I found it difficult to relate the two ideas in my mind. 我觉得很难把这两种想法联系在一起。
In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity. 以后,工资的增加将和业绩挂钩。
She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapters. 在开始的几章中,她描述了自己童年的经历。
He related the facts of the case to journalists. 他给记者们讲述了这件事的实际情况。
She related how he had run away from home as a boy. 她追述了他小时候是如何离家出走的。
We shall discuss the problem as it relates to our specific case. 我们应针对我们的具体情况来讨论这个问题。
The second paragraph relates to the situation in Scotland. 第二段谈到苏格兰的形势。
Many adults can't relate to children. 许多成年人并不了解儿童的想法。
Our product needs an image that people can relate to. 我们的产品需要一个大家能理解的形象。
Other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored... 其他建议涉及此类信息储存方面的一些细节。
It does not matter whether the problem you have relates to food, drink, smoking or just living... 不管你的问题是由食物、饮料、吸烟引起,或仅仅是生活引起,都无关紧要。
More studies will be required before we know what the functions of these genes are and whether they relate to each other... 要弄清这些基因的功能以及它们彼此之间是否关联,我们还需要开展更多的研究。
Cornell University offers a course that investigates how language relates to particular cultural codes... 康奈尔大学开设了一门研究语言与特定文化符号之间如何关联的课程。
He is unable to relate to other people... 他无法理解他人的想法。
I think it is important for children to have brothers and sisters they can relate to... 我认为对孩子们来讲有可以相互理解沟通的兄弟姐妹很重要。
There were officials to whom he could relate the whole story... 有一些官员会听他讲述整个故事。
She related her tale of living rough. 她讲述了自己艰苦谋生的故事。
Analyze business transactions and relate them to changes in the balance sheet. 分析经济业务并把它们与引起的资产负债表的变化联系起来.
It is difficult to relate his argument to the facts. 很难把他的论证同事实联系起来.
It is difficult to relate these results with any known cause. 很难把结果与任何已知原因联系起来.
Our findings relate to physically rather than the visually handicapped pupils. 我们的研究结果是关于肢体残疾的学生,而不是视力有障碍的学生.
His remarks didn't relate to the topic under discussion. 他说的话与讨论的问题无关.
I can't relate what he does with [ to ] what he says. 我没法把他做的和说的联系 起来.
Ade couldn't relate the phenomena with any theory he knew. 艾德无法用他所知道的任何理论来解释这种现象.
The professor told his students to relate theory with practice. 教授要学生们理论联系实际.
It is difficult to relate the two cases. 要把那两件事联系起来是很困难的.
She doesn't relate very well to her mother. 她和她母亲关系不太融洽.
Can you relate what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind? 你能将童年的经历与现在的心情联系起来 吗 ?
All these questions relate to philosophy. 这些问题都跟哲学有关.
I didn't use to like opera but my husband has converted me. 我过去不喜欢歌剧,但我丈夫改变了我。
I've converted to organic food. 我改吃有机食物了。
She was soon converted to the socialist cause. 她不久便转而献身于社会主义事业了。
He converted from Christianity to Islam. 他由基督教改信伊斯兰教。
We've converted from oil to gas central heating. 我们已经把中央供热系统由燃油改成了燃气。
a sofa that converts into a bed 可改作床用的沙发
The hotel is going to be converted into a nursing home. 那家旅馆将被改建成私人疗养院。
What rate will I get if I convert my dollars into euros? 如果我把美元兑换成欧元,汇率是多少?
converting metric measurements to U.S. equivalents is easy. 将公制计量换算成美制计量非常简单。
If you try to convert him, you could find he just walks away... 如果你试图改变他的信仰,他就会走开。
He was a major influence in converting Godwin to political radicalism... 戈德温变成政治激进主义者主要是受他的影响。
She, too, was a convert to Roman Catholicism. 她也皈依了天主教。
...a Muslim convert now known as Yusuf Islam. 现以优素福·伊斯兰这个名字为大家熟知的伊斯兰教皈依者
He quickly converted me to the joys of cross-country skiing. 他很快就使我迷上了越野滑雪。
...recent converts to vegetarianism. 最近开始热衷于素食主义的人
The programme to convert every gas burner in Britain took 10 years. 完成对英国所有煤气灶的改造花了10年时间。
Save money by converting your car to unleaded... 将车改装一下,使用无铅汽油,这样可以省钱。
...the entrepreneur who wants to convert County Hall into an hotel... 想把市政厅改建成旅馆的企业家
The signal will be converted into digital code. 信号会被转变为数字代码。
...naturally occurring substances which the body can convert into vitamins. 自然产生的能被身体转化成维生素的物质
By converting the loft, they were able to have two extra bedrooms. 把阁楼改造一下,他们就可以多出两间卧室。
The female images convert from traditionally looking upwards males to looking flatly, overlooking and overstepping males. 女性形象则由传统的仰视男性向平视 、 俯瞰、超越男性的转变.
These pressures lead producers to convert their resources to alternative uses. 这些压力会使制造商把资源改用于其他方面.
Microphones convert sound waves into electrical voltages are eventually converted back into sound waves thru speakers. 麦克风声波转换成电的电压是最终转换成声波通过扬声器.
As many regions the world convert from analog to digital broadcasts, these tuners are gaining popularity. 由于世界许多地区,从模拟信号转换成数字广播, 这些调谐器的日益普及.
How much do you want to convert? 您想要换 多少 ?
That suggests it would be a good idea to convert existing government stock into pure equity. 这意味着将政府现持有的优先股转化为纯资产会是个很好的注意.
...schemes to help combat unemployment. 有助于减少失业的方案
...a private pension scheme... 私人养老金计划
...a quick money-making scheme to get us through the summer... 能够让我们撑过这夏天的快速赚钱之道
They would first have to work out some scheme for getting the treasure out... 他们首先得想个法子把财宝取出来。
Everyone's always scheming and plotting... 人人时刻都在谋划着。
The bride's family were scheming to prevent a wedding... 新娘家人正密谋阻止婚礼。
He did not quite know how to place women in his scheme of things. 他不太清楚在自己的人生安排中应把女人摆在什么位置。
We realize that we are infinitely small within the scheme of things. 我们认识到在大千世界中我们极其渺小。
What do you like to do in your spare time? 空闲时你喜欢干什么?
I don't want to be associated with your scheme; I'm contracting out. 我不想参与你们的计划, 我要退出.
He has devised a scheme for making money. 他想出一个赚钱的办法.
The scheme has the chairman's seal of approval. 这一计划得到主席的批准.
The new scheme will run off with a lot of the taxpayer's money. 这项新计划将用去纳税人许多钱.
Our scheme died aborning. 我们的计划在尚未制定出来就夭折了.
s [ˈsu:təbl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a suitable candidate 合适的人选
This programme is not suitable for children. 这个节目儿童不宜。
a suitable place for a picnic 适合野餐的地方
I don't have anything suitable to wear for the party. 我没有适合在聚会上穿的衣服。
Would now be a suitable moment to discuss my report? 现在讨论我的报告合适不合适?
[不可数名词]There is no doubt about her suitability for the job. 毫无疑问,她适合做这个工作。
Employers usually decide within five minutes whether someone is suitable for the job... 雇主通常在 5 分钟内就能决定一个人是否适合这份工作。
She had no other dress suitable for the occasion... 她没有其他适合这种场合穿的套裙。
This is not a suitable time for launching forth on a new business undertaking. 现在,不宜着手搞新的经营项目.
About their becoming easily soiled and unsanitary, perhaps. 可能是嫌它们容易脏, 以致不卫生.
The girl always complains about lacking suitable raiment. 这个女孩总是抱怨没有合适的衣服.
This ware is suitable for decorative purpose but unsuitable for utility. 这种器皿中看不中用.
The machine will print out the results of the calculation and the names of suitable books on this subject. 机器将打出计算结果及适合此课题的书目.
A suitable answer has already been put forward by the chairwoman. 一个合适的解决办法已由女主席提出.
Retailers have a statutory duty to provide goods suitable for their purpose. 零售商有为他们提供符合要求的货品的法定义务.
The price is too high, and moreover, the house isn't in a suitable position. 这幢房子价钱太贵, 再者地脚也不好.
The diet should be suitable, being neither too rich nor too meagre. 膳食应该适当, 即不能太油腻也不能太粗淡.
It was difficult to find a suitable location. 当时要找一个合适的外景拍摄地相当困难.
This kind of soil is not suitable for growing peanuts. 这种土壤不宜种花生.
Your suggestion will be brought before the committee at a suitable date. 你的建议会在适当日期提交委员会.
None of the actresses we have auditioned is suitable. 我们试听的这些女演员都不合适.
This wine is not suitable to my taste. 这酒不合我的胃口.
