They will only release information if it suits them... 他们只会发布对他们有利的信息。
They should be able to find you the best package to suit your needs. 他们应该能提供满足你需要的最佳套餐。
I don't think a sedentary life would altogether suit me. 我认为长期伏案的生活一点也不适合我。
Green suits you. 绿色很配你。
These large institutions make — and change—the rules to suit themselves... 这些大机构总是随意制定规定,而且说变就变。
He made a dismissive gesture. 'suit yourself.' 他做了一个很不屑的手势。“随你便。”
Up to 2,000 former employees have filed personal injury suits against the company... 多达 2,000 名旧职员以个人伤害为由向该公司提起诉讼。
The judge dismissed the suit. 法官驳回了诉讼。
Efforts to persuade the remainder to follow suit have continued. 说服其余人跟着效仿的努力仍在继续。
Their London house suits them down to the ground. 他们在伦敦的房子很合他们心意。
[riˈplai tu:] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
回复, 回答;
You'd better radio your reply to me as soon as possible. 你最好尽快发电报告诉我你的答复.
They would be able to reply to our signals using similar methods. 他们会有能力使用类似的方法来回答我们的信号.
We wait on your reply to our letter. 我们等着你们的回信.
It is all terribly flattering and she is trying to reply to every single letter personally. 一切都让她感到无比荣幸,她尽量亲自回复每一封信。
If he comes to ask me, I know how to reply to him properly. 他来问我, 我自有话回答.
He started at once to compose a reply to Anna. 他马上开始给安娜写回信。
reply to Publicity Department, FREEPOST, Oxford University Press, Oxford. 回信免费邮寄至牛津牛津大学出版社宣传部.
What did you say in reply to her request? 在答复她的请求时你是怎么说的?
A reply to this letter is mandatory. 这封信非答覆不可.
He disdained to reply to the insult. 他不屑于理会那侮辱.
She scorned to reply to the charge. 她不屑答复那种指控.
Wu Sun - fu made no reply to this question, and only glanced at Tu Chu - chai . 吴荪甫不回答, 只望了 杜竹斋 一眼.
Despite wanting to see him again, she refused to reply to his letters. 她尽管很想再见到他, 但却不愿给他回信.
He wrote a terse reply to Rhoda, sealed it up, and tossed it in his outbasket. 他写了一封简明扼要的复信给罗达, 封起来, 扔在发文的信筐里.
On November 11 M Maisky brought to me Stalin's chilling and evasive reply to this message. 11月11日,麦斯基先生把斯大林对这封电报的冷淡的措词闪烁的复电交给了我.
j [ˈdʒu:dəʊ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
He does judo . 他是练柔道的。
She's a black belt in judo . 她是柔道黑带高手。
They should not be as thick as judo mats , since these impede Karate movement. 垫子不应该和柔道使用的一般厚, 而影响空手道的移动.
Now we add other styles of fighting, including boxing, judo, and tae kwon do. 如今我们加入了其他战斗方式, 包括拳击 、 柔道和跆拳道.
There, he taught English and perfected his martial arts , earning black belts in Aikido, karate, judo, and kendo. 他在那儿教授英文, 精修武技,赢得了合气道 、 空手道 、 柔道和剑道的黑带.
judo awards two bronze medals in each weight class. 柔道项目在每个重量级均设置两块铜牌.
You see, judo originated from Japan, so judo terms are for the most part Japanese words. 你知道吧, 柔道源于日本, 因此多数术语是日语.
You can see the two judo players tangling on the ground here. 你可以看到两个柔道选手在地上缠斗.
I like it too? and the other indoor sports. I like watching judo and boxing. 我也喜欢体操 ― ―还有其他的室内活动. 我喜欢看柔道和拳击.
When and where did volleyball and judo join the Olympic Games? 何时及何处排球和柔道参加奥运会 吗 ?
I go in for judo. 我爱好柔道.
A main referee and two more judges arbitrate a judo contest. 柔道比赛中,有一名主裁判和两名以上副裁判对比赛进行裁决.
The new system was called judo. 这个新的体系称为柔道.
The judo is a kind of fighting sport. 柔道是一种对抗性体育活动.
He's a black belt in judo. 他是柔道黑带.
He's got a brown belt in judo. 他已是柔道棕带.
