high levels/doses of radiation that damage cells 损害细胞的高强度辐射
the link between exposure to radiation and childhood cancer 接触辐射与儿童恶性肿瘤之间的联系
a radiation leak from a nuclear power station 核电站的辐射泄漏
radiation sickness 放射病
the radiations emitted by radium 镭释放出的放射线
ultraviolet radiation 紫外线辐射
electromagnetic radiation from power lines 电线的电磁辐射
They suffer from health problems and fear the long term effects of radiation... 他们遭受着健康问题的困扰并且害怕辐射的长期影响。
If the cancer returns, radiation therapy is successful in 90 per cent of cases. 如果癌症复发,放射性疗法有90%的治愈率。
The satellite will study energy radiation from stars. 这颗人造卫星将用来研究恒星的能量辐射。
Far field radiation pattern is compared with that by closed form equation. 并与已知公式远场之场型比较近场与远场场型特性之差异.
Becquerel had discovered the fact that this strange radiation existed in the world. 柏克瑞尔发现世界上存在着这种奇怪的放射现象.
Research Interests: Application Research of Synchrotron radiation, Photoelectron Spectromicroscopy Using Synchrotron radiation. 研究兴趣: 同步辐射应用研究、同步辐射光电子能谱显微术.
In the accident, the workers received a heavy dose of radiation. 在那次事故中, 工人受到大剂量的辐射.
The sun, a lamp, or an electric heater all warm us by radiation. 太阳 、 灯或电热器都可以通过辐射来温暖我们.
radiation has a strong effect on the heredity of fruit flies. 射线对于果蝇的遗传产生强烈的作用.
The most terrifying aspect of nuclear bombing is radiation. 核轰炸最可怕的方面是核辐射.
Her hypothesis concerns the role of electromagnetic radiation. 她的假说涉及到电磁辐射的作用.
Then we got involved with trying to find polymers that attenuate radiation. 接著我们致力于找出能够减弱辐射的聚合物.
We used a combined regimen of injection treatment and radiation therapy. 我们采用了针剂注射和放射治疗相结合的方法.
Madam Curie insisted ( that ) there was something in nature that gave out radiation. 居里夫人坚信自然界存在着能发出射线的物质.
the biological effects of radiation 辐射对生物体的影响
His treatment was a combination of surgery, radiation and drugs. 对他的治疗是把手术、放射和药物治疗结合为一体。
prolonged exposure to harmful radiation 长时间接触有害辐射
unusually high levels of radiation 超高的辐射强度
He reacted very badly to the radiation therapy. 他接受放射治疗,副作用很大。
If the cancer returns, radiation therapy is successful in 90 per cent of cases. 如果癌症复发,放射性疗法有90%的治愈率。
[ˈru:mətɪzəm] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
rheumatic pains 风湿痛
Brassica vegetables can help the resistance rheumatism. 甘蓝类蔬菜能帮助摩羯座的人抵抗风湿症.
The inhabitants are predisposed to rheumatism by the damp climate. 因气候潮湿,居民易患风湿症.
The doctor cured him of rheumatism. 那位医生治好了他的风湿症.
Formic perfectness and OK treat kind of rheumatism? 蚁精通可以治疗类风湿 吗 ?
She is a martyr to rheumatism. 她长斯受着风湿病的折磨.
Restrain rheumatism and arthritis, helpful for improve pain of articulation whenrain day and adjust osseous swell. 有效调理风湿、关节炎等症状; 镇定变天时的关节骨头酸痛;改善风湿、腰椎、脊椎、坐骨神经,调理缓解骨质增生、骨刺的问题.
Restrain rheumatism, helpful for improve pain of articulation whenand rain day. Improve rheumatism and accelerate circulation. 有效调理风湿等症状; 镇定变天时的关节骨头酸痛; 改善风湿、腰椎、脊椎、坐骨神经、促进末梢循环.
In China, the bones are in high demand for use in traditional medicines as rheumatism cures. 在中国, 虎骨被拿来配制治疗风湿等疾病的中药,需求量很大.
The hot weather gave the old man a truce from rheumatism. 热天使这位老人暂时免受风湿病之苦.
When I lived by the river, I used to suffer rheumatism. 在河边居住时, 我的风湿病时常发作.
rheumatism prevents him form bending his back. 风湿病使他不能弯腰.
Are you familiar with rheumatism and Immunological Disease? 为什么您的选择也是风湿科?
My rheumatism does play me up during this damp weather. 天气潮湿时我的关节炎就痛得要命.
She suffered from rheumatism all her life. 她一生都受风湿病的折磨.
Use the drug that fights rheumatism. 使用抗风湿的药.
rheumatism tries me a great deal. 风湿症使我大受折磨.
He is bad with rheumatism. 他因风湿而感到很难过.
My grandfather suffers from rheumatism, which gets worse in rainy weather. 爷爷的风湿病一到刮风下雨就会加重.
She suffered tortures from rheumatism. 她为风湿痛所苦.
The patient is suffering from the rheumatism. 这个病人受到风湿病的折磨.
This damp weather disagrees with Mrs Jones's rheumatism. 这种潮湿天气对琼斯太太的风湿病不利.
Cupping jar, a folk skill, for the treatment of symptom resulted from rheumatism, wind chill. 吸血法广口瓶, 人们技术, 为症状的治疗起因于风湿病, 风寒冷.
rheumatism affects people living in damp localities. 住在潮湿地区的人易患风湿病.
He is cured of rheumatism. 他的风湿病已治好.
The damp weather plays the very devil with my rheumatism. 潮湿的天气加重了我的风湿病.
The study appears early appeared earlier this year in the journal Arthritis and rheumatism. 今年早些时候,一项研究《关节炎和风湿症》在杂志上发表.
Scleroderma is a common disease in rheumatism. 硬皮病是自身免疫性疾病中的难治病.
The cold he caught threw back his recovery from rheumatism. 感冒拖延了他风湿病痊愈的时间.