We are trying to compile a list of suitable people for the job. 我们在努力编制一份适合做这项工作的人员名单。
She rifled through her clothes for something suitable to wear. 她急匆匆地在衣服堆里找合适的衣服穿。
This programme is not suitable for children. 这个节目儿童不宜。
The old idea that this work was not suitable for women was no longer tenable. 认为这种工作不适合妇女的旧想法再也站不住脚了。
Employers usually decide within five minutes whether someone is suitable for the job. 雇主通常在5分钟内就能决定一个人是否适合这份工作。
The authority must make suitable accommodation available to the family. 当局必须给这个家庭提供适当的食宿条件。
The international court of justice might be a suitable place to adjudicate claims. 国际法庭或许是对所有权作出裁决的合适之地。
e [ˈempərə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
the Roman emperors 古罗马皇帝
the emperor Napoleon 拿破仑皇帝
emperor: You are not very observant. That worries me. 皇帝: 你的嗅觉不够灵. 我有些担心.
Napoleon III becomes emperor of France. 1852年,拿破仑三世成为法兰西的皇帝.
Charlemagne was crowned emperor on Christmas Day 800 AD. 查里曼于公元800年圣诞节加冕为皇帝.
The First emperor of Qin unified China in 221 B.C. 秦始皇于公元前221年统一中国.
Yuan Shikai forced the emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him. 袁世凯逼迫皇帝逊位,把政权交给他.
The emperor issued an edict forbidding doing trade with foreigners. 皇帝颁布了一项不得和外国人做生意的敕令.
People's faith in the emperor was based on the myth that he was infallible. 人们效忠君主是基于他永无过失的神话.
Even the emperor has his poor relatives. 皇帝也有草鞋亲.
They prostrated themselves before the emperor. 他们拜倒在皇帝的面前.
The emperor unified the country by the sword. 那位皇帝用武力统一了全国.
The emperor was deposed and his army disbanded. 皇帝被废黜,他的军队也被解散了.
Some people seemed to believe that with the abolition of the emperor, China had become a democratic country and that hence forth everything would take its proper course. 有人以为没有皇帝, 中国就算是民主国家,百事大吉,天下太平了.
The emperor of Russia Peter I was given the appellation " the Great ". 俄皇彼得一世被加上了 “ 大帝 ” 的称号.
emperor Nero was an autocrat. 尼禄皇帝是一个专制独裁者.
The new emperor declared a total amnesty. 新皇帝宣布大赦天下.
The emperor was clad in a rich robe encrusted with jewels. 皇帝身穿一件镶满宝石的华贵礼袍.
The daughter of an emperor does not worry about finding a husband. 皇帝女儿不愁嫁.
the apotheosis of a Roman emperor 册封罗马皇帝为神
The death of the emperor marked the end of an epoch in the country's history. 皇帝驾崩标志着该国历史上一个时代的结束。
The emperor must realize that he has us at his mercy. 皇帝必须意识到我们任由他处置。
In keeping with tradition, the emperor and Empress did not attend the ceremony. 按照传统,皇帝和皇后未参加该仪式。
He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the emperor. 他对皇帝陛下高尚的动机深信不疑。
The President paid a courtesy call on emperor Akihito. 总统对明仁天皇进行了礼节性的拜访。
As a mark of respect the emperor met him at a point several weeks' march from the capital. 出于尊重,皇帝在离首都还有几个星期路程的地方迎接了他。
emperor Akihito of Japan has been enthroned in Tokyo. 日本的明仁天皇已在东京登基。
Official handouts describe the emperor as "particularly noted as a scholar". 官方印发的材料将皇帝描述为“尤以学识渊博而著称”。
The emperor promoted the general and lavished him with gifts. 皇帝擢升了将军并赏给他丰厚的礼物。
Archaeologists have dated the fort to the reign of emperor Antoninus Pius. 考古学家判定这个堡垒建于罗马皇帝安东尼·庇护统治时期。
[ˈdelɪgət] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.代表,代表团成员; vt.委派代表;授权给;[法律]债务转移;
I've been delegated to organize the Christmas party. 我被选派来组织圣诞聚会。
The conference was attended by delegates from 56 countries. 此次会议有来自56个国家的代表出席。
Some managers find it difficult to delegate. 有些经理认为难以做到知人善任。
The job had to be delegated to an assistant. 这工作得交给助手负责。
He plans to delegate more authority to his deputies... 他打算把更多的权力交给副手。
How many of their activities can be safely and effectively delegated to less trained staff?... 他们的活动有多少可以稳妥有效地委托给那些资质稍浅的员工来进行?
Officials have now been delegated to start work on a draft settlement. 现在已经委派官员着手起草解决方案。
And active delegate is different: What they accept is official commission, acting is official volition. 而主动代表则不同: 他们接受的是官方的委托, 代理的是官方的意志.
The Chinese people delegate their power to the People's Congress. 中国人民授权人民代表大会.
A composed delegate calls the two delegates it was composed from. 组合的委托可调用组成它的那两个委托.
A delegate declaration is sufficient to define a delegate class. 一个委托声明足以定义一个委托类.
The delegate moved for a reconsideration of the suggestion. 这位代表提议重新考虑这一建议.
The Engineer may delegate inspection and testing of materials or Plant to an independent inspector. 工程师可将材料或工程设备的检查和检验委托给一名独立的检查员进行.
Regard one celebrity as big delegate, such I am responsible saying. 作为一名人大代表, 我有责任这样说.
Red mole grows on the body, still can itch, be what disease the delegate has augural? 身上长红痣了, 还会痒, 是代表有什么病症前兆 吗 ?
delegate constructor for type'| 1 ', necessary for the implementation of delegates, cannot be found. 无法找到实现委托所需的类型 “ |1”的委托构造函数.
Creating anonymous methods is essentially a way to pass a code block as a delegate parameter. 要将代码块传递为委托参数,创建匿名方法则是唯一的方法.
A delegate may represent, and vote in the name of, one country only. (e) 一名代表仅能代表一个国家, 并以一个国家名义投票.
Omit the parenthesis only if the anonymous method could have been used on any delegate. 仅当匿名方法可能被用于任何委托时省略括号.
The chairman rapped the delegate for naming names. 会议主席苛责该代表,批评他指名道姓攻击别人.
Liu En learns a delegate to say without preamble when accepting a reporter to interview. 刘恩学代表在接受记者采访时开门见山地说.
The Boss wouldn't delegate the job to an ignoramus like you. 老板不会把这项工作交给像你这样一个无知的人.
The voters delegate their authority to these officials. 选民把他们的权力授与这些官员.
He was elected as a delegate to the annual conference. 他被选为年会代表.
Any delegate defined by your application. 由您的应用程序定义的任何委托.
Obama leads Clinton in the delegate count by more than 100. 奥巴马赢得的选举代表人数超过克林顿100多人.
After this, ceaselessly website delegate comes round to ask ask this matter. 此后, 不断有网站代表前来问询此事.
lere [ˈleʒə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.空闲时间;闲暇;悠闲;安逸; adj.空闲的;闲暇的;
These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it. 如今我们有更多的钱和空闲时间来享受了。
leisure activities/interests/pursuits 业余活动
Spend the afternoon at leisure in the town centre. 下午到城中心区玩儿去吧。
Let's have lunch so we can talk at leisure. 咱们吃午饭吧,边吃边谈。
I suggest you take the forms away and read them at your leisure. 我建议你把表格带回去有空慢慢看。
...a relaxing way to fill my leisure time. 我打发空余时间的轻松办法
...one of Britain's most popular leisure activities. 英国最受欢迎的休闲活动之一
You will be able to stroll at leisure through the gardens... 您可在花园里闲逛。
He could read all the national papers at his leisure. 他可以悠然阅读所有的全国性报纸。
He doesn't like a life of leisure. 他不喜欢过安闲的生活.
Where the law is concerned , I am only a layman. 谈到法律, 我不过是门外汉.
Please do it at your leisure. 请你在空暇时间做一下.
I have not a moment's leisure. 我没有一点空闲时间.
Please read it over at your leisure. 请你在闲暇时候读一读.
How do you spend your leisure? 你是怎样消磨空闲时间的?
He likes leisure and hates work. 他喜欢安逸,讨厌工作.
He put the idea by until he was at leisure to consider it carefully. 他把这个念头放在一边,到空闲时再去认真考虑它.
They thought they should occupy their leisure more profitably. 他们觉得应当更好地利用空闲时间.
A busy man hasn't much leisure time. 忙人没有多少暇时.
I am seldom at leisure. 我很少有空.
Don't hurry, I can wait your leisure. 别急, 我可以等你有闲空时再说.
He read books at his leisure. 他在空闲时读一些书.
Please glance over it at your leisure. 有空时,请把它看一遍.
