PET 词汇库 : 看单词选词义(考) - 18
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(1) to waste time/food/energy
(2) Why waste money on clothes you don't need?
(3) She wasted no time in rejecting the offer (= she rejected it immediately) .
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v. 浪费,滥用; 白费; 错过(机会)
n. 浪费,滥用; 糟蹋; 废料,垃圾; 荒原,沙漠
adj. 荒芜的; 废弃的
n. 长度; 篇幅; 时间的长短; 有…长度的; 一节; 池长; 艇位; 马位
宁愿, 宁可
(1) to travel on/by public transport
(2) Most of us use public transport to get to work.
(3) Local public transport services are gradually resuming.
public transport
[ˈpʌblik trænsˈpɔ:t]
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adj. 有压力的
n. 公共交通,公共交通工具,公交车辆
v. 假定,设想; (根据所知)认为,推断; (婉转表达)我看,要不
(1) He described the sequence of events leading up to the robbery.
(2) The tasks had to be performed in a particular sequence.
(3) Number the pages in sequence .
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adj. 前任的; 以前的; 前者的
n. [数]数列,序列; 顺序; 连续; 片断插曲
vt. 使按顺序排列,安排顺序; [生化]确定…的顺序,确定…的化学结构序列
n. 经验; 经历; 往事
v. 经历; 感受
(1) I'll drive you back to your hotel later. It's no bother.
(2) Drop the word . There is no bother about dropping the word.
(3) There is no bother about dropping the word.
no bother
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adj. 单独的; 个人的; 独特的
n. 个人; 某种类型的人
adj. 最近的; 最新的
n. 最新事物; 最新消息; 至迟
adj. 每年的; 一年一次的; 全年的
n. 年报,年刊; 一年生植物
(1) He was short and bald and had a moustache.
(2) ...a heavy man with drooping moustaches.
(3) No , no. He did have a moustache, just a short little moustache.
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n. 上唇的胡子; 髭; 触须
n. 胡须,胡子
v. 消失; 失踪; 灭绝
(1) to spread a cloth on a table
(2) Sue spread the map out on the floor.
(3) The bird spread its wings.
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v. 存在; 生存
v. 装饰; 装潢; 粉刷; 糊墙纸; 装点; 美化; 授予勋章
v. 开展; 伸开; 传播; 涂; 分摊
n. 散布; 广泛; 酱; 范围
(1) There's no need to wait in all day.
(2) "no need to hurry," Ben said casually.
(3) There's no need to be so goddam rude!
no need to
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n. 制动器; 刹车; 抑制因素; 阻力; 障碍
v. 刹车; 减速
v. 倾倒; 倒(饮料等); 倾泻; 倾盆而下; 蜂拥; 源源而来
adv. 在下面,在底下; 在下面,在下层
prep. 在…之下; 在下面; 在…下面; 在…领导或控制下
n. 下部,底部
(1) Never take it for granted that one will be popular with anybody anywhere anything.
(2) Most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal.
be popular with
[bi: ˈpɔpjulə wið]
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n. 综合性大学; 大学人员; 大学校舍
v. 挣钱; 赚钱; 营利
(1) the tips of your fingers
(2) the tip of your nose
(3) the northern tip of the island
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n. 地点,位置; (电影的)外景拍摄地; 定位
n. 笼子
v. 把(动物)关在笼中
即使,纵然; 虽然; 即若; 哪怕
n. 尖/顶端; 小费; 提示,忠告; 预测; 垃圾场; 脏乱地
v. (使)倾斜; 倾倒; 轻触; 扔掉; 给小费; 预言…会成功
(1) The pullover stretched after I had worn it a few times.
(2) Your pullover is on back to front.
(3) Then inspiration struck and she marked the check stub, " One pullover, $ 25. "
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adv. 不是…就是…,…或…,要么…要么…
n. 保龄球运动; 滚木球戏
v. 打保龄球(bowl的现在分词)
n. 套衫
n. 小溪; 气流; 一连串; 班
v. 按能力分班; 飘动; 流出
(1) He was sent to prison for five years.
