a test that checks the level of alcohol in the blood 对血液中酒精含量的测试
a relatively low/high level of crime 相对低的 / 高的罪案数字
low/high pollution levels 轻度 / 重度污染
Profits were at the same level as the year before. 利润和前一年的持平。
If you don't know your cholesterol level, it's a good idea to have it checked... 你要是不清楚自己的胆固醇水平,最好去检查一下。
Michael's roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level... 迈克尔的室友表面上还算友善。
The water level of the Mississippi River is already 6.5 feet below normal... 密西西比河的水位已经比正常值低了6.5英尺。
The gauge relies upon a sensor in the tank to relay the fuel level. 油表靠油箱里的感应器来显示燃料的液位。
Stir in 1 level teaspoon of yeast. 加入一平茶匙的酵母后搅拌。
Liz sank down until the water came up to her chin and the bubbles were at eye level. 莉兹往下沉,直到水没过下巴,泡沫浮至眼睛。
He leaned over the counter so his face was almost level with the boy's... 他倾身伏在柜台上,一张脸几乎凑到小男孩的面前。
Amy knelt down so that their eyes were level. 埃米屈膝在地,两人目光相对平视。
The floor was level, but the ceiling sloped toward his head. 地板是平的,但天花板朝他的头这边倾斜。
...a plateau of fairly level ground. 地势相当平坦的高原
Just before we drew level with the gates, he slipped out of the jeep and disappeared into the crowd... 我们快到门前时,他溜出吉普车,消失在人群中。
When the car had pulled level with him, he had spoken into the lowered passenger window. 汽车开到他身边与他并行时,他朝拉下车窗的后排座位说了几句话。
Napoli have drawn level with AC Milan at the top of the Italian league. 那不勒斯队追平了AC米兰队,并列意大利联赛排行榜的榜首。
Iglesias scored twice to level the score... 伊格莱西亚斯连进两球,追平了比分。
The Cincinnati Reds have levelled the score in the National League play-off against the Pittsburgh Pirates. 在国家联盟季后赛中,辛辛那提红人队扳平了与匹兹堡海盗队的比分。
He forced his voice to remain level... 他竭力使自己的语气保持平静。
When Julie speaks of her disability, she talks in the same calm, level tones she uses to discuss her A level prospects. 谈到自己的残疾时,朱莉的语气一如谈及她的高级证书考试前景般冷静平和。
Further tremors could level more buildings... 余震可能会摧毁更多的建筑物。
The storm was the most powerful to hit Hawaii this century. It leveled sugar plantations and destroyed homes. 这是本世纪夏威夷遭遇的最强风暴。无数甘蔗园和住宅被夷为平地。
Allegations of corruption were levelled at him and his family... 他和他的家人受到了贪污指控。
He leveled bitter criticism against the US. 他对美国提出了尖锐的批评。
He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them. 他说在非军事区两边仍然有数以千计的韩国和朝鲜军人用枪互相瞄准对方。
I'll level with you. I'm no great detective. I've no training or anything... 实话告诉你吧,我根本不是什么大侦探。我没有受过任何训练。
He has leveled with the American people about his role in the affair. 他向美国人民坦白了他在这个事件中所扮演的角色。
The President told American troops that he would do his level best to bring them home soon. 总统跟美军士兵说他会尽其所能让他们早日回家。
There were probably moments when you wondered if anyone spoke the truth or was on the level. 很可能有些时候你会怀疑,到底有没有人在说真话,有没有人是真诚的。
faor [ˈfæktə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 因素;因子;系数;倍数
economic factors 经济因素
The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline. 矿山的关闭是这个镇衰落的唯一最重要的因素。
the key/crucial/deciding factor 关键的 / 至关重要的 / 决定性的因素
1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12 are the factors of 12. 1、2、3、4、6 和 12 是 12 的因子。
The real wage of the average worker has increased by a factor of over ten in the last 70 years. 近70年来工人的实际工资平均增长超过了十倍。
a suntan lotion with a protection factor of 10 防护系数为10的防晒油
The wind-chill factor will make it seem colder. 风寒系数大,会使人觉得比实际温度更冷一些。
Haemophiliacs have no factor 8 in their blood. 血友病患者的血液中缺乏凝血因子 VIII。
Remember to factor in staffing costs when you are planning the project. 规划该项目时,记住要把雇人费用这个因素考虑进去。
Physical activity is an important factor in maintaining fitness. 进行体育活动是保持身体健康的一个重要因素。
The cost of butter quadrupled and bread prices increased by a factor of five. 黄油价格涨了 4 倍,面包价格涨了 5 倍。
...suncream with a protection factor of 8. 防晒系数为 8 的防晒霜
Decanediamide was synthesized using sebacic acid and urea as starting materials. 以癸二酸和尿素为原料合成癸二酰胺.
With the chill factor, it's nearly minus forty here. 加上风寒指数, 气温接近零下40度.
Poor organization was certainly a contributory factor to the crisis. 组织不善肯定是导致危机的因素之一.
Her previous experience in social work is a plus factor. 她先前在社会工作方面的经验是一个有利因素.
I factor ed my uncle's estate for three years. 我代管我叔父的财产已有三年了.
Man is a decisive factor in doing everything. 人是做每件事情的决定性因素.
He's keen, but his youth is a minus factor. 他非常精明, 但他的年轻却是个不利的因素.
Diet and exercise can influence a person's weight, but heredity is also a factor. 节食和运动能影响人的体重, 而遗传也是一个因素.
Human effort is the decisive factor. 事在人为.
Smoking is a causative factor in several major diseases. 抽烟是引起几种严重疾病的病因。
Alcohol is a contributory factor in 10% of all road accidents. 所有交通事故中有10%是酒后驾车造成的。
The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline. 矿山的关闭是这个镇衰落的唯一最重要的因素。
Lack of cash is a limiting factor. 现金短缺是一个制约因素。
The candidate was seriously damaged by the sleaze factor. 那位候选人的形象因丑闻而受到严重损害。
If you want to sell your house quickly, it needs a wow factor. 若想很快把房子卖掉,就得找个卖点。
ar [eə(r)] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 空气;空中;航空
currents of warm air 暖气流
I kicked the ball high in/into the air . 我把球高高地踢到空中。
Spicy smells wafted through the air . 空中飘来一阵阵辛辣的气味。
I need to put some air in my tyres. 我需要给我的轮胎打些气。
Let's go out for some fresh air . 咱们出去呼吸点新鲜空气。
air pollution 空气污染
He told reporters today that the president's trip to Moscow is up in the air. 今天他告诉记者们总统是否前往莫斯科尚未确定。
As soon as I know I'm in the team it's like I'm walking on air. 一得知我加入了这个队,我高兴得像飞上了天。
There was great excitement in the air... 人人都感到无比激动。
She walked away and left the question hanging in the air. 她走开了,将疑问留在人们心里。
She is going on the air as presenter of a new show... 她即将上电视主持一档新节目。
Rockwell hopes the program can be on the air within a year... 罗克韦尔希望该节目能在一年内播出。
'But where could they have gone?' he demanded. 'They can't just vanish into thin air!'... “但是他们可能去哪里呢?”他追问道,“他们不可能就神秘消失了!”
He had materialized out of thin air; I had not seen or heard him coming. 他突然间神秘地出现了;我既没看见他来,也没听见他的脚步声。
Government troops broke up the protest by firing their guns in the air... 政府军队朝天鸣枪驱散了抗议人群。
People's cigarette smoke seemed to hang in the air. 人们吸烟的烟雾似乎会长时间滞留在空气中。
air travel will continue to grow at about 6% per year... 乘飞机旅行的人数将以每年大约6%的速度持续增加。
Casualties had to be brought to hospital by air. 伤者不得不用飞机送往医院。
Jennifer regarded him with an air of amusement... 珍妮弗觉得他很风趣。
The meal gave the occasion an almost festive air. 这一餐使整个场合有了近乎节日般的喜庆氛围。
We're poor and we never put on airs. 我们贫穷但从不装腔作势。
Tonight PBS will air a documentary called 'Democracy In Action'. 今晚公共广播公司将播放一部名为《民主进行时》的纪录片。
They sat for more than six hours, and both sides agreed they had aired all their differences... 他们一起坐了六个多小时,而且双方都认为他们已经表达了所有的不同意见。
The whole issue was thoroughly aired at the meeting. 在会上完全公开了整个问题。
One day a week her mother systematically cleaned and aired each room. 她母亲按部就班地每周一次清扫所有的房间并开窗通风。
When the shirts were clean, I ironed them myself, aired them and placed them in drawers in his room. 衬衫洗干净之后,我自己将它们熨好、烘干并放在他房间的抽屉里。
...an inquiry just to clear the air and settle the facts of the case. 一项只为消除疑团并弄清案件事实而进行的调查
The old cliché of the customer being always right is what gives them airs and graces. “顾客总是对的”这种陈词滥调让他们变得趾高气扬。
Draughts help to circulate air... 穿堂风有助于空气流通。
Keith opened the window and leaned out into the cold air. 基思打开窗户,探出身到冷风中。
lt [lest] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
conj. 惟恐,以免
He gripped his brother's arm lest he be trampled by the mob. 他紧抓着他兄弟的胳膊,怕他让暴民踩着。
She was afraid lest she had revealed too much. 她担心她泄露得太多了。
I was afraid to open the door lest he should follow me... 我不敢开门,唯恐他还跟着我。
The president has gone along with the hardliners lest they be tempted to oust him... 总统同意了强硬派的意见,以免他们产生赶他下台的念头。
You ought to ( should ) be patient and keep calm lest you should quarrel with him. 你 理当 忍耐并且维持冷静,唯恐和他争吵.
Together with our friends and allies, we will work to shape change, lest it engulf us. 同我们的朋友和同盟国一起, 我们会把握形势变化, 以避免我们被吞没.
And absolutely no dog jokes, lest she aspersions on Chinese eating habits. 而且绝对不要说狗的笑话, 以免她中伤中国人的饮食习惯.
