracted his attention... 淡淡的咖啡香味一下子吸引了他。
We conclude by drawing attention to the issues around which the debate should focus. 我们作总结时着重提到了辩论应该关注的一些问题。
If we don't keep bringing this to the attention of the people, nothing will be done... 如果我们无法让群众一直关注此事,那将一事无成。
...a demanding baby who seems to want attention 24 hours a day. 好像一天24小时都要人照看的难缠的宝宝
The only way to escape the unwanted attentions of the local men was not to go out... 避免被当地人指指点点的唯一办法就是闭门不出。
The meeting was held away from the attentions of the media... 会议的举行避开了媒体的关注。
You have my undivided attention... 我专心听你所讲。
Later he turned his attention to the desperate state of housing in the province. 其后,他将注意力转向了该省形势严峻的住房问题。
Volume Two, subtitled 'The Lawyers', will also attract considerable attention... 副标题为“律师”的第二册也将获得广泛关注。
The conference may help to focus attention on the economy. 此次会议可能有助于将关注焦点放在经济上。
Each year more than two million household injuries need medical attention. 每年有超过200万起家中受伤事件需要医疗处理。
📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
He drew out his notebook and began to take notes. 他掏出笔记本开始记笔记.
Do you usually take notes in class with a pen or pencil? 你在课堂上记笔记通常用钢笔还是铅笔?
take notes during the consultation as the final written report is very concise. 磋商的时候要作记录,因为最终的书面报告非常简洁。
Please take notes of the lecture. 请做听课笔记.
Some students didn't like to take notes. 一些学生不爱作笔记.
Students should take notes in class. 学生在课堂上应该记笔记.
Please take notes of the speech. 请记下演说要点.
take notes on anything you think you might use in writing your paper. 对任何你认为对你写论文有用的信息都要记下来.
You need to take notes and notes from your textbook. 您需要采取讲义,并注意到从您的教科书.
Please take notes of the important while you read. 请边读边把重要的事情记下来.
Play the videotape " The Right Direction " as participants take notes on outlines. 播放录像 “ 正确的方向 ”,并让听课者记下大纲.
I'm very lazy. I never take notes at class. 我很懒惰,上课从来不记笔记.
She took out her notebook and began to take notes. 她掏出笔记本,开始记笔记.
In the largest section, you take notes normally outlinemap or whatever. 在最大的那一部分, 你按正常地方式记笔记——提纲、思维导图或其它形式都行.
take notes of any newly learned English expression in a personal pocketbook. 把所有新学到的英语用语记在个人的小册子里.
[ʌnˈles] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
You won't get paid for time off unless you have a doctor's note. 除非你有医生证明,否则你不上班便拿不到工资。
I won't tell them─not unless you say I can. 我绝不告诉他们——除非你允许。
unless I'm mistaken, she was back at work yesterday. 除非是我记错了,她是昨天回来上班的。
He hasn't got any hobbies─unless you call watching TV a hobby. 他没有什么爱好——除非你把看电视也称作爱好。
I sleep with the window open unless it's really cold. 天气若不很冷,我总开着窗户睡觉。
unless something unexpected happens, I'll see you tomorrow. 如果不出意外,我明天去看你。
Have a cup of tea─unless you'd prefer a cold drink? 喝杯茶吧——除非你喜欢冷饮?
unless you are trying to lose weight to please yourself, it's going to be tough to keep your motivation level high... 除非减肥是为了悦已,否则很难保持积极性。
We cannot understand disease unless we understand the person who has the disease... 若不了解患者我们就不能了解疾病。
We will not attack unless we are attacked; if we are attacked, we will certainly counterattack. 人不犯我,我不犯人; 人若犯我, 我必犯人.
No one could emerge from that avalanche alive, unless one believed that man could rise from the dead. 没人能从那次雪崩中活着出来, 除非相信人能死而复生.
They refused to negotiate unless three preliminary requirements were met. 如果三项先决条件得不到满足,他们就拒绝谈判.
There's no use in manufacturing an item unless you can merchandise it. 除非能够销售得出,否则生产产品就没有价值.
You'll never get anywhere in your job unless you reach up to the highest position in the firm and take steps to fulfill your aim. 除非你在公司里有望得到最高的地位并采取步骤来实现你的目标,否则你在工作中永远一事无成.
I shall go unless it rains. 如果不下雨我就去.
unless paying by credit card, please pay in cash. 如果不用信用卡付账, 就请付现金.
Don't come unless I ring you up. 除非我打电话给你,否则你不要来.
How can you expect to win confidence of the people unless you come to them with clean hands. 你如何能赢得人民的信任,除非你以廉洁之身和他们打交道.