(2) She is in prison , awaiting trial.
(3) to be released from prison
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adj. 最高的; 极大的
adv. 最多
n. 最大量
adj. 美好的; 健康的; 令人满意的; 纤细的; 精美的; 晴朗的
adv. 很好
n. 罚款
v. 对…处以罚金
n. 监狱,看守所
n. 提供,供应(量); 储备; 补给品
v. 供应,提供; 补充,填充
(1) The hip-hugging black and white polka-dot dress was the height of fashion.
(2) Don't wear polka - dot underwear under white shorts.
polka dot
[ˈpɔlkə dɔt]
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n. 药店; 药剂师; 化学家
adj. 焦虑的,担心的; 紧张的; 渴望的
失去对…的兴趣; 爆炸,开火; (电器设备)停止运转; 进行,进展; 变质,腐败
n. 圆点花样的布料
(1) Can you explain how the email system works?
(2) She explained to them what to do in an emergency.
(3) ‘It works like this, ’ she explained.
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v. 解释; 辩解,说明…的理由
adj. 残酷的; 引起痛苦的
n. (政务)委员会,地方议会; 委员; 会议
adj. (房屋或公寓)地方政府出租的
(1) Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack.
(2) They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind.
(3) Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests.
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adj. 竞争的; 有竞争力的
v. 保护; 贸易保护; 投保
v. 引进; 介绍; 初次了解; 主持; 推行; 创始; 将…提交讨论; 添入
最后,结果; 竟; 卒; 终
(1) When I say I mean to do it, I mean it.
(2) Breaking the dish was accidental; he didn't mean to do it.
(3) What do you mean to do?
mean to do
[mi:n tu: du:]
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n. 潜艇; 海底生物
adj. 水下的,海底的
n. 便宜货; 交易,协议
v. 商谈; 讨价还价
(1) a senior officer/manager/lecturer, etc.
(2) a senior partner in a law firm
(3) a senior post/position
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逃避; 逃出; 从…漏出; 发出
n. 情况; 地理位置; 职业
adj. 级别/地位高的,资深的; (比赛)成人的,高水平的
n. 较年长的人; 上司; 资深运动员; 高年级/毕业班学生
(1) She spent a year in jail.
(2) He has been released from jail.
(3) a ten-year jail sentence
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n. 肥皂; 肥皂剧; [化]皂,脂肪酸盐
vt. 抹肥皂; 用肥皂擦洗; <俚>拍…的马屁,吹捧(某人)
vi. 用肥皂擦洗
n. 重量,分量,体重; 重物; 重心; 重任,重担; 权重,重要性; 哑铃,杠铃片; 砝码,秤砣
v. 加重量于; 使负重; 使加权; 权衡…的价值
v. 减少,缩小; 使变成; 节食; 使不得不; 使沦为(不好境地); (使)浓缩
n. 监狱; 看守所
v. 监禁; 拘留
(1) He likes to cook in the open air.
(2) He is now taking a walk in the open air.
(3) The film will be shown in the open air tonight.
in the open air
[in ðə ˈəupən eə(r)]
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v. 表现; 举止得体; 作出反应
vt. 同意; 发许可证
n. 执照,许可证;特许
n. 决心; 决定; 查明
(1) His sisters are grown up and his parents are middle-aged.
(2) ...middleaged, married businessmen.
(3) Her novels are middle-aged and boring.
[ˌmɪdl ˈeɪdʒd]
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adj. 中年的; 适合于中年人的; 具有中年人特点的
跟。。。类似得,与。。。同样的; 如同
n. 协会,联盟; 关系; 联系,联想; 因果关系
向上看; 改善; 拜访(某人); 查找
(1) Does it bother you that she earns more than you?
(2) It bothers me to think of her alone in that big house.
(3) Stop bothering me when I'm working.
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adj. 各种各样的; 千差万别的
拥有(或包含)最新信息的; 最新式的; 现代化的; 至今; 到目前为止
v. 麻烦,操心; 使苦恼; 打扰,纠缠; 使疼痛
n. 麻烦,困难; 令人烦恼的事/人
int. 真讨厌(表示对某人/事烦恼)
adj. 随和的,好交际的,友善的
(1) Any faults in the original cider stood out sharply after distillation.
