CET4 必备词汇 :
看单词选词义(考) - 113
(1) a business suit
(2) a pinstripe suit
(3) a two-/three-piece suit (= of two/three pieces of clothing)
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adj. 丑陋的;令人厌恶的;恶性的
vt. 适合;与…相配
n. 盆,大碗;洗脸盆;流域;盆地
adv. 完全;显然;总体来说
(1) We got up at sunrise .
(2) the pinks and yellows of the sunrise
(3) The rain began before sunrise.
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vt. 假定;承担;呈现
v. 滑雪
n. 日出(时分)
adv. 突然地
(1) He gripped his brother's arm lest he be trampled by the mob.
(2) She was afraid lest she had revealed too much.
(3) I was afraid to open the door lest he should follow me...
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adj. 地中海的
conj. 惟恐,以免
vt. 练习,实践,训练
n. 怀疑,疑心,猜疑
(1) The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake.
(2) This door should only be used in an emergency .
(3) the emergency exit (= to be used in an emergency)
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n. 紧急情况,突然事件
n. 代名词
n. 雷达,无线电探测器
adj. 勇敢的,无畏的
(1) a long-distance/cross-country/marathon , etc. runner
(2) a list of runners (= horses in a race) and riders
(3) a drug runner
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n. 赛跑的人
n. 动物园
n. 外国人
adj. 比较的;相对的
(1) economic factors
(2) The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline.
(3) the key/crucial/deciding factor
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n. 因素;因子;系数;倍数
n. 劳动;工作;劳工
n. 障碍,障碍物
adj. 整洁的;熟练的
(1) to perform/carry out/complete/undertake a task
(2) a daunting/an impossible/a formidable/an unenviable, etc. task
(3) a thankless task (= an unpleasant one that nobody wants to do and nobody thanks you for doing)
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num. 第五
vt. 嗅;闻出
n. 任务,工作,作业
adj. 相似的,类似的
(1) The books were all covered with dust.
(2) There wasn't a speck of dust anywhere in the room.
(3) That guitar's been sitting gathering dust (= not being used) for years now.
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vi. 表现;运动;守规矩
n. 豌豆;豌豆类
n. 尘土,灰尘
adj. 坦白的,直率的
(1) I'm always emailing her, but nine times out of ten she doesn't reply.
(2) I work nine to five.
(3) a nine-to-five job
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num. 九,九个
vt. 拒绝
vt. 创立,创办,建立;建成
n. 名誉,名声;好名声
(1) The fewer things in the room the better.
(2) The Irish love a party, the bigger the better...
(3) If you've got bags you're better off taking a taxi...
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n. 爱慕;吸引力,诱惑力
adv. 更,更大程度上
n. 稻草;麦杆;吸管
vt. 提供;给出;传递
(1) a test of both oral and written French
(2) oral evidence
(3) He was interested in oral history (= history that is collected from interviews with people who have personal knowledge of past events).
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n. 框架;画框;眼镜框;骨架
vt. 解释;辩解
adj. 口头的;口述的
vt. 宣布,宣告;表明;申报
(1) From his position on the cliff top, he had a good view of the harbour.
(2) Where would be the best position for the lights?
(3) Is everybody in position ?
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n. 星期四
n. 位置;职位;姿势
n. 预付款;前进
n. 建立,成立;机构;权威
(1) currents of warm air
(2) I kicked the ball high in/into the air .
(3) Spicy smells wafted through the air .
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n. 空气;空中;航空
adj. 有害的
n. 糖果,糖块
adv. 完全地;绝对地
(1) Are the following statements true or false?
(2) Your statement is misleading.
(3) Is that a statement or a question?
statement[ ˈsteitmənt]
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vt. 打赌;期待
vt. 给…浇水,灌溉
n. 灰泥;熟石膏
n. 陈述,声明
(1) The couple was/were married in 1976.
(2) Do you need any more glasses? I've got a couple I can lend you.
(3) (North Amercian English)It's only a couple blocks away.
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n. 夫妇;一对;几个
n. 账单;钞票;法案
n. 谷物,谷粒
n. 排球,排球运动
(1) a test that checks the level of alcohol in the blood
(2) a relatively low/high level of crime
(3) low/high pollution levels
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adj. 水平的
n. 中心;中央;商业中心
n. 祝贺,贺喜
vt. 发展;养成;开发
(1) a research laboratory
(2) laboratory experiments/tests
(3) Our laboratory is also well equipped with scientific apparatus, physical and chemical.
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adv. 在楼下
n. 光荣;荣誉
n. 椅子;主席;教授职位
n. 实验室,研究室,实验课
(1) a revolutionary leader
(2) revolutionary uprisings
(3) a revolutionary idea
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n. 工人,劳动者,工匠
vt. 保护,保存;腌制
n. 革命者,革命家
n. 飞机
(1) in the late afternoon
(2) in late summer
(3) She married in her late twenties (= when she was 28 or 29) .
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adj. 外国的;外来的;外交的;陌生的
adj. 雪的,下雪的
n. 惩罚,处罚
adv. 迟,晚;临近末了
(1) The hotel offers a wide range of facilities.
(2) There is a full range of activities for children.
(3) Most of the students are in the 17-20 age range.
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vi. 争论,辩论
v. 紧紧抓住,抱紧
n. 范围;类别
n. 队伍,行列
(1) The honeymoon period for the government is now over.
(2) They're on their honeymoon .
(3) We went to Venice for our honeymoon.
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n. 家,家庭,家族;祖先
adj. 易懂的;明显的;清楚的
n. 水坝,水堤
n. 蜜月
(1) Many diets fail because they are boring.
(2) a failing school
(3) She failed to get into art college.
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n. 硫磺,硫磺色
vi. 失败;没有做;出故障;倒闭
adj. 令人愉快的,舒适的
n. 刷子,毛刷;小冲突;灌木区
(1) He makes unpredictable, arbitrary decisions.
(2) the arbitrary powers of officials
(3) The leaders of the groups were chosen arbitrarily.
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n. 通讯;消息;通信工具
adj. 武断的;任意的;任性的;主观的
n. 牧羊人,羊倌
n. 海峡;渠道;频道
(1) a tidy desk
(2) She keeps her flat very tidy .
(3) I like everything to be neat and tidy .
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n. 农场,农庄;饲养场
vi. 蒸发
adj. 整洁的;整齐的
vt. 宣判,判决
(1) He was accused of appropriating club funds.
(2) Some of the opposition party's policies have been appropriated by the government.
(3) Five million dollars has been appropriated for research into the disease.
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vt. 限制,限定,约束
n. 姓
adj. 适当的,恰当的
vt.&vi. 滚动;转动
(1) What sort of person would do a thing like that?
(2) He's a fascinating person.
(3) What is she like as a person?
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n. 领土,版图;领域
n. 人;个人
adj. 宇宙的;普遍的
n. 女士,夫人;贵妇人;女士们
(1) [不可数名词]There is a dangerous circularity about this argument.
(2) a circular building
(3) a circular tour of the city
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adj. 圆的;环行的
vt. 装饰,点缀;粉刷,油漆;美化
vt. 澄清,阐明
n. 垃圾,废物;废话
(1) She has said nothing regarding your request.
(2) Call me if you have any problems regarding your work.
(3) He refused to divulge any information regarding the man's whereabouts.
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vt. 跳过
prep. 关于;就…而言
n. 不利条件,劣势,不便之处
n. 总理,首相
(1) stale cigarette smoke
(2) stale sweat
(3) stale jokes
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adj. 陈腐的;变味的
adj. 滑的,使人滑跤的
n. 坑;煤矿
n. 绅士;有教养的人