Life today is rigidly compartmentalized into work and leisure. 当今的生活被严格划分为工作和休闲两部分。
It was hard to draw clear lines of demarcation between work and leisure. 在工作和闲暇之间很难划出明确的界限。
These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it. 如今我们有更多的钱和空闲时间来享受了。
the need to improve facilities for leisure and recreation 改进消遣娱乐设施之必要
to upgrade the town's leisure facilities 改善镇里的休闲设施
p [peiv] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.铺设;为…铺平道路;安排;n.(用砖石)铺(地); adj.(宝石)密镶的;
a paved area near the back door 后门旁一块石板地
This decision paved the way for changes in employment rights for women. 这项决议为修改妇女就业权利创造了条件。
The avenue had never been paved, and deep mud made it impassable in winter. 这条大街从未铺过路面,冬天泥泞不堪,无法通行。
...a new proposal intended to pave the way for the signing of a chemical weapons reduction agreement... 旨在为签订削减化学武器协议铺平道路的一项新提议
The discussions are aimed at paving the way for formal negotiations between the two countries. 讨论旨在为两国进行正式谈判铺平道路。
pave the way for your heart with the first ray's purity. 用第一抹光线的纯净为你的心铺路.
Without considering this simple approach, we cannot pave our way to greater levels of accomplishments. 如果我们不考虑这简单的预约模式, 的士服务将无法更上一层楼.
They town council decided to pave the squre before the Hall. 市议会决定为市政厅前的广场铺路.
That would pave the way for a deal , since everything else looks solid. 既然看来万事俱备,这个会议将为我们的合作铺路.
The mushroom development of technology will pave the way for improving our economy. 科学技术的迅猛发展将为我们改善经济状况铺平道路.
A good education will pave the way to finding a decent job. (好的教育是好的工作的基础. )
Stone is the pavement to pave this road. 这条路的铺设材料是石头.
The road network extending in all directions will pave the way to prosperous business. 有通才有达,纵横捭阖的道路网络,引导旺盛的商业流通.
I believe this treaty will pave the way to peace in Europe. 我相信这个条约将为欧洲的和平铺平道路.
He also persuaded the city to pave and light its streets. 他也说服这个城市铺上人行道,安上路灯.
Your beliefs can pave your way to success. 信仰可为成功铺路.
I do hope the treaty will pave the way to peace in the Middle East. 我真希望这个条约将为中东的和平铺平道路.
This agreement will pave the way for a lasting peace. 这个协议将为持久和平铺路.
Only by this means can we pave the prosperity of and the theoretical development of TIB. 只有如此,才能为国际商务翻译的繁荣和国际商务翻译学的理论发展铺平道路.
Dolan wished to get a permit to enlarge her store and pave the lot for parking. 杜伦希望获准扩大店铺并且铺设其地以泊车.
The town council decided to pave the square before the Hall. 市议会决定把市政厅前的广场铺上石板.
We quikened our pave more and more as the time sped by. 光阴荏苒,我们也在不断地加快步伐.
The county should pave it as soon as possible. 县政府应该赶快把路铺设起来.
A long history of success may pave the way for further development. 一个长期成功的经历会为进一步的发展铺平道路.
In particular, governments can pave the way for future liberalisation of exchange rates. 特别是, 亚洲政府可以为日后汇率的自由浮动铺平道路.
This part tries to build a theory frame to make a pave for the further analyse. 这一部分主要是为后来的进一步深入的分析做一个理论架构的铺垫.
Wanting to walk through one road, first one should pave the road. 想走完这一条路, 首先先为自己铺好路.
Such a move could pave the way for talks on more direct negotiations. 这样的行动可能为更直接的谈判对话铺平道路.
b [brʊk] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.容忍,忍受; n.小溪;
The tone in his voice brooked no argument. 他的声音里透露着一种不容争辩的语调。
From childhood on, she'd had a plan of action, one that would brook no interference... 从孩提时代起,她就有了一个行动计划,而且是个不容他人干预的计划。
The army will brook no weakening of its power. 这支部队不会容忍对其实力的削弱。
So she enrolled at the State University of New York at Stony brook in 1999. 因此她便在一九九九年入学成为[纽约州立大学石溪分校]的新生.
The brook trickled through the valley. 小溪涓涓流过峡谷.
A path [ brook ] winds through the woods. 小径 [ 溪流 ] 蜿蜒穿过树林.
He strode over the brook. 他一步跨过了小溪.
In our room we could hear the murmur of a distant brook. 在我们房间能听到远处小溪汩汩的流水声.
A brook is among small town had flowed, brook two sides is house of rowrow of. 一条小河在小镇中间流过, 小河两岸是鳞次栉比的瓦屋.
He cross a brook and avoided the chase. 他看见气泡从水底冒起.
The straight flow of the brook formed a ravine. 不间断的溪水形成了一个峡谷.
China's sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no division. 中国的主权和领土完整不容分割.
I cannot brook his arrogance. 我不能容忍他的傲慢.
He cannot brook interference. 他不能容忍他人的干涉.
He crossed the brook in one big jump. 他一个纵步跳过了小河.
The Surrealist Art Centre at 31 brook Street is well worth a visit. 位于布鲁克街31号的超现实主义者艺术中心很值得一看.
At that time, there was a clear brook near the house where I lived. 那时, 我家附近有一条清澈的小溪.
I could hear the sound of a babbling brook. 我听得见小溪潺潺的流水声.
The brook wound its way through the fields. 小河弯曲曲地流过田野.
A brook meanders through the meadow. 一条小溪从草地中蜿蜒流过.
The brook loops around the farm. 小河绕农场流过.
The brook warbled over its rocky bed. 小溪潺潺流过多石的河床.
We will brook no outside interference. 我们不容许任何外来干涉.
He has often cast this brook. 他常在这小河边垂钓.
He would brook no interruptions from his listeners. 他不能容忍听众打岔.
A brook cuts that field. 那田中有一条小溪穿过.
The boy skipped the brook. 那男孩跃过小溪.
Doctor brook is researching the impact of hospital food on the recovery process. 布鲁克医生在研究医院供应的饮食对病人康复过程的影响.
s [ˈsɪtʃueɪt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
They are trying to decide where to situate the hospital. 他们正设法确定医院的修建地点.
The council are trying to decide where to situate the new hospital. 委员会正试图决定将新医院建在何处.
The company wants to situate its headquarters in the north. 公司想把总部设在北方.
We should situate a thinker and his thought in their proper place. 我们应当给一位思想家及其思想以合适的地位.
The company wants to situate its headquarters in Shanghai. 公司想把总部设在上海.
situate the seat stays so that they align into the marked positions. 位于座椅,使他们保持一致的显着位置将.
situate the applicable arms knuckle sub - assembly so that the whole assembly appears as below. 位于适用的武器指 节子 装配,使整个大会出现如下.
Everglades mainly , situate in plain lake area on middle and downstream reaches in Changjiang River basin. 要全面规划, 统筹兼顾,做好中游平原湖区防汛抗旱、防涝排渍工作,保护湿地,防止土壤潜育化与沼泽化.
i [ˌɪndɪˈpendəns] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Cuba gained independence from Spain in 1898. 古巴于1898年脱离西班牙而获得独立。
independence celebrations 独立纪念庆典
the first elections since independence 独立之后的第一次选举
He values his independence. 他珍惜他的独立自主。
a woman's financial independence 妇女在经济上的自立
In 1816, Argentina declared its independence from Spain. 1816年,阿根廷宣布脱离西班牙正式独立。
...the country's first elections since independence in 1962. 该国自 1962 年独立以来的首次选举
He was afraid of losing his independence. 他害怕失去自己的独立性。
...a woman's independence, capability, and power. 一个女人的独立、能力与权力
Let sunshine bring you warmth. 开让阳光带给你温暖顺.
The martyr laid down his life for the cause of national independence. 这位烈士是为了民族独立的事业而献身的.
The minister was asked to preside at the independence ceremonies of the small island state. 那位部长被邀请去主持这个小岛国的独立仪式.
independence and sovereign equality among states is a fundamental principle of international law. 国家的独立和主权平等,是国际法上的一项根本原则.
Mexico achieved independence from Spain in 1821. 墨西哥于1821年脱离西班牙获得独立.
They were fighting in order to preserve their independence. 他们为维护独立而战.
Italy had thus practically declared her independence. 意大利几乎就是这样宣告独立了.
By the time they get to that age they will value their independence. 当他们到了那年龄时他们会珍视自己的独立性.
The period from the War of independence to the Civil War is the babyhood of the United States. 从独立战争到内战这个时期是美国的婴儿期.
We , the people of Indonesia, hereby declare Indonesia's independence. 吾印度尼西亚公民特此宣布印度尼西亚独立.
The majority of Scots favour an autonomous Scotland involving devolution or complete independence. 大多数苏格兰人都赞成一个中央权力下放自治苏格兰或完全独立.
They have agreed to recognize the breakaway republic's independence. 他们已经同意承认分离出去的共和国的独立性.
The district unilaterally proclaimed its independence from the national government. 该地区单方面宣布脱离国家而独立.