Substances have no tendency to expand unless ( they are ) heated. 除非 受热,物质不会有膨胀的倾向.
They wouldn't ask for help unless it were a matter of life and death. 除非是生死攸关的事情,否则他们不会请求别人帮助.
Iron corrodes unless it is greased or kept clean. 如果不涂油或保持清洁铁便会腐蚀.
They face certain death unless they can be rescued today. 他们除非今天获救,否则必死无疑.
You can't appreciate English poetry unless you understand its rhythm. 你若不懂英文诗韵律,就无法欣赏英文诗.
The colour will not be evenly fixed unless the cloth is first properly wetted out. 如果不把布用水浸透,那么就不会均匀地着色.
That's the plan—unless anything untoward happens. 计划就这么定了—除非出现异常情况。
g [ˈɡræmə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a French grammar 法语语法书
bad grammar 极差的语言运用能力
English grammar 英语语法
His grammar is appalling. 他运用语言的能力糟透了。
the basic rules of grammar 基本语法规则
...the difference between Sanskrit and English grammar. 梵文语法与英文语法的区别
His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent. 他的词汇丰富,语法也很精通。
...a deterioration in spelling and grammar among teenagers. 青少年拼写能力和语法知识的下降
...an advanced English grammar. 高阶英语语法书
Transformational grammars are more restrictive. 转换生成语法局限性更大。
He doesn't have mastery of the basic rules of grammar. 他还没有掌握基本的语法规则。
When would you have this test? 你什么时候需要做这个检测?
Your English grammar needs to be rubbed up. 你的英语语法需要复习一下.
She has mastered a foreign language by aid of a grammar and dictionary. 她借助语法书和词典掌握了一门外语.
Her mother bought a handbook of English grammar for her last Sunday. 上星期天她母亲给她买了一本英语语法手册.
He has a good grasp [ mastery ] of English grammar. 他英语语法学得很扎实.
His grammar is shocking. 他的文句糟极了.
This grammar is easy to understand. 这本语法书通俗易懂.
He spent much time correcting my grammar. 他花了很多时间来改我的语法错误.
As far as grammar is concerned, I have grasped it. 就语法而言, 我已经掌握了.
Language teachers often extract examples from grammar books. 语言教师常从语法书里摘录例子.
He employed himself in English grammar. 他专攻英语语法.
The book seems to be more a dictionary than one on grammar. 与其说这是本语法书,倒不如说是一本词典.
I find German grammar very difficult. 我发现德语语法很难学.
A language teacher should initiate pupils into the elements of grammar. 语言老师应该把基本语法教给学生.
Beginners are too apt to make mistakes in grammar. 初学者极易犯语法错误.
He caught me out just now with a question on English grammar. 他刚才问了我一个英语语法方面的问题,可把我难住了.
s [ˈsiːkrət] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
secret information/meetings/talks 秘密信息 / 会议 / 会谈
He tried to keep it secret from his family. 这件事他试图瞒着家里。
Details of the proposals remain secret. 提议的细节仍不得而知。
a secret passage leading to the beach 通往海滩的秘密通道
He's a secret drinker. 他偷偷地喝酒。
her secret fears 她内心的担忧
a secret room 秘室
They were so secret about everything. 他们无论对什么都那样神秘兮兮的。
Jessica caught a secret smile flitting between the two of them. 杰西卡看见他们俩诡秘地相视一笑。
The police had secretly filmed the conversations. 警察已秘密地把几次谈话拍摄下来。
She was secretly pleased to see him. 见到他,她心中窃喜。
Can you keep a secret ? 你能保守秘密吗?
The location of the ship is a closely guarded secret . 那艘船的方位是高度机密。
Shall we let him in on (= tell him) the secret ? 我们要不要把秘密透露给他?
