小学牛津版六年级上 : 看单词选词义(考) - 1

(1) We grew up together.
(2) together they climbed the dark stairs.
(3) Get all the ingredients together before you start cooking.
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n. 羽毛; 翎毛; 羽状物
v. 把…切成片 n. 薄片; 切片; 部分
adv. 一起; 共同
n. 巨嘴鸟; 犀鸟
(1) I took the kids for a picnic in the park after school.
(2) The teacher kept the boys in detention after school.
(3) The boys didn't know what to do with themselves after school ended.
after school
[ˈɑ:ftə sku:l]
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n. 建造者; 施工者; 建筑工人; 建设者
v. 使混合
n. 正午; 中午
(1) I have just met the man I want to spend the rest of my life with...
(2) He's the kindest and sincerest person I've ever met...
(3) We could meet for a drink after work...
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v.&n. 将要; 意志 v.&aux. 将; 会; 愿; 要 n. 意志; 决心; 遗嘱
n. 汤; 羹
v. 遇到; 会见
(1) I've just bought a new house...
(2) The two had only just met...
(3) I'm just making the sauce for the cauliflower...
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n. 长; 长度; 一段; 一截
软饮料; 软饮(不含酒精的饮料)
adj. 公平的; 应得的; 方才; 刚刚 adv. 正好; 刚好
indef.&det. 另一个人(或物)
(1) If it doesn't fit, you can always take it back.
(2) If he can't help, there's always John.
(3) As always, Polly was late for school.
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adv. 总是; 一直
n. 柠檬水; 柠檬汽水
v. 捞取; 探听 vi. 钓鱼 n. 鱼; 鱼肉
(1) They live on a housing estate.
(2) Burglars broke into the housing estate yesterday, I heard that that family suffered heavy losses.
(3) Wen was shown around a new housing estate , to be a town, housing mainly coal miners.
housing estate
[ˈhauziŋ isˈteit]
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n. 千克; 公斤
到达(某地); 到达; 抓住问题的要害; 本质
n. 家; 家庭; 家族
(1) to crack a nut (= open it)
(2) a Brazil nut
(3) a hazelnut
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n. 票; 券; 车票; 入场券
一点; 少量; 一些; 少许
n. 坚果; 干果; 螺母; 螺帽
n. 故事; 小说; 楼层
(1) Sue screamed, not loudly, more in surprise than terror.
(2) The officials felt taken for granted and grumbled loudly.
(3) She sucked an ice cube into her mouth, and crunched it loudly.
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v. 获得; 得到; 使; 使得 vt. 得到; 弄到; 买
vi. (从…)下来; 下车
adv. 大声地
v. 分享; 共享 vt. 分配
(1) Can you skate?
(2) It was so cold that we were able to go skating on the lake.
(3) He skated an exciting programme at the American Championships.
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n. 成员; 会员; 社员
adv. 静悄悄地
v. 滑冰; 溜冰
n. 混合体; 混合; 混合物
(1) You never help me.
(2) He has never been abroad.
(3) ‘Would you vote for him? ’ ‘never. ’
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n. 洋铁罐; 听; 罐头
n.&adj. 西; 西方(的) n. 西方; 西方国家
adv. 从未; 未曾
n. 13岁到19岁的年轻人
(1) Jack showed off his latest squeeze at the weekend.
(2) She knew I wanted to try the boat out at the weekend.
(3) They arrived at the weekend and gave three concerts in the week.
at the weekend
[æt ðə ˌwi:kˈend]
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n. 模型; 样品; 原型; 模特儿
n. 针; 指针
n. 加拿大[北美洲]
(1) Are you doing anything over the weekend ?
(2) Have a good weekend!
(3) It happened on the weekend of 24 and 25 April.
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n. 周末; 周末假期
v. 变老; 老年; 长时间; (使)变老 n. 年龄; 年纪; 时代
adv. 相当
adj. 冻结的; 冰冻的
(1) the cross-channel ferry service
(2) We caught the ferry at Ostend.
(3) the Dover-Calais ferry crossing
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n. 短裤; 短运动裤
vt. 运送 n. 渡船; 渡口
摆设餐具(准备吃饭); 摆放桌子
adj. 最喜爱的; 特别受喜爱的 n. 特别喜爱的人(或物)
(1) middle age
(2) There's a big age gap between them (= a big difference in their ages).