Tunisia achieved independence from French colonial rule in 1956. 突尼斯于1956年从法国的殖民统治下获得独立。
Parents' natural desire to protect their children should be counterbalanced by the child's need for independence. 父母保护孩子的本能愿望应当与孩子独立的需要相平衡。
Cuba gained independence from Spain in 1898. 古巴于1898年脱离西班牙而获得独立。
to retain your independence 保持独立
a signatory of the Declaration of independence 《独立宣言》的签署者
The Government flies these kites of disinformation, then people feel grateful when the changes don't happen. 政府故意放出这些虚假消息来试探舆论,而当其中提到的改变并未出现时,老百姓便会心怀感激。
I felt so strange on the steroid injections. I was as high as a kite some of the time. 注射类固醇后我感觉很奇特。我有时会极度兴奋。
Your kite looks like bird. 你的风筝看起来像一只鸟.
Oh. It's a kite, says Danny a little unhappily. 丹尼有一点不太高兴地说:“哦, 是一个风筝. ”
My mother and I use colored pencils in kite on a large bird. 我和母亲用彩色铅笔在风筝上画了一只大鸟.
kite : I believe in you, of course . but we are only trial marriage. 我当然相信你, 但是我们仅仅是试婚.
Was the kite broken? 风筝破了 吗 ?
Is he making a model plane? No, he isn't. He is making a kite. 他正在做模型飞机 吗 ?不, 他不在. 他正在做风筝.
A boy is flying a kite in the piazza. 一个小男孩在阳台上放风筝.
The kite flies upward in the sky with the wind. 风筝顺风而上,很快就飞升到了空中.
Weifang is nated for its international kite Festival every year. 潍坊每年举行的风筝节很有名.
I can fly a kite. 我会放风筝.
My brother is flying a kite in the park. 我的弟弟在公园里放风筝.
This is my kite. What colour is it? Guess. 这是我的风筝. 它是什么颜色? 猜.
A kite dangles from a telephone wire. 一只风筝悬挂在电话线上晃来晃去.
A kite was flying in the air at the end of a long string. 风筝被绑在一根长线的尾端,飞翔在空中.
I got a new kite shaped like a diamond with a long tail. 我得到一个新的风筝,形状像一颗有长尾巴的钻石.
Bill made a kite at school yesterday. 比尔昨天在学校里制作了一个风筝.
This makes the kite incredibly stable. 这使风筝难以置信地稳定.
Build the frame of the kite by making a small cross of two pieces of lightwood. 用两根很轻的小木条做成一个小十字架,这样做成风筝的框架.
Flying a kite is great fun. 放风筝是件有趣的事.
Imagination is the highest kite that one can fly. 想象力是飞得最高的风筝.
A kite will never be a good hawk. 鸢永不会变成隼.
Some members of the government flew a kite about wage control on television. 几位政府官员发表电视讲话,试探公众对工资管制的反应.
I wouldn't take what he said seriously; he was only flying a kite. 我根本不把他说的当回事, 他只是试探试探罢了.
The girl let the kite fly to the sky by paying out the string. 小姑娘放绳让风筝飞上天.
fice [fiəs] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a fierce dog 恶狗
Two fierce eyes glared at them. 一双凶狠的眼睛对着他们怒目而视。
He suddenly looked fierce. 他突然面露凶相。
She spoke in a fierce whisper. 她恶狠狠地低声说话。
fierce loyalty 极度的忠诚
the scene of fierce fighting 激烈战斗的场面
He launched a fierce attack on the Democrats. 他对民主党人发动了猛烈的攻击。
Competition from abroad became fiercer in the 1990s. 在20世纪90年代来自国外的竞争加剧。
fierce wind 狂风
the fierce heat of the flames 火焰的炽热高温
‘Let go of me, ’ she said fiercely. “放开我。”她极为气愤地说道。
fiercely competitive 竞争激烈的
The aircraft was burning fiercely. 飞机猛烈地燃烧着。
I sure do miss you something fierce! 我真的非常想念你!
Competition has been fierce to win a stake in Skoda... 争夺斯柯达股份的竞争极为激烈。
The town was captured after a fierce battle with rebels at the weekend... 该镇在周末与叛乱分子一番激战后被攻占。
The climbers were trapped by a fierce storm which went on for days. 登山者被一连几天的强风暴雨给困住了。
They look like the teeth of some fierce animal. 它们看上去像某种猛兽的牙齿。
The child backed away from the fierce dog. 那孩子害怕那只恶狗,直往后退.
They seem to love the land and the people with a sort of fierce egoism. 他们似乎是带著强烈的利己主义来爱这里的人和土地的.
What he said met with fierce opposition. 他的话语遭到激烈反对.
After a few hours of fierce fighting, we saw the intruding bandits off. 经过几小时的激烈战斗, 我们赶走了入侵的匪徒.
The fight between the boys had become so fierce that the teacher had to come out to pour oil on troubled waters. 两个男生争吵得异常激烈,老师不得不出面调解.
The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot. 趁米饭热时把蔬菜拌进去。
stir in the milk until the sauce thickens. 把牛奶搅进去,直到酱汁变稠为止。
She heard the baby stir in the next room. 她听见婴儿在隔壁动弹。
A slight breeze was stirring the branches. 微风吹动着树枝。
A noise stirred me from sleep. 响声把我从睡梦中惊醒。
You haven't stirred from that chair all evening! 你坐在那把椅子上一晚上没动了!
Come on, stir yourself. You're late! 快,快走吧。你要迟到了!
Their complaints have finally stirred him into action. 他们的抱怨最终促使他采取了行动。
a book that really stirs the imagination 很能激发人的想象力的书
She was stirred by his sad story. 他那悲惨的故事打动了她。
A feeling of guilt began to stir in her. 她心里渐渐生出了内疚感。
You're just stirring it ! 你这不是搬弄是非吗!
to stir up hatred 激起仇恨
stir the soup for a few seconds... 将汤搅和几秒钟。
There was Mrs Bellingham, stirring sugar into her tea... 贝林厄姆太太正在那里将糖搅进茶里。
Eileen shook him, and he started to stir... 艾琳晃了晃他,他开始醒过来。
The two women lay on their backs, not stirring. 两名妇女一动不动地仰面躺着。
She had not stirred from the house that evening... 她那天晚上没有离开过那座房子。
There's something you could study without stirring from this room. 有些东西你不用离开这个房间也可以学习。
Palm trees stir in the soft Pacific breeze... 棕榈树在太平洋和煦的微风中轻轻地摇动。
Not a breath of fresh air stirred the long white curtains. 连一丝风也没有,白色的长窗帘一动不动。
stir yourself! We've got a visitor... 动起来!有客人来了。
You can't even stir yourself to have a drink with them... 你甚至都懒得去和他们喝一杯。
The voice, less coarse now, stirred her as it had then... 现在那声音已不那么刺耳,它又如当年一样让她怦然心动。
I was intrigued by him, stirred by his intellect. 我被他的聪明才智所打动,对他产生了好奇心。
Then a memory stirs in you and you start feeling anxious... 接着一段回忆涌上心头,你开始感到焦虑不安。
Amy remembered the anger he had stirred in her... 埃米还记得他曾怎样惹自己生气。
His film has caused a stir in America. 他的电影已在美国引起了轰动。
A clash with America over farm subsidies had left the Europeans and their common agricultural policy shaken but not stirred. 在农场补贴问题上和美国之间的冲突使得欧洲人以及其共同的农业政策略受冲击。
[ˈfɔ:tʃənət] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.侥幸的,幸运的;带来幸运的,吉利的; n.有好运的人;
I have been fortunate enough to visit many parts of the world as a lecturer. 我很有福气,去过世界许多地方作演讲。
I was fortunate in having a good teacher. 我很幸运,有位好老师。
Remember those less fortunate than yourselves. 要记住那些不如你们幸运的人。
It was very fortunate for him that I arrived on time. 算他运气好,我准时到了。
He was extremely fortunate to survive... 他能活下来真是万幸。
Central London is fortunate in having so many large parks and open spaces... 伦敦市中心有幸拥有许多大型公园和大片空地。
They consider themselves not cursed, but very fortunate to have each other. 她们并不认为自己倒了霉, 而是为能拥有彼此感到庆幸.
At Thanksgiving we should think of the less fortunate. 在感恩节,我们要想到那些不幸的人们.
Some are fortunate enough to get a seat as soon as they get on the bus. 获得舒适与优雅,座位是必不可少的机会,因此总被人们争抢.
Mr. appears very fortunate in his choice of a wife. 柯林斯先生娶到了这样一位太太真是福气.
Drouet must be fortunate. 杜洛埃一定是幸运儿.
Massa was more fortunate but he believes the coincidence of two outlandish accidents is a warning. 马萨更幸运,但他相信这两起古怪的事故的巧合是一个警告.
I count myself fortunate in having good health. 我认为自己能拥有健康的身体真是幸运.
And as for us, we are fortunate. 可对我们来说, 我们是幸运的.
He is the fortunate possessor of a fine singing voice. 他很幸运,有一副好嗓子.
I count myself to be fortunate. 我认为我自己是幸运的.
The youth was fortunate in having understanding parents. 这个青年有通情达理的父母,真幸运.
He counted himself fortunate to have such an opportunity. 他为获得这样的机遇庆幸自己走运.
I was nearly drowned last night, but was fortunate enough to be saved. 我昨天夜里差一点淹死, 真走运,有人把我救了.