The Iraqi athletes planned to represent Iraq in judo, archery, wrestling, rowing and track and field. 伊拉克运动员原来计划参加柔道, 射箭, 摔跤, 划艇以及田径等项目的比赛.
Combat sports such as karate and judo carry with them the risk of injury. 像空手道和柔道之类的搏击运动有受伤的危险.
There are three major sets of techniques in judo competition: throwing, groundwork and striking. 柔道比赛有三大技术体系: 投技 、 寝技和当技.
Which is more important in judo, strength or techniques? 柔道运动中, 力量和技术哪个更重要?
The judo Bow Same as above, only you try to pulp your opponent seconds later. 柔道式鞠躬:同上, 只不过试图几秒后“扳倒”对方.
I go in for stamp collecting and judo. 我爱好集邮和柔道.
judo is a modern Japanese martial art that originated in Japan. 提起日本文化,少不了日本国粹-柔道.
Her current enthusiasm is judo. 她目前起劲搞的是柔道.
Therefore, It'should not be the reason for the irregular menstruation of women judo athletes. 所以, 减重行为并不是造成女性柔道运动员生理周期异常的主因.
He does judo . 他是练柔道的。
He's a judo black belt but he says he deplores violence. 他是一名柔道黑带选手,但他说自己强烈反对暴力。
Murray is a judo black belt. 默里是柔道黑带级选手。
[luk fɔ:] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
We look for applicants who are numerate, computer-literate and energetic self-starters. 我们对求职者的要求是具备运算能力,熟练使用电脑,精力充沛而且工作积极主动。
They look for foods that are low in calories. 他们要找低卡路里的食物。
We all need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint. 我们都需要寻求降低碳排放量的方法。
"You lead and we'll look for it." — "Done." “你领头,我们来找。”——“行。”
look for hotels in the French Quarter. 在法国人居住区寻找旅馆。
People were leaving the countryside in droves to look for work in the cities. 一批一批的人离开农村到城里找工作。
The searchers fanned out to look for the missing man. 搜寻人员四下散开寻找失踪者.
He ate heartily and went out to look for his horse. 他痛快地吃了一顿,就出去找他的马.
Jane craned her neck to look for her mother in the crowd. 简伸长脖子张望,在人群里找她的母亲.
The police left no stone unturned to look for the child. 警察千方百计地去寻找孩子.
He dived into the water to look for the dead body. 他潜入水底找寻尸首.
He wanted to look for occupation suited to his abilities. 他想找个适合自己才能的职业
It's too soon yet to look for results. 要想知道结果那还太早.
The sailor climbed aloft to look for land. 那个水手爬上桅顶寻找陆地.
They were detailed to look for water. 他们被派去找水.
ti [taɪ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
thai Airways said the plane had been given clearance to land. 泰国航空公司说,该飞机已经得到降落许可。
thai food is terrific. 泰国菜棒极了。
thai food's very moreish, isn't it? 泰餐特别好吃,不是吗?
Top quality thai rice fetched $340 a tonne. 极品泰国香米卖得了1公吨340美元。
thai food is hot and spicy. 泰国菜味道辛辣浓烈。
He took lessons in thai cookery. 他上了泰式烹饪的课程.
In the seventeenth century, a thai king trained 20,000 elephants for battle. 在十七世纪, 泰国国王为战争训练了两万头大象.
I'll tell you all about my thai boxing lessons next time I write. 下次给你写信,我会告诉你我在泰国的拳击课程.
When I come back, I'm going to cook you guys a genuine thai meal. 我回去的时候, 要给你做正宗的泰国饭.
The school teaches about 70 percent in English, and 30 percent in thai. 这个学校的教学有百分之七十用英语, 百分之三十用泰国语.
We needed to watch carefully when the thai leaders associated with us would be replaced. 当与我们有交往的泰国领导人被撤换时,我们就要密切注意.
thai kick boxing or Japanese sumo? 泰拳?相扑?
So you're a member of the Free thai Movement. 那么你是自由泰国运动的成员了.
Why didn't you tell me you're with the Free thai Movement? 你为什么不告诉我你和自由泰国运动组织是一起的?