(3) ways of calculating the age of the earth
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adj. 光; 光线; 点燃; 轻的
v. 堵塞; 使卡住; 挤满 n. 拥挤; 堵塞; 果酱
n. 小狗; 幼犬
v. 变老; 老年; 长时间; (使)变老 n. 年龄; 年纪; 时代
(1) It is about 76 kilos in weight .
(2) Bananas are sold by weight.
(3) In the wild, this fish can reach a weight of 5lbs.
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n. 公分; 厘米
conj. 因为; 由于
n. 重量; 体重; 砝码; 重大
(1) Are your products and services competitive? how about marketing?
(2) how about going shopping and seeing a show in London?
(3) "how about having a phone out here?"— 'Not likely!'
how about
[hau əˈbaut]
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v. 滑冰; 溜冰
v. 离开; 离去
n. 板; 片; 盘
那…怎么样; (你觉得)…怎么样
(1) The idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours.
(2) I have to get to the bottom of this mess.
(3) Was she ever going to get to the point?
get to
[ɡet tu:]
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到达(某地); 到达; 抓住问题的要害; 本质
n. (短途)旅行; 旅程
v. 具有; 记(在心里); 粗鲁的人; 经得起 vt. 忍受 n. 熊
n. 横渡; 横越; 横穿; 十字路口
(1) ...a tiny fossil plant, only a few centimetres high.
(2) Surf lifesavers removed the 60 centimetre shark by hosing it with fresh water.
(3) Round each measurement to the nearest whole inch or centimetre.
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n. 公分; 厘米
n. 星星; 明星
adj. 在东方的; 东部的 n. 东方; 东面; 东边
n. 电冰箱
(1) My brother is much heavier than me.
(2) She was struggling with a heavy suitcase.
(3) They had employed heavies to evict shop squatters from neighbouring sites.
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adj. 粗大的; 沉重的
n. 幼儿园; 幼稚园
n. 重量; 体重; 砝码; 重大
(1) a member of staff/society/the family
(2) characteristics common to all members of the species
(3) party/union members
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adv. 在明天; 在明日 n. 明天
n. 衣服; 服装; 被褥
adv. 有时; 不时; 有时候
n. 成员; 会员; 社员
(1) only the President could authorize the use of the atomic bomb...
(2) ...the guidance and discipline that can be provided only by a strong male...
(3) The lawyer is paid only if he wins...
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adv. 错误地 adj. 错误的; 错的 v. 冤枉 n. 错误; 坏事
n. 航天器; 宇宙飞船
n. 螃蟹; 蟹肉
adj. 唯一的 adv. 只; 仅仅 conj. 可是; 不过
(1) the Royal family (= the children and close relations of the king or queen)
(2) I always think of you as one of the family .
(3) Some families have farmed in this area for hundreds of years.
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v. 思考; 考虑; 想起; 想
adj. 年轻的; 幼小的
n. 色拉; 凉拌菜; 生菜
n. 家; 家庭; 家族
(1) That's absolutely right...
(2) Clocks never told the right time...
(3) Walking, done in the right way, is a form of aerobic exercise...
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一张片; 块; …
adv. 直接地; 恰好; 立即 adj. 正确的; 合适的; 右边的; 可以的 n. 权利
n. 道路; 方式; 方法
(1) I'm older than her.
(2) There was more whisky in it than soda.
(3) He loves me more than you do.
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conj. 用于形容词; 副词的比较级之后比
n. 莴苣; 生菜
adj. 各自的; 每 pron. 每一个; 每个; 各自
adj. 美妙的; 了不起的; 极好的; 精彩的
(1) a litter of puppies
(2) a Labrador puppy
(3) One Sunday he began trying to teach the two puppies to walk on a leash.
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n. 空间; 太空
n. 剑; 刀; 武力
adv. 快地; 敏捷地
n. 小狗; 幼犬
(1) She sells her eggs for 12 yuan every kilogramme.
(2) Increase your total to the nearest full kilogramme.
(3) Take a kilogramme of rice for instance , it is valuated differently from people to people.
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adj. 最高的; 头等的
n. 号码; 数字
n. 千克; 公斤
烘饼; 烤薄饼 n. 薄煎饼; 烙饼
(1) Oh, Amy, I love you...