Beware lest Hezekiah persuade you, saying, The LORD will deliver us. 你们要谨防,恐怕希西家劝导你们说, 耶和华必要拯救我们.
She keeps an admirer, longed for by Iben, in reserve lest she is dumped. 尽管Malene的腿因关节炎半跛, 但她美艳动人,有一位英俊的男友.
He covered his face with his hand lest he shall be photograph. 他用手遮面以免被人拍照.
KJV lest he that heareth it put thee to shame , and thine infamy turn not away. [新译]恐怕听见的人辱骂你, 你的恶名就不能脱掉.
lest any should say that I had baptized in mine own name. 免得有人说,你们是奉我的名受洗.
Never ignore a subterranean gate, lest you allow an enemy to approach unseen. 千万不要忽视地下城入口, 以免被敌人突然袭击.
They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. 12他们要用手托着你, 免得你的脚碰在石头上.
They decided to retreat lest they would be between two fires. 他们决定撤退,否则就要受两面夹击.
He extra polite to his superiors lest something adverse might be written into his records. 他对上级格外殷勤,生怕档案里记上对他不利的东西.
Be careful lest you fall from that tree. 要当心,以免从树上摔下来.
Be careful lest you ( should ) fall from the tree. 小心,不要从树上掉下来.
I'll remind him lest he should forget it. 怕他忘记,我会提醒他的.
Close the window quickly lest the raindrops ( should ) slant in. 快关窗户,别让雨点 潲 进来.
Read in a good light lest It'should hurt your eyes. 到明处来看书,免得搞坏了视力.
I feared lest I should be late again. 我惟恐自己再迟到.
Let me put down your telephone number lest I forget it. 让我先记下你的电话号码,以免忘了.
While they have not got their aims , their anxiety is how to get them ; when they have got them, their anxiety is lest they should lose them. 其未得之也, 患得之; 既得之, 患失之.
I stayed in lest I should catch cold. 我怕伤风,所以呆在屋里.
They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard. 他们低声耳语惟恐被人听见.
I fear lest we commit an inexcusable blunder. 我为我们会犯不可原谅的错误而担忧.
He gripped his brother's arm lest he be trampled by the mob. 他紧抓着他兄弟的胳膊,怕他让暴民踩着。
And, lest we forget, Einstein wrote his most influential papers while working as a clerk. 大家不要忘记,爱因斯坦最有影响力的论文还是当文员的时候写的。
st [sju:t] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vt. 适合;与…相配
a business suit 公务装
a pinstripe suit 一套细条纹西装
a two-/three-piece suit (= of two/three pieces of clothing) 一套两件 / 三件式西装
a diving suit 潜水服
a suit of armour 一套盔甲
The suits are called hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades. 扑克牌的四种花色分别叫红桃、梅花、方块和黑桃。
to file/bring a suit against sb 起诉;控告某人
a divorce suit 离婚诉讼
Choose a computer to suit your particular needs. 选一台适合你个人需要的电脑。
If we met at 2, would that suit you? 我们两点钟见面,你方便吗?
If you want to go by bus, that suits me fine . 要是你想坐公共汽车走,那对我也合适。
He can be very helpful, but only when it suits him. 有时候他非常肯帮忙,不过那得他觉得合适。
It suits me to start work at a later time. 对我来说,最好晚一点再开始工作。
Blue suits you. You should wear it more often. 你适合穿蓝色。你该多穿蓝色衣服。
I don't think this coat really suits me. 我觉得这件大衣不大适合我穿。
They will only release information if it suits them... 他们只会发布对他们有利的信息。
They should be able to find you the best package to suit your needs. 他们应该能提供满足你需要的最佳套餐。
I don't think a sedentary life would altogether suit me. 我认为长期伏案的生活一点也不适合我。
Green suits you. 绿色很配你。
These large institutions make — and change—the rules to suit themselves... 这些大机构总是随意制定规定,而且说变就变。
He made a dismissive gesture. 'suit yourself.' 他做了一个很不屑的手势。“随你便。”
Up to 2,000 former employees have filed personal injury suits against the company... 多达 2,000 名旧职员以个人伤害为由向该公司提起诉讼。
The judge dismissed the suit. 法官驳回了诉讼。
Efforts to persuade the remainder to follow suit have continued. 说服其余人跟着效仿的努力仍在继续。
Their London house suits them down to the ground. 他们在伦敦的房子很合他们心意。
se [steil] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 陈腐的;变味的
stale cigarette smoke 难闻的烟味儿
stale sweat 汗臭味
stale jokes 老掉牙的笑话
Their marriage had gone stale . 他们的婚姻已了无热情。
After ten years in the job, she felt stale and needed a change. 在那个岗位干了十年之后,她觉得腻了,需要换换工作。
Their daily diet consisted of a lump of stale bread, a bowl of rice and stale water. 他们的日常饮食包括一块不新鲜的面包、一碗米饭和变味的水。
A layer of smoke hung low in the stale air. 一层烟雾低悬在污浊的空气中。
...the smell of stale sweat. 汗臭味
I believe in progression, in taking risks, in never getting stale. 我崇尚进取、冒险和永不倦怠。
Her relationship with Mark has become stale... 她和马克之间已经没有新鲜感了。
The Government, he said, were sticking to stale ideas. 他说政府仍在抱残守缺。
They bait the mousetrap with stale cheese. 他们用变质的乳酪作捕鼠夹的诱饵.
The air of the room was fetid with stale tobacco smoke. 房间里的空气有陈烟的臭味.
The pale scale on sale probably has a stale tale. 减价出售的天平很可能有一个陈旧的故事.
A selfish shellfish smelt a stale fish. 自私的贝类嗅了嗅不新鲜的鱼味.
Nobody likes your stale jokes. 谁也不喜欢听你那些陈旧的笑话.
There was only a piece of stale cake left in the refrigerator. 现在只有一个陈旧的一块蛋糕在冰箱的左侧.
How should old bone injury treat stale? 陈旧老骨伤该怎样治疗?
Never did he call for anything but stale bread. 这个人除干面包以外从不买任何别的东西.
A proverb never stale in thrifty mind. 睿智者视谚语千古不朽.
The bread is too stale to eat. 面包太陈不能吃了.
The room smelled musty and stale. 这个房间闻起来有股发霉的陈味儿.
The phony glamour of night clubs soon became stale and boring. 夜总会那种虚荣的繁华不久便失去了新意而使人生厌.
Running water never gets stale. 流水不腐.
I gagged on the stench of stale urine. 尿臊味让我想吐.
It's so stale in here, Mary, please open the window and air this place out. 这里的气味太不好了.玛丽, 请打开一扇窗子,让这个地方透透气.
peon [ˈpɜːsn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 人;个人
What sort of person would do a thing like that? 什么人会干那样的事呢?
He's a fascinating person. 他是个魅力十足的人。
What is she like as a person? 她的人品怎么样?
He's just the person we need for the job. 他正是我们需要的适合这项工作的人。
I had a letter from the people who used to live next door. 我接到了过去的邻居写来的一封信。
I'm not really a city person (= I don't really like cities) . 我不是一个很喜欢城市生活的人。
(law 律)The verdict was murder by a person or persons unknown. 裁断是一人或多人谋杀,凶手身份未明。
A certain person (= somebody that I do not wish to name) told me about it. 有人告诉了我这件事。
The price is $40 per person. 价格为每人40元。
This vehicle is licensed to carry 4 persons. (= in a notice) 此车准乘4人。
a salesperson 推销员
a spokesperson 发言人
Help arrived in the person of his mother. 来帮忙的是他的母亲。
At least one person died and several others were injured... 至少一人死亡,还有几个人受伤。
Everyone knows he's the only person who can do the job... 人人都知道他是唯一能做这项工作的人。
...removal of the right of accused persons to remain silent... 剥夺被告人保持沉默的权利
persons who wish to adopt a child may contact their local social services department. 想收养孩子的人可以与当地社会公益部门联系。
I've a lot of time for him as a person now... 现在我有充分的时间去了解他的人品。
Robin didn't feel good about herself as a person. 罗宾不喜欢自己的为人。
I am not a country person at all. I prefer the cities. 我根本不喜欢乡村生活,我喜欢城市。
You must collect the mail in person and take along some form of identification... 你必须携带本人身份证明亲自来取邮件。
She went to New York to receive the award in person. 她亲自前往纽约领奖。
It was the first time she had seen him in person. 这是她第一次见到他本人。
...a trip to Hollywood to meet his favorite actor in person... 去好莱坞亲自面见他最喜欢的演员的旅程
The suspect had refused to give any details of his identity and had carried no documents on his person. 嫌疑犯拒绝说出他的具体身份,而且身上没有携带任何身份证明。
We had a knowledgeable guide in the person of George Adams. 我们有一位见识广博的导游乔治·亚当斯。
fl [feil] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
vi. 失败;没有做;出故障;倒闭
Many diets fail because they are boring. 许多规定饮食因单调乏味都不奏效。
a failing school 一所失败的学校
She failed to get into art college. 她未能进入艺术学院。
The song can't fail to be a hit (= definitely will be a hit) . 这首歌不可能不流行起来。
I failed in my attempt to persuade her. 我未能说服她。
Tomorrow without fail he would be at the old riverside warehouse. 明天他一定会在河边的旧仓库里。
On the 30th you must without fail hand in some money for Alex... 30 日那天你必须替亚历克斯交一些钱。
He attended every meeting without fail. 他逢会必到。
That's how it was in my day and I fail to see why it should be different now. 我那时候就是这样的,我搞不懂为什么现在非要弄得不一样。
I lived in fear of failing my end-of-term exams. 我总是担心期末考试不及格。
...the two men who had failed him during his first year of law school. 在法学院一年级时让他不及格的两个人
If all else fails, I could always drive a truck. 如果其他都不行,我总还可以开卡车。
If we did not report what was happening in the country, we would be failing in our duty. 如果我们没有报道这个国家正在发生的事情,我们就没有尽到自己的责任。
For once, the artist's fertile imagination failed him... 这位画家丰富的想象力曾一度枯竭。
Their courage failed a few steps short and they came running back. 还差几步他们却胆怯了,又跑回来了。
In fact many food crops failed because of the drought. 实际上,因为干旱,很多粮食作物歉收。
So far this year, 104 banks have failed. 今年到目前为止,已有 104 家银行倒闭。
...a failed hotel business... 破产的酒店
He was 58, and his health was failing rapidly... 他 58 岁,身体正在迅速衰老。
Here in the hills, the light failed more quickly... 在山区这儿,天黑得更快。
We waited twenty-one years, don't fail us now. 我们等了 21 年了,如今不要让我们失望。
...communities who feel that the political system has failed them. 对此套政治体制感到失望的群体
Lawyers are accused of failing in their duties to advise clients of their rights... 律师们被控未尽到告知当事人其正当权利的职责。
The Workers' Party failed to win a single governorship... 劳工党连一个州长职位也未能赢得。
He failed in his attempt to take control of the company... 他试图掌控公司,但以失败告终。
We tried to develop plans for them to get along, which all failed miserably... 我们试图计划让他们好好相处,但均以惨败告终。
He was afraid the revolution they had started would fail... 他担心他们发起的大变革会遭遇失败。
Some schools fail to set any homework... 有些学校没有布置任何作业。
He failed to file tax returns for 1982... 他没有呈报 1982 年的纳税申报单。
The lights mysteriously failed, and we stumbled around in complete darkness... 灯不知怎么地不亮了,我们在一片黑暗中跌跌撞撞地走着。
s [ ˈsteitmənt] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 陈述,声明
Are the following statements true or false? 下面的说法对不对?