I'm also good in boxing, thai boxing and grasping hands of martial arts! 我也精通拳击 、 泰拳、国术擒拿手!
e [ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
an electronic calculator 电子计算器
electronic music 电子音乐
This dictionary is available in electronic form. 本词典有电子版。
an electronic engineer 电子工程师
...electronic surveillance. 电子监控
...electronic music. 电子音乐
...expensive electronic equipment. 昂贵的电子设备
This radar is operated by an electronic pulse. 这台雷达依靠电子脉冲来操作.
We go to the amusement arcade on Saturdays to play the electronic games. 每个星期六我们去娱乐城玩电子游戏.
Semiconductor devices can perform a variety of control functions in electronic equipment. 半导体器件在电子设备中能起各式各样的控制作用.
It is an electronic device with many uses. 这是一部具有多种用途的电子仪器.
He added that the missing hologram should have been detected by electronic surveillance. 他还说,电子监视设备本应该发现漏印了全息防伪标志.
Although the problem is intricate and complex, it can be solved very quickly with an electronic computer. 这道题虽然错综复杂, 但用电子计算机很快就能解出.
The wide application of electronic computers in science and technology will free man from the labour of complicated measurement and computation. 电子计算机在科学技术方面广泛的应用将使人们从复杂的计量和计算中摆脱出来.
The airplane has a sophisticated electronic guidance system. 这架飞机有一套尖端的电子导航系统.
electronic computers are now in common use all over the world. 电子计算机已在世界各地普遍使用.
Father needs a new electronic shaver. 爸爸需要一个新的电子剃须刀.
This dictionary is available in electronic form. 本词典有电子版。
His desk is covered with electronic gadgetry. 他的书桌上摆满了各种电子装置。
The identity cards are examined by an electronic scanner. 用电子扫描器来检验身份证。
This makes it extremely simple to save what you find with an electronic bookmark so you can return to it later. 如此一来,用电子书签保存所找到的网页内容就变得非常简单,日后也可以再次访问。
All the royal cars are fitted with electronic homing devices. 所有的皇家轿车都装有电子自导引装置。
The car has all the latest electronic doodahs. 这辆车配有各种最新的电子小玩意儿。
This is currently the most efficient way to transmit certain types of data like electronic mail. 这是目前传送电子邮件等某些类型的数据的最高效方式。
It was a seamless procession of wonderful electronic music. 这是一曲优美流畅的电子乐曲。
bage [ˈbændɪdʒ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.绷带; vt.用绷带绑扎;
We put some ointment and a bandage on his knee... 我们在他的膝盖上涂了些药膏并打上了绷带。
His chest was swathed in bandages. 他的胸部缠着绷带。
Apply a dressing to the wound and bandage it. 给伤口盖上敷料并用绷带包扎起来。
...a bandaged hand. 缠着绷带的手
bandage condole is on the neck, at be! 绷带吊在脖子上, 于是乎!
May avoid because in the transportation process jolting creates knits the bandage the break. 在运输过程中可避免因颠簸造成打包带的断裂.
Compress the injury with padding and a bandage. 用敷料和绷带加压包扎受伤肢体.
Your arm is bleeding, put a bandage on it. 你的手臂在流血, 用绷带包扎一下.
Jump backward while you gouge, bandage when you are just right outside of his melee range. 当你凿击的时候跳后, 绷带当你正好再攻击范围以外.
Don't tie the bandage too tight. 绷带不要扎得太紧.
Do not bandage tightly or use a heating pad. 不要绷带紧紧或使用加热垫.
The injured arm was bound by bandage. 受伤的手臂用绷带扎起来了.
Give me a bandage for an abrasion. 我擦伤了,给我绷带.
Erofailov is awarded the Bout by the referee. He has a bandage on his eyebrow. 伊罗费洛夫被裁判判赢. 他的眉毛上贴了胶布.
In addition , one patient can use bandage which is disposable, avoiding cross infection. 一人一条, 一次性使用, 避免交叉感染.
A blind and bandage at right time usually wins it. 正确时候的至盲和绷带可以赢这场对决.
The wound was bound up by bandage. 伤口用绷带包扎着.
Drain the wound ( of blood ) before you apply the bandage. 先挤出伤口中的血 尔后 包上绑带.
Gouge bandage is extremely useful. 凿击+绷带很有效.