He liked also being seen and being congratulated on growing up such a fine looking and fortunate young fellow , for he was not the youth to hide his light under a bushel. 他也喜欢人家看到他,称赞他的漂亮和好运, 因为他不是那种谦逊不好表现的年轻人.
The lack of good diagnostic test isn't fortunate. 缺乏好的诊断性测试是不利的.
A fortunate encounter brought the two friends together after a long separation. 两位老朋友长期分离这次才有幸相遇.
The year has been an especially fortunate one for me. 这是我特别幸运的一年.
He is peculiarly fortunate in his wife. 他有这样的好妻子是非常幸运的.
I have been fortunate enough to visit many parts of the world as a lecturer. 我很有福气,去过世界许多地方作演讲。
Her skin was of the fortunate kind that could brown in the sun without burning. 她的皮肤属于那种很幸运的类型,在阳光下无需长时间晒着就能变黑。
It was fortunate that the water was shallow. 幸运的是水很浅。
She is in the fortunate position of having plenty of choice. 好在她有很多选择。
that [θrəut] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.咽喉;颈前部;[植物学]管颈; vt.用沙哑的声音或嗓音发音;
a sore throat 咽喉痛
A sob caught in his throat. 他泣不成声。
He held the knife to her throat. 他拿刀子顶着她的喉咙。
Their throats had been cut. 他们的咽喉被割断了。
a deep-throated roar 低沉的咆哮
a red-throated diver 红喉潜鸟
She had a sore throat... 她嗓子疼。
As she stared at him she felt her throat go dry. 她盯着他看的时候,感觉自己的喉咙发干。
His striped tie was loosened at his throat. 他的条纹领带松松地挂在脖子上。
Cross cleared his throat and spoke in low, polite tones. 克罗斯清了清嗓子,开始有礼貌地低声说话。
I've always been close to my dad but he's never rammed his career down my throat... 我一直和爸爸很亲近,不过他从不强迫我继承他的事业。
I can't understand why we're trying to ram Shakespeare down their throats. 我搞不懂我们为什么硬要他们学习莎士比亚的作品。
The idea that Billy and I are at each other's throats couldn't be further from the truth. 认为我和比利斗得你死我活的想法真是大错特错。
What sticks in my throat is that I wasn't able to win the trophy... 令我耿耿于怀的是自己没能获奖。
She wanted to ask if he had news of Keith, but the words stuck in her throat. 她想问他有没有基思的消息,可是难以启齿。
Today, rosemary is used primarily in the kitchen. 现在, 迷迭香主要被用在厨房里.
I trapped a lie in my throat. 我把就要脱口而出的一句谎话忍住了.
He has a sore throat . 他患了 喉炎
The bone wedged in his throat and strangled him. 骨头卡在喉咙里使他窒息.
Smoking sets up irritation in the throat and the bronchitis passages. 抽烟刺激喉咙并会引起支气管炎.
The coughing dislodged the fishbone from his throat. 他一咳嗽就把卡在喉咙里的鱼刺咳出来了.
She had to have surgery to remove an obstruction from her throat. 为去除咽喉里的堵塞物,她不得不接受手术.
They slit his throat. 他们切开他的喉咙.
He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to shool. 他假托喉痛不到校上课.
He cut his own throat by carelessness. 他由于粗枝大叶而毁了自己.
The thorn of bone may dislodge from his throat without surgery. 也许不用动手术就能去除他喉咙卡着的那块骨刺.
He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to school. 他以喉痛作为不去学校的借口.
The tension in the room began to melt. 屋里的紧张气氛开始缓和。
Her trusting smile melted his heart. 她那信任的微笑使他的心变软了。
At the first sign of trouble, the crowd melted away. 人群一看有麻烦,便渐渐散了。
The snow had melted, but the lake was still frozen solid... 雪已经融化了,但是湖面上仍然冻得结结实实的。
Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water... 同时,把碗置于微沸的水上,将白巧克力放入碗中使其熔化。
His anxiety about the outcome melted, to return later but not yet... 他对未知结果的焦虑消散了,这种焦虑过后还会袭上心头,但至少现在还没有。
He would have struggled but his strength had melted. 他本欲作一番挣扎,却已力不从心。
The youths dispersed and melted into the darkness... 年轻人散开了,消失在夜幕之中。
The squadron's armour is draped in sand-coloured nets that melt into the landscape. 装甲连的装甲车上罩着沙色的网,和周围的风景融为一体。
When his lips break into a smile, it is enough to melt any woman's heart... 他粲然一笑就足以让任何女人心软。
When a bride walks down the aisle to a stirring tune, even the iciest of hearts melt. 当新娘伴着激动人心的乐曲走在教堂的走廊上时,即便最冰冷的心都会融化。
...a tuna melt. 金枪鱼奶酪三明治
If you warm ice, it will melt into water. 如果你给冰加热它会融化成水.
melt down the gold plate. 把这金盘子化掉.
It is easy to melt ice. 融化冰很容易.
His enthusiasm is enough to melt a heart of stone. 他的热诚足以软化铁石心肠.
Heat will melt iron. 热将使铁熔化.
He had learnt how to melt invisibly into the background. 他已经学会如何退居幕后.
The temperature is going up; will the snow melt? 气温正逐渐上升, 雪会融化 吗 ?
The ice cream softened and began to melt. 冰淇淋开始变软并开始融化.
neod [ˈneɪbəˌhʊd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Cards could be seen all over the neighborhood for the grand opening of an Italian restaurant. 一家意大利餐厅隆重开幕标示牌可以在整个社区看到.
I am quite a stranger in this neighborhood. Can you help me? 我完全迷路(不知东西南北 ) 了能帮忙引个路 吗 ?
Two of China's toughest diplomatic challenges are in its own neighborhood. 中国面临的两个最棘手的外交挑战来自它的邻国.
We moved into this neighborhood yesterday. 我们是昨天搬来的.
The depredations of the gangs terrified the neighborhood. 歹徒们的劫掠行为使街坊邻居惊恐万状.
Gemini goes around the neighborhood once, changes costumes and goes around again. 双子座每去邻居家一次就换一套行头.
The blighted neighborhood underwent a total makeover. 那块毗邻废墟经历了一次彻底的改头换面.
They lived in a typical suburban neighborhood with picket fences that resembled Nancy Kerrigan's teeth. 他们住在典型的城市近郊,有着像NancyKerrigan的牙一般的栅栏墙.
He trifled about, hoping that she was somewhere in the neighborhood and would soon return. 他拿拿这个,放放那个, 希望她就在邻近什么地方,立即会回来的.
His ill luck has been whispered about the neighborhood. 他的不幸遭遇已在邻居中传开.
The neighborhood was a battleground for Shiite and Sunni militias. 那里曾是什叶派和逊尼派武装分子的战场.
We observe large numbers of white dwarfs in our immediate neighborhood in the galaxy. 我们在银河系中离我们不远的位置观测到了大量的白矮星.
We look towards the amalgamation of some of the neighborhood factories. 我们指望合并一些里弄工厂.
The whole neighborhood have been hunting for the missing child. 整条街的人都在寻找那个失踪的孩子.
He lives somewhere in the neighborhood of the station. 他住在火车站附近的某个地方.
A new supermarket will be put up in this neighborhood next year. 明年要在这个居民区建一家超级市场.
The total was in the neighborhood of 100 pounds. 总数大约是100英镑.
The family were ostracized by the neighborhood. 邻居们都不理睬那一家人.
The bigger children in the neighborhood molested the younger ones. 邻居家的大孩子欺负小孩子.
Her children had the best, most elaborate birthday parties in the neighborhood. 她的孩子们的生日聚会在街坊四邻里是最好、最讲究的。
Each neighborhood had its own organization of snoops who reported strangers to the authorities. 每个居民区都有自己的侦探组织,他们向当局汇报陌生人的情况。
He was from an iffy neighborhood. 他来自一个不怎么好的社区。
The neighborhood is given over to performers, stilt walkers and drag queens. 社区变成了玩杂耍的、踩高跷的和扮装皇后的天地。
This was a neighborhood where clearly you could be murdered for a pack of cigarettes, a fact that was not lost on me. 显然,在这个街区你可能会因为一包香烟而遭人杀害。这个事实我不是没注意到。
Kids in his neighborhood clipped his picture from the newspaper and carried it around. 附近的孩子们从报纸上剪下他的照片,到哪儿都带着。
He is street smart and is not afraid of this neighborhood. 他有都市人的精明劲儿,不怕在这附近混。
In Los Angeles, the neighborhood known as Watts erupted into riots. 在洛杉矶,一个叫做沃茨的街区爆发了动乱。
How do you feel about going back to the neighborhood? 对回到这个街区你有何感想?