Your statement is misleading. 你的表述可能引起误解。
Is that a statement or a question? 这是在表态呢,还是提出问题呢?
The play makes a strong political statement. 这出戏表明一种鲜明的政治立场。
a formal/a public/a written/an official statement 正式 / 公开 / 书面 / 官方声明
A government spokesperson made a statement to the press. 政府发言人向新闻界发表了一份声明。
The prime minister is expected to issue a statement on the policy change this afternoon. 人们预计首相将在今天下午就政策的改变发表声明。
The police asked me to make a statement (= a written account of facts concerning a crime, used in court if legal action follows) . 警方要求我写一份供述。
The directors are responsible for preparing the company's financial statements. 几位总监负责填写公司的财务报表。
My bank sends me monthly statements. 银行按月给我寄来结算单。
a statement of special educational needs 特殊教育需要评估报告
When writing instructions, clarity of statement is the most important thing. 编写操作说明时,表述清晰明白至为重要。
statemented children 评估认定须接受特殊教育的学童
Andrew now disowns that statement, saying he was depressed when he made it... 安德鲁现在推翻了那个说法,说那是自己在情绪低落时说的话。
'Things are moving ahead.'— I found that statement vague and unclear. “事情正在取得进展。”——我认为这个说法含糊不清。
The statement by the military denied any involvement in last night's attack. 军方发表声明称其和昨晚的袭击无任何关系。
The 350-page report was based on statements from witnesses to the events. 这份 350 页的报告是根据各位证人对这些事件的证词写成的。
The following recipe is a statement of another kind—food is fun! 下面的食谱是另一种观点的表现——食物可以带来乐趣!
Nearly a year later, it was agreed that Tom would be statemented... 近一年后,汤姆被批准将获得特殊教育。
I had eight statemented children in my class. 我的班里有 8 名需要接受特殊教育的孩子。
According to the assessor's statement, the fire damage was not severe. 根据估价员的估计, 火灾损失并不严重.
The President's statement cleared the air of rumours and guessing. 总统的声明澄清了种种谣传和猜测.
The Prime Minister has made a statement closely approximate to a falsehood. 首相发表了一项几近谎言的声明.
I can't explain such a statement by him on the basis of logic. He must have blown his top. 我从逻辑推理方面解释不了他讲的这番话,他想必是神经错乱了.
They all excepted to the statement. 他们都对这项声明存有异议.
He made a scathing attack on the statement. 他对那声明进行了严厉的抨击.
[pəˈziʃən] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 位置;职位;姿势
From his position on the cliff top, he had a good view of the harbour. 他在悬崖之巅,海港景色一览无余。
Where would be the best position for the lights? 这些灯装在什么位置最好?
Is everybody in position ? 大家都就位了吗?
He took up his position by the door. 他到门边就位。
a sitting/kneeling/lying position 坐 / 跪 / 卧姿
Keep the box in an upright position. 把盒子竖着放。
Make sure that you are working in a comfortable position. 工作时一定要保持舒适的姿势。
My arms were aching so I shifted (my) position slightly. 我胳膊疼了,所以稍微变了变姿势。
to be in a position of power/strength/authority 处于有权力 / 有实力 / 有权威的地位
What would you do in my position? 你要是碰到我这样的情况会怎么办?
This put him and his colleagues in a difficult position. 这使他和他的同事陷于困境。
The ship was identified, and its name and position were reported to the coastguard... 那艘船已找到,其名字和位置已报告给海岸警卫队。
This conservatory enjoys an enviable position overlooking a leafy expanse. 这个温室位置绝佳,放眼望去,草木繁茂,郁郁葱葱。
Hold the upper back and neck in an erect position to give support for the head... 挺直上背部和脖子来支撑头部
Ensure the patient is turned into the recovery position... 确保使患者处于复苏体位。
position trailing plants near the edges and in the sides of the basket to hang down... 把蔓生植株靠边放,使其从篮子的四面垂下。
Place the pastry circles on to a baking sheet and position one apple on each circle. 把油酥面圈放到烘烤盘上,每个上面放一个苹果。
...the position of older people in society. 老年人在社会中的地位
He left a career in teaching to take up a position with the Arts Council... 他辞去教学工作到艺术委员会任职。
Hyundai said this week it is scaling back its U.S. operations by eliminating 50 positions. 现代公司本周表示其美国分公司准备裁掉50个职位以缩小经营规模。
Agassi and Sampras resumed their battle for the world's No. 1 position, both winning their opening matches... 阿加西和桑普拉斯继续他们对世界第一宝座的争夺,两人在首场比赛中均获得胜利。
By the ninth hour the car was running in eighth position. 到第9个小时的时候,这辆车位列第8。
He's going to be in a very difficult position indeed if things go badly for him... 如果事情进展不顺利的话,他的处境将非常艰难。
Companies should be made to reveal more about their financial position... 应该要求公司使其财务状况更为透明化。
He could be depended on to take a moderate position on most of the key issues... 他应该会在大部分关键问题上采取中间立场。
Mr Howard is afraid to state his true position on the republic, which is that he is opposed to it. 霍华德先生不敢表明自己对共和体制持反对态度的真实立场。
The UN system will be in a position to support the extensive relief efforts needed... 联合国将能满足全面救济需求。
I am not in a position to comment. 我不便发表评论。
This second door is an extra security measure and can be locked in position during the day... 这第二道门是又一项安全措施,白天可以上锁。
Some 28,000 US troops are moving into position. 约2.8万人的美国军队即将部署到位。
[ˈsə:kjulə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 圆的;环行的
[不可数名词]There is a dangerous circularity about this argument. 这个论点存在着危险的循环论证。
a circular building 圆形建筑物
a circular tour of the city 环城游览
...a circular hole twelve feet wide and two feet deep... 12英尺宽、2英尺深的圆坑
Place your hands on your shoulders and move your elbows up, back, and down, in a circular motion. 双手置于肩上,肘部向上、向后、向下做圆圈运动。
Both sides of the river can be explored on this circular walk. 沿着这条环行线路走一圈,河的两边都可以看到。
The proposal has been widely publicised in BBC-TV press information circulars sent to 1,800 newspapers. 在英国广播公司电视台发送给1,800家报社的新闻通报中,这项提议得到了广泛的宣传。
I'm not satisfied with his circular explanation. 我不满意他拐弯抹角的解释.
His imagination was sparked by a paragraph in the " Court circular " column. “ 宫廷通告 ” 栏中的一段话引起了他的想象.
The principle of the circular grating optical scanning holography and the experimental results are presented. 阐明了环形光栅光学扫描全息术的基本原理,并给出了实验结果.
As a branch area, developing circular economy is a necessity of business. 商业作为经济的一个子领域, 发展循环经济是必然的选择.
This paper describes structure, working principle, application and key technologies of screw driven circular conveyor line. 对螺旋驱动的环形输送线系统结构 、 工作原理 、 使用效果及技术关键问题作了详细介绍.
The lamp stands on a circular base. 这盏台灯是装在圆形底座上的.
The concepts of escape and circular velocity are introduced. 在逃生的概念和循环速度介绍.
The ministry released the meeting summary in form of a circular. 交通部以通知的形式印发了此份纪要.
The base articulates with the body to form a circular shape. 底座与主体结合起来形成了一个环形物.
And the key links and the focal points of developing circular agriculture Hexi Region were proposed. 并提出河西地区发展循环型农业的关键环节和建设重点.
PWM wave is generated by splitting Zero vector quasi circular locus method. 该系统用零矢量分割的准圆轨迹法生成PWM波形.
Accordingly, the road of circular economy will be the only alternative of harmonious society. 因此, 循环经济之路将是和谐社会的唯一选择.
The reinforced concrete circular columns with circular spiral reinforcement show excellent behavior when subjected to loads. 密配圆形螺旋箍筋的钢筋混凝土圆柱在外荷载作用下表示了良好的力学性能.
This is where the Magician will place the circular Black Mirror, or the Crystal Ball onstand. 这个三角阵(的中心圆处)会被召唤者用来放置黑色的圆镜, 或是水晶球.
The crater was two miles across and roughly circular. 这个火山口2英里宽,差不多是一个圆形.
The bright boy altered it to a circular form. 这个聪明的男孩把它改成了圆形.
She paid a circular visit among her relations. 她逐一拜访她的亲友.
The island is roughly circular in shape. 这个岛屿大致是圆形的.