I was laid up in bed with acute rheumatism. 我染上了急性风湿,卧病在床。
aman inan [əˈmerɪkən ˈɪndjən] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
This scale was used by american indian peoples. 这种计数法,曾经由美洲印第安人使用.
The tomahawk was important to the american indian. 战斧对美洲印第安人极为重要.
Sapir's pupil, Benjamin Lee Whorf, continued the study of american indian languages. 萨皮尔的学生本杰明·李·沃夫继续研究美洲印第安人的语言.
american indian creation legends can be roughly classified into three kinds. 印第安创世传说大致可以分为三类.
american indian: Native people; dark skin; hunting and planting. 印地安人: 土著居民, 深色皮肤, 主要从事狩猎和种植.
The war whoop of the american indian was bloodcurdling. 美洲印第安人的作战喊杀声使人毛骨悚然.
She is not american indian, and she says there is only one native teacher. 她并不是美洲印第安人, 并且她说学校只有一位当地教师.
According to the North american indian myths, everything on the Earth has spirit and extraordinary power. 在北美印第安神话中,自然界的万物都蕴含着神灵, 都有非凡的神力,人与自然万物共存共生,相通相融.
They tied him to a chair with cable. 他们用电缆把他绑在一把椅子上。
Shall I tie the package or tape it? 我把这个包裹捆起来还是贴胶带?
I tie back my hair when I'm cooking. 我做饭时把头发束在后面。
She tied a label on to the suitcase. 她把签条系在衣箱上。
to tie a ribbon 系丝带
Can you help me tie my tie? 你能帮我打领带吗?
tie up your shoelaces! 把你的鞋带系好!
I tied a knot in the rope. 我在绳子上打了个结。
He tied the ends of the plastic bag together... 他把塑料袋的两头系在了一起。
Mr Saunders tied her hands and feet. 桑德斯先生把她的手脚捆了起来。
He had tied the dog to one of the trees near the canal... 他把狗拴在了沟旁的一棵树上。
He tied her hands behind her back. 他把她的双手绑在背后。
She tied her scarf over her head... 她把头巾围在头上。
Roll the meat and tie it with string... 把肉卷起来,用线捆扎牢。
He took a short length of rope and swiftly tied a slip knot... 他拿起一小截绳子,飞快地打了个活结。
She tied a knot in her scarf... 她把围巾打了个结。
He pulled on his heavy suede shoes and tied the laces. 他穿上厚厚的软皮鞋,系上鞋带。
...a long white thing around his neck that tied in front in a floppy bow. 他的脖子上围着个长长的白色的东西,在前面松松地打了个蝴蝶结
Jason had taken off his jacket and loosened his tie. 贾森已经脱下夹克,松开了领带。
Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure... 他们的癌症是否和接触放射线有关还不太清楚。
My social life and business life are closely tied. 我的社交生活和工作联系紧密。
They had children and were consequently tied to the school holidays... 他们有孩子,当然就受学校假期的束缚。
I wouldn't like to be tied to catching the last train home. 我不想非得赶最后一趟列车回家。
Quebec has always had particularly close ties to France... 魁北克和法国一向关系特别紧密。
I can't find any tie between her and the town... 我一点也看不出她和那个小镇有什么联系。
Both teams had tied on points and goal difference... 两支队伍得分和净胜球都相当。
Ronan Rafferty had tied with Frank Nobilo. 罗南·拉弗蒂和弗兰克·诺比洛打成了平局。
They'll meet the winners of the first round tie. 他们将迎战第一轮淘汰赛中的胜者。
p [ˈprɪti] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.漂亮的;机灵的,聪明的; adv.相当,颇; n.漂亮的人(或东西);
I'm pretty sure I'll be going. 我相当肯定会去的。
The game was pretty good. 这个游戏相当不错。
It's pretty hard to explain. 这事很难解释清楚。
I'm going to have to find a new apartment pretty soon. 我很快就得找个新住处了。
That performance was pretty impressive. 那场表演很出色。
Things are looking pretty good! 形势看来很不错!
One dog looks pretty much like another to me. 在我看来,狗长得都差不多。
a pretty face 俏丽的脸
a pretty little girl 俊俏的小姑娘
You look so pretty in that dress! 你穿那件连衣裙真漂亮!
pretty clothes 漂亮的衣服
a pretty garden 赏心悦目的花园
a pretty name 优美的名字
(especially British English)She laughed prettily. 她的笑声很迷人。
The rooms are simply but prettily furnished. 房间都布置得简朴而美观。
[不可数名词]the prettiness of youth 青春的美好
‘I didn't know you could play the piano. ’ ‘I'm not just a pretty face, you know! ’ “我不知道你还会弹钢琴呢。”“我可不只是脸蛋儿漂亮,对吧!”
You should have seen him in his swimming trunks─not a pretty sight! 你应该见识见识他穿游泳裤的样子——真是一景呢!