[ˈsʌmwɒt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adv.稍微;有点;达到某种程度; n.少量;某些数量;某种程度;
I was somewhat surprised to see him. 见到他我颇感诧异。
The situation has changed somewhat since we last met. 自我们上次见面以来情况有些变化。
What happened to them remains somewhat of a mystery. 他们到底出了什么事,到现在仍可以说是个谜。
He concluded that Oswald was somewhat abnormal... 他断定奥斯瓦尔德有点不正常。
He explained somewhat unconvincingly that the company was paying for everything... 他解释说公司会支付一切费用,这个说法有点令人不能信服。
This embarassed me somewhat. 这使我有点困窘.
His hearing is somewhat impaired. 他的听觉已受到一定程度的损害.
The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功.
The radiotherapy has taken her down somewhat. 放射疗法使她瘦了不少.
Matter is an unknown somewhat. 物质是某种不明的东西.
I know somewhat of the matter. 我略微知道此事.
After the patient received acupuncture treatment, his spasms eased off somewhat. 病人接受针刺治疗后, 痉挛稍微减轻了.
Though the man I introduced to you last night looks somewhat boorish, he is a diamond in the rough. 我昨天晚上介绍给你认识的那个人虽然看上去有点没礼貌, 可他是个外粗内秀的人.
This report seems somewhat exaggerated, and should be verified. 这个报道有些水分, 需要核实.
The two office buildings are somewhat alike in appearance. 这两座办公楼在外形上有点相似.
The prospect for passage of the bill was somewhat cloudy, in view of its evident unconstitutionality. 由于这个议案明显地违反了宪法, 它能否得到通过的前景就有点不明显了.
She was somewhat inclined to fat after forty. 四十岁以后她有点发胖了.
He was somewhat taken aback by the news that the police intended to arrest him. 得知警方要抓他,他有点吃惊.
The whole experience was somewhat humiliating for us. 整件事对我们来说有些受辱.
Though the brakes of his bike had somewhat gone wrong, he still shot the works in a desperate effort to win the race. 虽然他的自行车刹车有点毛病, 但他仍然为赢得比赛而孤注一掷.
He has a somewhat donnish air about him. 他身上有点学究气。
I was somewhat surprised to see him. 见到他我颇感诧异。
He faced the press, initially, in a somewhat subdued mood. 他最初面对媒体时情绪有点忧郁。
I found her a rather austere, distant, somewhat cold person. 我发现她相当严厉,拒人于千里之外,近乎冷漠。
He explained somewhat unconvincingly that the company was paying for everything. 他解释说公司会支付一切费用,这个说法有点令人不能信服。
"I believe you know him"—"somewhat." “我相信你认识他。”——“算是吧。”
The timing of the minister's visit, however, could somewhat detract from the goodwill it's supposed to generate. 但是,部长访问的时间安排不当,可能会使访问的善意不能得到有效传达。
It's a satire somewhat in the manner of Dickens. 这部讽刺作品有点狄更斯的风格。
They shuffled along somewhat reluctantly. 他们有些不情愿地拖着脚走着。
c [kənˈfaɪn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt.限制;局限于;禁闭;管制; n.界限,范围;国界;
Here the river is confined in a narrow channel. 这条河在这里流入狭窄的河床。
The soldiers concerned were confined to barracks (= had to stay in the barracks , as a punishment) 有关的士兵已受到不得离开营房的禁闭处分。
She was confined to bed with the flu. 她因患流感卧病在床。
He was confined to a wheelchair after the accident. 经过那场事故后他就离不开轮椅了。
Keep the dog confined in a suitable travelling cage. 把狗关进适于旅行的笼子里。
I will confine myself to looking at the period from 1900 to 1916. 我将把自己考察的范围限定在1900年至1916年这段时间以内。
The work will not be confined to the Glasgow area. 此项工作不会局限于格拉斯哥地区。
The US will soon be taking steps to confine the conflict. 美国很快就会采取措施限制冲突。
He did not confine himself to the one language... 他没把自己局限于这一门语言。
Yoko had largely confined her activities to the world of big business... 洋子主要是做大生意。
The woman will be confined to a mental institution... 这个女人将被关进精神病院。
He announced that the army and police had been confined to barracks. 他通告说军队和警察已经被禁闭在营房中不得外出。
The movie is set entirely within the confines of the abandoned factory. 电影的拍摄完全是在这个废弃的工厂厂区内进行。
...the wild grass and weeds that grew in the confines of the grandstand. 大看台上丛生的野草
...away from the confines of the British class system... 超越英国社会等级制度的限制
I can't stand the confines of this marriage. 我受不了这段婚姻的限制。
Health officials have successfully confined the epidemic to the Tabatinga area... 卫生官员成功地将疫情控制在塔巴廷加地区。
Special hot work, confine space work supervision. chemical spill and explosion control audit. 对特殊热作业 、 受限空间作业监视,对化学品泄露及爆炸性控制安全审计.
Every day we confine ourselves to the exams. 每天我们都被考试所困.
How often have you been told to confine your curls? 不是要你经常梳理你的卷发 吗 ?
At such, marriages are confine to the same caste, from the same family ( should be relatives ). 因此, 结婚对象也是限制在同一阶级或来自同一个家庭 ( 一定是亲戚 ).
Please confine your remarks to the subject we are debating. 请您发言不要离开我们讨论的题目.
Is it cruel to confine a bird in a cage? 把鸟关在笼子里残忍不残忍?
I shall confine myself to the subject of geography. 我将专攻地理学.
It is not good to confine a wild bird in a cage. 把野生的鸟关在笼是不好的.
Doctors are trying to confine the disease within the city. 医生正试图将此病控制在城内.
To confine or live in or as if in a small space or area. 拘禁于.居住于或似乎是在一个小空间.小区域内.
It is our intention to confine ourselves to the wholesale business of silk goods. 本公司专门经营各种丝制品的批发业务.
Thus, the negative marker specifier serves to confine the negative scope and negative focus within it. 否定标记词于是就具有了限定否定范围的句法作用.
He thinks it cruel to confine a lark in a cage. 他认为把云雀关在笼子里太残忍了.
[məˈʃi:nəri] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
agricultural/industrial machinery 农业 / 工业机械
a piece of machinery 一部机器
the machinery of government 政府机构
There is no machinery for resolving disputes. 根本没有解决纷争的机制。
...quality tools and machinery. 质量上乘的工具和机械
...your local garden machinery specialist... 你们当地的园艺机械专家
The machinery of democracy could be created quickly. 民主制度可以迅速建立起来。
...the government machinery and administrative procedures concerned with social provision... 与社会保障相关的政府机构和行政程序
The factory contains much machinery. 这个工厂拥有很多机器.
A factory contains much machinery. 一家工厂可容纳很多机器.
Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law. 正义是复杂的法律机器的一部分.
The machinery is driven by electricity. 这些机器由电驱动.
They wrote off 500 for depreciation of machinery. 他们注销了500镑作为机器折旧费.
They bartered farm products for machinery. 他们用农产品交换机器.
The use of machinery has superseded manual labour. 机器的使用已经取代了手工劳动.
If the machinery were not maintained properly, It would get rusty as time passes. 机器要不好好养护, 久而久之就要生锈.
Has the machinery been put up ready for the broadcast? 广播器材安装完毕了 吗 ?
China will host an exhibition of international garment machinery. 中国将主办国际服装机械展览会.
He stayed the work and had the machinery removed. 他把工作停下来,让人把机器搬掉.
The company hires out machinery by the day. 那公司按日计费出租机械设备.
We need to discuss ways of improving the machinery of government. 我们需要商讨改进政府机构的办法.
There was also a great deal of machinery on display. 还展出了大批的机器.
The court is ineffective because it lacks the necessary enforcement machinery. 法院效率低是因为缺乏必要的执行机制.
He has always liked working with machinery. 他总是喜欢搞机械.
The machinery broke down. 机器坏了.
The church was crowded, so electrical machinery was used to relay the service out to the people. 教堂里挤满了人, 所以就用电机设备把礼拜仪式向外面的人转播.
Oil is put in machinery to reduce the friction. 把油涂到机器上减少摩擦.
machinery was often unprotected and accidents were frequent. 机器常裸露着,因此事故频仍。
He knows he has considerable support for his plans to tighten his grip on the machinery of central government. 他清楚有相当多的人支持他对中央政府机构加强控制的计划。
adventure/detective/love, etc. stories 历险、侦探、爱情等小说
a story about time travel 一部关于穿越时间旅行的小说
Shall I tell you a story ? 我给你讲个故事好吗?