(2) The club specialises in videoing its student golfers to correct their faults.
(3) For all its faults, the film instantly became a classic.
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n. 缺点( fault的名词复数 ); 毛病; 失误; 过失
adv. 在个人看来; 亲自; 当面地; 个别地; 私人地; 无礼地
adj. 野生的; 荒凉的; 缺乏管教的; 盲目的; 高兴的; 感情炽烈的; 狂热的; 愤怒的; 双目圆睁的; 未经思索的; 暴风雨的
n. 自然环境; 野生状态; 偏远地区
adj. 沉思的; 体贴的; 缜密思考过的,深思熟虑的
(1) a fitted wardrobe
(2) everything you need for your summer wardrobe
(3) Her wardrobe consists primarily of huge cashmere sweaters and tiny Italian sandals.
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adv. 明显地﹐显而易见地
发现; 使发作; 使受惩罚; 通过探询[访问]获悉(某人)不在
n. 衣橱; 全部服装; 服装部
v. 谈及; 提到; 提名
n. 提及; 提名表扬
(1) changing patterns of behaviour
(2) an irregular sleeping pattern
(3) The murders all seem to follow a (similar) pattern (= happen in the same way) .
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接近,靠近; 濒临; 切; 亲
n. 模式; 范例; 图案; 模型; 样品
v. 构成图案; 使形成
adv. 现今
n. 订金,押金; 存款; 竞选保证金; 沉淀物
v. 放下; 存放; 存入银行账户; 使沉淀
(1) Our dog has a bald patch on its leg.
(2) a bald tyre (= a tyre whose surface has become smooth)
(3) The bald fact is that we don't need you any longer.
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n. 多种多样; 多样化; 种类; 综艺节目
n. 专题讨论会; 正式商谈; 体育协会
adj. 秃顶的,无毛的; (轮胎表面)磨平了的; 直截了当的
n. 大字标题; 新闻提要; 头条新闻
vt. 给…加标题; 担任主角
(1) I can see I will have to revise my opinions of his abilities now.
(2) The government may need to revise its policy in the light of this report.
(3) a revised edition of a textbook
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v. (有…)重; 称重量; 权衡,斟酌; 使烦恼/忧虑; 对…有影响; 起(锚)
n. 寂静; 缄口不言; 无音信
v. 使安静; 压制
vt. 修订; 改变; 修正; [主英国英语]复习
vt.& vi. 复习
vi. 修订,校订
(1) Every time she consulted her watch, she wondered if the batteries were wearing out...
(2) Horses used for long-distance riding tend to wear their shoes out more quickly...
(3) The past few days had really worn him out...
wear out
[weə(r) aʊt]
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用坏; 穿破; (使)筋疲力尽; 耗尽
adv. 完全地,彻底地; (用于强调)确实地,绝对地
(把…)关掉; 完成; 解雇; 转向
(1) Sorry to interrupt, but there's someone to see you.
(2) Would you mind not interrupting all the time?
(3) I hope I'm not interrupting you.
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adj. 机密的,保密的; 悄悄的
v. 插嘴; 打断; 中止; 遮挡
v. 招待; 娱乐; 使有兴趣; 怀有(想法、希望、感觉等)
n. 地址,位置; 网址; 演说
v. 写(收信人)姓名地址; 解决,处理; 演讲; 向…说话; 称呼
(1) He has decided to grow a beard and a moustache.
(2) a week's growth of beard
(3) a goat's beard
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n. 监狱,看守所
n. 胡须,胡子
n. 现实; 事实
adv. 笼统地; 通常地; 普遍地
(1) He threw the paper onto the fire and it flew up the chimney.
(2) the factory chimneys of an industrial landscape
(3) This gas fire doesn't need a chimney.
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adj. 出乎意料的
n. 管弦乐队; 管弦乐队的全部乐器
n. 烟囱; 狭孔
(1) He hasn't been selected for the team.