She's a very charming and very pretty girl. 她是一个非常迷人的漂亮女孩。
Whitstable is still a very pretty little town. 惠特斯特布尔仍然是一个非常漂亮的小镇。
...comfortable sofas covered in a pretty floral print. 罩着漂亮的印花布的舒适沙发
I had a pretty good idea what she was going to do... 我很清楚她会怎么做。
pretty soon after my arrival I found lodgings. 我到达之后,很快就找到了住处。
His new government looks pretty much like the old one... 他的新政府看起来和旧政府没什么两样。
I travel pretty well every week. 我几乎每周都出去旅行。
When the war started, they thought they were sitting pretty, because they had all that extra grain. 战争开始的时候,他们认为自己境况不错,因为他们粮食准备充足。
md [mæd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.疯狂的;猛烈的;着迷的;〔口语〕愤怒的,生气的; vt.使疯狂;
They realized that he had gone mad . 他们意识到他疯了。
Inventors are not mad scientists. 发明家不是精神不正常的科学家。
I'll go mad if I have to wait much longer. 如果还要等更久的话,我会发疯的。
She seemed to have gone stark raving mad . 她好像是完全疯了。
You must be mad to risk it. 你去冒这种风险,简直是疯了。
It was a mad idea. 那是个愚蠢透顶的想法。
‘I'm going to buy some new clothes. ’ ‘Well, don't go mad (= spend more than is sensible) . ’ “我要去买几件新衣服。”“去吧,可别乱花钱。”
He got mad and walked out. 他大动肝火,愤然离去。
She's mad at me for being late. 我迟到了,她非常气愤。
(British English) That noise is driving me mad . 那噪声真让我受不了。
(British English) He'll go mad when he sees the damage. 他看到这样的破坏准会气疯的。
to be mad on tennis 对网球着迷
He's always been mad about kids. 他一向特别喜欢孩子。
football-mad boys 迷恋足球的男孩儿
She's completely power-mad. 她权迷心窍。
The crowd made a mad rush for the exit. 人群疯狂地冲向出口处。
Only a mad dash got them to the meeting on time. 他们一阵狂奔,总算准时到达会场。
She was afraid of going mad. 她担心自己会疯掉。
...the mad old lady from down the street. 沿街走来的那位精神失常的老太太
You'd be mad to work with him again... 你要再和他一起工作那简直是疯了。
Isn't that a rather mad idea? 那难道不是一个愚蠢透顶的想法吗?
You're just mad at me because I don't want to go... 因为我不想去,你就对我火冒三丈。
I'm pretty mad about it, I can tell you. 告诉你,我对这件事感到非常恼火。
She's not as mad about sport as I am... 她不像我对体育那么痴迷。
He's mad about you... 他很迷恋你。
You only have an hour to complete the game so it's a mad dash against the clock... 你只有一个小时来完成这场比赛,所以得铆足劲头争分夺秒。
The audience went mad. 观众们十分狂热。
There are certain things he does that drive me mad... 他的某些举动让我很生气。
This itching is driving me mad. 这种瘙痒简直快把我折磨疯了。
He was weight training like mad. 他在拼命地进行负重训练。
e [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.使人兴奋的,令人激动的; v.刺激(excite的现在分词);
one of the most exciting developments in biology in recent years 近年来生物学上一项最令人振奋的新发展
They waited and waited for something exciting to happen. 他们等啊等啊,等待着激动人心的事情发生。
an exciting prospect/possibility 令人激动的前景 / 可能性
an exciting story/discovery 激动人心的故事 / 发现
This voyage was the most exciting adventure of their lives... 这次旅行是他们人生中最刺激的冒险经历。
The race itself is very exciting... 比赛本身非常刺激。
What do you like to do in your spare time? 空闲时你喜欢干什么?
Life was now drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas. 比起海外那种更富有刺激的生活方式来,现在的生活显得了无生气.
He is finding his new work far more exciting. 他现在发觉自己的新工作更加令人兴奋.
He concentrated his pupils and declared the exciting news. 他把他的学生集中在一起,宣布了这条令人兴奋的消息.
Scientists say these unmanned flights can make important and exciting discoveries. 科学家们说这次无人驾驶的太空飞行能够获得令人兴奋的重大发现.
It was the most exciting holiday I've ever had. 那是我经历过的最令人兴奋的假日.
The game was exciting , as was instanced by the score. 依分数所示,这场比赛是很紧张的.
He was enthralled by the exciting story. 那激动人心的故事使他听得入神了.
It was rapidly followed by some news that was even more exciting to us. 接踵而来的消息更鼓舞了我们.
Skiing is more exciting than skating. 滑雪比滑冰更激动人心.
He skipped through the first part of the book, eager to get to the exciting bits. 他匆匆略读了这本书的第一部分, 急切地想看到激动人心的片断.
She found the idea terrifically exciting. 她觉得这个想法十分让人振奋.
Extremists were exciting the people to rebellion against their oppressors. 极端主义者在鼓动人民起来反抗压迫者.
The most exciting game was Harvard versus Yale. 最富紧张刺激的球赛是哈佛队对耶鲁队.
one of the most exciting directors of the Australian new wave 澳大利亚新浪潮派中最为振奋人心的导演之一
We're sure you'll find it exciting! 我们保证你一定会认为这很刺激的!
I work in a government office. It's a responsible position, I suppose, but not very exciting. 我在政府机关工作。我想那是一个责任重大的职位,但并不是很有意思。
The chase is always much more exciting than the conquest anyway. 不管怎么说,追求的过程总比得手更为刺激。
What made the meeting exciting was the interchange of ideas from different disciplines. 会议上令人兴奋的是来自不同学科的思想交流。
[ˈhɒlədeɪ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.假日,休息日;节日; vi.度假,休假;
She was holidaying with her family in Ireland. 她当时正和家人在爱尔兰度假。
Happy holidays! 节日愉快!
Today is a holiday in Wales. 在威尔士今天是假日。
a national holiday 全国假日
We went on holiday together last summer. 去年夏天我们一起去度假了。
They met while on holiday in Greece. 他们是在希腊度假时认识的。
Where are you going for your holidays this year? 你今年要到哪里休假?
the holiday industry 度假服务业
a holiday cottage/home/resort 度假别墅 / 住所 / 胜地
a family holiday 合家度假
a foreign holiday 国外度假
a camping/skiing/walking, etc. holiday 露营、滑雪、远足等度假
a holiday job (= done by students during the school holidays) (学生在学校放假时做的)假期工作
holiday pay 假日薪金
The package includes 20 days' paid holiday a year. 这一揽子福利包括每年20天的带薪假。
I'm afraid Mr Walsh is away on holiday this week. 很抱歉,沃尔什先生这个星期休假去了。
the school/summer/Christmas, etc. holidays 学校假期、暑假、圣诞节等假期
Vacant rooms on the campus were being used by holidaying families. 校园里的闲置宿舍住着一些度假的家庭。
Sampling the local cuisine is one of the delights of holidaying abroad... 品尝当地菜肴是海外度假的乐趣之一。
Every worker will be entitled to four weeks' paid holiday a year. 每位工人每年都能享受4周的带薪休假。
...the first day of the school holidays. 学校放假的第一天
He invited her to spend the Fourth of July holiday at his summer home on Fire Island... 他邀请她去自己在法尔岛上的消夏寓所过美国独立纪念日。
New Year's Day is a public holiday throughout Britain... 元旦是全英国的公众假日。
We rang Duncan to ask where he was going on holiday... 我们打电话给邓肯,问他要去哪里度假。
I've just come back from a holiday in the United States... 我刚从美国度假回来。
Their behavior there put all succeeding generations of Americans in their debt. 他们的行为将使美国世世代代蒙受恩泽.