He wound a bandage round his arm. 他用绷带包扎胳膊.
The doctor tied the bandage too tight. 医生把绷带绑得太紧.
Cover the burned area with a bandage that will not stick to the skin. 用干而清洁又不粘皮肤的绷带把烧伤面包起来.
The bandage is wound on top of the cut. 绷带敷在伤口上.
She wound a bandage round my wounded arm. 她用绷带包扎我受伤的手臂.
Blood soaked through the bandage. 血渗透了绷带.
He unwound the bandage from his ankle. 他将绷带从脚踝上解开.
The nurse lapped a bandage around his wrist. 护士把他的腕部包上绷带.
Use a crepe bandage to support the affected area. 用强力绷带托住伤处。
Apply a dressing to the wound and bandage it. 给伤口盖上敷料并用绷带包扎起来。
[əˈpəʊnənt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.对手;反对者;敌手; adj.对立的;敌对的;
a political opponent 政敌
a dangerous/worthy/formidable opponent 危险的 / 势均力敌的 / 强大的对手
The team's opponents are unbeaten so far this season. 该队的竞争对手本赛季尚无败绩。
opponents of abortion 反对堕胎的人
opponents of the regime 反对政权的人
...Mr Kennedy's opponent in the leadership contest... 与肯尼迪先生争夺领导权的对手
He described the detention without trial of political opponents as a cowardly act. 他称未经审判就将政敌关押起来是懦夫之举。
Norris twice knocked down his opponent in the early rounds of the fight... 诺里斯在前几个回合中两次击倒对手。
He's the best opponent I've come across this season, a great player. 他是我本赛季遇到的最出色的对手,一位了不起的运动员。
...opponents of the spread of nuclear weapons... 反对核武器扩散的人士
He became an outspoken opponent of the old Soviet system. 他成为旧的苏联体制直言不讳的抨击者。
Ade had the edge over his opponent. 艾德比对手略占上风.
She played badly in the first set, but then she turned the tables on her opponent and won the match. 第一局她打得很糟, 可是后来她扭转局势赢了这场比赛.
He conceded ten points to his opponent. 他让给自己的对手十分.
The judge pronounced for the defendant, and also said that his opponent should pay the court costs. 法官作出有利于被告的判决, 并要原告偿付法庭费用.
He was calm and concentrated in judging how to defeat his opponent. 他冷静沉着,聚精会神地判断如何打败对手.
He buttocked his opponent onto the mat. 他把对手背摔在垫子上.
The boxer was grounded by his opponent. 那个拳击手被对手打倒在地.
Jim bowed himself out of the competition when he learned who his opponent was. 吉姆得知谁是他的对手后,退出了比赛.
He gave his opponent a good dusting. 他将他的对手打得大败.
The boxer polished off his opponent in the first round. 那个拳击手在第一个回合就把他的对手击倒了.
His young opponent counters with his left hand. 他的年轻对手用左手反击.
He downed his opponent with three blows. 他三拳击倒了对手.
He had a worthy opponent. 他面临一个强有力的敌手
The Chinese football team outscored its opponent by two balls. 中国足球队得分超过对方两个球.
In American football, you have to try to bring down your opponent. 在美式橄榄球赛中, 你必须设法把对手弄倒在地.
His eagerness will not avail against the fitness and skill of his opponent. 他求胜心切,但这并不能抵挡得住对手的健壮与技艺.