Did you see that circular from the government about their attack on prices? 你看到政府关于解决物价问题的通报了 吗 ?
a circular tour of the city 环城游览
A circular to this effect will be issued in the next few weeks. 接下来的几周内将发布一份大意如此的通告。
h [ˈhʌni:ˌmu:n] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 蜜月
The honeymoon period for the government is now over. 这届政府的蜜月期现在已经过去了。
They're on their honeymoon . 他们正在度蜜月。
We went to Venice for our honeymoon. 我们去威尼斯度的蜜月。
Brett is enjoying a honeymoon period with both press and public. 布雷特和报界及公众之间都正处在蜜月期。
Austrians voted for EU membership by a two-to-one majority in a June 1994 referendum, but the honeymoon is definitely over... 奥地利在1994年6月举行的全民公决中以2比1的多数票支持加入欧盟,但这一蜜月期明显已经结束了。
...honeymooning Japanese tourists. 正在度蜜月的日本游客
They honeymooned in Venice. 他们在威尼斯度了蜜月。
Kind of a second honeymoon. 类似二度蜜月的假期.
The newly married couple went on their honeymoon. 新婚夫妇一起去度蜜月了.
The happy pair are leaving for their honeymoon. 这幸福的一对就要去度蜜月了.
Sophie and Joel are sitting on Bondi Beach on the first day of their honeymoon. 苏菲和乔坐在在邦代海滩边,今天是他们蜜月的第一天.
The couple consummated their marriage on their honeymoon. 那对夫妻的婚姻在蜜月期间达到完满.
While on honeymoon in Bali, she learned to scuba dive. 她在巴厘岛度蜜月时学会了带水肺潜水.
We will honeymoon in Spain. 我俩将去西班牙度蜜月.
They went to Italy for their honeymoon. 他们去意大利度蜜月.
I had my honeymoon in New Zealand. 我的蜜月是在新西兰度过的.
A honeymoon up the Amazon you feel. Would be charming. 如果它们能有一趟前往亚马逊的蜜月之旅, 想想看,那该是多么的幸福呀!
You sCrewed a sCuba diving instruCtor on our honeymoon. 你在我们蜜月的时候被一个潜水教练操了.
For their honeymoon, they went to a beach resort in Florida. 他们到佛罗里达一个海边度假胜地度蜜月.
They are on their honeymoon. 他们在度蜜月.
Have a wonderful and romantic honeymoon. 愿你拥有一个既奇妙又浪漫的蜜月.
This trip is called the honeymoon. 这次旅行叫做“蜜月”.
They were happily married and went on their honeymoon right after wedding. 他们快乐地结婚了并且在婚礼后出发去蜜月旅行.
That's why our honeymoon photos look like me and Diana Ross! 这就是我们的蜜月照片看起来像是我和戴安娜-罗斯的原因!
The honeymoon feeling is long gone. 然而甜美的蜜月期早已过去.
There was always a honeymoon period when Mum started a new job. 妈妈每开始一份新工作总会有一阵儿新鲜劲.
We went to Venice for our honeymoon. 我们去威尼斯度的蜜月。
a honeymoon in a secret location 在一个秘密地点度的蜜月
Dora returned from her honeymoon deliriously happy. 多拉度完蜜月回来幸福洋溢。
Our honeymoon was two days in Las Vegas at a luxurious hotel called Le Mirage. 我们的蜜月是在拉斯维加斯一家名为“海市蜃楼”的豪华酒店住了两天。
ty [ˈtaidi] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 整洁的;整齐的
a tidy desk 整洁的书桌
She keeps her flat very tidy . 她把她的单元房间保持得很整洁。
I like everything to be neat and tidy . 我喜欢一切都井井有条。
I'm a tidy person. 我这个人讲究整洁。
tidy habits 爱整齐的习惯
It must have cost a tidy sum. 这准花了相当大的一笔钱。
a tidy profit 可观的利润
The room was very tidily arranged. 这房间安排得整整齐齐。
I spent all morning cleaning and tidying. 我用了整个上午的时间清扫整理。
When you cook, could you please tidy up after yourself. 请你在做饭时随手收拾干净。
to tidy (up) a room 整理房间
I tidied up the report before handing it in. 我把报告整理好后才呈交。
a desk tidy 案头文具盒
Having a tidy desk can seem impossible if you have a busy, demanding job... 如果工作忙、难度大,要想保持桌面整洁似乎不太可能。
I'll do your garden, I'll keep that tidy for you. 我会帮你弄弄花园,帮你保持它的整洁。
She's obsessively tidy, always hoovering and polishing. 她有洁癖,整天不是用吸尘器吸尘,就是擦来擦去。
She made her bed, and tidied her room. 她整理了床铺,收拾了自己的房间。
The opportunities are there to make a tidy profit. 赚大钱的机会就在那儿摆着。
Sometimes it gives me the blues. 有时候下雨会使我沮丧.
The room is neat and tidy. 房间干净利落.
Your room is in a mess, please tidy it up. 你的房间那么乱, 收拾一下吧.
The room is kept clean and tidy. 房间收拾得很整洁.
It was a neatly furnished and immaculately tidy room. 这是一个家具简洁、干净齐整的房间.
He made a tidy fortune in cigaretes. 他经营烟草发了很大的财.
The tidy committee men regard them with horror, knowing that no pigeonholes can be found for them. 衣冠楚楚的委员们恐怖地看着他们, 因为他们知道找不到一个稳妥的地方来安置他们.
tk [tɑ:sk] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 任务,工作,作业
to perform/carry out/complete/undertake a task 执行 / 完成 / 承担任务
a daunting/an impossible/a formidable/an unenviable, etc. task 令人望而生畏、不可能完成、艰巨、令人为难等的任务
a thankless task (= an unpleasant one that nobody wants to do and nobody thanks you for doing) 吃力不讨好的工作
Our first task is to set up a communications system. 我们的首项任务是架设通信系统。
Detectives are now faced with the task of identifying the body. 侦探现在面临辨认尸体这项任务。
Getting hold of this information was no easy task (= was difficult) . 把这一情报搞到手绝不是件轻而易举的事。
task-based learning 任务型学习
Walker had the unenviable task of breaking the bad news to Hill... 沃克不得不把这个坏消息告诉希尔。
She used the day to catch up with administrative tasks. 她白天忙着处理行政工作。
The minister was tasked with checking that British aid money was being spent wisely. 部长被指派去督查英国的援助资金是否已用到实处。
The country's intellectuals are also being taken to task for their failure to speak out against the regime. 该国知识分子也因未能公开反对该政权受到了指责。
She performed the most challenging task without a mistake. 她毫无差错地完成了这一最富有挑战性的任务.
He had failed to prepare adequately for the task before him. 他没有为面临的任务做充分的准备.
He set to his task with renewed vim and vigour. 他再度抖擞精神,手完成自己的工作.
They had the laborious task of cutting down the huge tree. 他们接受了伐大树的艰苦工作.
Our task is to supply vegetables all the year round. 我们的任务是全年供应蔬菜.
The task is arduous; besides , there's not much time. 任务 艰巨, 同时时间又很紧迫.
The task has been accomplished according to schedule. 任务已如期完成.
Exploring really deep caves is not a task for the Sunday afternoon rambler. 勘探真正深邃的洞穴,决非星期天下午散步人的任务.
Stick to the task until it is finished. 坚持下去,直到完成任务.
This is an important task which the people have entrusted to us. 这是人民赋予我们的重任.
It is a difficult task, but I'm sure he'll rise to the challenge. 这是个艰巨的任务, 不过我相信他能应付自如.
He is not competent to the task of teaching English. 他不能胜任英语教学工作.
The way with which you'll go about the task really matters. 你做这件事要采用的方法的确很重要.
I have accomplished the task on schedule. 我按时完成了任务.
The country faces a huge task of national reconstruction following the war. 战后,该国面临着重建家园的艰巨任务.
The great task has been completed. 大功告成.
They had an awesome task ahead. 他们就要有十分艰巨的任务。
I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary. 我不想使这项任务不必要地复杂化。
The identification of the crash victims was a long and difficult task. 鉴别坠机意外伤亡者的工作费时而且困难重重。
s [ˈsʌnraiz] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 日出(时分)
We got up at sunrise . 我们在日出时起床。
the pinks and yellows of the sunrise 一道道粉红和金黄的朝霞
The rain began before sunrise. 日出前下起了雨。
There was a spectacular sunrise yesterday. 昨天的朝霞很绚烂。
The sunrise seen from high in the mountains was a tremendous spectacle. 从山上居高远望,日出景象蔚为奇观.
It was beautiful at the beach around sunrise, and the swim was invigorating. 这是美丽的海滩约在日出和游泳是活跃.
I also plan to see the sunrise. 我还打算去看日出.
We got up before sunrise. 我们在太阳升起之前起床.
Watching a sunrise in the Pacific Ocean is a delight for us. 在太平洋上看日出是一件赏心悦目的事.
It can be tough to be an early riser, especially if it's before sunrise. 早起会很痛苦, 尤其是太阳还没升起之前.
The beauty of the sunrise is beyond description. 日出的美景难以描述.
The sunset rivals the sunrise in beauty. 日落可与日出媲美.
Gandalf : White shores, and beyond green country under a swift sunrise. 洁白的海岸, 还有更远.一片辽阔的绿茵,在缓慢而轻柔的晨曦中渐渐出现.
You can watch the sunrise at dawn and the sunset at dusk. 你可以在清晨观看日出,黄昏观看日落.
The sunrise the afterglow the lamplight of everyday proved our teachers'hard working. 每一天的朝阳、雨露,每一天的晚霞、灯光都是老师们为我们辛勤工作的见证.
Walking along the beach at dawn, you can enjoy the beautiful sunrise. 黎明时沿着沙滩散步, 你可以欣赏日出的美景.
Flower industry is a sunrise industry, is currently the world's most dynamic industries. 花卉产业是一项朝阳产业, 是当前世界上最具有活力的产业之一.
The East China Sea of sunrise of an added ingredient, resplendent. 引子日出东海, 光芒四射.