(2) All our hotels have been carefully selected for the excellent value they provide.
(3) She was selected as the parliamentary candidate for Bath.
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v. 选择,选拔; (在计算机屏幕上)选定;
adj. 精选的; 第一流的; 高级的
n. 情景喜剧
n. 间隔; 幕间休息; (数学)区间
深夜不睡; 熬夜
(1) a coat with a fur collar
(2) I turned up my collar against the wind (= to keep warm) .
(3) He always wears a collar and tie for work.
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v. 接受,接纳; 同意,相信; 承认,承担; 忍受
n. 衣领; (动物)颈圈; 箍
v. 抓住,逮住; 拦住(某人与其)谈话
v. 后悔,对…感到遗憾/抱歉
n. 遗憾,失望
adj. 兼职的
(1) junior employees
(2) She is junior to me.
(3) the world junior tennis championships
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adj. 职位较低的; 青少年的; 三年级的
n. 职位较低者; 青少年; 小学生; 较年幼者; (高中或大学的)三年级学生
v. 看到; 瞄准; 观察
n. 视力; 景象
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v. 提供; 表示愿意; 献祭
n. 建议; 提供; 出价; 减价
adj. 地中海的; 地中海地区的; 地中海居民的
n. 地中海
adj. 先进的; 高级的; 后期的; 年迈的
(1) Denmark recycles nearly 85% of its paper.
(2) recycled paper
(3) He recycled all his old jokes.
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v. 回收利用; 重新使用
adj. 必要的; 必然的
n. 必需品
v. 赞成,同意; 批准,通过
(1) She felt fenced in by domestic routine.
(2) His property is fenced with barbed wire.
(3) He put his hand on the post behind her so that he had her fenced in and could look down on her.
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v. 营救,救助
n. 营救(行动)
n. 衣领; (动物)颈圈; 箍
v. 抓住,逮住; 拦住(某人与其)谈话
n. 栅栏; 赛马障碍物; 销赃者
v. 把…圈起来; 击剑; 搪塞
依我看来; 据我看来
(1) confidential information/documents
(2) Your medical records are strictly confidential (= completely secret) .
(3) He spoke in a confidential tone, his voice low.
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n. 预报
v. 预测
adj. 令人尴尬/难堪的; 使显得愚蠢的
adj. 机密的,保密的; 悄悄的
(1) a vacuum pump (= one that creates a vacuum )
(2) vacuum-packed foods (= in a package from which most of the air has been removed)
(3) His resignation has created a vacuum which cannot easily be filled.
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n. 线索,迹象; 提示,注意事项; 暗示; 微量
vt. 暗示
vi. 暗示,提示
n. 真空; 空白; 空虚; 清洁
v. 用真空吸尘器清扫
突然大哭; 流泪; 夺眶而出
n. 素食者; 食草动物
adj. 素食者的; 素菜的
(1) ...his niece from America, the daughter of his eldest sister.
(2) The President and Mrs. Bush are the adoptive uncle and aunt of a niece and nephew.
(3) She will tend after her niece and nephew for the weekend.
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adv. 稍微; 身材瘦小
n. 表达,交际; 通信(系统); 消息
adj. 大约的; 近似的; 粗略的
v. 近似于; 近似计算
n. 外甥女; 侄女
(1) I am planning a 25th birthday party for my nephew.
(2) My nephew, George, has a box but it is always empty.
(3) He was my wife's nephew.
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建立;设立;创立; 安排; 建立;竖起; 安装,调试,架设(设备等); 诬陷;栽赃
n. 鲑鱼; 鲑鱼肉; 大马哈鱼; 三文鱼; 橙红色
adj. (有关)历史的,史学的; 基于史实的,历史题材的
n. 侄子,外甥
(1) She brought up four children...
(2) His grandmother and his father brought him up...
(3) The regimental headquarters ordered the second company to take the lead and the fourth company to bring up the rear.
bring up
[brɪŋ ʌp]
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adj. 有魅力的; 好看的; 吸引人的; 悦耳的
n. 监狱; 看守所
v. 监禁; 拘留

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