‘I won't let you down, ’ he replied confidently. 他信心十足地答道:“我不会让你失望的。”
The senator replied that he was not in a position to comment. 参议员回答说他不宜发表评论。
The terrorists replied to the government's statement with more violence. 恐怖分子以更多的暴力事件来回应政府的声明。
(formal)I am writing in reply to your letter of 16 March. 3月16日来函收悉,现答复如下。
(British English) a reply-paid envelope (= on which you do not have to put a stamp because it has already been paid for) 邮资已付信封
(British English)Morocco scored four goals without reply to win the game. 摩洛哥队在一球未失的情况下连入四球,赢得了这场比赛。
We had over 100 replies to our advertisement. 我们的广告宣传收到了100多份答复。
I asked her what her name was but she made no reply . 我问她叫什么名字,但她没有回答。
'That's a nice dress,' said Michael. 'Thanks,' she replied solemnly... “那件衣服很好看,”迈克尔说。“谢谢,”她严肃地回答。
He replied that this was absolutely impossible... 他回复说这是绝对不可能的。
I called out a challenge, but there was no reply... 我提出挑战,但是没人回应。
David has had 12 replies to his ad... 戴维的广告已经有12条回复了。
Graeme Hick scored an unbeaten 58 as Worcestershire replied to Middlesex's 202 with 132-3... 格雷姆·希克未出局拿得58分,从而使伍斯特郡队以132分3人出局的成绩回敬了米德尔塞克斯队的202分。
Deryck Fox gave Featherstone the lead early in the first half with a penalty, but Saints were quick to reply. 德里克·福克斯在上半场的罚球使费瑟斯通队领先,但是圣徒队很快进行了反击。
Farmers threw eggs and empty bottles at police, who replied with tear gas... 农民向警察扔鸡蛋和空瓶子,警察则以催泪弹回击。
The National Salvation Front has already replied to this series of opposition moves with its own demonstrations. 民族救亡阵线已经组织了示威,以此回击反对派的一系列活动。
His reply was highly enigmatic. 他的回答高深莫测.
She waved her hand in reply. 她挥了挥手作为回答.
His evasive reply prompted me to ask another question. 他的含糊其辞的答复促使我又提了一个问题.
I was offended by his discourteous reply. 他无礼的回答使我很生气.
He failed to reply. 他未作回答.
Her reply about the matter was terse. 她对此事的答复简明扼要.
c a [kʌm əˈkrɔs] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
I came across a group of children playing. 我碰到一群正在玩耍的小孩。
We like to identify and celebrate women's success whenever we come across it. 每当女性取得成功,我们都会表示认同并予以颂扬。
When sober he can come across as an extremely pleasant and charming young man... 没喝醉的时候,他看上去似乎是个极为彬彬有礼、讨人喜欢的小伙子。
He came across very, very well. 他给人的印象非常非常好。
Have you come across any annoying people? 有没有遇到一些烦人?
The speaker spoke for a long time but his meaning did not come across. 那位演讲的人讲了很久,但是没人理解他的意思.
He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not really come across. 他讲了很长时间,但他的意思没有人真正理解.
Sometimes in your career, you come across having to work with people you don't like. 在你的职业生涯中, 有时你不得不与你不喜欢的人一起共事.
Along the way , they come across five obstacles while taking turns running and biking. 当轮到参赛者时也需完成跑步和骑车这些障碍.
The papers were stored away in a secret place, and there they will probably remain until they are come across by someone who realized their importance. 文件被藏在一个秘密地方, 在没有了解它的价值的人发现以前,它大概会一直放在那里.
Perhaps I shall come across him in Shanghai. 或许我在上海会碰到他.
He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not come across. 他讲了很久,但没把意思讲明白.
If you come across any new words, use the dictionary online left column. 在线学习中遇到英语生词或中文难以表达的词汇, 请使用在线词典查询.
And Laban , searching through all the tent, did not come across them. 这样,拉班搜寻神像, 竟没有搜出来.
I never remember having come across a man like that. 我怎么也记不起碰到过这样一个人.
I don't think he'll ever come across with all the information. 我想他是不会吐露全部情况的.
But I did come across someone even more extraordinary than Osama. 然而我却找到了一位更迥异于宾拉登的一位人物.
We must hang in whenever we come across difficulties. 我们遇到困难时一定要坚持不懈.
I've never come across such an experience in my time. 我一生中从没有经历过这样的事情.
The editor compiles this book with the intent of helping Chinese students of English overcome many difficulties which they may come across in reading. 编者编纂这本书的目的在于帮助学英语的中国学生解决阅读时可能遇到的许多困难.
Be careful when you come across the street. 过马路要小心.
The robber told the woman to come across with her purse. 拦路抢劫者勒令那个女人把钱包交出来.
I perhaps come across him tomorrow. 我明天也许会偶然遇到他.
Why don't you come across to our house this evening? 今晚你何不到我们家来坐坐?
This is the worst place I've come across. 这是我见过的最差的地方.