We watched the ardent sunrise by the sea. 我们在海边看到了喷薄而出的太阳.
Disappeared at sunrise, seemed only a fairytale. 在日出前消褪, 像一则童话般唯美.
The next morning at sunrise Monseigneur Bienvenu was strolling in his garden. 次日破晓,卞福汝主教在他的园中散步.
I think I need a sunrise, I'm tired of Sunset. 我想我需要一个日出, 我已经厌倦了日落.
What could possibly be more astonishing than a sunrise? 有什么比日出更让人惊叹?
There is a famous painting of sunrise by Monet in this gallery. 这个美术馆里有一幅有名的莫奈的日出画.
The sunset rivalled the sunrise in beauty. 日落与日出的景色一样美.
The sunrise at the seaside was quite a sight to behold. 海滨日出真是个奇景.
The sunrise was a beautiful scene. 日出是一幅美景.
Viewed from the top of Mount Tai , the sunrise was indeed a spectacle. 从泰山顶上看去, 日出真是个奇观.
We got up at sunrise. 我们黎明时起床.
d [dʌst] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 尘土,灰尘
The books were all covered with dust. 书上积满了灰尘。
There wasn't a speck of dust anywhere in the room. 屋子里一尘不染。
That guitar's been sitting gathering dust (= not being used) for years now. 那把吉他已尘封多年。
coal/gold dust 煤 / 金粉
I broke the vase while I was dusting. 我擦灰尘时将花瓶打碎了。
Could you dust the sitting room? 你把起居室擦一擦好吗?
She dusted some ash from her sleeve. 她掸去袖子上的灰末。
dust the cake with sugar. 把糖撒在蛋糕上。
Mel stood up and dusted herself down. 梅尔站起来拍掉了身上的尘土。
(figurative)For the concert, he dusted off some of his old hits. 为了这次音乐会,他重新捡起了他的一些曾红极一时的老歌。
The workers wear masks to avoid inhaling the dust. 工人们戴着面罩避免吸入尘土。
A cloud of dust rose as the truck drove off. 卡车开过时扬起一片灰尘。
The album is finally being released in October after gathering dust for over a year. 尘封了一年多后,专辑终于在 10 月发行。
Many of the machines are gathering dust in basements... 许多机器尘封在地下室里。
I think we need to let the dust settle and see what's going to happen after that. 我认为我们需要等事态平息之后再看看会发生什么。
Once the dust had settled Beck defended his decision... 事态一旦平息,贝克就为他的决定辩白。
The allegation has caused one lecturer's career to bite the dust. 这项指控断送了一名讲师的前程。
In the last 30 years many cherished values have bitten the dust... 在过去的 30 年中,许多珍贵的价值观已经消失殆尽。
Tanks raise huge trails of dust when they move... 坦克开动时扬起大量尘土。
He reversed into the stockade in a cloud of dust. 他在一阵尘土中将车倒进了围栏。
I could see a thick layer of dust on the stairs... 我可以看见楼梯上有一层厚厚的灰尘。
The rooms were empty of furniture and dust lay everywhere. 房间里没有家具,到处都是灰尘。
The air is so black with diesel fumes and coal dust, I can barely see. 空气中充斥着柴油烟雾和煤尘粉末,黑乎乎的,我几乎什么都看不见。
I vacuumed and dusted the living room... 我用吸尘器打扫了客厅,擦了擦灰尘。
She dusted, she cleaned, and she did the washing-up. 她擦掉灰尘,打扫卫生,还清洗了餐具。
Lightly dust the fish with flour... 在鱼上撒上少许面粉。
dust and blend blusher on the apples of your cheeks... 将胭脂调匀涂在你脸颊红润的地方。
[ˈkʌpl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 夫妇;一对;几个
The couple was/were married in 1976. 这对夫妇于1976年结婚。
Do you need any more glasses? I've got a couple I can lend you. 你还需要玻璃杯吗?我有几个可以借给你。
(North Amercian English)It's only a couple blocks away. 那地方离这里只有几个街区。
The two train cars had been coupled together. 两节火车车厢已经挂上钩了。
CDTV uses a CD-ROM system that is coupled to a powerful computer. 动态视频系统使用的是与大功率计算机相连的只读光盘系统。
Overproduction, coupled with falling sales, has led to huge losses for the company. 生产过剩加上销售下降使这家公司遭受巨大损失。
Several couples were on the dance floor. 有几对情侣在跳舞。
a young/an elderly couple 年轻 / 老年夫妇
I'll be with you in a minute. There are a couple of things I have to do first. 我一会儿就到你那里去。我有几件事情得先处理一下。
There are a couple more files to read first. 还有几份档案要先看一看。
We can do it in the next couple of weeks. 我们可在今后几个星期里完成这件事。
The last couple of years have been difficult. 最近的几年一直是困难重重。
married couples 几对夫妇
I've seen her a couple of times before. 我以前见过她几次。
I saw a couple of men get out. 我看见有两个男人出去了。
a couple of minutes 几分钟
We went there a couple of years ago. 我们几年前去过那里。
I think the trouble will clear up in a couple of days. 我想问题几天内就会解决。
The couple have no children. 这对夫妻没有孩子。
...after burglars ransacked an elderly couple's home. 窃贼洗劫了一对老夫妇的家之后
...as the four couples began the opening dance... 4对舞伴开始跳开场舞的时候
They were an odd couple. 他们是奇怪的一对。
...a problem that is coupled with lower demand for the machines themselves... 这个问题外加上对机器本身需求量的下降
Overuse of those drugs, coupled with poor diet, leads to physical degeneration... 过量使用那些药物再加上饮食缺乏营养,导致健康状况恶化。
Its engine is coupled to a semiautomatic gearbox... 它的发动机与一个半自动变速箱相连接。
The various systems are coupled together in complex arrays. 多个系统在复杂的数组中连接起来。
Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard... 我对面的街上有几名警官在站岗。
Pamela is nobody's fool ; she'll master her new job in a couple of days. 帕梅拉精得很, 她会在一两天内胜任新的工作.
le [leit] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adv. 迟,晚;临近末了
in the late afternoon 傍晚
in late summer 夏末
She married in her late twenties (= when she was 28 or 29) . 她快三十岁时才结婚。
In later life he started playing golf. 他晚年才开始打高尔夫球。
The school was built in the late 1970s. 这所学校建于20世纪70年代末。
I'm sorry I'm late. 对不起,我迟到了。
She's late for work every day. 她每天上班都迟到。
My flight was an hour late. 我那趟航班晚点了一小时。
We apologize for the late arrival of this train. 我们对本趟列车的晚点表示歉意。
Because of the cold weather the crops are later this year. 因天气寒冷,农作物今年成熟得晚。
Interest will be charged for late payment. 逾期付款必须支付利息。
Here is a late news flash. 现在插播刚刚收到的新闻。
It was late in the afternoon... 那是下午近黄昏的时候。
She had to work late at night... 她不得不深夜工作。
It was very late and the streets were deserted... 时间已很晚,街上空空荡荡。
We've got to go now. It's getting late. 我们得走了。时候不早了。
Steve arrived late... 史蒂夫迟到了。
The talks began some fifteen minutes late... 会谈晚了大概15分钟才开始。
We went to bed very late... 我们很晚才睡。
He married late. 他结婚晚。
...my late husband. 我已故的丈夫
...the late Mr Parkin. 已故的帕金先生
...Cousin Zachary, late of Bellevue Avenue. 直到不久前还住在贝尔邬大道的表兄扎卡里
...Strobe Talbott, late of Time magazine. 刚离开《时代》杂志不久的斯特罗布·塔尔博特
It's been a long time coming but better late than never. 早就该如此了。不过,也总比没有的强。
I'd left it all too late in the day to get anywhere with these strategies. 我按兵不动时间太长,致使这些策略都不管用了。
His life has changed of late... 他的生活近来发生了变化。
The dollar has been stronger of late. 美元近来走势强劲。
It was too late to turn back... 回头已经太晚了。
We realized too late that we were caught like rats in a trap. 等我们发觉自己已成瓮中之鳖时已经太晚了。
emcy [iˈmə:dʒənsi] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 紧急情况,突然事件
The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake. 地震发生后政府已宣布进入紧急状态。
This door should only be used in an emergency . 这道门只能在紧急情况下使用。
the emergency exit (= to be used in an emergency) 紧急出口
The government had to take emergency action. 政府只得采取紧急措施。
The pilot made an emergency landing in a field. 飞行员在一片农田里紧急着陆。
I always have some extra cash with me for emergencies . 我总是随身多带点现金以备急需。
The government has been granted emergency powers (= to deal with an emergency) . 政府已被授予应急权力。
He deals with emergencies promptly... 他迅速处理突发事件。
The hospital will cater only for emergencies. 那家医院只看急诊。
The Prime Minister has called an emergency meeting of parliament... 首相已召集议会召开紧急会议。
She made an emergency appointment. 她挂了急诊。
The plane is carrying emergency supplies for refugees... 那架飞机正在为难民运送应急物资。
They escaped through an emergency exit and called the police. 他们从紧急出口逃脱,并报了警。
Adolf Hitler flew again to Nuremberg to review his faithful followers. 阿道夫·希特勒再次飞临纽伦堡看望他的追随者.
Hearing that there was an emergency case, the doctor put down his chopsticks and left at once. 听说有急诊, 医生撂下筷子就走.
There will be an extraordinary meeting next Wednesday to discuss the emergency resolution. 下星期三将有一个额外安排的会议专门讨论紧急决议.
They took the emergency in their stride. 他们轻而易举地处理了这一紧急情况.
Please release the parachute when there is an emergency. 有紧急情况,请打开降落伞.
His medical skill is so superb that he can hardly be filled in for in an emergency. 他医术高超,在紧急情况下很难被代替.
The police must be able to react swiftly in an emergency. 警方在面对紧急情况时必须能迅速作出反应.
A power failure created an emergency in traffic and transportation. 停电使交通运输陷入紧急状况.