He read the children a story . 他给孩子们读了一则故事。
a bedtime story 临睡前给小孩讲的故事
It was many years before the full story was made public. 许多年之后,事情的全貌才公之于众。
The police didn't believe her story. 警方不相信她对事情的描述。
We must stick to our story about the accident. 对事故的说法我们必须一口咬定,再不改口。
I can't decide until I've heard both sides of the story . 双方的说法都听了以后我才能作决定。
It's a story of courage. 这件事真体现了勇气。
Many years later I returned to Africa but that's another story (= I am not going to talk about it now) . 多年以后我又重返非洲,不过这是后话了。
He told us the story of his life. 他对我们讲述了他的生活经历。
the story of the Beatles 披头士乐队的来龙去脉
the story of the building of the bridge 这座桥的建筑始末
a front-page story 头版报道
The second story in the book is titled 'The Scholar'... 书中的第二个故事题为《学者》。
I shall tell you a story about four little rabbits. 我要给你讲一个 4 只小兔子的故事。
The parents all shared interesting stories about their children... 父母之间都会分享自己孩子的一些趣事。
Isak's story is typical of a child who has a specific learning disability. 伊萨克的故事就是一个具有某种学习障碍的孩子的典型故事。
...the story of the women's movement in Ireland. 爱尔兰妇女运动的记载
He invented some story about a cousin. 他骗别人说自己有位堂兄。
Those are some of the top stories in the news... 那些是报纸上的头条新闻。
They'll do anything for a story. 他们为抢到新闻会不择手段。
I'd met him at a dance I'd gone to on my own. But that's another story. 我有一次独自去参加舞会时遇上了他。但那是题外话了。
To cut a long story short, I ended up as managing director. 长话短说,我最终当上了总经理。
Where Marcella lives, the rents are fairly cheap, but a little further north it's a different story. 玛塞拉居住的地方,租金比较便宜,但稍稍再往北一点情况就不同了。
It's the same old story. They want one person to do three people's jobs. 又是老一套。他们想让 1 个人做 3 个人的工作。
This may be true but it is only part of the story... 这可能是真的,但它并不是事情的全部。
Jane goes to great lengths to explain that this is not the whole story. 简竭力地解释说那不是事情的全貌。
He had already made up his mind before even hearing her side of the story. 他没等听到她的解释就已经作出了决定。
wh [wɪtʃ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.女巫,巫婆;<贬>讨人嫌的丑女人;迫害的对象; vt.施巫术;
The witch wakes up early in the morning. Hansel and Gretel are still sleeping. 女巫一大早就醒了, 汉瑟和葛丽特还在睡.
The Negro quarter around 135 th Street, New York, was overrun with fortune tellers and witch doctors. 在纽约135号街区周围的黑人区, 占卜师和巫医泛滥成灾.
The witch charmed the prince. 女巫使王子中了魔法.
The witch was hideously ugly. 那个女巫丑得吓人.
But the old witch would not tell him how to use the tinderbox. 但是老巫婆仍然不肯告诉他该如何使用火绒箱.
They're laughing because I am a witch. 他们笑是因为我就是个女巫.
I have heard of one old witch changing herself into a pigeon. 我听说有个老巫婆把自己变成了一只鸽子.
A witch : Anything off the trolley, dears? 一个女巫: 要不要买点儿东西吃呀?
What a wedding Gawain and witch had! 加文和巫婆举办了什么样的婚礼 啊 !
Essence of grapefruit, plant essence of witch hazel , essence of peppermint, essence of edelweiss, etc. 葡萄柚精华 、 金缕梅植物精华、薄荷精华 、 雪绒花精华等.
In effect , the Salem witch trials were over. 最终,Salem巫师审判结束了.
The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and ejaculating " wicked " as he went. 这个小女巫那双美丽的眼睛里添上一种嘲弄的恶毒神气. 约瑟夫真的吓得直抖, 赶紧跑出去,一边跑一边祷告,还嚷着 “ 恶毒! ”
The witch enchanted the princess. 这巫师蛊惑公主.
witch: Tell me, Mirror, who is the most beautiful women of the world? 巫女: 魔镜魔镜告诉我, 谁是世界上最美的女人.
The prince is very upset. He knows witch has taken his love away. 王子很伤心, 他知道巫婆把他爱人带走了.
So the old witch was forced to dance a jigs. 老女巫也只好跳起快步舞来.
The heartless witch cast a spell on the poor little girl. 狠心的女巫对孤苦无助的小女孩施了妖术.
The witch put a curse on him , ie used a curse against him. 女巫念咒诅咒他.
The witch doctors were bedizened in all their gaudiest costumes. 女巫医穿上她们最绚丽的衣服,打扮得俗不可耐.
She had been cursed by the witch after stealing some bread. 她偷面包以后,就被这个巫婆诅咒了.
Main ingredients: Ginseng extract, witch hazel extract, HA etc. 主要成分: 人参提取液 、 金缕梅提取液 、 透明质酸等.
witch Hazel Extraction: Natural Ingredient which helps to tighten the pores and control the oil sebum. 金缕梅萃取: 天然的肌肤收敛成分,能帮助调理肌肤油脂,协助毛孔紧致.
The witch enchanted the princess with magic words. 那个女巫用咒语迷住了公主.
Higher level has more square and witch and also a bigger image. 级别越高,方块和女巫越多,图片也越大.
Main ingredient: Grapes, Ginseng, Green Tea, witch Hazel, Algae, etc. 主要成分: 葡萄精华, 人参精华, 绿茶精华, 金缕梅精华, 海藻精华等.
stories about a wicked witch 关于邪恶女巫的故事
They say she died after a witch cast a spell on her. 他们说她是被一个女巫施了魔法后死的。
[ˈhæbɪt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.习惯,习性;气质;宗教服装; vt.给…穿衣服;打扮;
I'm a creature of habit (= I have a fixed and regular way of doing things) . 我这人做事总是凭习惯。
He began to finance his habit through burglary. 他开始以盗窃来满足他的毒瘾。
She's tried to give up smoking but just can't kick the habit . 她戒过烟,但就是戒不掉。
a 50-a-day habit 每天抽50根烟的烟瘾
I only do it out of habit . 我这么做只是出于习惯。
I'm trying to break the habit of staying up too late. 我正试图改掉熬夜的习惯。
I've got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home. 我习惯了一回家就打开电视。
I'm not in the habit of letting strangers into my apartment. 我不习惯让陌生人进我家。
I'd prefer you not to make a habit of it. 我希望你不要习以为常。
It's all right to borrow money occasionally, but don't let it become a habit . 偶尔借点钱倒没关系,但不要养成习惯。
He has the irritating habit of biting his nails. 他有咬指甲的讨厌习惯。
good/bad habits 良好习惯;恶习
You need to change your eating habits. 你得改变你的饮食习惯。
In accent, mannerism and habit of mind he appeared to be completely Eastern European. 从口音、举止和思维习惯上看,他完全是东欧人。
You can phone me at work as long as you don't make a habit of it. 你可以上班时给我打电话,只要别一来二去打上瘾了就成。
I got into the habit of calling in on Gloria on my way home from work. 我习惯于在下班回家的路上顺便探望格洛丽亚。
They were in the habit of giving two or three dinner parties a month... 他们每月举办两三次宴会,都成习惯了。
She became a prostitute in order to pay for her cocaine habit. 她以娼养吸。
After twenty years as a chain smoker Mr Nathe has given up the habit. 当了20年的烟鬼后,纳特先生戒了烟。
A good way to break the habit of eating too quickly is to put your knife and fork down after each mouthful... 改掉吃饭太快的坏习惯有一个好办法,那就是每吃一口就把刀叉放下。
Many people add salt to their food out of habit, without even tasting it first. 很多人是出于习惯往食物里加盐,事先甚至连尝都不尝。
He has an endearing habit of licking his lips when he's nervous... 他有个一紧张就舔嘴唇的可爱习惯。
c [ˈkʌnɪŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.狡猾的,奸诈的;精巧的;漂亮的,可爱的; n.诡计;
a cunning liar 花言巧语的骗子
He was as cunning as a fox. 他像狐狸一样狡猾。
It was a cunning piece of detective work. 那是一篇构思巧妙的侦探作品。
The microphone was cunningly concealed in the bookcase. 话筒被巧妙地隐藏在书柜里。
It took energy and cunning just to survive. 既要花力气又要有心计才能维持生存。
She used low cunning (= dishonest behaviour) to get what she wanted. 她用了卑鄙的欺诈手段来获取她想得到的东西。
These disturbed kids can be cunning. 这些心理不正常的孩子可能会很狡猾。
...Mr Blair's cunning plan. 布莱尔先生的诡计
...one more example of the cunning of today's art thieves... 当今艺术品盗贼手段狡猾的另一个例子
He tackled the job with a great deal of imagination, skill and cunning. 他在工作中充分发挥其想象力、技能和聪明才智来解决各种难题。
In a cunning 1971 experiment dubbed The Disappearing Hypnotist, Frederick Evans and Martin T. 1971年有一个巧妙的实验,称为[消失的催眠师].
Peter seems to have set a cunning trap for you. 皮特好像设了狡猾的圈套要陷害你.
He rose to power through cunning and deceipt. 他通过诡计和欺骗获得了权力.
A spy used cunning means to find out secrets. 间谍使用狡猾的手段获取机密.
cunning and vicious people often come to the shop to provoke unwarranted trouble. 狡猾恶毒的人常来这家店招惹无端的麻烦.
Don't be fooled by any of her cunning tricks. 不要被她的任何诡计所骗.
NIV With cunning they conspire against your people; they plot against those you cherish. 3[和合]他们同5谋奸诈,要害你的百姓; 彼此商议,要害你所隐6藏的人.