You should come across the river with us. Then you will really see what's what. 你应该和我们一起过河,那时你就会了解实情了。
b b w
📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
腻烦;腻;厌; 查看答案
spse [spaʊs] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n.配偶,夫或妻; vt.和…结婚;
[只用于名词前](formal)spousal consent 配偶的同意
spousal abuse 虐待配偶
If you cheated on your spouse, would you admit it to a researcher? 如果你背着另一半搞外遇, 你会向调查员承认 吗 ?
Zhen Zi Dan plays Pang Yong loves rigid: Takes anything to save me the spouse. 甄子丹饰演的庞勇爱得执着: 拿什么拯救我的爱人.
There must be more to being a leader's spouse than this. 作为领导者的配偶,所要做的肯定不止这些.
Is your spouse a TCM practitioner? 你的婚姻伴侣是否是中医执业者?
Would you like your spouse to be both smarter and more attractive than you? 55你愿意你的配偶比你聪明、更有魅力 吗 ?
Try sending your spouse instead. 让你的配偶代替你做吧.
Outlined below are some signs that your spouse might be cheating on you. 如果你怀疑你的妻子或女友是欺骗你,你可能会好奇,为什麽.
This is a time where relation with a spouse or business partner is on solid ground. 这是与另一半或生意伙伴关系稳固的时期.
You should not read the email intended for your spouse. 你不应该看寄给你配偶的电子邮件.
Generally no lodging arrangement is made for the spouse or other family members. 学校一般不为留学生配偶或其他家庭成员提供住宿安排.
You can divorce an abusive spouse. 配偶施暴,可以离婚.
Do you and your spouse pray together? 你和你的配偶一起祷告 吗 ?
spouse and helpmate of Adam Kadmon : Heva , naked Eve. 始祖亚当的配偶兼伴侣, 赫娃, 赤身露体的夏娃.
Her spouse will come to see her on Sunday. 她的配偶星期天要来看她.
Does your spouse have a Margin Account with us? 阁下的配偶是否在本公司拥有保证金户口?
D 2.1. Does the spouse of the Client have a margin account with BS Securities? 客户的配偶是否持有耀才证券的保证金帐户?
And he worries about issues no straight military spouse ever faces. 但是,他正面对着的,是任何普通性向的军人都不会面临的问题.
Nurse false: Male employee's spouse grow and give nurse false for male employee's 3 dayses. 看护假: 男员工配偶生育,给予男员工3天看护假.
You may choose to pay income tax jointly or separately from your spouse. 你可以选择与配偶一起或分开交纳所得税.
It is universally acknowledged that one should remain faithful to his or her spouse after marriage. 一个人结婚后应忠于自己的妻子或丈夫,这一观点是普遍公认的.
I am the spouse of an Australian citizen ? What does the new Act mean for me? 我是澳大利亚公民的配偶,新法案对我意味着 什么 ?
If he or his spouse has made investment in or shares common interest with his client. 本人或配偶与委讬人有投资或分享利益之关系者.
In Agricola, you're a farmer in a wooden shack with your spouse and little else. 在《农场主》中, 你是一个带着家当与配偶共同生活在木窝棚里的本分农民.
Talk it over with your spouse, a knowledgeable friend, an accountant or lawyer. 与你的配偶 、 知识渊博的朋友 、 会计、或律师讨论一下.
spouse rights are prime status rights which legitimate couples are entitled to. 配偶权是合法夫妻所享有的一项基本身份权.
Her dwarfish spouse still smoked his cigar and drank his rum without heeding her. 她那矮老公还在吸他的雪茄,喝他的蔗酒,睬也不睬她.
Do you want your spouse to appreciate you only base on sex? 你是否希望你的配偶只是基于性的因素欣赏你?
fier [ˈfaɪtə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
a jet fighter 喷气式战斗机
a fighter pilot 战斗机驾驶员
fighter bases 战斗机基地
From the start it was clear this tiny girl was a real fighter. 这个一丁点儿大的小姑娘从一开始就显露出真正的斗士本色。
...a tough little street fighter. 好勇斗狠的街头小混混
The fighter neatly fenced off a dangerous blow. 这位拳击手灵巧地挡开了十分危险的一击.
The blow doubled the fighter over. 那一击把这个拳击手打得弯下了腰.
The fighter accepted money to keep himself back from winning the fight. 这位职业拳击手拿了钱,这阻碍了他在这场拳击赛中的获胜.