He hates leaving the office and going on holiday. 他不愿离开办公室去度假.
[ˈfu:lɪʃ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
We foolishly thought that everyone would speak English. 我们真蠢,竟以为人人都会说英语。
foolishly, I allowed myself to be persuaded to enter the contest. 我竟傻乎乎地让人说服去参加比赛。
[不可数名词]Jenny had to laugh at her own foolishness. 珍妮只好自嘲自己的愚蠢。
He's afraid of looking foolish in front of his friends. 他怕在朋友面前出丑。
She's just a vain, foolish woman. 她不过是个愚蠢自负的女人。
I was foolish enough to believe what Jeff told me. 我真蠢,竟相信杰夫和我说的话。
The accident was my fault─ it would be foolish to pretend otherwise. 这次事故是我的过失——装作没有责任那才傻呢。
How could she have been so foolish as to fall in love with him? 她怎么这么傻,竟爱上了他?
a foolish idea/dream/mistake 荒唐的想法 / 梦 / 错误
It was a very foolish thing to do. 干那种事很蠢。
I felt foolish and a failure. 我自觉是个愚蠢的失败者。
It would be foolish to raise hopes unnecessarily... 无谓地燃起人们的希望是愚蠢的。
It is foolish to risk skin cancer. 冒患上皮肤癌的风险是愚蠢的。
I just stood there feeling foolish and watching him... 我只是傻傻地站在那里看着他。
I didn't want him to look foolish and be laughed at. 我不希望见到他出丑,被别人嘲笑。
Better a witty fool man than a foolish wit. 宁做聪明的傻子,不做愚蠢的聪明人.
No one is foolish enough to endorse it. 没有哪个人会傻得赞成它.
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. 令人讨厌的小人物身上有着愚蠢的一致性.
That foolish fellow is looking for trouble. 那个愚蠢的家伙在自找麻烦.
It is foolish not to invest in stocks, so I will show her how to be bearish without them too, if she chooses. 不投资股票是愚蠢的, 因此如果她选择股票,我会向她展示怎样在没有长期潜力的情况下进行卖空.
Don't close with him; he is a foolish man. 别跟他 打架 ,他是个傻子.
How foolish you should be if you were to take these words seriously. 如果你把这些话当真,那你真是太傻了.
We consider them to have been foolish. 我们认为他们的做法是愚蠢的.
It'seems foolish not to give Ann her freedom, if that's what she really wants. 安要是真想离婚的话,不同意她离就太蠢了.
His foolish act has brought a storm about his ears. 他的愚蠢行动招致了人们的强烈不满.
It would be foolish to let such an opportunity slip; it's a chance of a lifetime. 坐失这个良机, 那是太傻了,这是一生中难得的机会.
If he had a modicum of sense, he wouldn't do such a foolish thing. 要是他稍有一点理智, 他决不会做出如此愚蠢的事来.
m [ˈmædnəs] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
There may be a link between madness and creativity. 在疯狂和创造力之间也许有着某种联系。
It would be sheer madness to trust a man like that. 信任这样的人将是愚蠢至极。
In a moment of madness she had agreed to go out with him. 由于一时糊涂,她同意和他约会。
She was afraid of going mad. 她担心自己会疯掉。
...the mad old lady from down the street. 沿街走来的那位精神失常的老太太
You'd be mad to work with him again... 你要再和他一起工作那简直是疯了。
Isn't that a rather mad idea? 那难道不是一个愚蠢透顶的想法吗?
You're just mad at me because I don't want to go... 因为我不想去,你就对我火冒三丈。
I'm pretty mad about it, I can tell you. 告诉你,我对这件事感到非常恼火。
She's not as mad about sport as I am... 她不像我对体育那么痴迷。
He's mad about you... 他很迷恋你。
You only have an hour to complete the game so it's a mad dash against the clock... 你只有一个小时来完成这场比赛,所以得铆足劲头争分夺秒。
The audience went mad. 观众们十分狂热。
There are certain things he does that drive me mad... 他的某些举动让我很生气。
This itching is driving me mad. 这种瘙痒简直快把我折磨疯了。
He was weight training like mad. 他在拼命地进行负重训练。
War is madness and politics a pack of lies. 战争是疯狂的行为,而政治是一派胡言.
We'll be destroyed for sure. This is madness! 我们很快会被毁灭这简直是疯了!
It is sheer madness to do it. 做这种事实在愚不可及.
Is talking to yourself a sign of madness? 自言自语是否是疯癫的一种表现?
We may even think that if we do, we be in danger of madness. 我们甚至认为这样做可能会让人疯狂.
His behaviour borders upon madness. 他的行为几乎是疯狂.
Her dead white face had a curious carven look ; the inflexible solidity of madness. 她死灰的脸看上去给人一种奇怪的雕象的感觉:一个疯人拗强的屹然不动的样子.
It would be downright [ sheer ] madness to do such a thing. 做这种事纯粹是 发疯.
Anger be a short madness. 愤怒是短暂的疯狂.
As you may have guessed, there is a method to such madness. 可能你也猜到了, 松鼠的这种看似疯狂的做法其实是有它的道理的.