The emergency requires that It'should be done. 情况紧急,非这样做不可.
You'd better have two strings to your bow, just in case of emergency. 你最好有两手准备, 以防万一.
His medical skill is so superb that he can hardly be filled in for an emergency. 他医术高超,在紧急情况下几乎无人企及.
He is full of resource in any emergency. 他富有随机应变的才能.
The emergency signal SOS has no literal meaning. 呼救信号SOS在字面上没有任何意义.
It is wise to provide against emergency. 预防意外是明智的.
He was called on to fill in in an emergency. 他是在紧急情况下被召去临时补缺的.
The patient was finally out of danger after the emergency treatment. 经过抢救,病人终于脱险.
b [ˈbetə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adv. 更,更大程度上
The fewer things in the room the better. 房间里的东西越少越好。
The Irish love a party, the bigger the better... 爱尔兰人喜欢聚会,规模越大越好。
If you've got bags you're better off taking a taxi... 你要是大包小包的,不如打的算了。
Their stance seems to be that a baby or child is better off in its country of birth. 他们似乎认为婴儿或者小孩还是呆在自己出生的国家为好。
Now General Electric have gone one better than nature and made a diamond purer than the best quality natural diamonds. 现在通用电气公司已经制造出了巧夺天工的钻石,其纯度比最好的天然钻石还要高。
'I came to ask your advice — no, to ask for your help.' — 'That's better. And how can I help you?' “我来征求你们的意见——不对,请求你们帮助。”——“这还差不多。我们怎么帮助你?”
Use strong white flour, and if you can get hold of durum wheat flour, then so much the better... 使用高筋白面粉,如果你能弄到硬粒小麦面粉,那就更好了。
If there's good skiing, breathtaking scenery and you don't need to catch a plane, all the better! 如果有好的滑雪场、令人叹为观止的美景,又不用赶飞机,那就再好不过了。
My sister still claims she cheated on us at cards, but I know better. 我妹妹仍然说她和我们玩牌的时候捣了鬼,其实我心知肚明。
She knew better than to argue with Adeline... 她不至于和阿德琳发生争执。
It's bad enough to have anyone joke about such a serious matter but a member of the police force should know better. 拿这么严肃的事情开玩笑已经够糟的了,身为一名警察更不应该这样做。
He thought he knew better than I did, though he was much less experienced... 虽然他经验远没有我丰富,但他认为他比我懂行。
He is used to tough defenders, and he usually gets the better of them. 他习惯了彪悍的后卫,通常都能战而胜之。
He had dedicated his life to bettering the lot of the oppressed people of South Africa... 他毕生致力于改变南非受压迫人民的命运。
Our parents chose to come here with the hope of bettering themselves. 我们的父母选择来到这里,希望能够改善自己的生活。
You are better eating just a small snack than hurrying a main meal... 你最好简单吃点快餐,不要着急着慌地吃正餐。
Wouldn't it be better putting a time-limit on the task?... 是不是给这项任务规定一个时限比较好?
Dreams of changing the world for the better. 让世界变得更美好的梦想
She didn't allow her emotions to get the better of her. 她没有感情用事。
As an account of adolescence it could hardly be bettered. 作为描写青春期的书,它已几臻完美。
He recorded a time of 4 minutes 23, bettering the old record of 4-24... 他用时4分23秒,刷新了4分24秒的原纪录。
Sit down and be quiet in front of your elders and betters. 在长辈和上级面前要老老实实地坐着。
We expect better of you in the future... 我们希望将来你有更大的成就。
Our long-suffering mining communities deserve better than this. 我们长期受苦受难的采矿群体应该得到比这更好的待遇。
It's half past two. I think we had better go home... 现在两点半了。我想我们最好还是回家吧。
You'd better run if you're going to get your ticket... 想买到票的话,你最好跑几步。
I like your interpretation better than the one I was taught... 你的解释比我以前学过的更让我喜欢。
I'd like nothing better than to join you girls... 我最喜欢和你们女孩子在一起了。
He is much better now, he's fine... 他现在好多了,身体状况不错。
The doctors were saying there wasn't much hope of me getting better. 医生们说我好转的希望不大。
[ləˈbɔrətəri] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 实验室,研究室,实验课
a research laboratory 研究实验室
laboratory experiments/tests 实验室的实验 / 测试
Our laboratory is also well equipped with scientific apparatus, physical and chemical. 我们的实验室,也充实有科学仪器的设备, 有物理学的,有化学的.
The language laboratory is on the top floor. 语言实验室在顶层.
Locate the remaining materials needed to complete the glider. Once completed, traverse to the underground laboratory. 找到完成滑翔机所需的剩下的零件. 一旦完成, 穿过地下的实验室.
Our laboratory equipment isn't perfect, but we must make do. 实验室设备是不够理想, 但我们只好因陋就简.
The athletes'reflexes were tested under laboratory conditions. 在实验室条件下测试了这些运动员的反应能力.
The laboratory is still owned by the government but is now commercially operated. 这个实验室仍为政府所有,但现在实行商业化运作.
laboratory work needs not only accurate measurements but also correct calculation. 实验工作不但需要准确的测量,而且需要准确的计算.
The principal made another vain appeal for better equipment in the school laboratory. 校长又一次请求增加学校实验设备,但又是一场空.
She has donated money to establish a pharmaceutical laboratory. 她捐款成立了一个药剂实验室.
These laboratory instruments are of our own making. 这些实验仪器都是我们自己制造的.
They will proceed to build another laboratory building. 他们将着手建造另一座实验大楼.
A laboratory must be kept in good order. 实验室里必须保持井井有条.
The equipment of the laboratory is complete. 这个实验室设备齐全.
Did you perceive anyone entering the laboratory? 你看见有人进入实验室 吗 ?
I simply don't believe that spoken skills can be drilled into learners in a language laboratory. 我简直不相信在语言实验室里能够把说话的技能传授给学生.
The effects of weathering can be simulated in the laboratory. 在实验室里可以模拟各种天气产生的影响.
He would stay for hours at a stretch in the laboratory. 他在实验室里一蹲就是好几个小时.
a piece of laboratory apparatus 一件实验室仪器
to study behaviour in laboratory and naturalistic settings 研究实验室里的以及仿自然环境中的行为
the cartoon figure of the mad scientist working in his laboratory 疯狂的科学家在实验室工作的卡通形象
This change has been timed under laboratory conditions. 在实验室条件下测得了这一变化所需的时间。
This was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment with rats. 在实验室用老鼠进行的实验证明了这一点。
Potentially dangerous bacteria are regularly sent from one laboratory to another. 有潜在危险的细菌经常被从一个实验室传到另一个实验室。
It is important to check when the laboratory can do the tests. 核实一下实验室何时可以进行这些测试是很重要的。
The offer was to start a new research laboratory at double the salary he was then getting. 所提供的工作机会是创建一个新的研究实验室,待遇是他当时所得工资的两倍。
The school is very well resourced—we have a language laboratory and use computers and videos. 我们学校设施完备——我们有一个语言实验室,可以使用计算机和录像设备。
laboratory tests are not always a good guide to what happens in the world. 实验室里的试验并非总能准确地指引人们认识外部世界的种种现象。
re [reindʒ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 范围;类别
The hotel offers a wide range of facilities. 这家酒店提供各种各样的设施。
There is a full range of activities for children. 这里有给孩子们提供的各种活动。
Most of the students are in the 17-20 age range. 大多数学生都是在17至20岁的年龄范围内。
There will be an increase in the range of 0 to 3 per cent. 将会有0到3个百分点的增长幅度。
It's difficult to find a house in our price range (= that we can afford) . 在我们的价格范围以内,很难找到房子。
This was outside the range of his experience . 这超出了他的阅历。
our new range of hair products 我们的新的头发产品系列
The child was now out of her range of vision (= not near enough for her to see) . 这孩子已经走出了她的视线。
These missiles have a range of 300 miles. 这些导弹的射程为300英里。
A wide range of colours and patterns are available... 各种颜色和样式都有。
The two men discussed a range of issues... 那两个人讨论了一系列问题。
The average age range is between 35 and 55. 平均年龄在35岁到55岁之间。
...properties available in the price range they are looking for. 在他们寻求的价格范围内的房产
The 120mm mortar has a range of 18,000 yards... 口径为120毫米的迫击炮的射程是1.8万码。
The trees on the mountains within my range of vision had all been felled... 山上我视野范围内的树木都被砍倒了。
They range in price from $3 to $15. 它们的价格从3美元到15美元不等。
...offering merchandise ranging from the everyday to the esoteric. 供应从日常用品到专业用具等各种商品
The conversation ranged over the desirability of such restaurants, the shortcomings of men, and why it had only taken 15 minutes to cross a continent. 谈话涉及了这类餐馆的吸引人之处、男人的弱点,还有为什么只用15分钟就跨越了一个大洲。
Some 300 trees have been ranged along the perimeter hedge... 沿着绿篱栽种着大约300棵树。
More than 1,500 police and troops are ranged against them. 1,500多名警察和士兵列队与他们对峙。
Feeding is not a problem because the birds range over such a large area... 这种鸟活动的范围很大,因此觅食不成问题。
They range widely in search of carrion. 它们在广阔的区域内搜寻腐肉。
...the massive mountain ranges to the north. 向北延伸的巨大山脉
...an impressive range of hills topped with trees. 山顶覆盖着树木的绵绵山峦
It reminds me of my days on the rifle range preparing for duty in Vietnam. 它使我想起了在靶场练习射击准备去越南服役的日子。
...an Army firing range. 陆军射击场
Cars are driven through the mess, splashing everyone in range. 车从脏水里驶过,溅了周围所有人一身水。
...a base within range of enemy missiles... 在敌人导弹射程内的基地
He was shot in the head at close range... 他在近距离内被人用枪击中头部。
McCoist knocked the ball in from close range. 麦克科伊斯特门前近距离将球攻入。
o [ˈɔrəl] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 口头的;口述的
a test of both oral and written French 法语口试和笔试
oral evidence 口头证据
He was interested in oral history (= history that is collected from interviews with people who have personal knowledge of past events). 他对口述历史感兴趣。
oral hygiene 口腔卫生
oral sex (= using the mouth to stimulate sb's sex organs) 口交
Answers can be written or presented orally on tape. 答案可以写下来或口述录在磁带上。
not to be taken orally (= a warning on some medicines to show that they must not be swallowed) 不得口服
a French oral 法语口试
He failed the oral. 他口试不及格。
...the written and oral traditions of ancient cultures. 通过文字记载和口头传诵留存下来的古代文化传统
...an oral agreement. 口头协定
I spoke privately to the candidate after the oral. 口试后,我私下里与那位考生谈了谈。
...good oral hygiene. 良好的口腔卫生
...oral contraceptives. 口服避孕药
College or bachelor above, fluent oral and written English. 大专或者本科学历, 具备流利的英语口语和书写能力.
oral polio vaccine is safe, inexpensive, has few side effects, and is easy to administer. 口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗安全 、 便宜, 几乎没有副作用, 并且易于给药.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the absorption of hyaluronic acid ( HA ) after single - dose and multiple - dose oral administration. 目的考察大鼠单剂量及多剂量口服透明质酸溶液的吸收情况.