He made no secret of his ambition (= he didn't try to hide it) . 他并没有掩饰自己的雄心壮志。
She was dismissed for revealing trade secrets. 她因泄露商业机密被解雇。
official/State secrets 官方 / 国家机密
Careful planning is the secret of success. 仔细计划是成功的诀窍。
Soldiers have been training at a secret location... 士兵们一直在一个秘密场所训练。
The police have been trying to keep the documents secret. 警方一直设法将这些文件保密。
I think he enjoyed keeping our love a secret... 我觉得他喜欢和我偷偷摸摸地谈恋爱。
I didn't want anyone to know about it, it was my secret. 我不想任何人知道这件事,这是我的秘密。
The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing... 成功的秘诀在于诚实和公平交易。
I learned something about writing. The secret is to say less than you need. 我学过一点写作方面的技巧,秘诀就是欲说还休。
We have an opportunity now to really unlock the secrets of the universe... 我们现在有机会去真正解开宇宙的奥秘。
The past is riddled with deep dark secrets. 过去承载了诸多不可告人的惊天秘密。
Dan found out that I had been meeting my ex-boyfriend in secret. 丹发现我一直在跟前男友偷偷见面。
Tom was utterly indiscreet, and could never keep a secret. 汤姆言语很不谨慎,什么时候也别想他守住秘密。
His wife made no secret of her hatred for the formal occasions... 他的妻子公开表示厌恶那些礼节性的场合。
Ministers are making no secret about their wish to buy American weapons. 部长们毫不隐瞒他们想要购买美国武器的愿望。
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I didn't realize (that) you were so unhappy. 我没有察觉到你那么不开心。
The moment I saw her, I realized something was wrong. 我一看到她,就觉得不太对劲。
I don't think you realize how important this is to her. 我认为你没有意识到这对她是多么重要。
The situation was more complicated than they had at first realized. 形势比他们最初意识到的更为复杂。
They managed to leave without any of us realizing. 我们谁也没注意,他们悄悄走了。
I hope you realize the seriousness of this crime. 我希望你能认识到这一罪行的严重性。
Only later did she realize her mistake. 只是到了后来她才意识到自己的错误。
There was a cheer when it was realized that everyone was safely back. 人们意识到大家都已平安归来的时候便发出了一阵欢呼声。
She never realized her ambition of becoming a professional singer. 她从未能实现成为一名职业歌手的志向。
We try to help all students realize their full potential (= be as successful as they are able to be) . 我们努力帮助所有的学生充分发挥他们的潜力。
His worst fears were realized when he saw that the door had been forced open. 他一看门被撬了,就知道最担心的事还是发生了。
The paintings realized $2 million at auction. 这些绘画在拍卖会上卖出了200万元。
The stage designs have been beautifully realized. 舞台设计得到了完美的体现。
As soon as we realised something was wrong, we moved the children away... 我们刚意识到有什么不对劲就把孩子转移了。
People don't realize how serious this recession has actually been... 人们没有意识到这次经济衰退事实上有多严重。
Straightaway our worst fears were realised... 我们最恐惧的事情一下发生了。
Those are our hopes; we are starting this clinical trial to investigate whether those hopes will be realised. 那些就是我们的希望;我们正在开展这些临床试验以调查那些希望是否可以实现。
Various textile techniques will be explored to realise design possibilities... 将尝试和探索纺织技巧来把这些设计变为现实。
The kaleidoscopic quality of the book is brilliantly realised on stage. 该书包罗万象、精彩纷呈的特质在舞台上得到了精彩再现。
The support systems to enable women to realize their potential at work are seriously inadequate... 使妇女在工作中发挥潜力的支持体系严重不足。
I think probably that the laser has not realised the potential that was expected of it in that domain. 我想可能激光在那个领域并没有充分发挥其潜力。
A selection of correspondence from P G Wodehouse realised £ 1,232. P.G.沃德豪斯的书信选集卖了1,232英镑。
She told her boy not to stamp on the floor and disturb the sleeping baby. 她叫她的男孩不要在地板上走得太响,以免惊扰睡着的婴孩.
You realize that by rights you should not come into this room, don't you? This is only for people who work here. 按理说你是不能走进这个房间的, 你知道 吗 ?这是专为此地工作人员使用的.
Do you realize the importance of this question? 你意识到这个问题的重要性 吗 ?
But they don't realize one important thing. 但是有一件重要的事他们不明白.
Only then did he realize that he had been wrong. 直到这时他才知道他错了.
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Police are trying to establish the cause of death . 警方在设法确定死因。
Do you believe in life after death ? 你相信来世吗?