Her strange behaviour sometimes verges on madness. 有时候她的行径古怪得近乎疯狂.
This is madness, and It'should end. 这场战争是疯狂的, 应该结束了.
Research shows that a high-fibre diet may protect you from bowel cancer... 研究表明高纤维饮食可预防肠癌。
He was arrested at his home in Southampton after a breath test showed he had drunk more than twice the legal limit for driving... 呼吸测醉检测显示其饮酒量是法定驾车饮酒限量的两倍多,他随即在南安普顿的家中被捕。
Figure 4.1 shows the respiratory system... 图表 4.1 所示为呼吸系统。
...a coin showing Cleopatra... 刻有克娄巴特拉头像的硬币
Cut out this article and show it to your bank manager... 将这篇文章剪下来,拿给你的银行经理看。
He showed me the flat he shares with Esther... 他带我看了他和埃丝特合住的公寓。
Let me show you to my study... 我带你去我的书房。
Milton was shown into the office... 米尔顿被领到了办公室。
Claire showed us how to make a chocolate roulade... 克莱尔给我们示范了如何做巧克力卷。
There are seasoned professionals who can teach you and show you what to do... 有经验丰富的专家教你,并向你演示怎么做。
He showed his teeth in a humourless grin... 他一本正经地咧嘴笑了笑。
His beard was just beginning to show signs of grey... 他的胡子才刚有点泛白。
Elsie has had enough time to show her gratitude... 埃尔茜有足够的时间来表达她的感激之情。
She showed no interest in her children... 她对自己的孩子毫无兴趣。
The story shows a strong narrative gift and a vivid eye for detail... 这个故事显示了作者较强的叙事能力和对细节的观察入微。
Middle East peace talks in Washington showed signs of progress yesterday... 昨天在华盛顿举行的中东和谈有了取得进展的迹象。
Miners gathered in the centre of Bucharest in a show of support for the government... 矿工们聚集在布加勒斯特市中心以表示对政府的支持。
A crowd of more than 10,000 has gathered in a show of strength... 已经有 10,000 多人聚集起来以显示他们的力量。
The change in government is more for show than for real... 政府的转变更多的是装装样子,而不是真的。
'It's all show,' said Linus. 'The girls don't take it seriously.' “全是装的,”莱纳斯说。“女孩子们不会拿它当真的。”
It is the only one of the three companies expected to show a profit for the quarter... 那是3个公司中唯一一家预计会在本季度盈利的公司。
Lonrho's mining and minerals businesses showed some improvement. 朗荷公司的采矿及矿产业务有了些起色。
There was always a chance he wouldn't show. 他总是有可能不出现。
I had my own TV show... 我有自己的电视节目。
This is the show in which Loyd Grossman visits the houses of the famous. 这就是劳埃德·格罗斯曼拜访名人家庭的那档节目。
How about going shopping and seeing a show in London?... 去伦敦购物再看场演出怎么样?
He has earned a reputation as the man who can close a show with a bad review... 他因可以用一则恶评毙掉一场演出而闻名。
The BBC World Service Television news showed the same film clip... 英国广播公司对外电视频道的新闻节目播放了同样的电影剪辑片段。
The drama will be shown on American TV next year... 明年这部剧将在美国电视台播出。
The venue for the show is Birmingham's National Exhibition Centre Hall... 展览地点在伯明翰国家展览中心大厅。
She sounded very convincing to me (= I believed what she said) . 我觉得她的话很有说服力。
a convincing victory/win (= an easy one) 令人折服的胜利
Her case was convincingly argued. 她的辩辞很有说服力。
They won convincingly. 他们赢得令人信服。
a convincing argument/explanation/case 有说服力的论点 / 解释 / 事例
He sounded very convincing. 他的话听起来很有说服力。
Scientists say there is no convincing evidence that power lines have anything to do with cancer... 科学家们说,并没有确凿的证据表明输电线和癌症之间有什么联系。
Do you have any tips for successfully convincing organizations to adopt personas into their design process? 您怎样说服那些组织机构将用户角色设计运用到设计工作中来 呢 ?
His story is by no means convincing. 他讲的话丝毫不足令人相信.
The effect was a remarkably convincing portrait of a critter walking across rugged terrain. 结果就得到一个生物走过崎岖地带的非常可信的图像.
No one have come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaur die out. 尚未有人能对恐龙的灭绝作出一个令人信服的解释.
His argument is very convincing. 他的论点很有说服力.
Compulsion will never result in convincing them. 强迫永远不会使他们信服.
That would be a lot more convincing if you weren't drooling. 如果你们开玩笑的话可能更可信点.
What she say sounded convincing, but I suspect it to is a lie. 她的话听起来像那麽回事, 但我认为那是谎话.
The characterization in this novel is highly unrealistic; not a single character is convincing. 这部小说的人物塑造非常不真实, 没有一个人物可信.
Johnson's convincing speech won most of the committee to his opinions. 约翰逊的演讲很有说服力,大多数委员都接受了他的观点.
At a time like this, scorching iron , not convincing argument, is needed. 现在这种时候, 需要的不是有说服力的论理, 而是炽热的烙铁.
This argument seems convincing, but is easily overturned. 这个论点好像令人信服, 但很容易就被推翻了.
His version of the accident seemed most convincing. 他对该事件的叙述似乎最令人信服.
The data you have collected is not enough to be convincing. 你们收集的材料说服力不足.
She knew that her efforts to feign cheerfulness weren't convincing. 她明白自己强作欢颜是瞒不了谁的.
The data we have collected is not enough to be convincing. 我们所收集的资料还不足以令人信服.