Objective To study the antitussive, eliminating phlegm and antiasthmatic effects of Souning oral liquid. 目的观察嗽宁口服液的镇咳 、 祛痰及平喘作用.
Because oral bacteria multiply, bad breath can occur, dental caries, and gingival recession. 由于口腔内细菌大量繁殖, 可以出现口臭 、 龋齿, 以及牙龈萎缩.
And obtains good market oral traditions. 并取得的不错的市场口碑.
Treat the unique skill of oral cavity ulcer quickly? 有没有快速治疗口腔溃疡的绝招?
Conclusion This ceramic has no cytotoxicity or abnormal oral mucous membrane irritating response. 结论这种陶瓷材料不具有细胞毒性及对口腔黏膜的不良刺激反应.
The platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid is available for monitoring oral aspirin therapy. 花生四烯酸诱导的血小板聚集实验是监测阿斯匹林剂量比较理想的实验.
The candidate will take an oral examination. 那个应试者将参加口试.
No oral questions be scheduled for such meetings. 此等会议将不设口头质询.
He then started receiving oral calcium. 然后,他开始接受口服钙剂治疗.
apte [əˈprəupriit] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 适当的,恰当的
He was accused of appropriating club funds. 他被控盗用俱乐部资金。
Some of the opposition party's policies have been appropriated by the government. 反对党的一些政策已被政府照搬照用。
Five million dollars has been appropriated for research into the disease. 已拨款五百万元用于这种疾病的研究。
The government has been accused of not responding appropriately to the needs of the homeless. 政府未采取恰当的措施回应无家可归者的需要,为此已受到谴责。
The chain of volcanoes is known, appropriately enough , as the ‘Ring of Fire ’. 人们把这链状火山群很恰当地称作“火环”。
Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken. 现在既已找出问题的症结,即可采取适当行动。
Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party. 正式聚会上穿牛仔裤不合适。
The book was written in a style appropriate to the age of the children. 这本书的文体适合儿童阅读。
Is now an appropriate time to make a speech? 现在发表演讲是不是时候?
Please debit my Mastercard/Visa/American Express card ( delete as appropriate ). 请在我的万事达 / 维萨 / 美国运通信用卡账户中扣除(酌情扣除)。
an appropriate response/measure/method 恰如其分的反应;恰当的措施 / 方法
It is appropriate that Irish names dominate the list... 名单上大部分是爱尔兰名字,这没什么不合适的。
Dress neatly and attractively in an outfit appropriate to the job... 着装要整洁美观,适合于这份工作。
Several other newspapers have appropriated the idea... 另外有几家报社已盗用了这个创意。
The land was simply appropriated by the rulers. 土地完全被统治者霸占。
Senator Lugar is skeptical that Congress will appropriate more funding for this purpose. 参议员卢格怀疑国会是否会拨出更多资金用于此目的。
We should take appropriate measures to improve our teaching. 我们应当采取适当的措施提高教学质量.
Please note and take appropriate action. 希查照办理.
What you said on the occasion was not appropriate. 在这种场合你说这样的话是不相宜的.
I applied a credit card today. 我今天申请了一张信用卡.
It is appropriate that he should get the post. 由他担任这一职务是恰当的.
I deem it appropriate to make a statement. 理合声明.
The statement of our delegation was singularly appropriate to the occasion. 我们代表团的声明非常适合时宜.
It is appropriate that everyone be suitably attired. 人人穿戴得体是恰当的.
Plain and simple clothes are appropriate for school wear. 朴素的服装适合在学校里穿.
The results of the sample for the test have shown that the quantity of fatty substance in milk is appropriate to the standard. 采样检验的结果表明牛奶中的脂肪含量达标.
Write in a style appropriate to your subject. 用与你的题目相称的体裁写.
appropriate arrangements will be made for their work and livelihood. 他们的工作和生活会得到妥善安排.
Ordinary shoes are not appropriate to paddy fields. 普通鞋不适于下稻田.
[ˈɑ:bitrəri] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
adj. 武断的;任意的;任性的;主观的
He makes unpredictable, arbitrary decisions. 他做的决定难以预料,主观武断。
the arbitrary powers of officials 官员的专制权力
The leaders of the groups were chosen arbitrarily. 这些团体的领导人是任意挑选的。
The choice of players for the team seemed completely arbitrary. 看来这个队的队员完全是随意选定的。
arbitrary arrests and detention without trial were common. 随意逮捕和拘留屡见不鲜。
A good judge does not make arbitrary decisions. 一个优秀的法官不会作武断的判决.
Automatic identifying the arbitrary format character string make up of 16 numbers in the text file. 自动识别保存在文本中的任意格式的16位提取码字符串.
CMS is used to sign or encrypt arbitrary messages. CMS被用于数据签名或者任意消息加密中.
I don't know what vernon is thinking . He always acts in an arbitrary and reckless manner. 真不晓得天骐他到底在想什么,总是这样子任性妄为.
Human beliefs about reality are either arbitrary or accidental. 人类关于现实的信念是随意的或偶然的.
The rules of the game an arbitrary imposition of difficulty. 游戏规则让困难的得以强制执行.
The old man became increasingly prejudiced, arbitrary, and senile. 他越来越变成一个偏见 、 固执和独断的老人.
Exactly where these points are chosen is arbitrary. 这些点具体选在哪里,可由我们自定.
The theoretical basis is the arbitrary Principle and the Language Value Theory from Saussure. 其理论基础来源于索绪尔的任意性原则和语言价值理论.
Choose to be arbitrary when possible. 可能的话要选择随意的.
You can make an arbitrary choice. 你可以随便做选择.
This paper also discussed a general algorithm of tracking the rays in arbitrary cavities. 表面法向及曲率的计算.提出了任意腔体内的射线轨迹追踪通用算法.
If a product's shape or style or features are arbitrary and nonfunctional. 如果一产品的形状、式样或特征是任意的且不具备功能性的.
At the same time, the state should regulate dairy enterprises arbitrary speculation of milk products. 同时, 国家应该规范乳品企业任意炒作奶产品的行为.
Iterators iterate through the container in an arbitrary order, that can change as elements are inserted. 迭代器按任意顺序遍历容器, 由元素被插入时还可能改变.
Methods also support accessing ( but not setting ) the arbitrary function attributes on the underlying function object. 方法也支持访问 ( 不是设置 ) 的其实际所调用的函数的任意属性.
This is a transition that's going to take place, and it's not an arbitrary date. 这是将要执行的转移计划, 而且撤军日期是不能完全确定的.
A rule of law is soon to replace arbitrary by ad hoc military and party committees. 法律的统治很快就要取代肆意妄为的军人及党委的裁决.
I don't like to advise arbitrary methods, but what else is to be done? 我并不愿劝人采用专横的手段, 但是别的有什么办法 呢 ?
Successfully received all the information and release CONF _ DONE pin , surrounded by an arbitrary external resistor. 成功收到的所有信息和释放CONF_ DONE针, 周围任意外部电阻器.
DON'T arbitrary DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE WITH MOBILEPHONE! 对于此事,那就是不要随便在网上下载乱七八糟的软件给手机!
Fanpuguizhen popular now, with a root Xiaogun arbitrary point of the times have passed. 现在流行返朴归真, 拿着根小棍乱点的时代过去了.
Requirements: 2 importation arbitrary locations, is the best car lines and interchange locations. 要求: 输入任意两地点, 给出最佳的乘车线路和转车地点.
He makes unpredictable, arbitrary decisions. 他做的决定难以预料, 主观武断.
Tsui at the beginning of welding according to any arbitrary angle measurement Tsui temperature welding. 可根据焊咀开头随意用任何角度测量焊咀温度.
[ˌrevəˈlu:ʃənəri] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 革命者,革命家
a revolutionary leader 革命领袖
revolutionary uprisings 革命起义
a revolutionary idea 独出心裁的想法
a time of rapid and revolutionary change 迅速剧烈变革的时期
socialist revolutionaries 社会主义革命者
Do you know anything about the revolutionary movement? 你了解这场革命运动吗?
...the Cuban revolutionary leader, Jose Marti. 古巴革命领导人何塞·马蒂
The revolutionaries laid down their arms and its leaders went into voluntary exile. 革命者放下了武器,其领导人也自愿流亡他国了。
Invented in 1951, the rotary engine is a revolutionary concept in internal combustion... 1951年发明的转缸式发动机是内燃机领域内的革命性概念。
His playing as a trumpet player was quite revolutionary. 他的小号演奏独创一格。
Full of militancy and revolutionary ardour, the people of all nationalities in the country are working hard for the realization of the four modernizations. 全国各族人民意气风发, 斗志昂扬,为实现四个现代化而奋战.
ALL STAR followed in addition to in addition to English, some other small logo. 后跟除了有ALLSTAR之外还有些其他的细小英文图案.