a death camp (= a place where prisoners are killed, usually in a war) 死亡集中营(常指战争中杀害俘虏的地方)
He was sentenced to death (= to be executed ) . 他被判处死刑。
a sudden/violent/peaceful, etc. death 猝死、横死、安详的死等
the anniversary of his wife's death 他妻子的忌日
an increase in deaths from cancer 癌症死亡人数的增加
He died a slow and painful death. 他缓慢而痛苦地死去。
Two children were burnt to death in the fire (= they died as a result of the fire) . 两个孩子被大火烧死。
He's drinking himself to death (= so that it will kill him) . 他这样喝酒非醉死不可。
He scares teams to death with his pace and power... 他的速度之快、力量之大让其他队胆战不已。
Whereas 10 years ago I would have worried myself to death about it, now I accept it is part of the game... 10 年前我会为此担心得要命,但现在我接受了它是游戏的一部分。
They worked themselves to death but never lost their humour. 他们累死累活地干活,但却从没有丢掉幽默感。
He was stabbed to death. 他被刀刺中身亡。
...relief missions to try to keep the country's population from starving to death... 努力确保该国人民不被饿死的救援任务
He now faces a fight to the death to reach the quarter-finals. 他现在面临一场杀入四分之一决赛的殊死决战。
Well, never mind, John, it's not a matter of life and death... 好了,约翰,别太在意了。这又不是什么生死攸关的大事。
We're dealing with a life-and-death situation here... 我们正面临一个生死关头。
Those put to death by firing squad included three generals. 行刑队处决的那些人里有 3 名将军。
...the thirtieth anniversary of her death... 她逝世 30 周年的纪念日
They made sure that he died a horrible death... 他们让他死得很惨。
He would rather have a decent death which served some purpose than a meaningless death. 他宁愿死得其所,也不想无谓地死去。
It meant the death of everything he had ever been or ever hoped to be. 这意味着他过去的一切存在或曾经希望的存在均已终结。
...the death of pop music. 流行音乐的死亡
He told his boss a tale about his mother being at death's door... 他向老板谎称自己的母亲病危。
My dad was the same. He could be at death's door but wouldn't say a word. 我爸爸也一样。他就算已经病得快不行了也还是会一声不吭。
He said they did not want war—but if attacked they would fight to the death... 他说他们不希望有战争——但一旦遭到攻击,定会战斗到底。
She'd have fought to the death for that child. 她会为了那个孩子抗争到底。
...an eleven-hour fight to the death between a baboon and leopard... 一只狒狒和一头美洲豹之间长达 11小时的殊死搏斗
1.5 million people are in immediate danger of death from starvation. 150 万人正面临着被饿死的急迫危险。
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令某人惊奇的是 查看答案
py aton t [pei əˈtenʃən tu:] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Oppose extravagant eating and drinking and pay attention to thrift and economy. 反对大吃大喝,注意节约.
pay attention to the following and your candles will bring you hours of serenity and pleasure. 燃点蜡烛时,注意下列各点,它会为您带来柔和气氛及无穷乐趣.
In order to avoid subsequent amendment, please pay attention to the following. 为了避免随后修改信用证, 务请注意下列事项.
You must pay attention to this problem before every thing. 你应该首先注意这个问题.
Two things are now forcing them to pay attention to the north. 现在,两件事情迫使了加拿大人去关注北方地区.
An enterprise should pay attention to nonproductive expense. 一个企业应该注意减少非生产的开支.
Please pay attention to these questions. 请注意这些问题.
pay attention to the use of words , phrases, usages and intonation of native speakers. 留意美语为母语人士之遣词用字与说话语调.
In order to insure good health we must pay attention to three things. 为了保证良好的健康,我们必须注意三件事情.
Don't pay attention to anything he says. He lies like a gas meter. 不要理睬他的话,他一味撒谎.
In doing our work, we must pay attention to ways and means. 做工作应注意方式方法.
You should pay attention to rejection reactions when transplanting an alien organ. 异体间器官移植要特别注意排异反应.
We always pay attention to improving our quality. 我们一直用心于提高质量上.
Leaders must pay attention to the ways and methods of authorization, and prepossess the authorization. 授权时,要讲究方式方法, 明确授权.
The internal departments of the foreign exchange administrations shall pay attention to cooperating with each other. 外汇局内各业务部门应注意协作、配合.
Don't just keep slogging away. pay attention to method. 别一个劲儿傻干, 要讲究方法.
In economic work, we should pay attention to opening up the source and regulating the flow from time to time. 在经济工作中, 应该经常注意开源节流.
Say your piece out and pay attention to our feelings. 把你的话都讲出来,并注意我们的情绪.
I don't pay attention to such gossip. 我才不理那些闲话呢.
It is bad for us to pay attention to one side and neglect the other. 只顾一方面,不顾其他方面,会对我们不利.
pay attention to traffic regulations. 注意交通规则.
pay attention to your spelling. 请注意拼写.
The teacher told the student to pay attention to his spelling. 老师提醒那个学生要注意拼法.
pay attention to traffic safety ; slow down , look around and then go ahead. 一慢二看三通过.
You should always pay attention to personal grooming. 你应随时注意个人仪容。
People in the United States want the president to pay attention to Middle America. 美国民众希望总统关注美国的中产阶级。
He was unable to pay attention to the papers on his desk. Just the same, he pulled over the stack of papers and started to examine them. 他的心不在桌子上的那一摞试卷上,尽管如此,他还是拽过来开始评阅。