The novel portrays the growth of a fighter. 这本小说描写了一个战士的成长.
A brave fighter never shrinks from danger in executing an assignment. 一个英勇的战士在执行任务时决不害怕危险.
He was a game fighter even when he was losing. 即使当他失败的时候,他也是一位勇敢的战士.
It was a black day for the aircraft workers when the government announced it was canceling its contract for a new fighter. 当政府宣布取消生产一种新战斗机的合同时,那就是航空工人们的不幸日子.
The fighter feinted with his right hand and struck with his left. 拳击手用右手虚幌一下而用左手打出去.
The promoter matched the young boxer with a more skillful fighter. 拳击竞赛主办者让这位年轻拳击手和技术更娴熟的拳师较量.
He climbed into the cockpit of the fighter. 他爬进战斗机的驾驶舱.
After a few minutes, the young fighter planted a blow on his opponent's chin that seemed to hurt him. 几分钟后, 那位年轻的拳击手一拳击中了对方的下巴,似乎把他打伤了.
This old fighter has never been knocked down by an opponent. 这位老拳击手从未被对手打倒过.
He was a politically conscious fighter for communism. 在政治上,他是个自觉的共产主义战士.
You'd be lucky to shoot a fighter down with a light machine gun. 你很幸运能用机关枪打下一架战斗机.
Our planes shadowed the enemy fighter. 我们的飞机一直跟踪着敌人的那架战斗机.
a jet fighter 喷气式战斗机
He gave a vivid account of his life as a fighter pilot. 他生动地描述了他那战斗机飞行员的生活。
American fighter planes buzzed the city. 美国战斗机低飞掠过城市。
The fighter believes he can still regain some of his old magic. 这位斗士相信自己仍然可以恢复从前的一些魔力。
fighter aircraft rained down high explosives. 战斗机投下大量烈性炸药。
From the start it was clear this tiny girl was a real fighter. 这个一丁点儿大的小姑娘从一开始就显露出真正的斗士本色。
Five leading fighter pilots have been captured and paraded before the media. 有5名一流的战斗机飞行员被俘,并被在媒体上曝光。
He is something of a fighter, and will certainly want to win. 他可谓是一个斗士,当然想赢。
Male journalists have been sent into a tizzy by the idea of female fighter pilots. 男记者们一想到女战斗机飞行员就感到又激动又紧张。
[flə:t wið] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
[法] 调戏,调情,卖俏;玩弄;嬲;
When did you last flirt with him or tease him? 你上次和他调情或挑逗他是什么时候?
The men she likes are those that flirt with her. 她喜欢在她面前无拘无束的男人.
Of course she'll flirt with anybody. 当然,她对谁都卖弄风情.
We are trying to flirt with China in order to bring pressure on them. 我们为了向他们施加压力,正在试图与中国拉关系.
See when you flirt with a guy you think, I'm just flirting, no big deal. 当你挑逗别人的时候你会想: 我不过和他玩玩, 没什么大不了的.
Who doesn't know that those two often secretly flirt with each other! 谁不知道他俩经常背地里吊膀子 呀 ?
He watched the stranger flirt with his girlfriend and got fighting mad. 看着那个陌生人和他女朋友调情,他都要抓狂了.
Do not flirt with girls from 3 to 80 years old. 35.严禁在女士(3岁-80岁)面前放电.
He was a flirt with all the girls in school. 他与学校中所有的女孩调情.
PEDR Well , sure, I flirted with her, but I flirt with everyone! 这个.当然罗, 我有逗过她, 可是我谁都逗.
Prices still flirt with deflation ( see chart ). 价格与通货紧缩仍然脱离关系.
Elaine: Well, Jerry, I never saw you flirt with anyone before. It was quite the spectacle. 依莲: 好吧, 杰瑞, 以前从没见你和人调情过, 这真是壮观!
All the men in the office flirt with me and try to date me. 办公室所有的男人都和我打情骂俏,而且想和我约会.
From then on, they would not only get in touch but flirt with each other. 从那时起, 他们不只是互相联络,还互诉情衷.
[ɡet in tʌtʃ wið] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
I'mdefinitely going to get in touch with these people. 我肯定会跟这些人取得联系。
I want to explore and get in touch with my inner self. 我想认真探寻、了解内心的自我。
He attempted to get in touch with them but without success. 他试图和他们联系,但未成功.