There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer. 有可靠证据表明日光曝晒与皮肤癌之间有联系。
The Socialist Party, which won a convincing victory in elections in June, has been losing support in the polls recently. 最近的民意测验表明,6月份在选举中大胜的社会党的支持率一直在下滑。
He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace. 他坚信自己实际上是在促进和平,以此进一步将自己的行为合理化。
We need a convincing win to put us back on the right track. 我们需要一场令人信服的大胜,以重回正轨。
His sales pitch was smooth and convincing. 他的推销词流畅又有说服力。
She'll cook up a convincing explanation. 她会编造一个很有说服力的解释。
h [ˈɜ:bəlɪst] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Which one would you prefer? Male herbalist Doctor or Female herbalist Doctor? 你需要男中医还是女中医技师 呢 ?
As a herbalist doctor's name began in the Song Dynasty. 郎中作为医生的称呼始自宋代.
Traditional Chinese medicine treatment, including herbalist doctor fee, herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage. 中医治疗, 包括中医诊疗费 、 中草药费以及所有针灸治疗 、 推拿治疗项目.
Tongue's crack is a very important part of herbalist doctor diagnosis. 舌象中的裂纹是中医舌诊中的重要内容.
The old herbalist doctor applied ink to his face, saying that it could treat parotitis. 老中医在他的脸上涂上乌金, 说是可以治腮炎.
Doctors have doctor, herbalist, Xinglin, and so another name. 医生还有大夫 、 郎中 、 杏林等别称.
If I had a bad cough, I usually consult the herbalist. 如果我咳嗽得厉害,我通常求诊于草药医生。
[ˈfrendli] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj.友好的,亲密的;有帮助的;互助的; adv.友好地,朋友般地;
(British English)It was only a friendly match. 这仅是一场友谊赛。
friendly rivalry 友好竞争
a friendly argument 友好的辩论
ozone-friendly cleaning materials 对臭氧无害的清洁材料
environmentally-friendly farming methods 环保耕作法
This software is much friendlier than the previous version. 这个软件比之前的版本好用得多。
She was on friendly terms with most of the hospital staff. 她和医院大多数工作人员关系融洽。
to maintain friendly relations with all countries 与所有国家保持友好关系
a warm and friendly person 热情友好的人
Everyone was very friendly towards me. 每个人都对我十分友好。
a friendly smile/welcome 亲切的微笑;友好的欢迎
a small hotel with a friendly atmosphere 宾至如归的小旅馆
We soon became friendly with the couple next door. 我们很快就和隔壁的夫妇友好相处了。
...a worsening in relations between the two previously friendly countries. 这两个曾经友好的国家之间关系的恶化
Athletic Bilbao agreed to play a friendly at Real Sociedad. 毕尔巴鄂竞技队同意在皇家社会队主场打一场友谊赛。
Asmus became friendly with a number of writers and appeared in print as a literary critic. 阿斯穆斯和许多作家成为了好友,而且还作为一名文学评论家出现在报纸上。
I'm friendly with his mother... 我和他母亲很要好。
...a man with a pleasant, friendly face... 面容和蔼可亲的男子
Godfrey had been friendly to me. 戈弗雷一度对我很友善。
He is kind and friendly despite his rather bluff manner. 他为人厚道,待人亲切,虽然态度有点粗鲁.
The hypermarket stations had a wide selection of branded foods, clean toilets, friendly service and fast checkouts. 这家超大型连锁加油站有各种名牌食品 、 洁净的卫生间 、 友好的服务并且结帐迅速.
Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed. 母亲们不但得不到报酬,而且她们做的那些乏味艰苦的工作常常都不为人所注意。
Taurus will only eat the finest of Swiss chocolates. 金牛座只会吃最好的瑞士巧克力.
Be vigilant against the danger of enemy agents infiltrating the government and boring from within. 要警惕敌特渗入政府内部进行暗中破坏.
He talks uninterestingly in boring cliche & 1 & s. 他谈的话没有意味,都是令人生厌的 陈词滥调.
He is a boring person. 他是个令人讨厌的人.
His speeches are boring. 他的演讲单调乏味.
The phony glamour of night clubs soon became stale and boring. 夜总会那种虚荣的繁华不久便失去了新意而使人生厌.
This party is boring, let's try and jazz it up a bit. 这个聚会太无聊了, 让我们想法把它搞得活跃一点吧.
We did some singularly boring experiment. 我们做了一些非常乏味的试验.
She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs. 她不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。
A few jokes add leaven to a boring speech. 几句笑话可给枯燥无味的演讲增添活跃的气氛。
Future generations are going to think that we were a pretty boring lot. 未来几代人会觉得我们无趣乏味得很。
The people seemed lumpen and boring. 这些人看起来蠢笨无趣得紧。
Their work is hard and unglamorous, and most people would find it boring. 他们的工作又累又平淡,多数人会认为很乏味。
At work, he was chained to a system of boring meetings. 上班时,他淹没在枯燥乏味的会海中。
I spent the rest of their visit gleefully boring them with tedious details. 在他们到访余下的时间里,我一直给他们讲些乏味的琐事,把他们烦得够呛,而我则私下窃喜。
Obsessives, in any area, are invariably as boring as their hobbies. 无论在哪个领域,过分痴迷者都会跟他们的癖好一样令人厌烦。
The family has been described variously as crass, bigoted, racist and plain boring. 人们对这家人有各种不同的评价:愚蠢、顽固、有种族偏见和无聊透顶,不一而足。
All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications. 他就会翻来覆去讨论同一个无聊的药品单。
Exercising alone can be boring. 独自锻炼会很枯燥。
Teaching off a blackboard is boring, and undoubtedly turns people off. 照本宣科枯燥乏味,无疑会使人们丧失学习兴趣。
Usually, the work is boring. 这项工作通常枯燥乏味。
Here I am boring you with my reminiscences. 我要拿旧事来烦你了。
His poems sound dead boring, actually. 实际上,他的诗听起来非常乏味。
[ˈækjərət] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
an accurate description/account/calculation 准确的描述 / 叙述 / 计算
accurate information/data 正确无误的情报 / 资料
accurate records must be kept. 必须保存准确的记录。
a highly accurate electronic compass 高度精确的电子罗盘仪
accurate to within 3mm 精确得误差不超过3毫米
My watch is not very accurate. 我的表走得不很准。
The article accurately reflects public opinion. 文章如实反映了公众的意见。
You need to hit the ball accurately. 你必须准确击球。
The pilots, however, were not as accurate as they should be. 然而飞行员并不像他们该达到的水平那样精准。
The rifle was extremely accurate... 这把步枪准头极高。
...his maliciously accurate imitation of Hubert de Burgh. 他对休伯特·德伯格到位的恶搞模仿
I think it may take sometime before we can have an accurate assessment of the damage... 我认为我们对损失作出准确的估算可能需要一段时间。
They were accurate in their prediction that he would change her life drastically. 他们预测得没错,他使她的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。
Marks were given for accurate spelling and punctuation. 因拼写及标点正确而得分。
Police have stressed that this is the most accurate description of the killer to date... 警方强调这是迄今对凶手最精确的描述。
This may provide a quick and accurate way of monitoring the amount of carbon dioxide in the air... 这也许能提供一个监测空气中二氧化碳含量的既快又准的方法。
My secretary is accurate in her typing. 我的秘书打字准确无误.