The cunning wife makes her husband her apron. 娇妻役夫.
You're cunning, and I can't work you out. 你这个人太狡猾, 我实在看不透你.
He is cunning as a fox. 他像狐狸一样狡猾.
This cat had often shown himself capable of performing cunning tricks. 这只猫常常表现出善施巧计.
He devised a very cunning scheme to help her. 他想出一个帮助她的很好的办法.
The funny cunning runner uses his gum gun before sunrise or after sunset. 滑稽乖巧的赛跑者在日出之前或日落之后使用胶皮枪.
The fox is known for its cleverness and cunning. 狐狸的机敏和狡猾是人所共知的.
He is as cunning as a fox. 他象狐狸一样狡猾.
c [ˈsi:lɪŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
She lay on her back staring up at the ceiling. 她仰卧着凝视天花板。
a large room with a high ceiling 屋顶很高的大房间
price ceilings 最高限价
The rooms were spacious, with tall windows and high ceilings... 房间很宽敞,窗户和天花板都很高。
The study was lined from floor to ceiling on every wall with bookcases. 书房的四面墙都摆满了书架,从地板一直到天花板。
...an informal agreement to put a ceiling on salaries... 对工资封顶的非正式协议
The agreement sets the ceiling of twenty-two-point-five million barrels a day on OPEC production. 协议规定,欧佩克每天的原油产量不得超过22,500,000桶。
He parked in the wrong place. 他把车停错了地方.
A high ceiling gives a feeling of airness and spaciousness. 天花板高给人一种通风和宽敞的感觉.
The light was suspended from the ceiling. 灯吊在天花板上.
The ceiling tiles help to insulate a room. 那天花板瓦能使房间隔热.
My father hit the ceiling when I damaged the car. 我把车弄坏,可把我爸爸气坏了.
It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling. 粉刷天花板用了将近一整天的时间.
Once the walls of the room are up, let in the ceiling. 房子四壁一旦支起来, 就把顶篷放下来安好.
A lantern depended from the ceiling. 一盏灯悬挂在天花板上.
Even quality goods must have a price ceiling. 即使商品质量好,也不能漫天要价.
The rainwater dripped through a crack on the ceiling. 雨水从天花板的裂缝中滴下.
Four pillars support the ceiling. 四根柱子撑着顶篷.
The ceiling was so low that the patrol was flown contact. 云层很低,巡逻机只好进行目视飞行.
A lamp was suspended from the ceiling. 天花板上吊着一盏灯.
The water dribbled from the ceiling. 天花板往下滴水.
She lay on her back staring up at the ceiling. 她仰卧着凝视天花板。
I decided to paint the bathroom ceiling but ran out of steam halfway through. 我决定粉刷一下浴室的天花板,但干了一半就精疲力竭了。
ceiling and wall lights can operate independently. 吊灯和壁灯可单独开关。
The bullet slammed into the ceiling, spraying them with bits of plaster. 子弹砰地射进了天花板,掉落的石膏碎片落了他们一身。
The basketball nets hung down from the ceiling at either end of the gymnasium. 篮筐分别从体育馆两头的天花板上悬吊下来。
Crystal chandeliers dangled from every ceiling. 每个房间的天花板上都悬有枝形水晶吊灯。
The floor was level, but the ceiling sloped toward his head. 地板是平的,但天花板朝他的头这边倾斜。
to resolve an issue/a dispute/a conflict/a crisis 解决问题 / 争端 / 冲突 / 危机
Both sides met in order to try to resolve their differences. 双方会晤以努力解决分歧。
He resolved not to tell her the truth. 他决定不告诉她真相。
She resolved (that) she would never see him again. 她决心再也不见他了。
We had resolved on making an early start. 我们已经决定早点动身。
It was resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority. 经过表决决定把这件事提交给上级主管部门。
The Supreme Council resolved to resume control over the national press. 最高理事会决定重新接管对国家新闻机构的控制。
to resolve a complex argument into its basic elements 把一个复杂的论点分解成几个基本要点
The orange light resolved itself into four lanterns. 橙色的光亮逐渐变成了四盏灯。
The discussion eventually resolved itself into two main issues. 讨论后来集中在两大主要议题上。
The difficulties in her way merely strengthened her resolve. 她所遇到的困难只是让她更加坚定。
The government reiterated its resolve to uncover the truth. 政府重申一定要查个水落石出。
We must find a way to resolve these problems before it's too late... 我们必须及时找到解决这些问题的方法。
They hoped the crisis could be resolved peacefully. 他们希望这场危机能够得到和平解决。
She resolved to report the matter to the hospital's nursing manager... 她决定把这件事汇报给医院的护士长。
She resolved that, if Mimi forgot this promise, she would remind her. 她决定,如果米米忘记了这个承诺,她就提醒她。
This will strengthen the American public's resolve to go to war. 这会坚定美国公众诉诸战争的决心。
...like a musician resolving a confused mass of sound into melodic or harmonic order... 就像音乐家那样将混乱嘈杂的声音变成优美和谐的旋律
Each of the spirals of light resolved into points. 每一束螺旋光都分解成了光点。
The government is deliberating about what should be done to resolve the problem. 政府对采取什么措施来解决这个问题进行了慎重考虑.
Her encouragement and support strengthened our resolve. 她的鼓励和支持加强了我们的决心.
She showed a touching faith in my ability to resolve any and every difficulty. 她相信我有能力解决任何困难,这令人感动.
I resolve to study English. 我决定学英语.
It's up to him to resolve this problem. 这个问题应由他来解决.
The Cabinet met to resolve the crisis. 内阁开会,寻求解决危机的办法.
He made a resolve to go on a journey early in the next morning. 他决意明天一早就动身.
Their opposition only strengthened her resolve not to give in. 他们的反对却增强了她坚持下去的决心.
No one could stir him from his resolve. 谁也动摇不了他的决心.
This did not shake his resolve. 这事并未动摇他的决心.
[teɪl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Dickens' ‘A tale of Two Cities ’ 狄更斯的《双城记》
a fairy/moral/romantic, etc. tale 童话、寓言、爱情故事等
I love listening to his tales of life at sea. 我喜欢听他讲述他的海上生活。
I've heard tales of people seeing ghosts in that house. 我听说有人在那栋房子里见到过鬼。
The team's tale of woe continued on Saturday (= they lost another match) . 上星期六这支队又遭败绩。
Her experiences provide a cautionary tale (= a warning) for us all. 她的经历成了我们大家的前车之鉴。
...a collection of stories, poems and folk tales... 由短篇故事、诗歌和传说汇成的作品集
Episodes 1 and 2 of tales of the City will be shown together on Tuesday. 《城市故事》的第一、二集将于星期二两集连播。
The media have been filled with tales of horror and loss resulting from Monday's earthquake. 媒体上尽是星期一发生的地震所带来的恐惧和损失的报道。
...a property analyst, full of cheery tales about soaring share prices and new capital pouring into property companies. 总是兴高采烈地描述着股票价格飙升和新资本源源不断注入房地产公司的房地产分析师
You lived to tell the tale this time but who knows how far you can push your luck. 你这次算是逃过了一劫,不过谁知道你的运气还会持续多久呢?
I hesitated, not wanting to tell tales about my colleague. 我犹豫了,不想说同事的坏话。
I'll be revenged on the whole lot of you for this. 这个仇我是要报的,你们一个也逃不了.
They can't work off that tale on us. 他们那套鬼话骗不了我们.
What he said sounded like a fairy tale. 他说的听上去简直像一篇神话.
There is no denying his tale. 他说的话是无可否认的.
It is nothing but a traveller's tale. 这只不过是海外奇谈.
A pat tale aroused a big laugh. 一个贴切适时的故事引起一阵大笑.
The children listened enthralled as the storyteller unfolded her tale. 讲故事的人一步步展开故事情节,孩子们都听得入迷了.
Thereby hangs a tale. 其中有点蹊跷[必有原因].
A long tale gives a child fidgets. 太长的故事会使小孩子烦躁不安.
Do you expect me to credit that absurd tale? 你想我会相信那个荒谬绝伦的谎言 吗 ?
He wove a fascinating tale of knights in shining armour. 他编了一个穿着明亮盔甲的骑士的迷人故事.
Each of the survivors had a terrible tale to tell. 每一个幸存者都有一番恐怖的经历可讲.
Is there anybody who can tell a fairy tale? 有人能讲童话故事 吗 ?
It's a tragic tale. 这是一个凄惨的故事.
She was tired of hearing the same dreary tale of drunkenness and violence. 她听够了那些关于酗酒和暴力的乏味故事.
a cautionary tale about the problems of buying a computer 有关购买计算机时可能遇到种种问题的告诫
Jan Roberts weaves a compelling tale which traps a young woman in a world run by the Mafia. 简·罗伯茨编了一个引人入胜的故事,诱骗一位年轻女性进入了黑手党的地盘。
Roy told his sorrowful tale with simple words anybody could understand. 罗伊用简单的、人人都能理解的语言讲述了他那个伤感的故事。