(2) We love each other. We want to spend our lives together.
(3) Our love for each other has been increased by what we've been through together.
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n. 工作; 劳动
n. 爱情; 爱; 爱好
(1) Don and Susie really loved each other (= he loved her and she loved him) .
(2) They looked at each other and laughed.
(3) We can wear each other's clothes.
each other
[i:tʃ ˈʌðə(r]
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n. (英)人行道; (美)铺过的道路
n. 日本; 日本国
(1) sometimes I go by car.
(2) He sometimes writes to me.
(3) I like to be on my own sometimes.
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adv. 一起; 共同
n. 排球; 排球运动
adv. 有时; 不时; 有时候
n. 快餐; 小吃
(1) Her estate was left to her daughter.
(2) She lives in a tower block on an estate in London.
(3) His estate was valued at $150,000.
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n. 建筑物; 房屋; 大楼; 建筑
vt. 运送 n. 渡船; 渡口
n. 土地; 地产; 房地产; 财产
许多; 很多; 大量的; 许多的
(1) Caption: Feather pillow: A rose pelican rests its head at the zoo in Wuppertal, Germany.
(3) An Anhinga — a pelican relative — stretches its wings to dry its feathers.
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v. 学习; 学; 学会
n. 工人; 工作者; 工作人员
n. 鹈鹕
(1) I'm usually home by 6 o'clock.
(2) We usually go by car.
(3) How long does the journey usually take?
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n. 钓鱼; 捕鱼
v. 转向; 转弯; 变为; 圈 vt. 调频 n. 轮流; 交替
adv. 通常; 平常; 一般
n. 职业; 工作
(1) a football/cricket/rugby pitch
(2) The rugby tour was a disaster both on and off the pitch.
(3) a frenetic pitch of activity
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n. 交通阻塞; 交通的拥塞
v. 暂住; 逗留
n. 饺子; 馄饨; 汤团
n. 球场
(1) He looks like Father Christmas...
(2) Kathy is a great mate, we are like sisters...
(3) What was Bulgaria like?...
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v. 希望; 想要 vt. 喜欢; 喜爱 prep. 像; 跟…一样
n. 比萨饼; (意大利)烤馅饼; 烘馅饼
(1) a museum of modern art
(2) a science museum
(3) For months Malcolm had wanted to visit the Parisian art museums.
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n. 篮球; 篮球运动
adj. 不健康的; 不卫生的
n. 博物馆; [美]展览馆
成百上千的; 数百的…
(1) You do not need to dress up for dinner...
(2) I just love the fun of dressing up in another era's clothing...
(3) Mother loved to dress me up.
dress up
[dres ʌp]
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考虑; 有…看法
prep. 除…之外; 除非
n. 产品; 产物; 乘积; 成果
穿上盛装; 乔装打扮; 精心打扮
(1) Sue shares a house with three other students.
(2) There isn't an empty table. Would you mind sharing?
(3) We shared the pizza between the four of us.
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vt. 炫耀; 夸示 n. 体育运动; 运动; 运动会
邮箱 n. 信箱; 信筒
v. 分享; 共享 vt. 分配
adj. 安全的; 无风险的
(1) We looked out over the city from the heights of Edinburgh Castle.
(2) a fear of heights
(3) He doesn't have a head for heights (= is afraid of high places) .
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v. 骑自行车; 循环 n. 自行车; 周期; 循环
vt. 把…装罐 aux.&v. 能; 会; 可以; 可能 n. 容器; 罐头; 金属罐
n. 高; 高度; 身高; 顶点
adv. 慢慢地; 缓慢地
(1) young babies
(2) a young country
(3) Caterpillars eat the young leaves of this plant.
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adj. 年轻的; 幼小的
n. 工厂; 制造厂
adj. 下一(个); 与…邻接
conj. 用于形容词; 副词的比较级之后比
(1) the rinse cycle (= in a washing machine)
(2) I usually cycle home through the park.
(3) We went for a cycle ride on Sunday.
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v. 骑自行车; 循环 n. 自行车; 周期; 循环
v. 跳; 跳跃 vt. 跳过 vi. 跳
adj. 油煎的; 油炸的 fry的过去式; 油炸
v. 节食 n. 日常饮食; 规定饮食; 饮食; 食物