Laboratory work needs not only accurate measurements but also correct calculation. 实验工作不但需要准确的测量,而且需要准确的计算.
To remove any ambiguity we have to acquire more accurate information. 为了消除含糊不清,我们必须取得更加精确的情报.
Someone fired a shot through my office window. accurate, don't you think? 有人向我的办公室里放了一枪, 打得很准, 你想不是 吗 ?
Find a good cartographer. Though his maps may cost more, they are extremely accurate. 找一个好制图师. 价钱可能有点贵, 但是一分钱一分货嘛.
His pronunciation is not accurate. 他发音不准.
Hearsay definitely can't be regarded as accurate information. 道听途说的决然不能算作很准确的消息.
The weather forecast turned out to be accurate. 天气预报果然灵验.
Evidences are clear and accurate. 例证明确.
[ˈtɜːki] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
roast turkey 烤火鸡肉
His latest movie is a real turkey. 他最近的那部电影是一大败笔。
So, please quit the cold turkey and eat more vegetables and fruits! 所以, 在戒烟的同时不要忘记多吃点水果与蔬菜!
It is equal in size to a turkey. 它的大小和火鸡一样.
They broiled turkey over a charcoal flame. 他们在木炭上烤火鸡.
The turkey was brought smoking hot to the table. 把火鸡热气腾腾地端上了桌子.
A turkey carpet adorned the floor. 地板上铺着土耳其地毯.
Greece broke off relations with turkey. 希腊断绝了与土耳其的外交关系.
Shall we have fish instead of turkey today? 今天我们不吃火鸡肉吃鱼好 吗 ?
The turkey was served with a garnish of parsley. 做好的火鸡上面配上芫荽菜做点缀.
The savo ( u ) ry smell of roast turkey greeted us as we entered the house. 我们一走进房子,烤火鸡的浓郁香味扑面而来.
It's traditional to eat turkey at Thanksgiving. 感恩节吃火鸡是传统.
The turkey is basted to keep it from drying out. 烤火鸡时润以油脂以免烤干.
The eggshells crackled, and the turkey babies fluttered and cheeped and snuggled against me. 蛋壳裂开了, 初生的火鸡拍动着翅膀,卿卿地叫着,偎依着我.
We always eat turkey on Thanksgiving. 我们过感恩节时总是吃火鸡。
It's traditional in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. 感恩节时吃火鸡是美国的传统。
a splendid feast of turkey with all the trimmings 备有各种配料的丰盛火鸡大餐
His latest movie is a real turkey. 他最近的那部电影是一大败笔。
She avoided the issue by ordering a turkey sandwich. 她点了份火鸡三明治,以此来避开这个重要问题。
The two great rivers of the Middle East rise in the mountains of turkey. 中东地区的两大河流发源于土耳其境内的山脉。
The haulage company was a carrier of machine parts to turkey. 该公路货运公司负责将机械零件运往土耳其。
Alexandretta had been occupied by the French in 1918 after the defeat of turkey. 土耳其溃败之后,亚历山大勒塔在1918年被法国人占领。
Some people like to truss up the turkey. 有些人喜欢烹饪前把火鸡的腿和翅膀扎紧。
Dr Kengerli looks to turkey as his mother country. 肯戈理博士视土耳其为自己的祖国。
It's a proper Christmas dinner, with turkey and bread sauce. 这是顿像样的圣诞大餐,有火鸡和牛奶沙司。
The quickest way to get her off the drug was to let her go cold turkey. 要使她摆脱毒品,最快的方法是让她彻底戒毒。
turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union. 土耳其和希腊是前苏联与反苏国家之间的缓冲国。
Will you stuff the turkey and shove it in the oven for me? 你能帮我给火鸡填上料然后放进烤箱里吗?
Once the turkey has defrosted, remove the giblets. 一旦火鸡解冻了之后,就把其内脏清除掉。
emon [iˈmɪʃn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere 向大气排放二氧化碳
emission controls 排放控制
The government has pledged to clean up industrial emissions. 政府已保证要清除工业排放物。
The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilised at their present level... 二氧化碳等气体的排放应该稳定在当前水平。
Sulfur emissions from steel mills become acid rain. 炼钢厂排放出的硫形成了酸雨。
More and more people attach importance to reducing greenhouse gas emission. 越来越多的人开始重视减少温室气体排放.
Fig 3 Excitation and emission spectra of indoles and its derivative in DMSO. 图3吲哚及其衍生物的DMSO溶液的激发和发射光谱.
Total air pollutant emission control planning is a major urban environmental management approach. 大气污染物总量控制是控制城市大气环境污染主要管理手段.
Norway and Japan were the only industrialized countries to win applause for pledging further emission reductions. 挪威和日本是承诺进一步减少排放而博得称赞的唯一工业化国家.