You might get in touch with him. 你不妨同他联系一下.
I shall get in touch with him tomorrow. 我明天和他接头.
I tried to get in touch with you yesterday evening, but I think you were out. 我昨晚想要和你联系,但好像你不在家里。
If you don't get any joy, get in touch with your local councillor. 如果你没得到任何结果,请和本地议员联系。
I'm definitely going to get in touch with these people. 我肯定会跟这些人取得联系。
Ah Chen, did you get in touch with Yao Chin - feng ? 阿珍, 你和 姚金凤 碰过头 么 ?
Something good, but cheap, get in touch with us, will you. 有什么好货, 但是得便宜, 跟我们打个招呼, 怎么样?
I'll get in touch with you by phone tonight. 我今晚和你电话联系.
How can I get in touch with you? 我怎样能跟你联络上?
I'll get in touch with him and call you Back later. 我会与他联系,过一会儿给您回电话.
Please get in touch with Joanna Carlton from the tenth grade. 请替我和十年级的乔安娜-卡尔顿取得联系.
I assume you want me to get in touch with the State Archaeology unit. 我猜你想要我去联系州考古协会.
c [ˌkɔrisˈpɔnd] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
Your account of events does not correspond with hers. 你对事情的陈述与她说的不相符。
Your account and hers do not correspond. 你说的情况与她说的不相符。
The written record of the conversation doesn't correspond to (= is different from) what was actually said. 那次谈话的文字记录与原话不符。
The British job of Lecturer corresponds roughly to the US Associate Professor. 英国的讲师职位大致相当于美国的副教授。
Racegoers will be given a number which will correspond to a horse running in a race... 观看赛马比赛的观众将获得一个与某一匹赛马相对应的号码。
A 22 per cent increase in car travel corresponds with a 19 per cent drop in cycle mileage per person... 乘车出行者的比率上升了22%,与之相对应,人均骑自行车的行驶里程下降了19%。
She still corresponds with American friends she met in Majorca nine years ago... 她仍与9年前在马略卡岛结识的美国朋友们通信。
We corresponded regularly. 我们定期通信。
The translation does not quite correspond to the original. 译文不切原意.
These changes correspond in a way to the variations of the earth's gravity with latitude. 这些变化类似于地球重力随纬度的变化.
High output values correspond to higher degrees of edge presence. 高输出值对应着边缘存在的程度更高.
The two sisters correspond every week. 这两姐妹每周通信.
Signature should correspond to specimen signature on record for the Designated Account. 签署必须与指定账户签署式样相同.
His words and actions do not correspond. 他的言行没有相符.
I correspond with him regularly. 我经常和他通信.
I recommend that each transaction you check into the repository should correspond to one task. 我建议每个你签入到配置库中的事务都映射到一个任务.
If we find they correspond, every fear of mine will be removed. 如果我们发现他们通信的话, 我的种种忧虑就会烟消云散了.
Search over 35,000 unit pages, find reunions and correspond with old friends. 搜索超过35000单位的网页, 找到符合同学和朋友.
The nighttime airglow, or nightglow, correspond to the intensity of a candle at 100 m distance. 夜间辉光或夜辉相当于在100米距离的一支烛光的强度.
His expenses do not correspond to his income. 他入不敷出。
Signature should correspond with specimen signature on the back of the Credit Card. 签署须与客户之信用卡签署式样相同.
A loser is one who fails to correspond authentically. 失败者则指那些未能做到诚实可靠的人.
The punishment shall correspond to the offence. 惩罚应相当于其罪行.
The goods do not correspond to the samples you sent me. 这些货和你寄来的样品不一样.
Ventral ( or pelvic ) fins correspond to the hind limbs of a quadruped. 腹鳍 对应着四足动物的后肢.
Deceptive marketing practices, which present images that do not correspond to reality, are difficult to detect. 欺骗性的营销行为 、 提供不符合实际的虚假形象的行为很难被人们发现.
Red lines on the map correspond to major roads. 地图上的红线相当于主要道路.
In making theradio ways correspond to each sound in turn , messages are carried from a stationset. 将能量从一种形式转变成另一种形式有各种不同的方法.