We must combine revolutionary vigour with scientific approach. 我们必须把革命精神和科学态度结合起来.
revolutionary zeal caught them up, and they joined the army. 革命热情激励他们, 于是他们从军了.
On the outbreak of the First revolutionary Civil War, the Government called in all gold coinage and replaced it by notes. 在第一次国内革命战争爆发的时候, 政府下令收回所有的金币,并代之以纸币.
With a last defiant gesture, they sang a revolutionary song as they were led away to prison. 他们被带走投入监狱时, 仍以最后的反抗姿态唱起了一支革命歌曲.
They paid their respects to the revolutionary martyrs. 他们向革命烈士致哀.
These young people were infected with the revolutionary fever. 这些年轻人被革命热情所感染.
He still retains the revolutionary fervour of the war years. 他还保留着战争年代的革命朝气.
He joined a revolutionary organization. 他参加了一个革命团体.
We should work hard to cultivate in young people the revolutionary style of learning diligently and taking pleasure in helping others. 我们要在青少年中大力提倡勤奋学习助人为乐的革命风尚.
For the revolutionary cause many martyrs left life and death out of consideration. 革命先烈为了革命事业把生死置之度外.
A revolutionary does not fear death. 革命者不怕死.
This is a revolutionary new way of growing rice. 这是一种全新的种稻方法.
The revolutionary forces are growing steadily. 革命队伍不断壮大.
If there is to be revolution, there must be a revolutionary party. 既要革命, 就要有一个革命党.
He suffered for his revolutionary principles. 他为了自己的革命原则而蒙受苦难.
n [naɪn] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
num. 九,九个
I'm always emailing her, but nine times out of ten she doesn't reply. 我常常给她发电邮,但十之八九她都不回复。
I work nine to five. 我九点至五点上班。
a nine-to-five job 一份朝九晚五的工作
When Dan cooks dinner he always goes the whole nine yards, with three courses and a choice of dessert. 丹做饭总是全份的:三道菜,外加一道甜食。
We still sighted nine yachts. 我们还是看见了9艘游艇。
...nine hundred pounds. 900 磅
Six from fifteen leaves nine. 15减6等于9.
Young people, full of vigour and vitality, are like the sun at eight or nine in the morning. 青年人朝气蓬勃, 好像早晨八九点钟的太阳.
My aunt always takes her rest at nine. 我姑妈平时总是九点去睡.
He was on cloud nine after winning the competition. 他在比赛胜利后欣喜若狂.
Three times three is nine. 三三得九.
Church begins at nine o'clock. 礼拜仪式九点开始.
They have two children aged six and nine. 他们有两个小孩,一个六岁,一个九岁。
It will be a mild night, around nine degrees Celsius. 晚间天气温和,温度约九摄氏度。
He hopes to improve on his tally of three goals in the past nine games. 他希望提高在过去九场比赛中打进三球的纪录。
At exactly five minutes to nine, Ann left her car and entered the building. 安在刚好8点55分时下车进了楼。
I played nine holes with Gary Player today. 我今天和加里·普莱耶打了9洞高尔夫球。
I looked down the hallway to room number nine. 我顺着走廊看了一眼9号房。
They cost nine pounds new, three pounds secondhand. 新的9英镑,旧的3英镑。
He holed from nine feet at the 18th. 他打到第18洞时从9英尺外击球入穴。
Alan has two children, aged eleven and nine. 艾伦有两个孩子,分别为11岁和9岁。
I've been with my girl for nine years. 我同我女朋友交往9年了。
When I was nine or ten someone explained to me that when you are grown up you have to work. 我大概9岁或10岁的时候,有人跟我说人长大了就得工作。
Four of the nine starting balloons were still aloft the next day. 9个开幕气球第二天还有4个飘在空中。
Inflation at nine point four percent is the worst for eight years. 9.4%的通货膨胀率是8年来最糟的。
Sheringham was unmarked as he met Anderton's free kick and headed in after nine minutes. 9分钟后,谢林汉姆在无人防守的情况下接安德顿开出的任意球头球破门得分。
r [ˈrʌnə] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
n. 赛跑的人
a long-distance/cross-country/marathon , etc. runner 长跑、越野赛跑、马拉松等选手
a list of runners (= horses in a race) and riders 赛马和骑手名单
a drug runner 毒品走私分子
the runners of a sledge 雪橇的滑板
...a marathon runner... 马拉松长跑选手
I am a very keen runner and am out training most days. 我非常喜欢跑步,大多数时候都在户外训练。
There are 18 runners in the top race of the day. 在当天最高级别的赛马中有18匹马参加。
...a bookie's runner. 赌注经纪人的听差
...the runners of his sled. 他的雪橇的滑板
...strawberry runners. 草莓长匐茎
At this point, the accountant did a runner — with all my bank statements, expenses and receipts. 这个时候,会计溜了——带走了我所有的银行结算单、资金和收据。
After remaining behind the leading runner for most of the race, Jim suddenly passed him and won. 赛跑中的大部分时间里, 吉姆跑在领先的运动员之后,后来突然超过去,获得了胜利.
Then Gertie came home to watch her favorite TV show, when something amazing happened. 之后,歌蒂回到家看她最喜欢的电视节目, 就在那时,令人惊异的事情发生了.
If a good runner like you can't catch up with him, how can I? 你跑得那么快还赶不上他, 何况我 呢 ?
The young German runner finished a creditable second. 这名年轻的德国赛跑运动员获得了当之无愧的第二名.
The gun runner has a foot in both camps; he sells arms to both the Arabs and the Israelis. 那个军火走私者脚踏两只船, 同时向阿拉伯人和以色列人出售武器.
I was slowly closing on the runner ahead of me. 我慢慢追上了跑在我前面的人.
He is a phenomenal runner. 他是个非凡的赛跑选手.
Ben is a fairly good runner, he wins more often than not. 本是个相当不错的赛跑选手, 他常常跑赢.
The boys were squabbling about who was the best runner. 孩子们在争论谁跑得最快.
Each runner passes the baton to the next. 每个赛跑选手都把接力棒传给下一个人.
The runner seemed to be rallied for a final sprint. 这名赛跑者似乎在振作精神作最后的冲刺.
The faster runner set the pace. 跑得较快的赛跑者定出速度.
A runner needs plenty of wind. 跑步者需要呼吸大量的空气.
A baseball player who is not a speedy runner can compensate by powerful hitting. 跑步速度不快的棒球手可以凭有力的打击来弥补.
The runner reserved some of his energy for the final spring. 那个赛跑运动员保留着一些力气以备最后的冲刺.
[riˈɡɑ:diŋ] 📢 1📢 2📢 3📢 4
prep. 关于;就…而言
She has said nothing regarding your request. 关于你的要求,她什么也没说。
Call me if you have any problems regarding your work. 你如果还有什么工作方面的问题就给我打电话。
He refused to divulge any information regarding the man's whereabouts. 关于那个人的行踪他拒绝透露任何信息。
She was regarding me with smiling eyes. 她笑眯眯地看着我.
Anarchic sleepers fail to conform to convention regarding the proper time and place for sleep. 无法无天的睡眠者无法遵照传统,在适切的时间与地点睡觉.
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions regarding USPAP, please contact the ASB. 您对USPAP有任何的批评意见 、 疑问或建议, 都请与ASB联系.
regarding these facts, a special committee is to be appointed. 鉴于这些事实, 必须成立一个专门委员会.
regarding this person, the humblest nothing better than brings that two fundamental point edition compares. 对于这个人来说, 最谦卑的兙莫过于把那两个基本点版本拿来比较了.
The viewfinder has information regarding the shutter speed, focus, exposure compensation and flash mark. 取景器内可以显示快门速度 、 焦呀 、 曝光补偿和闪光灯使用提示.
Responsibility regarding design the projects accord the design director. 在设计总监的指导下,负责照明项目的设计.
This assignment is designed to provide you with additional background information regarding AP ROP message formats. 该任务意在向您提供关于APROP消息格式的附加背景信息.
For aught i know , everyone have a definition regarding blessedness in his heart? 也许, 在每一个人的内心深处都有一个关于幸福的定义!
I would like to talk with you regarding your qualifications for this position. 我想跟你谈谈关于你的资质是否适合这个职位.
Where can I find more information regarding the skills assessment process and the JRP? 我从哪里可以看到更多关于技术评估审理进度和适工程序(JRP)的信息?
regarding raises this aspect the accomplishment is very important. 对于培养这方面的素养是很重要的.
But regarding had the hearing English test is so. 而对于有听力的英语考试来说更是如此.
We for your enquiry regarding the sole agency for the sale of Chinese Qipao in Australia. 我们感谢你方有关独家代理在澳大利亚销售中国旗袍的询问.
Nowadays, customer Life Time Value ( LTV ) is one of important issues regarding CRM. 当前CRM研究中一个重要课题就是如何测评顾客终生价值问题.
Caption: Packaged: Despite outspoken international protest, attitudes in Japan are still permissive regarding whale hunting. 描述: 打包: 尽管国际示威抗议不断, 日本国内对捕鲸的态度仍然很宽容.
I want to ask you a question regarding my salary. 我想要问一个关于我薪水的问题.
Some members of the Working Party expressed concern regarding market research activities. 一些工作组成员对市场调查活动表示关注.
You're welcomed to any suggestion regarding my topics or discussions. 我们欢迎你前来询问、参与我们的讨论.
regarding the punishment, what would you advise? 关于处罚, 你有何意见?
He threw out a hint regarding bonuses at the end of the year. 他暗示了有关年终奖的事.
regarding John, I will write to him at once. 至于约翰, 我将立即给他写信.
She has said nothing regarding your request. 关于你的要求,她什么也没说。
Gail was silent for a moment, regarding Harry with his steady gaze. 盖尔镇定地注视着哈里,沉默了片刻。
The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future. 关于维生素C的争议短期内不可能平息。
Trade unions are regarding the poll as a test of the public's confidence in the government. 工会将此次民意调查当作测试民众对政府信心的一种方式。