A high beam energy is also used to stimulate x - ray emission of higher - energy peaks . 高能量电子束也能用来激发 高能量 X 射线峰的发射.
emission total amount of pollution sources is confirmed by water environmental capacity. 污染源应根据纳污水体的环境容量来确定其污染物排放总量.
The carbon nanotube has been used as the electron source in a field emission display panel. 采用碳纳米管作为发射源的碳纳米管场致发射显示器是一种新型的平板显示器件.
The hot carrier exchange energy with lattice by emission and absorption of phonons. 热载流子通过发射和吸收声子,与晶格进行能量交换.
A lumen is a measure of the rate of emission of light energy. 流明是光能放射率的量度单位.
The terpene emission rate increased with irradiation and temperature. 萜烯和异戌二烯排放速率随日照和温度的升高而增加.
Grand force is planning to undertook be publicized first emission 2005. 宏力正计划2005年进行首次公开发行.
Vehicle emission has become the major sources of air pollutants in the large cities. 大城市中机动车排放已成为主要大气污染源.
The application of atomic emission spectroscopy in food analysis was reviewed in this article. 介绍了近年来应用等离子体发射光谱分析食品中各种元素的研究进展.
Acoustic emission technology is a very good method of dynamic nondestructive testing. 声发射技术是一种非常好的动态无损检测方法.
Consider what the emission process looks like when viewed reversed in time. 想一想,要是把时间倒转来看,发射光子的过程会变成什麽样子呢?
Objective : To discuss the nursing countermeasure for receiving high quality Positron emission Tomography ( PET ) image. 目的: 探讨 正电子 发射 计算机断层 显像检查中的护理方法.
Both ionization and excitation lead to eletronic transitions that may be the emission of light. 电离和激发都将导致可能伴随有光发射的电子跃迁.
By analyzing the data, researchers can come to the emission of methane content in sheep number. 通过分析数据, 研究人员便可得出绵羊排出的甲烷含量多少.
This section will deal with the emission observed from flawed material during a risingload test. 本节讨论在缺陷材料升载试验中所观察到的声发射.
Fatigue damage of steel wire has been monitored using acoustic emission ( AE ) technique. 应用声发射 ( AE ) 技术对制绳钢丝疲劳损伤过程进行动态监测.
Take off emission plug and engine oil filling cover. 取下排放塞和机油加注盖.
VTCL __ EETS ( engine emission test system ) was developed, and its application was dealt with. 介绍了自主开发的VTCL-EETS发动机排放测试系统, 并给出了应用实例.
Pulse width: It refers to the emission time of laser beams. 脉冲宽度: 这和激光束的散发时间有关.
Determine the latent defects of OLED by slight emission analysis method without damage. 在低于初始发光电压的驱动条件下,可以确定OLED的微小缺陷造成的漏电部位.
[bi: ˈkreizi əˈbaut] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
I used to be crazy about the hunting season. 过去,打猎的季节总使我疯狂.
Young human all seems to be crazy about like the stuff. 年轻人看起来对这些东西都非常感兴趣.
If your child appears to be crazy about war play and weapons. 如果孩子似乎对打仗游戏和武器着迷时.
That's not abnormal for a youngster. Young people all seems to be crazy about such things. 这对年轻来说没什么不正常的. 年轻人看起来对这些东西都非常感兴趣.
B: You seem to be crazy about it! Who is your favorite singer? 你似乎很疯狂, 谁是你最喜欢的歌手.
He winked at her and she knew he was thinking the same thing that she was. 他冲她眨了眨眼,她便知道他的想法和她一样。
We could see the lights of the ship winking in the distance. 我们看见船在远方忽明忽暗地闪着灯光。
He gave her a knowing wink. 他向她会意地眨了一下眼睛。
I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. 我昨天一夜都没合眼。
I hardly slept a wink. 我几乎连个盹都没打。
Brian winked at his bride-to-be... 布赖恩向他的准新娘使了个眼色。
He smiled, winked and nodded, giving his seal of approval. 他笑了,使了个眼色,然后点点头表示同意。
From the hotel window, they could see lights winking on the bay. 透过宾馆的窗子,他们能看见海湾一带灯光摇曳。
I didn't get a wink of sleep on the aeroplane. 我在飞机上没合一下眼。
A nod's as good as a wink , their political rights must be safeguarded. 不用多说, 他们的政治权益必须得到保证.
We saw the wink at the ships bow. 我们看到船首有灯光闪烁.
The satellite disappeared in a wink. 瞬息之间,那颗卫星就消失了.
They exchanged a wink. 他们交换了一个眼色.
Mother wink at Laura as a sign for her to keep silent. 母亲向罗拉眨眼示意,叫她不要作声.
He tipped me the wink not to buy at that price. 他眨眼暗示我按那个价格就不要买.
Many of the teachers wink at the boy's secret smoking. 许多老师对男孩子偷着吸烟装作没看见.
I am too tired to sleep. Can't sleep a wink. 我累得睡不着, 一点也睡不着.
He gave me a friendly wink. 他向我递了个友好的眼色.
He didn't sleep a wink the whole night. 他整夜没有合眼.
Without exaggeration I can say that I hardly slept a wink. 可以毫不夸大地说,我几乎没有合过眼.
I've tipped you a wink or signalled to you on the sly many times, but before you took the hint others had already noticed. 我多次向你使眼色,又给你递暗号,别人都明白了, 你却没有反应.
Feel wink of warmth and stir of spirit. 感觉温度的闪烁和灵魂的骚动.
We could not sleep a wink last night because of noise. 因为太吵,昨晚我们一点儿也没睡.
Life can be taken away from us in the wink of an eye. 生命可以在眨眼间消失.
Those two gave each other the suggestion of a wink. 那两个人心照不宣地相互眨了眨眼睛.
A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse. 对瞎马点头眨眼都是一样.
It was so dark that we could n't see a wink. 天色那么黑以致我一点也看不见.